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If I had to pick between Indians vs Arabs and black people. I'd pick Indians every time.
arabs dont immigrate. wannabe arabs on the other hand...
You never seen all of them coming to your country at the same time do you?

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Behold, a Hungarian independent mayoral candidate
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Lunik 9 is an ethnic slovak ghetto where no kid speaks hungarian cope more
she was with a man that did this to her
no woman does shit like this herself
id vote for her so long as those arent implants
lol cope more!

In Slovakia, the ethnonym Hungarian Roma may refer to the Romani-speaking Roma with Hungarian as the second language or exclusively to the Hungarian-speaking

because they are Roma, and Hungarian-speaking on top of that



They all speak hungarian and consider self hungarian!
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that map literally proves me right you stupid jewish boomer faggot gypsies are completely separate from hungarians in northern hungary

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The entire Pride Month belongs to the Anglo, we're Pride Worldwide, other nation, race, culture, etc., simply cannot comprehend how Pride the Anglo really are.

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Stay safe out there white bros, this could happen to you
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Show him the video.
I've got to be honest, I thought that was a woman. I would leave and never tell anyone about it.
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Long vid did not finish.
Indonesian girlfriend sucks good dick.
Passport bros for laiiife wmaf

Western women act like men will get discarded like men are. Asian gf tightest fanny ever!!
I thought asians were supposed to have small diks
Nothing makes me happier than seeing cumbrained traitors get what they deserve. I loved it when the US soldier was arrested in russia aswell.

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Fake war. No other war in history has been "fought" like this one.
Get billions of dollars for retarded goyim to kill each other, why would they stop?
kikelensky didnt steal enough money for his family and friends yet
russia has the worst war record on the planet, all of their wars look like this.
/pol acting all shocked that this war is a pathetic disaster is extremely funny.

do you remember the winter war vs finland?
>45 billion dead russians
>3 dead finns
>russia claimed 5 feet of snow and called it a victory

this is just winter war 2.0.
go read about russian history, guys.
>its fucking hysterical
Because their goal is literally to kill as much goyims for the future khazaria
>(((Special millitary operation)))

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Stop masturbating.

Stop drinking alcohol.

Don't do drugs.
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kys faggot
I was in that some position years ago, entering sissy hypno threads and asking if they had any vids of that style without all the gay shit.
It's a bit messed up innit?
whose body is this
advanced coomers, now's your time to shine
Messed up that I have to ask? Yeah. Also messed up that it doesn't have its own category. But the stuff itself imo is same kind of porn as anything else. Just different because of how many girls you see within a short timespan. Usually you hone in on one of them, or one body part, and here you don't even have enough time for your brain to register it. That's what makes it so awesome. One thing I noticed is that it needs to be the same general area. If you go from ass to face to vaginal to blowjob then it breaks the flow. It requires a lot of editing to get the cut speeds correct, and what you show. Not surprising that it's so rare.
There was one where the uploader made POV blowjobs of different girls, every clip was maybe 300ms, maybe 500 ms at most. And he synced them up perfectly on the shaft, so that when it switched to the next girl it was seamless. It was ridiculously good, but got taken down I guess. I'm sad I'll never see that gif again.
Best one in terms of rhythm etc. I found so far is called
>Porn Addict LOSER Mindfuck (Quick cut goon PMV) Compilation (Stroke It)
on tnaflix. but it doesn't compare to that blowie vid, also I don't appreciate the insult.
Yeah I mean messed up that you can't just get the hyper stimulating visually aesthetic compilations without all the gay shit trying to literally brainwash you

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Don't care about your retarded bullshit.
Don't take it. Not even once. It's a mistake, simple as.
These are the same kind of studies that claim the mRNA injections were "safe and effective".
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some day a real rain is gonna fall and wash all the filth off the streets
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>Don't care about your retarded bullshit.
>Don't take it. Not even once. It's a mistake, simple as.
>These are the same kind of studies that claim the mRNA injections were "safe and effective".
Ah yes, because I'm going to trust the word of a random anonymous probably-schizo basket-weaver forum dweller, rather than the people actually conducting research on the topic.

I'm sure you know more than the leading scientists and doctors in thatt field.
Care to show some credentials, Dr Chud MD?
>trusting the people conducting research
Bold of you to call them people.
>I'm sure you know more than the leading scientists and doctors in thatt field.
Satan has all kinds of knowledge. He's still evil. Regardless, I know more than YOU.
Hormonal birth control has always been a mistake. This will never change.
only for white goys!

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I can't believe this, this isn't like him.
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This. Always censor your texts
Don't lose hope yet! This may be a plot by the jews. Ye is an intellectual, he won't do something as braindead as this.
whore should get beat.
remember when you sucked jew dick? Oh wait you still do.
Not sure why spaghetti niggers turned out to be such jew lovers.

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We don't want civil war
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>american lives are on such easy mode compared
to the rest of the world they have to manufacture fake bullshit or schizo theories to be mad about
they DO NOT suffer
(((You))) also crap all over every poor country but the people there are stupid bootlickers so they don't comment about it.
I want totalen krieg with canada
Oh yes I do, I'm the fucking USA
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Blue soft targets certainly don't.

Islamo-leftist alliance WINS
Toilets WILL be built
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>However the rss was broken apart since these idiots were causing india to head towards a civil war, and were one of the reasons that pakistan and bangladesh split from india.

Why don't you take in more Muzz immigrants? Get fucked nigger.

maybe India will be a normal fucking country for once kek
The butcher of gujrat has fallen. Fuck you Modiiiii. AHHAHAHAHAHAH
Noooo saaarr noooo
Based Modi posed on moon saaaar
India superpower 2020!!!

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>maybe history? let us know about it kim

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They're still doing a shit job at hiding ZOG
Yea, probably the history, and mostly from their own citizens.
Ok, Vanya. I like that you used "unironically" to make your post believable.
ZOG censorship, they know its time for nuremburg 2.0 and they are all stars on the gallows livestream.
I don't give a fuck what you believe. It's just a fact. Yandex almost always finds what I'm looking for on page 1. Jewgle almost never. It's as if they actively try to stop me from finding what I want. And that's been true for years.

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Holy shit, 97 countries are attending the BRICS meeting. The world is sick of America and European domination.
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i knew this to be true when I visited in kike 2016. No real sense of culture just soulless bullshit. Everything they had was stolen and rebranded shit from either America or Europe.
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laughing at your kids get Poo'd
says the poo who left india cause his hindi whore wife left him for Muslim cock.
Damn, I don't see Castro Jr there.. Can we please join..

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You are a rootless Jewish bastard in Israel who is getting unofficially paid by Israeli Jewish bastard Government to promote Jewish bastard propaganda on The Internet.

Khazars were not Jewish bastards this is a lie made up by rootless Jewish bastards like you.

You have nothing to do with Khazars.

Rootless Jewish bastard.
>Me on the left reaching for beer
Nice digits but that's exactly the point.
>Blow up large but targeted parts of high population areas
>Deprive farmers and homesteaders of a critical source of fertilizer
Bing bang boom the entire populace is now scared and starving and desperate for government help.
Was it something like the alois irlmaier prophecy
Only capitols? How many cities? What is your definition of

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>medical industry is fully comprised, nobody can afford to go to the doctor and health care workers are entirely self interested and expect patients to pay them money they do not have, not to mention the general competency crisis going on in all sectors
>nobody can afford groceries, nobody can afford rent and landlords are only increasing the rates monthly
>nobody can afford a house, those that have houses cannot sell their houses to move because nobody is buying houses they can't afford
>inflation is getting worse by the day and wages aren't increasing, companies will not pay livable wages because they can't afford to without going under
>nobody can afford new cars nor afford to keep driving them as insurance rates get worse and less affordable. It has gotten to the point where the legal fines for not having car insurance are worth astronomically less than the actual insurance rates required to be paid
The U.S. has 8 months left at the maximum before we officially reach Weimer-tier economy. You will see streets in every neighborhood nationwide flooding with homeless people lining up for bread lines. We have a single year left at maximum before the economy becomes so bad that the USD itself cannot even be used to purchase anything. There is no social unity among anyone in this nation and everyone is divided and upset at the concurrent establishment. The very moment a handful of individual citizens break the fragile remaining social contract and normalize it is where the tipping point begins. Mass riots, looting, and bombings will be the norm before it quickly spirals into complete societal chaos and absolute collapse.
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Same. Took "doctors" the best part of 8 years to actually kinda work out what's going on with my health, even then they still can't do much. All they've done is just prescribe pain pills and various other injections and tablets etc and totally ignore what I've been saying to them, meanwhile my life has completely fallen apart and now I'm fucked. Eventually I got a begrudging, "welp, looks like you were right, we were missing something, LoL". Cunts. On a positive note, my complete distrust of doctors and the medical system in general made me stay as far away from the COVID jab as possible even though all my doc's said I'd die if I caught COVID (had it twice and recovered in 3-4 days). Fuck this gay earth, the whole shitty planet needs to burn to the ground.
she'll be right mate
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Smart people will research the setup used by the beltway sniper niggers.
Haha enjoy being part of the underclass. You are below working class the bottom of the barrel
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this board is just fearmongering autists arguing with baiters getting baited into fearmongering some more

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Whats Bofa
A large amount, I forget how much, when I visited Treasury in connection with negotiating for them in a technology acquisition. I believe it was stated 100 million usd but it could have been more. There was no way to run away with even a sizeable fraction and I uttered the expected exclamations but was bored and waiting to collect my fee.

>gold is the only cash.hurr durr
It must have been at least $100,000
The peak cash I've ever had was $210k after a property sale and indulging myself by withdrawing it. The peak I've ever seen was over $300k. Cash is worthless compared to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus.

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“Putin’s tool”: Zelensky criticized China for refusing to participate in the “peace summit” in Switzerland.
Speaking in Singapore, Zelensky called China “an instrument in the hands of Putin,” who, on instructions from Moscow, does not allow other countries to attend the summit.

The “overdue” also stated that Ukrainian intelligence allegedly has evidence of Chinese military assistance to Russia.
The American one doesn’t, the British one doesn’t, but the Ukrainian one does.

But knowing Chinese they are not going to do it in a direct obvious way. Hahahaha
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I like how China acts the dispassionate, rational guy.
>you slight me?
>well guess I won't be doing you any more favors
Jewkraine is an old used condom, served its use but now it goes to the trash
>The question is who wants war?
The jews
The jews need US global hegemony to keep Israel safe.
simple as
The Chinese economy just grew by more than 5%, the US having slumped down to 1.3% growth. Are you fucking stupid? Why would anyone bag hold us debt? How low is your IQ?
I think the majority of those posters belong to some diverse psyop division from American bases around the world. Juan, Sheniqua and Igbobo need to fulfill their duties somehow, what better than the virtual battlefield?

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It's over. Let's pack it up boys, we had a good run but we need to tone down the Indian hate from now on.
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Stinky Poo Niggers.
They prefer irl racism? Cool
Imagine the crushing loneliness of being Indian, even though there's over a billion. No woman on the planet ever finding you attractive, lusting over you, or ever wanting you.

No wonder they do arranged marriages, how else will it work.
I will NEVER stop
>Why can't pajeets understand a simple large number 4 combo
Seriously, why are pajeets the absolute worst service employees out of any race?


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Later this month, Vice President Kamala Harris will go to Switzerland to take part in the Summit on Peace in Ukraine, according to the White House.

At the June 15 international peace summit at Burgenstock Resort in Lucerne, Switzerland, Harris is expected to highlight the U.S. commitment to "supporting Ukraine's effort to secure a just and lasting peace," which the White House says is "based on Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the U.N. Charter."

The U.S. delegation at the summit will include the vice president and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan. That same day, President Joe Biden is slated to be at a pricey Los Angeles fundraiser with former President Barack Obama and actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

The summit, one in a series of comprehensives discussions, will immediately follow the 50th G7 summit that is set to take place in Borgo Egnazia in Italy's southern Puglia region between June 13 and 15.

In Switzerland, Harris will "reaffirm support for the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against ongoing Russian aggression," the White House said.

"I believe that the peace summit needs President Biden, and other leaders need President Biden because they will look at the U.S.'s reaction," Zelensky said May 18.

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They keep holding peace talks without Russia, showing they're not interested in peace, they're interested in conquest. All of these peace conferences are the same thing: lots of presentations about the trillions to be spent on "rebuilding" and who gets those contracts. There's usually also talk about how to divide up Russia into a bunch of smaller countries, but under the guise of "bringing Democracy to the Russian people".
We are sending the minister for disability.
I'm not even joking.
>Russia not invited
>China villainized
>Not one step closer to negotiating
Yeah it's a piss summit alright
Piss all of our tax money away
Is Russia invited to said peace summit? If not, what is the fucking point?
i cant believe this nigger bitch thinks shes the VP

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>Another day, another escalation
- Dutch, Polish, Italian, Romanian, French, German and Spanish farmers are invading Brussels as we speak they are asking people to join if able. Post livestreams
- ‘Willingness to die for your country’ propaganda is being pushed by the media through positive polls pushing a false consensus
- Alex Jones studio shut down for exposing the Havaara agreement between nazis and zionists
- National pride month has started, HOUZEE!
- Volkel airforce base on the nuke list of the Russians because retard unchosen ministers approved the use of long range weapons
- Joris Demmink, child molester, who was the highest-ranking civil servant at the justice ministry and never prosecuted. In the case called Rolodex. Rumored to have worked with Dick Schoof when he was at the IND, anons please confirm
- The new coalition is look at the FvD for forming a majority in the senate
- Romania and Hungary block Mark Rutte being nominated as NATO chief
- Unchosen (ex) AIVD glowie Dick Schoof possible prime minister, he is a deep state asset and responsible for illegally spying on citizens through fake social media accounts, he is also pro-EU and SDG and pushed the corona measures
- Wilders is blocking people that criticise his choice for the glowie PM
- Free Gideon, corrupt judges demand 200 hour forced labour or 100 days in prison
- Thierry Baudet speech, there is a difference between zionist right and traditional right, notice that al successful ‘rightwing’ parties have Israeli influence
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’
- 18% is for overthrowing the government system, 6% even thinks violence is allowed
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Tell me that is not a demon
an easy mistake to make, that many do, but this particular creature is known as a "Juden", which is related to the Demon, but not quite the same
Was net als Erik de big boss van NCTV.
Let's go. Erik is about to get bombarded with fedposts. I won't stop until glowniggers put a stop to my shenanigans by force. By then it will be too late because other fedposters will pick up the torch. Mark my words, there will be at least one AIVD meeting about me.
as long as you don't mention my name (adriaan de wit) then it's fine, just don't involve (me) in this

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Majority of White people didnt even know jews were still a thing just 2 decades ago. Everyone has become aware of them solely due to the constant one-sided hatred and desire to genocide white people that has been coming from American, British and French Jewish figureheads for the past 60 years. Literally, people see their society turning into a sterile politically correct hellhole filled with foreign monsters and constant anti white messaging in education and media, and when they dig deeper to find out where its coming from they find jews. Jews are unprovokedly attacking Whites nonstop all the fucking time. I became jewpilled after going on antisemitic reddit trying to argue against JQ posters figuring they were crazy like flat earthers. In reality, all of my arguments were beaten and I came to realise the horrific reality that all the stereotypes of Jews are 90-100% accurate and true. Just process all that for a moment. Jews are living since WW2 - arguably even before WW2 in the case of Australia and America - in a White society that doesn't care if they're jewish nor have any ill will towards them, yet they STILL want to fuck it up. They STILL want to make whites get replaced with arabs and blacks and indians. They STILL work hard to make whites hate themselves and go extinct. They STILL spend millions of dollars attacking and financially handicapping whites. They STILL attack and deny European culture and heritage, sometimes even making the bullshit claim a White race doesnt exist. They are doing all of this whilst White people are blissfully unaware and treating them like friends and fellow citizens. I cannot think of a more evil, exploitative fifth column crew of pieces of shit on this earth.
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Nice cookie cutter you can be a catholic and sign up to fight for hezbollah and kill zog
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People who hate whites attack Christianity because they just assume that 100% of right wing whites are Christians due to historical inertia.
They don't attack Christianity because it's the actual source of any power.
Christianity is kike poison, it's just going though a rebranding process right now from religion for the weak and helpless to a religion for impotent fools who don't want to acknowledge that they're weak and helpless.
Christniggers hate when you think too hard about their shitty surface level correlational reasoning.
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>isolated by hate of christ
>then u r joo
>but we wuz da reel joos
always makes me laff bros

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