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>*wear cute outfit*
>*Eat an ice cream suggestively*
>*Makes $46,000 in 13 seconds*

Why the fuck are men working and paying taxes again? I mean I'm obviously not because I'm not a nigger brained slave, but I need to understand why the rest of you keep clocking in
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>work full time
>make less than when I had unemployment
there is no reward
Probably if you work at a position that even a monkey can do. You are not important, so your wage is small.
If you have skills and knowledge and have something worthwhile to contribute, your wage/profit will be higher.
These whores sell their body, their asset. Even if they are not whoring, they will still be taken care of by many men who will want to marry them.
You, nobody wants you, because you're ugly on the outside, and inside. So you don't get much money whether you work or not. Even if you got money, you'll waste them on retarded things anyway, because you're stupid.

t.VAbux/SSDI enjoyer
>licks sticky ice cream off finger
>runs sticky finger through hair
To fuck women like this you incel, neetbux won't buy her.

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How do you respond without sounding mad?

Nice flag kike

Anyone else tired? Boy I'm damn tired. We get to sit on the sidelines of the economy and watch both "sides" debate how they are going to "fix" the economy by stealing money and redistributing it.
When will we get a day in the sun? When will rational thoughts prevail?
Can we go make our own country with a logical government?
Why does someone have to go to college and get a fucking LICENSE to CUT HAIR?
The bureaucracy is astoundingly inefficient and strangling us. We need freedom.
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A Government is only as good as it's citizens.
So you be saying we is getting wut we be deserving n sheeit?
They tend to support attribution rights and copyright that arises from mutual contract, including protection of trade secrets. So an author's work could be republished, but they couldn't claim that royalties would be paid to the author if they weren't.
>When will we get a day in the sun?
that was called the 80's and we're still trying to clean up the mess left behind.
Have a bill of rights that limits the powers of government and have an independent judiciary to enforce it. The American system is pretty good but allowing the executive branch to be partisan kind of messed things up.

I always thought of Canada as being this utopian northern neighbor. Everyone had lots of space and land and housing was affordable and everybody could get treated for free. Everything seems to be falling apart for them. Health care is getting worse and worse. Housing is somehow worse than america. They are becoming more brown more quickly than america. How did they go from being a nice place to turning into a California overnight?
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But Canada ain't a dictatorship. He doesn't run everything. There are hundreds of mayors and govenors and legislatures that run the country. They are too blame too right? Why did they go along with it?
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Where did you get residency? I want to move my family somewhere else before our money and passport becomes worthless. There is no future around poos.
why do we need to make it up?
and besides, we've already made up for it and then some, so why is it still going up? our immigration rates are significantly higher than ever before, you can look it up yourself, it's public information. the numbers don't add up to what you're suggesting.
cause of this

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Kys kike
Good, fuck China' s trade they're not entitled to it
Would be an interesting spectacle if China and Israel nuked each other and wiped each other out.
They know...
>Glory to China!
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It's good that China and Russia are allied with Iran and Hamas. I hope they kill you mischling mamzer fucks

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Am I white/pol/ this is me next to my Mexican friend sometime during April
I had no idea Indian immigration to Italy was that high.
lol memeflag
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Western Civilization was created by homosexuals.
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Still are
they were freemasons and freemasons do like to fuck each others buttholes and they like phallus shaped statues like obelisks and stuff.
If you don't appreciate phallic statues, you're a faggot or worse, a woman.
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You are doing rage rituals right /pol/?

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Not what I said.
They are manifesting BPD and narcissism.
Screaming and breaking things is their new smoke break..

They are building up default neural pathways to freak out and break things in a fit of rage instead of being actual adults.
They are training themselves to revert into autistic children
They are a liability to cohabitate with
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ipso facto legardium leviosa, tsukidomo anterumatsu kirodisu, martequa menostu ron derulemo
that looks awesome
and super healthy
best to scream and yell praise and cry out to God with the loudest possible voice on Church
but many Church are led by the pornography addicted, so are a little moist ... that is damp ... which is to say the leadership puts a damper on exuberance because of shame (and who knows why else)
these are some based libs desu
Like any decent man, I store my rage inside.
>bad advice
>flag checks out

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Average IQ is below 100 in the US. The US population went from 250 million to 350 million within 30 years. (it says 330 million now but there are an estimated 20 million undocumenteds who aren't on the census).

Combine this level of retardation with braindamaged kikes and kike-loving boomers (who only did drugs, got handed the best economy the globe has ever known on a silver platter, and worship the Talmud), and social media and a mainstream media dominated by niggers, spicks, and degenerate criminal and drug user behavior, and is it really so surprising?
>Why are Americans the only species on planet earth that practice nepotism?
I think you question is self evident
are you no longer @desertrabbi2024?
wtf happened to you?
clean yourself up faggot
you're brainwashed. snap out of it. quit giving the billionaire conman money just so he can replace you with H1Bs to make wallstreet happy.
imagine thinking trump is any better than biden. they are the exact same. their white house will both be filled with the same wall street pieces of shit wanting to replace you. are you aware trump was already president at one point? do you think we're in the mess we're in now solely thanks to biden? nothing to do with trumps batshit insane make wallstreet great again, fuck smalltown america covid policies?

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>Make Latinas White Again
This is how we win
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they wont ever
She's half Peruvian, half Spanish.
Bros, I am a Mestizo Chicano, my goal is to breed a North Western European Woman and have Castizo babies with her, raise them in a White neighborhood while only engaging with White culture, is this valid?
I hate Latinx goblinas btw
already have a mixed baby and planning on making more :)

green eyes, light brown hair

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there's this general idea where people that plug Palestine are somehow, somewhat, alpha. And I'm supposed to be the beta bending the knee to terrorist mentality. "Free Palestine" while Hamas males mistreat their own women and children and have sexual forbidden fun with israeli hostages?
I'm jealous. I want to have the same type of meta-fun like Hamas. Why are these pro-Palestine protestors pushing me to bend the knee to Hamas, send money to the suffering families in Gaza? Don't they realize I am a terrorist wanna bee? I wanna be more alpha than Hamas. Terrorist but with actual fire power. To subdue all Gazans, and start the Hunger game. Molest the palestinian women and like in Picky Blinders I wanna shoot a Hamas terrorist at the very second i cum inside the palestinian mother he disrespects.

Where's does this immense respect towards Hamas rebels is coming from? Do I look like a simp beta cuck to you? Those gazan families don't suffer cuz of Israeli army power tripping. The suffering comes from lustful Hamas terrorists mismanaging their power & relying on libtard public opinion overseas.

Ask yourself what Putin would do? IN a terrorist serbian situation Putin simply ordered the army to storm in and gun down everyone. All the serbian terrorists and all the 200 russian children. He didn't give a fuk. Cuz proof of concept is born at leadership decision. You negotiate with terrorists, then they smirk and repeat offenses. Cuz it worked so far. But with Putin it didn't work. So it wasn't a mechanic they wanted to employ again.

Hamas are delusional in their lottery gambling and they shouldn't be taken lightly. Look at cuck Biden giving homage to dead iranian president.
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Like I'm reading some babykiller genocide-apologist's essay
Post big ugly nose and timestamp
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bias & shilling is you as well. Imagine incorporating Hamas sympathy in your portfolio.

Everyone wants to do to women what Hamas does to israeli hostages. You just shamessley endorse it as if should be a daily routine.
Shame on you.
Make like your great grandpa and get gassed

It's called a macy catheter, and it's used to give you enemas of medicine while you are dying.
An IV isn't enough, you fneill feel this dildo up your but, and it will creampie you with all kinds of drugs which will feel like any other liquid in your ass. Some drugs may burn or cause odd sensations like tingling, may be icy cold or hot.
You won't even be able to complain about it because of the stage of death you're in.
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Based drug creampie
>captcha ASSTMO
Google the name I provided.. faggot

What was in the blood vials? Poison blood vials? AIDS vials?
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Palestinian blood, obviously.
>What was in the blood vials?
The most dangerous pathogen known to man, leftism.
should be easy to see and see what's up
probably blood from missing children
it was his adrenochrome subscription delivering

▶ ConUS
** Generations
> May the Fourth | VD> | Star Wars is Boomer faggotry
> No, God is Not Going to Bless You | VD> | Boomer churchians' Satanic Judaeophilia
> Their Journey is Just Beginning | VD> | Boomer wastrels condemned
> My "crazy" Uncle passed away recently. Let me tell you bout him. | Voat | based uncle raises rural trad kids

** Monarchy
> Trump on Trial: Week 2 | “This is getting very hostile...” | Techno Fog> | Judge Merchan will imprison Trump | BB predicted this

** Race
> James O'Keefe reveals who's really running the Biden White House-it's probably not who you think... | Jeff Zients, Chief of Staff, Jew
> Biden Has Installed the Most Non-White Judges of Any President | AmRen>
> There’s Been a Major Shift in Demographics at the Border. Here’s What’s Behind the Change. | AmRen>
> US Justice Department Warns It Will Sue if Iowa Tries to Enforce Its New Immigration Law | AmRen>

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When will men admit it's their fault ?

When will men stop blaming us women for their own mistakes ?
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What an endearing woman. You can feel the motherliness coming out of her.
We get it, mama left you in the dust for Tyrone. No need for this shit everyday
>I got mine comment
It can be innocent enough, but fuck off. You add nothing else.
Masculine mentality women are gross. I don’t need a woman that deadlifts 405 and makes 300k, that sounds like a headache and a miserable life. I’m not gay, I want to be around feminine energy.
I built your house ho I guess it's my fault you tore it apart

>or my fault for making it

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If pol truly wanted to help eachother shouldnt we do autistic brainstorming on ways to obtain actual money and security? The more people with our viewpoints succeed the more our viewpoint will get hold. Im sure if we banded together we could find loopholes to obtain money that normies wouldnt think of. Maybe somehow find a way to follow whatever Nancy Pelosi invests in. Or perhaps??
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Did budlight stock soar up after the Dylan thing cooled over? I'm starting to believe companies intentionally do this to create outrage and lower the stock only for it in time to go back up. If that's the case, let's just buy stock from the next company that wants to do similar things.
Yeah happenings could be a great way to obtain money if you are in on it early, the Boeing thing for example could allow you to buy their stock cheaper or buy their competitors. Good input anon!
buy a boat with satellite connections and shit post all day. force jannies to maintain ship for free. freezer with tonnes of nuggies.
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Blackmail the pedophiles that the pedophile blackmail mafia have installed in government offices.


This compliation includes all 7 of Mr. Enter's privated covid videos from 2020/2021 on top of two recent videos reflecting on his pandemic experience and explaining why privated the videos. He does not retract any of his pandemic/lockdown related opinions, but he does deeply regret a lot of his behavior.

His initial covid19 videos did a great job at making measured and reasonable arguments against the lockdowns and the mandates. Despite how much I liked the videos, I also completely understand why he regrets them, and the two recent videos were interesting and reflective.

Below are brief descriptions of all of the videos in the compilation video. If you only have time to watch one of them, the “How the World Ended” documentary did the best job at thoroughly explaining his anti-lockdown case:

Pandemic: His thoughts on the pandemic in mid-April 2020 and the direction that society chose to take

My Lockdown Story: He talks about how the lockdowns had affected him personally.

How the World Ended: A thorough documentary in July 2020 about how badly the pandemic was mismanaged by governments, health officials, and society.

A Plague of Moral Convenience: He talks about people selling out their values for momentary convenience

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Fauci is the worst man
Kys nigger
We are talking about them.
We decided as group that you are a cocksmoking faggit
Seriously stop.
No one thinks you are smart or funny
Why don't you like the based Mr. Enter covid videos?

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Is the outrage justified?
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He writes for haaretz and kvetches about antisemitism non stop. Most of (((them))) have removed early life because it was making noticing too easy, but I'm confident he wears a tiny hat when he's not shape-shifting
only complaint is that the art looks like you told an AI to create it in the style of "the most talented retard"
Imagine my surprise.
I'd say it's only ironic, considering how families tend to end up in russia during war.
Not realistic.
The woman would be divorced (highest rate of divorce in Europe) and the man would likely have AIDS (highest rate of HIV infections in Europe).

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Why are white men doing this to themself?
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That fucking idiot just admitted to rape on the internet.
There have been several moments where a tranny posted on /pol/ and they were IMMEDIATELY trying to see more of his bussy and trying to see if they could meet up. This place has always been full of fags because it’s always been full of weak men.
>just serveral
this happened like last week. there was a tripfag tranny. half were simping

right wing shit is just larp
They become the women they can't attract.
the OP is a also a tripfag trans

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>pic related

I gotta say i find it rich that the group of hecking based atheist white men of pol belong to a group where 92 fucking percent all support gay butt sex

like, how is it even that high, that is an insane number. For muslims its like 45, christians is 42, drops to 30 something if you exclude Catholics. And here we got the atheist, a whopping 92% supporting faggots. oof

So why do atheist support disgusting pedophiles like gays? Are most atheist gay ? i just dont see how you get above 90% on this issue unless you have a massive gay community within.
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Heterosexual sex is inherently less damaging. Also, people, especially men, don't want their sons turned into faggots because that's a terrible lifestyle and completely destroyed the bloodline, destroying a large chunk of work the father worked towards. But like I said, I don't really care, it will be what it is.
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Dudes who fuck dudes not available to the chicks who I want to fuck. Chicks who fuck chicks like dick so faggots are a win win for nonfag males. Also, people who complain online about faggots are faggots. It is a scientific fact that fag hate is a response to self hate for being a fag, faggot.
Are you the same kike worshiper from the last thread that couldn't answer a question?
Are you implying that christcucks are cowards?
Not implying it, outright stating it. Christcucks are cowards.

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