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1954 Lavon affair
1955 israel stole hundreds of pounds of weapon grade plutonium from US stockpiles
1963 AIPAC formation without foreign agents registration act
1967 Israeli Attack on US navy to try and drag us into arab wars
1975 Oil guarantee
1978 US starts paying bribes to middle east to maintain status quo
1980-81 Israeli interference in US elections to defeat Jimmy carter. They actively performed clandestine operations in Iran to prevent US citizen hostage release during his tenancy of the white house.
1980 Technological espionage begins, ITAR restricted items that could be incorporated into trigger components of nuclear bombs stolen in mass quantities. Milco, former employer of Netanyahu.
1982 Sabra and Shatila massacres. Intentionally misled US investigators which lead to the bombing of the Lebanon Marine barracks in 1983. - We invaded another country to protect israel from public ire.
1985 Johnathan Pollard incident
1987 yearly payments from US exceed 20 billion a year.
1990 The gulf war. Saddam was going to leave Kuwait if Israel backed off Palestine. We know what happened instead.
1993 ADL Spying scandal
1993 AIPAC/ David Steiner hot mic on how his israeli organization has US politics by the balls and how he sold Jewish votes for 10 Billion aid dollars. paying for rigged polls etc etc.
1993 Israel caught selling US state secrets to China.
1996 GAO Spy report.
2000-2003 AIPAC lobbys US congress and bush admin to cancel food for oil trade program with Iraq and enforce sanctions. AIPAC blocks bill for NGO distribution of food and medicine to civilian population.
2001 The tape claiming responsibility for 9/11 states motivation was the unabashed support of the israeli apartheid regime. / Dancing israelis and corresponding arrest statements on us being on the same side now.
2001 Israeli spy deportations
2003 Iraq war.....
2005 AIPAC Spying scandal. Lobbied Jane Harman (Dual citizenship congresswoman) to drop the charges........
2008 Israel phosphorous attacks on refugee camp
2010 Israel caught stealing more modernized nuclear device triggers.
2010 Atlantic magazine amongothers found to have been bribed for biased reporting on palestinians and israel.
2012 Andrew adler claims israel reserves the right to assassinate unfriendly US presidents. claims obamas assassination was deliberated.
2012 Bilzerian reports that all aid adjusted for inflation comes to $16,000.00 per US citizen.

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>be Brian Baumeister
>be gay
>repress those feelings and bury them deep inside
>get married
>have kids
>only have sex with your wife 6 times in 25 years
>spend life seducing gay male prostitutes at a gay bar in Indianapolis and killing them on your farm
>dispose of bodies by grinding them up, possibly using a wood chipper
>apologize to police for leaving a mess in your suicide note after you blow your brains out in your car

Think of how many children this man saved. He ran while others walked.

Happy Pride Month!
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he's like a blue collar roy cohn
>identify communist infiltrators in state dept
>get them drunk and lock them in room with little boys
>cleanse the state dept of communists
Asmongold face.

holy shit, airplanes plying to other continents cost money?

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Wtf is their problem?
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In fairness though I suppose eunuchs are forbidden from becoming Buddhist monks
Insane amounts of projection lmao
average poltard incapable of discussion and hater of freedom
Based and reasonable pilled
Because atheists aren't indoctrinated by religion into hating things that don't affect them. It helps that they're (generally) more scientifically literate too.
Nothing. They disagree about treating trans ppl and then their trans patients go get treatment elsewhere. Oh sorry, they also get btfo in medical studies but they just ignore that so we will too ;)
>thinking a strawman is representative of the situation
>I haven't spent more than 30 seconds reading about these ideas therefore they don't make sense
t. kraut anon, it seems you're still suffering from

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>reddit spacing
Right wingers would prefer Christians fuck all the children.

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Why do rightwingers keep trying to redefine what lefties make to support them?
Why not just go into an english major and make their own stuff?
Is it because rightwingers are too heccing logical for something as lying as a work of fiction?
Or is it they cant maintain the power of the Jew holding them as rightwing when they encounter the field of Jews that are leftwing?

And wehn you cry direction brain while responding, state your position
Im curious to see where you fall
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>they solved scarcity of resources
they still have all kinds of scarcity problems, but feeding the population is peanuts
it's ok to rape diana in the holodeck just as long as you go to therapy with her and talk about it
DS9 was the only gud 1,but a work of fiction non the less that easily impresses Lumpenproles
Star Trek is a post scarcity society, if resources become infinite, a new social hierarchy would emerge. it would look a lot like socialism, but not globohomo though.
Yeah, because he was doing it while he was supposed to be in a work meeting or something. It wasn't really his holodeck time, but he was there anyway.

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Normies are becoming redpilled every day on the nigger question thanks to this brave and stunning white woman
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Well she's one of the big ones I'd agree but not the main one. Ever since Obama's second term more and more niggers get exposed.
Reminder that they've done this shit since, well, forever
It's really funny because you can tell the sheboons hate her because she's pretty, the hair on her head is different from the hair on her genitalia, her nostrils are small and not flared like a horse, etc.
My take on her is that she is too weak. She needs to spend a year spending millions on the best drugs and trainers money can buy from the Nike Corporation. Put on 20 pounds of muscle and come back. Should also put in a season at some random European team owned by Saudis for some reason. She will learn how to be tough from various Polish and Serbian bitches. Then in 2026 she returns to the WNBA. Once some nigger tries to bash into her she is going to be so jacked up and honed to a fine point, she's going to throw a shoulder at the nigger and bust open her nose and that bullshit gonna stop real quick.

She is only 157 pounds soaking wet its not enough for a pro league.
have sex incel

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I had a hot girl ask me to go protest Trump with her because she has a delusion that the Trump boomers will attack her. I have no issues shitting on Trump because he's not going to do any of the shit he promised just like last time. But I'm not on her side politically either.

Should I do it?
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get that cum out bro
Go, Have sex after. Yell MAGA, when you blow your load. Wipe your dick off on her curtains, and leave
Do you actually think this pussy OP has enough balls or intelligence to go with that NTR like fantasy? That would actually work if he knew how to do it, but this guy is asking in 4chan what to do.
yes, sex is sex, and sexhavers need to bend their morals occasionally to nail down the pussy, it is what it is
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This is correct, most women have their worldview fully shaped by Jewish media, so not talking about politics with them is necessary if you want to have sex
If you simply tell a woman that they're wrong, you aren't having sex either

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>be Norwegian
>walk the streets of Scotland
>random Scottish woman 'want to shag northman'
>'nah I think you have vitamins that my body don't need atm but thanks for asking'
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I read it as her asking him, want to shag northman? Referring to himself as northman would seem weird.
>if it's her saying he's got vitamins he doesn't need I see it as she's just a hippy witchy health food store crystals woman.
and you WILL be HAPPY
and this is a joke about Norwegians being obtuse and literal?....
either way it's ambiguous in your writing who is asking who, what
lmao consistent as usual

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Are Eastern Europeans with Nordic features seen as superior in Eastern Europe? This guy is Ukrainian and look Nordic as fuck.
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Only pure nordic russo-viking you would find would be some ancient 90yo living in Siberia if they existed and had white genes that was banished there during soviet reign.
I love all my Slavic and northwestern European brethren. If a Polish flag is ever shitting on Russians you better believe it’s a ukie
If a Polish flag is ever NOT shitting on russianiggers you better believe it’s a rooskie on a VPN
you all are platinum blond during childhood. that's a genetic traits of the people in northern europe/baltic region
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That was my hair as well. let me get the pic of it. Literally my hair color evolution on display.

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How can Arizona become based again and get the Californians and Mexicans to fuck off?
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>gets mauled by lions and jaguars
No one cares about Internet based. Moment you care about circlejerks you'll find yourself in a vulnerable mindset. Barry Goldwater was a useful idiot. On a side note, his Wikipedia has a JoJo referenc. Isn't that so cool and epic and sigma??
Arizona will get more conservative this election season.

Trump and Lake are gonna win.
Arizona is a fine state that will survive the rest of time but there's no reason to not pay respect to equate Barry Goldwater to the true heroes like the Dark Anglos phenotype in the form of Ben Franklin and H.P. Lovecraft

>"Maybe if I pretend Info wars is about to get shut down I'll get some of that trump donation money"
I give his show about two more weeks

Femboy summer

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And this too
If you want to know what kind of man women date or settle down with, just look at couples around you. Statistics on hypotheticals are basically worthless.
That's a lot of psychobabble just to say
>Chad fucks, beta bux
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You're welcome.

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F to pay respects
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She was drinking 2000 USD Champagne when her country was burning. I hope she suffered a lot.
>calling other people butchers
It's amazing to me that she never left her husband, she stood by his side against the whole world.
How do you get a loyal wife?
He kept the real butchers in line.
Fuck man, that's sad. She was a really classy woman. Seemed like a good wife and mother. And a "good mother" is unironically the highest praise one can give to a woman. Rest in peace Asma.

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Manitoba, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island have been conquered by foreign Indian nationals. They are able to protest and press demands for extended work permits and have received concessions from the respective provincial governments each time.

Now in the jeet epicentre, Brampton, they have once again gathered in force to demand work permit extensions. Up to 70,000 may possibly join.

They smell blood in the water. What are the long-term implications of foreign nationals being able to successfully make demands of provincial Canadian governments with the express purpose of fucking over the native workers?
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>you deserve it for what your ancestors did
i wanna strangle you genocidal self-righteous faggots who say shit like this l
It's funny until it happens to you. Because once jeets set up, it's fucking over. The community is dead. They will wreck it faster than anybody.
They are still comical people though let's admit that.
imagine if canadians did this lmao
If Canadians did this you bet their bank accounts would be frozen and forcibly imprisoned by the Jewish state. Can't get out of line between the Jewish neoliberalism and Jewish neoconservatives and Jewish progressives oy vey.

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>Free Speech LLC gets shut down
>starts X-Wars on twitter with Emeric Jones
>supreme court overturned non competes
>liability shield under FCC social media act
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I'm not sure people want the truth.
Why do you look like Kirby ate Tucker Carlson, Wayne?

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>If you paid out of your own pocket
How is that supposed to be a counter? Only retards pay out of pocket. Not having medical insurance is a choice, and insurance companies never actually pay the stated price, they always negotiate it down.
>How is that supposed to be a counter? Only retards pay out of pocket. Not having medical insurance is a choice, and insurance companies never actually pay the stated price, they always negotiate it down.
And that's the beauty of a medical system paid by taxes. Of course our system isn't perfect. Filippa Reinfeldt Memorial Hospital aka Nya Karolinska is a testament to that. But there's no...haggling? in our system.
No individual need to haggle. Its done between two companies and has very little influence on the people buying healthcare. Nothing you have said thus far has any bearing whatsoever on the quality or affordability of healthcare.
oh yeah
local globalist oposition is always shilling for €
so I am happy not to have it.
its key but Orban is a globalist in disguise and its only a matter of time before you either leave the EU or become gayniggerfaggots and trannies like the rest of us, no one in NATO and the EU is save from this inevitable faith on a long enough timeline.
i wish the US goes down and we can retake Europe, or Russia marches in, otherwise we are all cooked.

They have slowly turnedEminem more nigger looking and now he looks completely African.
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Better than he's been doing for the last 10 years or so; and that's looking like a middle-aged white lesbian.
Is he playing himself as his old self or is it a lookalike or AI?
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Looks like the Tranny Janny didn't ban you anon.
Tell me anon, how do you feel about that Tranny Janny, in detail.
this basically confirms that theory about pulling back woke stuff and bringing back the white guy energy, they even brought slim shady back to say faggot
>A nobody

How did we get to the point where it's humorous to watch soldiers get blown up in war? To be crippled, maimed, tortured, etc. That "Russians are subhumans" mentality. This is inherently a /k/ phenomenon, on no other board is there such anti-Russian sentiment. It's very inorganic but I'd love to be proven wrong here and that there is simply this many people that love to dehumanize an entire nation and gleefully watch them suffer.
Even though many if not most of these soldiers did not choose to go to the battlefield (Russia has conscription) or are from very poor rural areas and the military was their only chance at feeding their family.
These are real humans with their own lives, families, sons, daughters, parents and people just laugh when they die because they have faulty genetics or something?
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>Ukraine became ''sovereign'' because their nomenklatura in late 80's decided to separate from USSR. That's it.
Lol, wrong. Ukraine attempted to separate into its own nation in the 1917 when the Russian Empire collapsed. This is not some new trend. Russia had treated the region like SHIT. Then Russia treated them even worse with their invented famine killing millions. The Ukrainian SSR even had its own seat at the UN separate from the USSR on its founding.
>Then they propagandized rest of population into wanting it.
pure headcannon.
>Since 2014, it does.
Do you think MAYBE it has something to do with the Russian aggression? Annexing Crimea? Donbas?
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Kill yourself Russian, no cap!!!!
>die russian subhuman retard
Kek, this
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sorry fren, you seemed to have forgotten to respond to me. so is russia the rightful successor of ukraina, cossacks, moscovites, walachians, tartars? or is this just a modern nation reaching into a past it has no connection to in order to attempt to seize land it desires? if they're not really even ukes but just russians, why fight so hard to avoid becoming russians again? this logic, if you can even call it that, then dictates that russians should just be mongolians because that's who owned them before.

russia has long pretended to have an ancient and powerful past, but the modern conception of russia as a nation is so new as to be practically untethered to europe until the 19th century. i don't understand why it is that so commonly it feels the need to pretend that it had a unified identity before then. there's nothing wrong with being a young nation. there is something wrong with being one who kills all those around them in the name of 'protecting' them.

if they want to be something else, and are willing to fight for it. ill hand them a gun. the neighbors of russia are continuously coerced, and attempt to find a way to defend themselves from the coercion. fucking poland basically blackmailed their way into NATO. i am not inclined to believe that the victim here is russia when everyone wants to get as far the fuck away from it as possible.

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Where's me Freedom! I want a Private Menagerie for breeding Hybrid Exotic Cats!
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Only thing is Pallas Cats are deadly vulnerable to many Domesticated Cat Viruses.
what is this? it looks cute
>imagine breeding a tiger with progressively smaller cats until you got a mini-tiger
wtf is that real?
>breeding Hybrid Exotic Cats!
what exactly do you mean by this?
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Asian Golden Cat.
That though.

What sort of supernatural explanations will American survivors of a nuclear invent to explain what happened to them?
Nukes are fake
Nukes are fake and gay
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That is why they would come up with a supernatural explanation, sweety.
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That is why Americans would believe it was angels or aliens. Everyone know bombs are not that big.
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None. Because the Atomic Preisthood will craft the best possible narrative to dissuade the unworthy from disseminating information and materials that can be used to do harm

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