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Why are migrants like this?
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It's a sickness, doctors calls it Islam
he should be skinned alive, and then dipped in kerosene and set on fire
this is actually baffling. My guess is he wanted to the entire time and it was now or never.
talk about lunchtime rowdiness
walking demons, meatbags filled with Nephilim spirits
>guy literally just lost his family
>you people are making fun of him and making death threats
We all cope with trauma in different ways
Can they make a cool movie about that one?
200-500 of these subhumans are landing on the south coast every day
I cant wait to see the major motion picture of this one
Lol nonwhites are so evil, the fact anybody managed to survive that is wild.
So they cannot swim and they rape before going down with the sinking boat? How utterly sad. They clearly do not belong in a new society.
sounds kino, someone should make a movie about this
they're not sending their best.
This sounds like one of those holocaust survivor stories, except real
will be a caucasian British or Skandinavian looking man in the Amazon screen adaption
It's any old excuse with them lot.
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Christcucks and jews import shit beasts like this and then complain about antisemitism.
Anon, the normal HUMAN reaction to loss is sadness and grief. Not immediate rape and murder.

The thing in this article is not a human, but an unculled creature that should have never made it through the genetic lottery.
>wherever I am I must also rape
>t. niggers
I can't grasp the cause/effect chain here.
>*subhumans act like subhumans*
Anon is surprised
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>Iraqi girl
Not my problem
I have noticed an upscale in Latvia posters being absolute faggots. Is it just 5D sarcasm or what the fuck is going on?

That's a relief, the man should still be tortured to death though.

Or is /pol/ believing anything these days?
I know it’s bait but please kys anyway
>Dozens invaders killed
Is this the long awaited good news thread on /pol/ ?
Too lazy to archive it I'm at work
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Literally feral animals. The lowest levels of intellect paired with the worst possible social environments.
new euphemism just dropped, sandnigger rape-bros?
>media tells truth about migrant scum
>how could dis be habbening guize?
Past experience with shitskins and pattern recognition. It's ok, one day with neural-link by Elonie you can have pattern recognition too.
Gaddafi tried to warn you
Man that headline just keeps going!
>boat is sinking so bad that his family died
>well this is as good a time as any to rape & murder.
Funny-hat-tribe says he doesn't turn into a model euroid citizen until his feet touch euroid land. As he was still in the boat, he was still a savage middle easterner, as the magic dirt of europe hadn't yet impacted him.
You can take a monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey.
protip for newfags: don't bump news threads that newfag OP doesnt include link to source
before Hiro bought the site janitors were allowed to delete noeffort shit threads like this one on sight
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The words mercy killing come to mind. Truly subhuman animals. They cannot be allowed into white society. This is unacceptable.
It will be your problem though thats what the boats are for
you see an insane psychopathic rapist murderer but i see a doctor, a scientist, or and astronaut.
hearty kek, dunno why youre making anons seethe
this, my car wouldn't start this morning so out of frustration I raped 5 women.
only God can judge me.
>Why are migrants like this?

They subhuman animals. Not human
Dead migrants are non problematic migrants
Link was provided in middle of thread, you illiterate boat raping muslims.
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Thank the jews and israel
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Pedophilic rape and murder is a strange way to grieve
So this happened on the sinking ship? He raped and killed while the ship was sinking?
I guess "women and children first" has a different meaning to them
Someone needs to send .50 cal rifles to some rightious meds to sink these pieces of shit. Maybe they can meet some greek gods down there
fuck right off, you have to be an animal to "cope" with trauma by engaging in a cheeky bit of rape.
Thanks Jews for allowing these foreign devils in
The sickness goes far beyond Islam

t. Canadian living in Little India
Round about way to say nigger
Browns are literal animals. They have no place in civilized societies.
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How do we kick jews out of power and stop the great replacement for good?
You won't do shit. You're a bunch of cowards.

You're white faggots are the ones allowing it
You are too afraid of beheading your politicians that push such horrors.

What have been done to stop it aside posting on 4chinz? But keep being a civilized christian and follow your laws.
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>It's a sickness, doctors calls it Islam

>It's a sickness, doctors calls it MEN


kek, underrated
He is fit for European society.
Israel should be nuked off the fucking earth
Show flag Rabbi
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Why do you keep calling them 'migrants', moshe?
t. memeflaggot jew pussy
A man's instinct to rape if he feels his life is about to end is quite justified biologically. (The strangling, no so much...)

It is a biological imperative to attempt to continue your blood line (however shitty that bloodline may be), if you feel like you are about cease to exist, Think of it as throwing your kids into a life raft, or in this case, your potential kids.

George Carlin used to have a bit that said, "Look, if I have 8 minutes to live, someone is getting fucked!" Now that I am spiritually awakened, I see that this natural urge is not rooted in degenerate pleasure-seeking before death, but rather in a desperate attempt to continue the species by any means possible.
> B-b-but what about the jeets???

You aren’t fooling anyone Abdul
I thought you'd say I'm a glowie. But I guess it's because I said that the fault is yours, that are too coward to dethrone the evil jew.

You're all tiresome. Just keep in mind that to complain about those things then don't do shit won't make you less cuck.
>continue the species by any means possible
you could see it with the remote tribes making first contact with a helicopter
the men approach the unknown flying thing cautiously with bows drawn, then immediately grab their women and fuck right there while staring at the helicopter

the problem with this is that modern humans have moved on from this instinctual behaviour.
So what are you doing then?
Raping someone on a sinking boat is fucking weird though. lol.
sounds like he just watched and let his family die.
>hundreds millions of fire arms held by civilians
>don't do shit
I'm not the one in this thread pretending I'm le based because I'm pointing out the jew without doing a shit
Happened on a US paddle steamer off the east coast of the USA in the late 19th Century as well, I can't remember the ship name just now.
The guy just murdered his own family and then raped a victim but they are covering for him because they are Jewish and want to use him to destroy society.
Brown men will save us.

t. female boomer leaders
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>lose your favorite fuckholes
>look for a replacement
I don't know man, it sounds pretty reasonable to me.
Christ is king! Don't you know that's a nigger thing kill people even when they're hurting you? I couldn't expect less from a non-white euro like you.

Forgive the rapist, Father! He doesn't know what he's doing!
This is beyond hilarious
It's probably just a lie his lawyer told him to repeat
>wife drowns
>FINALLY the ball and chain is gone now where's that 16 year old
>Family dies and my life is in danger
>First thought is to rape a teenage girl
Actual animals aren’t this dumb.
S.S. Arctic I think it was.
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They like sexo very much
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'vent' vento aureo?

No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them. All that remains is the end, where you will all perish. Eternal greatness exists only within myself. Sing a song of sorrow in a world where time has vanished.
Mama mia!
Kek, newfags mad
Cape fear
These are the people the elites think we need in our countries. At least their skin color isn't white. That would be awful if they were productive, law abiding citizens with light skin.
>no link
>no nothing
>bot thread
Probably fake and gay. No bump
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the elites see them as 2 things- consumers and cheap labor. either way its free money for them. and landlords (especially the corporate types like blackrock buying up every home they can) see them as competitors for housing which will drive up the value of their assets as it creates a shortage.
best of all elites never have to live around them so they'll never face the negative consequences. and they'll make so much in the short term they don't care if a company gets ruined longterm by having 3rd worlders replace competent workers. this is happening in every capitalist society now- even 'based' and 'trad' russia.
'anti-migration' leaders such as trump aren't anti migration at all- they just see how they can demonize one set of migrants while inviting even more of a different set. in trumps case he wants to get rid of low class hispanics who work manual labor. why? because current middle class americans will need those jobs as they are replaced by H1B tech, finance, healthcare, accounting etc. workers from india and the rest of asia. we're fucked. you're being replaced but to claim its 'to replace whites' is wrong-thats a psyop to hide the real reason and keep you focused on the wrong thing. its only about money- middle class blacks, hispanics, asians who are longterm citizens of western countries are to be replaced as well with cheap labor.
its too bad they didnt all die desu
Those are exactly the type of people you want coming into your country.
Because they’re not human
gotta vent my ball sack
I'm a bit lost on this one. What was the point of this experiment that this future engineering scientist with a doctorate was conducting? I need to make sense of it before I explain to my brainwashed conservative friends as to why this is actually a good situation.
They come from dysfunctional nations, with dysfunctional cultures, with dysfunctional families.
They are demonic breed of humans that lack empathy, 100% convinced of it now. There have to be a genetic predisposition towards narcissism for it to be manifested. The cousin marriage just contributes their bloodlines to become beastial.
based sven
>i-t’s RELIGION, not brown people!
>reddit spacing shitlib
>i-it’s PATRIARCHY, not brown people!
>not even sure what this retard is
>i-it’s INBREEDING, not brown people!
>just sowing discord
What the fuck happened to this website
iraqis are evil, the US did nothing wrong.
of course its brown people
it is however also religion and inbreeding
that doesnt exclude each oter
>not brown animal touching europe!
Lmao! Another cuckpost by a faggot swede.
>guHUH! Based!
Fuck off back to mittromney.com or wherever the fuck you queers are from
No retard. If you took away the shitslam and incest they would still be niggers. Idiot libtard.
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Well, I mean, if this didn't qualify as a sexual emergency then the term has lost all rational meaning.
Are you retarded?
Of course theyd still be niggers. it doesnt however exclude each other
lol. lmao
lul the mutt is mad he is a genetic american golem.
Subhumans. Accept them at your own peril.
keep in mind your traitor politicans are importing this violence directly into your neigherbhoods and homes. Treason must be punishable by death again and these politicans are the biggest traitors in modern history.
Yes, and you won't do shit.
Look at all those sweet succulent (you)s

>Verification not required
Finally some brain ITT. But they won't do shit. It's way funnier (and safer) to keep posting here.
Stop talking to yourself mutt
Yes. You’re an actual dumbass libtard. Those things DO exclude eachother. There are tons of athesist shitskins around here who dont breed their family members. They’re still niggers.
>We all cope with trauma in different ways
Thanks for the laughs.
>w-well you’re american!
Dont you disarmed cucks have a grenade nigger problem now? How did they even get grenades in your disarmed shithole? Oh wait, that’s right, there was an entire news story about your female police officers running away to be with the niggers. Lmfao
Everybody on this site is a shitlib now. They voted for those politicians in to begin with.
Actually it’s called white supremacy
How is that southern border going for you? The illegals live in comfy hotel rooms and get food everyday for free and they still complain that the food is not good enough. Work harder and pay some more taxes so the illegals can be happy mutt.
>"unspeakable attack"
>says exactly what happened in the headline
Why are journalists like this?
show tits
>Work harder and pay some more taxes so the illegals can be happy mutt.
Like you do?
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Sweden’s future
And he made it to shore?
Tie a cinder block around his ankles ans end him back.
That are what those millions of illegals who are military aged men are going to your towns in America.
Not really. There is always a chance that she (and your offspring) may survive.

Strangling someone you just raped is though, unless of course you AREN'T in a near death scenario.

He just needs to get to Finland into the hands of Kela and I'm sure he will be productive citizen in 2 years

from kikopedia: All the women and children on board perished.

This is extremely based and I can't wait for more of these future Europeans to integrate into our multicultural paradise. Glory to the EU!
Omg, such a tortured soul, we need to fly him to Berlin
ctrl+F "rape".
no hits....
*should've been posted for this*
A ding-dong emergency. With life flashing in front of the man he had to create life while killing life to make himself God. An understandable gesture of culture before being saved and prosecuted. You can't judge God.
He saved her from drowning to death and this everyone just blames the hero. I hope he didn’t get any hours of community service for this. She probably said the n word anyway.
its standard retard bait.
Probably a nigger.
Losing your family doesn't give you a raging rape boner?
They aren't 'hungwy wittle migrants' they're violent rapist foreign invaders that need to have their throat slit open, and everything single demojew importing them needs to be tortured to death in front of the kids they rape.
add it to the list
I can't even make my neue Fachkräfte jokes, wtf is that? What kind of a story did I just read? What literal demon in the biblical sense possessed him to do such a thing? If that's what the world is becoming, a big fat asteroid can come and finish off this gay planet for all I care. Then these fine sexual murder emergency guys swarm Europe and women can't go to the supermarket in the evening became Mr Rapetard and his friends lurk in the bushes. I don't want these vile beasts here, I don't want them in Germany, I actually don't want such people on this planet. Memes aside, I'm not even super racist, there's a corner of the world for almost everyone in my belief, but people like this? People like this have got to go.
Lol youre not human.
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Shoots fired by Sven like gif related
I just it was niggers
Because niggers
Have you ever dispensed rat poison for rats? Ever noticed what happens to them when they digest the stuff? They get mad: they start running around and fucking each other.
>People like this have got to go.
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It's literally because they are brown.
It's a race thing.
Nobody was in the wrong here.
More people voting far right, splendid.
How the fuck do we even know about this story?
Did they rescue those on the boat?
Fucking imbeciles!
It is those bright days of sun shine into the abyss, like the threads about those retarded nigger rappers getting killed. Just gives a little bounce to your step that day
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Oh snap, Swedes are on fire in this thread
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>Latvia IQ: 94.

That figures.
how can your reading comprehension possibly be this bad
Are you just commenting without reading the story first, or are you one of those people who lack reading comprehension? I'm disappointed, please sit out for the next five minutes and think about your mistakes.
>People like this have got to go.
that's why we killed a million of those motherfuckers, but the entire world had to simp for them and demonize us instead of helping us finish them off.
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Damn Sven, you pissed that mongrel off
I have the perfect pic related for him
Just ignore him. He is so desperate for attention because he is invisible to everyone irl
Those sweet sweet (You)s are the only interaction he gets
How could the mother just let that happen? Like gouge the mfers eyes out, DO ANYTHING to stop him. Jesus Christ I need to pray after reading that.
>Family dies
>Immediately must procreate and r
eplace them
More animal than you think anon
exquisite kek
I disagree. You represent your criminal killing for profit and for geopolitical gain (which isn't even mainly for your benefit, but for the benefit of your desert overlords) as something just and benefitial after the fact. It's true that these people tick differently than whites from Europe and America, but down there, they kept things in check according to their own local customs, through hardliners who were in power and kept the various groups on a leash. This was to the overall benefit of the normal people living there. They need such strongmen in power, or else shtf. You disturbed this equilibrium and bombed everything to shit. Of course the order will break down and dumb and violent people come into power which breads people like the one from the article and you cause them to move to Europe. I hope loads of them will come to America over the Mexican border, then you can have the same types of wonderful experiences that we had here in Europe, maybe you will think twice before you do such a war again.
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The only way to deal with a doomsday cult like Islam is to eradicate them and erase their texts
Reminds me of the hall of fame post explaining that black people have no sense of self in regard to time/continuity
>Atheists have nothing to do with ngos or politics I swear, we dindu nuffin
Yeah yeah femoid niggers fedora tippers
We know when you arent assaulting whites with pantifa for st floyd you just cry and bitch online about the protestant jock chad that beat you up in front of the whole school
>eradicate them and erase their texts
Erase their texts? How is that supposed to work?
why dont these motherfuckers just get some human pussy? gd, they arent worth the lead it would take to kill them.
The subhuman brain is an enigma to me.
>family dies
>first impulse is to rape and murder
death to pisslam. death to milsims. America first, America only.
Islam? I call it lesser evolved
No subhuman it’s not, You simply mistake yourself for a human. The normal human reaction is to do with this man dead and take whatever you want the second you want it
His not very smart post gets refuted and the answer is "wordswordswords" ok. I'm not a fan of Islam and I think they don't mix well with other cultures, the should only live among themselves in their own lands. But Zog entities like your country shouldn't constantly throw stones at a hornet's nest and then bitch around and misrepresent the facts while everyone gets stung. You argue like your cultural and spiritual overlords, maybe you are one, you sound like one.
You sound like a neo Lib no culture that does what They do should be allowed to exist. Give me one good reason, other than feelings. Fucking Lib
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We’re armed unlike Europeans though.
I wish a mother fucker would test me.
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I have thought that one thing I might do if I was on the Titanic was that I would rape some upper class girl for the fuck of it if I am going to die anyway.
I am itching to pull the trigger much like you, brother
Based and humanity pilled, Stop letting me dictate your identity. You are a fucking caveman Neanderthal human being.
>lose family
>first instinct is to rape
Poseidon was right. It's getting to the point i'd prefer if they were shot at.
Pics or it didn't happen
Doubt niggers carea abourt religion. Its a sickness called low IQ niggerites. Only cure is a brain transplant. Nobody survived one but that is the price i am willing to make.
That's why they locked you subhumans in the lower decks to die like the trash you are.
I mean he had nothing left to lose, nothing to live for. So why wouldn’t he rape someone? At least then his penis would also feel good.
Hahahahaha religious fag!!!!
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Swedes being based today, maybe the tides are turning?
A few hundred thousand illegals cross your borders each month. They have their routes, they do it pretty much out in the open, they make TikTok videos with tips and shit like that. There are loads of criminals, murderers, rapists, members from some pretty fucked up gangs, Fentanyl drug mules that poison your people and all sorts of other people. What has the well-armed American citizenry done against this? How else are they going to try you, when will this fuck around and find out business start?
More like presence.
when will this fuck around and find out business start?

When they inconvenience me personally.
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>Why are migrants like this?
sexual emergency, anon
I am not religious. I just hate nigger like you.
>disarmed cuckold has an opinion
Why would we care? Do you care about the opinions of pigs destined for slaughter? You are no different than them.
this is why once a societal collapse happens people will revert to our base nature. raiders will rule and prep cucks will be tracked down and skinned alive.

I am crafty and I would get to the upper decks early and knife a simp like you if you tried to get in my way.
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guess you can say he came
"Present" ma nigga
why didn't they stop him? were they hoping for sloppy seconds?
>>the mind of a brownoid
comunal property
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If you have no arguments, go for ad hominems instead of just shutting up or conceding the point, such character.
They don't have a best
They are literally savage barbarian subhumans.
Logic is for retards arguments are for retards. You win by beating the shit out of someone else. Stop being a retard
Yes, that what the boat rapist from op must have thought as well, you're in good company.

Why don't these rabbis call on Israel to host these refugees?
>family dies
>boat is sinking
>Probably expect to die

A lot of us would probably rape someone in that situation too
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That’s great, Like I give a fuck about company.
Looks like they were brought here for war, so joke may end up being on them, go to war or get deported

Being allowed to stay doesn't mean you're safe forever unless you get a greencard
Honestly I’m just so tired. It’s exhausting to have morals. It won’t stop and they will keep coming and it will get worse and worse for us zoomies.

So I’m thinking based. Extract everything from this world and only worry for your own blood. Let them come and transform us into barbaric creatura
Reminder that Spics want to be considered White, because they envy us, so they mostly suck up to us.
Niggers and Muslims just want to rape your women and kill all your men.

Big difference.
I reached end stage this year.
This meme is the Truth.
for plenty of them, there'll be a good reason why they had to leave their nation
retarded libshits assume it's because they are pure persecutes homos or something like that
but in reality it's because they are rampaging, subhuman beasts who would have been justly put down if they didn't slink away
fake, there are no women on rapefugee boats
When are whites going to "vent"?
When the power goes down. So I’d give it one to five years
I don't know dude. I'm sure that's the case for some guys, especially some central and south American dudes will go the "service guarantees citizenship" route. Thing is, it's not just Latinos who come, that was maybe the case 20 years ago. We've all seen the pictures of Chinese military age men coming over the border. Do you think they will fight for America? They stand at ease while being filmed like a bunch of soldiers, but they are sure as fuck not American soldiers. They are also not the only guys who seem odd and out of place, loads of Africans and other people who you wouldn't expect to illegally cross the Mexican border.
Military age men coming over the border. You realize they set those cameras up in stage that shit right?? You fell for another fucking psy op. Why do you keep falling for this shit? Haven’t you learned your lesson yet to stop trusting anything on your screen?
Chinese tend be pretty good at avoiding detection since they have communities and a sense of how to get away with things, still though to live decades undocumented and illegal must be a paranoid way to live knowing you can be deported any day even if you have a family and a life
Also possible it might not be this generation, but their kids will be primed for a war, most likely they would have less going for them because their parents are 3rd world immigrants with 15 kids and they'll be forced to make their own way. Who knows, maybe the jews are just slowly setting up a WW3 for the 2040s
Will your paranoid delusions ever end or will you just constantly sink deeper into paranoia until you lash out?
It's just theories, but obviously there's a lot of military activity happening and looking like there will be plenty more. And the west isn't having enough kids to even keep up a fighting force in the future
You understand that your long-term thinking is prone to many many errors along the way? For example, some major societal shifts that you didn’t predict could happen that could change all of your predictions. My suggestion to you is to stop worrying about it and just go with the flow, obviously, you’re allowed to be upset about the shit that’s going on. I am too. But don’t sink into paranoid, delusions
They made that shit up completely, he didn't have a wife and daughter on the boat.
He's grieving and trying to make a new daughter, respect their culture.
Sounds more like he killed the only witnesses who knew his name what do you expect from nobody with their own Homeland.
so whats that make pissrael then?
Leftists like you should be put up against the wall and shot for the good of all mankind.
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>bunch of Iraqis from the religion of peace
>child rapist and murderer from religion if peace
>all the other 70ish mudslimes didn't try to stop the man as he raped and choked the teenaged girl
It was Allah's will that his wife and daughter die so it must be Allah's will that he rape and kill the girl
Doomsday scenario mindset. If you thought the world was going to end, or your area nuked, burned, or village destroyed you would act out on things you would never do to fear of consequences. Paedophiles would immediately become opportunistic, release the repressed urges , then steal babies or toddlers to r@pe if their village was going to be destroyed. It brings out the worst in people, but perhaps its not really the worst. We are all animals, with a lizard brain at the end of the day. Why do we hold ourselves to such high standards and expectations? Why can't we be naked in the street and pissing on fire hydrants?

Judge this man if you want, but you can't look me in the eye and guarantee me that you won't snap one day and do something stupid or awful. Whether it be loss of cognitive abilities, brain fry from substances or genetic mental ailments
just being subhuman non-white
Highly based, Actual intelligent Jew, Are you working for the mossad you should be…

Weird coping mechanism but lets not judge. Everyone copes with grief in their own way. Remember diversity is our greatest strength.
he couldnt wait until they reached the shore to start raping
lol wtf. I get that he probably thought he was going to die and get away with it but he just didn't care anymore. Most people wouldn't do something like this in any scenario but you never know. Depends on the person I suppose, nasty ass
Nigger migrants are raping liars.

“She said the N word! So I raped and killed her in front of her mom”.

They have no cerebral cortex.
Do people really get horny from anger? Sex is the last thing on my mind when I'm pissed off.
You're right, I fell for a psyop. Why do you namefag btw? It's cringe. And then you use "Hitler 2.0" of all names, you don't know the first thing about him, you don't even speak German, that's such a dumb larp. I'm an average guy of average intelligence and even to me you don't sound very bright. Maybe post less and read more (not just here).
What you say about the Chinese and their communities is very true. They stay among themselves in their own communities and that helps them to stay undetected. But that can't just be used for working and living in America, that can be used for nefarious things. If I have dealings with Chinese in foreign countries, I'm always wary. They often fish for info, they try to be buddy buddy in a strange way. They are known to report back home. Don't you find it the least bit strange that they come over the Mexican border in such numbers (assuming you don't think that it's all a psyop like old Adolf over here)?
Shut the fuck up demon, your attempt to justify this using Muh Doomsday scenario failed. We get it, you want this to happen so you can act like the true monster you are. Soulless troglodyte.
This already happened in history ismail ibn shariff for example had several scandanavian and irish sex slaves he purchased
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Top tier bait
My friend I apologize if I upset you. I might’ve been too confrontational. I just use the name because it’s funny. I saw someone else using it. I stole it to fuck with them and I kept using it. It just really pisses people off. that Makes me laugh. I don’t like Hitler or even respect him, I am him reborn it’s a fact
That's the first halfway sensible post from you.
based, I wish I could go to the market and grab a few blonde and ginger girls to be sex slaves
Well, when I’m not trolling, I can make a lot of sense
The number of retards who responded to this seriously is fucking hilarious. Get yourselves checked for autism lads.
>lose wife
>get new wife within seconds
Chad move.
Yeah especially these days, chinese are incentivized to snitch and give info
Was hast du denn dieses mal vor, Adolf? Bleibst du dieses mal in Amerika? Jetzt spielst du das Spiel aber auf höchster Schwierigkeitsstufe.
Playing at the hardest difficulty gives you the biggest reward.
He knew he wouldn't get death penalty by eurocucks anyway.
I refuse to believe a real human being made this post.
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Do you really believe this bullshit?
It's much like driving without a license.
Just drive normally. Do what normally people do. Never act in any way suspicious.
And you will have a good chance of driving for 20 or 30 years without having your license checked.
They dudes without license they catch are retards who also drink and drive or are on drugs.
Whites are the biggest faggots in history for allowing these people to invade and take over ALL of your nations. How you cowards don't die of shame and embarassment is beyond me. Go ahead, play it cool like you've been doing the last 20 years: doesn't change a thing. You are a race of pathetic cowards and you WILL go extinct. Fucking pussies. All of you.
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What happens in the USA barely is relevant in that respect. South America becomes more white than the north? Big deal. That continent is large enough anyway.
But brown people unequivocally do not belong into Europe.
Your theory is 100% logic.
That's why I like jews. You don't deny the bitter truth of human nature. Torah tells in its many books and cautionary records about what man are capable of.

A strong lack of perspective will turn the noblest of royal blooded europeans into rapists, sadistic murderers and records war only confirm such things.

It's very easy to act "angelic" when things are cool.
Those "angelic" larpers make me sick.

Westerners are too hypocritical. They talk shit about you on palestine but they would to do same to their enemies if they weren't so hypocritical and coward.

The more we deny our violent instincts, the stronger it outcomes.

That's why I trust israelis. You pretend you're something more than humans. You're humble. Meanwhile the so called humble christian likes to think they're better for letting bad things happen to them, and thinking they're better beings, they can dream about killing the lower beings.

All those "fall of west" "it's over" bullshit are just wishful thinking of people with violent drives only awaiting to release them when everything is collapsed.
Read Nietzsche
We had to hire some Chinese foreign students for my old job, they had to phone a couple of Chinese companies back home, it was some b2b market research type of shit for a niche industry. From the first moment they were fishing for info, snooping around where they weren't supposed to, trying to have small talk in the weirdest way. I thought they were just Asian turbo autists, but no one trusted them because of their behavior. We stuck them all in a separate room after a day or two, lol. It wasn't the only occasion where I noticed this.
>read Nietzsche

Normie cannot handle that why are you trying to get him to kill himself?
>pigeons are shitting up my balcony
>away for two weeks
>come back to a nest with multiple eggs
>shoo pigeons away, take nest and throw it into the garbage disposal
>pigeons come back and start frantically searching for their eggs for the next couple of hours instead of fucking
guess pigeons are less animal than Iraqis
>guy literally just lost his family
>you people are making fun of him and making death threats
>We all cope with trauma in different ways
There is not going to be any fixing things by negotiating them with progressives.
Fucking finally people started to talk like me
Fucking finally
As usual I was ahead of the curve
I'm too smart even for 4chan
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even better: the rapist actually survived
if only Jack had known back then
It's far more simple than this gibberish.
The truth is simply that violence is not universally bad.
There are good, laudable kinds of violence.
Globohomo doctrine however makes clear that all kinds of violence are universally bad (unless the NWO does it, in which case the media simply will not report it, ideally).
It is also tied to Christianity, to a degree. Christianity is a highly pacifistic religion. But this explanation would be bizarre considering Christianities extremely violent history; clearly it wasn't that who made Europeans forget that violence can be ok.
It was the work of the government, expanding its monopoly on power/violence. So in effect it's a consequence of being a so called "advanced society".
I can’t wait till we all kill each other. I’m so ready.. I want nothing more than I put my hands around your neck and strangle the life from your eyes. I look forward to facing you on the battlefield
Based and same
And what did the mother do?
It's impossible to rape and strangle someone if someone is trying to stop you. One hand required to pin one hand required to strangle, no hands to defend himself. jump him from behind, gouge out his eyes, and rip his ear off with your teeth. Worthless mother probably just sat there crying for someone else to help.
It's called "being non-white" Brownoids of all creeds do this shit. Sure, the Islamists do it more, but that sort of behavior is all too common among any flavor of dark people. Pajeets do it, blacks do it, mexicans do it. The reason we are horrified is because such behaviors never even enter our minds, and we're appalled to witness it. Them? They do this shit all the time. And we're letting millions of them in every year
that would be antisemetic
Extremely based hope he raped the mother as well
>nothing left to live for
>also, freed from shackles of dusty old pussy
>international waters
>might also die any minute
I think the number of guys that wouldn't just fucking go for it if their world ended and there would be no consequences is pretty low.
Didn't they all drown?
I already did and I know he stated something similar to my quoted post.
Even in strong secularism, europe and the anglosphere hold the christian mindset by atavism. It doesn't matter how gay or anti-religious modern Western people are. They still think they get/become better being for letting bad things happen to them. Imitatio Cristi. It looks paradoxical, but modern western reduces you to an insect while you're beating them hard. Then you finish and he(if he's still alive), on aftermath, will masturbate remembering how much he's got beaten in silence, maybe even while smiling.
Damn, China's created a whole fleet of spies
Sadly they are.
Holy shit
What an absolutely hellish end
Nobody deserves that
First thing I’ve read in a while that genuinely made me sick to my stomach
How the fuck do you even get an erection, even without the "wife and daughter just drowned" part? I doubt he had a secret stash of boner pills in his pocket. How do you fade-out and ignore the other people on the boat? Does he make small talk while he does it? Do they scream at him "stop, stop" and he just argues with them while raping? How do you ignore the whole situation, the heat, the waves, the smell, the everything? He must be some rare breed of psychopath, even for them.
You’re a fucking jeet. Nobody thinks that way.
It’s their culture, you are not supposed to judge them since white people have no culture of their own. That’s what American media tells me.
So, "panic rape"
Kind of like panic fire?
"Welp, we're all gonna die anyway, so let me go ahead and mag dump out the window."

Show a link. You all gobble this psyop up like goldfish.
I know it's not universally bad, but try tell this to normies and /pol/tards without being called a nigger.
>noooo, it's a sandnigger/chink/monkey tier behavior!

Unfortunately, it won't change until the so wanted collapse. Then will be the time to proof you're that angelic transcendental being with the kindest heavenly intentions.

Everybody knows that self-defense is right, but they struggle to set the right point to fight back.
>when should I react!?
It's seem that not even when a bullet is a quarter inch away from your forehead will be enough to cease that monk-ish larping
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>panic rape
Grief, frustration, and anguish, are not arousing emotions, are they?
thats one hell of a headline
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Gonna need some bigger missiles
Link has been posted in the first couple of posts (just not by op, who's a fag for that, as are you for not even looking for ten seconds).
you are literally a kike, and therefore non human.
how can an ant analyze a lion, how can a kike analyze actual humans (Europeans)?

unironically go suck off your rabbi and kys you pedo diggers.
Sexual emergency, many such cases
because they're not retarded and suicidal, unlike Europeans
It's just genetics lol.
>You win by beating the shit out of someone else.
When the shit eventually hits, this is what it will be. No one will give a shit about you or think twice about ending you to take what you have.
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99% of women are always useless, regardless of race.

Remember that video from the French playground where a Syrian was stabbing babies in their strollers? You probably have it saved somewhere.

Pay attention to how the guy with the heavy backpack distracts the stabby migrant for a whole minute, yet none of the women use the time to run with their babies to safety, they just stand around and scream.
Same pattern happens over and over in all these videos.
Because they are deranged low IQ shitskins that need to be locked away in the sandbox.
Imagine not supporting TND
You really should stop lying. It's not good for you or for the image of this shithole you call your country.
Me too
is there a video of the actual stabbings? all I can find are just him running around with a knifef

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