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maybe you should kill yourself, incel scum. Normal men who aren't women-hating faggots dont have to resort to executing women for adultery. Secondly, you have to give up the concept of sexual possessiveness. That way, you are also free. You are enslaved by your own jealousy.
That's a pretty pussy way of doing it though. It keeps your hands clean but it's not a good way to die. Just smack its head in with a hammer if you don't have a gun.
im calling bullshit
what are the bowls for and whats the real story here
I prefer women having to transition into dickless manlet incels and having to experience the hell they wrought on others for a few decades and then die alone.
Men weren't gook lovers back then

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I have a new home and my lights dim for a split second whenever my AC starts up. The asshole builder tells me this is normal. I called the power company and they say my voltage doesn’t drop much when put under load. I’d like to figure out a solution. I’ve already paid $1200 to install soft starters. How the fuck do people deal with their lights dimming every 15 minutes. I’ve never experienced this in my entire life until now. Should I get some kind of voltage regulator like they have in 3rd world countries?
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Old school Freon is really, really bad. The Ozone layer has actually started recovering after it was banned along with a bunch of other things.
The increased electrical expenditure sucks, but Freon is so bad it's worth it.
>I wonder
Well unless you live in the arctic circle which I doubt because only .1% of the world population live there you have nothing to worry about. And that's if you believe that bs which I don'5t.
>drops 2 volts under load but he checked during the day. It might be worse at night, right?
2 volts isn't much. it's probably the LED lamps drop off for a micro second when a/c kicks in
Is there any kind of solution? Can I condition the voltage to lighting circuits?
Can i condition the voltage to the lights? Voltage conditioner?

Why are they called protected species if they're so easy to kill
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Just like jews
Found the last remaining penguin in the zoo (they're a potentially invasive species) and purged them form the park
Natives have different hunting regulations but they absolutely cannot hunt animals into extinction. Luckily in America we've seen a great resurgence in species over the last 50 years.
Is this that one of the protected species? It ain’t pretty.
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OP is tricking us with clever pic!
OK, at first glance, when we see those animals the first thought that enters our heads is how easy and pleasurable it would be to kill them.
The butterfly, crush it in my fist!
The tortoise, take a spade to it! cut in half!
The owlet, pour petrol on it and burn it!
But think about those bear cubs - they look pretty small, and again a shovel would probably take care of them. But who's around the corner? Momma bear. OP is tricky, because Momma bear is not easy to kill at all, even with a big gun. And so the bear cubs really are protected! OP is fucking with /pol/. But we didn't fall for it!

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Stupid people make 8 children.

Intelligent people make 0.

Idiocracy is real.
Imagine for a second that 100% of people were actually useful and productive their whole adult lives
Tf you goin do Timmy
It is my opinion that stupid people are the root of evil. Without stupidity "evil" could not exist.
didn't Cambodia kill all the smart people?

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This right here is when the real riots and other garbage will begin. It's all in the numbers. They opened the floodgates (along with some fun new "clown" cells being let into the country along with the undocumented), and for you to send any one of the multiple new ethnic groups back to their countries, it would require a violent change in power.

It was a controlled collapse scenario from the beginning. Even if your favorite political figure gets elected, the flow will stop and the country will slide into a depression almost overnight. If you don't stop it, you will drown anyway. They printed so much new fiat that to stop the printer COMPLETELY results in economic collapse (and dont think them lowering rates is even nearly enough, in addition to the other forms of monetary manipulation going on to avoid the effect of this high-interest rate like https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/248611487/ ). To keep it going however, results in hyperinflation.

It's a catch-22, and whoever has planned this out is a fucking maniac, but also a fucking genius. They are about to rewrite the rules forever and set up all the pawns in place to do it. COVID-19 was a huge war game, with billionaires bankrolling "protest organizations" and other inflammatory groups, as well as providing a pretext for the real thing.

Any relevant info, post it here. This isn't "societal collapse" in the regular sense of the term, as this has been engineered with an entirely new "deal" having already been drafted after the crisis occurs (Normalization).

All of the social ills, from the fentanyl to the food fires are manufactured (with some human error and reaction to cover up the source). Even you, the ever ardent racists, are being led like a mouse to cheese right now. They know how you will react, they have planned for it. Richest man on Earth makes every social media chain into 4chan since he dubbed twitter as "X". This is social priming for the masses.
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>inflation does not effect your debt and your ability to take on more debt

self employment is fucking backbreaking and retarded for a lot of people who dont have any value to provide to anyone. not everyone should HAVE to be an enterpreneur to survive in a tiny house with the basics. good job on your success but the whole economic system we use is insane and crumbling
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so they spend money in place instead of just saving it and taking them back to their home country
They hate white people. Who are they? I'm honestly not sure. I mean it's also jews and niggers, but someone, or something, else may be in charge. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an off-world entity. Whites are the only race able to get us out of this shit.

Joe Biden made mcdonalds raise their prices to punish Trump
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Joe Biden has ruined a lot more than McDonalds let's be real.
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Secret service took off the training wheels to get Biden.

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“Putin’s tool”: Zelensky criticized China for refusing to participate in the “peace summit” in Switzerland.
Speaking in Singapore, Zelensky called China “an instrument in the hands of Putin,” who, on instructions from Moscow, does not allow other countries to attend the summit.

The “overdue” also stated that Ukrainian intelligence allegedly has evidence of Chinese military assistance to Russia.
The American one doesn’t, the British one doesn’t, but the Ukrainian one does.

But knowing Chinese they are not going to do it in a direct obvious way. Hahahaha
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Your mom you fucking faggot
How is this going to help America?
I remember when Marin was jealous as fuck that Zelensky had so much pity attention and limelight in 2022 instead of her plus the unlimited US money.
>for refusing to participate in the “peace summit” in Switzerland.
>refusing to participate
Sit your goyim ass and do as I tellya
Lol Amerimutts cant even deal with Russia, they cant do shit against China except for wagging their nukes, which China also has so they cant do shit. China doesnt need to do shit.

Amerinigger "volunteers" will keep dying in Ukraine and thousands more will be listed as "Washington flu" deaths.

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Something happened in Tiananmen 35 years ago. Is there anything in the west that has been erased from the history?
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Fools. It was Sauron.
Why is every belter literally a redditor. No, tiananmen square riots aren't censored in the west because you saw some dumbfuck claim it on reddit you retard
Communism destroyed itself. There were no true believers left. Commies winning or not was cheap propaganda to make you take the side of destroying a country.
They are censoring it, because their culture is about saving face.
If their culture was based on guilt, they'd be proudly proclaiming how they saved themselves from the fate of eastern europe, where there was a massive drop in male life expectancy.
Why are you posting this in every thread?

The deathcount of (((communism)))

>Elects far left lunatic President
>Becomes a failed state
>Elects another far left moron
>Everyone is happy because that person is a lady
Are people really this stupid?
200,000 murders in a little over 6 years and people are excited about AMLOs successor because YAS QUEEN
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>Are people really this stupid?
Once its a failed state, the people are no longer "electing" anyone
Once leftists get into the election apparatus they manufacture the results they want
But hey, at least principled conservatives get to complain and feel morally superior as they're being enslaved and executed by state (using their brainwashed children)
you still think these elections are legitimate?
>Once leftists get into the election apparatus they manufacture the results they want
That's literally their plan LoL, right now elections are organized by an independent organism (INE) and they (Morena) want to destroy it so the government (themselves) organize the elections.
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rly makes u think

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Kremlin warns of 'fatal consequences' for America as footage shows 'first use of US missiles to destroy military targets inside Russia' - and Putin 'loses a record 1,200 troops in one day'
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At some point you gonna have to actually retaliate Putin or they gonna nuke your ass.
itt russia impotent rage thread
2 more red lines
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If you can't see that we will be in an all out world war very soon, you are the moron.
Ukraine will start loosing this summer, at the latest next summer.
What then? What do you think NATO will do? Let Russia conquer all of Ukraine? Ukraine has lost so much irreplaceable manpower that once there is a crack in the dam, it will break. Their front line will completely collapse and the Russians will steam roll Ukraine.
It is likely NATO would then intervene thinking they can "secure" some part of Ukraine which would likely lead to direct confrontation.
That's just one scenario. Another is the stalemate continues and Russia uses a tactical nuke (not strategic) because the stalemate isn't breaking fast enough and NATO gets too comfortable escalating. NATO has said they will then strike Russian targets on the ground. How do you think that ends?
Anyone who thinks this doesn't end with WWIII unless someone backs down, is fucking delusional and it scares me people are that ignorant of history.

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Why was this site so brazenly targeted by feds during 2019? Not even Gab drew as much ire from the glowies/mossad as 8ch did. They pulled out 3 mass shootings to get this site taken down. One of those mass shooters quite literally changed the political landscape of NZ.
So what was it? What seperates these guys from everyone else? Feds clearly saw 8ch as an urgent threat that needed to be neutralized in any way possible.
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It was very informative so it has to go, you could post 5 videos/ images per post, sound enabled, larger catalogue too. And due to it being le secret club of le secret club, the average poster was an actual person who you could hold a discussion on something you disagreed about without it turning into shit flinging.
It made it far to useful and needed to be removed.
I miss baph
>Over 10% of the posts ITT
Still furious over double chan
Oooooy veeeey
It lasted a year after that
>Mfw my governments police force threatened kiwifarms to remove their video believing it to be a New Zealand website
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It died because the owners thought it was more profitable to cater to Qanon retards instead of the people that have been using their site for a decade and then they chased everyone except the Qanon retards away so they wouldn't freak out the facebook boomers they imported. The facebook boomers then got freaked out anyways, didn't buy any of their Qanon merch or donate to their crypto wallet (doubt any of them even knew how to), and then all fucked off after a year when they got bored of nothing happening and realized they just jerked off over tarot poetry for no reason. Fuck the 8ch owners and mods, they chased away thousands of dedicated users to cater to not even a hundred retards. Their entire site doesn't even go past 100 post per hour. Before they purged themselves they'd get twice that number on their version of /v/ alone. At least 40 pph on the hentai game server. A few hundred on their version of /pol/. And they fucking flushed it all down the drain. I hate them so much. They ruined everything. They turned the best forum online into a rotted facsimile that is so disgustingly malformed that it triggers a human's predator response when looked at. I wish death upon the fools that made these changes and I hope every Qanon retard that was dumb enough to go along with their gay little poetry psyop chased away their friends and families with their boring schizo-babble bullshit. They deserve nothing but contempt.

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Id beat it to death with that block of wood
Why do you russhits love sucking Jewish cock so much?
It wasn't done with a submarine ya goofball.
It was UK SBS commandos. The (((Anglos))) need WW3 to happen.


>US: How dare you drive a car!!! You are killing the environment!!!
>US: *Blow up gas pipeline* Fuck the environment!!! *Give weapons to Ukraine to blow up Russian oil refineries* Fuck the environment!!!

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just because you're a faggot, doesn't mean we all are
Histrionic personality disorder
>btw you HAVE TO respect my pretend scenario and if you don't we'll harrass you endlessly and try to ruin your life
All of faggotry has been like this ever since the 00's.
>a lot of kids are going to die
by their own hands
youre literally gay
>that face
>that voice
Its a demon.

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What if Trump slashes entitlements to nothing. All of them. What happens then?
You still live as a slave, a sheep, a cattle, a herded farm animal, born to be abused sexually, spiritually, and emotionally, me and my associates feed off you profaned retards daily.

His cult loves him for it. Everyone else is mad.
you'd have to get a job

I peepee my bed and used a hairdryer to dry it
But now it smells so bad even though the pee is gone and evaporated
It’s haunting me to death
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Just shit on top of it and no one will notice
He probably is.
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Just by one of those, I love deep-cleaning my beds, couches, carpets etc. with them. (But a baking soda and water paste rubbed info the stain will do the trick, let it dry then vacuum).
I love how anon says he pissed his bed and you guys just offer advice. This is such a caring place.
The piss ghost has cursed your bed, Anon.

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Discuss German politics (and the meme I posted). Please do make sure to stay on topic!

Here are some links to get you started:
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krost is der bremmer kaiser
ye will obey
bremerhaven is kapital of Welt neger
>another week, another worse result for AfD
>AfD now at 15,5%
>lowest since March 2013

Wtf is going on? Why are there people to go back to union or other parties?
>Wtf is going on? Why are there people to go back to union or other parties?
you literally asked the same thing three weeks ago
I answered >>468521282
Dont post in this glow thread Germans
You have been plagued with the presence of our unemployed

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& that everyone is a liar?
For me it was a slow process but it began after working shit tons of overtime, saving and investing every penny and staying mentally and physically fit only to get fucked over and have to start from scratch. You really can do everything right and still fail, in fact, the odds are almost always against you in this PoS society.
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wait till you realize a handful of families own every piece of land and the rest of us lease it 100 years at a time. how long has these families been around, what's their life like? what is citizenship when you have no rights to your birthright minerals?
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I am 40.

I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
just cruise, bro.. you don't have to be a hamster in a wheel you can just be a leaf floating in a river, wherever it takes you it will take you
not everybody is

it's not necessarily 'rigged', you don't know what all the strings are and you have to make the best of it. don't give up

I got majorly fucked over too a few years ago, you pick yourself up, learn your lessons, trust the process/ faith in God, and keep going
The next step is realizing literally everything is an ego proxy for the individual i.e. peoe only and I mean only advocate for their own feelings and nothing else and hide behind whatever accomplishes this.Or deal with their impotent rage because they're all inherently weak.

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What should be done about this?
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Yes. Intelligent people currently make dumb decisions. Pic related, trannies are geniuses.
100% of christcucks worship a jew. What should be done about this?
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Understandable, though worth noting is that Black people recognize niggers as a plague. Niggers are Black Trash and the unfortunate reality of Black America is that the non-nigger blacks are often outnumbered by the niggers, because most of them are broke leadsick malnourished rootless descendants of a population of losers among warring tribes of tropical hunter-gatherers who got conquered, enslaved, and sold to wealthy Europeans. Whatever can be said about black people as a race, it's quite evident that there is far more wrong with American ghetto niggers than the shape of their skulls or the color of their skin.
That would be fine if they didnt reproduce by brainwashing your kids into cutting their dicks off as well
>65% of atheists are ok with kids cutting their dicks off.
that is not accurate
the question is ~"should it be illegal for kids to cut their dick off"
i would also say no if i was asked this question, not because i believe that cutting dicks off is good, but because i believe enforcing morality is bad

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She explained in an interview with The Times that she doesn't believe women should be shamed into returning their shopping carts if they don't feel the parking lot is safe for them or their children.
Several commenters made reference to the "shopping cart theory," which proposes that a person's moral character and ability to self-govern can be determined by whether they return their shopping cart to its designated area or abandon it somewhere else in the parking lot.
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>Its not ghetto.
spics, niggers and white trash. ghetto.
Well, if you slap them first, you can disorient them and pry it from their hand.
Over here even absolute scum push their carts back. This is a USA phenomenon, probably because you guys are so judiazed
They mean nigger rapists, not traffic
How the fuck is true neutral "return to the poor", what in the absolute fuck. The poor didn't make it and as a neutral person you shouldn't concern yourself with the feelings or status of others.

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>These commie cope threads always warm my heart.
It motivates me to be nothing like them. Why would I spend my whole life as a have-not, bitching about the haves when I could just work toward becoming financially successful too? 20 years from now they'll still be broke and bitching about the same shit.

Fuck that. This is learned helplessness and I am going to mog this fucked up system and win. Simple as.
>Because no one respects people who buy consumer goods, just to resell them to the consumer at a higher price -- because it makes everything more expensive for us.
That's literally how all markets work you dumb fuck, that's even how the stock market works, for you to buy, someone has to sell (hint: someone is losing). God you people are stupid.
Inflation and because keeping the vast bulk of your money in cash is retarded.
Because I don't need a stock certificate to be allowed to sleep at night.
the "in Minecraft" defense only works if you have already fully dissociated from your legal strawman and renounced citizenship in the federal corporation of the United States beforehand.

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