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Two failed coups within the last 5 years on a tiny shithole like Bolivia, Dulles is rolling in his grave.
>inb4 hurr durr why blame CIA for everything!!
Such pathetic failed attempts are obviously being instigated by an outside force, one severely disconnected from the ground realities too when the conditions for a successful coup are so hilariously far off. Cold War CIA would have had an accurate assessment of the actual conditions, or created the conditions themselves over years for the coup to succeed. Now two failed coups has just entrenched the power of socialism in Bolivia and makes future plotters far more hesitant.
Didn’t a bunch of them get their organs harvested in Myanmar? Kek
>bay of pigs
Can't win em all
I think the CIA's recent work in Mexico and Argentina have been exceptional displays of their prowess. Naturally they had assistance from MOSAD but that is beside the point
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gotta love that DEI boomerang
Failed CIA coup in Bolivia, Belorussia, Georgia, Hungary.
I can't wait until niggers and other subhumans overbreed the working class and that cancerous shithole finally collapses
the tried this shit in georgia too
darn you anon I was going to say this
Bolivia is the graveyard of revolutionaries
Even during the Cold War they couldn't oust Castro and they threw everything they had at him.
succeeded in Ukraine.
Cuba is an "authoritarian" Marxist-Leninist country though. They're authoritarian precisely to make coups and overthrows more difficult. Struggling to overthrow run of the mill third world Democratic Socialists is just sad.
>/pol/troons support the socialist president
What a timeline.
DEI policies and nepotism have hollowed out the CIA to an incredible degree. It's like 2/3rds foreign born people now too lol. The rest are assuredly dual citizens.
>Cold War CIA would have had an accurate assessment of the actual conditions, or created the conditions themselves over years for the coup to succeed.
are you of the opinion that maybe coups have been studied by everyone and safeguards have been implemented?
tanks in war are irrelevant, missles and airplanes, drones and artillery
shit changes
one day war will be absolutely impossible if not right now due to costs and global narratives like climate change
why doesn't someone make an assessment on the past wars on the climate change? or charge countries carbon tax for wars?
see its all ending dude,
ever heard of a little thing called national socialism?
Show me how the bolivian socialist is anything like the nazi's from germany. I'll wait.
>Its easy to defend against a black swan
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>Such pathetic failed attempts are obviously being instigated by an outside force
I wonder who? brb my BBQing
nah we just like to see dead glowniggers
see any you recognize?
>It is harder to create a black swan
glowies seethe kek
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they got caught Congo too
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>you love to see it
This is the current year zoomerfaggot catchphrase. They talk like movie or cartoon characters.
Lmao even the CIA is suffering the consequences of DEI hires.
>We wuz spooks n sheit
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the competence crisis is a gift that keeps on giving

we're finally free of the grasp of the gringoy empire
When the DOD did their stand down to hunt for WNs the agency did so as well and purged the vast majority of us which subsequently was the bulwark of their paramilitary ops, HUMINT experience. Whatever dissenting voice the agency once had is gone.
I know pol we got backup
like every empire before it
The agency was trying to make Ukraine a WN paradise and once the establishment had enough leverage to change policy on it they endlessly escalated to bait russia into destroying the agency pet project for a white future.
>organs harvested in Myanmar
plz elaborate
>one day war will be absolutely impossible if not right now
You can't outdevelop human nature. War is inevitable.

they don't fly your lgbt flag in bolivia and they have kicked out jewish extractor corps.

oy vey!
I condemn these abominable acts
CIA and FBI must be dismantled
No more empire, no more foreign meddling
found the CIAnigger
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the new DEI spooks spend all their time on reddit and social media and really thought that we would support a coup. Retards actually thought they could overthrow the goverment with 3 rusty armored cars and 150 soldiers. Spanish city design makes revolution pretty hard. Look at the map. you had 150 men and 3 armored cars in the one plaza. The streets one block over to the east, west south and north were bristling with 10s of 1000s of people.
Don't forget Khazakstan.
>one day war will be absolutely impossible if not right now due to costs and global narratives like climate change

LOL. Yeah, your government funded conspiracy theory is going to end war.
Even your tears are glowing
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Kek, they're stretched pretty thin these days.
chinese agents caught em lacking prior to the coup and had a 5 course 1966 dinner. over 100 agents
And those recruitment numbers keep going down, down, down. It's not looking good for ZOG

proud of you, chapaco.

is Tarija worth settling in as a chef? the wine country is developing nicely.
mental decay
mask wearers
bumbling idiot
slip ups and gaffes
Tarija is nice. the weather is warm, and then cold. You have lots of vineyards, and even blueberries grow there. and you can get land really cheap if you wanna do a B&B with food you grow on your farm like they have all over Napa Valley.
slips and falls
Thanks Fren!
>mental decay
>mask wearers
>bumbling idiot
>slip ups and gaffes
>slips and falls
All you are seeing is doubles.
how do you know that the CIA doesn't deliberately sponsor failed coups so their enemies underestimate them when it matters?
I hate the CIA. May bolivian socialism prevail
>Failed in Myanmar
>Recently failed in the Congo
>Failed yet again in Bolivia
CIAniggers... It's over...
To be fair, successful coups usually rely more on general apathy than active support and often require very little personnel. However the glowniggers were retarded to think that the population would be apathetic after 2019.
How do you know blacks aren't really smart and actually running the NWO? Do you know what the N really stands for?
When it comes to cheering on war between agents of the government and foreigners, I will always cheer on the foreigners. All western governments are enemies of their own people, and especially white people. It's that simple.
no one cares about your shit countries anyway
Yeah I'm gonna be honest, this ain't it, it looked like a retard was seething after being laid off and decided to attempt a coup ala Myanmar to get back at the president, why he thought it would work given that he apparently forgot to inform the soldiers that there is a coup going until prez told him to fuck off, I wouldn't know, but I'm willing to believe that he was just that stupid

you know the rules, all you need is to capture and hold the presidential palace, the parliament, the airport, and the state broadcaster to perform coup, but you need to capture and HOLD
Man, I sure do love reminding my FBI minder about CIA pieces of excrement having their organs harvested in Myanmar.
Bright green glownigger kike
Be honest are you mad you have a malfunctioning anus because your rabbi raped you hundreds of times as a toddler?
i need more info. this was in the 2021 coup?
ahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHA not really
khazaria lost
the goal was Ukrainian deaths bro , its plain to see
Is Russia, like, playing into CIA's hands then?
DEI is a hell of a drug. Before that, they also had affirmative action with the millennials. Gen X was the last uncompromised gen but they are also by far the most nilistic gen too and just don't care. Not to mention their lack of numbers. This is true for all of them. Gen X is also getting up there in years and boomers are retired. They are so beyond fucked. The competent scary glowniggers no longer exist.
its hard to say , idk how much about what we are being told Russia is doing is true , probably not very much.
Well someone has to kill those ukrainians, so unless CIA has a clone army or whatever that fully replaced russian army and government it oughta be russians who are doing the killing
You're missing Kazackistan, Congo, and Myanmar. Myanmar is the biggest because they dumped fiat currency and went all on in silver.
im not saying they are not killings the Ukrainians im questioning how defensive this war actually is . i mean Nato and the alphabet agency's have been harassing Russia a long time this war is just an escalation of that conflict.
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>Camp Justice
Myanmar is getting its ass kicked by the ethic militias tho, and their government are such shitheads that even China seems to not want to lift a finger to help them, especially after the debacle with the phone scam facility that ran on kidnapped chinese tourists
Eastern VS Western Jews. Both are Jews. It's nothing more than Jewish infighting over goodies while genociding white goyim on top of their Greater Israel Project aka reclaiming Khazaria so it's a three in one deal for them. I would honestly be hard pressed to find a more Jewish example. Keep in mind the kikes never lost control of the Soviets nor after its collapse. This is because they killed all the previous leaders and their thinkers as well. No aristocrats and no great philosophical thinkers to oppose them. West being controlled by Jews is also incredibly obvious it is illegal now to say anything about them.
One of my favorite economic professors was Bolivian. He left mid semester to return to Bolivia. I wonder if he's still alive...
The issue is they lost their privatized central bank there and they are the first example of USA golem global failure. Hence it had the greatest ramifications...why? Because the USA failed to do anything about it. Ergo USA hegemony is DEAD and everyone knows it. The issue isn't so much Myanmar but rather what Myanmar represents. The Death of ' our democracy'. Contrary this isn't Iraq or Afghanistan(admittedly their excuse is their shit all got looted) because who still has fiat, private banks, and no precious metals?
DEI is working out wonderfully for them. They should wear more rainbow pins.
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Yeah Russia has been crying about harassment but they never actually say what said harassment was, like were there any western dissidents hiding in Russia that were killed or poisoned ala Navalny? No? Wikileaks guy seems to be doing well all things considered
Donbass war escalation? Nope, take a look at the chart of civilian casualties, see how they pretty much stopped after the first two years? See how it got to less than 30 when Zelenskyyyyy took office? So that can't be it
Even Russia can't say what it is since the only consistent motivation that they do say is "Denazification" which means frankly nothing, Putin did waffle something about ancestral clay as justification to Tucker but that's about it really
Personally I subscribe to a mix of ancestral clay and being worried that Ukraine could overtake Russia as gas supplier to EU with all those deposits on its eastern portion
Why would we be informed about what they are doing to russia , though being informed about what russia does in response benefits them greatly . they control our media not russia , use your head.
>killed all the previous leaders and their thinkers as well. No aristocrats and no great philosophical thinkers to oppose them.
They're such evil little fuckers. Enemies of mankind.
Why did you expose this tactic?
Sure did lol, the Burmese then bragged about it on 4chan
We can gather motive based on what russians themselves say, Lavrovs statements, whatever Medvedev blurts out while drunk on twitter, aforementioned Putins interview, its not the fucking North Korea and whether we like it or not russian people are still involved in international politics
Again, if Russia was under any specific harassment, it would've informed its fifth column allies about it, you are acting as if its completely isolated from the wider internet
Reclaiming Khazaria and resources. Ukraine is one of the bread baskets of the world. Has large gas reserves and recently it came out that they had trillions worth of rare earth metals as well. The reason Putin doesn't claim ancestral clay is because he is a hardcore antinationalist and is a sponsored WEF leader for globohomo. He kept purging Russian nationalists. Putin is PURE globohomo as in was literally endorsed by WEF tier globohomo leader. As Ex KGB he knows about the Jew but supports them hence shabbos goyim too. Both Putin and the jew leader of Ukraine are pursueing a genocide and land clearance to make way for Greater Khazaria. Ukraine is supposed to be destroyed and replaced with Khazaria and Russia oligarchs are supposed to be compensated partially with resources(lol as if they are gonna get kiked). While killing as many Ukrainian and Russian men as possible for white genocide and minimizing the risk of resistance.

Keep in mind Belarus, Ukraine, and Russian. Are ALL Ethnic Russians who have been DnC by Jews during the soviet period to hate themselves. Kiev is ancient Russian capital. Real Russian Nationalists in all three countries want reunification and to get rid of the Jew who genocided them repeatedly now. That is why they are a taboo in all three countries.

They want to do the same in the West. They already more or less succeeded in America. There is a reason why our academia is now a joke and our version of the aristocratic class all mysteriously disappeared during the 20th century(beginning with the 1913 is when the purge began and the Civil War. In Europe, they went genocide on aristocrats since the Enlightenment period. Revolution after revolution nobles all mysteriously disappeared or died. The only 'nobles' left are the traitorous parasitic 'black nobility'. Everyone else? Dead. During the 20th century in Europe they went after the great thinkers and any leaders who tried to replace the dead nobles(the 'Fascists')
Lmao good.
I thought the lefty narrative was that Arce was a neoliberal puppet or whatever, did the story change? Also, the CIA was never good at anything, most of what they claimed responsibility for had nothing to do with them. Americans were never that good at strategy.
the CIA tried to launch a coup in bolivia to install a russian puppet? thats weird.
This type of copium is why making fun of the hilariously incompetent DEI CIA is so satisfying.
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Was this when Alex Soros did a visit? I mean, detective skills wouldn't have to be that great to figure out a fake colour revolution was about to happen.
Its been said for the past two decades but that can seem just recent to you if you’re a 15 yr old larping as an adult
>Medvedev blurts out while drunk on twitter
idk who that is and i dont use twitter
>it would've informed
who can they inform that would be connected to us here? if they did inform some of their allys its not like they are going to reveal themselves to the agency's by announcing Russia's motives publicly.
>you are acting as if its completely isolated from the wider internet
its rather isolated , countries like russia and china or japan kinda dont use the same websites westerners do and if they do the english is often bad or they just get removed.
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If you assume every American foreigner is CIA, you will be right at least once.
This is what happens with CIA falls for its own propaganda.
Ouroboros phenomenon. Self-eating snakes.
>poisoned ala Navalny?
>blood clots
Dude was vaxed.
How was that ever confirmed? Did the organs glow in the dark?
>spouts non stop pretending like they know a lot about geopolitics
>'whos medvedev???'
lmao are these glownigger tears? Get fucked you faggot. You are the bane of any free and independent society. Done absolutely nothing to benefit our country but have ensured that you're a detriment at every turn. Go home to Langley, boy.
Zog is still heavily pushing feminism in Kazakhstan
>idk who medvedev is
you should probably stop talking about russia then
>spouts non stop pretending like they know a lot about geopolitics
i wasn't pretending to know , i was just giving my opinion , were did i say i had secret information or was more informed then others? just seems to me like a lot of the story is being hid from the public as always
Nice conspiratard theory, except jewkraine is full of and ran by white hating jews.
Lol. I like when they die.
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Kazakhstan is so based they became a meme on /pol/. It ain't gonna work. Especially with how they successfully reversed all the damage the soviets(jews) did to them and started to fix their demographic crisis. Besides right now glowniggers are far too incompetent to stop them thanks to all the competent people retiring getting replaced with affirmative action and DEI.
We've been over this a thousand times before. Ukraine's military strength was being built up to a point that it might be able to push Russia out of the territories in the east of Ukraine it or its allies had controlled since 2014. Russia's government faced two realistic choices: withdraw or pre-emptive military action. It's no surprise they chose the latter. They had made it unequivocally clear over the preceding decade that they weren't going to allow the USA to turn Ukraine into an outpost of its own power. We can think Russia should have (allowed that to happen) but we can't be surprised at their reluctance, given how obvious they've been about it since 2008 at the very least.
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did you forget about congo?
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Never get high on your own supply. Once the CIA started believing it's own bullshit it was finished.
But that’s bullshit if anything it was supposed to be a WN heat sink that drew in young aimless men from all over like a honky Muhjahedeen with the same goal of wasting Russian resources. There was never any intention of setting up anything positive in Ukr.
>one day war will be absolutely impossible if not right now due to costs and global narratives like climate change

>our network of alliances will make war in Europe impossible
>the interconnected nature of our economies will make war in Europe impossible
>the technological progress over the past two centuries has made war in Europe impossible
>the modern aeroplane has made war in Europe impossible
>the proliferation of nuclear power and nuclear weapons has made war in Europe impossible

There are only a few constants in the thousands and thousands of years of the history of the human race.
It has been just over a hundred years since we gained the ability to destroy ourselves completely.
Do not let yourself be this naive.
>If people oppose socialism is CIA
Holy shit this board has been succesfully taken by bunker trannies
Don't forget how they fucked up in Khazakstan, and Venezuela.
And their protests in Hong Kong only served to expose all the potential US assets and useful idiots who were promptly arrested.

And they accidentally led to a purge of massive numbers of useful idiots in Iran. What is it now? Five hundred protestors executed and over ten thousand arrested, with some awaiting the death penalty?
For what?
in venezuela chinese military vehicles ran over their guys
and then you blew your brains
Bolivian here. There wasn't a coup at all. It was only a circus orchestrated by the own president Arce.

Proof: https://x.com/JhanisseVDaza/status/1806135471002603905
It was even funnier in Iran because it was about the rainbow flag and feminism. Which Hong Kong protest? Their assets have been removed from China for a long time now to such an extent even the CIA started to bitch about it.
CIA nigger got turned into Chinese dick pills after the NVIDA leaks
>we were only pretending to be retarded
They tried the same kike shit here first by defunding the police then funding the police and burning our museums then suddenly they all shape shifted into conservatives and tried to force our generals to hijack our Supreme Courts
meh. they took over the jewed media and brainwashed the morons (and on my god there are so many)
DEI in action after all. Even the glowies are not immune to DEI. So curious to see who collapses first the CIA or Boeing
ukraine was easy mode because they naturally hated russia anyways.
ameriniggers were brainwashed to hate their own country lmao.
>make your own schools and propaganda to make people stupid and incompetent and easy to control
>your agents are stupid and incompetent
nooo ahhhhh -ACK
well considering how the coup failed, it turns out the people were not opposing socialism, retard spic
I know Larry Fink is responsible for this in the private sector but how did it infect our public sector?
What hyper contrarianism does to a motherfucker.
what did you expect from a recruiting pipeline staffed by people like this?
>ameriniggers were brainwashed to hate their own country lmao.
Funny considering how /pol/ is full self-hating mexiniggers

>hating CIAniggers means you hate your own country

typical CIAnigger gaslighting
I know critical thinking skills are a hard concept for browns.
did they run out of money from or stop being drug dealers?
They're working extra hard in Georgia but they missed in Kazakhstan. They're also getting good results in Armenia and Moldova.
The government had to hire kool-aid drinkers to force these policies to the private sector.
>Aung San Suu Kyi quotes on the wall
Uhh, is that really appropriate?
>I'm a proud first generation latina helping sell drugs to american citizens and extrajudicial executions overseas
>Aung San Suu Kyi
ZAMN she's 80??
Its the jews actually but yes our intelligence agency tries to influence politics in other countries. It sounds crazy I know, but trust me. Also we have a very good reasons for hating our government. It's called the great replacement. It's weirder to find a patriotic American than it is to find an anti-government American even amongst normies.

That person’s argument is so good they don’t let anyone reply. Oh it’s an NGO woman

>Bolivian here

Retarded glowie doesn’t know how the board works. Go get some more training
When was the last time glowniggers won again? Ukraine?
>we be spreadin freedomz n demokrazies n shiiiet
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Kenya is next.
May it happen to every last glownigger traitor.
Not a thing of any value lost.

>Being right wing or left wing in 2024
It was meant to be a "sink", just like Syria used to be for Islamic radicals.
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Hey dei nigger KYS KYS KYS

You animals are absolutely on animal intelligence level.

>wars are ending dude
Long way of saying you fucked up moron and there’s no white people to blame. Blow your god damn brains out you worthless shit scum animal demon trash mistery meat shitfuckface shitstainx
The clandestine nature of the CIA gives them an extreme disadvantage against Russia, or at least Putins explicit legalism. The CIA creates chaos to manipulate, that’s the general playbook. But you can’t do that legally, or openly. By what you can do legally and openly is respond to those things. The entire war in Ukraine is viewed in the west as having started in 2022, because we can’t even acknowledge the civil war that has been going on since 2014 without a lot of uncomfortable and unsavory things going public. Putin framed his invasion as a “Special Military Operation” because he was involving Russia (directly) with a civil war that had been raging on their border for nearly a decade. That’s why it becomes a bigger legal problem when Ukraine strikes Russia with western weapons, because legally speaking the war is not the “unjustified invasion” the west so desperately insists it is. We even went as far as changing the name of the capitol *during the invasion* just to hide all the old articles about what was happening in Ukraine.
Ukraine was a privatized coup by the Jews anon. Muricans were the ones later blamed for it along with the EU though but it was Mossad+ private interests(jews). So they don't even get that. If you want the last successful op for CIA that would be Libya I think.
why did the yanks want to throw a coup in bolivia?
That's what happen when you hire no talent diversity hires instead of hiring white men that can actually do the job.
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They filled with gay boomer Masons now everyone who was good has retired or died
If I had to guess it probably has to do withthe drug trade
>no one cares about your shit countries anyway
The CIA did care enough to try to have coups on them
>the last 5 years
Cunt, they've been "failing" since their inception
lies always come back to haunt these amerikikes

like an entire country of people who are realizing that boomers never landed on the moon and the amerikike government did 9/11
it worked in Ukraine
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What goes on there?
Affirmative Action came first and since it was the Fed who started it, it was the Fed who were affected first. What we are seeing is the Affirmative Action hires from back then getting wrongfully promoted, the old competent people retiring, and the new wave of incompetence getting hired to replace them(DEI). Legit the only 'competent' people they got left that aren't compromised is Gen X who is the smallest Gen and good luck getting those extremely nihilistic doomers to give a fuck. Keep in mind this isn't limited to just the government. Anything large enough had to abide by it.
>counting Libya as a success.
Scraping the barrel much? The country split in two and the US's enemy has the larger half.
It would be a shame if rogue elements in Argentina just accidentally the Falklands.
Good eye. Russia and China already got Somalia, US need Kenya
They count it as a 'success' so yes. Technically they have been failing catastrophically since Syria. That isn't even getting into the Afghan and Iraqi fiasco(also counted as 'successes'...until it wasn't).
President Arse? Lol
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>our story starts in 2007/08
1985 actually. Look into BlackRock's origins and then look into how they got their investment money, it came from their former parent company called Blackstone. Guess who helped Silverstein acquire the WTC? Guess who all got an insurance payout in 2001? Everyone, including BlackRock. If only you knew how long we've been asleep.
Retarded ape
>entrenched socialism
commie cringe
East orthodox Christianity funds Islam.
West funds Zionism.
That’s the plan. The Great War starts with Islam and kikes.
Then the Christians get wiped out.
The masons wrote this.
>instigated by an outside force
who are in the pics
how about we start with that
on the left is some retardo bolivian now ex-general that led the coup on the right is some latina bimbo that thought she could run a country by giving blowjobs
the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing people he didn't exist. cia trying the same playbook now that their fuckery is public knowledge
They recently tried it in Hungary prior to the election. Failed miserably. You can really only pull off orange revolutions so many times before people cotton on.
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Maybe they should hire real humans like the intel services of genuine nations?
>tfw there's a reason that over in other better nations the CIA are referred to as "THE CLOWNS"
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>ctrl f Bolivia
>ctrl f Russia
this is a thread about an attempted coup in Bolivia
Your shills work long hours
>Your shills
only reason you came to post here let's be honest
name on right? i must have missed her in the news
>only reason you came to post here
i came here b/c i saw the news in the morning kek
i was reading this thread and then Russia came up
and again
and again
rent free
no you didn't you came here to shill and cry
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>no you didn't
do keep me posted
>Two failed coups within the last 5 years on a tiny shithole
there were a shitton of faggy failed color revolutions in that timespan. they tried to kills lukashenko twice iirc, and stirred a lot of shit in west and central asia and took embarrassing l's on all of those.
they did get argentina. kind of. well, it might collapse within the next couple of years but they did manage one legit w. credit where credit is due.
that one plan was so absurd. like a bad dudebro stoner comedy film.
>Which Hong Kong protest?
he most likely refers to the cringyones with the glowy pepe pastiches
Glownigger assets were already gone for years by the time of the pepe appearances during the Hong Kong protests. They bitched about it a lot and complained about how unfair it was(no really the reports, news, and papers were fucking unbelievable during that time). They only recently rebuilt their assets and intel networks in China thanks to Covid nuking their industries and China decided they wanted to purge the rich for not being commie enough. Suddenly they had all their replacements lining up. Before that though? LMAO. That isn't even getting into CCP infighting and military corruption.
>my organic and curated display will surly disarm
No one. This is a bot post.
>No one
so far it's only (You) and a pooplack
makes one really dink, eh?
Yeah ever since the Kharkov offensive this faggot board has been unusable from CIA shills keeping 5+ bait threads up at all times
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Yes. Even the CIA, like the FBI, is staffed by retards in America. Nothing can be done. This trend will continue in every field. Why do you think they import so many Jeets?
I wonder how much time someone spent placing grenades in 4x4 area thinking anyone would beleive it was natural. Kinda sick. The world when it's come to that. Not that I wouldn't choke the life from your eyes but that someone thought to pretend to cute it up
Obama replaced all the heterosexual white men there with women, faggots and niggers.
>the only time a white, blond haired, well dressed heterosexual male is shown in a news article is with a big captain above it mentioning low IQ

God, kikes are truly insidious genocidal psychopath fucks. The fact whites havent gone to war yet against their oppressors shows we are doomed and never gonna do anything
>CIA is behind everything
you are mentally ill
This both sides are controlled
Fuck every "-ism"
bay of pigs had a sequel and that failed too
>Ukraine is supposed to be destroyed and replaced with Khazaria and Russia oligarchs are supposed to be compensated
While also using the conflict to bankrupt the white nations that finance it.

After the fall of the Soviet Union, those who working for the CIA realize that JewSA has never been a Democracy and these were the useful idiots and the cannon fodder.
Should’ve sent blacks there. Also he looks Jewish
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Yeah I am gonna go ahead and need more kots in front of gear or larping as soldiers if you have any.
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how is this a "duplicate post"
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>So, Marked One, I saved you and I'm not gonna pretend I did it to win favors upstairs. You do some jobs for me, and we're even. Besides, keeping you busy might be a good way to deal with your amnesia. And I'll see what I can find out about your problem. I don't give a shit why you want to find this Strelok guy and mind my own business. If you want to kill him, well, you must have your reasons.
Ofcourse they turned the comments off. they'd be roasted into oblivion. glowies do not like when you laugh at them
Make the CIA white again. Get rid of the likes and women. Were gonna get fucked by foreigners. Especially the chinks. Chinks aren't stupid.

You realize you’re the incompetent ones right?
Imagine you have a team that needs to be smart killers because the other guys are smart killers and then the owner of your team comes in and starts firing all stars and replacing them with women and fags. How long would you suffer such an owner? Well this is probably what's happened to the CIA to some degree. My guess is they have pride flags in the offices, meetings for nonwhites and women, and white privilege training. You can't win with that sort of faggotry. You need smart patriotic killers. The first thing trump should do is make the CIA white males again. We'll start winning almost immediately. Imagine if you took over the Dallas Mavericks and started trading away your all star niggers for disabled lesbians.
How long until a glownigger realizes that liberal democracy ends with white people being exterminated and turns coat into 4th reich mode? There's no way 100% of the competent ones remaining are mindlessly loyal to the muttmerican government, and they're all watching America's influence slip by the day knowing full well it's a sinking ship. The emotional states of those that remain must be a mix of collecting a paycheck with apathy or total demoralization.
Glowniggers in the past were ruthless but also competent and cool-headed. Modern glowniggers are all about bloodthirst but any requirements for competence or experience were completely ditched - instead there's push to hire exclusively trannies, niggers and women. What you get is a mob that spreads chaos and destructiveness without any real geopolitical goal in mind.
>>Camp Justice
>What goes on there?
Anti-bad guy stuff. Don't worry, they are the anti bad guys, so it can't be bad.
They throw shit at the wall until it sticks. 2014 ukraine coup was a success and so was the recent Mexico election, but they're surrounded in a sea of failure and disasters
The money they put into Ukraine since 90's to achieve this coup only to now be forced to either start world war or ditch it like a used tampon is hardly a success desu. Meanwhile other countries observe carefully and will think twice before ever trusting in any american guarantees again. Hell - even their second greatest ally decided to sell its oil in yuans and other currencies which was unthinkable just 10 years ago. IMO it's pretty much over - trannies, negrs and gerontocrats have buried any imperial ambitions that USA could have in the past.
That’s all? I’d do a lot worse

Whoa really thats....fitting.
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they failed so they had to order snipers to fire at the crowd.
Also it was not even the first maidan in hohlostan.

Gringoy. How have I never heard this before? Its perfect.
Hmmm, kill yourself.
Imagine thinking everything that happens in the world is because of CIA or Mossad, even when it's just niggers chimping out for gibs from other niggers.
of course I do as I support anyone against whites, I hate white people
india superpower 2030

Trips of truth. They've not done anything theyve just been lying.
Based, total glownigger death!
The question is, why does it happen only in based Myanmar ?
Shut your bitch ass up. If a coup succeeds, you'll go 'omg cia coupin again', if it doesn't you'll go 'omg cia can't even coup'. This wasn't how it was with Trump. The US needs to let nations that consciously choose to suffer, to suffer instead of trying to overthrow the governments, and the rest that end up successful.despite not being allied with the US, leave them be.
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I look forward to you kikes being lynched by niggers.
>Posting a literal fucking Marxist
Yep. Time to go back to leftypol, you dysengic tankie troon.





And they wonder why the CIA and the FBI want to only to domestic, work-from-home monitoring of meme boards, reddit threads, and xwitter feeds now.

Can't get scooped out by the cartel, if you're too busy entrapping high school nerds on the same salary to engage.
third worlders going to third world who gives a fuck, savages in the new world were basically practicing socialism and we didn't give a fuck we just took all their shit
I hope so
>third worlders going to third world

Pssst... Take a look around you,yankee.
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always has been newfag
No, it's definitely a zoomie thing. I've literally never heard it until a couple years ago.
>we didn’t want it anyway!!!
lol lmao even
Is this really a CIA plot? These clowns are not even trying to control the broadcasters or the airports. It's just too much incompetence.
If the CIA was involved, then the American empire is completely over.
>t. shitter shattered glowie mad his promotion was denied
kill yourself faggot
Post details
What kind of spycraft way of communicating is this lmao
>the grapes will grow in May and it will then get cold
I'm pretty sure the CIA is just an extension of Globalism. I believe globalist need the freedoms and liberties of USA to be diminished before they can impose their New World Order.

Basically I believe US citizens are the target of the decline and the continuous generational declines are inevitable as long as we allow globalist to operate behind governments.
100% CIA /Mossad involvement.
>Bolivia ends Communications with United States and Israel Over Gaza

>Russia immediately goes to Bolivia meets with president

>Coup happens shortly after

Bolivia sits on the largest lithium reserves on the entire planet. . .

100% CIA/Mossad failed operation.
Jew pig

You're without a doubt a wet pasty Jew.

I'm so happy the world is waking up to your fucking ilk
>assistance from MOSAD
You mean they did all the work and the CIA were the fall guys in case of shit going sideways.
MOSSAD doesn't have DEI. They only hire the most evil and competent kikes they can find, and then let them ransack other countries to keep them motivated.
I only hate everything about my country because my country divided my birthright and gave it to your people

>honky muhjahedeen

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>bolivian here
You really think Trump is on your side huh after all that happened
“globalism” is the american imperial empire it’s just sugarcoated name
Theses retards will say that coups only happen because of the CIA, then say that their own government is against its people and needs to be overthrown because elections are fake.
>Bolivia sits on the largest lithium reserves on the entire planet

Now you're talking
Is there anything the US can do right these days? The Houthis are running circles around their useless rust buckets in the Red Sea, they attempt and fail to stage a color revolution in Georgia over a completely reasonable law, and now this. Americans are so pathetic. Your empire is dead. Get over it.
The west is already dead. The only reason it's still moving is because it tried to run before it was shot in the head.
>Is this really a CIA plot? These clowns are not even trying to control the broadcasters or the airports
Welcome to US Intel community that has been purged of "white supremacists." None of these faggots have military experience. They don't understand why you would want to control an airport and they don't understand people still use radios.
chief of staff of the army thought having an airport wasn't important and we would just use public transportation to leave afghanistan
our government is so high on it's own propaganda they've forgotten how to be evil
>The Houthis are running circles around their useless rust buckets in the Red Sea
This one blows my mind. The Houthis are from a mountainous region, you know, the opposite of the ocean. They have no cultural attachment or history on the sea. And the U.S. Navy is powerless to stop a bunch of mountain-dwelling goat-fuckers from disrupting Red Sea commerce.
Surface warships have been obsolete for 50 years and can only be used for police actions.
Gorbachev and Yeltsin were so fucking drunk and retarded that nobody noticed the coastal missile launcher obsoleting the aircraft carrier but those two are gone and now in inevitable reality is settling in.
Which really brings up the question of why the Chinks are embarassing themselves following the US retards in making aircraft carriers, but whatever.
Russia is sponsoring Bolivia joining BRICS. Rest assured that they (with China) wouldn’t simply let the yankees take control of the heartland of SA.
>when we die, we win
Sure thing, Abdul.
damn CIA glowies gotta step up their game like a good goyim they should add more diversity in their couping division so the coups will work in modern times
Who's the bitch behind bars and why isn't she taking multiple cocks at once?
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Kek, that got me. Thanks for the chuckles.
>Cold War CIA would have had an accurate assessment of the actual conditions
As far as I know, hiring competent analysts isn't a priority for CIA anymore, nowadays it's all about the data collection and shit like that.

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