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>india bans nigbull
>Nigbull are Le Oppressed Dalits

Why is western media like this?
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No kill shelters are full of these niggerdogs, which means they are more likely to be adopted out of any other breed or mutt.
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>They just have a bad reputation, goy! Not all pitbulls are dangerous.
Dont need a ban, i can just exorcise it with a .45
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And yet.
Pajeet you will eventually learn to despise honkaloids like we Pakis do

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She's gonna Venezuelaize Mexico and the border crisis we have now is a fucking joke when ~100,000,000+ Smelly Browns Shit Skins destroy whatever is left of US of A and Canada.
AMLO won.

And Mexico is um, it's a bit complicated... Jewish community there is well respected and looks out for Mexico.
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Puttkng the virgin right below her cunt, the cunt
weird how all the italian mafia got shut down in the USA with RICO but the jewish mafia was quietly forgotten, hehe what jewish mafia in New York

All the top strength YouTube channels are buckbreaking arm wrestling videos
Do Whites train blacks just to buckbreak them in sport?
Man that's hilariously cruel
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Might have to jump from 30 to 60, fucking hell
Niggers are good at spastic things like turing simple arguments into murders then sprinting away
Make that weight machine from over the top, it fit in the cab of a truck
Road trip
Chuds spend all day gooning, where as leftists have sex.

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"Hell was not created by God, but by His creatures and their refusal of His love; and that God equally loves those in Hell, but His love is inoperative where it is rejected."
St. Isaac the Syrian

There will be a separation - the concept of Hell being a place or a state of being are both not entirely accurate, but not entirely wrong either. It is difficult to put into human understanding the concept of a total separation from God. But in that willing separation, that refusal to accept God's love, a being will have the same burning passions of sin they had in life, but will be unable to quench those burning passions, and will suffer forever in them, away from God's creation and away from His capacity to quell those fires. Burning hunger will not be satiated, the burning itch of addiction will not be able to be alleviated, pain inflicted on and by others will find no healing.
Fr. Zechariah Lynch

Much like the Fall of man, a similar catastrophe of experience represents Hell, an existence utterly separated from God. Before the Fall, Adam and Eve were immortal, never suffered, had no physical requirements and only ate for pleasure, were completely clothed by the Holy Spirit such that they had no susceptibility to the Earth, lived in such resplendency that they lived unlike any modern king, and were said to be so divinely inspired that they had the power of precognition, and the animals who were completely under the dominion of Adam could not even look at his face because it shone with holy light brighter than sun.

After the Fall, Adam and Eve were suddenly naked (shamed, spiritually isolated, physically exposed to the elements), were now tortured by hunger and thirst, slaves to all the passions including lust and sloth, beset on all sides by the Earth and the now wild animals, and their now dead souls could not divinely sustain their physical forms and so their bodies slowly decayed and rotted until death. That is the difference between life with God, and Hell.
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Did you know that your stupid superstition is just as stupid as all the other retarded superstitions? Some people think that their stupid superstition is not as stupid as all the other stupid superstitions but they are wrong. Their stupid superstition is indeed just as retarded as all the other stupid superstitions.
Up there on a high mountain so that Satan could tempt him with the offer of all the cities on Earth which you can see from a high mountain because the Earth is flat.
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It's literally in the Bible
Man was created in God's image, that means we are the only beings capable of creating something from nothing. We take our senses and minds and form ideas and shape the world around us into the ideas that do not physically exist and then we coax them into existence from non existence.

Hahaha eat shit shills/sliders/jidf/mudslimes. Real human posters, get the FUCK in here.

Germany is just one mudslime attack removed from finally snapping and deporting their illegals.

Netherlands just elected mossad in the form of Weird Guilders, and is finding out they got scammed. Big surge against the fake glownigger figurehead prime minister Dick Schoof. Fake-ass anti-populism coalition won't last.

The Irish are about to reclaim Ireland.

Donald Trump is about to be elected again, hopefully this time he takes full revenge instead of cucking out like last times. (Hey, one can dream)

Fauci is a hair away from being suicided by a pissed off civvie unless he manages to escape.

Uppity fags, trans retards and pedos are on their way out across the board. Pride month is a failure and is causing chimpouts.

Everyone and their brother is tired of the environmentalist retards who believe in man-made climate change.

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I’m told it goes on for about 45 minutes, better grab some chips and a smoke and kick back
bros, what filters do I need to make sure I can find this thread every night? usually i'm drowning in pajeet shit and IDF nonsense
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Back at ya

I tried this shit a couple times these past couple months and I end up banging girls I regret banging everytime after a week. This shit is for losers with a low sex drive who have no options in life. I’m a grown man and I need to jerk my dick because my sex drive is high and I’ll fuck someone’s mom if I don’t. nofap is the biggest internet nerd shit out there. It’s not for dudes with good jobs and options because you end up degrading yourself. I’d rather jerk my shit then be a cornball in public and fuck a six.
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You won’t do shit. You are nothing and nobody and nobody on the internet gives a flying fuck. You on the other hand have to live every day of your life knowing you’re the faggot and your sister fucks niggers. Does she bring them in the house? You never even stuck up to one of them I bet you are the definition of pathetic on pol and in real life I don’t even want to utter the words but if my sister ever commited such a sin firstly the dude would be getting his ass beat you won’t do shit boy in fact I challenge you to you didn’t stick up to the niggers fucking your sister and you won’t stick up to me or touch me you scared faggot.
Talking about the internet remembers everything like a little reddit bitch only a loser would say shit like that a loser whose sister gets fucked by niggers.
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Tы нe пoнимaeшь мeня. most sexual acts don't end with ejaculation inside the woman's vagina. So, how can a woman "store a man's DNA" when she doesn't have his sperm inside her? If the man ejaculates inside her vagina, even with the use of contraception pills, then yes, i could see that being true, but apart from that, i will need a more comprehensive explanation in order to agree. Also
>what a feminine answer
what do you mean, where exactly is there "femininity" in what i said?
You know what’s even funnier that’s a self own because that means you believe me. You believed what I said meanwhile you’re just some fucking loser typing away.
Idk bro. You sound like the loser because you don't have a constant stream of hot sidechicks to fuck and will fuck anything without jerking off. Or an even bigger loser because you don't have a hot wife and kids. But enjoy your porn addiction and your hand.

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If black people and african countries' underachievements are due to racism and colonialism, then why these factors don't affect asians?

Asians in the US suffered from the same racist attitudes as blacks, but still greately outperform them in education, incomes and low crime rates.

Could it have something to do with inborn ablities?
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Unlike you we never had a balance of payments crisis.

Hmmmmm wait. Isnt Ireland part of infamous PIIGS group?

That plunged Europe into crisis because they can't pay their debts?

Altruism my ass. Where the Japanese altruistic when they killed 1 Million of my countrymen? And invade Japan? Omigod Filipino English teachers in Japan! Such a scary demographic! Luull!
4Chan is an American Website registered in Ohio. If you want a Japanese Image Board go to 2Chan.
Most Filipinos are open to have sex with Americans. No I've never been with an American romantically although I went to a school founded by Americans during your colonial stint here and I received instruction under American professors. My grandpa saved a group of Americans from Japanese invaders as he was guerilla during World War 2.
Whenever east asian mentioned in this board there's always Filipino that's ready to embarrass the shit out of SEA... God bless you Filipino....

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Fans fixed it. Why are these developers adamant on making a silent hill game woke ?
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No, it's actually malicious. They are choosing tranny models instead of female models. Hence the jawlines, the man hands and forearms. Fuck this shit!

At this point it's better to support the pirates and modders.
They are the ones putting more efforts to make the game enjoyable to you.
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So you fixed her by giving her herpes? I dont get it.
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Anyone else feel like there was something more genuine to the random one off VA's they got in the early 00s?
Heather from SH3 was voiced by a young military wife looking for something to do while her hubby was stationed in Japan and honestly she sounds like an actual teenager in the OG.

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In a traditional Latin mass. Check out your local chapter of the SSPX or FSSP to now where to go. You have to be catholic though.
eurasian women are not white women. they will value and uphold tradition unlike western pigdog BBC lovers
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In Robin Hood (1973).
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you must raise your own

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White men get sex with Chinese within 5 minutes of meeting
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Been all over Asia. Can confirm these monkeys will fuck you instantly. Good day to be white.
>like bags of plastic rice
thinly veiled "nooo only niggers can have big dicks!" poster kys
That's a man.
Lol bro was like, "nah we got far already. Fuck it".

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What should be done about this?
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Wokeshit is rooted in Zionism, not in Marxism. Intersectional crap is subversive of and heretical to the Marxian faith, and worshiping black people or Jews in place of the Proletary (as the collective protagonist of human history) is downright blasphemous to them. Criticize Marxism all you like so long as you actually understand it.
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Aren't atheists supposed to be MORE intelligent and not LESS?
Yes. Intelligent people currently make dumb decisions. Pic related, trannies are geniuses.
100% of christcucks worship a jew. What should be done about this?
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Understandable, though worth noting is that Black people recognize niggers as a plague. Niggers are Black Trash and the unfortunate reality of Black America is that the non-nigger blacks are often outnumbered by the niggers, because most of them are broke leadsick malnourished rootless descendants of a population of losers among warring tribes of tropical hunter-gatherers who got conquered, enslaved, and sold to wealthy Europeans. Whatever can be said about black people as a race, it's quite evident that there is far more wrong with American ghetto niggers than the shape of their skulls or the color of their skin.

If they banned horses here, how is requiring insurance, registration, licenses, and vehicle taxes constitutional?

And if I don't drive, and they make me mow my grass, how can they charge me a fuel tax for roads?
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Are you on any kind of drug right now
Certain cities have been able to operate as hoas unchecked for generations.
The goal of the masons is to reinstate feudalism and enslave the plebs
that's the price of freedom.
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Look, I was gonna be a asshole, but I think you just have kind of a empty life and try to compensate here. I say that not to be mean. It's a observation that I might be wrong about, but if I'm not I hope you self reflect and build to the things you want it life.

Your right I'm going to have a good day tomorrow in the sun, most my days are pretty good and I live a self reliant life to the point i give away excess food and do construction work for people who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford it.

Telling me my life is pretty good tomorrow isn't really a show of power.

Make me lose a finger or something. I work barefoot like white trash.
Make a toe slide off and I'll be be impressed. Been setting the foundation for a small pond as a giant water dish for all my animals.
>I think you just have kind of a empty life and try to compensate here. I say that not to be mean.
Maybe. It depends on your perspective. I would like to do more in life, so does that make my life empty? As far as compensate, it's a place to hear wild ideas, funny jokes, crazy stories, and counter programming against propaganda. Without /pol/, there would be some of that missing from my life.

I wouldn't take a negative action or infuence against you, anon. Evil begats evil and I would be no better than a khazar if I did that. Only evil deserves to be destroyed, like cutting the head off of a poison snake.

As far as the pond, if you make a deep spot so it doesn't all freeze in the winter, you could throw some bluegills or perch in there just for fun. Not sure it's big enough for bass.

Anyway, on the thread topic. What's your take, should sovtards be encouraged if they won't take the warning that the state doesn't play?

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tf timmy gonna do?
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You scared of a little text you little pansy?
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>okay they convicted our orange cult leader and we didn’t do SHIT but wait till his son grows up and becomes an anime character!!111
Holy shit Amerilards are pathetic. They are facing trooned-out crazies and they are still losing.
Melania the German Slovene is his mother.
That's a very Jewish nose
How many times do you nap in a day?

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fuck this gay ass state, can't even buy an AR

someone nuke us and put us out of our misery
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See. Sounds fun. You don't even have to travel for a cultural experiencr. I gotta go to the third world to relax. You got it right there. Look on the bright side. Or are they all somali men?
>They randomly ban like 99% of semi auto rifles out of nowhere and there is no news coverage until the law is immediately in effect
>There is a gay ass bag tax on everything even in fast food places
>They banned mags that were higher than 10 rounds, there recently was a judge ruling due to a court case that took like 3 years to finally sort out nulifying the mag ban
>The Washington leaders issued an emergency ban within 1 hour
>People vote for lower taxes on car tabs multiple times and the government just ignores it
Its crazy how fast a state goes to shit and how flagrantly politicians can start abusing their power and even blatantly disregard the law once its under control of a single party
The state is so obscenely fucked its unreal.
Housing is un affordable and everything costs twice as much because of covid.
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one hundred percent agree
It appears to be mainly men. They claim they were kicked out of seattle for being a safety risk and health risk.

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>none of those people are self-made
Self-made doesn't mean original. If they were plebs who didn't have any inheritance or anything to start with, yet they learned some tips from dumb youtube videos and worked their way to millions that way, they're still self-made.
>These commie cope threads always warm my heart.
It motivates me to be nothing like them. Why would I spend my whole life as a have-not, bitching about the haves when I could just work toward becoming financially successful too? 20 years from now they'll still be broke and bitching about the same shit.

Fuck that. This is learned helplessness and I am going to mog this fucked up system and win. Simple as.
>Because no one respects people who buy consumer goods, just to resell them to the consumer at a higher price -- because it makes everything more expensive for us.
That's literally how all markets work you dumb fuck, that's even how the stock market works, for you to buy, someone has to sell (hint: someone is losing). God you people are stupid.
Inflation and because keeping the vast bulk of your money in cash is retarded.
Because I don't need a stock certificate to be allowed to sleep at night.

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Look bro, I'm sorry your daughter/wife/sister all fuck black dudes but you're the one who brought them up
It's weird how you think the one job in society white women could do that we gave them is be around children all day but even they still fucked that up by turning everyone gay and into nigger lovers
you underestimate the scope and scale of the last few generations' worth of media/propaganda production
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you mean the schmeducation system

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Ozempic is fuckign up everyones faces and no one thinks that's weird?
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Here's the my pillow guy on the right. Tell me this dude looks normal and not like a fucking ghoul.
nah, those (((women))) look like men to me too
If that's you Anon, you look entirely decent for 49. You look like you do a bit of manual labour - that's not the most prestige-filled career perhaps, but keeps you lean and mean.
Yes, that"s DNP. It's an explosive.
Very thermogenic, but if you od, you literally cook yourself.

I’m looking for the spec: high charisma boost, high intelligence boost, no queasiness, and no come down effects. Illegal or legal research chemicals allowed
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just do speed
4.5 hrs time difference du absoluter turbokek
trip via dubai takes me 10 hrs from Hamburg.
Probably the same ones but they know how to test it to make sure it doesn't suck

Don't do drugs unless you are extremely educated and already rich enough to not have it bother you or know you won't get addicted. For the majority that translates to, don't take drugs
Daily is stupid because of increasing tolerance and dependence.

But 10mcg LSD twice a week makes everything in life better.

Phenylpiracatem is neat for focus.

Phenibut is god tier for social events, dates and interviews (max once a week, and dont combine with alcohol).

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Why is sex so valued and pursued in our society?
What's the big deal?
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Sex is the biggest industry and the things surrounding it can be monetized. Clothes, perfumes, ozempic, dick pills, hair dyes, I'd be hard pressed to think of a non-food product that doesn't help to sell sex in some way... Make sure to keep those birth rates up if you know what's good for you goy
I need me some alligyaatorussy
was the curse lifted?
ook ook eek eek
just fuck a croc bro

Is it weird I find soviet architecture and vibes comforting?
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Admiring brutalist architecture is the most reddit thing there is. Brutalism is a mockery of natural objective beauty and it is just an extension of jewish culture which seeks to invert everything. Ugliness is beauty, men are women, angels are demons.
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kek, just go to any tower block neigbourhood in uk. Its filled with slavshits and niggers, you gonna get all the vibes you want
>They were designed to demoralise and atomise the population
they could have just flooded russia with darkies desu, much more effective, that's why western corporations are so intent on pushing for diversity
You're a kacap dog spouting horseshit, why would you not be called out for who you are, dumb whore, jebany biedaku cebulaku.
I jeszcze te wywyższanie się nad Podlasiem jako zapewne kurwa nie bogatsza od przeciętnego podlasiaka xDDD

Accept your whoredom, express yourself fully!
As expected, nothing of value, worth of mentioning or care about was in that post, next one please.
But you are the one swallowing every drop of cum from your international jude overmaster.
Ta, wieśniak potwierdzony, obsesja na punkcie tego co posiada Twój sąsiad to typowo wiejska przypadłość. Wyłącz telewizor, odstaw Onet albo inny wykop i nie wiem, zobacz trochę świata, poznaj trochę ludzi i zobaczysz, perspektywa się zmieni.

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