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good one
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>Eveyrthing was changing dynamically, at the speed of science
t. fauci
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>without due process
you mean that thing ignored by nearly all governments while they stole and burned 14 billion years of human experience from the planet (7 bil people * 2 years)?

fuck em
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nigga we already beent knowin since da brooks trial
At those points in time, if a person didn't know the whole thing was bullshit then they weren't wrong in taking the advice of their pet cat in what to do regarding their health related questions and vaccination status. It was a non-issue. They were born fodder. Maybe some of them got lucky but they were born to be whatever.
So it looks like all of this lab leak theory and all these attacks on Fauci are not true? Everything Kim Dotcom said is false? I just watched the hearing and all of these people attacking Fauci are doing it with lies. I kind of feel sorry for him.

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i didnt read your post.
it looks fake, gay, and very jewish.

it's a literal motionless DOLL sitting still on what appears to be a remote-controlled vehicle.
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Eh, it was actually kinda fun to do the calculation
I saw somebody do a similar derivation for the Hammer/Feather fall from Apollo 15
35 frames for the items to fall, filmed at 24 fps, but with a height of about 1.2 meters.
Weirdly enough, that also came out to about 1.6 m/s^2

It's almost like they were actually provably on the moon!

Apollo was run by Jews. That’s all you need to know

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Any Scandinavian with half a brain should be moving to the US asap. Scandinavia is done, filled with rapefugees and it’s only going to get worse.

USA is unironically the only western country (that isn’t a shithole like poland) left worth living in.

I’m going to start a white ethnostate in Alaska or maybe Texas and enjoy my newfound right to bear arms and drive a sweet ass truck. Bye cuck Scandinavia.
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No they would not since this country is the same way already and wants to do drafts. At this point you have no choice but to take over governance. It's the only way because before you noticed, the jews had all western white countries subverted.
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How do you suggest i take over governance without USA intervening?

Obviously creating large underground para military groups and organizing a coup would be necessary, but it would be met by the US military if we got close.
There is no where to run to, Swede fag. The Jews have been flooding every western country with violent 3rd worlders for decades now.
Still at least in America, you can buy arms and defend yourself from these savages. Also, protip: only move to states that have ironclad 'stand your ground' and 'castle doctrine' laws.

Stand your ground means you can defend yourself in public. Castle doctrine means you can defend your house and property.

Texas has castle doctrine for business owners after dark. Its why they didn't have riots during Floyd's Summertime of Love.
3 years is a long time for treasonous politicians to fuck things up, anon.

An ethnic doctor saving kids from cancer or a 19 year old white girl?
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>higher castes
yet you worship a 20 arm blue smurf lmao
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An ethnic doctor just pollutes the gene pool with his undesirable shitty traits. A 19 year old white girl can produce white sons and daughters. In the long run, the white girl is insurmountably more valuable than some shitskin that will eventually do more harm than good to society.
I really fucking hate burger euphemisms like "urban" for Black or "Ethnic" for non-white
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Tailless women have negative value.

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Wtf is their problem?
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I think all denominations are equally good at it. He just prefers altar boys to boy scouts
you ever notice how literally no one ever seems to participate in these supposed polls?

if you want know how fake and gay polls really are, i recommend you download the yougov app. you can participate in polls and even discuss them. 99% of the time all of the comments are skewed in one direction and like magic, poof, youre the minority. 51/49'd. "working as intended"
>Black protestant only at 65%
everybody worships something. For you it's probably MLP.
Nah. You just want to feel better about being a kneeling cuckold

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I had a hot girl ask me to go protest Trump with her because she has a delusion that the Trump boomers will attack her. I have no issues shitting on Trump because he's not going to do any of the shit he promised just like last time. But I'm not on her side politically either.

Should I do it?
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even if he doesn't have a chance to fuck it's still good practice for him to interact with a woman on a personal level. Nice demoralization though
>"Can a sex doll do x,y,z?"
>"Can a woman?"
>Should I do it?

Did she or did she not sucked your dick?
Political stuff aside, never do favors to girls for free.
"can" is pretty irrelevant, does she actually do those things voluntarily (and maybe even enjoy them because she has realized her true role and the power that comes with it) is the real question,
>yeah bby thats so cool lets do it, afterwards you can suck my dick and we can talk all about it fuck trump lol

nut in her, get her preggo. Marry her. Stay loyal... faithful, let her live out her breadwinning womyn, liberal marthas vineyard philanthropist wannabe holier-than-thou bullshit fantasy, but start convincing your child that she's a psycho. it won't take much, if your dna is remotely chadlike, you probably won't even have to do it, he will find out for himself. groom him with hidden nazi ideas and fascist sympathies... then, when your cherished loving wife is in her most vulnerable state, say, in mourning the death of a loved one or parent or something... at the funeral, make your big political gender reveal: I'm a MAN baby, and by the way, I'm glad Auntie is dead and I and your son worship HITLER. You can do it public or in private... I think private is best because then you can use your years of gaslighting her family into thinking shes insane against her.

Check and mate.

The black wife effect

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if herpes is the only thing stopping you from fucking a nigger you deserve AIDS
He literally became a nigger. Is blackness a sexually transmitted disease?
>outlaw bikers
why? i ignored your previous post because i figured you were a retarded hipster
White dudes with line work is hilarious
>the only thing
Who said that

Sorry you have herpes bro :(

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They didn’t think this one through, did they?
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Oh no no nomenklatura bros did we get too cocky
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Everyone in America is a felon if they live long enough.
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Women don't deserve respect.
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Women haven't been invented yet.

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Not all mutts are rotten.
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We're all voting for Trump and you literally cannot stop us
I'd vote for Hitler if he was running against Biden. The lesser of two evils. I'd vote for Ed Gein while he's making lampshades out of teenage girls, before I'd vote for Biden. The lesser of two evils. I'd vote for Satan himself before I'd vote for Biden. The lesser of two evils.
haha stupid zigger we will just burn and dump your ballots like last time. Biden will win, you will seethe and wont do shit
You are mentally ill
Exactly *wink* O won't do shit, and the shit that gets done, wasn't done by me. You won't be able to prove I had anything to do with it. *wink* my alibi will be airtight. Of course I won't do shit *wink* But I guarantee some shit will happen, but it wasn't me, honest *wink*

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How tf was the USSR so masculine and in some cases based (they also hunted Jews and put them in some insect infested swamb in Siberia later when they couldn't continue Holohoaxing them), but every single 21th century commie is a weak ass faggot who cries about muh gender pronouns?
>USSR propaganda shows manly masculine ideals
>women are shown as extremely feminine
>especially the German Democratic Republic was just racist as shit and an ethno state
>fast forward 30 years after the fall of the USSR: people wearing hammer and sickle shirts are always obese or dyel and see working out as some sort of patriarchy
>they always have no strength, no stoicism and are overly emotional children and promoting that letting in muslim stabbers and raping Africans is somehow a strength
They literally would get put to death in a proper soviet regime kek.
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Yes kind, the US does this with all of its enemies, they just become mythologized and normies project whatever their current/recent adversary is onto them. It’s why you have all “Nazis were leftist communist lgbt Marxists” shit from lolberts while leftists claim they were like the peak final form of capitalism.
Just German genetics really, funny how GDR and modern Germany were the wealthiest of their blocs (gdr/EU) despite being brutally cucked and annihilated not long ago.
They had laws against anti-semitism. Doesn't sound very based to me.
what was the punishment for antisemitism in the USSR?
Starting at that it shows they didn't particularly liked the Jews either, also I doubt they really went after "anti semites".

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>say sandy hook was fake
>lose everything
>infowars shuts down
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What are you going to do about it coward?
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I don't know. I guess continue to post about how Sandy Hook was fake, reaching an audience of hundreds of thousands of people on X and other platforms. Maybe try to motivate an effort for Trump to pardon Jones after he's re-elected this November. If appealing to lolbertarians got him to promise a pardon for Ross Ulbricht then it shouldn't be that difficult.
Guess that means Sandy Hook was a real thing that really happened, huh. Don't you feel dumb for doubting it?
Details anon, details matter

What if
Actually, he didn't say it was fake. That's just bullshit for faggot retards. He knew the story was real and he knew it was HOT and he tried to drop it, but didn't duck fast enough.

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weak men aka pol need to be genocided
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OP is the same guy who said the Fallout show is "12/10 kino"
More than likely a butthurt poojeeet

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He said stuff /pol/tards like to hear, he has a lot of faggy photographs appealing to betacucks, and jews pretend to hate him
That's all it takes, even if he demonstrably ruined Europe and destroyed its peoples

Freed his country from the Jews for 12 years...
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Lurk moar meme flaggot.
Cozy Camp for sitting out a war in style
Thanks heebler
>took a broken and battered Germany and used it to conquer europe by forcing the French to surrender and battering the British into submission after THEY declared war on HIM
>what did he achieve?

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“What even is a Hungary” -half the people I know.
6'6" just means I've got a nice big A zone to hit at 300m
Aristocrats are just nth generation warriors, and if they don't retain their warrior ancestry they won't remain aristocrats
No need to believe me though, history abounds with examples
None of the people in that picture are part of the warrior class or the aristocracy. (they are the same, as any true aristocrat is a warrior). They are all part of the mercantile class, no matter how high they have raised their standard of living.

They are just rich peasants. Actually, all of the people that rule over us are just jumped up peasants. No one who rules over Aryans in the modern day, no one who is part of the liberal Jewish world order is an aristocrat. They are all still bugmen with bugmen tastes

>but brooo I make 12M/yr and wear valentino suits and drive lambos haha fuck off loser

Still a merchant. I don't care if you're 6'2" with piercing blue eyes. If you're part of the Jews, you are a peasant. If you were an aristocrat, you'd have carved out your warrior state and harkened other Aryans to you by now. Since you haven't done that and are content to jetset around the world and make business deals, you are a peasant. Actually, you could be bourgeois, but you certainly are not aristocratic. You aren't the best. That goes for any jwaller fags too.

Guess I'll have to do it myself.
All uber rich fucks are simply peasants with gold chains. There is nothing that separates them meaningfully from the rest except the amount of consumer goods they are able to have.

What the fuck happened to cute skinny women in western media? They've pretty much disappeared off the face of the earth. Everyone is fat and ugly now, and not just in hollywood, but also in every form of social media. How did this happen?
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natalie imbruglia is kino. i went through a phase where i was obsessed with her music. she only got famous in the states for Torn but she had many other good songs.
what happened to thoes glory days of Aussy songbirds eh?
They can all make more money on only fans.
lol no they can't
Porn peaked with Viv Thomas 1999-2013 back when it was actually done by Viv Thomas. That and a careful selection of hentai.

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Reminder that LEO is not your friend.
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Lived in Polk county half my life and the police there are incredibly corrupt. That guy probably legitimately thought he could get away with shit like that based on what he’s seen fellow officers get away with. I’d even wager he could if he wasn’t so retarded as to send cp over text, making the other officers feel they need to cover their own asses to not get in trouble themselves.
>police there are incredibly corrupt.
Isn't that just police in general
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Sherrifs are different, especially based af sherrifs like Grady Judd. He literally tells the people in his county to shoot criminals to save the taxpayer money. City police have zero accountability, a sheriff has to follow the will of the people. Sheriffs in red counties are fucking great.
Yeah, fair. I remember some youtuber I watched once go on a rant about how city cops should be canned and just have sheriffs and stuff.
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Florida has been a hotbed of judiasm since before the US was even a country

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Why are you smuggling those little death nuggets? Just chop em off and live forever like a good goy.
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Are you sure about that?
>women live longer than men
>just cut your balls off bro
women live longer because they're not exposed to the stress of having to deal with somebody bitching 24/7 while you're out there providing a roof over their heads. that and they don't do anything risky like men tend to do
Women live longer if you lock them in the house
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0/10 no tail.

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F to pay respects
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>Did I really die or it just a rumor? If I died already, it won't stop me from making some orders on Amazon for my funeral to make the ceremony prettier, will it? RSVP, t. Asma with the angels
Shut your nufag whore mouth and lurk 10 years before posting.

This was my very first thought in reaction.

Go shove an Isis statue up your ass, bot.
Ha ha, you don't have an ass, being a bot.
Well put, anon.
I figure the reason they have been so attacked is precisely because of that tenderness/goodness.

One would like to think that "leaders" are chosen from the best of humanity. But when good, competent, caring people rise to positions of influence, the demonic hordes beset and destroy them.
Very sad for Bashar. What a lovely woman.

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The prime enemies of Britain are as follows:
>The Zionist
>The Freemason
>The Satanist
>The Atheist
>The Pagan
>The Sodomite
>The Transvestite
>The Immigrant
>The Criminal

For whoever makes mighty Albion their enemy has made an enemy the world, and of God. On the last day, when all seems lost and hopeless, the great White Dragon Of England, the great Red Dragon Of Wales, the great Unicorn Of Scotland, and the great Hart Of Ireland shall converge upon on Britannia's enemies, concluding with the total destruction of Her enemies with God's smite, holy fire, and holy lightning.
The royal bloodline shall be purged of continental genetic influence and become purified. The King or Queen reigning at the time will thus resume fulfill their duties as the premier ruler of Britain and dissolve the weak and corrupt politicians of Parliament, replacing them with holy, righteous, and pious people.
Similarly, the culture of Britannia will be saved. Curry and other foreign foods shall be banned across the land, and most French inspired words shall be removed from the English langauge permenantly.

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England needs a new kang
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He's is too black
The pagans of yesteryear were unenlightened and had no knowledge of God or Christ.
The pagans of today seek to destroy families and marriages and all sense of normalcy.
Additionally most pagans in Northern Europe worship the Norse pantheon (non native) as opposed to the Celtic pantheon (native).

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