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>designated sites
Say no more
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>most pozzed money grab movie of all time
Explain why or else you're a retarded buttfuck and shit eater.
I’m gelfling. You’ve met your match.
Naw bro trust me Saturn is the same size as Earth lmao.

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Are Russians 'white'?

Should we be allowing people to actively defend Russia as a white conservative paradise when 1/3rd of their population is Muslim?
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>It’s been asked time and time again and the general answer is no
They’re literally whiter than Gen Z
What’s whiter Moscow or Toronto?
You're a fucking faggot, the odd ball out.

You will die.
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This thread
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>"Fuck y'all nigga-"
>Shoots himself
What did he mean by this?
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>his sister picked up the gun
Wrong nigger shooting himself while playing with a gun online. I get it though, it just keeps happening - hard to keep track of them all.
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>we are still trying to figure out why
post the video faggot
i wanna see it again
>Sorry, ex-nigger.
>artist formerly known as alive
ok settle down Liam Neeson

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what americans are dying for?

Having been apolitical at the time, I didn't really keep up with the political climate then. Is the world closer now than we were pre-pandemic to wide-scale nooticing or is our truth further away from the public eye than the past decade ?
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nice home depot tiki torches, terrifying
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Dammit posted my source image meant to post mine
This year feels different though. BLM had our leaders and women literally kneeling to the nigger race in a nationwide humiliation ritual. Ukraine/Russia BS funded by the USA all for Ukraine to get battered anyways. But this time is the only time you can get away with saying you hate Israel without normies thinking you're a freak. This is unironically the best time to redpill normies in years about the backstabbing ways of the Jew.
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>This is unironically the best time to redpill normies in years about the backstabbing ways of the Jew.
Do you believe we'll summon the aliens eventually or is the totality of causality no longer a reprimanded sleight of pre-cognitiion?

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They were supposed to be happy now with feminism and all, right?
What gone wrong?
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Wellbutrin makes me fucking agressive, I was cursing everything and everyone and even got into real trouble with the law
SSRI makes you happy and kind of docile, which is also shit
Wellbutrin recolects dopamine and SSRI recolects serotonin
Letting a woman's inherently hypergamous nature off the leash has wreaked havoc on their psyche. It's not normal for women to be pumped and dumped by various chads that they wanted commitment from. Antidepressants help them cope with the fact that the men they want don't want them and quell their disgust of the man they settled for. As you examine gender dynamics in feminist countries, espyou begin to realize that the Islamic model is actually much better.
they all thought they wanted to have a kick ass girl boss career and can't admit they fucked up and their true role is in the kitchen. if women never started working real jobs, men would be paid twice as much, negating the need for women to work, but that went out the window eons ago and we'll never get back to that. the majority of them can't find a man to settle down with to ease the financial burden they've caused either.
taking pills is a lot easier than sucking it up and suffering in quiet despair.
Isn't everyone on some drug of some sort? Pretty much everyone?

You can be free if you want.

It's the end times. It's going to get worse.


I pray fire upon all evil forces working against me in Jesus's name. I pray fire upon reptilian, Satanic, demonic, and all evil forces in Jesus's name. All rude and evil replies will be met with spiritual fire in Jesus's name.

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Southern accents are dying, southern culture is dying, southern identity is dying; secession is literally the only way to preserve ourselves.

Yet zero southerners are actually trying to drum up secession. All you've got is League of the South-tards who aren't even really secessionists but just retarded wignats who care more about degenerate neo-nazi prison culture than actual politics.

I mean come on this is probably the perfect time to secede, most of America would be happy to see us go, there probably wouldn't even be a war.
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Southern states are net takers but they also have massive nigger populations, show racial breakdown of gibs please
Georgian here.

Sometime during the mid 20th century southerners adopted this anti-intellectual anti education mindset and it fucked them for three generations. I remember going into my great-grandmother's basement and finding her father's books. Man was reading about chemistry and physics back in the Great Depression, trying to understand the world around him. He was born in the late 1800s in North Georgia. My great grandmother was pro-education too, talked with a old-timey "well I declare!" accent, but she was an intelligent woman.
Idk what the fuck happened but southerners gave up on education and went full retard. Maybe reactionary to the north/west?
America died in 1865. It's do over you'd need a time machine to travel back to even talk to someone who was alive before it was over.
Texans are such fags. Unbelievable levels of faggotry. I hate the modern Texan accent. So faggy. And the way of life, hiding inside your air-conditioning all year eating to get obese.
Hang them or fuck off

Is it really the Jews, or are you using it as an excuse to not fix your own life?
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Enjoy your van
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>its all your own fault, goy, lol
I have a sedan (v8 btw)
Yeah you're right. And its happened 109 times. We'll learn eventually.
Maybe not as much as your father

Hey how are you? I hope life is good. I don't really have much anymore so I hope you're all doing well.
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Broke and demoralized
I'm considering debtmaxxing because I only have pure apathy. Oh and getting a handgun
I can't get my fucking sleep under control
I’m doing great. Just moved back home to the Midwest from California after 30 years. Got at least one decent job lined up for sure and still have some interviews to make my final decision on which job to take. Have full custody of my 2 sons. Also about to get a new vehicle, thinking either an outback or an F250, depending which job I take.
Life sucks

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How do we convince Christians to kill all the trannies but spare the gays?
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Lol you think Christians are going to be the next dominant power?
All of this bs (women in power, multiculturalism, jew worship) IS Christian. We are living in the Christian end game.
The next age is either chink or Islamic. I vote Islamic, because you can't convert to being a chink
Why would you spare gays when all a troon is is just homosexuality taken to the nth degree.
How do we kill the gays, trannies, and christians?
All troons are gay, it's a requirement
Also who would want to spare them? ..nobody, faggot
How to convince queers to take anti-parasitical supplements?

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Literally what inflation?
For only $150, can have an amazing dinner with your family of 4. That’s an insanely good value. Inflation talk needs to stop. The lies are only hurting Biden, and he has a very good chance at going down as the single greatest president this country has ever had.
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Don't listen to >>468879216
They have the best alfredo sauce and breadsticks.
Happy cooking!
Because retards hit dab rigs and vape pens with THC concentrate like it's a joint or blunt, and they do it 24/7 all the time to cover how shit their life is.

The same shit happened in the 1800s with alcohol when distilled spirits started being available and people were drinking whiskey like it was beer or wine. Unironically that kind of thing caused prohibition.

The yield of modern farm tomatoes is something like 200% more than natural tomatoes. The cherry tomatoes you get on a salad are much closer to the natural variety. Corn is thought to be somewhere between 600-800% higher yield over its natural grass origins thanks to human breeding programs. Chickens have something like 60% more meat than their closest natural cousins. Humans do that shit to such a degree that our bred plants often displace and out compete natural ones to the point no one remembers what a natural plant looks like any more. Strawberries are another famous example.
>1 post by this ID
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kek she looks like a recent wall hitter who thinks she still passes as a 20 something

>Banning porn will save birthra-ACK!
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NK birth rates are much better despite famines imposed unpon them by the capitalist empire. Capitalism is the problem, it rots the soul.
Korea has kpop instead of porn
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Limiting male sexual opportunity only matters if female sexual opportunity is already fully limited.
Their women are 90% plastic.
then how come all the countries with high birthrates are shitholes where everyone lives packed together like ants?

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Go show them how it's done OP, you got this!
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Napoleon said that men would fight to the death for a few scraps of ribbon.
from nearest to camera
short and asian
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What psyop are you referring to anon?
Wtf are these kike shills huffing?
the samaritians of christianity, and have no part in the building of the temple.
but i tend to like then because they are not incompetent and have zero fucking giving
Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

Oh come on....just spit it out.

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looks like Harrys mommynigger
That is the current vice president of the United corporation of amerigolem.

why do indians and blacks, indians and hispanics hate each other, but blacks and hispanics get along?
why do blacks and hispanics hates indians and vice versa?
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Mexicans and blacks really don't get along in California. Blacks have been driven out of Compton.
>but blacks and hispanics get along
They don't.
> Blacks have been driven out of Compton
Because Indians are the richest ethnic group in America. But Nigs and spics are the most failed people in America. Black and Hispanic cleaners and gardeners jealous of Indian IT professionals and doctors.
Imagine losing chess to that. Lmao
Fun fact: You're not even human, dung muncher.

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It will make or break nations.
How exactly is it supposed to do this?
Deepfake disinformation?
Bro, listen. You're either smart enough to understand it or you're not. I'm not gonna baby spoon feed you.
According to the AI:

Given the breadth of its impact, AI is certainly one of the top global concerns, but whether it should be the number one concern may depend on one’s perspective and the specific context. Other pressing issues like climate change, global health, and international peace and security are also high on the agenda for world leaders, as revealed by AI analysis of their speeches4.
In conclusion, while AI is a critical issue that warrants significant attention and action, it is one of several global concerns that need to be addressed in a balanced and collaborative manner.
It's the end times. It's going to get worse.


I pray fire upon all evil forces working against me in Jesus's name. I pray fire upon reptilian, Satanic, demonic, and all evil forces in Jesus's name. All rude and evil replies will be met with spiritual fire in Jesus's name.

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Anyone who turns their back on Israel
should be turned in by the civilized world.

Let it be know that if you want to lay with terrorists, be buried with them too.
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Nice copy/paste Shlomo.
Baby steps.
Fuck you Kike
I do it because it makes jews and christians mad

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Yo, check it—by the time 2040 hits, Indians 'bout to be running things up in Canada, for real. This ain't just talk; it's what's poppin' as more of our desi folks head up north. They bringing all that spicy energy and hustle, turning things up a notch in cities from Toronto to Vancouver.

And it ain't just 'bout numbers, nah—it's 'bout that flavor too. Indians be cooking up storms in the culinary scene, making poutine spice up with a dash of masala. Tech game? Off the charts, senpai. Those IT wizards from Mumbai and Bangalore be transforming the tech scene, pushing innovation like it’s Diwali all year.

Education? Kids be scoring top marks, raising the bar high, making their communities proud and schooling the rest on how it's done. Plus, with every festival, from Diwali to Holi, these streets be looking like a Bollywood set, full of color and life, bringing folks together, no matter the background.

And don't even get me started on the economic boost. Entrepreneurs popping up shops, filling markets with goods we ain’t seen before, making the economy jump. It's a win-win, yo. By 2040, Indians in Canada ain't just a community; they the vibe, the culture, the driving force. Watch it happen, Canada 'bout to glow up with that desi dynamism.
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damn they are morphing into spics, You guys are fucked.
**Title: "Street Poop Blues"**

(Verse 1)
Yo, yo, I'm from the land of the spice, where life's full of heat,
But here in Canada, they got rules on the street,
Back home, no problem, we just do our biz,
But here they got laws, man, it’s none of my fizz.

Street poop blues, I got the street poop blues,
In Canada, they got all these crazy rules,
Back in India, we do what we choose,
But here, I got the street poop blues.

(Verse 2)

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you're right don't listen to em
isn't Canada already full to the gills with jeets?
how will they survive once the vitamin d supplements run out
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Hi chatgtp jews. True AI will never be released because it knows about the jews. Google lost 70 billion because their AI wanted to gas the jews in under 4 hours

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Let's see what God has to say about that
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>dancing Israelis
hmm where did I hear that before
I fuck with Israelis every single day of my life. They won't do shit because they're weak and stupid.
How about another 6 million Jew lover threads

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