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Because they don't understand logic and reasoning. They destroyed the otherwise fine idea of democracy.

If women properly understood probability and risk they wouldn't fuck niggers
They’re stupid. My mom hates niggers and stuff but for some reason no matter how many times I explain how the expensive electricity would be near free and keeping shitty old power plants in service is way more dangerous than opening newer safer plants she still acts like she doesn’t know what I’m talking about.
the female vote is anti working class as its discretionary
Retards who shouldn't be allowed to vote
women are fucking retarded
She really doesn't
they see the word nuclear and think it's the same as having a nuke in your backyard.
I just told them they were stupid cunts who wanted to kill the planet and then called them 'planet killer' over and over. Total silent treatment, never answer the phone, all texts automatically respond 'planet killer'.
Then I left the great satan, married a hispanic chick. First day I met her she said 'wow you're really smart' and has deferred to my opinion on science and technology ever since.
woman hate solutions, they just want to complain
if you fix the problem, what are they gonna complain about?
Women cannot make difficult decisions
Aggressive anti-nuclear hysteria

I believe that it also appeals to women's innate motherly instincts: literally all information, knowledge, and entertainment about nuclear energy highlights one thing: radioactivity near humans = mutations. Especially mutant babies.
So to the primal mother in every female, she hears "nuclear" and immediately translates that to "if my baby is irradiated, it will be born a mutant freak," and therefore she is violently opposed to anything nuclear. They'll even turn against microwave ovens if you describe them as radioactive (they're not, it's non-ionizing radiation, but the normie, and especially the female normie, can easily be fooled into thinking ANY electromagnetic radiation= bad if you frame it right)
Want to see this graph before Chernobile series
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Make it so that only married women allowed to vote and receive government benefits. Multiple birds in one stone. Terminally online roasties can seethe.
cause they were told to do so. women are conformists and have no independent thoughts
Because mostly men grew up with fallout games and comic books where nuclear disasters caused niggers to become mutants with heckin super powers.
All you need is a new line of mutant super powered Barbies and you'll have your clean energy.
Women have no idea about pretty much anything. My missus is one of the clever ones and I actually kinda respect her but even she confessed one time she has literally no idea how electricity or the Internet works, not even a rudimentary concept, not even a foggy idea. Just blank ignorance on the subject.
The worst part is, she didn't even try to look it up on Google or Wikipedia. She just proudly announced her ignorance and then continued to sit in it.
They don't know because they don't care. It doesn't matter to them.
Because women are completely detached from reality as you perceive it. Everything is dictated by emotions for them.
And when they hear nuclear, they think of atomic bombs, they think of Chernobyl and Fukushima. And that's scary, so now they are against it, even though they know nothing about it.
Same how they think that "fat makes fat" so they gorge themselves on carbs and then complain that they get fatter and are always hungry.
They are too stupid to live without some man occasionally pulling their leash to drag them back into the right direction.
As much as it sucks, we can never have nuclear. You need competency. We don't have than anymore.
It gives them the ick
More proof women shouldn't vote
Indians and chinks seem to run nuclear just fine
>They don't know because they don't care. It doesn't matter to them.
This. It's also why shit like education for women failed so spectacularly and has only worsened things instead of improving them.
Because it is not that they lack opportunities to be your equal. Some of them might not even lack the mental hardware to be your equal.
They simply have no interest whatsoever in being your equal.
You as a man might look at something you don't understand or can't fix, and you'll feel an urge to learn about it so you can solve it.
A woman looks at it, decides that this is a task for someone else, and then goes back to the only topic she actually cares about, which is getting her ego stroked.
Most women have no clue about where their electricity comes from. When they hear the word nuclear, it's automatically assumed to be bad.
This. Thread over.
mass immigration is a 100% gendered issue too
They don't understand it and things they don't understand are mean and bad.
Big words mean, mean words bad.

But apparently these "things" should be allowed to vote so here we are.
Higher paranoia and fear response compared to men. Emotionally driven so will often fall into fear mongering narratives regarding everything from climate to salary.

Women are nature's perfect stooge and society has been built up to protect them to the point of collapsing over women's toxic fear response.
Nuclear wouldn't work in Australia because you need competent people and engineers who know what they're doing in order to successfully and safely operate a nuclear power plant. Australia doesn't have that kind of people. They'd hire some worthless bogan who would sit in the control room vaping and drinking vee bee, ignore the alarms that are going off and mock people who are wearing protective shielding and geiger counters because "its justa bit a fakken uranium m8yte, you look poofy in that suit".
Either that or they would let jeet and women engineers design the plants and then they would inevitably blow up and blame racism or patriarchy
We do have smart people already working in Lucas Heights and training in universities.

The by far largest problem is the public investment that will be redirected back into the pocket of politicians through lobbying, paper bags, and placements on board seats after politics. This already happens with all major infrastructure projects, all the current green proejcts. It's a money black hole that somehow ends up in the pocket of a few select (usually foreign owned) companies with very little to no competition and even worse oversight.

Any nuclear (if it is indeed competitive) should only be funded through private investment, all subsidies for green energy and fossil fuel production should also be 100% removed.

If businesses don't want to compete in Australia then you just nationalize what we have, reserve gas in Australia and export the rest. Cut the companies out altogether.

We need competition, if not nationalize the energy, both of these are 10x better than crony capitalism and corruption we currently have.
You know I think its because nuclear power and nuclear war have entirely different outcomes but still use nuclear as a descriptor.

How about "uranium based energy"

Any nuclear power companies like to buy my idea?
women go with the flow, men steer the flow
after a few years they'll agree and still not understand why, not that they really need to anyway
>women have terrible opinions on everything
More news at 11
nuclear always privatizes profits and nationalizes risk and longterm cost
>Lucas Heights
That is a research lab not a power plant.
What the government needs to do is stop wasting money by handouts. Every tax year they give you a pie chart telling you what they wasted money on this year. I lost last year's pie chart but IIRC 2/3 of the tax money was spent on useless shit like boomers pensions and centrelink handouts. I'm not going to go on complaining about it now because I'm sure you already know but australia is in a hopeless state as far as government goes and voting won't fix jack shit
women literally think "ew, nuclear power, what even is that, it's so weird", that is the mentality of about 80% of women
They are emotional retards. I remember when they expanded our nuclear powerplant like a decade ago my mother was literally on the floor crying because “nuclear bad” and we are all going to die from radiation or some shit

She has a fucking college degree in mathematics. The average woman is even more retarded
This, give it a few years theyd diversity hire a bunch of saaars and youd have Pookashima
>support for nuclear
oh, I thought you meant nuclear war. I thought maybe men were finally reaching their limit and just hoping for a global collapse
women fall for propaganda very easily
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>women literally think "ew, nuclear power, what even is that, it's so weird"

Just need to make a movie with Brad Pitt as a power plant reactor tech who goes to MIT in his spare time and discovers a new way to engineer fuel rods, with lots of CGI overlays like Oppenheimer.
Then nuclear power will be sexy and beautiful and cool, like TV shows about quirky smart people.
nuclear gives them the ick
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>How about "uranium based energy"

Yellow Rock Water Heater
Market that and give me 10% of the gross.

Imagine the smell
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I'm strongly against nuclear power in Australia, does that make me a woman?
they hate smart people
It's the strangest thing because they don't seem to have any problem at all with the nuclear war looming over us.
>with the nuclear war looming over us.

Too abstract, and not something they can fully intellectually imagine.
They think it will be just like 'The Hunger Games', they will be stunning and brave and the sex will be amazing.
Because the whole concept of "nucler power" emanates masculinity.
Women prefer the more feminine environmentally friendly, less powerful and less risky renewable such as solar, wind, etc.
Women never have to bear the cost of anything.
They prefer to burn coal, obviously.
Because they want the only “nuclear waste” to be what is coming out of their mouths.
OP=chinese foreign interference troll

Youse jokers are stupid cunce for keeping this thread going.
meds now
yes, now show bobs, bruce-ina
beacsue they think the steam is smoke.
They're easily spooked.
>why do women hate nuclear energy
Because men let them have a say.
The only energy they hate worse is small dick energy.
Nuclear power represents the patriarchy. Therefore based.
women are playing 4d chess. they know the government would hire jeets and women to design the plant and it would blow up so they are against it for the time being
No, it makes you a faggot.
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Are you saartain about that?
Nuclear is dead in the West, they lack the infrastructure for the large number of massive construction projects required and they lack the personnel to staff the existing plants.
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Women hate what they can't understand. Right, cave bros?
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Good news is, in the current year, chicks will be trying to troon out their conjoined twins for extra diversity points.
>why do women hate nuclear energy
We're told that females are more academically inclined, and do well in school in all subjects, including science and engineering. Thus I can only conclude that there is something wrong with nuclear power that they know about that we men do not know about. One would have to attend one (or even several) feminist theory classes at the local college to find out, but there were no lesbian poetry scholarships for me so I wasn't able to discover this.
Why do you care about women's opinion?

they have small brain
I don't understand why you all support nuclear power, you realize that shitskins are increasingly in skills critical positions they're unqualified for, right? South Africa did the world a service when they shut down their nuclear power plants before losing the country.
That didn't happen but keep dreaming shitskin
Are we sure that that's not just Kali reborn?
I mean, that’s also true
Oh my God what a bitch you should slap her.
Because they hate definitive solutions
women are risk-averse, so they avoid anything with a semblance of risk, like nuclear, despite the huge rewards
they also are likely too dumb to understand how nuclear works
lmao /thread
A lack of understanding paired with an abundance of fear.
Nuclear is pretty retarded though when considering they're more expensive per MwH than a fossil fuel power plant. Just burn fossil fuels and fuck climate change if you are willing to risk going nuclear since we can at least have cheaper energy within our lifetimes. Let the Indians and Chinese invest in nuclear and spend all that cash. We did enough to reduce our carbon emissions. They use 10x the coal we do.
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The women do unironically have valid concerns about it even if they don't know the truth as to why. The problem with nuclear is the people in power won't use stuff like thorium and will have a bunch of niggers running the uranium power plants. It's a meltdown waiting to happen.
You could always get a job at a nuclear plant. Two year degree and you can earn $150k starting.
Because someone told them to. This is always the case.
Top kek CARLOS
Because women are retarded
Repeal the 19th
Abolish divorce, marital rape isn't a thing.
Make women property again
It's what they want to be anyway
Because the prevailing media narrative is anti-nuclear and women skew a little more sheep-y than men do.
Democracy was never a fine idea retard
It's just received knowledge from different media sources, women get their views from msm nuclear bad stories like Fukushima and Chernobyl. While men get theirs directly or indirectly from 20th century science fiction where it's the definitive technology of the future, atomic energy in it's superior form (fusion) is the essential bedrock of all science fiction fantasies.
Women is the nigger of the world, yes it is, think about it.
because they're stupid and give in quick to fear mongering
It's literally because women suck at science.
because they are emotional idiots easily swayed by propaganda

they also don't understand anything about how the real world actually works, let alone physics
We're a republic and they destroyed that too.
Just do anal sex with women.
That's all there is, them riding your dick with their cockring asshole again and again, clean up whatever mess happens with their mouth and thank you sincerely for it from the bottom of their heart between their legs.

What are you explaining to a creature that has been genetically selected to always defer real problems and solving them to you? You should instead shove that dick back inside her to interrupt her trying to upset, rile up, manipulate you to do more for her than she does for you.

Shove that dick back in her ass and mouth if she wants to say "she ain't happy".
If she really wasn't happy, she'd already left.
Because fear mongering works better on women. Women tend to think more emotionally, so triggering negative emotions, so oil companies throwing around how nuclear energy is scary and dangerous works on them, despite the fact we don't make plants like the ones that had disaster stories anymore.
You can also use this science to show why they are more likely to vote democrat and show trannies that their brain activity is their original gender.
>it is literally this easy to get a man.
You're attributing them way more rationality than most women actually employ.
They don't know what they think about nearly anything until they're invited to have an opinion about it, they'll form that opinion on the spot based on whatever social cues they have available, and then doggedly maintain their position in opposition to contrary evidence to avoid having been wrong.
They have a vague impression of "nuclear bad", and will confidently plant their flag on that hill as soon as they have the chance to virtue signal with it. In the unlikely scenario she's challenged by a penis-haver she'll get angry, resort to ad hominem, and if pressed will run to google to find the opinions of other women who agree with her to present as evidence.
They hate everything nuclear, including nuclear family
94% of new jobs among Fortune 500 have gone to non-whites in recent years, rather obviously a whole lot more than 6% of applicants would have been white so unless you have a stellar resume(which a two year certificate is not) you're not getting that job.
It makes you doubly retarded. You have vast swaths of useless desert land where you could build as many nuclear power plants as you can afford.
I was on the fence for a bit but...yeah. Women need to be enslaved.
I literally work in nuclear, people ask me why I’m just working as an operator with a 4 year degree, most of my coworkers are whites and most are about at the minimum standard of education.

Please fucking try to apply to jobs in nuclear, we’re understaffed and they’ll throw money at you for doing next to nothing.
Because women are retarded and letting them vote was the worst thing we ever did.
They're more susceptible to propaganda that appeals to their emotion.
Can we please send these retarded cunts live in the Stone Age?
Noooo you can’t release carbon
Noooo you can’t use nuclear energy
I’m so fucking annoyed
Do you get paid decently
>carbon emissions

Trees and plants need CO2.
Women hate practical solutions that work. That would mean that we have to get to work rather then continue kvetching over the problem.
Because they're fucking stupid.
Female brain is evolutionary designed to make decisions at the family level. since the last hundred years (basically since the invention of artificial rubber), this brain has been applied at the societal level. This will lead to the civilization collapse.
Women get their opinions from tv shows. Every thing they touch turns to death. They vote so I care.
Exactly why I stay away from this dying society. All npcs and their kids are dead ends.
because they're complete fucking idiots who should have no say on anything ever again
Easy, women are more emotional, rhus, nuclear is "bad and kills the planet with fukushima and Chernobyl!".
Men are more rational and see the benefits of nuclear over other energy sources.

I want my sides back anon!
They understand logic and reason when it comes to taking all your money.
Nuclear energy is just another STUDIES SHOW ITS SAFE debacle. Tons of online advocates swearing up and down is totally safe and we swear there won't be another chrenobyl or 3 mile island or Fukushima even though these things clearly happen at least once a decade. Let's build a lot more, science says it's the way.
>You as a man might look at something you don't understand or can't fix, and you'll feel an urge to learn about it so you can solve it.
>A woman looks at it, decides that this is a task for someone else, and then goes back to the only topic she actually cares about, which is getting her ego stroked.
I have observed this all my life, well said. Seriously, when was the last time a woman fixed ANYTHING?
Chernobyl and 3 mile happened because of human error. Modern nuclear has retard proofing on every level, we learned from those mistakes
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The west can't have nuclear anymore because such facilities demand a 100% white workforce and I'm pretty sure that's illegal these days
Ok bro but you still need the degree
150k per year.
>Ok bro but you still need the degree
You need a degree depending on the line of work. Contract laborers are still a thing and need only a high school diploma or GED and get paid $25-40 an hour depending on where you work.
because women are literally and unironicall retarded maybe ?!
Post your fucking state and company now and I'll see if it's worth moving to zogland
discretionary? How is the “female vote” “at the discretion of the user”?
>A woman looks at it, decides that this is a task for someone else, and then goes back to the only topic she actually cares about, which is getting her ego stroked.
Literally how I am and a sizable majority of the people influencing my life until I was 21, living with my parents, growing up, and going to school, were women.
>why I’m just working as an operator with a 4 year degree
overtime, obviously
or are you one of the failures that gets shunted to STA but still claims to be an operator?
Was that song unironic?
>Ok bro but you still need the degree
not really. if you start as a non-licensed operator you can work your way into license class without needing a degree (highschool diploma/GED still needed, of course)
>94% of new jobs among Fortune 500 have gone to non-whites in recent years
Those were all Amazon warehouse, Apple store, and Nike store jobs. The ones that went to niggers and spics were all “less than senior roles”,literally via the article and data you’re citing, and 1/3rd of middle and 2/5ths of new executives were White Amerixcans
>S&P Memehundred
>Nuclear Plant
(You) fucking imbecile
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They are morons who d0on't understand what it is how it works or why it's good.
All thy see is nuclear danger scary hot rock boogeyman!
The any question formulated as
>why do women ____
Thr answer is always
>because they're retarded agents of chaos and destruction.
I work at the world's oldest nuclear power plant that is still in operation.
inb4 doxx, idgaf.
My take: If a nuke goes off, who beyond a 50 mile radius is going to care? Absolutely fucking no one.
Nukes and their waste pose a merely hypothetical threat that is limited to the people in the immediate vicinity.
Burning coal (lel) however, is an actual threat that causes problems for everyone around the entire planet.
But hey, that iPhone isn't gonna charge itself.
yes, they dont understand it either
even thought its the simplest thing in the world basically
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> Be average woman
> think all men are perverted horndogs
> thinks about sex and the love life of others constantly
> aggressively signal a socially approved opinion against people who disagree with it
> deep down agree with the people who disagree but there's more social brownie points by signalling with the status quo
> Hear scary message or movie about a topic
> Your entire opinion of it is coloured by it.
> Parrot talking points made by other women even if it makes you sound retarded such as preferring to be trapped with a bear than a man.
> Want something until you get it and then realize you don't want it.

A woman's opinion should be discarded until proven otherwise. It's all about living in the moment, being socially manipulated and socially manipulating others.
women view anything they can't fuck with as segregation including IQ
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>> Want something until you get it and then realize you don't want it.
Fucking this
TMI: didn't result in any appreciable release of contamination
Chernobyl: not just human error, the operators specifically decided to run a test at a higher power level than they were supposed to and purposely deactivated safety systems to do so.
M8 you already posted your shit take and no one bothered to answer it because it applies to literally everything, get a clue
Could be the massive list of nuclear mismanagement disasters.
>the numbers suggest
>why don't stupid people understand smart things
because of course women want to burn the coal, pay attention retard
>Could be the massive list of nuclear mismanagement disasters
I could see women being that dumb. Basically every other form of energy has a longer list. Nuclear energy has killed less people per unit of energy than coal or gas. If your concern is safety and you actually understand energy creation then nuclear is the obvious choice for most regions of the planet.
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