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Rouven L. is dead, killed by an islamist.

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so the majority of people believe such things?
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Zogbots deserve bullets and knives. We'd have stopped all this gay bullshit and immigration none sense if it wasn't for faggots just like him.
>Back the blue!
>Vote Red! Vote Blue!
>Don't be racist!
Fucking Faggots.
Faster they stop trying to keep people under their heel, the faster we can correct this broken system.
i dont believe that for one second. you wont fucking demoralise me either.
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died a pathetic zogbot death
>no refunds

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Previous: >>469945273
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>Biden allows the Ukraine to strike targets in Russia with US weapons - https://archive.today/cWfPG
>France to send "military instructors" to the ukriane - https://archive.today/iAtY3
>Russian jamming making some US PGMs ineffective - https://archive.today/1K5Or
>Kiev now recruiting meat from the prisons - https://archive.today/kcIkd
>NATO to organize mandatory arms supplies & financing to Ukraine, at least 100 bln/year - https://archive.today/jjBSo
>RuaF liberate Arkhangelskoye, Battlegroup 'N' keeps advancing in the Kharkov Region - https://archive.today/CgiGm
>Scholz still refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine - https://archive.today/sJ9QH

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>Reporting a raid in effect
Can see it right now in this thread
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wahts fahhrton?
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How do you fail to eat something that is already dead?
They think the crews sit in the tank while it is off for repairs?

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Tell me about Canadians. Why do they put the milk in the bags?
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this is a Quebec thing, I fear.
I put my bag of milk in yer mum
Wow, milk in bags. Now I've seen everything.
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So there’s a plastic jug in the bag right? It wouldn’t work if it’s just a bag holding the milk right?

Take refuge in Dharma. Take refuge under Vishnu and you shall never lose and be resolved off of all your agonies
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seething poopoo
i am enjoying all the hate you are getting
i will do my best to redpill as many people about your kind, shit-blooded non-human poomin filth
>Because there is suffering in your heart, it is possible for you to enter my heart.
India's abrahamic trio equivalent. Some good, some bad, Regardless, I've learned about myself.

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Ain't easy being a buffer zone bros...
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The Russian and Chinese border meets at two points, in Siberia and in the Far East. I was asking for which specific portion was inhospitable.
my question is
why exactly are they driving @ 5 mph through what seems an active mine/artillery field?

are Russian and Ukrainian units lead by literal chimps?
Dude just wtf. There's no one to even surrender to.
they've already got that figured out. the taklaman desert is probably the worst terrain on earth. i figure its worse then siberia, or the artic, and on par with the himalayas (which it borders) ... which incidentally makes that whole area, as you described, "the worst terrain on Earth". but they've more or less conquered it logistically speaking.
are those russians or ukrainians? i can never tell because they look the same and speak the same language

>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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He sounds wasted
Now THAT'S patter
Did we not go through this in 2019 already?

>grand prize of zero seats
Ohhh but that is the plan but just quite the way you think
Yeah but why aren't they getting off and getting another bus? I presume, despite being niggers, they have somewhere to be

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Why do so many wagies hate communism?
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Most of pol are nepo babies and their retarded offspring. Normies don't think about anything except going to work
>spending your time studying and writing about economics isn’t real work!!!
Stop pretending like you’re a worker
“Passive income” from sitting on stocks and other nonsense isn’t work.
Because it didn’t fail? Capitalists attribute any death in a “communist” country as the result of communism.
Under capitalism you can't just give all the enjoyable and prestigious jobs to all of your family and close associates no matter how lazy and incompetent they are. In a competitive environment you still need some brains within the organization to stay in business or you'll lose out to others.

>Government subsidies are forcing me to eat unhealthy food. It's the government's fault.
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I never understood people complaining about junk food becoming expensive. Now they can buy a healtier cheaper alternative.
In an American grocery store, you'd be challenged to find many processed foods that don't include corn byproducts, in particular high fructose corn syrup. Cane sugar is too expensive to use for most of that crap.
For $11.07 you can buy both.
You'll enjoy that refreshing cola far more than those crusty old veggies.
are these prices from 2005?
I don't disagree with what you're saying, but a bag of grapes is not 88 cents

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Why was there so many nazis in Ukraine to begin with and why are they all fighting Russia?
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It's a long story.
>Why Are So Many Nazis Fighting For Ukraine?
Because they are low IQ wignat retards that were easily manipulated by propaganda.
>was there so many nazis
And where did they all go if they won

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KEK. Another shabbos goyim bites the dust. Guess wearing allegiance to pissrael wasn't enough??? LOLLLL
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I saw Sessler in 2007 he had a signing booth at Comic-Con he was all alone. People everywhere and nobody gave a shit about him.
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>I saw Sessler in 2007 he had a signing booth at Comic-Con he was all alone. People everywhere and nobody gave a shit about him.

We met Sessler at a game con around 2008 or something. He was very short, but friendly and responded well to being harassed by strangers on the street. I think he was smoking a cigarette, which they should have let him do on TV in studio if they had any idea how to make compelling gamer content. An overflowing ashtray in front of Sessler while he bitches about some game for 12 year olds would have kept G4 alive after they killed TechTV.
there was some ex g4tv host who complained about how a meme ruined her life, she was shaking her boobs or something ,can you help me find out who it was?
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He deleted his twitter and someone else took it over

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say his name
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>Composition of words
>ra'ah = to see (Hebrew);
>ben = the son (Hebrew)
>Meaning / Translation
>See the son!
>More about the meaning of the name
>Variant of the Hebrew masculine name Ruben; >meaning roughly “Behold the son!” or “Behold, there is a son”; in the Bible Ruben is the eldest of the 12 sons of Jacob
>how would /pol/ call this combination of flags as an ideology? what do they all have in common?
Men fucking men.
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>what do they all have in common?
they need some redpills if they arent payed to shill this.
Cuck bitch
LOL what a faggot. Fuck with Islam, pay the toll.

> Wenn nun die Schutzmonate abgelaufen sind, dann tötet die Götzendiener, wo immer ihr sie findet, ergreift sie, belagert sie und lauert ihnen aus jedem Hinterhalt auf! ~ sure 9 vers 5
We rule germany now, wallah konvertiert solange ihr noch könnt

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Let's get real. A civil war will never come close to happening.
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I want to join this guy
Right wingers tend to be whiny little white bitches who talk a lot.

I guess you missed all the leftist vs police battles and riots and them creating their own autonomous zones in the middle of cities.
I know you think Flaming Hot Cheetos and sportsball is going to hold everyone together forever (a side effect of viewing people as animals) but the cracks in your consumerist wallpaper are starting to show.
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Flat Supremacists

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why does /pol/ hate gays now?
is it because of the christcucks?
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> why does /pol/ hate gays now?
is it because of the christcucks?
No it’s because the faggotry.
You will never be a woman.
Why do Christians worship cuckoldry?
Don't see why sexual preference gotta be an identity desu
faggots were never liked here

>incoherent nonsense

Just kidding. Well, I'm not kidding about Japan taking in way more shitskins now, but I definitely don't support it. But now that I've gotten your short attention away from all the bait threads you retards love responding to, tell me what you think about this new political development. Would Japan be better off siding with the chinks now? Or would it just end with the same result? Maybe this will help redpill more people, especially Japanese? Regardless, I hope there's a special place in hell for the kikes pushing this. I can understand why they want whites gone, as justified as our past actions against the jews were, but wtf has Nippon ever done against the jews? Is there any meaningful solution to the jewish problem besides extermination?

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Did they really or is this hysterical hyperbole from sympathetic press/activists?
Its real
They try to break up ethnic enclaves thinking they will become Danish if they are atomized. It's a major human rights violation.
Are they going to then send the shitskins to White neighborhoods?

No its fucking not, these people dont want to integrate so to my mind they would be better being shipped the fuck back to the cultures they belong to.

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PBD had on the patriot front guy and got owned, crazy to see. 306k views already. Their sub is deleting any related comments, posts. All the comments are pro-white saying PBD lost it.

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It's easier for whites to get work based on their names alone, according to research from my area of Canada.
Whites have social advantages that non-whites could only dream of.
Whites don't face racial violence to even a fraction of the degree that non-whites do.
Whites get less jail time than non-whites and treated better by the justice system.

Despite having life on easy mode with cheat codes, whites somehow are the biggest losers in not just my own home country of Canada. They are losing in any country they are pitted against other races with. In the U.S., they aren't even on the top 20 highest earners. It's all people from South Asia or East Asia.

Whites are also proud NEETs, a movement not to different from the Hikikomori in Japan, which is basically what happens when you have such an easy life that you are depressed and don't want to do anything.

Whites also under produce and are constantly complaining about how hard it is to have kids, despite every Western government giving them cash and tax incentives to have children.

Whites also can't buy a house to save their lives, which is pathetic because they have been here for centuries. If anyone should be fucked by this, it should be newly arrived immigrants that have to start from the bottom, but nope, we own more land than whites.

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>Whites are losers and should be deported back to Europe to save tax revenue for hardworking Indian Aryans.
lol if that happened, everyone in Canadia would become poor, and be invaded by China because you have as much right to country ownership as they do.
Both sides of my european ancestry were genocided in the past. One side has essentially been an occupied state for the last 100 years and the other is currently experiencing a bad case of Orwellian nightmare drone war. Please do tell me more about my white privilege, your fantastical bedtime stories help take mind off the pain.
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The cheat code is that we were cooperating with each other for mutual benefits. Can't have any of that, huh, brownie?
>still lives in Canada because of white inventions, infrastructure, rule of law, government, etc

Cope and seethe

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but why would you voluntarily die in agony and misery in Ukraine as a Russian soldier? Putin doesn't give a shit about you and Ukrainians want to kill you.
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Scary that this guy is one of the lucky ones, after watching that dude slit his own throat this seems like the best way to go from one of these grenades. I don't ever wanna go to war bros
the military pays good money which is very tempting when you live in buttfuck nowhere somewhere in siberia
>that kevlar
The money is useless once you die.
2000$ DOLLAS

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Previous >>469916761 ,>>469899022

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Resistance fighters target the occupation forces that stormed the town of Azzun, east of Qalqilya, with explosive devices
>United States of America: National Security Council spokesman in the White House: We expect that if #Hamas agrees to Biden’s proposal, “Israel” will agree to it.
>The documented Palestinian death toll has risen to 36,439 martyrs and 82,627 injuries since the seventh of last October.
>Palestinian Press: The Maldives bans the entry of Israelis into the country due to the war in Gaza.
>BREAKING: The aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower has sailed to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, following announcement of successful hits by Yemeni forces.


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>The Israeli occupation has threatened the American field hospital in Rafah, the last operational field hospital in the city. Israel has ordered its operators to evacuate immediately amid an imminent invasion.
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The former UN pajeeta as well. Honourable men were hanged at the Nuremberg trials for made up war crimes less severe than this
The golems have outlived their purposes
But kikes have overstayed their welcome in the land of the living
>Deranged IDf terrorist finds crib in Gaza home, this is what he does with it.
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After IDF withrew from Jabalia,
Saraya Al-Quds posted their Jabalia best of compilation lol
>Saraya Al-Quds:
>The most signficant operations executed by Saraya Al-Quds during the zionist enemy's incursion into Jabalia Camp.
0:15 - Anti-tank and anti-personnel shells: Executing 21 targeting operations with tandem shells, RBGs, and TPGs against the enemy's vehicle and soldier positions in Jabalia Camp.
0:25 - Sniping enemy soldiers: Executing 6 sniping operations against enemy soldiers positioned in buildings and gatherings in Jabalia Camp.
0:35 - Clashing from point-blank range: Executing 13 clashing operations with enemy soldiers from point-blank range in the alleys of Jabalia Camp.
0:44 - Rocket barrages: Launching 9 rocket barrages that Saraya Al-Quds bombarded cities and settlements of the Gaza envelope with from the axes of advance in northern Gaza.
0:52 - Mortar shells: Executing 35 targeting operations with mortar shells of different calibres on positions of enemy vehicles and soldiers in the axes of advance in Jabalia Camp.
1:00 - Engineering weapons: Executing 10 targeting operations with anti-armor and anti-personnel explosive devices, including the "Thaqib 40" guerilla action devices and Ababil projectile explosives, targeting the enemy's vehicles and soldiers on the axes of advancement.
1:14 - Downing quadcopter drones: Downing a Mavic Pro quadcopter armed with bombs, seizing control of it along with the information it contained, on the axis of advance in Jabalia Camp.

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