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The US government has formed a breakaway White civilization. This is the reason for the secondary minority-forward civilization on Earth.

There is at least one entirely White breakaway civilization out there right now and you will never get to be a part of it. Earth is kept as diverse as possible to ensure maximum evolution occurs should the new primary civilization collapse for any reason.

You're welcome for this mindblowing information.
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is this your new coping mechanism?
go on...
Well, what else do you want to know? Even if you are into ET's and UFO's and Shadow Governments, it completely pales in comparison to what really exists.

The Earth is many things. A human farm. A slave planet. But, also a "school" for advanced souls to incarnate for a brief period to experience immense hardship offering much learning under a nearly unbreakable veil of forgetfulness (created by the Moon).

Chances are that if you are reading this and are curious about these topics that you are not even really human. You could very well be an ET inside of a "immersion pod" on a planet 100 light years away whose consciousness is being artificially implanted into a human body in much the same way as it was presented in the movie Avatar.
Interesting theory. I went through a period of intense meditation and detached from whatever this (me) is for just a second and found I was inside of what I can only describe as a meat pod and I felt both this (me) body and whatever it (inside the meat pod) was, I also saw from it's eyes looking through to my eyes.
>The US government has formed a breakaway White civilization.

OP I know that you know that it was Antarctic Space Germans who did this... U.S. just funded it.

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If judeo-christian civilization is a real thing, then why do Jews resent Jesus Christ and picture him as a traitor boiling in excrements in hell?
A shared civilization would require at least minimum amount of mutual respect, wouldn't it?
The devil cucked yo soul boi
It's not a reciprocal relationship. All Christians are Jews, but no Jews are Christian.
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It's more like Judaism is a parasite that latched onto western civilization, and Christianity was part of that process of parasitism.

Christianity aided Judaism by wiping out all religions besides Judaism. But as for respect, no jews never had respect for Christianity, it was like a cult intended for slaves of jews, basically a goyslop religion.
It says right there in the Talmud that he’s boiling in feces because he had the best interests of Israel at heart. As opposed to Balaam, who is boiling in semen.

Pajeets ruin everything they touch. You cannot allow a pajeet shoes for if you do, they will think that it is okay to throw glass out of their apartment windows. If you confront them on such matters, they will remark that if you are wearing shoes you should be fine.

The pajeet is to civilization as a locust is to grain.
>Pajeets ruin everything they touch.
You sure let them do the construction in your country though
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Why do liberal "progressives " argue like Jews? Why do they use such weaselly tactics and why does it work? It's hard to win an argument with a liberal "progressive". I can easily understand what they are doing, but it's like they don't and neither do others. It's like they're a robot. Conservatives don't typically argue and debate this way. How do liberals use these tactics and get away with it. They're weaselly pieces of shit, but they always end up looking like they're right even if they're outright wrong or making it apparent they're a piece of shit. It's easy to spot, but hard to defeat. Why?
Symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder and how severe they are can vary. People with the disorder can:
>Have an unreasonably high sense of self-importance and require constant, excessive admiration.
>Feel that they deserve privileges and special treatment.
>Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements.
>Make achievements and talents seem bigger than they are.
>Be preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate.
>Believe they are superior to others and can only spend time with or be understood by equally special people.
>Be critical of and look down on people they feel are not important.
>Expect special favors and expect other people to do what they want without questioning them.
>Take advantage of others to get what they want.
>Have an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
>Be envious of others and believe others envy them.
>Behave in an arrogant way, brag a lot and come across as conceited.

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They are moral supremacist not rational people all they are arguing is that

I once had to stare at a leftard who told me that black on black crime is a white supremacist myth
They really downplay how insane they can be. They'll just pretend they don't exist or to not understand what you're talking about. They must learn it in school or something. What i don't understand is why some people are immune to it. I definitely picked up some stuff from pursuing higher education, but i don't argue like that.
I never really thought about it from a NPD angle, but it makes sense. They do seem to exhibit a lot of those traits.
Because when you strip down their beliefs by comparing their words to their actions, you see they're entirely driven by hatred and self interest. This is why they love environmentalism. By telling themselves that humanity is doomed, they can justify their misanthropy by looking at humans as destructive parasites. Except for themselves, who they see as the enlightened priviledged who deserve to eat red meat, have a big home and comfortable living, travel, excetera because they do the work of telling everyone else to pollute less. Look at their heroes. Notice how much they love men like lincoln and sherman. They adore violence. They love the idea of genociding their political opponnents(strictly out of neccessity ofcourse) and then resettling the land with brown people who are somehow going to be magically more civilized and pollute less.

I'm rambling, but more or less, the dream of every progressive is to turn their own countries into a game of simcity 2000. They get to be in control. They get to "fix" all the problems. And if anyone who isn't them had to be sacrificed? Oh well, they're being thrown under the bus to stop racism/save the planet.

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How does religion work in China? Most religious maps I’ve seen show them as being mainly atheist, but how did they end up the only major country on Earth without any significant religious practices?
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Same as everwhere else Amerimutt.
Except the governments doesnt try to force you to pray to Jews on a stick or Jews in Palestine and doesnt tax you to pay free healthcare and schools for Jews.
Despite it being a jewish founded death cult, Christian values stem from European influence you ignorant retard.
Morality is influenced by biology/genetics.
Go back to your country Achmed
Look at this propaganda bot
you can be any fake religion (cult) but if you become some kind of esotericist that threatens jew world order they will torture you without hesitation

Good. Dogniggers shouldn’t be allowed to breed or exist.
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This is a fake photoshop. Cringe Retard
also btw its an obvious pitbull mix, Ive seen so fucking many called "lab mixes" and shit to get gullible retards to adopt them, just looking at that things face I know it's a shitbull
Jesus, the dog people in these comments.
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What? You're brown and a white women is giving attention to an animal instead of you? I really don't understand.
Ya, women like fucking dogs, but it doesn't affect me in any way.

Is it weird I find soviet architecture and vibes comforting?
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Because you're a tard. Commie blocks are literally just modern version of the dreaded industrial era tenement block. At least the commie blocks have flushing toilets (I'd assume).
It is comfy. A small comfy apartment during the winter, a good book and some kettlebells.
sure thanks ;)
I actually had to dig out my monero from the depths as I don't use crypto that much desu but here you go
That's great, the issue is finding it comforting not that shitty dysgenic housing for niggers exists
It is far less pretentious than how west does it.

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>try to discuss something important that isn't the usual Trump/Russia/Trannies or other surface level shit
>thread gets brigaded by shit like UFOs, Flat Earth, or demonology
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CERN must be stopped before it's too early.
>try to discuss something important that isn't the usual Trump/Russia/Trannies or other surface level shit
Such as what?
Squatchcock, clearly
Occult shit and fringe theories are a political influence tool like any other, ask JudeoAmerican glowniggers for that.

It's an attack on level 8 which works regardless of social class or status and hijacks certain natural functions of the human brain.

And before you know it, there could be an entire nation being driven from the shadows by a Cult, as they bypassed every social ladder and competency requirements for access to power, like it happened for years in South Korea and in many JudeoAmerican institutions.
Don't worry, I already decalcified my penal glans

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Politically speaking, it's a shithole. No way these bugs are on the moon kek. They don't even have fresh water coming out of a single pipe in bugland.
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OH yeah, it's fake.
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Just look at their ev's

You always like le popular niggers while claiming to be based. Watch this shit. Completely anti white portraying White men as cuck losers. Dave Chappele is a White hating nigger freak. Stop liking niggers just because they can't work well with Kikes anymore. Dave Chappeles shit is basically Jewish and he worked with Jews happily before he threw a nigger tantrum.
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You really shouldn't he would never extend the same courtesy to you. Maybe others would.
He's a black nationalist and member of the nation of Islam since like the early 90s, how slow are you?
Yet pol faggots will still support him so how the fuck am I the slow one?
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Because black nationalism is based and you are an underage sensitive female brained faggot
No black nationalism is fucking gay you nigger lover. Louis Farrakhan is a NIGGER who says Whites are a race of devils who deserve to die. George Lincoln Rockwell is a little larping faggot. Shit literally got worse during his time. What a complete failure of a man. Black nationalists would love to kill us.

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2 more weeks
There are people in their 20s right now who will live to their 90s thinking Donald Trump was a radical political leader and was literally Hitler 2.0.
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lol see you in goal fatso

The battle for humanity has begun
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You're not wrong, but those were obviously trained.
>Your average nipcel is afraid of guns. It's over.
It's the Gun devil's fault
Kodiak is an island and they have the biggest brown bears in the world
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Time to make the furry jackets again.. Oops
Our bears need to do the same

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Why has the conversation suddenly shifted to them being extradimensional instead of extraterrestrial?
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Lazar, nor anyone else for that matter, has considered that those large amplifiers couldn't possible fit throught the small door of the flying saucer to put it in the lab. This builds into a theme where Lazar says things that he's purposely leaving open ended for people to deduce an answer or leave ambiguity in case he's caught in a lie.

Here's proof of the mistaken nature of the videos Jews released under the name of the US government (as if the US government is a credible source of information)

there is nothing interesting left at area 51. The entire premise for creating Area 51 was to work on copying and reverse engineering the aircraft from Adolf Hitler's Germany, The Third Reich. all of the Third Reich's inventions have been copied around the globe. area 51 is used mostly as a drug manufacturing facility for fentynol and methamphetamine and previously, the occasional holding area for child sex trafficking to Jeffry Epstein's island.

look at that video of the guys on the motorcycles that accidentally went into there. there is some chink working as a security guard. it's no wonder how the chinese stole the schematics for the F-22 and F-35 raptor.....

there ain't no flying saucers anywhere near area 51 and there never was, nor do they exist anywhere in any capacity.

I mean...why do we have ships? Faster nigga.
They got a bar and a foozball table that uses testicles.
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Aliens aren't extraterrestrials or demons.

They're fairies. It's the Good Folk adapting to the modern world. Go look up the similarities between alien abductions and Medieval accounts of time spent in Fairyland.

why are catholics so retarded?

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post your best jewpills and prepare for cyberwarfare against JIDF
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You vil live in ze boat and be happy
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What kind of sick pervert that person must be!
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It would be a female shitskin bullying her because they’re jealous she is White.
My little sister went to school with a bunch of yellow niggers, poo shitskins and hapas. They would all gang up on the White girls because the White guys were using the non-White girls as the local bikes but trying to date the White girls. It got so bad there was an assembly and the asian parents were bought in and shamed + got told off that their daughters left home in the proper uniform but then rolled up their skirts/ shirts/ put on makeup so the White guys would notice them.

They got beat by their parents and the White boys filmed them fucking the non-Whites so if they tried to bully again they’d leak it kek
Of course it would be tight.
What kind of monstrous pervert would fuck his own daughter immediately after she was born?

those bitches are like 15 there
i could save her
far too much make up. it's clearly not their normal faces

nigger faggot kike

>Lowy Institute survey reveals Australians distrust China and are losing faith in United States

>Perils – The risk to Australia's property market

>Dismal building approvals further distance Australia from housing target
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>chinks and jeets joining the army, navy, airforce & police.
you cunts will happily keep collecting your dole payments while you whinge about it.
Yeah, no pain killers. Tiny bit of pain here and there. Mobility is pretty good. Did a hydrotherapy session today. Never doing that shit again.
Australians only take sophisticated bait
Fuck the shit up, Bradley.
Serves you right for being on cenno.

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Why was this site so brazenly targeted by feds during 2019? Not even Gab drew as much ire from the glowies/mossad as 8ch did. They pulled out 3 mass shootings to get this site taken down. One of those mass shooters quite literally changed the political landscape of NZ.
So what was it? What seperates these guys from everyone else? Feds clearly saw 8ch as an urgent threat that needed to be neutralized in any way possible.
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people that think tarrant was a psyop are just straight up niggers
He was a mossad agent, it was most definitely glowfuckery at work.
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Yeah, I still go to the "other" site-- not just 4chan, would never link it here though!! because as you say! It is a honey-pot here lol
Stfu with your subversive gaslighting Hebrew nonsense, Jew.

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Mexico has more culture than the whole of taht gay continent combined (in the year 2024). Mexico is filled with boundless energy... Europe is filled with pensioners waiting to die and sad depressed young people living in dreary buildings with no direction or dreams. Sucks to be an old worlder... skill issue desu
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It is insane how many trillions have been wasted on NATO to defend little trash Europe against Russia and China
Mexico seems like it should be a global power with international influence like america, being raped by cartels and corruption really stifles development apparently
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HMM.. Violent drug cartels? Or civilization? .. I'm picking civilization, like duuhhh
>da drug cartels!!!!!!
Pussies who get carded at self-checkout when trying to buy plastic cutlery at Tescos.
are euros really that sad?
you guys can hunt and play in the snow at least

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Why are they like this?
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God damn michael obama is fucking ugly.
The bbc thief
Sucks to be laquisha when chad rather dip in soi sauce
Pnw is basically American bc
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Now that's a mug you don't wanna chug.
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>Why are they like this?

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This Indonesian Javanese Muslim girl is descended from a Japanese soldier raping a Javanese Muslim woman.


>ummm gue literally adalah hasil nyata dari seorang perempuan Indonesia yang diperkosa oleh tentara Jepang sampe hamil pas perang dunia kedua (nenek buyut gue).

>dont tell me life was easier for us women in war times


>1. tahun 1942 mana ada akses kesehatan utk bisa gugurin kandungan mas masi idup aja udah syukur.

>2. nope. setelah nikah sm mbah kakung, mbah putriku (anaknya nenek buyut) full ngikut keluarga suami jadi orang jawa.


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.. who gives shit about this, most indonesian loves race mixing. Islamic cleric rape boys and girls daily, and their parent are more than happy to married them to that cleric.
They should go back to being brutal
>thought they would be our "next great ally"
Isn't it obvious? There's indo people here who had more than enough social capital to establish farming/mining/trading/manufacturing enterprise. It's not coincidental that japan's entertainment industry tends open their overseas branch here, like AKB or vtuber.
Because we're more comfortable in our own country.
Young people desperately trying to get out of their country and never returned (until death) is a sign of dystopia
Fun fact that’s how Geert Wilders was born.
Stupid boomer with nonsensical arguments.

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