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It's fun to feel like you're driving a tank
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Would love to take the Land Crusier on a Eurotrip and just drive shitty French and German cars off the road. That would be a dream holiday
Poor people tend to buy expensive vehicles as a way to not appear poor. So trucks went from a working vehicle in the 80s and 90s of small pickups for hauling to needing a bit more space. Then lawn mowers went from push mowers to small riding to the comically large zero turn mowers and you either need a trailer or a supersized truck. So supersized trucks started being bought by people with money and it trickled down to poor people buying them to appear rich and being common. There are reasons to have them but the majority of people driving them actually need a truck with that pulling capability or bed size maybe once every few years and that is usually just because a friend needs it and not their own personal use. If they still sold trucks the size of a 90s pickup without all the computers in the cab then I would buy one.
They look pretty useful desu
It has a 6 foot bed at most, that's just a toy.
Damn that motorized vehicle is very cool
>Kill tiny european cars
hell yeah brother.
ik wil er ook een, welke zal ik halen (tweede hands dan)
Why are Europeans such cucks?
Because in America light trucks are subject to different regulations than standard cars so automobile manufacturers massively pushed to get Americans to purchase light trucks so they could save money
That dumb nigger Obama made small cars illegal.
Because we’re ridiculously based.
Because they like big cars.

>muh CAFE standards
It’s partially correct, but it’s the changes to the standards that caused this.

The Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards were implemented lamented in the 1970’s. A automaker has to increase efficiency of vehicles every year (based on the average mileage of the vehicles they produce).

Sometime in the 2000’s, the auto industry lobbied congress to change the standard by creating a separate “light truck” category. With the introduction of crossovers and SUV’s, it was becoming impossible to meet the standard. It was consumer demand (ie, people wanting big vehicles) that drove the auto industry to lobby congress. If people wanted smaller cars, the standard wouldn’t have been changed.

In the 2010’s it happened again. Instead of just a separate category, the standard took overall size of a vehicle into consideration (based on the actual area of exterior body panels and windows).

Keep in mind that CAFE standards are always evolving; automakers are supposed to increase average efficiency every year. There’s only so much you can do to make an F150 5.0L naturally aspirated engine more efficient. So to meet the increased efficiency rules, the body panels can just be made bigger. That’s why pickups look so ridiculously large now.
>Just a toy
Leafs one again being retarded
Weird how Eurofags spend so much time seething about American trucks, guns, burgers, etc.
Why don't they stay in cucktopia if America is so bad?
Males acting and thinking like women, it's the entire Twatter demographic.
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literally who cares
Retarded emissions regulations
Fuel and safety regulations made it more profitable to make the cars and trucks bigger.
They're very good at towing and the interiors are usually equipped to the standard of a decent saloon car. That's basically what they're good for. Large cars were killed off in the US domestic market by regulation. Everyone wanted one still, so trucks filled that void. It is a large, spacious thing that you can fit people in for long journeys. Most (all?) full size SUVs are on truck chassis in US/Canada, too

The RAM 1500, F150 and whatever the Chevrolet one is called aren't *that* big, either. They're quite large but they aren't any bigger than a full size Range Rover. The 250 and equivalents are bigger, most are around Sprinter van lengths. But you could easily DD a F150/1500 RAM in Europe - I had a crew cab 1500 for two years and it was great.
Based aussie
The men who drive these almost universally have skinny necks. Once you see, you can't unsee.
I drove a diesel Hilux in Afghanistan, those things were bulletproof. Well not bulletproof per se, but built to run and run with limited maintenance and easily repaired. No DEF or emissions bullshit.
Yeah but it's just chinese plastic paneling and outside of the engine block, a single 380 will pierce right through like skewering warm butter.
It's why we can't have them in burgerland
Because kei cars are illegal.
I want a 97' subaru sambar van like you wouldnt believe but the jews in govt. Say that its illegal and i need a fat people car. I dont need to do 80 on the highway. 70 is fast enough. And while my f150 is handy as hell. a kei truck with a flat bed or box would suffice just fine. Towing capacity is nice though.
>would drive
somehow not americans but the japanese who live in tiny paper pods and watch chinese cartoons all day make the best trucks. what are americans even good for?
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I grew up on a ranch and I fucking hated driving the truck. I'd drive my dirtbike everywhere when I was younger and own a mustang now. If you aren't doing an actual job Trucks suck to drive.If someone's driving around in a pristine king cab with a Carolina squat they're the worst kind of poser.
Americans drive ridiculously large cars to transport ridiculously large Americans.
They are only "popular" with landscapers here, because you can have the backseats removed and register it as a business vehicle. It can carry a professional lawn mower in the back and be converted to run on LPG. Then it will cost you next to nothing in fuel and taxes and you can drive it into your work field that you are scaping.

Driving and owning it privately in the Netherlands is as expensive as daily driving a supercar. So dont worry basedcụck from OP pic, its never gonna be popular.
Why do you drive tiny clown cars
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Imagine driving a weaker, gayer vehicle. Lol if Europeans became aware of how bad they have it they would just immediately start killing every politician like the alien dude from Prometheus
You can get them in Mexico, but it’s really a shame. The ones I drove were stick and had pretty good fuel economy and mileage. NGO’s bought them by the shipload, and always in white, the cheapest color. Also the ones that we drove were all keyed alike. Nobody is going to steal them when everyone is armed.
The Hilux is about as good as it gets. I've got a pair of them, a 2012 and a 2007, and they're the best all round trucks I've owned. They will tow 3.5 ton all day long. They're excellent off road - as good as a Land Cruiser or a Defender. The frame is solid, fully boxed and no matter what I have in it or behind it it doesn't ever seem to struggle. The only time I got one of them stuck, I pulled it out with the other.
Its true. Towing capacity of a current full sized truck is insane compared to a full sized truck 20 years ago.

But that’s not what people use them for. 75% of truck owners tow something less than once per year. 35% use them for hauling less than once per year. “Less than once per year” essentially means “never.”
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i cant find a decent 90s pickup for under 20k
>iik iik ook ook een vanten zer bananen!
speak a real langage motherfucker
I have a six foot load bed in my trailer that I tow with my Toyota Corolla. A massive truck is only useful for towing something massive and then you can just hire one and save $119,800
Put the lift gate down and it fits standard plywood and drywall. Has four seats. With cab that can double as tool storage.
Not everyone who has these use these for weekend projects or because they coach of team but they are very useful.
>tax incentive
yes, that is the one reason, the other reason is that american truck companies lobby against the import of smaller and more efficient foreign commercial trucks to make huge american trucks the only option for people who want a vehicle with an open 4-6 foot bed.
If you had the end of your penis surgically removed at birth with a pair of scissors, you'd drive a big truck too.
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Law of intended consequences. The opposite also occurred for loss leading electric and tiny cars. They were used to bring the avg fuel economy up so they could sell things people wanted.
In America, these trucks are used for hauling, towing, and driving across difficult terrain where it helps to have big wheels, a bit clearance, and high horsepower.

But the real reason Americans drive these big trucks is because that’s what’s available and that’s what’s available because lefty regulations have made it so that these are the only practical designs for automakers.
We can afford them. The same truck in Europe would cost you 2x-3x your yearly wages on top of massive yearly taxes and fuel prices that are often double ours. Just like the people who hate trucks in the US, european hatred is just sneed and cope over the fact that you can’t afford them. If you could, your boomers would buy them in droves just like ours.
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Either you spend $50K for a truck that'll tow that weight once a year, or spend $50K on something that doesn't and regret it the one day you need it. I know a lot of people with camping trailers & aim for a diesel that can do it for their 1 week vacations. I don't so my little Jeep can only pull 2000lbs.
That "disease" will never spread to Europoor countries because they have no rural or rugged terrain that would warrant such types of automobiles. I hate city truck drivers as much as the next guy, but to pretend there is no actual practical use for trucks just proves how pussified your society is.
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who else factory wide body master race
The only truck that came close was the one I owned, a second hand Ford F-100. That was simple to repair and work on the engine. I bought it from a construction company that used it to haul 12” water valves, pallets of ductile iron fittings to job sites. I bought it for a song when they finally upgraded to an F-150. They couldn’t kill it, and neither could I.
I've talked to multiple visiting Europeans about their impressions of the country. I've found it funny how naive and coddled they are. I usually take the time to enlighten them about things they may have failed to recognize. They see SOME pieces of the puzzle, but they don't quite get it unless you fill in the blanks for them. America is a psychopathic nation. We've been behavorially conditioned from birth to drive death-mobiles at high speeds, while surrounded by murderous nogs, spics...not to mention the thieving insurance industry and our horrible cities and medical system. There are all these little skinner box things that fuck with your brain that you don't realize until you're within the belly of the beast. The advertisements are one example...just a complete information/stimulus overload at every fucking waking moment. The only good thing about America is rural living. If you can get some jew bucks and run away innawoods, you're fine for the most part. I mean yes...Ruby Ridge. Europeans have it fucking good man. You all are practically on welfare by virtue of having a functioning government and minimal brownoids. At least for now.
I just rent when I need something heavier
>I infuriate leftists by just driving around
Feels great.
Because fuck you that's why.
>regret it the one day you need it.
How about hiring the big truck when you need it and not worrying the rest of the year?
Big trucks are popular because the EPA incentivizes them. The larger the vehicle, the lower the emissions standards. Small trucks are too difficult to pass emissions and still be a useful truck.
>How about hiring the big truck w
That's cuck talk
Only a woman would ever drive that tiny little golf cart here.
I'm convinced. I'll buy electric next time.
The problem here are not trucks, but a self righteous dutch cunt, who think he is smart enough to critique Americans
>spend $50k on massive truck with absolutely massive fuel and repair costs
>spend $25k on jap ultra fuel efficient luxury sedan and rent a truck for $150 the one time a year you need it
This is a pretty ridiculous justification. The truck doesn’t make sense economically if you’re not a business owner. That’s why boomers do it. To show off.
I see more and more of those American trucks in France as well, which is surprising considering that with the import and ecological taxes, a basic bitch truck will cost at least 100k€ in France.
For that amount of money, you have a pretty large choice of good sporting European cars.
But people purposedly decide to buy those oversized trucks.
The logic is obviously to have the upper hand in case of a car crash. They want to be able to kill people on the road.
It depends on where you are. A good F150 or 1500 RAM will start at about £10k. Super Duties are far cheaper in the UK than they are in the US - an acquaintance had a F350 with the 7.3 and he sold it back to a dealer in the US south east because they were offering about double what he'd get for it in the UK. They're very cheap to insure and register here, too. Continental Europe is different, I believe they have to register them as work vehicles in most countries.

My RAM cost nothing to run. Great truck. Boomers here tend to prefer the GLS/Range Rover/X5/Q7 type things
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Most europeans are content with living in a cuckshack and being poor at this point. They dont actually have it that good. There is next to no upwards mobility there and the system is designed to keep you stuck in the same compact dystopia forever.

America has its problems but you can have it way, way better here if you are willing to be a dirtbag and jew other people. Most of the time its a nigger or a beaner so nobody feels bad.
because the tv told them to
They have and need a lot of space
Because we can
They lobby for protectionism and to meet consumer demand. If kei trucks were available, barely anyone would buy them. The Ford Maverick is available, and on track to sell 150k by the end of the year. For comparison, the F150 will probably break 750k.
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everyone (read: suburban reddit posters who have never left their town) says that europe is so enlightened and that if you travel the world youll realize america isnt so good blahblahblah. spoiler alert ive spent several months in different western european countries and shit sucks lmao. like its fun to visit but man they just fundamentally dont get it
we hebben een serieus probleem

Demand for small cars has shrunk while demand for SUV’s has risen. Both are readily available. People buy what they want, and they obviously want big cars.
That’s interesting. I was under the impression that basically all vehicles in Europe were taxed at rates so high that it pushes the prices past what you find in most of the US. That said, I know your fuel costs are often 2x ours or more. I suppose you guys don’t drive as far as often as we do though
Because we can faggot, next.
Why wouldn't they want the option to run idiot third worlders off the road?
> In America, these trucks are used for hauling, towing, and driving across difficult terrain where it helps to have big wheels, a bit clearance, and high horsepower.

Among truck owners:
>75% said they use their truck for towing less than once per year
>70% said they use it off-road less than once per year
>35% said they use it for hailing less than once per year
This. American trucks can't go off-road any more. They're for having the family with them and flex they have a big vehicle, but unable to do anything a work truck was designed to do. I miss the old Ranger, not the relaunched Ranger.
Euros are just pathetically jealous
>absolutely massive fuel and repair costs
Lol your head cannon is insane
Daily reminder that
>"walkable cities"
>"muh big scary trucks"
>"ban all ICE vehicles"
Is just code for taking away your freedom of movement and implementing government control on where you can and cannot go.
See this shit for what it is, and don't contribute your opinion to their talking points anons.
>Once per year
It’s “less than” once per year, retard.
They start closer to $35k.

Just to be clear, I’m not saying no one should drive one. I’m just saying you’re a retard if you do, as evidenced by your brain dead reasoning.

To fill up their ridiculously big roads of course
I can fit longer pieces of lumber and full 4x8 sheets in my Suburban. I cannot do this with my 4 door Ram.

A short bed 4 door truck is basically a car without its deck lid, or boot, for you Brittish fellows.
>whats available
Those two things just create a feedback loop, and the trucks get bigger and bigger. Americans did and largely would drive small trucks IF it was possible to buy them. Just look at the Ford Maverick, thats the closest thing to a small truck, and Ford literally cant make enough of them to meet demand.
Figures a swede flag was the OP.
Lefties have been malding about this for 30 years or so.
these new gen rams and shit are so fucking ugly, wouldnt mind if they where good lookingq
Cancerous society. You may think it's all a virtuous cycle, but it can also be viewed as a metastasizing cancer. I guess it depends on if you believe in AGW or not. The people who make money in the waste disposal business love having bigger cars. More scrap to resell...and higher insurance premiums for the insurance companies. See what I mean? Bigger marts, bigger sharts.
Where are you pulling these numbers from? Genuinely curious as I do all three of these things multiple times per year.
Why do euros care about what happens here? I get why they'd care about what the feds are up to, since that could easily involve the military, but why do they give even a single shit about stuff like this?
No. Imported vehicles in the UK are "taxed" (for tax read registration fees, only electric cars and vehicles older than 40 years are exempt) at £295 a year currently. When I had mine it was a bit lower, around £235 IIIRC. Insurance was £310 for the year.

A brand new RAM, imported with all fees paid, and a 5.7 Crew Cab "Back Country" is about £65,000. Bit cheaper if you do it yourself. There's a 2 year old one with 500 miles on the clock up at £48,000. So probably about 1/3 - 1/4 more than they would be in the US, mainly due to the fact we can't get them direct from a dealer for the most part
>I got a job but it ain't nearly enough
A twenty thousand dollar pickup truck
Belongs to me and the bank and some funny talkin' man from Iran

Now trucks easily push past $100k. It's actually nuts people pay that for a fucking pickup truck unless it's making you your living.

A bunch of environmentalist were complaining about the carbon emissions so in order to make them more eco friendly vehicle manufacturers had to install a bunch of extra shit in them which in turn made the vehicles bigger so don't go blaming your everyday redneck American for big vehicles it's quite literally the fault of liberal hippie faggots
Anyone regularly hauling gets an 8ft bed. 6ft beds are for construction larpers that get 4x4 sheets anyway because 4x8 are too heavy
>t. family business owner
5.4 '03 (yes I know) F150 Boomer Davidson package went for £8500 at an auction I was at last week. Not new, obviously, but the ones we do have over here are at good prices used. Only had about 65,000 miles on it. £10k will get you a very good used full size truck in the UK

I do like them and I intend on having another and I'm tempted by something with a 7.3 Powerstroke
At least with an ICE truck you wont get completely ass raped by depreciation, unlike with an EV.
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they're eternally jealous that we take care of their defense, create all of the culture and products that they consume, have near unlimited nature and resources, and are the center of the universe. they will never ever admit it (to themselves or to us) though
Any particular reason why so many wear gloves when they shoot guns?
Aren't those cars made so people can drive off-road, throguh the wilderness, in the tundra or some shit?
They are not meant to be used on normal roads.
That's like buying a mountainbike jsut so you can drive it to work, even though another kind of bike would make much more sense.
Based crypto conservative rancher Barack Obama
Hello, my name is literally "Who" and I don't care.
guns get hot pretty quickly, sweaty hands can impact grip, and in general youre touching lots of metal and plastic and wood that can be hard on the hands
>$100k is justified if it’s a work truck
No it isn’t. It’s trim and bullshit that pushes the price that high. F350 Super Duty starts at $46k. Go ahead; justify that other $56k beyond “I like heated and vented leather seats.”
This is the kind of Facebook Boomer-tier retard shit that people need to laugh at and call gay (because it’s so fucking gay).
>I'm scared a vehicles that are larger than a 4 door sedan
Get your testosterone levels checked.
>The truth is gay
Spoken like a true liberal hippie faggot
I like the Lightning honestly and as much as I love V8 engines, the linear torque of electric can't be beat. Electric is the future, even if it lacks all the charm of internal combustion.

With that being said, I read it was like $30,000+ USD to replace the Lightning's battery pack. And it might only last 10 years. That's actually batshit crazy. Gasoline or diesel any day over that shit.
I see, thanks.
>it’s the truth!
Holy shit.
Read this: >>472325394
I don't want one but it's nice to have my one buddy bring his on kayak days or when one of us is moving.
Who cares what small, weak, feminine males think?
Finally a vehicle for my daily plywood and drywall needs.
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Because they want to.
This is what
>the european mind cant comprehend:
when a people are free they can do whatever they want to instead of being forced to only have what they "need" (ie. a shitty 3 cyl hatchback)
These are fairly popular among small businesses and tradesmen.
They're as expensive as a new van can be, but less vanlike which makes them more practical for different types of businesses.
I've seen pickups in that application for a decade now, it's not a new thing.
They aren’t illegal wtf are you talking about. I’m driving a 99 sambar right now. Imported myself. As long as it’s over 25 years old you can import it. If it’s titleable or not depends on your state.
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Exactly a bunch of hippies in the 60s wanted vehicles to be more fuel efficient and safer for the environment and vehicle manufacturers jumped on the opportunity to make vehicles more expensive
V8 diesel of LPG, 15-20 jaar oud.
This stuff writes itself lol
That's in America.
We do have smaller pickups here.
Might remember the Daihatsu Midget and the various pickup kei cars, they're completely legal here.
If they are lifting or hauling stuff, it's based.

If they bought it for show, definitely limp dicked beta males
Dont need to worry. Europoors can afford these or the petrol they require.
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>Poor people tend to buy expensive vehicles as a way to not appear poor.
sofa sociology
No you idiot. Are you 12 years old? Vehicle manufacturers lobbied congress in the mid-2000’s to roll back the standards to meet consumer demand.
man this is the single worst Eletric vehicle a man can buy, is like buying something with an NorthStar pre stud correction. It is so inefficient that it is more inefficient than some Internal combustion cars. And the Batteries are unreliable too.
If you are spending lots of time in it, it pays to be comfortable when using it. I find leather to be mandatory as if I were in vinyl I would kms, and cloth gets fucking disgusting in a truck. Plus higher trim trucks hold value better than some shitbox fleet one.
Walkable cities/towns is a good thing for freedom of movement. Infrastructure for pedestrians and bikes cost almost nothing to build and maintain but can massively improve quality of life
I have no problems with cars/trucks of any size. People can buy and drive what they want. I also think the USA needs to let more imported vehicles in, current us manufacturer offerings broadly suck and are overpriced
To make up for the shrinking size of their dicks from all the slop and garbage they've been eating for generations.
Eurosisters....not like this....
The price of petrol and diesel in Europe is double that of ours, and their PPP disposable income is half of ours at best. But globohomo is stronger in Europe in that regard compared to US, so hey.
>let more imported vehicles in
Letting in worse vehicles isnt going to make things better.
>pedestrians and bikes
>freedom of movement
Anon, "freedom of movement" means not being bound exclusively to urban areas.
Why is a car built by an Asian worse than a car built by a nigger?
I’ll take a 10k Japanese truck over a 70k niggerwagon any day
i fucking hate these large ameritrucks, they are killing the hilux/land cruiser pickup tradition that this country was built on.
to avoid leaving fingerprints, duh
>literal propagandist faggot
Thank you for confirming those numbers are a complete ass pull.
No they essentially said the only way we can make these vehicles safer for the environment is to make them bigger so obviously people want bigger vehicles so we have to change the vehicle classifications
They should have never killed off the Ranger. There was a time when a car company would make an econobox compact, a midsize, a luxury and a pickup. Perhaps a muscle car that would bridge the two. And the pickup trucks would come in two sizes. Now we get econo SUV, midsize SUV and luxury SUV. And a pickup built on the luxury and midsize frame. Maybe a legacy sports/ muscle car.
I’d punch a baby to get a domestic full-size sedan.
To compensate their mutilated micro-penis.
Just because a topic offers some benefits to some people, doesn't mean that it's not a talking point hijacked by another group to push a narrative.
You're not going to get a walkable city movement without a banning all cars movement. This is an easy comprise involving regulating vehicles to certain areas and foot traffic in others, the reason it's never brought up is because the end goal is eliminating personal vehicles, and making you completely dependent on government for transportation needs, exactly as intended.
You are a communist nigger that wants everyone to only travel the one way you want to travel.
Freedom of movement means being able to travel however you want. Want to drive? You can drive. Want to walk? You can walk. Want to cycle? You can cycle.
I understand hesitancy with trains because rail costs a lot to build and maintain. But pedestrian paths cost nothing.
Don’t restrict others freedoms because you don’t like YouTube mans opinions commie
Nigger stop talking shit lmao you dont even know what the fuck a .380 is, kill yourself
No, CAFE standards neccessitated larger and more expensive trucks and manufacturers added luxury options to justify the higher price, some of those luxury options are actually safety features now. You cannot manufacture a small pickup with ample cab room, without a backup camera, with a reasonably sized bed, that also makes enough power to function as a truck. Instead we get rangers the size and half the power of a 1980s f250.
>You are a communist that wants everyone to only travel the one way you want to travel
Nice projection, anon; I neither said nor implied such a statement.
They're shitty trucks that are hyped up by people with 0 mechnical skills. With basica maintenance any car can last like a hilux.
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Well, it all started with union cronyism, trading political power for favors, and chicken.
lots of pavement issues. Instead of installing storm gutters, often in towns you have a huge pagrd valley you have to drive through. Also, massive spewdbumps that literally bottom out a Corolla.

There also are various potholes, at random. Bigger tires means fewer problems. Debris on the roadway not cleared by the lazy crews? You've got the clearance.

Finding a car is very difficult if it is small, in a parking lot. So there is height inflation as a practical matter.

And big tires are much smoother on generally bumpy or bucling pavement.

In conclusion, Americans choose pickup trucks because of global warming.
To make you cry.
Also, the govt regulations make it easier to build cars bigger than smaller.
its amazing how much eurotards sit and 'worry' about american stuff.
>what also struck me is how "the argument that if so many people have one you need one too as it'll be safer!"
i've literally never heard that in my life so that means that the european sat on his own accord seething about big trucks long enough to have thought that up himself kek
they love bragging about their healthcare and other women services but then cry because they are taxed so high they can only afford clown cars and tiny houses.

such a coincidence that governments ban stuff that would reduce their profits, logically it should be ludicrous that a car that is legal in one country should be illegal in another, you would think countries would be fairly close in standards.

Europe has large cars like Bentley and S class. In America normal people can afford large cars, why should a thing I want only be restricted to rich people if I work for it. Its the market too, supposedly regulation made it so cars have harsher regulations than trucks. Secondly you charge a lot more for a big car but it only costs a small amount increase in material cost. Seems like people in europe are treated like worker ants given the bare minimum.

Makes the ride height seem a bit pointless, they would better at loading stuff if they were low like a car. They are good for towing big boats though.
Literally my truck but mines newer
The outgoing Landcruiser actually targeted a 25 year parts life-cycle, as opposed to the usual 10 year parts life cycle target on other Toyota products. Landcruisers were literally built better, and were more durable than other vehicles. I dont know if they did the same with the Hilux
I drive a little hybrid. The most I've paid to fill up my tank in the last 10 years was less than $25.
I don't know why so many people like throwing so much money away on gas each week.
Why do Europeans drive comically small cars?
>control on where you can and cannot go.
Wait until you hear about driving licenses and traffic laws
Dont worry, you too spend money on something someone else doesnt approve of, just maybe not gasoline.
ride height is somewhat due to suspension systems for handling a load
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If I need to get mulch, beer, a tree, a fat girl or two I will always have enough room and if i get in an accident the spic in the low rider will certainly DIE.
Literally Obama's fault
Yes anon, you can expect more restrictions on those as well. As of right now drivers licenses and traffic laws work with the system we have now however.
By comparison, for anyone happy about their big truck that they use to commute back and forth on the highway every day for work from their suburb, how much is gas costing them?
I mean, it's just one of those things. I fill up my tank once a week for less than 20 bucks and go to the same places the giant trucks in my neighborhood go to. Maybe a hundred a week? So I get 300 bucks extra a month that they don't have to spend.
It's one of the ways it's expensive to be poor. It's a terrible financial decision. I talked to a young man recently who had a brand new truck but he was paying around a thousand a month for it and will for the next 7 years, on top of those expenses and a ridiculous insurance.
What is he worried about? They'll all be electric in 5 years anyway.
Europeans are fags
Right now, in 99% of America, it's unpracticle to walk or bike anywhere, and impossible to ride public transport
This isn't because of some fundamental law of physics, or the geology of American soil. It is caused because city planners only ever plan for cars. So every store LEGALLY HAS TO have a giant parking lot
Wonder why it's that way.
America won't move forward until blacks start being responsible citizens and keep to themselves for a while to re-consolidate their families and rebuild their communities.
>They are not meant to be used on normal roads.
What happens if they are?
>he WANTS low-iq's driving giant metal vehicles
If there were robust busses in your town, they wouldn't drive cars, leading to less traffic and accidents for you
That looks actually pretty cool. Although i still think a 90s Hilux would be the best bang for the buck
To carry our ridiculously huge dicks
You mad, dicklet?

Alright, now with that said and those fucking retards gone, here is the problem: people buying trucks who have absolutely little to no use for them as trucks, and use them as sedans which maybe once per year they drive a mattress or dresser to their house with. These fucking assholes have ruined cheap and practical work trucks. Every single dealership out there now is carrying inventory out the ass in the way of underpowered or non-naturally aspirated i4/v6 engines which will be weak and/or unreliable for the long haul. They carry short bed, long cab monstrosities. They carry trucks decked out with leather seats, creature comforts and gadgets.

Just in the last few years, Chrysler stopped producing tradesmen models with a v8 in them. The F150 has that shitty aluminum bed that if you ever got a few cubic yards of river rocks dumped on looks like a hammered copper sheet, and the silverado has always been inferior to the other two as a work truck in terms of durability, but at least they offer some okay base models with a solid V8. The EPA has absolutely RUINED and I mean fucking DEVASTATED the diesel engine market with their stupid fucking DEF nonsense, and half this retarded country thinks it will ever be in any way practical to have a truck that runs on electricity while that shitty F-150 lightning's range while lightly towing is reduced to like 30 miles. Pathetic.

As someone who has put thousands upon thousands of miles hauling materials, trailers, tools/equipment to and from jobsites in a variety of work trucks, the biggest plague and menace facing trucks today are the masses of retards who have no use for them but still develop opinions on them
Blacks on a bus is like jumping off a cliff.
Dodge Ram and Ford F150 requires C1 drivers licence. Those who have them in europe probably does work in somewhere remote outdoor area
Why are pickups replacing minivans as the family vehicle? Is it just fewer kids? Aesthetics? The price is comparable and you can haul 4x8 in a minivan. I don't see the appeal of a 4' bed over a minivan.
because the EPA wont let us drive small cars.
American men think SUV and minivans are gay, so they have uncovered space on their rear. Trucks are basically circumision. You remove cover to fit in the american male mould
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Protectionism. American auto companies pass safety standards thru their lobbyists in Congress that make small cars legally unsafe and big cars legally safe. Similar, environmental standards oddly enough make the heavy duty pickups legal, and light pickups less environmentally friendly, even though rhe smalller engines of light trucks use less gas.
Can’t get current production of pic related in the US.
Worry about your own tiny little country. I don’t go around wondering why you people are such massive faggots. KYS
Because we aren’t poor like you
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I drive a toyota corolla during the week and a porsche 981 cayman on the weekends. most truck faggots buy massive trucks because they are either: suburban white collar workers trying to appear manly, subhuman construction laborers, and generally white niggers. now if you're talking purpose built offroaders used in competition or some warzone/africa trekking that's cool, but 3/4 of these niggers use them to mall crawl or get groceries like a fag.
Checked. Meanwhile retards in semis run around tailgating and passing when not tracking straight.
My dad's last car was a land cruiser(pic related) and I can confirm driving it made me feel superior to all the plebs in tiny cars. Literally looking down on them. City parking it is a bitch though if you don't have your own garage.
You’re right, still Not enough to haul your mom around
I almost cried when the Crown Vic / Grand Marq / Town Car went away. Grew up watching American shows and always liked the traditional American sedan. Jewnibody sucks, so in my eyes that was the last real car made in USA. The rest are no longer fundamentally distinct in construction from eurofagmobiles so why even bother owning one at all. I fully understand why you guys buy trucks only now, they're the last body-on-frame vehicles. If i lived there i'd do the same. Trivia: the last non-American car constructed like one was the Toyota Crown S130, made until 2000. It's a CV that shrank in the wash. Used in the same roles too, taxi and police. Thirdies love 'em, Ivans in particular, it's basically the sedan version of a Hilux and their roads can't kill it. You could get it with the V8 from the first Lexus too, best of both worlds, amazing mileage considering it's a 4.0L V8. Now that's my kind of small car. Of course they never sold them here. Guess the longevity would have embarrassed VW and Opel tincans too much.
Forgot pic, sorry i'm drunk, this is Austria and it's past 5pm here so i did the thirstful already.
>"you don't have freedom of movement because of traffic laws and drivers licenses"
>"ok, I'm sure this will become a future problem, but for now they work with the traffic system we have now"
>"no the system doesn't work now because of zoning, planning, corruption, and a bunch of other shit that has fuck all to do with our system of traffic laws and registration of drivers which is obviously what you're referring to"
You are an unserious person incapable of following the bouncing ball. If I wanted to be talked in circles I would have this conversation with a woman.
I have a truck because I fix my house myself and move often. I flip my houses and landscape and replace toilets and vanities and move my stuff.

How the fuck do you guys move a couch without a truck? You just go to the store and pay someone with a truck $400 to move it 3 blocks?

Also my band had gigs and I would move the gear. My truck has one of those optional tops on the back. Also I go kayaking and mountain-biking, dirt biking, atvs, and hunting. Thanks to niggers you will have your boats, boards, bikes, guns, and game stolen if you don’t have a locking top. I basically use the truck features all the time.

Imagine living in the US and just sitting in your studio apartment all the time and only being able to watch videos of people with trucks doing things. Liberals are such cucks I swear to god.
I hope the Netherlands gets full these so they can scare the shit out of arrogant bikers.
It is caused by a loophole in our regulations about car sizes that manufactures have been abusing for 2 to 3 decades.
Larger vehicles have less regulations and do not have to be as fuel efficient as their smaller counterparts, so manufactures moved towards making larger vehicles like SUVs and large sized trucks.
I see more and more of these big fuckers here and it pisses me off, they don't fit in the parking spaces
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>Thanks to niggers
This is the answer no other anon ITT mentioned until now. Like most differences between the USA and yurop, the root cause is the ever-present nigger menace and the multibillion dollar personal safety industry that exists to mitigate it. Large trucks and SUVs started to become popular in the 1980's because of growing concerns over crimes like car thefts and carjackings. The perception is that having a large vehicle high off the ground makes it more difficult for a nigger to reach in and hotwire or shove a gun in your face. People also like having a wide view of their surroundings to better see incoming niggers, and humongous trucks are better able to squish packs of rioting niggers blocking the road during our semi-annual chimpouts better than regular sedans. This is often why you'll hear pickup truck and SUV drivers talk about how they "feel safer" in those large vehicles, even though they've been proven to be less safe in regards to flip-over accidents. American vehicle preferences, gun ownership, suburban lifestyles, etc. all come down to avoiding the groid.

Brofist. We're having a bbq, come on over.
EPA played a huge factor in this. It’s why Ford rangers are way larger now rather than compared to before
Cos their god damn constitutional right #muricabitches
Why is walking a necessity? If people are satisfied with their cars, why not let them drive
because fuck you, that's why
At least once a week there’s a faggot thread like this on the board. Some Americans do hard work, and need big trucks to move heavy stuff. I know this is probably a foreign concept to most of /pol/. How many cubic yards of dirt can some little pussy truck like a Tacoma or T100 haul? How many head of cattle? How many joints of drill pipe? Touch grass and get your hands dirty for once in your lives, faggots.

The EPA created retarded gas mileage rules that keeps them from making smaller trucks.
Google cafe regulations. The government literally made it illegal to sell small trucks because of emissions bullshit.
So just ban big cars and tell gm to fuck off
>ok, I'm sure this will become a future problem, but for now they work with the traffic system we have now
I hate traffic RIGHT NOW
I hate driving
I hate owning a car
I hate having to go to the DMV
I hate having to get emissions checked
I hate getting gas
I hate traffic lights
I hate stop signs
I hate yielding
I hate changing lanes
I hate having to go slightly over the speed limit to keep up with the flow of traffic, so technically a cop can pull me over at any time if he so feels like it
I hate the risk of getting in a wreck
I hate making u-turns
I hate parking
I hate how loud cars are
I hate sitting in traffic
I hate car commercials
I hate how when you buy mechanical parts for a project, it's all in reference to car standards
I hate walking across parking lots
I hate crossing the street
I hate speed bumps
I hate valet parking
I hate when a traffic light turns yellow you have to decide if you are going to run through it or slam on the breaks
I hate changing flat tires
I hate how many pedestrians get killed by cars every day

I like walking
I like biking
I like trains

I just hate that every facet of society is sucking car's cock
Americans humiliated
I was recently in the Netherlands and I was surprised at how normal these comically and unnecessarily large cheese departments are in the grocery stores, which they call "winkels" for no goddam reason I can understand. Of course they claim that since the winkel down the street has a lot of kaas, they have to have even more kaas, which is a self-fulfilling prophecy if I ever heard one, and can only lead to mutual assured destruction by cheese.

Recently I've begun to see Dutch cheese in American grocery stores, and not just fagmarts like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods, but real American stores like Giant and Kroger that used to only stock my beloved American processed cheese food in a spray can. Do you think Dutchies will take over our grocery stores and rename them Trader Bart's and Whole Winkel and only sell Dutch cheese? I hope not, because I think eating foreign cheese turns people gay, like OP.
America big. Like big thing. Make truck big. Truck go fast. Grug smash little truck. Grug put big thing in wife of small truck man. Grug smash puppy of small truck man with club.
>what are americans even good for?
Defending Israel.
You would just crash the car into walls or off the side of a hill
Well they can do so if they like. They are buy-here-pay-here cars anyway 99% of the time. It's all about flaunting the illusions of wealth over people who don't even care in the first place. Americans have always been really petty and silly like that. I guess some people just LIKE to pay more for gas to prove some kind of made-for-TV point that no one understands. To be fair some guys DO use their trucks for work but 99% of monster truck owner "men" are accountants or have some other type of effeminate office job.
>wah wah wah i hate everything
skill issue, go live in a pod and drop out from society
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Because we can, and you can't.
And a 380 won't pierce right through your VW Golf? It's nice to see over all the other cars, you get a better vantage point and as such are in more control. That's why I only drive trucks or full-size SUVs. Why should my field of vision be lower to the ground when I'm going 60MPH/100KMH than when I'm walking at 2MPH? At least in a half-ton it's the same height as me.
>I love to piss away money on a status symbol
Your car gets the same gas milage as a car 30 years ago

You still don't have a dashboard sensor read-out and have to pay $$ just to have someone tell you your sensor error codes.

Most problems with your car you can't fix on your own and the whole body is constructed so it's almost impossible to disassemble.

People who buy new cars are total morons...double moron if it's a truck.

Trucks are dogshit offroad... but most truck owners would never no this because they never ever go off road.
Because europeans are fags and were better than you

4runner or tacoma is hands down the best pound for pound vehicle on the planet
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Since buying a house is now impossible, the American Dream is simply to own a large vehicle that you can sleep in.
Modern trucks are an IQ test.
People that buy them usually are around 100 or lower--it's pointless to engage truck owners in any meaningful way. They watch TV, wage slave, and are constantly emasculated by their wife so the truk is their mental crutch.
For faggots
My cars were 10k and 20k so I have 20k left to hire a company to move things for me?
Most things I can still haul myself in my tiny Skoda station cars np
I want a pickup truck so bad next guys, but waiting for prices to come down.

>mid-size SUV atm
Can confirm. I have only really driven sedans but the few times I rode in my friend's huge pickup truck, i felt like i had big dick energy
No one give a shit what a foreigner thinks of feels about the Superior American or what they choose to drive in Freedomland.
You don't need to understand it.
If you just stop having tiny dick genes you wouldn't need to drive one I guess?
My hooptie - my hooptie

Four door nightmare, trunk locks' stuck
Big dice on the mirror, grill like a truck
Lifters tickin', accelerator's stickin'
Somethin' on my left front wheel keeps clickin'
Picked up the girlies, now we're eight deep....

Mis-matched tires got my boys uptight
Two Vogues on the left, Uniroyal on the right
Hooptie bouncin', runnin' on leaded
This is what I sport when you call me big-headed
I pot-hole crusher, red light rusher
Musher of a brother 'cause I'm plowin' over suckers

In a hooptie

It's a three-ton monster, econo-box stomper
Snatch your girly, if you don't I'll romp 'er
Dinosaur rush, lookin' like Shaft
Some get bold, but some get smashed
Cops say the car smokes, but I won't listen
It's a six-nine deuce, so the hell with emissions
Quite some people drive those trucks in Sweden by the way, I don't see the problem if you live outside the city. It however for most people isn't even convenient.
But can you even lay down in that one? My tiny Chech stationwagon fits people who are like 7 feet if the backseat is down.
they don't make 'em like they used to these days
people in the US actually do work
do you get mad at big rigs for carrying goods to stores for being big trucks?
how about the cement mixer, that's a big truck, better get mad at them too
any big vehicle should have you seething in anger, because big = bad!
One more...

Break your, break your, break your neck back
Lookin' up that super jacked, super duty max
Blacked out from the front to the back
Console packed full of green and magazines
But not that kind you smoke or the kind you read (indeed) ...

Have you ever seen a hundred-thousand-dollar truck?
Well, pay attention suckers, Demun Jones is pullin' up
Custom stitched leather seats with that heater for your butt
Logos in the headrest, Jones County, stand up...

Bangers when you hear it gotta turn the volume up, ayy
Rearview mirror shakin', couple cases in the truck
I ain't drinkin' with no chaser and I ain't ever get stuck
How's the view down there in that rut lookin' up? ...

Big truck rider, if I pull up beside ya
I promise I'm gonna have you lookin' up (lookin' up)
I'm a product of the South, all I do is act up
I've been drinkin' since 11, every time I get drunk
>I hate traffic
>I hate having to get emissions checked
>I hate sitting in traffic
These are city exclusive, anon.
>I hate changing flat tires
>I hate the risk of getting in a wreck
>I hate how many pedestrians get killed by cars
Unironic skill issue; develop a sense of situational awareness, it'll keep you safe with more than just driving and walking.
>I hate getting gas
Anon, literally everyone hates the current gas prices.
>I hate stoplights
I don't get the hate so many people have with them. The only ones I've ever gotten pissed with were "dumb" lights that had piss poor timing programmed onto them.
>I hate having to go to the DMV
>I hate stop signs
>I hate yielding
>I hate changing lanes
>I hate how loud cars are
>I hate car commercials
>I hate how things are in reference to car standards
Boo hoo, you whiny bitch.
>I hate speed bumps
>I hate valet parking
These not only impact motor vehicles exclusively, but you also have the option of just... not going to places that use those?
Because those goymobiles aren't work vehicles, they're oversized SUVs with half a meter of bed on the back that is way too high above the ground to use easily, and which you won't even use because you'll "scratch the bed"
No joke, the environmental protection agency placed ridiculous emission standards on small and midsized trucks to create a de facto barrier agains Japanese trucks such as the hilux(greatest vehicle created by human hands) because Ford couldn’t compete.
I feel bad for you European faggots. You’re so disconnected from what it means to be a man. It’s probably hereditary; after all your grandfather was too much of a pussy to take a boat ride. You’re obviously all carpet walking faggots who work in an office, or from your home, or some gay little restaurant. The faggot up above was bragging about a fucking hatchback station wagon for crying out loud. Unrelated, but how embarrassing is it to have a cross on your flag yet be overrun by mudslimes?
>people in the US actually do work
Soccer moms don't work. Their husbands put them in those trucks. And nobody is working on the rez, everyone has beand new trucks every year because what else are you gonna do with your casino dividend check?

If you're really working, you're using a 20 or 30 year old monster you can still wotk on by hand with 400,000 miles.

Big trucks are bought because that's all that's being sold.
>No joke, the environmental protection agency placed ridiculous emission standards on small and midsized trucks to create a de facto barrier agains Japanese trucks such as the hilux(greatest vehicle created by human hands) because Ford couldn’t compete.
I completely buy this.
>I'm insecure
yes, that's why trucks are so popular
Because we own land, property, and have work to do.
Take a ride in one and you might understand.
This, these stupid faggots don't understand how big America really is. They are government controlled euro fags
>Why do Americans drive ridiculously big cars?
Because fuck you. And we can. That's why. For real.
>ban everything I don't like
Ok, gotcha, confirmed for retarded.
its this crazy thing called for work. you wouldnt understand
Thanks for the replies.
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Only people who can afford these type of cars write them off as a company car so they can get tax benefits from them. So, who cares? All the faggots drive in their Audi's, BMW's, Mercedes' and VWs.
Truth, but Americans are materialist addicted to their goytoys.
And why is that?
>Only people who can afford these type of cars write them off as a company car so they can get tax benefits from them.
This and it inflates the prices of pickup trucks for regular people. The only decent new truck on the American market that isn't a complete giant eyesore is the Honda Ridgeline, which truckolds hate for being a unibody "lifestyle truck" and not a body-on-frame "work truck."
The (((EPA))) Passed a law that horsepower in _TRUCKS AND SUVS_TM had to be relative to the overall size of the vehicle...regardless of emissions. Essentially you can have the same engine in two different vehicles and one wont meet emissions and the other will even though everything is the same but the motor--mind you it's not even the emissions that's tested but the output volume relative to total vehicle size.
I'm not going to make the tired old "small dicks" joke because I do not believe it. But I do think there are major testosterone/masculinity deficiencies and BROKEN dicks that don't work very well. I think these trucks are for suckers who think they can just buy their masculinity. These trucks are every third vehicle on the road where I live. But rarely do I see "tough" guys anymore. They're all fat and out of shape, they all eat the goyslop every day. Growing up in the 90s and early 00s, most trucks were smaller, utilitarian, and actually got used. So if you saw a truck, it was a safe assumption the person driving it actually needed it.

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