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> carefully select the most obedient self-policing individualistic materialistic greedy goyim slaves who are also smart enough to invent and operate complex technology
> enjoy the prosperous 1950s-1980s
> too boring, let bring some retarded brown savages, who always side with their own and innately understand that there are things more valuable than $ backed by nothing except jewish promises

Why are (((they))) like this? I really don't get it. Is it all because of some prophecy? Amalek must die, etc?
They are the ultimate rich kids who never have any consequences. All jews, men and women, act like Jewish American Princesses.
Brown people are not perceived as a threat to global power. International force projection. They were seeking a middle ground where they could control, tax, enslave not total lawlessness like parts of Africa. They have failed and been expelled over the 100 times. The ends they seek have never happened the way they sought
the system needs more debt slaves
Yup, that's an explanation. 3 consecutive generations in power turn every dynasty into shit.
> Brown people are not perceived as a threat to global power
That's foolish. They are so numerous in Europe now that pretty much every politician bows down to them. Muslims are the only ones who can openly disregard sex education for their children or women rights and still keep their jobs and residence permits. Why? Probably because white politicians and judges know they will get their heads cut off if they try to do shit against Islam. At the same time, they don't mind totally ruining the lives of other whites for posting some truth online.

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I see this 100 times more than I see a white female with a non-white. Why?

Is it due to low intelligence, social rejection of one's tribe or just a disgusting fetish?
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Go back to redddit please.
LOL Cope harder while your white roasties are cheating on you with disgusting browns, fucking dogs, and are absolutely the most ego driven outlandish whores out of all females.
Tell me more about how you're an incel twink simping for becky still
Are you serious??
>another jealous white roastie
give chud blue eyes and a 6'5 frame

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It happened at a buss stop
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Yes. Half the taxi drivers are jeets in Kaunas Today.
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Just as planned.
The general sentiment is that even if they didn’t vote by ballot they vote with silence, indecision, and go along to get along attitudes. Anything short of calling for outright expulsion of all brown foreigners is “voting for it”.


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*ancap ball*
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Yep, and racist, too.
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Direct Democracy supporters in the US need to show their support for the only candidate in support of Direct Democracy- REAL democracy.

In this upcoming presidential election write-in Beau Lindsey for president.

Plus, if you live in the states shown on the map your write in vote will be counted and shown on a listing of candidates.

It's Beau Time.

(All states in Green are write-in states)

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>Notorious IRL streamer Ice Poseidon holds scavenger hunt in Austin Texas for all streamers that want to join in.
>High IQ white guy finds final clue to win 30k prize.
>Gets jumped and maced by La Raza supremacist streamer who steals the clue.
>Gets declared the winner.
>All's Fair in Love and war etc.
>Chat rages but won't do shit.
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I think it's a good move by Ice to pay off the white boy. $20k is very generous off the cuff. Happy ending!
Kekfuel this is pretty much the perfect analogy for ZOG.
>white works hard to win game created by kike
>gets robbed by brown immigrant
>jew declares brownigger the winner
I'm glad to see you agree with my whole point.

How's the Nordic replacement going? Are you one of the suicidal white guys or are you one of their replacement brown guys?
It’s not genetics it’s being over-civilized and domesticated. The post-WW2 era of prosperity and move to professional careers ruined us. We used to be outlaws, outdoorsmen, fighters, pioneers and explorers, nowadays that’s viewed as nig-tier or low-iq, white society is based around being le domestic white-collar faggot and chasing like social status while avoiding any and all danger.
You're right. We need to become...

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We told you this would happen. Now look. We need to bring wages back down to get inflation under control.
Prices rose where wages are in the toilet. Margins sure are up though. Margins, not just net.

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When you realise they don't use soap, everything begins to make sense
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maybe Poland folks isn't that bad afterall, I should consider moving there. Would be nice to stay in some rural place.
Hey, I'm just trying to be helpful. Maybe you'd see that if you weren't so aggressive about everything. Or if you were taller, I guess. I suppose it's hard to see much from down there.
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stay in your disgusting country you filthy subhuman
You're village is too poor to afford the plane ticket sir.
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>mutt law
stop posting already you fucking degenerate

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Would you rather live in an all-white country with an ultra pozzed government (gays/trannies/feminists get all of their demands and the population supports this)

Or a country with your ideal government and social values where everyone besides you is brown and black?
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It's a catch 22, Anon. While the upper scenario is what always happens with White people. The second scenario is impossible, because blacks lack the comprehension of honor and upholding basic societal virtues. It's literally beyond their understanding. I don't dislike blacks for the color of their skin. It's their values, behaviors, and inability to assimilate into the very concept of Western society. This is evident in the fact that the only people who can put a lid on them are authoritarians who rule with an iron fist
The problem is that race is a pretty good indicator of behavior. So a country with only brown and black people that would feature my ideal government and values would have very, very few citizens since black and brown people struggle with building and being part of something greater than themselves and generally not pillaging, raping, stealing, destroying everything in sight all the time.
The second one obviously.
Niggers and mudskins with halfway decent politics and social values worship whites.
They'll make me emperor in a fortnight.
My first action as Emperor of New Europa is to banish all non-whites to Florida with constant video surveillance to watch their shenanigans since the faggots canceled Cops.
Second action: Nuke Israel
Final action: Nukes Florida
>How important is race to you?
Define what you think "race" means in a rigorous, scientific manner, and I'll let you know.

I'll wait, OP. Go ahead and try to find a scientific definition.
Earth should be inhabited only by white people. Then make a country for each ideology. Wanna be a fag? Go to a fag country.

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If Modi loses the election I am running off to Canada/USA/Britain/France/Germany/Italy/Greece/Norway
I hope my Aryan brothers will accept me
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ah i see, yeah that makes sense, it always struck me as modi having the most political sway and just general power in india,i assume everyone else was forced into such a move but if they still lost it's hilarious that basically means his reign is cemented until he truly and thoroughly fucks up which i don't think is going to happen any time soon.
>if they still lost it's hilarious that basically means his reign is cemented until he truly and thoroughly fucks up which i don't think is going to happen any time soon.
Yeah. The thing is Modi and BJP somehow seem to get the average hindu indian better than anyone across caste,states and languages.
Modi winning this time will be big stuff nevertheless,
I hope modi wins then. I also hope the recent heatwave is culling generations of poos
I will personally stab you, untouchable. keep your filthy class out of my country

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Shoe0nhead, one of the biggest liberal political commentators and sustained years of attacks from /pol/ for being liberal and not trad, is now a mother and has done more to for the White race and trad life than /pol/ ever has.

Is this the ultimate path for liberals and commentators that rail against /pol/, they just take /pol/'s position in the end?
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>liberal political commentator
while she is liberal, she is best known for her anti-feminism and is one of the best-known anti-feminist liberals
doesn't take much for her to find simps. most pregnancies are not intentional, either
Yet whites can’t do it
I'm not spoiled or a pig.. :(
Lol what? This post makes 0 sense. Like 79 IQ.
Ofcourse women can spread their legs and get fucked by any guy 100x easier
Are you on a feeding tube currently?

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Ok Pol answer me this. If alex jones is this big threat why hasn't Infowars been delisted from Google search but kiwifarms is.
bc kiwifarms is for faggot trannies
>alex jones
Literally all tranny shit.
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Fuck kiwifarms that cesspool of bootlickers
alex is a known gatekeeper newfag
Alex Jones is a former stand-up comedian and a current performance actor by his own admission. Ain’t you never heard of kayfabe, ya goob?

He called the elections and said if they get voted in, THEN they will start sending people to Rwanda. He is trying to use this policy to desperately stay in power.

Will the British public redeem?

Ya know, I'm starting to think that maybe Trump wasn't the greatest choice longterm for the party and putting our eggs in one basket wasn't the best idea.
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Its not about politics, its about lulz.
Oh you fucking plebbit tourists who have been ruining this board that arrived in 2015 are finally starting to realize? Kill yourself.
Trump was and is a vote of no confidence in the establishment parties. That’s why he’s still the guy. It’s not about how him being effective or implementing real change. Because they cannot help but hate the guy, it makes them reveal who they really are and how corrupt they are, making clear to everyone just what exactly this game is and who is playing and on what team. That’s is the key. That’s also why I don’t listen to people who have their tiny hats screwed on so tight that they think “ackshually ridin with Biden is the best strategy for the chuds” people like Curtis Yarvin. Those people are idiots or subversives. Trump is a loser, but he’s a loser that has the mandate simply for how crazy he makes his opponents.
Back around 2015 people lamented that this board had basically just degraded to republicucks. Now people like OP post like that's an absolute given.
But this is exactly why Trump is THE guy. He’s the only one that exposes the theater for what it is: theater. The rest of these guys get up there with lawyer talk and their coordinated media and put on this big song and dance about the American people and this or that, meanwhile your cities get more brown, more expensive, more drug addled, more filled with PTSD veterans fighting bullshit wars over seas. Take the Ukraine debacle for example. If Trump never happened, that would just be the natural next step for uniparty politics. Probably, nobody would even question it because “that’s just how it is”. With Trump, it’s a big scene. He at once makes the whole charade look like a huckster charade while making his opponents look like the worst people at the charade. When he rode down the escalator that said “Look at what a sham this all is. I can just make a mockery of it.”

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Do you think that the treatment of german minorities after WW2 was too harsh or it was deserved?
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Their concert in Belgrade was amazing
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>Germany liberates you from Russia in WW1
>Thank them by stabbing them in the back and stealing their territory
No country has ever been more deserving of being wiped of the map 3 times. May there be a fourth
>No country has ever been more deserving of being wiped of the map 3 times. May there be a fourth
Germany deserves it more
>plunges europe into the Great War
>does it again
Fuck americans for allowing you to remain a nation and fuck Soviets for letting the Berlin wall to fall
too light
>Kill a future head of state
>Not starting the war
Serbs are generally based but you must be one of the brown turkic looking ones

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wwyd in this situation?
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The first time I watched the webm I thought that's what the kid was going to do. My disappointment was immeasurable
Get out and yell at the kikes. Then point to boomer dad if things get heated and tell them how he told me I had to.
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>Mom's been fucking my Jewish history teacher
>I heard mom calling you a fat faggot over the phone
>Yeah I know where he lives
call him a fag
Just call him a cuck and keep posting Hitler was right. He clearly isn't intelligent enough to be reasoned with.

The fact that not even Chad millionaires can't hold a marriage terrifies me. What should be the expectation of a regular guy?
He’s literally the best player ever at that sport and had 600+ million and was still dumped by a 40+ year woman lol
Let her sleep around problem solved
Actual marriage is illegal and unless it gets fixed, it's the same thing for everybody.
She can do better
Do women actually like sex. I still don't know.

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there wont be a civil war
its all just a isekai for frustrated right wingers were they get to finally win after years of loosing on every front.
Because most of the subhumans here look exactly like you and would never do a fucking thing anyway.
The only good isekai is “Now and Then Here and There”
Looks like a mulatto
christ almight these pictures make the right look like absolute faggots.
become a bodybuilder and shave your head and beard off if you wanna be taken seriously.

>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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It only took 4 years for him to admit this jewish lie?
Unless he gets hanged I don't care what muh endless hearings find.
Stop wasting the American people's time and money, rope is free.
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it's the first time i've seen it lel
there are at least 3 american flags out right now on my street so it kind of balances it out
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Yeah, it's the newnigger doing exactly what he's accusing the Pole of doing, how ironic.
Saul Alinsky tactics even when it's beyond obvious
like this>>469947286
yes hello expat from that shithole here
about to be expected, right around 2016 you'd have roads and streets lined with tents, busted RVs, and signs demanding passersby leave them alone
that city, and all these other dem run shitholes, ALL have anti-vagrancy laws on the books to prevent this kind of thing, but for (((one reason or another))) the local mayors refuse to enforce them.
last time I visited the tents and shit were even jutting into the business areas of Emeryville, and that place is basically a business exclave where businesses can, you know, actually do shit. It's smack right next to Berkeley so im not suprised tho
NIMBYs in the area make it impossible for housing to be built at all.

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The older I get (approaching my mid 30s) the more rightwing and nazi views seem cringe and retarded as fuck.
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Sure, I'm looking forward to talking about the results. What of them?

I've been quite civil here and I've not been condescending nor patronizing at all. I don't think that people not sharing my world view is important, I think that everyone is entitled to their own world view and let the society evolve according to that. Strong arguments win, bad ones lose, truth wins and lies lose (usually).
that's just your testosterone levels going down
>The problem with Nazism is that it elevated scientific racism to the level of political dogma
DESU I think the whole Nazi thing is indeed kinda cringe and most "right-wing" people here aren't actual Nazis in the strictest sense. But, some of their ideas were appealing... like valuing one's people. Look around at the current state of all western governments and you'll see a common theme: none of them protect or value their own people. Hordes of immigrants destroying the native constituents' housing and job markets? Government doesn't care. Selling out of industry to the world for a few shekels more? Government doesn't care. The rise in right-wing and Nationalists views is a direct response to the incessant Globalist Crusade that almost all western governments are subjecting their populations to.
I'm really being as good faith as I think I can.
When you value a countries success what do you look at? What do you value? On a personal level, even. What are you doing? What are we doing?
No I don't value equality over everything, but it's surely up there, for logical and rational reasons.

No it's not. Declining birth rates do not equal that all women have decided not have babies, it's just that some women are and women are having less babies in general which will correct itself eventually.

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