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This right here is when the real riots and other garbage will begin. It's all in the numbers. They opened the floodgates (along with some fun new "clown" cells being let into the country along with the undocumented), and for you to send any one of the multiple new ethnic groups back to their countries, it would require a violent change in power.

It was a controlled collapse scenario from the beginning. Even if your favorite political figure gets elected, the flow will stop and the country will slide into a depression almost overnight. If you don't stop it, you will drown anyway. They printed so much new fiat that to stop the printer COMPLETELY results in economic collapse (and dont think them lowering rates is even nearly enough, in addition to the other forms of monetary manipulation going on to avoid the effect of this high-interest rate like https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/248611487/ ). To keep it going however, results in hyperinflation.

It's a catch-22, and whoever has planned this out is a fucking maniac, but also a fucking genius. They are about to rewrite the rules forever and set up all the pawns in place to do it. COVID-19 was a huge war game, with billionaires bankrolling "protest organizations" and other inflammatory groups, as well as providing a pretext for the real thing.

Any relevant info, post it here. This isn't "societal collapse" in the regular sense of the term, as this has been engineered with an entirely new "deal" having already been drafted after the crisis occurs (Normalization).

All of the social ills, from the fentanyl to the food fires are manufactured (with some human error and reaction to cover up the source). Even you, the ever ardent racists, are being led like a mouse to cheese right now. They know how you will react, they have planned for it. Richest man on Earth makes every social media chain into 4chan since he dubbed twitter as "X". This is social priming for the masses.
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You need to reduce your debt and pay it all off. Talk to your wife about "planning for your children's future", you have to phrase it that way to avoid frightening her. And your plan will be to reduce your discrtionary spending as much as possible, and put the spaclre cash into durable and or liquid assets, like low premium gold, other preper fare, and any kind of property that you can buy and hold for cash.
You need to develop the proper mentality now so that you will adjust to the decline with less fear and hesitation.
The problem is the idea of a 'job' is outdated.
Only retards have 'jobs'.

Your wages never scale with inflation, instead of a job where you get paid income, you need to get paid in 'price'.

You need to SET a price that scales with inflation. banana's cost $2 more? Your labour costs $2 more now.

Then you've got to offer something that pajeet doesn't offer so that you can justify your premium.

If you can't it's on you.
amass guns. guns are power and power is a finite resource. take your kids hunting and into the wild, fishing camping etc. Teach them survival skills. Buy equipment and other things slowly when you can, and above all keep learning. Knowledge is also very much power. ears to the scanner, make sure you can read the environment to know when a good time to gtfo might be.

This is one of the unfortunate cases where if there is no unifying force all at once (another reason for so many sectarian groups being created), then we are more likely to eat eachother when the fireworks start.
Yellen was also supposed to refinance the interest rate and issue long term govt bonds at a lower cost when the funny money was printing, which she didn't do.


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Delete all niggers or all pajeets? Which do you choose and why?

Pajeets include Pakistanis and bengalis, and their diaspora
Niggers, we get alot more land. Also i can finally relax.

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>'Ello, and welcome to Niggernometry. I'm generic looking Brit
>And I'm the guy who plays up my Russian immigrant status when it's convenient
>And this is the show for you if you're a political grifter like us: two fags identifying as centrists because we're too pussy to call ourselves anything else
>Our brilliant guest today is another black woman, who we are only having on because she expresses right-of-center opinions and can't be criticized by the left because of her minority status, but we'll pretend she's here for her writing or some shit. Of course next time we'll have on a leftist guest as we do every third week so no one accuses us of bias. God forbid.
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kek, very nice
I have no fucking clue who these losers are
Are we supposed to know every podcast on the internet?
Did they say something you don't like but that you cannot articulate a convincing counterargument of? Have you tried being less of a bitter count?
*Cunt, my bad
>Russian immigrant

He is literally, LITERALLY a Jew.
But lately this isn't so cool so that little faggot pretends he's the authority on eastern matters because his family comes from the Pale of Settlement.
Incidentally he also hates Russia, just like Benny Shapiro so I to the trash he goes.

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We should 10x immigration from Burma

They are well behaved and intelligent people who deserve a chance of a good life

They deserve good quality education and a stable society
only the hot little SEAmonkey females
the rest can stay
we should 1000x immigration from Antarctica.
women cannot survive alone though
too stupid / weak

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Never forget the six million.
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I thought it was six gorillion, where did you get six million from? You aren't a holocaust denier, ARE YOU!?!?!?
Me too F.A
>never stop playing the victim
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Oy vey we need more holocaust museums
Lee Majors starred in it, right?

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Everything is broken now.
Tech all sucks, even stuff that used to work like firecuck, windows, and Linux are all trashed.
Software I've used for decades is just fucking broke after one single forced update.
Hardware is trash too, cars, machinery, tools.. not even the steel is worth a shit.
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I want to take a bite of that.
Linux was pozzed after PulseAudio. Systemd was the nail in the coffin. Have fun with your card carrying communist OS.
Try domestic construction.
Here's what went wrong in my building which was completed in early 2020, so far.

>4 water mains bursts right over the circuit breakers of the neighbours below
>80 elevator breakages, overheard the technicians: "cable's only supposed to stretch to 18cm... This one's 32, fuck."
>half the walls are more than 30% silicone repair
>the other half retain excess water: the contractors never dried the concrete
>warm water pumps on each floor, 8 of them broke thus far
>venting system is so asthmatic that indoor summer temperatures at night can easily stay at 34°C for the whole week even when it's already cold outside
>built-in dishwasher has already been replaced 200 times in the building (I never used mine though) because of rust
>sliding door to the garage easily jammed wide open with a strong breeze and failed to shut after that, company blamed the local dentist for illegally using the parking provisions (except the dentist didn't use the provisions)
>delivery unit broke at least a dozen times
>hallway doorlocks destroyed on 7 floors due to improper tuning of the bar that's supposed to slow the door down

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Use non systemd Void for starters …
Holy shit
Are you renting?

Google accidentally publishes internal docs proving they participated in election meddling.
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Could be... could be...
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>This is more likely than an actual good guy existing in one single fucking position of power
So true kek
The people would rise up and demand tje senate release an official OF account
nigga that is the entire joke, you are so stupid that its a danger to people around you
Kek anon you're a gem

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>its a new industrial revolution
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hes full fo shit, he always says the same thing
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You just jealous.
Without AI you will have period blood on canvas instead of this masterpiece.
>Who watches this shit
anyone interested in the complete revolution of the world that is coming within the next few years
Physics generated
Bridge broken
Diversity Pajeet dindu nuffin
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AI art is superior art form

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>artificial colors
do you know anything at all? EU has to list these separately in big bold letters, not in the ingredients section.
Nice digits!
Additive are poison. Hella food colorings are carcinogens. But the best is the skittles causing cancer because titanium. Sometimes it’s the service all around and less of the nitpicking aspects we look at this is proof of divide and conquer. Any sue that isn’t natural colouring why include it ? It’s a poison to the recipe and Jewish mysticism and advertising. (Playing on the mind in the realm of sustainance)
They're the same products you fag fucker. Do you think companies are going to change their manufacturing process just so they they can sell you healthier froot loops?
Kill yourself golem.

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Elon Musk should purchase 4chan. Reddit has occupied several major boards and both moderation and ownership has proven treasonous by aiding in this occupation rather than working to drive it off. He would delete the most leftoid boards like /lgbt/, /u/, /y/, /d/ and /mlp and clean the entire moderation team while replacing it with Conservative Rightchad Men who would work to drive off Reddit instead of aiding it. The current state of X (formerly Twitter) is proof of this.
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he already owns it
Either completely logical, or completely retarded, I dont know which yet.
With the amount of twitter screenshot threads I thought he already owned it.
That guy talks about money while being given hand outs all his life because of his rock mine in America lol
Why would you want to form an echo chamber you stupid faggot. As much as I don’t agree with someone they should be still allowed to voice their opinion. Rope yourself poof

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Go woke, go broke.
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bullshit. I want to see a dna test on this one
Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs
Forced meme
I enjoyed it actually
It's now Mad Maxipad

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Shooped. Original article says bisexual.
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>All Jews are pedophiles

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Literally the only religion that could defend its premises with courtroom level rigor

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You're not a filthy scab, are you anon?
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Fuck unions. Unions=communists
I don't know, did the union reject my application? or charge crazy dues? or try and haze me? or pour my dues into some kike's political carousel?
Be honest, if you've been in a union, its done a couple of those.
And you probably didnt mind, you cuck.
what do you say when your family/friends ask what you do for a living? genuinely curious
They are a disgrace to their families.
Either severely mentally disabled or physically disabled.

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Wasn't it kind of weird how their founder was thrown out a window in Turkey once things started to wind down in Syria?
*Thing happens*
While I’m inclined to have agreed with you, you overposted meaning that OP must’ve touched a nerve.
Go on. Tell us more

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Manitoba, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island have been conquered by foreign Indian nationals. They are able to protest and press demands for extended work permits and have received concessions from the respective provincial governments each time.

Now in the jeet epicentre, Brampton, they have once again gathered in force to demand work permit extensions. Up to 70,000 may possibly join.

They smell blood in the water. What are the long-term implications of foreign nationals being able to successfully make demands of provincial Canadian governments with the express purpose of fucking over the native workers?
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Pol is outsourcing?
>million Indians
Don’t think they had that many
Fijians have more kids but Indians just take off to the west
They don’t care for the sinking island
It’s mostly young people leaving. So likely old folks will just sell the house to natives
It’s going down every year
He has the Nimble Feet perk, it’s the main viable build for mud-based casters
Yeet the jeets. Sikh and destroy.

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Very sick and tired of blackies claiming mixed breeds acomplishments as their own, fuck them and fuck you all whities aswell who support the retarded "one drop rule", understand that we are neither white nor black.

Niggers always want to downplay mulattoes for not being black enough(see how the haitians killed all their mulattoes and not only the white frenchs) but the moment they want to get with some of our women or want to claim any significant acomplishment a mixed comrade gets done they stick like leeches to us.

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The one on the right has blue eyes. How's he black
The mixed breeds claim they're Black. Whites don't want them but Blacks don't like them either unless they do enough nigger shit.
You mean left? It’s Jason Kidd. He used to have a mini afro in his younger days.
Didn’t Luca Doncic win the Magic Johnson award?

what was his fucking problem?
He did it for 72 hot virgins in Islamic paradise

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Why has the conversation suddenly shifted to them being extradimensional instead of extraterrestrial?
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But I'm asking why the conversation shifted - very it's all bullshit or not. (Just to keep the distraction going if it's fake? Or because it's closer to the truth if it's real?) The question is why the discussion suddenly changed.
Writers run out of ideas in the later seasons
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They want to keep us divided, distracted, and living in fear. Just say no to all that.

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>If we didn't stop Germany and Japan then the poison of Communism never would have gotten a chance to spread.

Why did we stop them from cleansing the planet of the evils of Communism? Japan was so close to finishing off the Chinese communists and Russia would have fallen if Germany wasn't split on two fronts and needing to pick up the slack for the pathetic Italians.
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Communism survives as liberal democracy, just a "softer" version
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You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
Well done, bro

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