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Employers pay millions to shift public debate away from wages.
Housing, grocery prices, petrol prices, anything but wages.
Journalists, lobby groups, research groups, university review boards, state service boards, community reference groups, target market research groups. They're all on the take.

If the minimum wage was to rise by a dollar it would cost employers billions, and by extension welfare recipients, pensioners.
That's why they spend a billion dollars a year trying to lower workers wages, distract public debate and bribe political groups.

The groups most likely to be active on wages are the groups most likely to be offered bribes. Let that sink in
Show flag
You're that really special kinda retard huh
Close, but it's actually an additional tax bracket that they will bend over backwards to avoid.
Like take corporate tax rates as an example. That's like a really, really shitty way to tax the rich. But the debate always ends up on that, like magic!

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Bow to your new masters

All it took was a bunch of men to break the hegemony of the West

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Anyone who turns their back on Israel
should be turned in by the civilized world.

Let it be know that if you want to lay with terrorists, be buried with them too.
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they are failed countries heading into a dark time if arab money got to them that far, so pathetic and weak. but it figures. in surprised Sweden is not up there as well but now we have more pathetic countries that are going to fail catastrophically once we deal with them, same as we did with sweden which is not the same country anymore and never will be.

is it fair ? probably not. but might is right and the strong can afford to be disproportionate in using influance and power.

remember what happens to anyone that fucks at us. they gonna be worse than sweden in 10 years over this. in about to invest in this fact that their indexes are going to crash, in fact thats how i made my money.

of course not, its a desperate move to appeal to the islamic world, they are infiltrated from within, only failed countries go against the west.
If Israel keeps existing they'll end up expelling 5.5 million palestinians towards Europe and those would make the Syrian rapefugees look like nuns in comparison. We HAVE to destroy Israel, there's nothing else we can do
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The amount of salty kikes in this thread with VPN,Pissraeli and meme flags in this thread is alarmingly big for a board where 99.99% of the people want them 6'' bellow ground.
I wonder why? Really makes you think hmmm
>whites allow Israel to kill Christians, so long as they kill Muslims, too
or, we can just get rid of Israel and the Zionist politicians in the US, and not have any Muslim refugees

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Why is this not the single biggest issue being spammed on this board and on social media?

>"B-but muh Taylor Swift said wahmen belong in the workplace!"
>"Please notice China and Ukraine!"
>"Trans rights is the most pressing issue right now!"
>"Why are men and women not dating anymore?"

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are you that incapable of accepting that, no, people that organically post here are by and large absolute midwits?
Why is gas going up?
I will be ok too. Let's be ok together.
Idk about him, but I steal everything. Thanks for the new TV cuck lmao.
Yeah but come on it's impossible for anyone to take you seriously when you try and tell us that niggers can fly and fix airplanes.

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Is this the prelude to George Orwell's 1984?
We have to preserve freedom of expression while we still can, lads.
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The substitute reinforces the desire for the genuine. Let's see how many pedos attempt to justify producing child sex pedestalism today with their pulpil.
an absence for an outlet reinforces it even more
republicans love blaming porn for falling birth rates, but when it's about lolicon, they 180 on their position for some reasn
Retards, that was because the idiot sent the generated images to some 15 year old. You can gen terabytes of AI tentacle loli porn on your PC and no one would give a shit about it, unless you show it to some people that might get upset about it.
based retard
Die on this hill faggot. All pedos should be publicly flayed.

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No hymen, no diamond" or "no pusy, no work." Just say you believe in telegony lmao there's no need for the women-hating part. Some men just don't care and continue with their lives, start families, and are happy
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You hold them accountable by not fucking them
Obviously an impossible task to expect of men but still
Unpopular opinion

That is a bit too big
tranny game
the best ass of all time
stretch marks are the cherry on top
>blah blah blah shaming and gaslighting

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damn I look like that dude, the same body type :(

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If I go on pornhub and search jewish woman it is literally only one artist
where do I go if I wanna coom to Jewish women?
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Wrong there is
LMFAO retard.
Last time I posted an infographic detailing searches across porn sites for Jew, Jewish, Kike, Kikess, Jewess vs Christian, Catholic, Mormon, nun, Muslim I got a 30 day ban.
post it
Just look up cuckold porn the cuck and the woman are jewish

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Is Gypsy Crusader a fed?
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Who cares about Palestein?
>inb4 JIDF
Don’t care for the Jews either
he's a pedo cuck
He got tamed well after he got jailed
from catbox suck a dildo live on stream. im not inclined to believe him
can you give me a point in the 38 minute video that has some damning evidence bc i don't have the patience to watch all this
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Is the fact that we've all been conceived unsettling to you?
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>dick is nearly as big as mine
I was cursed by the gods.
You just said it Ingests the amniotic fluid and poops it out
It's all up in the eyes and stuff
blessed, may the holy spirit guide you, anon.
no because it doesnt matter
there will always be a you experiencing reality one way or another
you arent aware of the times you dont exist
>did you circumcise your children?
No, I didn't circumcise my son. I couldn't stomach the idea of causing him pain over a cosmetic surgery. I figure, worst case, he can elect to have it done as an adult.

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What the fuck is Norway's problem?
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>conceptions of justice
Fuck the Jews. TKD. Norway is BASED
>modern science
Not from jews
Not from jews
>quantum theory
Einstein played a small part but it was more Schrodinger Bohr etc, mostly non jews
jews had very minimal contribution
>conceptions of justice

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
fuck off kike
>commit crime
>get international arrest warrant
>What the fuck is Norway's problem?
not enough exposure to sun, their brains start to rot and their dicks shrivel.

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China starts military drills around the self-governed island of Taiwan.

According to Chinese state-run media: The state-run Xinhua news agency said the Eastern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army started the drills at 7:45am (23:45 GMT) on Thursday in the Taiwan Strait, the north, south and east of Taiwan, as well as areas around the islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu and Dongyin.

Is it finally happening?


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>muh geedeepee
My man most of the chinese gdp is scammers scamming each other with fake construction materials, and developers building plaster and styofoam/corn cob filled meme skyscrapers.
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>People’s Liberation Army started the drills at 7:45am
I knew something was weird about today
>muh numbers
The PLA has no actual battlefield experience though, of course the US hasn't had any since WW2, but the chinese military is entirely inexperienced, and is staffed by weak cowardly scamming chinks fed a diet of fake plastic rice and flammable petro-cheese.
Fuck globohomo.

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New polling is out showing Zoomers hate America, God, children, patriotism, and life much more than boomers. Why is this generation so negative and miserable?
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I hate chud tards. they ruin everything with their low IQ horseshit. of course, the left also has it's crazy people, but categorically I prefer crazy intelligent people to subhuman morons.
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LOL we know.
Zoomers are Boomers except poorer, that is all.
Boomers are the commies. No generation in all of history has created as much centralization, bureaucracy, red tape and anti-capitalist sentiment as the boomers.
I'm alright. I hate America in its current form but the Phoenix hasn't risen yet. This goes for the whole world. I'm still learning a lot, and I have learned a lot through years of study and trying to get to the bottom of things. All of my studies have, as of this moment, led me to Tibetan Bon and the Shamanism it grew out of.
>cow flesh is carcinogenic
Propaganda. Red Skull is still entertaining though.

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Save the penguins!
>Smell so bad it almost crashed a jetliner.
holy fuck, east india isn't nearly as bad as the east side-n that tells me 99% of that red comes from bangladesh. how are they THAT much worse?
Its the damn Ganges river
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What causes the controversy behind them? What’s the highest difference in age that you’re willing to put up with in a relationship?

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Has anyone else experienced this? After fapping I've noticed my cum is a lot thinner and less chunkier than what it used to be. It also smells like wet tissue. Anyone knows if this is related to the vaxx? I got 2x Moderna shots in 2021 to travel to Disney World for a week.
No because I'm not vaxxed

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>Moshe McGinnis
He’s still shilling?
Aww sh*cks,what a tr*gedy! Canada's *pstein island! Looks like Trudeau's scr*wed now! Too b*d. What a f*g!
Some pretty insane things went down at Robert Picktons farm and there are still a lot of unanswered questions about it. Nothing will happen to Trudeau though. Fucking guy has massive scandals multiple times a year and nothing happens to him
Canada was going to give him day parole just like the chink illegal alien that chopped off that leafs head on the bus. Canada is a danger to civilized society.

This is why his wife divorced him.

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why do white people do this ?
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Necessary Cultural Enrichment
white ones are
Jews, you ignorant cunt. The answer to these asinine questions is always jews. Who is vastly overrepresented among porn producers, advertising executives, film producers and news media outlets, pumping countless hours of miscegenation propaganda into the minds of a rapidly degenerating populace? Fucking JEWS. And shame on us for not kicking them the fuck out of our nations the moment they started pulling this shit.
christkikery raped their daughter

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When is it going to collapse?
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be the collapse you want to see in the world, anon.
Meme it enough, and it'll happen.
Why would it collapse.
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is that actual warping or is that a photograph artifact? and is it normal for those structures to bend over time? any civil engineers wanna chime in
At a strategically significant time I'd hope.

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lol this describes at least every other black I've seen
It's Jynx from Pokemon
don't fuck with those beautiful proud Blonde black queenz!
>oh no you didn't!

>oh yes I did!
LOL is that a blonde wee-ig?

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