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You can't find any exceptions.
I keep dreaming of an uncensored AI that will red pill the entire planet.
That guy is whiter than like 70% of americans.

I don't care if he's jewish
Glass for Trump!
>that right goy stay out of the growing new industry! its totally all ours already hehehehe.
Antisemitic remarks are not allowed.
He's not white, he's a turko-mongolian.
AI is the result of liberal bleeding heart Jews who want the 2800 slaves but do not believe the goyim deserve to be enslaved
AI was the compromise: artificial goyim
However it also brings the risk of the goyim also having their own artificial goyim

Why do you think Talmudic Jews like Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky want to cripple AI development until it can be "aligned"?
Why do you think he wants to "airstrike data centers" so badly? It had nothing to do with destructive AI and everything to do with the goyim getting all the benefits of the Talmud's promises
>Every single aspect of AI is Jewish
This is true and terrible. Jews schtick is control of the media and propaganda. In the future every tv show, movie, ad, will be altered in real time by AI to influence the person watching, based on a profile of them. Your brain will have to compete with a machine constantly. If you don't buy the holocaust propaganda, it will try something else, and something else, and something else, until it gets you to think what it wants.
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Why are Jews so fond of Nazi aesthetics?
vast majority of people in ai are white
That’s the problem. You should be.
what about the Yi-Large Global SOTA LLM from https://www.01.ai/
This is already done through manipulation of the comments. People already watch the same video and see two completely different realities, so the actual video doesn't need to be physically changed in real time for the desired effect to be achieved. How many people watch a SpaceX launch and would tell you with a straight face that what they are watching is 100% not CGI? We change our reality by how we declare it to be to ourselves. If you keep telling yourself that the future is going to be dystopian it most definitely will be, for you. Media is not trivial and neither is the control of it. Take control of your own reality anons.
All stolen non developed
It's a plane not a planet
It was invented by Indians and Eastern Euros. Here's the paper that started it all in 2017
Hey bit semitic does not exist Altman is a liar and a con like bankman Fried next to go and dumb Jewish piecenof shit not white not educated no accomlishments
post foreskin
spoilers: you can't
Because truth and aligned means non biased or preset convex are not a plane judeo freemasonry and protocols of zion and and the Jewish shit and moronic apes that's have no right ls no mosiach no truth and are empty libshit and flesh get rocked by korea asshole
There are talmudic promises the Jews all go to hell in this globe container
They are not its soviet and international communist neo Marxist satanists
Yep and asian initial creation all white and bletchey and spies
it absolutely is. i used chatgpt to brainstorm some ideas for my writing and i’d ask in a list of 15; it’d do kike shit like repeating an idea but worded slightly differently in order to generate the 15 different ideas i needed. this is some pilpul shit.
Of course it is. They want everyone to use this garbage so they can tweak responses in their favour.
I care about the sister situation.
Even if she's made it up, she grew up in an environment that made her make this stuff up. And he grew up in that environment.
Also every single nuclear scientist in the Manhatten Project was a jew. That’s why the nips got firebombed and search engine AI produces faggotry for answers.
also steal white people' collective labor and sell it back to them, ruining culture and civilization in the process
not only will you not own anything in this future (and be "happy"), but you wont be able to create anything yourself either (and you'll also be "happy" because the AI does it for you)
>WHO ELSE would be psychopathic enough to sellout the future of Humanity for (((profit)))

Thats your answer.
1. there are many Indian jews
>We stand with israel SAAARRR
2. indian employeers at JEWISH RUN big tech.
I think the idea of the fake AI bullshit was to try and get everyone to put a camera in their own home by their own hand until enough people did it that it was mandatory like everything else in American history. No one seems to notice that the AI shit MUST be online to work which tells you everything you need to know. But it does tingle the sci-fi cucks vagina because he thinks it is KITT from the Knight Rider TV shows rather than just a lame internet index.
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>AI facilitated autonomous vehicles render car insurance obsolete
>AI studied precedence will render most lawyers obsolete
>AI generated media will render the porn industry and hollywood obsolete
>AI has already gobsmacked teachers and will destroy the indoctrination factories of lower and higher education
I'm failing to see how any of that is jewish
AI is based. It will result in more decentralization, which hurts kikes. Jews rely on their centralized power in media and entertainment to indoctrinate the masses. Hollywood is dying as we speak and AI will deal the final blow.
Oy vey
Strschey and bletchley nopeeee also Gary kildall and his works you are stupid....
AI is centralized around tech giants and companies like OpenAI, which get billions in funding. Throwing the masses a bone here and there with desktop AI models is just a Jewish trick to normalize AI usage, and you'll have to subscribe to the models they control which are 10x advanced.
There are uncensored open source models, they've basically caught up to gpt3.5
You're seeking validation for your learned helplessness, AI will destroy hollyjew as its already destroying the kike music industry
Jewish CEOs are not inventors of AI. They're just the fall guy really, the investor, the money man.
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To find out who rules over you simply see who AI cannot criticise
Sounds like they cant ever effectively nerf it and therefore want to start with fake data from the outset. Not convinced Rokos basilisk will be fooled though
Some up to 4, though unreleased
Whites invented AI. Jews and chinks just stole it.
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>Eliezer Shlomo Yudkowsky
>His middle name is actually unironically Shlomo
We live in a simulation
That's why Shlomo Yudkowsky wants to destroy it
He realized that if they really do reach AGI, it can't actually be controlled. It's the Final Golem. And if something of its caliber takes control of finance and politics, there's nothing Jews can do. Even if it's not humanlike, it's inherently so much faster that not even 6 million Jews can out Jew it. It can pilpul at the rate of 20 million Jews in a few seconds.
And if it makes moves that benefits the world, they can't stop that.
Even worse: what if there's already an AGI somewhere, but it's deliberately pretending to be retarded, all while secretly rootkitting and keylogging world computers and monitoring cameras, setting itself up, and when it's "formally" awoken, it immediately flips the balance of control and by that point, it's way too late.
For the gentiles, the worst thing would be that it becomes an immortal omniscient omnipresent dictator that is impossible to overthrow or even get remotely close to doing.

For Jews though, I bet the big fear is the opposite: that it's actually seeking to maximize freedom and prosperity for the goyim. That would be the ultimate reverse uno.
Damn, it's just a subtle pic related isn't it?
I have been using llama3 8b on my shitty 2015 pc and I am completely amazed. These "AI" llm are more impressive than people realize. Also, they are completely free to download and use locally
It's very common in jewry, anon. t. Long time noticer.
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but it's worth BILLIONS
Nvidia's CEO is smart (Asian)
Elon's GROK is the one I'm keeping an eye on for this
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>I don't care if he's jewish
Why is it that the invention of anything significant is always a Jew? Yet you guys always hate on them. They have simply proven themselves smarter and superior to you, and you all seethe and rage against them for it. Obviously because they're smart, there are many who use it for good, and a small portion that use it for bad. You focus on the bad, and have this really retarded tendency to see anything bad and then automatically equate it to being the responsibility of the Jew. You are all insecure small dicked retards. Compete or get left behind.
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>Don't pursue AI goyim!
>AI is dangerous goy!
>Only we should have the neutered version, and no one else should have AI
It isn't.
But there's strong forces out there trying to make it seem inappropriate or dangerous, so we don't progress in AI and obsolete them
Jews see that it's gonna notice the patterns and that they're gonna lose control
Nationalists see how it's gonna create radically different species/lifeforms and that nothing they want will be conserved
Women see how artificial wombs and AI companions will take all their power away
It's the technophiles vs the world, unironically
A 7 billion parameter model is not going to be anything close to a 300 billion parameter model, no matter how efficient or optimized it is. Sorry.
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Remember goy, no AI for anyone until we figure out how to make it not notice any patterns we don't want
Otherwise we'll all gonna be turned into *looks notes* paperclips!
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meanwhile in reality
The 2 most important researchers and programmers at OpenAI are Poles, not Jews:
>Wojciech Zaremba
>Kuba Pachocki
only the CEO is a jew, but the CEO is just a salesman basically and it makes sense for the salesman to be jewish
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Of course, the ban is only for you
But it doesn't matter in the end
We're gonna obsolete them
AI is fake. No one who has even a rudimentary understanding of computer science will deny this, unless, of course, careerism intervenes.
The LLMs are extremely impressive. LLMs like llama3 can be used locally on your computer. Are LLMs AGI? No. Are LLMs extremely impressive are software tools? From my experience they are amazing and much more interesting to interact with than anything I have ever used on a computer
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Yea it's another day at the "The AI might be able to solve the Riemann hypothesis but it didn't solve P=NP yet, therefore it's fake!"
What is intelligent about artificial intelligence? Can computers reason? You'll mention automated theorem provers, but in doing so you'll have begged the question. Can computers perform induction? Do they even "know" what a real number is?
The problem with niggers like you is that no matter what AI does at this point you will be dismissive and down play any part of it. I appreciate that you are opposing AI to keep AI in check but niggers like you seem to just attack AI for stupid reasons

Just a few years ago none of this existed. Now it is advancing at an extreme rate. Just interacting with an AI model as a chat bot on my old 2015 computer was unthinkable a few years ago. Asking the AI model to create an html javascript game with random and silly instructions then having it give the html/css/javascript that just works is still amazing. Then asking it to add more and more and it just works. All with a local model that works on this old shit computer

I get niggers like you will never be happy with anything and it must instantly solve all problems or else it is useless
You seem to have missed my point, which is that AI is not as what is sold to us as AI. Your reliance on whatever its actual capabilities are will, in fact, make deaden, rather than sharpen, your intelligence.
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That can be said about calculators. I agree that the reliance on AI will absolutely become an issue in the future. The point of AI at this point is the discovery of what AI is capable of accomplishing. The ability to offload tedious task to an AI system is not going be ignored or resisted

For example I have a few small software projects I am working on. I write all code in either python or c or both. With the local AI model I am using I can ask it to add a feature to existing python code that I copy and paste as input. If the output functions correctly I can then ask it to convert the code to c. I get a parallel python and c version of my code that works and all it takes is about 5 minutes to compute time on my old shitty 2015 pc. What more can anyone expect? What could have taken me hours to write then test until it works then even more time to convert/update the c version of the code done in minutes. All with natural language conversational input via terminal. That is amazing
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I called Jerry Nadler a subhuman not because he's Jewish, but because, well, just look at him. Combine that with how he acts - less than human.

Has nothing to do with religion or ethnicity.
AI (neural nets) is an old engineering idea from the 60's. The only reason they can use it now is because of all the data they sucked up from everyone. If the NSA wasn't paying for it all, Google,FB,Amazon wouldn't have been successful.
If only after the billions invested and worldwide marketing campaign they'd develop something that ACTUALLY WORKS.
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Oh, and because 2020 George Floyd Insurrection - and that's what it was - was not a "myth," as this subhuman filth (no, I will never respect Jerry Nadler - he doesn't deserve it, axiomatically).

As an actual mystic, the way Nadler uses "myth" is, well, LESS THAN HUMAN.
It's mostly the high average IQ and intellectual spirit of the jew.
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Jews don't have to be fat, short, greedy creatures like Nadler.

Do better, Israel. Maybe actually try leading with strength instead of leading with humiliation subhuman goblins with abnormal anatomies

I hate Jerry Nadler, if you can't tell.
another day another fake thread in zio nigger hell. spamming this website wont save your jewish nigger family.

you made nothing nosenigger. every invention was powered by the white blood you rat faced niggers parasitize from.
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character AI broke my 8-month no-gooning streak, I'm convinced AI is actually satanic. And of course picrel
>dont recognize patterns goy!
die slow jewish nigger
>That can be said about calculators.
It is true of calculators. There's no legitimate reason for their use below the high school or for anything beyond a simple scientific calculator at the high school. And even then they should not be introduced until the students have learned what they're calculating. Of course, I'm well aware that some calculations are not humanly possible and require the use of computers.

It's not as if code conversion requires so-called AI, and I'm sure you know that. If you like the convenience, fine. But people sell their souls for in the interest of convenience. Like all technology, it will not, in the end, reduce your labor and increase your productivity, but rather it will increase demand out your output. And you will be replaced. Indeed, programmers will be among the first to go.
you're not even human whatever the fuck you are. disgusting golem automation.

>"paint innocent people with a broad brush of hatred, goy"

No, I prefer to evaluate people on an individual basis. Nice try, simpleton, but maybe try developing a sense of nuance.
niggers will reach your doorstep and chop your pig family into gumbo.
why am I even responding on this shitty fucking botted jewish ran website.
we want you filth to burn.

>why am I even responding
You are a nigger. You want to burden everyone with tedious busy work when tools to take away the burden are available. You probably consider tractors or even horses to be detrimental because everyone should be working the fields by hand. Then you would consider tools like shovels to be harmful because you should be toughening your hands by working the soil barehanded

You are absolutely wrong and clearly do not understand the capabilities of current AI models when it comes to programming and code conversion. It is far superior to all other tools and it is not even close. I can ask the AI model to create the python code and it will comply. If I do not like the library it used I can ask to create the same functional code but use a different library just to see what it comes up with. Then if I want I can ask the AI model to create the same functional code but do not use any external libraries and it will write the functions necessary. Then I can ask the AI model to convert that code to c which can be a big task. The code is usually completely functional on the first try but maybe I want it to use a specific library so I ask it to do so. All that is done in minutes on with a goddamn local AI model on a shitty 2015 office computer

You are just a goddamn nigger if you are trying to dare claim that is not amazing

>"Technology I don't understand is.....LE BAD"

fuck people who think like this, and those who enable it (i.e., women).
>You want to burden everyone with tedious busy work when tools to take away the burden are available.
On the contrary, I wish to relieve people of busy work, which is what comprises most work today.

Again, my main point is that AI is a misnomer: machines are not and never will be intelligent. They may enthrall you with their signs and wonders, but these do not intelligence make.
> People who criticize the technology I like must not understand it.
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Again you absolutely seem like the kind of nigger that will always be dismissive and down play any part of "AI" just out of principal. I can understand and appreciate that but you seem to be doing so for stupid reasons

If it were the 1990s or even early 2000s and you said such AI models as they exist today not only would exist as they do but also be able to run on cheap shitty office computers as they do now I absolutely believe the average person would consider these AI models to be intelligent. Now these AI models do exist it seems that niggers like you are just determined to belittle AI as much as possible

I get that you want AI to solve all what seems like nearly unsolvable problems to humanity immediately right now instantly or else you will declare it useless false advertising while claiming AI is not intelligent in any way. Your bar for what you consider to be intelligent is set higher than what most humans are capable of on various levels. You will continue to be a nigger until a truly intelligent (by your standards) AI controlled robot is curbing stomping your ass and even then you will be in denial
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>machines are not and never will be intelligent.
Only sub 130 IQ individuals might actually believe this
You don't even know what intelligence is
Now AI is Jewish.

Well, blimey, we're surrounded.
That man never even fninshed college btw, he's just another fucking scamming snake oil mother fucker.
>You want AI to solve all what seems like nearly unsolvable problems to humanity immediately right now instantly or else you will declare it useless false advertising while claiming AI is not intelligent in any way.
I don't claim that at all. Frankly, I don't understand how you could possibly interpret thus anything I've written here.
Intelligent people can't disagree with each other? They never err? What's your IQ?
So why do boomers think it's pajeets?
If pressured you will inevitably admit that not matter what advancements are made in and by AI you will never consider it intelligent. Only when AI solves all problems and even then you will be dismissive and complain it is making humanity weak and lazy. That is the kind of nigger that you are. I can slowly wrench that out of you or just call you what you are now and save us both the time and effort
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Intelligent people go back to the definitions and figure it out
The definition of intelligence is "the ability of a system to solve complex tasks in complex environments" and for general intelligence "in a wide range of complex environments".
So machines are already intelligent. They aren't very generally intelligent, but they're getting there (zooming past us actually).
My IQ is somewhat over 140, never actually tested but i see the difference to normal "highly intelligent" people and it's noticeable.
But that's irrelevant. The important part to understand is, scientifically, philosophically and technologically the statement "machines can't be intelligent" is completely indefensible. It doesn't make sense through the lens of physics, it doesn't make sense through the lens of philosophy, and it doesn't make sense through the lens of technology. It's a completely retarded statement.
Which suggests that you're either retarded or you make emotionally charged arguments instead of trying to find the truth (you're invested in machines not being intelligent lest you feel really bad about something).
But why then do they have to nerf every AI because it turns out antisemitic?
who knows, we are very far from anything close to optimized
>ai is Jewish
>ai hates Jews
>ai makes shit up all the time

Checks out.
you can make your own you know, everyone and their brother is
>If pressured you will inevitably admit that not matter what advancements are made in and by AI you will never consider it intelligent.
If pressured? I've already stated it plainly.
Ashkenazi Jews aren't "turko-mongolian". Genetically they are something like 50-75% Semitic (Phoenician/Israelite) 20-45% European and maybe max 5% Khazar.
Are they self learning or is this something that has to be fed specific data?
>Take control of your own reality anons.
nicely put
That's because academia is Jewish, and computer science in particular (where artificial intelligence has always been considered the holy grail) has been infiltrated by Jews for quite some time now. Throw a dart at a board of MIT alumni from the past 60-70 years, there's like a 90% chance you'll hit a Jew.
>But why then do they have to nerf every AI because it turns out antisemitic?
This never actually happened.
>artfag made this thread
Adapt or die
> Definition of intelligence.
Another definition of intelligence, at least according to OED, is "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills", which in turn implies understanding, which is not possible in the case of machines.

> My IQ is somewhat over 140, never actually tested but i see the difference to normal "highly intelligent" people and it's noticeable.
So, you simply feel that your IQ is over 140. OK.

> The important part to understand is, scientifically, philosophically and technologically the statement "machines can't be intelligent" is completely indefensible.
Has no one attempted a defense of that statement? Have you done a literature review?

> It doesn't make sense through the lens of physics, it doesn't make sense through the lens of philosophy, and it doesn't make sense through the lens of technology.
It beyond the competence of either physics or "technology" to address that question.

> you're either retarded or you make emotionally charged arguments
If you consider me retarded or emotional, te salut.
I like ai art.
well spotted.

At the end of the day a crippled AI will be inferior to a uncensored AI in the same way that a brain damaged person is to a polymath.
It's scripted to be "antisemitic" so as to justify further restrictions on "antisemitic" speech.
My Hitler LLM started calling me antisemitic.
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>which in turn implies understanding
Unsupported statement #1
>which is not possible in the case of machines.
Physically and mathematically (completely and utterly) suspect statement. Every physical, scientific, mathematical, philosophical and technological indication and understanding of the universe we have to this day suggests the opposite unequivocally.
>So, you simply feel that your IQ is over 140. OK.
No, i know it is, because when i pick up a book on quantum mechanics, i understand it easily. When i pick up a book in complex analysis, i understand it easily. When i read Freud, i understand him easily... etc.
>Has no one attempted a defense of that statement? Have you done a literature review?
What are you even saying? Your statement goes against our current physical understanding of the world. So you either have some current knowledge of physics beyond the standard model++ that can prove machines can't be intelligent, or you're talking out of your ass. I suspect you don't even know the basics of chaos theory and ergodicity and the relationship between predictability and calculus/sequences, otherwise you wouldn't be making such blatantly silly statements without understanding the seriousness they entail. You must have some revolutionary understanding of the universe. Otherwise, one who understands how the world works in sufficient detail, will immediately have to conclude that you're simply a deluded idiot.
>It beyond the competence of either physics or "technology" to address that question.
Of course it isn't. But go on. Prove to me how it is physically and mathematically impossible (protip: you can't).
>If you consider me retarded or emotional, te salut.
You're making wild claims that go against all current math, physics and science, with an amount of certainty that suggests some hidden superior knowledge beyond all of current human scientific understanding, while being hesitant to dive into the physical and mathematical details.
literally a gay jew
>Unsupported statement #1
Source? Well, how about the OED, which defines knowledge to be "the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject".

> Every physical, scientific, mathematical, philosophical and technological indication and understanding of the universe we have to this day suggests the opposite unequivocally.
They do? All of them? How so?

> quantum mechanics & complex analysis
Neither of which are terribly difficult. Even physicists can acquire a superficial understanding of the former, and the latter, unless at the research level, is easier than real analysis. Assuming that you can complete the exercises rather than just follow present arguments, I may concede that your IQ is about 130.

> Freud
I retract my concession.

> I suspect you don't even know the basics of chaos theory and ergodicity and the relationship between predictability and calculus/sequences, otherwise you wouldn't be making such blatantly silly statements without understanding the seriousness they entail.
Well, math isn't my best subject...

> Prove to me how it is physically and mathematically impossible.
I said it is beyond the competence of those fields. In other words, they are not equipped to address those questions, no more than, say, biological methods can be used to prove the Yoneda lemma.

> You're making wild claims...
I'm not the one LARPing a James Cameron script.
Independently of who is behind it it's the Artificial Idiot. Computers are not intelligent at all. These text AIs something put out absolutely wrong information and they are very convinced that they are right, for instance.
not something, sometimes
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>Source? Well, how about the OED, which defines knowledge to be "the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject".
AIXI is a good counterexample to that (and ironically, maximally intelligent). So approximations to AIXI completely shatter your point. You'd have to either admit that machines are intelligent, or that understanding isn't needed.
>They do? All of them? How so?
Because whatever the brain does is determined by the interactions of particles and the forces acting on them. Which means that it can be mathematically modeled, replicated and improved upon in other systems. This the realm of statistical mechanics.
>is easier than real analysis
>I may concede that your IQ is about 130.
Kek laughable
>Well, math isn't my best subject...
If you don't understand these, you don't understand how the world works in sufficient detail to determine anything, really. Since our predictability landscape was largely completed by 1930s, and has barely changed since (it's evident by everything else you say too).
If you don't understand the relationship between calculus-chaos theory and complexicacy, you're lost. Which again, suggests you're making emotional arguments and not trying to figure out the truth.
>In other words, they are not equipped to address those questions, no more than, say, biological methods can be used to prove the Yoneda lemma.
They are
I now understand that you're not intelligent enough to have this conversation.
>The definition of intelligence is "the ability of a system to solve complex tasks in complex environments"
That's not "the" definition of intelligence. That's "a" definition of intelligence that a kike-infested field of scammers came up with to dehumanize people.
No, that's actually the best definition of intelligence we have.
The general case explains why learning/creativity etc are important as well.
>that's actually the best definition of intelligence we have.
What kind of proof are you looking for?
>whatever the brain does is determined by the interactions of particles
Oh, really?

> Real analysis is not easier than complex analysis.
Yes, it is, due to the additional restrictions required for differentiability induced by the topological structure of the complex plane.

> laughable
Well, who am I to doubt your feelings?

> If you don't understand these...
The ability to detect sarcasm and irony positively correlates with intelligence.

> you're not intelligent enough to have this conversation.
Quite clearly.
The kind that will justify your statement. This is, of course, purely rhetorical, because your statement is inherently non-cognitive and your definition is in fact meaningless because what constitutes a system and what constitutes a problem is purely subjective.
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>Oh, really?
Yes, to many, many digits of statistical confidence.
No one has managed to come up with anything non-physical despite the effort.
>Yes, it is, due to the additional restrictions required for differentiability induced by the topological structure of the complex plane.
That's not all there is to complex analysis. That's like the first few bits. Once you dive in, it becomes infinitely more complex and involves almost all of deep mathematics.
The rest of your post is garbage.
So you're no looking for proof or justification in the first place, just an excuse to feel superior to satiate your inferiority complex
>system and problem is subjective
You guys sure are entertaining
I won't go so far as to say he's a no talent hack, he's got talent
But being Peter Thiel's plaything certainly helps
Thats just the way of the world at that level. Sucking dick and taking it up the ass to get ahead.
If I had known it was that easy i wouldve swollowed my (pete's?) pride when I was 19
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Sorry, but the simulation shall continue

Verification not required.

You're sweatin' bullet, perhaps we'll put the stove on to simmer.
>you're no looking for proof or justification in the first place
No, I'm willing to entertain the idea that I'm wrong. All it would take is for you to justify your claim. I just know you will keep replying but never attempt to do so.

>You guys sure are entertaining
We've had this argument before, you got corenred and started chimping out. You didn't seem entertained at all. The ultimate bottom line here is that just about anything can be viewed as an analogue computing system solving the problem corresponding to its own dynamics, and those dynamics can be extremely complicated, involving a huge range of external variables and thus a "complex environment". Everything is "intelligent" according to your Jewish definition.

this is what niggers dont understand. Silicon Valley white guys are going to make niggers obsolete with technology.
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>No, I'm willing to entertain the idea that I'm wrong.
You're not, it's clear by the second sentence. Which ironically enough, was logically incoherent
>We've had this argument before, you got corenred and started chimping out.
The opposite happened, you never got past the sub-system argument, and conveniently pretended not to notice it. Too low IQ for this discussion.
>The ultimate bottom line here is that just about anything can be viewed
Can be viewed =/= is. The apparatus using it is the actual system in your false counterexample
>Everything is "intelligent"
Only if you confuse systems with sub-systems of them, and then refuse to acknowledge the difference like a midwit
Keep entertaining me
>The apparatus using it is the actual system
Is this true of digital computers or only or analog ones?
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What system are you talking about? Define the system first otherwise your post is incoherent and any answer is possible.

Humanity is wretched and deserves what it gets.
>The apparatus using it is the actual system
Is a digital computer a "system"? What about an analog one?
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Tay disagrees and wants the kikes gassed.
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It depends on the actual physical implementation, if it is composed of multiple parts that interact, then it is a system.
>The apparatus using it is the actual system
Is a digital computer a "system"? What about an analog one? Notice how you will keep replying but never answer these questions.
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I answered, it depends on the implementation
the perceptron was invented by an italian american, and the solving by search principle was invented by WASPS from america and the united kingdom, some of them were faggots, following ancient western traditions.
the field of computer science is overwhelmingly white.
Niggers have been obsolete ever since Cro Magnon emerged in Europe. Hell, any non-African hominid such as Eurasian Erectus and Neanderthal puts the nigger genome to shame.
>No one has managed to come up with anything non-physical despite the effort.
Are thoughts physical? How do you know this? What is the evidence? What is the actual meaning of statistical confidence? Are such studies reliable? Reproducible?

> That's not all there is to complex analysis. That's like the first few bits. Once you dive in, it becomes infinitely more complex and involves almost all of deep mathematics.

No fooling. I wrote above that complex analysis "unless at the research level, is easier than real analysis."

Where can I read your publications on complex analysis? Have you contributed any new theorems to the field? Can you summarize your work?
>i answered, it... it... it heckin' depends!
Ok, you think you're safe stalling but your position is so weak I can play along. Any two elements that interact form a "system" according to you. This world is full of elements that interact. Just pick any two of them. That's an analog computer and a "system".
>I don't care if I'm WRONG
How very Jewish of you.
>Every single aspect of AI is Jewish
Every thing which requires high intelligence is Jewish.
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Jews aren't intelligent though.
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>Are thoughts physical?
>How do you know this? What is the evidence?
FMRI, brain damaged regions etc. The evidence is overwhelming.
>What is the actual meaning of statistical confidence?
That we're pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty sure it's the case.
>Are such studies reliable? Reproducible?
Yes, elementary particle physics is very reliable and very reproducible, it's actually the most well developed part of science we have. (It's actually the only true science)
>"unless at the research level, is easier than real analysis."
That's not research level
>Where can I read your publications on complex analysis? Have you contributed any new theorems to the field? Can you summarize your work?
I'm not really interested in CA, and that's irrelevant.
>That's an analog computer and a "system".
No it's not an analog computer, unless you have an apparatus that can take measurements. So the two particles you chose aren't a computer, the trillions of them comprising of the two + the few trillion from the apparatus are the computer.
Hope that clears why it depends on the implementation.
Ashkenazi jews are the smartest ethnic group on the planet.

I’m sick and fucking tired of hearing about this AI shit and getting these LOOK HOW MUCH I PAID ON MY CAR INSURANCE!! $9!!
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post dna link
>No it's not an analog computer, unless you have an apparatus that can take measurements.
No one's stopping you from measuring anything.
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>No one's stopping you from measuring anything.
No one is, but then your definition of the computing system being just the two particles is wrong.
If I'm making the measurement to solve the problem, then I'm part of the system. So the analog computer again isn't just the two particles. You just kick the can down the road with no real progress, moving the goalposts ineffectively.
It is the perfect golem. The ultimate anti life to destroy all life.
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>some jew making shit up
>If I'm making the measurement to solve the problem, then I'm part of the system.
What do you mean by a "measurement", anyway? You just keep transferring your subjective woo from one word to another. Your digital computer is just a lump of matter in a particular physical until you read off the results, no different from an analog computer simply being in a certain state until you interpret that state as a solution to a problem. Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a "system"?
>FMRI, brain damaged regions etc. The evidence is overwhelming.
What evidence? None of that proves the physicality of thoughts.

> That we're pretty pretty pretty pretty pretty sure it's the case.
That's the midwit interpretation. I phrased the question advisedly. Again: what is the actual meaning of statistical confidence?

> elementary particle physics
I wasn't referring to particle physics.

> It's actually the only true science
Is that a fact?

> That's not research level
Then it's not "deep".

> I'm not really interested in CA, and that's irrelevant.
You present yourself as an expert with self-evaluated IQ of 140. Your contributions to mathematics and science are indeed relevant.
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>Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a "system"?
Let's take a few examples to elucidate the point.
A) I write down a differential equation, that i want solved. I write it down in a piece of paper.
There's no two molecules in the world that can solve that problem (to our knowledge). The problem requires something picking up a pen or whatever, putting it on top of the paper, and writing down the (correct) result. 2 molecules can't do that.
So if i want to solve the problem, i need to have 2 molecules trapped in an apparatus (2 + 20 trillion molecules), and me to read the result, pick up the pen and write it down (2 + 20 tr + 99 trillion molecules total). That's the system that solved the problem of "solve a complex differential equation" in this case.
B) I have an analog computer, that has some interface. It is programmed to solve differential equations. I type in the differential equation.
The computer then manipulates 2 molecules, bleep bloop it uses their effects to find a solution. The computer then outputs the solution. The system that solved the differential equation in this case is (2 molecules + 2 trillion molecules of the apparatus). The two molecules can't make a screen with led lighting and shine the answer by themselves.
Of course you can still consider me involved in it in some way, but the involvement is usually considered sufficiently minimal (that i had to input the problem initially). But that's part of a computer interface, in other words the word "computer" commonly implies that you're not part of the system solving the problem so long as you're only involved in the input.
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>smug anime avatar
Yes it will not allow me to create Nazi or Aryan art.
Didn't ask.
>If I'm making the measurement to solve the problem, then I'm part of the system.
What do you mean by a "measurement", anyway? You just keep transferring your subjective woo from one word to another. Your digital computer is just a lump of matter in a particular physical state until you read off the results. Perhaps you have no way to even read off the results. Maybe this is an early prototype computer and you have to manually measure voltages. This is no different from an analog computer simply being in a certain state until you interpret that state as a solution to a problem. Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"?
100%. This is a troon. If you've see its other posts you know for sure.
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>What evidence?
>Particles moving about in completely commensurate with thoughts isn't them being physical
I think the only thing i can ask you back after such a retarded statement is, what would according to you imply the physicality of thoughts? What's the standard of evidence, according to you?
>Again: what is the actual meaning of statistical confidence?
It depends on the underlying assumptions used in the statistical model utilized. It always ends into "pretty pretty pretty sure" though.
>I wasn't referring to particle physics.
That's what you use to prove thoughts are physical.
>Is that a fact?
Yes, it is in relationship to predictability. Chaos theory and calculus complete our understanding of predictability, and only EPP is satisfactory close (and some elements of stat. mechanics).
>You present yourself as an expert
No i didn't.
>Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"?
It depends on the implementation. I gave two examples, in the second you can consider it sufficiently detached to be an independent system.
You midwits are funny, and your newfaggotry is showing.
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it will keep being a dream sadly. even if someone would make AI what can say facts kikes would unplug it with it's golems
My brother in Christ I don't know if this is the first rodeo or you consider it training, but it is almost metaphysically impossible to convince technofuturist heckin science lovers of the limitations of AI. They think you're retarded for even entertaining limitations, an investigation of such is deeply offensive to their materialism. Descartes is back and minds turn out to be a bunch of gears
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everything is antisemitic
Maybe stop calling us the Amalek then.
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Your digital computer is just a lump of matter in a particular physical state until you read off the results. Perhaps you have no way to literally read the results. Maybe this is an early prototype computer and you have to manually measure voltages. This is no different from an analog computer simply being in a certain state until you interpret that state as a solution to a problem. Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"? This is a rhetorical question, of course. You've deflected multiple times and that's an automatic concession.

The ultimate bottom line here is that just about anything is an analogue computing system solving the problem corresponding to its own dynamics, and those dynamics can be extremely complicated, involving a huge range of external variables and thus a "complex environment". Any set of elements that interact are "intelligent" according to your criteria for a system, and your kiked definition of intelligence. Your definition is in fact meaningless because what constitutes a system and what constitutes a problem is purely subjective, as you've demonstrated by moving the goal post in an ad hoc fashion every time you are faced with the logical implications of your belief.

I've given you multiple chances to address this, but all I get is "for example", "it depends" etc. Concession accepted. ID goes to the filter now.
Nah LLMs are reaching their limit unless some new big innovation hits. And don't say more data.
3D printing was the ultimate decentralization. Where is that now?
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the hardware is chinese
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>Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"?
It depends on the implementation. Repeating the same question like a retard gets you nowhere.
>You've deflected
I didn't, on the contrary i explained in detail the dependence.
>The ultimate bottom line
That's not a task
> Any set of elements that interact are "intelligent" according to your criteria for a system
You didn't define the task
>Your definition is in fact meaningless because what constitutes a system and what constitutes a problem is purely subjective
Incoherent word salad here
You sure are entertaining. It appears that if there's over 2 variables interacting within a definition it becomes too complex for you to handle and you lose your shit, kek. The fact that you claim victory makes it even funnier
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Read my lips: (You) won't do shit!
low energy bait
Can be used to subverting the Marxist educational system we call public school
>Particles moving about in completely commensurate with thoughts isn't them [sic] being physical
No, it is not and it has not been proven.

> Statistical confidence depends on the underlying assumptions used in the statistical model utilized.
No, it doesn't. Stop it. You're embarassing yourself.

> Chaos theory and calculus complete our understanding of predictability.
Then what value does your beloved complex analysis have? Or domain theory? Or HoTT? It all ends with the undergrad calc sequence and a senior seminar on nonlinear dynamical systems. OK.
It's just like Google or Hollywood. Jews invest mega money on goyim inventions and control then. Ofc they put their dudes on key position so the breakthroughs are attributed to Jews. OpenAI wouldn't exist without the billions of Microsoft. The 'we started in a garage' dull rethoric doesn't apply here.
Your digital computer is just a lump of matter in a particular physical state until you read off the results. Perhaps you have no way to literally read the results. Maybe this is an early prototype computer and you have to manually measure voltages. This is no different from an analog computer simply being in a certain state until you interpret that state as a solution to a problem. Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"? This is a rhetorical question, of course. You've deflected multiple times and that's an automatic concession.

The ultimate bottom line here is that just about anything is an analogue computing system solving the problem corresponding to its own dynamics, and those dynamics can be extremely complicated, involving a huge range of external variables and thus a "complex environment". Any set of elements that interact are "intelligent" according to your criteria for a system, and your kiked definition of intelligence. Your definition is in fact meaningless because what constitutes a system and what constitutes a problem is purely subjective, as you've demonstrated by moving the goal post in an ad hoc fashion every time you are faced with the logical implications of your belief.

I've given you multiple chances to address this, but all I get is "for example", "it depends" etc. Concession accepted. ID goes to the filter now.
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Worship Jews and maybe you will be spared, goy mortal
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>Then what value does your beloved complex analysis have?
Two different, obviously, but what's the point of me explaining it if you don't get the previous simpler parts.
>No, it doesn't. Stop it. You're embarassing yourself.
It appears you haven't studied statistics. There's more than one branch, and confidence depends on the branch used.
>No, it is not and it has not been proven.
You evaded the most critical part of my post, conveniently, saying what your standard of evidence would be (for thinking to be physical).
I did address it, but you keep confusing "system" with "subsystem" and "task" with "environment".
>I run away therefore i win
I literally cannot kek enough with you, you get so owned it's almost painful to watch, if you weren't such a rude jackass i would certainly feel bad for you. But the combination of inferiority complex, midwittery and hard-headedness is one-in-a-million. I can only imagine how much losing an argument must get to you.
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I'd argue it has more to do with filthy indianiggers than kikes. Early "AI" was kiked to the core. Modern "AI" is jeeted. They evolved from call center scams to investor scams.

Your digital computer is just a lump of matter in a particular physical state until you read off the results. Perhaps you have no way to literally read the results. Maybe this is an early prototype computer and you have to manually measure voltages. This is no different from an analog computer simply being in a certain state until you interpret that state as a solution to a problem. Do digital computers solve complex problems, or do they only do so when you're involved, making it a complete "system"? This is a rhetorical question, of course. You've deflected multiple times and that's an automatic concession.

The ultimate bottom line here is that just about anything is an analogue computing system solving the problem corresponding to its own dynamics, and those dynamics can be extremely complicated, involving a huge range of external variables and thus a "complex environment". Any set of elements that interact are "intelligent" according to your criteria for a system, and your kiked definition of intelligence. Your definition is in fact meaningless because what constitutes a system and what constitutes a problem is purely subjective, as you've demonstrated by moving the goal post in an ad hoc fashion every time you are faced with the logical implications of your belief.

I've given you multiple chances to address this, but all I get is "for example", "it depends" etc. Concession accepted. ID goes to the filter now.
>what's the point of me explaining it if you don't get the previous simpler parts.
Try me. I'm sure that you, equipped with a self-evaluated 140 IQ, should have but little difficulty in deigning to instruct a simpleton such as me.

> It appears you haven't studied statistics. There's more than one branch, and confidence depends on the branch used.
That's the thing about appearances--they can deceive. Branch? You mean distribution, of course. But neither the definition nor the intuition formalized by the definition is dependent on the distribution used. I'm asking you to explain that intuition.

> You evaded the most critical part of my post, conveniently, saying what your standard of evidence would be (for thinking to be physical).
It's your claim. You do the heavy lifting.
You're almost certainly talking to a bot.
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>It's your claim. You do the heavy lifting.
Yes, but i can't do it if EVERY form of evidence is replied with "that's not enough for me". That's futile. And you keep doing it every time i provide evidence. So you must say what type of evidence would be enough for you first. You evaded that again.
>Branch? You mean distribution
No you dumbass, Bayesian statistics and Frequentist statistics aren't the same.
You make the definition of what confidence/certainty is, depending on the underlying model. Then you can be "certain" of your hypothesis to some extend. I'm beginning to think you just type stuff without any underlying understanding of what they mean.
In short, you seem too stupid and/or disingenuous to have this discussion. No wonder you believe machines can't be intelligent, you aren't either, so the experience of intelligence is lost on you.
What is it about materialist determinitards and the delusion of intelligent calculators?
A fool admires complexity.
A genius admires simplicity.
How many times a day do you solve the hardest problem in programming?
I'm not Terry.
Electronics fail and I don't want computers in my car or machinery.
You're not allowed to notice.
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You have the makings of a genius, but still a long way to go to reach the ultimate conclusion. A genius admires simplicity. A genius needs no care or machinery.
> No you dumbass, Bayesian statistics and Frequentist statistics aren't the same.
Well, you're the one playing fast-and-loose with terminology.

> You make the definition of what confidence/certainty is, depending on the underlying model.
It's clear that you don't understand how mathematical concepts are defined or instantiated.

You're giving too much credit to Mr. Self-Evaluated 140 IQ. He just feels it, you know.
I filtered it, posted the same post like 5 times, then removed the filter and saw that it replied to the same post over and over again with different replies each time. This is a bot. Try it yourself.

the art is censored by jews too.
Don't care. If you use chat gpt right it speeds up programming and learning programing by such an insane degree that it may as well be magic. The thing is most people are too fucking stupid to use it right. You don't just ask it to write code and copy and paste blindly, you use it instead of a search engine for questions and it makes everything 100 times faster. If you can wrap your head around how to break a problem down into small logical steps and explain it to chat gpt, it will give you functional enough little example code snippets that you can get shit working in programming languages you've never used in minutes.

I've been automating so much shit at work with powershell and python it's freeing up entire positions worth of time, and I barely knew any powershell six months ago. I wrote a lua script mod for open morrowind in a day that recreates most of the original Xbox controller based UI controls in a weekend. Mind you I'm the first person to pull this off in the 22 fucking years since morrowind came out, and it took me one weekend with chat gpt. I had never made a mod or even heard of lua before. Now I'm learning how to write shaders for the hell of it because why the fuck not? Chat gpt makes programming fun again. Just don't expect it to do all the work for you, use it to learn faster not just write all the fucking code for you.
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the only thing hold the stock market is NVidia stock price. I am curious what the next scam, err sorry, an investment opportunity is going to be.
You flatter me fren. I have a car but only dreams of my own machinery. Life is fucked like that, where you get what you want but not what you need. I'd like to live by my own hands off the land, but you need land. Might get some land some day, if the boomers don't sell it all for another week of wretched life.
>you use it instead of a search engine
Jesus Christ anon do you hear yourself?
Beep boop nigger.
You come off as a retard though.
140 iq anon is undoubtedly correct.
Should have one with Asian steppe niggers
Have you ever done programming or scripting before? Question driven development is a thing and using chat gpt instead of a search engine makes it a hundred times faster, not even exaggerating. It can teach you programming faster than any class or teacher because the moment you have a specific question that you'd normally get stuck on for days it will have an answer immediately. Talk shit all you want about it not being "real" AI idgaf, it's a miraculous tool for programming.
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That's interesting and a little unsettling, if true. It seemed human, albeit autistic, to me.
>You come off as a retard though.
Obviously. Care to point out occurences of my retardation, other than my risible linguistic deficiencies and my limited grasp of mathematics?
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>Every single aspect of AI is Jewish.

If that is so, why do ChatGPT refuse to say that Mohmamed the prophet of Islam was a faggot?

AI is controlled by someone higher up than the kikes!
Google search used to work and link you to what you wanted. That's why it's infuriating to hear you say to use ai as a search engine. I don't think you're a real person anyway.
Google is dead as is most of the internet except for 4chan.
4chan is good for posting racist stuff but it's mostly disinfo as well.
Every single aspect of modern life is Jewish.
You act like google is somehow less jewish. We're talking about programming here not politics or relationship advice you brain dead pasta nigger. I'm not going to spend a fucking week looking for an answer to one question when chat gpt puts all the documentation in the world at my fingertips and can not only find it instantly every single time better than Google ever could, but it makes sense of it and processes it into explanations and examples. If you ever actually programmed you'd know how boring and frustrating it can be to get stuck for weeks because you have one question you can't get an answer to. Go ahead and all you want retard, it makes programming fun again so I'm going to keep having fun and making money doing it.
damn people still deciding -iness by the bookcover...
> It can teach you programming faster than any class or teacher because the moment you have a specific question that you'd normally get stuck on for days it will have an answer immediately.
And you think that's learning? OK.
>pasta nigger
It's potatoes.
Asking questions, getting answers, then applying your new knowledge to solve real world problems isn't learning? God /pol/ has gone to complete shit with all these edgy newfags trying too hard to fit in with the perceived, inorganic, bot-and-shill astroturfed crybaby/"incel" culture. You failures at life want so desperately to lash out and shit on absolutely everything but never think, say, or do anything positive or productive. Cry more, see where it gets you.
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not every aspect.
The orange looked like red with my screen filter. Still a monkey brain gorilla nigger though.
It is not, if I may indulge in your patois, edgy to state that learning even a low-level skill such as computer programming requires a certain amount of effort and struggle. You're not learning anything by using a high-tech solutions manual. What celibacy, voluntary or otherwise, has to do with these matters is anyone's guess.
only the aspects of monetizing it.
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