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>demand goes down
>prices go up

Can someone explain this to me?
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They have to make up for the lack, same thing here with this
Because even if they lowered prices, the amount of traffic they'd get isn't enough to cover the decreased prices. Also hyperinflation.

If you don't own at least 100oz of silver you're dead in the water
Economics are fake. Just another kike scam.
If there’s enough consumers that aren’t broke, that concept can work. Usually it’s short lived though. Even places like Starbucks are bringing about “value” items following a series of price hikes and an earnings miss
Oh no, a thing happened that has been happening on the regular for all of human history!
>how much extra can you expect to pay
zero, because i never have and never will eat at a fucking olive garden
>muh microwaved pasta and endless breadsticks
do amerifats really?
jews will never lower prices thats been the basis of economics for decades
I suspect you're wrong in your assessment that demand for restaurants is lower, or that this particular restaurant is making an unwise decision.
Both explanations would easily explain your confusion, and what's more is that both explanations could be true at the same time, and maybe more besides.
This tells me nothing.
The articles said sales were low. How do you get low sales? By having less customers. What happens when there's less customers? The demand goes down
Higher interest rates makes corporate real estate rent more expensive.
Tie that in with higher wages, they have no choice but to raise prices in an attempt to stay above water.
In the end, most of these places we used to love eating at will close down. They will downsize to a couple dozen successful locations, which will bring in an extended equilibrium phase, until things become affordable again in real terms and the chains start the whole expansion cycle all over again.
I havent eaten at fucking goy garden in 20 years...kek.
Biden economy
They have to 'try' to make the same amount, or more than the year before. It's a requirement for the board, since they have a 'duty' to the share holders.
Boards are making existence miserable. Oligarchy posing as democracy is a threat to every human.
As I said, this restaurant could be making an unwise decision. Also, the article could be inaccurate. And both could be true to some extent. The thing about economic rules is that they apply to entire industries and to expect them to apply to individual companies is to expect people to understand economics, which most don't, and even if most did it likely wouldn't help much.
>Can someone explain this to me?
Competency crisis seeping into every corner of society.
Soon you won't have running water and electricity anymore because the people who will be in charge of these systems won't even know what a file structure is.
So youre telling me restaurant jew economics say that
>100 dishes sold for $1 each = $100 sales
but when customers go down it becomes
>50 dishes sold for $2 each = $100 sales
and when the demand still drops it becomes
>10 dishes sold for $10 each = $100 sales
and eventually
>5 dishes sold for $20 each = $100 sales

meaning you've lost 95 customers but its okay since youre still making the same??
What's the point of silver if I still have to trade it in for fiat currency for it to be useful?
Many companies depend upon few sales at high prices. You surely already know this if you've ever heard of luxury brands.
Of course that's not to say that all such financial schemes are equally successful, or indeed successful in any respect.
They probably think they are hot shit and its the customer's malfunction.
they will just adjust the supply side to rebalance the equilibrium. in any sort of keynesian or friedman influenced economics prices dont change.
i ordered chicken parm to go, pre-paid

they wouldn't let me just pick it off a shelf

demanded that i stay in my car and have a waitress deliver it to me

waitress then handed me a bill asking for a tip

haven't been back since, learned how to make chicken parm on my own
This is the way to bankrupcy.
they wanna price out the niggers so white people come back again.
All he's talking about is changing prices. That's what this whole damn thread is predicated on. WTF do you mean?
lol boomers are self destructing

fuck em. I've become an excellent home cook after all of this and I'm saving a fortune

my kids love it too and get excited when I tell them what we're having for dinner
>olive garden
>luxury brand
>> silence

metalfags are retarded

when you trade your metal for cash you get 70 cents on the dollar lmao
>Higher interest rates makes corporate real estate rent more expensive
Up to a point. Commercial landlords know they can't keep hiking rents in a shitty economy and expect tenants to just keep swallowing the rises until they go bust. That's how you end up with an empty building. There's going to be a lot of renegotiating of leases and loan terms in the CRE world.
>cant grift people anymore

Oh no, the horror.

90% of businesses shouldn't exist.

The funny thing is, so many of these businesses would increase their profit if they just lowered their prices, but you cannot get that concept in to the mind of a soulless pathological freak that helms any of them. Greed is fucking pathetic.

Hope they all go bankrupt and end up on the streets.
If shit hit the fan the industries that use gold and silver would collapse and pound of salt would be more valuable than a pound of gold or silver.
I can think of a shitload of uses for salt but zero for gold or silver.
I have no idea if that's what they're going for; I don't work for them.
If these two anons >>472308115 >>472308241 are to be believed then such a scheme might very well fail.
I'm not suggesting that Olive Garden managers are supremely knowledgeable about economics or their own financial conditions. For all I know the company could cease to exist before long.
Luxury status has worked for some brands but not all.
Keynesian economics 101.
>wages up -- chains close to balance increased overheads
>less demand -- remaining demand must take up slack by paying more

The penultimate stage is the "hyper-closures stage", which precursors complete and catastrophic system collapse.
I'm sure that went well for the western romans, hiding behind silver, lol.
demand isnt an isolated thing just because people dont want to buy something doesnt mean manufactures will sell it at a loss
You can sell at a loss for a time if you have the funds to support your business. It can't be done indefinitely. Government can possibly help, though. Subsidies can be very beneficial for services that consumers don't want.
And when they have zero customers they will have to charge infinity dollars
The grocery stores are also charging too much
>Can someone explain this to me?
Read about the effects of severe inflation.
This is all rational behavior and completely predictable in an environment where the money supply has doubled over the past four years.
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>Can someone explain this to me?

Chains are growth companies. They sell below profit, deduct expansion cost, and push out competition. This cycle works until growth stops. Another chain replace it, rinse repeat. They function with claims of profit in the future, which is a lie since they operate with operating loss. All chains reach end of the line where cycle cause collapse. It is a racket, and everyone is in on it. This goes for micro and macro markets.

It is the fucking basics, but most mongos know very little of how the worlds actually work
>how much you can expect to pay
They write these stories like we have to eat that shit. I can expect to pay $0. Raise prices. I don't give a shit.
There's a fact that 20% of the customers are 80% of the revenue or something like that.
it's still way fucking less than restaurants

also you can still find deals. learn to make good food with actual raw ingredients not name brand packaged shit. a whole chicken is $5 and it feeds 5 people
Governments are run by people who get pay rises regardless of how fucked the economy is. Bidenomics is a clusterfuck of inflationary stupidities followed by a 360 of rate hikes which is a recipe for disaster for any business reliant on discretionary spending by the lower middle class. Like Olive Garden.
Good, my fatass has even less of an urge to eat out.
these things are true but Biden has nothing to do with it. Politicians are used car salesmen. Jews own the dealership
I agree, but I suspect that a lot of people in this thread think that people being able to discretionarily spend their money somehow is what causes increases in prices.
yes and these principles are based on debt and public markets. the goal is to spend debt (money that isn't yours) to promise future profit and then take your actual profits from your shares that citizens bought

the company itself is just a shell to make the CEO rich when he sells his shares
Companies delusion themself to believe very rich clients will replace middle class clients.
Damn, last time I sat down at one waiting for a cab, it was the dirtiest, dustiest nasty place I have been in a LOOOOOG time.
Reminded me more of a server room in some Department store.

Food is okay, but damn, are you really going to go there to eat?
Cuz its not really what I would call a nice place to eat anymore.
>Sales go down
>Prices go up
>Sales go up
>Prices go up
Because they are going to cut labor at the same time that’s just not in the article or will not be said by them. So they get about the same amount of customers. Customers pay more. Labor and quality drops and their parent company can report this as a win to shareholders.
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>raise prices
>at Goy Slop Garden

Fucking KEK. Any of you niggers consciously eating that trash deserve to be ripped off.
Idk Mexican coins were really popular in Russia in the 1920s when the country was still torn up. Personally I'd just make sure you have some physical cash.
Olive Garden is absolute low class trash. The McDonald's of italian food. If you can even call noodles and lettuce that. Everyone sell any stock you have in it. It's headed for bankruptcy. The sheer audacity of these boomers.
>Can someone explain this to me?
the two are not directly related. the article is putting them together.
you can raise prices and have a drop in sales. and they can be unrelated.
it's called stagflation.
Shareholders, anon.
Shareholders are a poison on the world. They infect every company they do business with.
A business can operate smoothly with a decent but affordable profit margin and sustain itself by rolling with the tides, it can even ride the tiger if it wants, but once the stock market jews get their grubby hands on shares if the company goes public, every single operational target is replaced with share value.
The one and only metric that matters to those mooches is the share price on the stock market. Why? Because they don't invest in a company out of a belief in the morality of the entrepreneur in charge, no, they invest for the sole purpose of making money.
And if you as entrepreneur don't raise your revenue, you are a failure to them.
They could sell their shares to other people of interest but they won't. They gave you $10k, you owe them a billion down the line in their mind, so if you don't do as they say, they sue you out of your own company and bring some Jew in to ruin everything you've built up, like vultures scraping every gramme of meat from its carcass.

The stock market must be outlawed.
If you wanna grow a company fast, run it well with good principles and a benevolent demeanour to your customers.
Don't jump the queue. That's how you destroy lives.
Demand is too flat a word for that observation.
Untapped demand, or in this case specifically repressed demand, isn't the same as there not being demand.
I do wish economists would liberate their head from the dunes and contemplate a fitting term.
Unexpectedly blackpilling. This world makes sense if you assume that everything is just a machine to pay executive salaries, not to actually do anything good.
I can't even describe how dumb the people that I know who like Olive Garden are. I can say with a high degree of confidence that people who are that fucking retarded will only be able to afford to eat there once/year.
Because if you have $100,000 today and hyperinflation occurs like weimar or zimbabwe then on the other side you have fuck all because your money became worthless. But if you turned $50,000 of it into silver, that silver is still worth something on the other side when currency gets reconstructed into New Dollars that you can sell it for. Then you can buy shit with New Dollars because you still have purchasing power from holding an asset. This is how the little people got fucked in Weimar but big business and government came out the other side when the reichsmark arrived still wealthy and with their debts gone. They had assets that held value, little people just had savings in increasingly worthless cash.
We last ate there like 15 years ago because a former drooling relative wanted to go there for her birthday. The food was microwave quality and no shit a fly was frozen in one of the ice cubes in my wife's drink. The waiter didn't care, manager didn't care, they seemed amused. I know legit niggers who won't eat there because the quality is so low. Doomed.
lol. way to shoehorn in your stupid silver bags.
economy isnt real, its a merit receipt system to keep enemies on sight. in life everything is free, either everything is free or you have enemies hence which economy exists. trade isnt real, its a merit receipt, naturally you bash the brains out of anyone you trade with to keep the gold loot or use them to further more gold loot
Wow youre so smart bro good for you
It's just an economical death spiral of inflation, taxation and incompetent managment.
> Just work more to fix the economy
> there are is no work
> we got to many employees
> welfare costs get out of control
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What about more regional chains with slowly, much more organic growth, like In n Out, Whataburger and especially Chick-Fil-A? The last on in particular does not franchise or use debt to open new locations at all, only actual liquid capital.
Price go up food gooder
>olive garden
how is that even a thing?
dont you fucks have real restaurants?
>Can someone explain this to me?
it's stupid management thinking they can makeup the losses by squeezing their remaining customers
it's a losing play before the end
don't listen to economists, they are just retards that justify lies with math till it just works, then it crashes and they take not responsibility.
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>The stock market must be outlawed.
the truest words that could ever be spoken
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niggers are used to driving lambos for cooking spaghettis. its time for the owner of olive garden to buy a new 100ft yacht so you better pay up nigger goycattle. lmao total (((service industry))) death
>Olive Garden

‘MURICA moment. That shits glorified fast food without the fast.
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When they all collapse they will be replaced with a cheaper option.

The boomers are dying off and were the last generation to afford the dining charade with their ponzi salaries and retirement benefits. Gen X can only afford it if they are married professionals. Gen Z can't afford shit.
>>demand goes down
>>prices go up
Came to post this

"The share holders are entitled to equal or greater earnings of the year before"
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>dollar is collapsing
>wants to turn a hard asset back into dying currency

You'll never get it, and that's OK.

Kek and olive garden is (or at least was) owned by the same people that own Red Lobster. We all heard about how they're going down. Very fitting. Shit quality restaurants disguised as fancy dining, filled with niggers to boot. It can all fucking burn.
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those would be the exception but in general most business are based on loan(debt)
Oh either they are about to experience bankruptcies and closures, or they are expecting a financial boom... maybe neither huh?
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He's not talking about literal rent. He's saying the companies have to constantly refinance to remain competitive, and if they aren't self-sustaining behemoths like Wal-Mart or—worse—are licensed franchises, they're being bled out by their own lifelines, and so can't continue existing without gouging their own customers. It has nothing to do with literal rent.
>You can sell at a loss for a time if you have the funds to support your business.
Tell that to auto sales. Those guys won't take a loss until wall street shoves its boot up their asses.
>Year of our Lord 2024
>Still eating goyslop
You deserve to suffer physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially if you actually do this.

This guy knows the economic/realeatste cycle
you are assuming they are trying to run a profitable business. they are not. they are trying to run it into the ground so it can be shorted and liquidated like gamestop
Restaurants like Olive Garden and Red Lobster shouldn't exist. It is fast food slop disguised as something higher quality because it is served on a plate instead of in a bag. People are realizing they aren't being honest about the actual quality of their food and are just going to McDonalds instead, because at least it is affordable slop, or they are going to a real restaurant with real food that costs only a little bit more.
Furthermore these kinds of restaurants were a boomer fad that never gained popularity with younger people, you never see a group of young people in red lobster or olive garden, it is all old folks with the odd young couple mixed in because they didn't want to make dinner, there is no volume, these places are all dying and 3/4 empty even during rushes.
They're a failed ancient civilisation and a modern cultural embarrassment. If country itself is the NEET son of the EU, then why would you expect the people to be any different?
its all sysco slop until youre paying $100/head
Exactly, I used to work in one of these places when I was 18 lol, the same Sysco truck was delivering the same slop to every middling franchise in town.
Yup, same.
I try to explain to people that corporations are little kingdoms (merchants wanted to be kings and the corporation is how they did it) to help them understand how bad things are but they don't get it.
We are completely fucked, everyone is a retard.
Lol I don't remember the last time my wife and I went out to eat. Good. Accelerate the collapse. I got four kids now too, God only knows how much that would cost.
demand isnt a straight line, its curved

meaning the profit they get from milking loyal customers harder is more than what they lose driving away those who wont buy there anymore
Making people consider home cooked food is a good thing.
Their endless soup is pretty good, Zuppa Tuscana or whatever.

Quit being a snob, you literally invented cartoon porn and bukkake parties.
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>Can someone explain this to me?
Capitalism's version of the bread line. You can't afford to eat without your coupon or voucher or mobile app. They raise prices, but only give you the discount if you're a good goy.
Don't count on me to pump your worthless paperweight and shove your bag up your ass.
>this is your economy on jews
TKD may be necessary for the survival of humanity
The Western Romans infamously took the silver out of their money and suffered inflation because of it.
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>Can someone explain this to me?
yes, pretty easily: greedy shareholders that were dumb enough to invest in goyslop chain
>>demand goes down
>>prices go up
>Can someone explain this to me?
Yes, it's called a company about to go bankrupt due to poor business practices.
So now you're working 6 hours a week? That's brutal.
That's what happens in modern gaming. Devs always prioritize whales over regular users. Why try to appeal to the masses who will pay $60 and leave when you can appeal to whales who will spend thousands in perpetuity? This is literally already the MO of these companies.
>head jew needs to show profits to other Jew shareholders
>jew then fires a bunch of goy and goy management and stores
>jew raises prices of food
>jew convinces hungry goy to eat there again with lust provoking images plastered on the media 24/7
>all Jews profit
that's how it works
>What about more regional chains with slowly, much more organic growth, like In n Out, Whataburger and especially Chick-Fil-A? The last on in particular does not franchise or use debt to open new locations at all, only actual liquid capital.

They are better, more solid, kind of mid range in it all. But they are expanding. And with expansion comes the ultimate end of line. Whataburger is no longer private, sold of because of expansion plans.

The racket should be obvious to those with memory. 2008 and "Too big to fail" means they are no longer a part of so called free market economy. Oligopolistic control. Next step, Monopoly. One ring to bind them, one ring to rule them all.
Eating out and other forms of entertainment have been ruined by niggers.
Because the money system is collapsing into nothing. You’ll see prices go up while demand keeps dropping because the entire market is dictated by a kiked stock market. Houses, cars etc. will just hyperinflate and money will stagnate. You’ll be lucky to buy bread for 50$ in 5 years if it doesn’t collapse before then.
Lead is more useful. Nobody gives a fuk about gold and silver anymore kike. Wealth comes from real wealth creation not fuking useless metal.
They'll tell you that prices are going up but they'll never tell you why.
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Something these faggots don’t understand is you can’t grow food with gold nor protect yourself/family with silver when the money fails the money depended npcs get extremely desperate.
Pasta and bread sticks for life-niggers, where u at?
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soon getting soon
>total TKD may be necessary
>hurr durr, if things will get worse, I might seriously conder killing the jews, this time for real
total restaurant deach may be necessary for people to wake up, ACCELERATE, let the rent rise to the moon.
You will be raided for your silver :-)
The demand to price curve. They are at the point where further raises in their already high prices won't actually lose them that many more customers; they've already lost the cheap ones. They might as well then raise their prices to extract the maximum value out of their remaining customers.
not my problem, I hope all these goyslop chains go out of business and if you eat at Olive Garden you’re a subhuman anyway.
What you really need is to get on board with the racket. With the coming fragmentation of the global market, shipping stocks I have average of 20 % yield pr year ( Go Houthies ). Warren Buffet`s advice is more sound than most gamblers like to admit. You can not beat the system, but you can join it.
>No "spaghetti"
Weak bill.
The audacity of Olive Garden is wild. The food quality has hit all time lows. I used to go there fairly often. But now it’s insane. Over $20 for a basic microwaved pasta and a couple of stale breadsticks. Never going back. Costco had a huge pan of chicken Alfredo for $17 that has enough for 4 large helpings.
Cook your own food. How black are you, nigger?


(((They've))) decided to ditch the supply/demand curve.

Normally it's an inverse relationship between supply and price, and a direct relationship between demand and price.

Now it's...

"Oh goy, this high-demand widget = high price."


"Oh goy, this low-demand widget = high price, because I'm so graciously keeping it on my shelf for you, goy."
This is what "Hope & Change" looks like. It's retarded nigger logic.
Why are you paying a middleman to provide you sustenance?
>Please buy this silver I need this ponzi scheme to hold a bit longer
Precious metals are so unstable that they’re not even a good hedge against inflation
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It's called crash n burn capitalism.
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>Precious metals are so unstable that they’re not even a good hedge against inflation

Yet at the same time, it has more than outperformed the bullshit raises I've gotten in the last 5 or 6 years. I am really glad I stocked up on silver when it was $17 to 18 an ounce and gold when it was $1900 an ounce.

I just kick myself that I didn't buy back in 2000. I was a dumb kid earning more than an ounce of gold a week. I had a job at a factory making about $420 a week alongside a part time job at Blockbuster Video where I was making about $100 a week. Gold back then: about $300 an ounce. It's not like I'm making anywhere near today's equivalent of what would be over $4000 a week. No sir. Not making anywhere near that. I really wish I would have stocked up then.

Gold and silver have MORE than outperformed inflation. Not even close. You and I just missed our chance for outrageous returns. Everything else is just cope. You missed out.
> buying microwave food at restaurant prices
who the hell eats this goyslop ?
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Me on the right.
Buy guns gold and silver or die
precious metals are worthless. You need bitcoin.
Uh yeah it’s called supply and demand, basic economics. When demand goes down you have to raise prices in order to make the same profit.
See if I sell 4 meals for $25 each I make the same revenue as if I sold 5 meals for $20 each so if the number per unit time has dropped from 5 to 4 then the price must change from $20 to $25 to compensate.
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This will keep happening until the choice becomes choosing either bankruptcy or lower C-suite salaries. I'm a fiscal libertarian, imo they can do what they want, but this is objectively fucking retarded; the fucksticks running these companies should be sued by their shareholders for violating their fiduciary duties as a result of their nigger-tier inability to defer gratification.
It is called profit margin asshat. The margins are razor thin and their input prices are going up. I am sure they are deliberately raising prices to hurt their business.
They will go bankrupt and close stores just like Red Lobster and all the rest. This is pedo Joe's economy.
You are being priced out. Time to work harder.
>How much extra you can expect to pay
I expect paying nothing extra, as I don't go to these slop houses.
What percentage of executive salaries are part of their overall costs? Hint, it ain’t that much and lowering it to zero might give the business a few more days of operation. The biggest cost is the people in the restaurants and the fucking food!
Well they know how well FOMO works on Americans. Hell! Even I've made a killing off of fake FOMO myself. There is a big misconception among most Americans that things like "ethics", "morality" and "care for your fellow man" and other gay shit are somehow real. But those things are illusions, a "social construct" if you will, but fake just the same, for they are merely mechanisms of social control and nothing more. I just looked and the Olive Garden has lost no business from doing this which drives the point home.
who the fuck eats at olive gayden?
smells like fucking vomit in there.
olive garden used to be pretty decent for a chain restaurant, back in the like 90s and earlier. It's so fucking terrible now. These things come and go, it's time for olive garden to die.
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Pro tip: you can get a discount at all restaurants by not tipping! Don't subsidize the meals of non-tippers. Become one yourself!
I stopped going there when I realized you can buy the Andes mints they bring you with the cheque
The jew pushes silver once again. Nobody wants your 30 shekels of blood money.
>The Jew wants the goyim to have real money
except you can't pay anything with silver unless it's converted to its value in fiat currency which defeats its purpose
A little inflation is a good thing, goy.
You’d be better off picking up a recipe book and making it yourself
If everything went back to pre COVID prices and rates, including rent, the amount of money that would be injected into the economy would be insane and flip this bitch around. But cases like Dodge v Ford doesn't allow for reasonable solutions to be possible. So if you didn't have assets prior to 2020 and a steady career, you have a low chance of making it.
I get that, but until that day happens, I’m not gonna trade medical, ammo or food for gold or silver. It’s useless to me. So what would it be worth? Gonna be like the scene of pulp fiction, your grandkids will talk about how you packed 100 oz of silver up your ass for 7 years? Than when you died your oldest packed it up his ass for another 7 years. I’d rather die than go through all that. I don’t want to be a rich man, I just want to be left the fuck alone for Pete’s sake.
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True, but irrelevant. When you exchange silver to fiat you get an inflation-adjusted amount of fiat back. You have the same purchasing power as 10 years ago. If you just hold fiat it slowly becomes worthless.
I'd rather buy a house or something that I can get work of with that money instead of just letting it sit in a safe and losing money with exchange fees
Exactly. Jews run the federal reserve and the banks. Expelling the jewry directly leads to an golden age in every nation in the past
And how do you save up for a house?
>do amerifats really?
Obviously fucking not if no one is eating there.
I last ate at an Olive Garden with family a little over a year ago for lunch. It had been a long time since I had eaten there. I was embarrassed, as it was my suggestion we go there to please a picky eater. The quality was simply terrible. The pasta, you could taste the chlorine in the water, it had been boiled for so long and with no seasoning. The sauces were obviously pre-prepared. And to add insult to injury, the portions were small. They went from offering portions large enough to take home for a second meal to portions appropriate for a child. We filled up on breadsticks, which we had to ask for several times, and extra salad. It was like pulling teeth to get those cheap-ass breadsticks. I swear the server was counting heads at the table and bringing one breadstick each. The decline was unbelievable. We should have left when we were able to walk in and be seated in a basically empty dining room. That place used to have lines for lunch that extended outside of the building. I hope they go under.
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makes you wonder how jews hold so much power while being such a small part of the population
Silver ingots I’m assuming kek
That gives you pesos which inflate away while you save.
That's how Home Depot posted record profits their last quarter. They raised prices above inflation rates because they felt like it. Fewer customers meant less inventory. Fewer customers meant fewer employees paid. But since those fewer customers were willing to pay higher prices, they raked in record profits. It is unsustainable. Places like Home Depot will go the way of Walgreens, as more people opt to steal from them and they have to start shutting down locations.
>what is a savings account
>what is credit
>what are investments
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In the past 20 years gold has outperformed stock market with lower risk.
Everyone stop responding to this retarded spic
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raise prices?
dont go there anymore
simple as
bitcoin too so I guess I better put all my money in bitcoin right
It’s the supply and demand curve my retarded high school economics teacher was telling me about
costs are fixed so you have to make up for those
Home ownership was the gateway to a comfortable middle-class living for many Americans. Now that that investment opportunity has been taken away from most of the working class our economy is basically doomed. Unless your average worker can inherit from family they will never own a home. There's simply no way to pay rent or even live with a parent and save money. The inflation is killing our currency.
Unironically a result of tribal nepotism. This is what happens when total dominance is achieved and you only recruit fellow tribesmen for leading positions. Inbred retards who don't know shit but who happens to be your nieces kid and has a bought diploma from a Ivy school.
Always a bizarre business plan.
>Economy bad, prices are high so fewer people arrive.
>Jack up prices even more to compensate.
>Traffic cut in half again.
>Scratch your head like the retard democrat you are.
They can either get lower traffic with reduced profit margin, or more profit on zero traffic.
Pretty simple logic.
>Red Bull
lmao I get the whole restaurant is designed to rip off the rich and retarded, but still
Boomer CEOs and share holders only have two solutions when a business is failing: raise prices and fire workers. Those tend to bring in short term profits so that's why they like them. Even though it kills the business over time.
are there any documentaries on the restaurant food supply chain? Because I am beginning to believe the same people who supply taco bell also supply Chili's, in other words, there is no difference between fast food and sit-down restaurant food except the brand of the restaurant.
It's all Sysco slop
Society is run by boomers and their genx lackies. Boomer CEO says number down and he's mad, so his gen x CFO or whatever says "just raise da prices :D" and they're like "we're genius".

But in the case of olive garden, who under the age of 40 even goes there anymore?
Look at all the kikes itt telling everyone not to buy silver.
Don't forget to diversify.
It comes off the same truck.
>400 and 200 for fucking baklava
Holy fuck, fuck right off, I could take a bus to Ista- Constantinopole, buy better baklava and return with it for less than half that.
Must suck to be a westoid.
The Friedman doctrine is a scourge. It has been popularized over the last twenty years mostly in the context of hysterical critiques of capitalism, that erroneously claimed it to be law. Now we have a flock of ignorant CEOs who are willing to kill their customers to reduce the population, but want to spank everybody left with raised prices to make up for the lowered profits that would naturally arise from a population drop. All because Milton Friedman once claimed that it was socially responsible to maximize profits... but of course he'd never met them.
Which one is the one worth shopping at then, Ace Hardware?
so before you decided to comment on this, you looked up their anual revenue, profit, profit margin, upcoming challanges etc? or did you just decide to complain like some low IQ idiot thats to dumb to even think?
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Nooooooo!!!! Muh, All of Garden!
Silver is insurance for when the food riots happen then they won’t be able to suppress the price any further.
But restaurant demand is elastic. The customers should just say F off and not go (or go less), exacerbating their problem and putting them out of business. It’s not like automobiles where people may buy a new car less often but still need to eventually buy new cars so the lower production higher price proposition can work in the mfg’s advantage. The real problem is the consumer is even more of a moron now than they have been; they just consume regardless of affordability or value. Everyone loves like they’re financially well off when almost no one is. I’d love to see comparisons of how often families went out to eat in the 80s and 90s against that of the past 1A years. I’ll bet it’s shocking
>precious metals are worthless. You need bitcoin.
I have both :)
The economics of corporations have to get back to the basics of serving the public and respecting their rights. You apply with the state to start a company. They aren't authorizing your right to bugger the masses when they approve your application and say you can do business legally.
>It is unsustainable. Places like Home Depot will go the way of Walgreens, as more people opt to steal from them and they have to start shutting down locations.
And then there was only one: Amazon.
Supply and Demand only works on the B2B area of the economy, especially things with futures contracts and bid-ask spreads and production systems.

Consumer psychology is its own world with its own rules where the value of an item is more affected by extrinsic factors, like a blender's value can go from $40 by itself to $200 if it's sitting next to a cheaper, inferior looking blender priced at $159.99, and nobody will notice anything off about it.
Why are the governments of the modern age so out of touch?
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Every government hates its people, every corporate executive hates its employees.
Remember what they took from us.
kek this caused so much cope from nonstackers
Try owning something people will actually care about like Nicotine and copper jackass
>Got some silver but it's stupid as shit to think it's ever gonna be worth shit
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cope seethe dilate
Those boomer rocks are so worthless raiders will risk death and dismemberment and kill you to steal them
Suckers continue to eat at restaurants.
>you can't have guns and silver...because you just can't!
Let's expel the jews
>Everything I'm too dull witted to understand is a Jewish scam.
Yeah, that's about what I expected when I clicked on this thread.
>We can print trillions of dollars backed by nothing forever goy
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Tell us about the business you own and how you have managed expenses and revenues over the last 4 years?
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If the supply curve shifts left, the price increases at all quantities.
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funny thing when you judge countries from memes
corporate garbage needs to be un-installed from reality
>even considering going to olive garden

Yes, this is the only sensible scenario for investing so heavily into silver. The question is will it happen and when, and what happens to asset prices in between.

Even just five percent of your savings in silver can out you at a significant advantage in such a scenario (most people don’t even have ANY savings in FIAT) without as much risk.

So to anyone considering silver, consider the risk/reward of it. Even though you may see the happening as inevitable, that doesn’t mean it will happen when it’s convenient to you.

If you do 50% instead of 5%, you’ll only make it to the other side with 10x the money. It’s not like this means you get to be a king and get blowjobs for mercury dimes.

Silvers value is extremely unlikely to change. It will buy roughly the same (likely less, really) basket of staple goods post collapse, it’s just that basket of goods will cost trillions in fiat.

This is important: INVESTING IN SILVER WILL NOT MAKE YOU WEALTHY. It will help you carry some nominal wealth YOU ALREADY HAVE to the other side.
>bankruptcy announcement soon
You're confirmed retarded.
When demand is down, raising prices is part of a downward spiral.
It's why things like discounts and other promotions exist. To get more customers.
You don't increase demand by raising prices.
Get your caretaker to read this to you a few times so you can think freely. Retard
great so another private equity group can buy them on the cheap, keep them alive but start offering cinnabon deserts/ while driving quality down to basically pig shit and then force everyone to watch non-stop ads about how great it is.

I hate this world.
I’ve been warning about this for a long time since AI has been becoming popular.

The real risk of AI is finding novel price equilibriums; a company (if digital) doesn’t care if they sell 100 units at 5 bucks or 10 units at 50 bucks. It is irrelevant.
A physical store would PREFER to sell 10 units for 50 bucks. Their profits increase while the sell fewer items. They would NOT prefer to sell 1000 units at 50 cents because the revenue is the same but the costs are higher.

AI and particularly in tandem with systems like live pricing at Walmart could find novel price equilibriums for companies… but they will virtually always be higher than the intuitive price equilibrium (see this Olive Garden example)

This is bad enough in Walmart and Olive Garden, but imagine running such a system on energy usage (and we all know they want us to use less energy).

Same deal, energy companies would PREFER to sell fewer units at a higher price, if they could cut off every single residence while charging enough to companies to make up the difference, that is a huge win for the company.

Remember, companies don’t exist to deliver a product to you, they exist to receive a profit from anyone. I believe the ability to find novel price equilibriums is the biggest threat that AI poses to humanity.
>turning nothing into more nothing
>driving the quality down
>at olive garden
>le supply and demand
in reality it's whatever you can convince the goyim to line up and pay
>>muh microwaved pasta and endless breadsticks
>do amerifats really?

Doesn't your country run on dehydrated noodle cups from a vending machine?
>Can someone explain this to me?
the price is decided by how much people are willing to pay. if you can make people pay twice as much while only losing half of your customers, that's an acceptable deal.
half the tear, half the work, half the resources, same revenue.
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actually the fat fuck is worth listening to as he's literally opted out society and can see it from outside, as well as seeing what it would take to draw him in. In the end he would likely say "give me a no interest loan, an unregulated industry, the right to shoot illegals and a virgin wife and i'll be out of the house tomorrow"
and it applies to every young male in the country
>AI and particularly in tandem with systems like live pricing
I hate this shit so much,
I've seen rent for apartments change weekly or even daily because some AI algorithm said people are more likely to sing for a place on x day of the week or x month of the year.

Everything is being done by computers and i hate it
If corporations would change their mindset from "constant growth no matter what" to "stabilize" they could drop prices. We all suffer, don't we? Why don't they?
>No one is coming cause the prices are too high what do we do?
Raise the prices!
t. some jewish guy
For fucks sake man, it is 2024. Share holders have not held companies to their fiduciary responsibility for some time now, so it is completely asinine to blame shareholders for this.

Was this a potential outcome from mere shareholder insanity? Yes, it technically could happen. But that’s not what happened and everyone paying attention knows that.
olive garden is barely goyslop
You have no fucking idea how bad this can become, anon. It’s the Pareto distribution // Peter principle on steroids, and those steroids are on steroids too.

It also helps to accomplish almost all of the sustainable development goals. By pure coincidence.
no other way for them to go. suppliers obviously aren't willing to give them anything at a lower price so they can cut prices and attract more customers. now it's just a matter of milking those last few shekels out of those who can still afford the higher prices. typical exit scam.
Just steal
>Can someone explain this to me?
Upper management can move on to the next company to leech from, as long as they get their bonuses and when it dies their name is picked from the country club or synagogue hat for the next opening.
>Peter principle
it's real. seen it so many times i'm actually amazed when it isn't there. your only defense is malicious compliance.
Only if you choose to do so, and you get double the pay for the 6th day.

/pol/ as per usual is speeding out over nothing
Olive Garden was dead over a decade ago, this is the board just looting what's left of value.
Wallstreet is gonna pillage olive garden just like basketball Americans fav seafood franchise red lobster
>Can someone explain this to me?
They need a reson to close branches in democrat run cities because cali enforced a minimum wage for having multiple branches across the us but only one (or more) in cali
>I don't get it. Our quality keeps going down and we keep raising prices because less people want this shit. Why does no one want to eat here? it must be the millennials fault.
i'm surprised there aren't more workplace shootings. in minecraft, of course. people really are cattle.
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Yes, pasta and bread is a luxury, chud.
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I now have an air fryer. Suck it Olive Garden!
this is an interesting strategy.
I remember when olive garden has a good reputation and was considered a classy place.
but over the last few years people have been shitting on it as a shit hole.
now we know that dumb NPCs think price=quality, so possibly it will regain its original reputation or that it will be considered a place only rich can afford which will make NPCs wanna go there for the gram or whatever.
also it could reduce the amount of non whites going, but also could have the opposite effect of having more niggers going there to flaunt and pretend they got money.
they should get rid of the unlimited bread sticks and other unlimited shit cuz that only appeals to fat ppl and Jews/niggers.
>Business reliant on discretionary spending by the lower middle class like Olive Garden.
They are upper lower-class at best. People that don't even have $1000 in their accounts, and don't order appetizers or dessert do to it not being a pay week.
They like money
In N Out closed their 1st store last year. Due to niggers being niggers. Up till then, they had never closed a location.
Every god damn corporation is responding to rough times with price raises. God forbid they try to improve their product to attract more people no just nickle and dime those that go there already. This is your economy on nothing but nepotism
>jews will never lower prices thats been the basis of economics for decades
They are going to have to. They only got away with this in the past because the goyim did get paid more over the decades but those days are over. They killed the golden goose through uncontrolled nepotism and immigration
The only reason to go to Olive Garden is Zuppa Toscana and it's easy to make at home (and better, theirs has too watery of a texture).
>The one and only metric that matters to those mooches is the share price on the stock market.
I dunno if this matters anymore. Disney has lost over half its stock value and the same people are still in charge and nothing is changing
>Restaurants like Olive Garden and Red Lobster shouldn't exist. It is fast food slop disguised as something higher quality because it is served on a plate instead of in a bag
You ever travel to the midwest of America? I imagine midwest Canada is the same. Outside of any major city? This is upper class dining for them since they have no other options. I live in a major city but travel to the midwest and south for work and it amazes me how every night the parking lots for these goyslop places are full but the reason is they have no other options
>This is your economy on nothing but nepotism

This is a jewish economy. Nepotism isn’t exclusively jewish, but anything jewish is going to be nepotism by definition.
>That's how Home Depot posted record profits their last quarter.
That place is such trash now. There are like 10 people "working" in the entire store. It's just cameras, locked up items everywhere, and all self-checkout. I'm not buying a tape measure without being able to hold and look at it.
total goyslop death
>We filled up on breadsticks, which we had to ask for several times, and extra salad. It was like pulling teeth to get those cheap-ass breadsticks. I swear the server was counting heads at the table and bringing one breadstick each
You have no idea
Shiny boomer rocks can hardly be considered an asset. "But muh electrical conductivity" isn't going to mean shit when hyperinflation rages on and people can't afford to eat anyways. You'd be better stockpiling emergency food, bottles of vodka, and cigarettes.
>profits down
>oh, I know what will bring in more people!!
Is the whole industry doing the restaurant death spiral? I've seen it many times.
Restaurant opens.
Has great food and reasonable prices.
A few years later gets into a slump.
Food quality goes down to save money (big mistake).
Fewer people show up because of this.
Raise prices to make up for it.
Fewer customer.
Food quality goes down more.
Prices go up more.
No one goes.
Restaurant shuts down.
Hasn't recovered since the Scamdemic
>Unironically a result of tribal nepotism. This is what happens when total dominance is achieved and you only recruit fellow tribesmen for leading positions. Inbred retards who don't know shit but who happens to be your nieces kid and has a bought diploma from a Ivy school.
100% this and I am glad someone else is noticing. This is infecting everything, corporations, education, politics. The west used to be a meritocracy but in 2024 it absolutely is not and is about hiring nothing but Jewish friends and relatives instead of the best workers.

Me and a Jewish coworker got laid off at the same time. Same skills, same experience I was a little more technical than he was. He found a job a month later. I asked him how and he gave me 3 recruiters to email since they helped him. Not one replied to me. They all had Jewish last names. What are the chances they saw my obviously not Jewish last name and refused to help me?
I worked there for 6 months in the 90s. Worst job ever, but yeah the sauces are made in a factory, came in giant plastic bags and buckets. The salad came in big plastic bags. Everything was like this. The only thing the nigger cooks making $9/hr did was boil pasta and heat the sauces.
>inflation is still here even if media wants to proclaim that it's under control.. it's anything but..
>Less money in people's pockets
>Less go out to eat
>The answer apparently is ((raise prices))
Good luck with that. I haven't bought food outside for years now, just not enough money to go around when even salad has doubled in cost at the store.
I cannot excuse buying something I can make at home for a fraction of your insane prices.
RIP eating out I guess
I explained this to smug retards who think the Apple Vision Pro is a failure. They don't want to sell that to you or me but a couple thousand tech guys and rich people with too much money. The entire economy is shifting in the direction you stated and this will completely gut the middle class
Even owning one ounce puts you in the 1%. Almost nobody owns actual silver. Lots of heirlooms disappeared when silver hit $40+ during the Obama regime.
You're either talking about Chilis or a really BAD liar.
(or this is just moar Glo-Bait)
>It was like pulling teeth to get those cheap-ass breadsticks.
This has always been the case. The server can only bring out 2 per person to start and then 1 per person each time they ask for a refill. If they ask for more than that you have to tell them no. Also goes for olives and tomatoes in the salad. One each per person.
>Hasn't recovered since the Scamdemic
Good all these companies were fucking silent or even supportive of their local governments shutting down their economy they get what they deserve. Who fucking knew shutting your global economy for two fucking years would lead to this? I think of all the evil things boomers did, over exaggerating Covid will be the #1 thing. I don't think we will ever recover from that. You need some major economic boom to recover from these things but the government is doing everything it can to prevent that
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This. The "casual dining" segment of the restaurant industry is dying, even though all these places were able to survive the covid memedemic. Every week in my city there's news that some microwaved goyslop chain like Red Lobster or Cheesecake Factory is shutting down. Steakhouses aren't doing well either. People will blame a variety of reasons, but it all boils down to crime+Bidenflation. Normalfags would rather doordash takeout from a hole-in-the-wall than eat at a sitdown place have their car burglarized by niggers. If I take my gf out on a date, then we'd rather eat at a locally-owned midrange restaurant than a chain anyway. The steakhouses and gourmet places are floundering, because people can't afford to go to them anymore outside of maybe Valentine's Day and the wife's birthday.
This post is true though...Why would you lie in the other one?
supply and demand is a jewish myth
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>You ever travel to the midwest of America?
I live in Napa, Ca., and the mid-West has a very depressing food scene. There are 2 billion beaners in this country, and they still don't have any place to even get a proper taco.
I'm talking about Olive Garden. You think they cook the fucking sauces there? Everything there is trucked in and reheated. Everything.
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>Gibs muh dat
I'm good. Keep being a burden on mommy or the state or whomever is caring for you. Civilization is doing just fine without you and humanity is better off without you in the gene pool.
>Jews - look after their own.
>Whites - 'Pull yerself by your bootstraps, you on yer own,son'.
This is why you'll lose, whitey!
"proper tacos" honestly aren't that much better. I don't get the hype. I ate at some famous true Mexican restaurant in Santa Barbara once and it was the same thing as takeout only smaller and slightly better spices. One of the dishes was literally a bowl of melted cheese.
Harsh but true.
That's why I don't goto olive garden. I made delicious pasta at home yesterday, and the price all told to feed 4 people was under $10. Why would I spend upwards of $80 for a meal I could make at home for less?

Not only that, the meat I used also provided 6 cheeseburgers, and I still have a large pan full of meat to use for some tacos/burritos.
Desperate to make a new prescendent for meat as a tasty treat not a staple as the NWO said or they just think California prices on South Carolina, why not?

Maybe the niggers getting reparations will pay probably steal though
Bad bet
My dad always used to say you have to be retarded to eat pasta in a restaurant. Even during "better times" it was always overpriced
You're going to the wrong taquerias, my friend.
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Maybe now, but you claimed that you worked there in the 90s.
I did, the par sheets for morning prep were HUGE.
Pounding station, sauce station, Pasta station, portion packs.
The ONLY sauce that was pre-made was the marinara...everything else was made BOH.
I've made literally TONS of meat sauce, alfredo sauce, veloute, florentine sauce and also TONS of fresh pasta in the booth in the front waiting area.
You are a shitty liar and Never worked there when you said you did.
Question is...WHY??
I was an opener for a new Chilis "restaurant" for the first 2 weeks until the "soft opening" and then quit. The ONLY thing they made there fresh was the pico de gallo which was the one thing that came beck untouched 80% of the time. Even the burgers were par cooked.
Yes this is tex mex only you dunked the taco shell into more grease and found a way to make them even more unhealthy
Whites are objectively the most sniveling spineless cowards in human history for tolerating this
>this is tex mex
Wut? Quesabirria is from Jalisco. I'm a pos from California, but I know Mexican food.
CFO is a Poojeet.
>Maybe now, but you claimed that you worked there in the 90s.
And I saw with my own two eyes that every thing was trucked in and reheated. The dry pasta was boiled (there was no fresh pasta whatsoever), the breadsticks were thawed and toasted, and that's about it. They baked the baked pasta dishes of course. Maybe you worked at some flagship place, I don't know. But that's the way it was for the location I worked at.
No I said it is like tex mex but you dunk the shell in oil and fat and now it's "birra". This is like lower quality nasty food. It tastes good but is terrible for you thus why Mexico eclipsed us in obesity stats.
They've finally high-sided. They can't charge less and still meet salaries and rent. Eating Out is about to become the luxury it once was.
This is from my local Italian restaurant. When the Hare Ragu is in Season, I'll eat there every few weeks. When people go out to eat these days, they have a pallet for proper food.
In no world is what I posted fucking Tex-Mex.
You didn't. You posted tex mex dunked into fat and oil and re-fried which I have said now 3 times.
Imagine going to Microwave Garden in CY + 9. Smhtbhfam
Go back to /ck/, that's where your level of food knowledge belongs.
>he thinks dunking fried taco shells into fat and oil and frying them again is high class
Let me guess you are a spic that's why you are being defensive of your garbage food?
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>Maybe you worked at some flagship place
well, you DID say you worked with a bunch if niggers too.
I suppose it's possible, but this location wasn't in Florida.
We only had one crackhead nigger on the line too.
So are you saying your location didn't have a 40 gallon tilt skillet, massive Hobart mixer, 2 steam jacketed kettles a 2 half-pan steamer, and a Hobart 1812ALB slicer amongst other things?

That IS a proper menu.
but they must have served REALLY FAT people if it came on a pallet(Palate, you meant)
I quit working in restaurants in the mid 90s because it was just beginning to become the SYSCO/GFS SLOPMARE(did I just coin a term?) that was running through most all mid to low tier restaurants. Last place I worked at was high end, but cutthroat, and I decided I didn't want to work evenings, weekends and holidays for the rest of my life--I began to HATE cooking too.
I haven't eaten at a restaurant for over 17 years now, I can make it better anyway and for ¼ the price. I will attend a family birthday or other request, but I always just get a beverage or two and nurse it.
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ALSO, for the uninitiated, that restaurant has a real chef.
It's become the trend in the last 10 years to emulate real restaurants by just including a flat dollar price like that, but most of the time, If you see a menu with $XX.99 or $X.95 they are slinging SYSCO slop out of the back.
Silver has been used throughout history for its antibacterial qualities.
I think it was actually a failure, even by these standards.

It’s also a little different because iPhone is pretty much the peak of luxury good when it comes to mobile devices, so things work differently there.

I’m talking about novel equilibriums for normal goods. But yes, apple products are a reasonable example of finding a novel equilibrium in the market, or at least indicate that such a thing exists,
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Antibiotics will be hard to find after a collapse.
Unless you have silver and a 9V power sauce.
(I'd still like to have a good source of Amoxicillin though)

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