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Let that sink in...
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That picrel looks fake. And the Nazis are right as they are about most things.
Tfw you die in another NYC false flag attack courtesy of Netanyahu, Sayeret, and Likud, same boys who conceived 9/11 lol.

It's true though, you might die in a false flag in Israel too, like on Oct. 7, plotted by the same prince on the baby skull throne.

My advice is, avoid raves in both places, just bring airbuds and lots of ecstasy to a private roof party for one and dance again off the ledge. Maybe you'll hit an Iranian terrorist and they can make a movie about you called An Fallen Hero.
>Let that sink in
Don't you tell me what to sink
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*Russian Jews, which is like saying a German Gypsie or Romanian Gypise, still a Gypise he just comes from a different country

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Why are Poles slurping American Jew cum so a enthusiastically? Is this just as a FU at Russia or do they enjoy it?
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>we take it up the ass unlubed every 50 years
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What is this man thinking in this moment?
Why don't they just stay in their own country?
who is gerta?
Enjoy the diversity Poland! Remember you voted for this.

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>Hard mode : no fleeing, you have to stay in m*xico.
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So called Whitest South Americans are also South American.
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>Hispanics are white and
NO WE'RE NOT. only aspirationist whitexicans wish they were and everyone here hates or at least loathes. only whitards are into the race game. Nobody wants that shit over here.
I'm never leaving faggot
just don't come here
maybe tell your state representative to stop cia/mossad/dea training and gunrunning for the cartels if you want to be proactive
I voluntary moved here and it's great.

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How many more years does America have?

>While the Biden administration is attempting to look like it’s getting tough on the border, behind the scenes it’s operating a program of “mass amnesty” for migrants, The Post can reveal.

>Data show that since 2022, more than 350,000 asylum cases filed by migrants have been closed by the US government if the applicants don’t have a criminal record or are otherwise not deemed a threat to the country.

>This means that while the migrants are not granted or denied asylum — their cases are “terminated without a decision on the merits of their asylum claim” — they are removed from the legal system and no longer required to check in with authorities.

>The move allows them to legally, indefinitely roam the US without fear of deportation, effectively letting them slip through the cracks.

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>Oh, I'm just saying words? Well them surely you can tell us all about the ACTIONS that a true patriot like you must have taken?

Curb stomp communist faggots like you.
what a dumbass response. yeah firms shouldnt be able to own family homes either
So a made up LARP. Great. Please tell me what I said that makes you think I'm a communist, I don't want anyone thinking I'm trying to support that. You do realize that by telling people "Noticing that corperations are clambering for LGBTQ+ and infinite replacement migration = Communist" then people are eventually going to just... decide their communist? You see how this CREATES communists? I PEOMISE you, I do not want Communism.
>"Corperations aren't at fault!"
>hey did you know half the single family homes are being bought by firms like blackrock
You repeat marxist catch phrases and then wonder why someone thinks you are a marxist, you know nothing about anything, you are most likely 19 years old tops.


I'm tired of this shit hole. I'm moving to Canada, where life is fairer.

It's not a big surprise, but life in Canada is infinitely better compared to life in the US. I have been visiting Canada for quite some time now. I know what I'm talking about. I'm 35, I've been to every major metropolis in Canada. I've explored the plains and the forests, the tundra and all the coasts.

Canada is safer.

Yeah. Sorry to burst your bubble, but life in Canada is just simply safer no matter how you dice it. I felt safe every moment in Canada. I do not feel that way here in the US. It's nice being as far North from the Mexicans and niggers as possible.

Healthcare is also free in Canada. You dumb retarded nigger cattle Americans are going to be paying out the mother fucking ass for healthcare when you're older. You don't care now because you're young, but it's gonna bankrupt you.

Not in Canada.

In Canada, the gap between the rich and the poor is much smaller. I don't feel like a nobody in Canada. In Canada, everyone feels a lot more equal.

I just don't understand the hate. You want giga cities? Go to the international city of Toronto and find everything you would in London or NYC. You want the white mans city? Go to Calgary. Canada has the best chefs, the best food, the chillest climate and the most bodacious babes. No seriously, Canadian girls are incredibly cute and love American cock. /pol/ would love to dispute all this pro Canadian talk with "muh luxury soup", but guess which Canadians are actually saying that? It's 4chan Canadians. It's /pol/ Canadians. These are not your normal demographics. If you want a baller life, you can have it in Canada, nobody is stopping you. You don't have to be poor. As we speak, there's literally millions of well to do Canadians LAUGHING at you kids. They're laughing all the way to the bank. I want a wallet full of monopoly money bros. I do.

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>I'm tired of this shit hole
>I'm moving to Canada, where life is fairer.
pack plenty of google gift cards
See ya fag

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I miss old /pol/ ;_;
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This is you
/pol/ was never good
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You are that upset that I want to see Russia destroy Ukraine and all of NATO? You niggers have been so butt hurt over Russian raping Ukraine it is insane

Stay mad :^)

This. So much this.

Not actively supporting NATO means you're against white national socialist ideals. Don't fall for the leftist commie shitskin anti-NATO spam.

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bro Russians arent defending their homes from an Ukrainian invasion
Russia's an embarrassment
>You haven’t explained how has Ukraine not collapsed
their sugar daddies pay for everything
the question was answered but you are too stupid to accept it. dont worry the money printer is stopping soon and you can suck jew dick in other ways
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Deat Holocaust deniers.
If Holocaust was a fake, then whose names are listed in the book by Yad Vashem?
There are some 4.7 million names, you can't seriously claim Jews had pulled all of these out of their asses.
The most charitable interpretation I can agree on is that usage of gas chambers for murder is a myth, and the fact that some of the people promoting that seem to believe in young Earth creationism or lizard people somewhat erodes even its cedibility in my eyes.
Not mocking, geniunely trying to understand your position.
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A few years ago when The Daily Shoa was less shit and was dedicating multiple episodes to Holocaust deboonking, they did a great episode going through the Yad Vashem list and finding jews who were still alive, or stories of family members who fled to to different parts of the world, each assuming the other was dead until they reunited decades later. I wish I had an episode number to go pull examples right now.

It didn't happen, but it should've happened and it will happen.
Those shill threads won't save you, kike.
There is no historicity for these names.
I suspect that this was made up as a ploy to quiet opponents of the holocaust lie.
>random name generator
If OP doesn't suck cocks then explain the names of all 6 gorillion Men who's cocks he sucked in the book written by Me?

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post your best jewpills and prepare for cyberwarfare against JIDF
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Leftists nowadays are trying to undermine the Irish identity with all sorts of propaganda.

>we wuz anglo
>we wuz Norman
>we wuz norse
>we wuz celts
>we wuz Middle Eastern

How do you reply?
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the Normans only settled in Ireland in 12th century and the English only attempted to settle well after the celts lived there so your wrong for a start also Ireland has been building structures well before the pyramids of Giza
your rabbi raped you lol
You're Celtic Catholics. You have been for over a millenia. Its what stopped you from being assimilated into English and by extension British culture like the rest of the UK.

If the Irish aren't Celtic Catholics and the culture that is produced from that then what are you?
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>Ireland has been building structures well before the pyramids of Giza
That was the Neolithics which the invading Indo-Cuckropeans proto-celts genocided and replaced. Ireland hasn't built anything significant since.
raped by your rabbi

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>convicted felon
>if he’s incarcerated he likely won’t be able to vote
>countries may not allow him to travel
>can’t even buy a gun

LOL nice “candidate” you got there MAGats
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Still voting for him
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>convicted felon
How is he going to pardon NY state crimes.
since trump is a convicted felon now they should arrest him for illegal possession of weapons
they should also ban him from having secret service since they count as weapons too
Try every person in the entire country. Perfect anarcho tyranny

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Is it real thing ? Are they trying to cover it up ?
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Saying this discounts your own role in sex. Stop pumping and dumping and find a virgin. Work with her through the issues. If men stopped using women as cum rags, women couldn’t get their cum. At least wrap it if you don’t want to be with her. Men are just as complicit in female hypergamy.
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>Stop pumping and dumping and find a virgin
trolling is forbidden on /pol/.
/b/ exists for trolling. Go there to advocate virgins.
You have literally nothing to base this heckin science that you want so desperately to be real on.
my king
Its the only way of dodging all these nonsense considerations and hidden baggage

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I had a hot girl ask me to go protest Trump with her because she has a delusion that the Trump boomers will attack her. I have no issues shitting on Trump because he's not going to do any of the shit he promised just like last time. But I'm not on her side politically either.

Should I do it?
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is that pic real?
>just be a cuck faggot with no opinion

Good thing you didn't write the guide on masculinity
it is really a pic
knock her up and then tell her the truth when she's 5 months pregnant
Where will you and your furrburger whore going to be protesting at? I may stop by and kick your face in.

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the globalist mafia is planning something for this date. may they all die in their sleep tonight.


I don't get it
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The Liberal World Order is dying and we don't know what that means.

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"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all white men,"
you multi billionaire donation milling pissrael first president can be distilled to idol worship and denounced in the Bible. He can also afford the $0.50 Made in China flag but he sold it to you knowing you are late on usury car payments. Never talk to me again

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I recently joined a Pentecostal church in my town. There’s stomping and winning and speaking tongues, and the preacher is charismatic and fiery. I’m getting baptized soon. I encourage other anons to join small churches in their communities as well. If only we could stop paying taxes to the government and simply pay our tithes instead…
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Nice jidf youbare like david Horowitz running away like a pig from real jesuit deconstructing his ass
Nope judeo christianity is not christianity aka orthodox roman catholic no see murret helping kill jfk the zoa adl bnai broth Zionist Marxist communist nasa hoax shit
Illiterate morons you are an imbecile you cannot read for read past bots
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Christians, I would ask you if it makes sense that the true God of the universe, in all his wisdom and power, would torture his children forever for not believing the hearsay of jews from thousands of years ago. No man truly seeking God would settle for this nonsense and all the contradiction of text that goes along with it. If you are truly seeking, then do so.

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How do I achieve this natty?
>SNEED oils
Somehow I bet that running has done more damage to my knee joints than this fucker will ever experience. I can't even walk up stairs now without it sounding like dry rice grinding together
What a skinny bastard

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>Authorities in France suspect Russia may be responsible for the appearance of five coffins at the Eiffel Tower over the weekend that were covered with French flags bearing the words: “French soldiers in Ukraine.

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French uniform? Doesn't look like the Ukrainian one.
Article 5 doesn't protect your gay Frenchmen in Ukraine from Russia, nor does it protect them in Africa.
gaynigger wanted the big russian D
it's another holocaust

Here's an example of a literal bot programmed to disinform, breaking down, its programming breaking down.

Why is this being allowed? This site is trash. Literal.
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The tourist shill doesn't know he can't bump his own thread. Fuck the ukraine!
>Somewhere like China has it's own department that has VPN servers all over the world for their shills to use. These VPN servers are not public so they can't be detected.
>Russia probably does the same.
Israel very definitely does because they forget which domain they're using on a fairly regular basis.
Israel and USA hire shills to spam anyway so fuck all that gay shit.
>inaction of western state actors
They are very active and very good at what they do. Our media is as much controlled as the Russian and Chinese media. The only diference is how aware the citizens are of the fact. That's where western state actors have the better of their counterparts. Because a huge group of our public is unaware just how deep the control runs.

>we win organically across the board
Yes, we do. The true will of the people can not be supressed forever. Every system of censorship will eventually burst under stress. Cute that you think your opinions are the real ones.

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If Russia is winning why send some 61 year old man to fight in a foreign country on the front lines? There is no national risk the enemy is no where near capital, the country or it's boarders are not in danger. Is Russia so desperate and situation so dire that they need to trick pensioners into sign up for military? Especially when the man has never even used a gun before and has no military experience. Went like this:
>military called over the phone
>lured him in with promises of money and easy military service in the rear of battle where he won't risk dying
>arrived to recruiter in eastern city, singed papers, loaded in regular civilian air liner plane along with other 20 people all as old as him
>on day one in Ukraine was loaded into truck and driven to the frontlines,
>Got 15 min demonstration on how to load and fire the gun in driven to a village with other misfits and to told to defend it
>couple days later was told to charge enemy defensive position where he surrendered
>got captured in just 5 days by Ukraine
I don't know about others but it just looks pathetic for a country like Russia. What Ukraine is doing is bad too but too but they are being pressed enemy is inside their country taking land never ending attack but who's attacking Russia? Why would such old man even be on the candidate list? and why are pensioners so in Russia so poor? A man who has worked for 25 years building roads, has a wife who also works but they don't earn enough to pay for the bills really? Shouldn't Russia be rich with resources and have money pay at least for their pensioners aren't elders respected in slavic culture?
In Norway you see them sitting in restaurants drinking coffee eating deserts or relaxing with their mates sipping beer simply enjoying retirement but in Russia old people can only earn their rest while dead I suppose.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGu94DIQ1nA POW interview
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Basically a stupid volunteer with regrets
Men patrolling in minivan to pull hohol from their home to enlist.

Thanks for the enlightment OP
Young people no longer care about their countries or fall for their propaganda as much they also probably earn enough working too so the money military offers for their special 3 day operation doesn't make sense no matter what. Service in Ukraine is basically assisted suicide just with more steps.
this . Russia has my support simply because when they import niggers and pajeets, they send them to the frontlines.

I feel much better knowing my taxdollars kill pajeets and niggers instead of white people
Be honest: was he violently raped before or after
Does this make you angry or something? No where I've said what Ukraine does is good it's just as bad but the point still stands that Russia for some reason is calling 60 year old men and by lying with promise of money they sign up only to act as most basic soldiers or human shields. Why are they doing this?

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