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Ya know, I'm starting to think that maybe Trump wasn't the greatest choice longterm for the party and putting our eggs in one basket wasn't the best idea.

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>Ticketmaster confirms data hack which could affect 560m globally
>Tommy Robinson leads 'thousand-strong' march in London as officers make first arrests
>Labour spark fear of huge ISA crackdown as candidate deletes one telling comment
>Labour risks union revolt over private school tax raid job losses
>Sunak suffers poll blow as levelling-up cash-for-votes row erupts
>Sunak pledges cash to towns as Starmer pitches ‘wealth creation’ amid election campaign
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bung him in the poor bastard in the hedge, he dunt like it
i got quads
i'll probably have sex tonight
Too hot to post
Britain isn't even a real country.
Putins Russia nukes are zogged, needs to get on the blower with good old reliable xi

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Previous: >>469936203

▶Day: 829 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>France gave Ukraine permission to use Storm Shadows/Scalp missiles to strike airfields in the Kursk and Belgorod regions, — BBC
>Major missile chimpout targeting energy infrastructure, 35/53 missiles and 46/47 shaheds shot down, damage to two thermal power plants reported
>Federal Government allows Ukraine attacks on targets in Russia with German weapons
>Biden allows strikes into Russia with US weapons, limited to territory near Kharkiv region. The policy regarding ATACMS use has not changed
>Seven boats destroyed in Ukrainian operation in Kerch (1x pilot boat, 2x ferries, 4x transport landing boats)
>New €1,16 BLN military aid package from Sweden will include Airborne Surveillance and Control aircraft (ASC 890)
>Belgium pledges 30 F-16 fighter jets for Ukraine with near €1bn in military aid
>Sweden is pausing plans to send Gripen fighter jets to Ukraine in order to allow for the introduction of F-16
>Ukraine will receive its first supplies of F-16 fighter jets “very soon”, but around half of its desperately needed foreign military aid is arriving late - Umerov
>Poland should not rule out sending troops to Ukraine - Sikorski

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I remember watching a lot of Zolkin POW interviews..
There was this zigger cunt, said Yes yes I understand now, we are invaders, but I've been fooled by the monke, I dundu nuffin
Then he gets exchanged
Then ziggers show him during the exchange, and this fat-face motherfucker says straight into the camera that we were torturing and starving him, kill all ukronazi fascists, blah blah blah

I think somewhere during that time even Zolkin got redpilled about these cunts
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off to plebbit faggot
>It was real in my mind
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But it's the Russians that are humiliating themselves. If Russians just leave, they will stop their humiliation. Until then we will document that humiliation

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How come the nuclear powered carrier is smoking????
Thos two white dots at the stern looks like fires to me. Coincidentally one of the smoke trails come from there. Judging by the smoke trails, shes stationary.

There are two smaller white dots, one midships and one near the bow, also with smoke.
Oh wow, look at that, a blob. I am SO convinced.
Op is. A faggot

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Why does /pol/ memoryhole when the entire board was 100% on the Trump train in 2016? Are you embarrassed about it now?
Literally everyone here supported Trump and now you're called a newfag that needs to take his meds if you point this out.
Why are you continuing to out yourself as a newfag? Trump posting started only 2 years after /pol/'s inception. YOU need to take your meds.
I look like this btw.
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True, but they tend to be absent here aside from a few obvious glowies.
Because these cornballs never stood for anything anyway. Even before whorish Trump appealed to these attention whores they were already useless hypocrites who coddled and protected evil people and couldn't think about anything else except for their blind rage they feel for a country that they never even liked. You could remove every jew, black and gay from American soil and they'd still complain about this country. They just don't like that they have to WORK to survive. Life should always be perfect bliss for them and everyone else should suffer.
No, the white libtards are always here. They fume because their pro white genocide policies get exposed on here.
I always assumed that those are just incompetent glowies.
White liberals want to demographically displace themselves by importing as many pagans and Muslims as they can, as quickly as they can, because they think white people are bad

It turns out all that "Chinese gutter oil" collected from waste was actually exported and bought by Amerimutts for the past decades

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>chinese cope
cope and seethe
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Sustainable Aviation Fuel Added to Credit for Alcohol Fuel,
Biodiesel, and Alternative Fuel Mixtures.--

End thread.

China still remains the number one buyer of oil worldwide. We produce it, they pay us.
>promote clean energy
>ship tonnes of frying oil over to the US across the ocean, which will be thrown out after the fries and chicken are fried, rather than refining the oil domestically, from waste product of corn, cottonseed, etc

Yeah, I love how green the Democrats are.

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*ancap ball*
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More like No Pulse
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>More like No Pulse
I got a 30 day facebook ban for that joke when this happened
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I can never get a clear idea of why people hate socialism so much. I think many people automatically dismiss socialism offhand because they are indoctrinated with the pro-capitalist ideology growing up.
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It's just a different form of rape with a worse reputation because rich people haven't enjoyed it as much.
I hate single mothers and nonwhites and think they should get nothing.
It did not work well for Venezuela Argentina Chile Peru Bolivia Mexico South Africa. And dont even say cause their le brown countries cause they were richer before socialism
In my opinion, many of those countries were not truly socialist and generally, if they were true attempts at socialism, they were sabotaged by the US because the US does not want a socialist economy to ever succeed.
I'm in favor of redistributing the wealth of the top 1%, but only because they've all gotten rich through big government redistribution schemes in the first place (see for example what happened with Covid).
Socialism will never be even remotely as efficient as a free market. The problem is that, in order to work properly, a free market must exist within a system under which everyone plays by the same rules. In other words, it needs to be paired with protectionism.

I’m tired of living
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You're literally a homosexual willing to be accepted in a masculine forum online.
Uh it's tits or gtfo; stop changing the rules newfag
Messing around is already indecent; you just want her to fondle you without you coming?
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troon lmao

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I enjoy having a functional body and working less than 1 hour a week
Imagine not having taken the NEETpill in the year of our Lord 2024
my brother is a welder and regrets the hell out of it

a union welding job in a blue state like illinois where workers only do 8 hour shifts

most of /pol/ lives in retarded states that ban unions and therefore going to college is actually better because their employers won't treat them like crap
These threads have never made sense to me
I graduated college and immediately got a job making 100k
I went to a state school and just paid off the miniscule debt I had in a lump sum shortly after graduating
The systems are rigged so you cannot get into any position of permanent (or temporary) administration or power.
Here the commies used the acedamia gatekeeping to not allow non communist young men into intellectual work and positions.
But they were utter bureaucratic legalists so if you were super inteligent and had knowledge for 10s at university you would be barely allowed trough to diploma. While their degen commie kids would just waltz trough as if it was highschool.

But now you have faggotry version of that.
Honest decent man cannot get trough to the end of that grinder.
Each and every one of them is like a spineless fag, a minced meat shitburger.
So you have only spineless globalist servants in politics and institutions.

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So, you think israel is evil but you can’t answer any of these questions? Checkmate, chuds
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all of these questions are distractions from the IDF killing non-combatants
Stop killing NCs and nobody would care
Israel is a fake country that was given to the jews. They didn't earn it, it was given to them.
Neither Israel or Palestine are over a century old so they both get to stay
1. The Jewish people were founded and chosen by Satan after the crucifixion of Christ
2. Judea has no borders, they are an international clique
3. Pandaemonium
4. Satan
5. Matriarchy
6. Sodom and Gomorrah
7. Foreskins
8. Adolf Hitler
9. Judea has been recognized by zero(0) countries total
10. Human (not hebrew)
11. Surely not shekels
12. Maps are not that hard to read, you know

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How to get a gf
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Right... And so the world keeps turning, the cycle of degeneration continues.
>parties my friends throw
I have no friends

>I talk to the new people
I don't know how to do that. Where even are they? I sit at home all my life.

>loud and outgoing
I am opposite

>propose doing fun things outside
I don't know anything that can be done outside other than mowing lawn.

>They ask to bang
They are whores
>I have an 18 year old girl coming over tonight. I'm 31. The issue is she thinks she's a boy.
CORRECTION SEX. Turn her straight.
So she's a prostitute?
i dont even care anymore, i dont care about trying to impress a woman, jumping trough hoops and wasting my time, energy and money

ill just try to stay as far away from conflict as possible and if ill manage to survive ww3, ill just rape my way trough all the migrant teen virgins as i please, then brag to white girls about it, then fuck them too and make the white girls my wifes, because they will think im some kind of hero for raping migrant girls

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Everyone thinks all his issues stem from communism, capitalism, "fascism", (((them))) or some other bullshit conspiracy
It's pretty clear all of them stem from industrial technology. Without it, (((they))) wouldn't be able to control (You), even
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>Without it, (((they))) wouldn't be able to control (You), even
Agreed. We must unsmelt all of the iron and steel deposit it back into the earth immediately
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it's jews you retard

Another day of walking is almost behind us. Please remind me why do you even need a car in your day to day life?
I get my steps in with stepmania.
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>Poles measure their steps with a pedometer
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What pedo rank do I get?
Farms are miles away from each other and I’m not moving equipment, animals, hay, and anything else I can’t think of you dumb pole. Go scrub a toilet in your depressing shithole of a city.
mcdonalds doesn't deliver

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DOTR you degnerate subhumans

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for white Canadians, the national sport will be:
>"Can this fit up my ass?"
for browns, yeah, it'll be cricket
Hockey Canada is desperately trying to change the brown conquerers to play hockey, too
I hope this crinkly old faggots in Hockey Canada go out of business soon
That's hilarious.
Sorry Anon, but I don't enjoy staring at niggers all day.
You might not, but white women do.
Would you stare at white male athletes all day?

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Why do leftists oppose the death penalty unless it's targeted at their political opposition?
I've had 3 violent felony charges simultaneously (not for being a nigger). For a first time offender they get knocked down to misdemeanor and the rest dismissed under (((lesser included charges))). For a judge to do this indicates they're legislating from the bench beyond their authority for a crime free first time offender. So shut the fuck up faggot.
this is cope, quite literally - but he is successfully navigating a totally shit situation

if you really, truly have no choice, cope is rational
In 2016 multiple women accused Trump of sexual assault and the msm were playing the 'grab 'em by the pussy' tape round the clock. Many polls were giving Clinton the lead.

I'm struggling to see their logic that Trump feared a prostitute trying to extort money from him by revealing a consensual sexual encounter would damage his reputation with the public and cost him the election.

Nobody cared about the pussy tapes, nobody cared about the screeching MeToo harpies. If anything a whore trying to ruin a presidential election campaign would've garnered him more support.

And there's the claim he deliberately mislabelled the payment to cover up its purpose. Well the payment didn't appear in any reports until after the election. So thats bullshit too.
>You don't fucking get it.
narrator: anon did, in fact, get it

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There appears to be a new laws of physics and some new technologies in open use.

It centers on consciousness, hyperspace, and electromagnetism.

These principles have been encountered as psychic abilities which may include out of body experiences, near death experiences, astral projection, telepathy, telekinesis, remote viewing, levitation, teleportation, and others.

Beings are involved as well, either extraterrestrials with advanced technology, or native hyperspace entities. This could be a simulation.

There are some well-known studies that look into these new physics. Tesla's work on scalar waves indicates some kind of hyperspace that can be accessed by hyperdimensional waves. The CIA looked into the Gateway Process and the Psychotronic Universe and tentatively determined reality is a hyperdimensional hologram where consciousness is the dominant factor.

Dr. Steven Greer, a known UFOlogist, has revealed the military has had anti-gravity since 1954, and it has something to do with the hyperdimensional consciousness field. He has provided photographs of aliens that were summoned during meditation. He asserts UFOs are electromagnetic gravitic vehicles with zero-point energy that can turn into pure consciousness in hyperspace through astral projection.

Dr. Robert Duncan, a cybernetics expert, has revealed the military is using supercomputers with AI hooked up to antennas that are being used to telepathically torture people by inserting voices and visual hallucinations into people's minds, along with being able to remote control their bodies. This is related to Havana Syndrome.

Officials state people will panic if they do a disclosure, which indicates there is something to disclose. A recent congressman was briefed on the subject and told reporters to "lock your doors."

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>fuck around and kill 40,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and kidnap 10,000 Muslim civilians in the past year
>fuck around and starve 3 Million Muslims
>displace 3 Million Muslims in the past years on top of 5-6 Millions already displaced
>fuck around and justify genocide of Muslim country
>fuck around and glorify genociders
>fuck around and and deny basic human rights to Muslims
>fuck around and deny freedom of expression for Islam and demand Islam to cuck to political Judaism and radical Jewish terrorism
>find out and get stabbed
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>western culture
>Individuals with our own thoughts
That Zionist shilling foreign Zionist propaganda in Germany is literally sponsored by Washington and overseas English Jewish Defense Leagues. But try harder with the gaslighting

You fucked around in Germany and found out, Moshe
Christcucks who blame islam forget they are cut from the same cloth and both are just tools of your jewish lords. Denounce all your jewish shackles then only anyone can take you seruously.
Oh youve no idea how bad its going to get, now you have people who didnt mind you being here jumping on the bandwagon and now new and state sponsored rise of Christianity to pit everyone against you, Like i said your fucking stupid and dont know how anything works and now youve condemned us all to be at each other throats exactly as zionists want us to be.
And here you are thinking you are outsmarting anyone!

Your a fucking retard and the likes of you are too.
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Muhammad was a brown pedophile shitskin who lived in the literal butthole of the world, an unreedemable place full of disgusting and inbred shitskins, full of sand and extremelly hot. One day, Muhammad decided to take his favorite goat for a lovely lovey love session in some random cave in the arabian desolated hellish landscape. As Muhammad tried to introduce his microscopic pecker, his goat accidentally pissed itself, which lead Muhammad to a brown moment (when a dumb and retarded shitskin gets irrationally angry over something), which led him to try to correct his goat into the traditional and bazed etiquette rule for muslim women. As Muhammad tried to hit his lover, he accidentally slipped on his goat's piss, hit his shitskin head onto the cave's rocky floor and had hallucinations about a camel telling him that, for each brown shitskin killed for pisslam, he would have 69 virgin goats in Jannah (goats, muslim women, whatever, they all look and smell the same!) and then told it to his village, which was inhabited by shitskins who were, suprisingly, even dumber than him.

Muhammad died somewhere in Arabia, a fate even worse than hell, his followers spread all his teachings to the world and his people grew a lot! Unfortunately, we cannot say the same about their IQ.

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Why or how is Technology showing divisive content to people, then showing different User Generated content to either Women or Men underneath it which is further devisive?

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Well poisoning. Sliding. White noise
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I took this picture just now, right I. Front of me.

I am basically telling you guys how there are possibly dozens of independent from each other cyber gangs that control the entirety of the internet.

We have news of AI being restricted based on election propaganda laws.

The other day I was telling you guys how I was reading William Shriner book on the third Reich and basically Hitler was arrested for not letting this other guy give a speech and I am telling you guys that these brown people in silicon valley do a game of guacamole on these people that say they are "gangs talked".(THEY REALLY ARE) It's leftoids that want brown people in and who want weed and other drugs like cocaine and LSD and mushrooms. Think of stasi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung

They too don't want to let you speak and from their NSO Israeli tools perspective they control all websites and when they find Aryan mønster they go for hacking and harassment campaign TO DESTROY THEM and make them stop talking about colors and joy and talk about harassment instead.

Do you think the billionaire bankers that sabotaged occupy wall street would never?

I am alive because of Freyja and not because anyone in this terrible harassment campaign ever thought it was too much and maybe they should stop and apologize and make reparations.

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>People think it's some conspiracy
J33, in-q-tel, memristor, mittag-leffler stability, max cut of a social graph, Containment control for a social network with state-dependent connectivity, eglin afb, full spectrum dominance infrared sensor emotion graphs, parasymathetic nervous system modulation, ndaa-2013, information warfare
>I had stopped by both Walmart and Home Depot looking at ladders. I could see in the Fitbit app that it was able to track my movements inside of those stores, which means it was able to see that I hung around the sections with ladders and figure out I was shopping for ladders.
back on topic, i know this is a thing because i was working with retailers who were setting up bluetooth location beacons in their physical stores back in 2011
this thread is sponsored by skillshare

I work minimum wage and me and my fiancee live with my parents.
I pay for my own food and utilities. My parents own their house so I dont pay rent. I pirate shit and never buy, download all netflix shit or vidya that I want from russian trackers and get subtitles from free projects. I repair my android phone every time something breaks with chinese parts.

Question: what the fuck do people do with their money? Everyone complains that its never enough, while I save 75% of my paycheck every month. Invested quite a bit in all kinds of shit and its making good returns. Bought enough tools to start a side business and still got 70k PLN leftover savings. My friends make double my salary and spend it all just in time for the next pay slip.
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Are you high or just having a seizure?
I keep almost everything I have in investments, imagine keeping fiat money kek.
I wondered what happened to Peter Schiff, hadn’t heard anything from him in a while
Smart people bought bitcoin fifteen years ago.
I only spend for food tobacco and alcohol, rest(about 30%) goes to the bank
i said why don'y you invest that old ass property of your parents? Fucking 150 yeard old house. Your "investments" is not the flex you think it is. You never lived.

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