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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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this unfortunate girl who turned 15 on January 2024, took 3 corona vaccines in the years 2021-2023 and now she looks like a 33 year old woman

she can unofficially buy strong alcohol (higher content than 21% volume) from alcohol stores because cashier doesnt bother checking her age, age check is required if a person looks yunger than 25 but cashier can use her own judgement and obviously this girl looks 25 years old at minimum and in no way she would look 15 year old

IT IS NOT LEGAL to put penis in her
she doesnt look 15, she is lying, 25-35 easily
>he believes women
She'd look her age if she wasn't trying so hard to look like the old women around her. The dyed hair, makeup and unnaturally low bodyfat shout "I may be a 50 year old stay at home mom, but I've still got it!". It's a consequence of women having children so late in life: girls are looking to women who should be grandmas.
I wouldn't put my penis in that hag even if it were legal.
45 yo here, she looks like my grandma
dead great grandpa here
she looks like my dead great great grandma
Imagine how awful she'll look in 3 years. She'll be begging men.
yeah i noticed all ages since the vax went live in 2020 look decades older then they are
i cant belive it
So much makeup
Why does a 15 year old need any at all? They are destroying their skin
It is legal for me.
I doubt this is true but some time last year my friend (30 years old) introduced me to some of his female friends. They looked 40+ and were pretty damn ugly. I started cringing internally that he was hanging out with ugly old divorcees.

Then I found out they were 25.
She looks fake, like AI generated or something
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Exposure to Asians did this.
No way in hell she's 15.
not even once
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Imagine what she’ll look like when she actually turns 45..
You are insecure.
That's a 12 year old.
if the vaxx made her look like that at age 15, she's probably not making it to 45
Ugly bottle blonde poop eyed ugly bitch. Fake blonde, probably fucks niggers.
Guys are usually fully adult by 18. Girls are on average about 2 years earlier.
There's also some outliers. So it is possible.
Doesn't need any tie to the vaxine. From my view she does not look visibly aged, as in symptoms of decay.
WALL hitting hard.
You stupid nigger faggots, this is a 1pid kike slide thread. You nigger faggots believe anything as long as it's posted as media, we have absolutely no idea her real age
i have seen women age rapidly after taking the vaccine
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>her blue pilled bf (pic related)
Pretty sure she's in her twenties.
>roastie, japan!
>subhuman bugchaser sperg
You will never reproduce.
>>>472327739 (OP)
>Thinking a jab ages you
it does. There was evidence of accelerated aging posted a couple months ago. I have personally seen women who look 20 years old within 6 months after the vax
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It's called makeup faggot. Every woman puts in on everyday to deceive men into theinking they're more attractive.
Yeah she looks like she's had a nose trim
I am extremely secure.
You're just a fag is all.
Hai hai hai mää oon sun samurai
My cousin has the same nose.
No surgery. Just weird looking.
If you have to tell us that means we don't care
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Garbare spam thread, no value added and not political.
>w-where’s her wrinkles?!?! T-thats heckin 12!!
This bitch had had work done. She’s probably 28-29, looks 33-35.
At this rate, Generation Beta is going to look like senior citizens by the time they turn 18.
Lying for likes and attention
Look at the wear on the teeth. That’s at least a 30 yo mouth.
I'm 22 and people thinks my mother is my gf, (I'm Unvaxxed) us zoomers are aging worse than any generation in general for several reasons, and for the vaxxed like pic rel it'll get exponentially worse, but holy shit vid rel at 15 is so fucked up already she could pass as my older sister.
baba loli
i am happy the vaxxies are dying off
>heavy makeup
>heavy eyelashes
>bleached hair
She is trying to look older.
>shovel face
>brown nips
>no tits
>sideways vagina
>subhuman thoughts
>genetic suicide
>unnaturally white
Probably vinears
looks must have been that dire for you to assume that, either that or lying
more like the lose skin under her eyes.
I am 38 and my eyes are only just starting to look like that
she probably smoked a thousands cocks
Saw an 8 year old today. She seemed fuckable. They age fast nowadays. Soon they will hit puberty at at 5 years.
I would even if it wasn't
They keep raising the age of consent, soon 21 when they will be biologically 40 and had fucked a dozen cocks at least at 12.
no fucking way, she looks 35 which is to say she really looks like a 40yo wine aunt
It’s from sucking dick. Monica Lewinsky is 22 years old in this picture.
>I am extremely secure.
He says, obsessing over another man's sexual preference just because the other man isn't attracted to what he's attracted to. Alright.
I respect that.
yea she probably smoked thousands of cocks
are people literally so stupid that believe she is 15?

women lie. they also crave attention. claiming to be 15 fulfills both of those.
The wall never misses.
no way she's 15
its impossible to wall at 15
White women having visceral reactions to a normal Asian woman in her 20s shows how bad it’s gotten. It’s fucking insane how badly white women age.
Zoomer chicks aged so bad lol.
>stronger alcohol with ID
euro countries limit alcohol strength by age? is this a thing? i had no idea
Born for BBC.
I am not sure how common it is but it happens in Finland, Sweden, Norway

Dunno if other countries do the same, Estonia doesnt..
Lopeta tämmösen paskavammasen tiktok roskan postaaminen
Lmao people ITT really pretending they wouldn't fuck this beautiful girl if she offered (she wouldn't, because you're fat neckbeards)
eihän sulle kelpaa mikään, eka valitat iltalehti linkistä, vaan sen takia että oli iltalehti, eikä aiheen takia, ja nyt valitat siitä että video tulee tiktokista
No she's not. This is a social fake media scripted lie. She's quite a bit older than 15 and she's had cosmetic work done as well We know what 15 year old looks like. They don't look like are does. They also don't wear a shit ton of makeup like she is. She thinks she looks kind of young enough to pull off 15 in a video from the neck up, (because young adults now look the way young teenagers did in the past, and that fact is whis establishment scripted video is playing off of) but no, we can see she's not 15.
I mean if she is 15, I won't admit online that I would. If she was 18 and a day or two, I would
in germany its beer & wine at 16, high alcohol content like wodka is18
women and their stupid facial expressions. Just communicate, aint that hard. Your face doesnt have to act out a play to order a fuckin burrito
She also doesn't act 15. She acts like a more mature adult. She looks pretty retarded trying to claim 15. Everything about her says otherwise. She's at least 21.
I think all the winking and blowing their cheeks out is weird. It's trying to be cute, like a child but also in a sexual way, it's pedo shit. I also hate it when women make their voice higher pitch to sound more like a child when they are trying to manipulate you into doing something in a "cute" way. They try to impersonate a young girl, thinking it's cute and you'd crumble and want to instinctively protect her and do as she says.The sound of grown woman trying to sound like a child is like a cheese grator to my brain. It's cringe, women are like children. That's what this Asian women shit reminds me of. Immature women behaving like children.
...there are 3 posts by op
he might be right that there is someone creating threads with not a single reply by thread creator, a a slide thread, but I am a genuine poster and this seemed important enough for a thread due to nature of the video content
>took 3 corona vaccines in the years 2021-2023
Nothing of value.
Too old, girls nowadays have sex from 11 years old and consume alcohol on a common basis. No shit they're going to look like that.
>I want my """women""" with manly voices
>IT IS NOT LEGAL to put penis in her
In Germany, Italy and France it is.
Also, are you a bot or just an autistic Fingol?
I want women with women voices, not little girls.
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girl, 30, looks like 12
That's somebody's lost son.
> IT IS NOT LEGAL to put penis in her
Yes it is. She looks legal = it is legal.
She shall not die a virgin.
this. she's a lying whore with a cock count of 99
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she's got 99 problems and being young ain't one
Kek wat a load of bullcrap, theres not even subtitles. You dumb fucking nigger.
Also these fuckers id even gray haired old sages.
I want to kill i wnt to kill i want to kill
Fedniggers this is obviously a joke.
Alex hormozi is that you?
>wear on the teeth
>unnaturally white fake looking teeth

What are you talking about?
Nigger she literally acts like a toddler.
Yes western women do that too, it wad even a topic on how i met your mother.

Why make this? If you want me to get horny show bobs and vagene and butthole.
This whole thread is not real, she did not even say anyrhing in the video for all you know there isnt even a subtitle. And even then im calling cap. The only way to really determine a womans age is by looking at her butthole and counting the rings.
So anon if she does not show you her butthole be sure that she is lying about her age.

The video does not need subtitles, she has annoying north american accent and vocal fringe or whatever it is called she very clearly mouths every single word. It's clear she says "You know I am so sick of this comment (already redflag as no teen girl now is going to say the sentence like that with you know sounds like something a mid 20s or 30s would say anyways) I am 15 years old, 15. Even the way she says it and the way her eyes are when she emphasizes that just screams 30 year old woman. Highly doubt this woman is 15 and not like 30+ just from her mannerisms alone.
She’s lying for attention. You simpleton
that rancid cunt aint 15, more like 35
asian girls be like
>i'm 57!
You type all this shit and vompletely hop over my joke.
Its ducking hilarious (You) can consider this frenship over!
close your beef flappers, roastoid
Grim if true. Is this why I'm increasingly being assumed to be younger than I am?
Unsure if that would be better or worse.
All Americans look about 15 years older than they actually are.
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lying whore
it's funny because chinkoids use more makeup than any other race
15 year old looks AT LEAST 28 (and i'm being generous), and I'm supposed to give a shit that Dr Disrespect was talking to a 17 year old?
I knew a girl who looks mid 20s from high school onward.
Poor bitch
These threads are the most pathetic shit on this board. We get it: jews want you to hate women; and you frustrated turbolosers who reply to these threads need your avenue to seethe at your failure at life/with women.

This belongs on >>>/r9k/
with the rest of your kind
Thats called cocoaina
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That bitch is at least 25 with 8lbs of makeup caked on her roastie face
My daughter is 15. All her friends are around the same age. I'm in my 40s. I use to check IDs at bars in my 20s. Not a single one of her friends or other classmates I have seen at events looks over the age of 18-19. And even that is pushing it. Now the niggers, I'm not good guessing their age. They all look 40.
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Imagine simping for a roastie lmao
i don't give a fuck what's legal
this is a geriatric grandmother in japan
>unnaturally low bodyfat
this is it
High pitched child voice and female voice are not the same. An excited little boy and an excited little girl sound indistinguishable. As you age vocal cords deepen and it’s not a male or female thing but an aging thing. I like my women to sound older than 10 years old. Raspy voice and lower pitch are better on the ears. Imagine talking to
>Kawaiii dessu Chan~ onisenpai
All day. Imagine being in close quarters locked in with them. I like my women to sound like me but softer.
>pointing out the inorganic and pathetic — directed by demoralization jews — seething and coping of literal failures crying about some random girl on a political discussion forum is “le simping for le roastie”
You poor poor loser. You were NGMI anyhow
She looks older because of the makeup, remove that and you'll see that its teenage girl
>Monica Lewinsky is 22 years old in this picture.
hairstyle, clothing and makeup style make her look 45
This. Of course.
This board is plagued by jew propaganda and the lowly beta retards who eat that shit up due to their own weakness and frustration.
It’s so pathetic I get second hand embarrassment
>I want my """women""" with manly voices
Miten vitussa tämä lanka liittyy politiikkaan? Tapa ittes
I would do your grandma.
which means she's probably only 15

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