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Why do liberal "progressives " argue like Jews? Why do they use such weaselly tactics and why does it work? It's hard to win an argument with a liberal "progressive". I can easily understand what they are doing, but it's like they don't and neither do others. It's like they're a robot. Conservatives don't typically argue and debate this way. How do liberals use these tactics and get away with it. They're weaselly pieces of shit, but they always end up looking like they're right even if they're outright wrong or making it apparent they're a piece of shit. It's easy to spot, but hard to defeat. Why?
Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:
>Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
>Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
>Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
>Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
>Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
>Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
>Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
>Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
>Take advantage of others to get what they want.
>Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
>Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
>Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.

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They are moral supremacist not rational people all they are arguing is that

I once had to stare at a leftard who told me that black on black crime is a white supremacist myth

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If black people and african countries' underachievements are due to racism and colonialism, then why these factors don't affect asians?

Asians in the US suffered from the same racist attitudes as blacks, but still greately outperform them in education, incomes and low crime rates.

Could it have something to do with inborn ablities?
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>we may be poorer than Japan or Korea but at least we didn't steal our wealth like Japan or beg our way into sucess like Korea.
You literally elected a leader called Bongbong, who is the son of the most corrupt leader to have ever existed in the modern era. The bloke before? the geriatric Duterte who enacted a policy of indiscriminately killing people who may or may not have ever even heard of something about drugs before.

Filipinos are shit because they do retarded shit constantly, like eating ketchup on spaghetti, balut or pagpag. you lot get what you deserve and nothing less.
>like eating ketchup on spaghetti
i did that when i was like four years old
carbs and sugar=mjamm for kids
Please ignore my deranged racist countryman. I apologize in behalf of all Filipinos from his behavior. We shall make sure he returns to the mental hospital.
i really wonder what it takes to reach this level absolute faggot with those contorted cocksucking facial expressions, that horrible millennial hipster aesthetic style and those gay mandatory photo op hand signs
Jews aren't white

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If swift death came to every single murderer, rapist, and thief, there would be drastically less crime.

We do not live in the fantasy world you're imagining. Resources are real.
For every criminal you want to torture, you need that many more guards, that many more cells, that many more prisons, that many more systems to support such a role as torturing is hard work if you want some active torture.
Meanwhile you can do it the old way. Have a public affair of it. It'll be a day of celebration as horrible person after horrible person get what's coming to them and the crowd cheers and there is merriment instead of barbaric torture.
Swift and efficient
You're on /pol/ which is 80% subhuman
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I’d sit erect with her if you know what I mean.
Here is the box she lived in before.
Yeah, or let animals eat her

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china cured diabetes.
americans are angry about that.
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>all these mutts seething
Based China
Based, death to faggots
LMAO it's like a little wart
With how much omthe american pharma industry makes, this might be a cause for war

the fact 99.9% of Palestinians have Jewish ancestry? Every Palestinian especially those in the bigger cities has some Jewish lineage they came from. So why do Khazars claim to be Jews when the real Jews converted to Christianity and Islam as to not get slaughtered in the 7th century by Muslims
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If anything, the Christians in Egypt are the ones who had their land stolen. They're the actual descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, and they're called Copts nowadays.
The Copts are the descendants of Christ
>How do Zionists
how do you? jewish dna doesnt exist
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You fuckers know it

that we know

that Free Or

Buy One Get One Palestine

Will Not Satisfy You

Even If Given Tomorrow

With Full Effect.

You Always

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seethe chuds. Palestinians shall be free!

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“Putin’s tool”: Zelensky criticized China for refusing to participate in the “peace summit” in Switzerland.
Speaking in Singapore, Zelensky called China “an instrument in the hands of Putin,” who, on instructions from Moscow, does not allow other countries to attend the summit.

The “overdue” also stated that Ukrainian intelligence allegedly has evidence of Chinese military assistance to Russia.
The American one doesn’t, the British one doesn’t, but the Ukrainian one does.

But knowing Chinese they are not going to do it in a direct obvious way. Hahahaha
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As if Bolsonaro wouldn't
Meet his wife, Michelle Bolsonaro
>russian shills talking about getting fucked
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holy shit the IQ is negative
China does not want war, but they will go to war if pushed like in the Korean War. The question is who wants war?
Zelensky's biggest worry should be the Americans coming to collect the money they lent him.
As soon as the money collector comes he's going the way of Hussein and Gaddafi - killed in a humiliating way and the bones of his country will be picked clean by foreign corporations.

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>gang up and attack Israel
>play the victim

Have ar*bs ever thought that maybe, just maybe, they're the problem?
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>2 BILLION muslims
>8 million kikes
>The muslims have the kikes surrounded, the muslims are manly warriors while the kikes are diaper wearing gay weaklings, the muslims have the element of surprise, the muslims have great reliable Russian weapons while the kikes have overprized and unreliable American wunderwaffen garbage (as we have seen in Ukraine)
>The muzzies keep losing

How? HOW!?!??
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because they are satanic molochites, sacrificing their children to the flame, they are evil, and therefore will never wing against good
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>Pastor John Hagee
Shit the support of the world’s foremost super power. What the fuck does that have to do with your Jew on the stick fairy tale?
When you get a splinter in your finger, and it gets infected, and your body’s immune system attacks the infection, is the problem the splinter and infection, or your body’s immune response?

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This Indonesian Javanese Muslim girl is descended from a Japanese soldier raping a Javanese Muslim woman.


>ummm gue literally adalah hasil nyata dari seorang perempuan Indonesia yang diperkosa oleh tentara Jepang sampe hamil pas perang dunia kedua (nenek buyut gue).

>dont tell me life was easier for us women in war times


>1. tahun 1942 mana ada akses kesehatan utk bisa gugurin kandungan mas masi idup aja udah syukur.

>2. nope. setelah nikah sm mbah kakung, mbah putriku (anaknya nenek buyut) full ngikut keluarga suami jadi orang jawa.


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.. who gives shit about this, most indonesian loves race mixing. Islamic cleric rape boys and girls daily, and their parent are more than happy to married them to that cleric.
They should go back to being brutal

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Now it's confirmed Trump is gonna win, how do we take credit?
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>Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona
Kek. They will just get illegals to drive more vans to the polling center dumbass
>democrats cheat and steal the last election
>but this time it wont happen guys!
you better be ready
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Sorry, I decide all elections. Whoever I vote for always wins, and um, basically, I'm just not gonna vote for Zion Don. I have decided that Trump will go to prison and be anally raped by a pack of niggers and then get stabbed 22 times by a federal informant.

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Does Hollywood make any films that are critical of US Government foreign policy anymore?
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In my opinion things have become so polarized that the left refuses to be critical of itself at this point. They can't afford any negative views on their own team, and more than likely it's that they won't tolerate it.
Hollywood is the ministry of propaganda
ah kek
Enemy of the State director got Clinton'd.
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>films that are critical of US Government foreign policy anymore?
That ended when King Nigger was elected. George Cloony is friends, or at least thinks he is, with Barry Hussein Sotero.

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

Archive: https://rentry.org/mwarchive


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>being aids
drop your truvada and let God take over
I find that one strangely heart-warming.

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How the fuck did a blood drinking jewess become president of fucking MEXICO? Does Mexico even have jews? And why would they give a shit about MEXICO?
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Even if that's true I don't buy it. At best national Mexicans will become "first-class citizens" and the the hoards of migrants from the South and abroad will become "second-class citizens."

Sure it sounds good if you're a retard but I'd rather just keep being a normal citizen in Mexico, don't bring all those people here.
Imagine wanting to be a follower to a woman leader. LOL!!!!!
>She is an atheistic commie
Based af.
I'm sure they did.
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Why are all the elites and "science" talking heads coming out of the woodwork to attack this specific man if he's supposed to be just another insane nigger?
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Because he is an insane nigger trying to discredit something else.
4*2=two boxes with four toys each=eight toys
3*9=nine boxes with three toys each=twenty seven toys
5*5=five boxes with five toys each=twenty five toys
2*4=four boxes with two toys each=eight toys
9*3=tree boxes with nine toys each=twenty seven toys
1*8=eight boxes with one toy each=eight toys
8*1=one box with eight toys=eight toys
1*1=one box with one toy=one toy
0*6=six boxes with no toys=no toys=zero toys
6*0=no boxes with six toys each=no toys=zero toys
this the same guy who told you to believe in jussie smollet.
And it was a psyop by some gay jews about trying to discredit one of their victims.
or it is a advertisment so that redpilled npcs get even more scripting.
>anunaki, sacred energies,ancient knowledge,hidden knowledge,fight for truth
every single controlled op does that

guy is a trained actor and very good one at that

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Delete all niggers or all pajeets? Which do you choose and why?

Pajeets include Pakistanis and bengalis, and their diaspora
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Make Homo Erectus Extinct Again
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he's pashtun, closer to afghan than some punjabi
He's a Niazi not a pathan... This is what a Pathan looks like
Niggers, you basically empty out Africa
You're literally a pajeet yourself.

>tfw you work for the bad guys
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The supposedly "good" guys:
>jew and abbo

Two jews.
At least 5 obvious jews there and everyone else looks suspicious.

Iran is also ruled by a jew but (((you))) are too homosexual to mention this.
The whole Middle East was taken over by minions of the british empire after WW1 (this includes the ayatollah, the shah, the nobilties of other shithole countries, ...):


The Muslim royal families are working closely with the European royal families and Black Nobility and they manage Shriners, the Nation of Islam and Five Percenters which are all masonic organizations operating in the United States. The Muslim royalty intermarried with various royal and noble bloodlines after the Moorish invasion around 700 AD. The royal families that came in with the Moors settled in Spain, Portugal and Italy as well as smaller groups in France and Germany. Joseph Ratzinger has a Moor on his papal coat of arms. The British Crown established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the Treaty of Darin and then fully through the Treaty of Jeddah. During WWI the European nations conquered over most of the Mid East and North Africa and then later put into power the royalty which also run the oil fields. Former King Fahd and former King Abdullah were Knights of the British Empire. France and Spain conquered Morocco before granting it independence with the House of Alawite as the reigning monarchs. King Mohammed VI of Morocco is a Knight of the British Empire, French Knight of the Legion of Honour, and Knight of three different Spanish orders as well as a wealthy billionaire.

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Republicans realizing Trump was a bad choice

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Once Trump is in prison we win! 4d chess
If Trump raped and killed these peoples daughters theyd still vote for him
Actually the weakest people in America history
Hopefully a civil war starts to wipe this weak trash out
illegals aliens, dead grandparents & beloved family pets, and 50 ballots filled out by sharrqueefa arent legal votes
Yeah thats why republicans did them
What popular vote?

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got banned for some nigger janny shit. post funny.
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Lmao gottem
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>laughing parents
>multiple shooters found in the woods
>fake police
>fake gun shots
>no victims or crime scene photos
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That's actually what happened by the way. Only time that filename has been posted lmao.
Because they're run by your tribe you retarded pedo, the fag shit is just window dressing.
What a bunch of insufferable faggots
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i used to work there too. i was a janitor. banged a sub one time in the janitor's closet in the main hallway, was your mom really hairy? might have been her.

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>In May 2024, a jury in New York found Trump guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to a hush-money payment to Stormy Daniels in an attempt to influence the 2016 presidential election, making Trump the only former U.S. president to be convicted of a crime. He faces 54 other felony counts in three other indictments: a federal prosecution in Florida related to his mishandling of classified documents; a federal prosecution in Washington, D.C. on charges of conspiracy and obstruction for efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election; and a state prosecution in Georgia on racketeering and other felonies committed in an effort to overturn the state's 2020 election results. In separate civil proceedings in New York state court, Trump was found liable for sexual abuse and defamation in 2023 and for financial fraud in 2024.
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>Alvin Brag case
A literal Frankenstein indictment. Basically, they had to tie a state crime to the idea of a federal crime (for which there is no conviction and the statute of limitations would have expired 6 years ago) in order to get a conviction based on the fact Trump paid too much tax. The payment itself wasn't illegal and there is no actual crime to which to tie the state conviction.

>Fani Willis case
Democrats crying because a bank didn't make enough money, lol. The main thing here is that banks don't just hand out money without doing their own investigation. Representatives from the bank testified that they gave Trump favorable terms specifically because a relationship with him would lead to further business (i.e. they really wanted him as a client) and open pathways into his business circle. Trump paid the money back with the required interest and representatives testified that this particular loan lead to more business and money for the bank.

>E Jean Carrol case
She's an obvious nutjob (you can find various videos of her flakiness online as well as an interview with Anderson Cooper wherein she said "rape is sexy" and awkwardly flirted with him as he rushed to commercial.

What's really going on is the weaponization of the DOJ in order to interfere with an election. It's blatantly obvious to everyone who isn't a complete moron at this point. Even people with extreme TDS admit what it is and argue that destroying legal precedent and weaponizing the courts is a necessary evil.
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Everyone is voting for Trump.
Shut the fuck up
You're not even white. fuck off
I don't care that he's a felon, I care that he's a faggot.

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I own buckets full of honey that never goes bad. You have worthless pieces of paper that lose value every day. Who is more rich in this situation, imperial?
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I submit, honeymaxxer
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Drinking coffee with...honey!
Bring back soup anon or i will kill u
Don't forget peanut butter, that'll last about a century if sealed properly too

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