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18-year-old cheerleader dies "unexpectedly" during beach vacation with friends. Police are investigating.

> Emily Tropeano, 18, was vacationing with friends in Ocean City, Maryland, during Senior Week to celebrate her high school graduation.
> Around 6:30 a.m. on Tuesday, police responded to a rental house near the beach, where they found Emily in a bedroom, unresponsive and not breathing.
> The girl's friends claimed they found her with agonal breathing, a sign of cardiac distress which indicates someone is near death.
> Officers began CPR on the dying teen, and performed life-saving measures until Ocean City Emergency Medical personnel arrived and took over.
> Medical personnel were able to restart Emily's pulse and transported her to the hospital, where she died later that day.
> Emily Tropeano graduated from Carbondale Area High School on June 7, and was a member of the cheerleading squad.
> The teen's death is under investigation pending autopsy of the body, police said.


What could have happened to her?
There's something very fucking wrong with how young people age these daysx
Jewish women really do want to kill the competition lmao
Drugs obviously
OP pic is 4 different women. wtf
Death by BBC niggers. Simple
18 going on 25
I could have saved her.
Vacation with friends. Check.
18 years old. Check.
She probably died from overdose.
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I bet I can guess what kind of overdose

>Queefs of the Drone Age - Overdose
It's mysterious how many healthy young people are dying, usually after they have to cross a order or board a plane or be a large venue with vaccine requirements... (FUCK FAUCI, PASTA NIGGER GOTTA GET SMOKED FOR FUCKING WITH MY NIGGA COOLIO!)
...another thing to look into though is rather or not she vapes, as that destorys lung health to the point where a mere coof can huff and puff and blow you over.
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She looks like she's already 35. Or looked I guess.
Well, what kind of overdose was it?
Wonder if she knew what she was taking, or if it was laced with something.
That means it's working!
Laced or she mixed alcohol with other sedative drugs.
Her mileage is showing.
Vax status?
It's too bad nobody did. She might have had potential until she got in with the wrong "friends."
nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstacy and alcohol.
At least she died having fun.
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>>fucked around
>>found out
Better luck next time sis-hoe, shit wasn't turned out for much eitherway.
pic elated >.<
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did her fake tits have a gas leak?
18?! She looks 35 in half those pics!
> fun, fun, fun
On the contrary, she must've been miserable if she thought she required all those toxins to persevere through life, which quite obviously failed her.
>35 in half
half of 35 would be 17.5
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>slut dies
How many nigger and spics have enjoyed her hole so far? How many will enjoy it before she's buried?
Choked on nigger cum from a BBC fuck on the beach
They found a video recording of her prior to death, she was seen with her legs in the air and a BBC went balls deep in her causing her to have a massive dopamine release and her brain started to malfunction having never experienced such a high level of pleasure.
I'm being told this is happening to young women everywhere, as immigration increases and BBC porn spreads more and more white women put themselves at risk of BBC addiction and possible overdose.
This aus bro speaks the truth and I can confirm this is 100% true. The BBC fever spreads. Only today did I meet a white girl who told me she's BBC only.
I fear we are looking at another crack or opioid epidemic
femboys and trans walking like zombies in the street with their hole gaped open, white women getting fucked on the pavement in open air BBC sex zones.
A new future is upon us
50 / 50 drugs or the vax.
75% chance of both.
You will never be Australian.
She could've been pregnant, unvaxxed, loved and living in a remote cabin with me in idaho eating venison stew.....oh well
>Beautiful 18 year old could have been living in schizo chuds cabin of horrors eating mystery meat full of prions and breeding genetic horrors
>pending autopsy
well, I feel sorry for the family, I know how painful the last visit is.
Maybe not strictly drugs, but she could have taken some prescription drugs, mixed them with alcohol or something and that's it.
Took a party pill laced with heroin or fent. Natural selection.
world lost a future feminist bulldyke
its entropy
I doubt it was an overdose.
Unless someone drugged her.
Her friends would’ve owned up to the drugs by now if they were just partying too hard
> nicotine
> flag
Hahaha Tucker was right about you retards
>s-she looks old
You fucks are exhausting
>Her friends would’ve owned up to the drugs by now if they were just partying too hard
shitheads who over serve their "friends" don't fess up, they usually did it on purpose in the first place
How old are you?
BBC overdose
Probably a drug overdose.
don't use that flag, kike
Sounds like the friends are saying they just found her half dead in the bedroom.
It's also possible the girl took something on her own without the friends knowing about it.
syntetic drugs
So these young people have heartbroken parents, class action lawsuit when?
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You just know that she's been fucking every degenerate in her corner of the world. I think that this is possibly even worse for relationships than the impossible standards women have on men these days. The fact that you know the very same girl who's expecting you to treat her like a Lady has been fucking drug dealers, felons and niggers at parties like it's no bigge. She would spread her pussy for any degenerate, but you don't ought to even touch her until 10th date.
she had to pass a death shit
vax status??
drugs really doesnt explain the agonal breathing tho

drugs cause shallow breathing if not stopping breathing all together

its the clot shot
I'm in my late thirties and I would hit on her thinking she is in her late twenties/early thirties. But I would be called a "pedo" in the US, because she is a 18 years old childerinooo.
Lol, what a fucked up country.
The elvis way.
Didn't think she had it in her tbqh
I mean you’re French so you probably are a pedophile anyways
i ran away from home when i was 16 to ocean city and lived under the boardwalk next to the grand view
Overdose of Spike Protein, faggots
Maryland does have the most coalburning women in the union. She was likely doing drugs.
You eat dog chang
Vax status?
>they found her with agonal breathing

its not drugs
Look closely
I just looked up. Opioid overdose can cause agonal breathing.
Ewww Gross
Probably overdosed on nigger jizz, nothing of value was lost
Atonal breathing is just breathing right before respiratory failure. It happens when people overdose on opioids and benzos. The only thing weird about this story is the time of day. If it were late night or early morning, an OD would be obvious.
>thousand cock stare at 18
>partying with friends, aka taking drugs and drinking
>got something with fent in it

Many such cases. She was pretty, too bad her life plan was this and not to marry a 25 or 30 year old and live life on easy mode.
>dumb Lara Croft looking slut dies from vax
>can't recognize faces
That's a legit neurodisorder you have.
You need to see a neurologist.
Found the jealous, titless, fat femcel.
>fag obsessed with nigger poop dicks
Those are bolt-ons. She had work done and her dad paid for it
18 that slut looks 35 plus, bitch died for a reason.
>They're fake guys. Pay attention to me instead.
Ask me how I know you're a jealous, fat, titless femcel.
She looks approximately 35 wtf?
Too much sun.
Would still fuck her rotting corpse and fill her dead womb with my seed.
Look at the photo of her in the dress. She's had plastic surgery. It's very common in American girls
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base josh enjoyer

women are dumb and the guys who worship them are even dumber.
lol get fucked slut

lmao funny but sick reaction
people in the 1920s-1950s: 18 going on 30
people in the 90s-00s: 30 going on 18
people in the 2020s- 18 going on 75

just think about it, what did we miss out? she was gonna go to college, be a whore for a few years, then feel bad for all the dick she had taken and become a feminist cunt
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>Drugs obviously

maybe, not sure
>Sorry, I’m not into comfortable breathing
prob fent
>claims the british slag as she sharts herself
>Teens on vacation
>always alcohol and drugs
My money is on accidental fentanyl OD
>dead young whore
Top lel desu
>18, looks fucking 35 at least
Drink, drugs, and dick - the dynamic trio to prematurely age roasties, oh well now she'll be rotting in the ground, FAFO cunt
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Maryland and VA are slap full of bumper lipped coons
That or she was born with AIDS

havent been to VA in decades but yes it is chock full of niggers
>agonal breathing
opioid od
doctors are baffled. they said they were safe and effective!
I like the boobs one
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