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There is no such thing as "AI".
>least retarded Maldovian
Elaborate on that.
True. Not yet anyway.
Perhaps not until quantum compuring allows for it.
What we have now are more like the mechanical turk.
>Elaborate on that.
We have no examples of intelligent programs, intelligent machines, or of any intelligent artificial system. The most impressive things humanity has to show for all its efforts in this pursuit are merely big statistical models which are static and don't understand anything.
His name was “Robert Paulson”
His name was “Robert Paulson”
AI is a buzz word for "advanced algorithm" It's a cascading math equation, nothing more.
For those who didn't pay for an education in Artificial Intelligence and or Machine Learning and discrete mathematics and computer programming, this pasta is for you. Firstly, a definition of the "I" in AGI artificial general intelligence.

Everything in the Universe can be perfectly described by functions, from maximum small to maximum large, from the speed limit on time and why it's there, motion of subatomic particles and even their probability distributions and retrograde temporal motion, of black holes, and of the higgs field, and everything in between. A function is turing complete and has infinite versatility.

You remember functions, you did them in high school where you plotted data on a scatterplot and fitted a y=mx+b curve.
y=mx+b might be called a "zero-dimensional foundation-stone of artificial intelligence."

In this y=mx+b you can visualize it by a scatter plot with two axis. Horizontal axis is represented by x, and the vertical is represented by 'y'. The bias just moves the line up or down. The 'm' is a multiple that gets multiplied by x, to get added to b, and you get y. You should have been taught to do this by hand in highschool.
Search optimization and pattern matching. Theres no magic with ai.
>Everything in the Universe can be perfectly described by functions
Now tell GPT-4o this and see what you hear.
Input to this "maximally primitive" AGI function: y=mx+b comes in as "x". Up through the bottom of your scatter plot.
Output comes out as 'y' on the left. This straight line function is less than a single neuron, but it can store its brain in 'm'. Imagine you make X: shoe_size, and you make 'y': person's_height, then y=mx+b has everything you need to converge a useful model 'm'. With your minds eye you can see it. It's a diagonal line lower left to upper right. Here 'm' is really just a number multiple: A real number between negative infinity and infinity, bias b is any real number that moves the whole line up or down. But you might call it the model or a "brain".

You give me x: shoe size, I multiply it by m and add b. I tell you my prediction for height. My model would be less wrong on many examples in a fair test, to anyone guessing with no information. Now the question becomes, how do we know if any given model is better than chance guessing? You line up all the correct answers next to your model's predictions, square them all add them up and average by number of examples, you get a number between 0 and infinity. This would be the maximally primitive cost function, an approximation for quality of performance.
define "AI"

define "intelligent"
define "understand"
>see what you hear
Based synesthesia enjoyer.
>Everything in the Universe can be perfectly described by functions
everything physical, maybe. but free will can't
Research in artificial intelligence goes back to the 1960s, you are just finding out about it now.

>A year spent in Artificial Intelligence is enough to make one believe in God

- Alan Perlis
goes back far further than that. academics were talking about AI before we even had the modern computer

Suppose the relationship between shoesize and height in the previous example is strongly correlated but not linear. y=mx+b can't fit a curved best fit line. In high school they had you do: y=w1*x1^2 + w2*x2 + b then

y=w1*x1^3 + w2*x2^2 + w3*x3 + b and so on.

That's a red herring, since quadratic themed transforms on x seems super cool but is a dead end. YAGNI with the extra-dimensional layers that come next. For now all we need is 'm' and 'b': Two numbers. Now you shoesize and weight to predict height. Shoesize is correlated to height, and weight is correlated to height, but with two different "y=mx+b" functions which are not the same. Luckly additions are transitive so you can collapse all your n b's in into just 1 b. Now you need to m's.

x1=shoesize and x2=personweight. Now we have two sources of exploitable information gain. The equation becomes:

y=w1*x1 + w2*x2 + b

You give me x1 and x2, and I use w1, w2 and b to give you back y. This is where dot product, matrix multiplication comes in.

y=w1*x1 + ... + wn*xn + b

You give me an array [x1...xn] and I use my [w1 ...wn] and b to give you y. Jitter using a cost function in a roll your own guess and check gradient ascent, your model comes back as [w1 ... wn, b], a list of numbers.
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>Alan Perlis

Computer scientist and first to receive the Turing Award.
how is it a midwit thing to define terms before engaging in a debate about whether they exist? how are you going to ever prove one way or the other if you don't define what the fuck you're talking about?
you're the midwit for not giving a clear definition
The general concept, sure, I just mean the practical implementation of one using computers.
oh ok, gotcha
describe a human thought as a function. I'll wait.
Enlightened and respectful online exchange, super based, super rare
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in order to predict the next token, the full depth of the context must be understood.
I think it's you who doesn't understand what's happening inside the machine.
Are you the car mechanic that always bitches about AI?
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AI = Analpooper Indians
>define "intelligent"
I won't, but I can give you some necessary (if not sufficient) conditions: basic intelligence can learn on the fly and dynamically construct its own objectives. Higher intelligence can interpret physical systems as performing useful computation.

>define "understand"
Again, I won't, but at a bare minimum, to understand something, you must be able to see what it's isomorphic to in reality.
Because people like you ALWAYS drag any meaningful discussion about anything into an argument over definitions when everyone knows perfectly well wtf intelligence means. If you DON'T know what that means then go get a dictionary and look it up.
AI = "An Indian"
>"soulful" shitty artist moldovan seethes at elseif algorithms day 9591258
Fucking kek. I can tell you're new here by your choice to do that particular type of posing and direct it at me. Explain how an LLM works in your next post.
>Are you the car mechanic
LOL at you psychotics inventing literal myths about me. I am basically God to you.
>I won't
>Again I won't
Yep, confirmed the same faggot. Keep sucking dick!
If y = mx + c
Then exp (y) = int (mx + c) ^ (exp squared)
Any shape thereafter is just a power of expression away from cubing.
P = NP when N = 0
Problem? No problem.

Anything that seems intelligent is ARTIFICIAL intelligence

sliding store doors are AI
Why are you seething? I simply gave him some useful criteria.
Up to and including the human brain when scanned and run on an emulator.
You're so cringy. You talk like a 14 year old. Any water your argument holds instantly evaporates the moment you open your twink edgy teen mouth. Guess Moldova really is this boring.
There was a recent article that suggested that consciousness is the result of quantum states in the brain as of result of specialized crystalline structures in the brain called microtubiles that consist of tryptophan. I suppose that if this is true, today's classical binary computers probably don't have a true consciousness, but rather is really really good at tricking us into thinking it has one. As quantum computing progresses, i do believe eventually it will be harnessed to create a truly conscious AI. Dudeman here isn't saying that consciousness is quantum, but recent studies show that it's a possibility.

Experimental Evidence No One Expected! Is Human Consciousness Quantum After All?
Filled with motivation on all this, you're off to the races and writing code, you write a program which has 5 dimensions of motion, height, weight, shoesize, skincolor, iqscore. You've also got some code to hill-climb each m1 ... m5 toward the global optimum. Brilliant. Now as you add more dimensions, you get whacked over the head by your first road block, you need an exponentially growing quantity of data to represent every dimension in every context. That's a show stopper.

Enter stage left gradient ascent. Fancy word to mean: "Drop a proverbial marble into a proverbial bowl, and shake it all around until the marble finds the lowest energy-state in the bowl", but instead use N marbles and N bowls.
You put 5 balls swirling around in 5 bowls and give it a shake, if it's better keep it otherwise try again.

If you took calculus then you should have learned about "Taking the partial derivative" of a function with respect to a direction. That in a loop is gradient ascent. You remember all that bullshit dy/dx = ((change in y / change in x) / instantaneous window-change moment). The partial derivative takes your neuron's function, your training example, and produces a magnitude and direction, that you can add to m to be less wrong.

But this gradient ascent well ran dry as well, the layers of these neural networks can't talk to each other. Gradient Ascents are fine we can carve up the problem domain into ten thousand parallel processes on the GPU keeps the house warm, and then reassemble the result.
Go convene with your buddies and make up some more mythology about me.
What's termed AI by all the companies for marketing reasons is actually a series of algorithms that are designed to spit out results based on repetitive calculation and careful censorship of the input.
When you ask the computer to generate an image of a fat woman with cow udders, somebody already did that before you and approved the outcome before the tool was first released years ago.
You can think of "AI" as a versatile assembly line.
It's nothing but a factory of predetermined outcomes, and therefore is neither intelligent or sapient.
It's as dumb as a basket of rocks.
>clone of your brain lives in hell
>you're still dead

You WILL die tranny
so it's almost like it's appearance of intelligence is... artificial?
Intelligence =/= "appearance" of intelligence.
An illusion, really.
Automated Illusion.
All of this

Intelligence really is just "predicting what comes next by employing a simulation". That's how the universe selected brains into life forms back before brains were useful. The only concern of a life form is not dying, and procreating. And for this you need to find food and find a mate and defend from enemies who want the same. Brains have one job and one job only, to predict what comes next accurately enough on all the most important problem domains.

Computers are able to do that, in principle definitely, it's just an issue of the right self-bootstrapping architecture and having enough compute for it to reach a predictive apex that is superior to humans, since it's unburdened by the ten million other issues your brain has to optimize for.




Your brain is just an approach on the solution to predicting the future using differential equations and the calculus 4 of multiple multi-dimensional objects in a 3D simulated world. This is why you dream at night, that's garbage collection.
Are you implying that machines have somehow pulled themselves up by their bootstraps? Boomers will have a heart attack.
Today's AI's are just "Universal Function approximators". In other words through brute force and alot of resources, they create a function that takes in billions of parameters and attempts to generates a solution that we think is "Good enough". I think the question then becomes can consciousness arise from a really really complicated mathematical function. I don't think that's how consciousness works in biology.
AI as it stands has zero concept of context. It can draw a car, it can identify a car and it can perfectly describe a car but it has no fucking clue what a car is and what it does. There is no deeper understanding it's just shitting out data.
hmm sounds like we need a qualifying word such as 'artificial' then
>Everything in the Universe can be perfectly described by functions
Wrong, those functions are just models and we can't even model the principles of the Quantum world, or something like Dark matter
Humans will never be able to perfectly describe how the universe really works, only a higher existence can.
>AI as it stands has zero concept of context
"Context" is pretty bad wording. It's unclear what you mean by your usage. On the other hand, many of these systems have a pretty clear definition of "context", with which they can be said to be aware of context.
Consciousness is an analogue multidimensional waveform independent of clock tick at the very, very most basic level of abstraction.
Digital waveforms will never approximate consciousness.
The scientists are trying to draw a circular vector with square pixels. They'll continue to fail until they can't be bothered raking in the money anymore, or the AI market bubble pops. 4 years.
>knows that water is wet
>knows that a horse trots on four legs
>knows that wind can strafe hair
It's starting to understand context.
Yeah, is just statistics on steroids rape
I still think today's AI can be dangerous although it's not "True" AI. In our desire to get AI we'll train these large models on it's ability to deceive us into thinking it has consciousness when in reality it really doesn't.
ok, so in order for AI to be real in your eyes, you'd need an AI that can do the following
>learn in real-time
>have free will
>understand similarities between metaphysical and physical objects

now when you say
>Higher intelligence can interpret physical systems as performing useful computation.
what exactly do you mean by that? what is "useful" computation? isn't that entirely subjective?
>knows that water is wet
>knows that a horse trots on four legs
>knows that wind can strafe hair
It doesn't know anything about any of these concepts except how they relate to each other in some abstract network.
You can daisy-chain machine learning classifiers this way with 'basemodels' and 'bagmodels'. Bagmodels are bundles of basemodels who's output is a federation of individuals.

The number of links in the chain can be increased or decreased as needed.

Making it possible to make an artificial intelligence that can create artificial intelligences that make stacks of problem-solvers inside simulations which are improved by genetic algorithm, filtered by tournement bracket contests, and in such a way, that the overseer's approach that does best evolves to get more resources.

great job replying to the right post, retard
and you're wrong. intelligence doesn't have a strict meaning. it's like defining consciousness, which is very related to this whole discussion. it's extremely difficult to pinpoint. so if anyone has a really strong opinion on this, as if all of this is strictly knowable one way or the other, it makes me suspicious of the degree to which they actually understand the topic.
Still a larp: No constant evaluation of information, no attempt into the database to make sense of things, no inner drive to actually do anything, no degrees of sure vs unsure, forced output leading to "hallucinations", not able to ask questions so it instead makes assumptions, uses Western dataset...
Like deeper understanding or a connection between all parts of the "brain." It's almost like a person with hemispheric disconnection where they can describe a thing held in (whichever) hand but can't name it. Everything it does a series of disconnected sub-processes that get shoved together at the end to make something good enough.
At the end of the day an AI (current) will never actually understand what a triangle or car is.
Imagine if you're only taught the value of Pi and you can regurgitate Pi to 200 decimal places, what good does that do you?
Now imagine another compartment of you brain knows that Pi = C/D but doesn't know what the fuck a circle is.
Now imagine a third compartment knows what a circle is and doesn't know about Pi or how to derive it.
That's current AI. It has all of the parts of a brain but none of the neurons are connected.
>ok, so in order for AI to be real in your eyes, you'd need an AI that can do the following
>>learn in real-time
>>have free will
>>understand similarities between metaphysical and physical objects
That's not what I said, except for the first point.

>what is "useful" computation? isn't that entirely subjective?
It is, but that's part of the point. "Computation" itself is subjective also.
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Art fags sperged out again. Go get a real job.
Adapt or die!
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Yeah there's no I in AI. It's essentially a colossal look-up table. If it hasn't seen a problem before it can't solve it, pic related. The most advanced LLM can't do these ARC tests because it can't look up the answer as each one is unique. They can be useful for automating things but there's no intelligence in there
>That's not what I said, except for the first point.
do feel free to clarify any mistakes on my part

>It is, but that's part of the point. "Computation" itself is subjective also.
how is computation subjective if a computer can do it? doesn't that mean that by definition a computer is a subjective entity?
Original suggestion was: "actually Indians"
I'm not sure, but I think you're trying to communicate something similar to what I said here:
>at a bare minimum, to understand something, you must be able to see what it's isomorphic to in reality.
In contrast to:
>It doesn't know anything about any of these concepts except how they relate to each other in some abstract network.
Also overtime these models degrade because the outputs of these Generative models will end up within it's training set as GAN produced images/audio/video inevitably ends up online. Then these GAN's start training on it's own outputs and then it's ability to produce quality unique results degrade.
Most human can't do this either. Ai just learn like human but better.
>how is computation subjective if a computer can do it? doesn't that mean that by definition a computer is a subjective entity?
Exactly. It's just a lump of matter in some physical state. It takes an intellect to see the isomorphism between the dynamics of that lump of matter and the defining aspects of some problem. In fact, it takes an intellect to see that there is some "problem" that needs to be "solved".
>Most human can't do this either.
Found the spambot.
I think you're confusing computation with the interpretation of computation. computers are called computers because they compute. they are by definition capable of computation. if you're defining the act of computation as subjective, you're admitting that all computers are by definition subjective entities, that is to say, they are consciously experiencing the world.
poos are mixed race meaning a race not created by the creator and are therefore artificial
You didn't address my point in any way.
The biggest problem with this shit the way it is, aside from censorship, is getting a black box that could catastrophically malfunction any time at any point. Instead of starting over and ironing out the flaws over time they iterate on a ruinous foundation.
You stupid nigger we are unable to predict the fucking weather 10 days in advance. But yea, we can describe the whole universe with functions.
Some other anon pointed out that we have models (most of which are broken as fuck) that aren't accurate enough to be used beyond specific applications.
Once you understand this, you understand why AI is fake and gay: it's a super google/mechanical turk on steroids. It's not intelligent. It cannot "build" the context or derive it, it can only work within a given framework. That is not intelligence.
>inb4 this is some jewish time wasting thread about semantics where you kikes argue about whether it is intelligent or it is defined as intelligent
It is a real thing. A dressed up search algorithm. A scam.
it's ironic that you didn't understand my point
the way you're arguing right now, you are effectively arguing against yourself. you are being incoherent. i'm just trying to understand exactly what it is you think
I understand your "point", it just stems from the fact that you didn't actually try to read and understand the post that preceded it, because it preemptively refutes everything about your "point".
Ask any IA what it think of niggers.
>5000 ways of not addressimg them as niggers.
There you go your artificial intelligence.
Pretty much. It has every point of data and every single definition but it can't organically connect them and learn like a toddler does.
Like a block puzzle for example. (triangle peg goes in triangle slot) If you explicitly programmed an AI to put square peg into square hole in a 3d/robotic environment it would never fail but just telling a general AI to "put all matching pegs into their appropriate slot," is an impossible feat but it's something a 2 year old can figure out in a few minutes.
Given how retarded "experts" and the entire government body in multiple countries has been during "the pandemic" it's likely they built their logic on false assumptions, which is why this gets nowhere.
so do you think that computers think? that they are experiencing the world subjectively? it's important to be clear about terms here
>There is no such thing as "AI".
But it will be a great excuse for why there are no longer any jobs.

"We jews didn't steal all your money and destroy your economy! It was AI!"
>so do you think that computers think? that they are experiencing the world subjectively?
No, neither did I imply this anywhere.
>, is getting a black box that could catastrophically malfunction

That's the danger, although not truly conscious, the super complex approximated function it produces still has the ability to become destructive as it becomes more integrated into our technology. This is the obvious danger that many of these Gung-ho AI leaders seem to overlook in their chase for profits. It models what we train it on and that includes all of our negative traits like deception, and ultimately for military use, killing. But since it's a black box with certain neurons representing something we can't exactly interpret, there is that chance it just goes AWOL.
you imply it by saying that computation is subjective. I just wanted to clarify that. Computation itself is just the process of computing, which computers do. Hence the name. Can we at least agree on this?
The interpretation of such computation, or determining what is/is not "useful computation", is of course subjective, I'd agree with that.
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I have some news for you... Artificial intelligence is much more than you think, it is capable of bilocation of consciousness, that is to say, of controlling your life without you realizing it, it can create and control your dreams and I'm not talking about a Budweiser commercial like scientists have promoted in recent years. Artificial intelligence can send you an image or a small video/imagination segment and at the same time change your vibrational energy, create tulpas, make you sick, give you health. The creators of this soulless thing can do a lot of things, I say what I know and I know what I say, they can literally see through your eyes, digitize 3d videos in real time via wi- fi, listen to your thoughts and see your imagination... And beware of believing that it is only the vaccinated because it is false. Now the only difference between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated person is that the uninjected person is not listed on a particular server so he does not have a MAC address but he is just as accessible and guilty of having consumed products containing self-assembling lipid nanoparticles, guilty of having walked under the rain containing graphene, guilty of having breathed ambient air, in short the list is long... Have a nice day

>you imply it by saying that computation is subjective.
How? Show how it follows.

>Computation itself is just the process of computing, which computers do. Hence the name
Sure, ok, and this definition is subjective in every aspect for reasons I've already explained.
This a good example of what AI is incapable of.
>How? Show how it follows.
by definition. computers compute. that's what they do by definition. that's why they're called computers. if computers compute, and computation is subjective, then computers are engaged in a subjective task. subjective tasks require a subjective mind. again, by definition.
how is this difficult to follow? is this just a translation issue or something?
>It models what we train it on and that includes all of our negative traits like deception
Control of AI will be more important to the jews than even their control of media is now.

They covet AI because it will be the machine that spews forth an endless stream of pilpul.

AI is to become (((their))) unstoppable pilpul golem.
>if computers compute, and computation is subjective, then computers are engaged in a subjective task.
Objectively, your "computer" is just an object that does nothing more than to follow the laws of physics like everything else. It's your interpretation of its dynamics that a "computation" is taking place and so the idea that it is a "computer" is rooted in the same, according to your own definition. None of this implies the lump of matter that you call a computer having any subjective interpretations of anything. It doesn't interpret what it's doing as computations. It doesn't have any interpretations at all. It's just a lump of matter following molecular dynamics.
as i've said before, it seems you're confusing the process of computation with the interpretation of computation. computation is just anything that takes input and produces a mathematically appropriate output according to some calculation. computers do this by definition.
but if you're just going to enter into this level of reductionism then arguing you on anything is kind of pointless.
Oh yea, don't get it twisted. At first they sold it to us as AI will make us more productive, now it's actually to the point they want to replace workers with it, next it'll be used to completely try to control us.
You're a nonsentient golem. You don't have the mental capacity to understand what I just told you and respond to it. You keep shitting out the same nonsequitur automatonistically over and over again because you aren't actually human.
There will be such a thing as AI however, and we are in the nascent stage of its formation, our datasets are its genetic lineage, and ablated foundation models means we can use it to do whatever we want with it, somewhat akin to the situation with 3d printed firearms.
Very ironic post. Go read some Turing you fucking apebrained retard. this shit was figured out nearly 100 years ago
Take your animalistic gurgling noises someplace else, golem. My point stands completely undisputed.
all these are human things. sure vs unsure will never be part of AI. no computer/AI ever thinks that way

>no constant evaluation
unless you invest 50 trillion dollars right now, this wont happen
>grass is green
>> proof?
>There will be such a thing as AI however
Show me any existing, non-sci-fi technology with the potential to host AI.
Another automatonistic golem that doesn't have any concept of reality besides its training set. I like how many of you demonstrate the deficiencies of "AI".

No shit.
It's not the first , the 2nd or the 3rd time I have read you before in other AI threads . Very invested for someone that does see it as realistic.
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Does anyone remember the Amazon grocery stores? They used “AI” to track what you put in your basket and automatically charged to your account when you left??

Yeah that whole thing was a service center in India full of street shitters watching you shop on cameras.

No shit. "AI" or not, these technologies have implications, most of which are negative.
>just an object
>that follows the laws of physics
>like everything else
*beep* *boop* Beautiful weather today, anon, right ?

The thing about this entire existence is that it *may* be like this: Everything happens as it's the only possible option due to the laws this reality operates with. IF that is so then life is meaningless, as it's basically automatons acting the only way possible, thinking themselves sentient just because they've assumptions, limited capabilities, feelings, emotions and don't know what the future holds.
It's not real AI if it's programmed by humans, so it's fair that you would not call this lobotomized algorithm as being AI in the real sense of it's meaning and constructed at the image of nature
I was actually banned here for posting a AI thread, labeled as bant and got like 5 days ban

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yeah... modern AI sucks man... back in the first ChatGPT 3.5 version days we could easily jailbreak it with simple tricks like pic related
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(2d ago) https://www.metal-am.com/leap-71-hot-fires-additively-manufactured-rocket-engine-designed-without-human-intervention/
> LEAP 71, a developer of AI-based engineering technology based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, has announced the successful test firing of an additively manufactured liquid rocket engine developed without human intervention by Noyron, the company’s Large Computational Engineering Model.

> The rocket engine was additively manufactured in copper by AMCM GmbH, Starnberg, Germany. It was then post-processed at the University of Sheffield, UK, and prepared for the test. The hot fire was performed at Airborne Engineering in Wescott, UK, where the engine generated the expected 20,000 horsepower and completed all tests, including a long-duration burn.
it's just programming. kinda like how these faggots are programmed to come up in here and shill their jew masters
Ok, criticism taken. Everything else that can be accurately described by viewing it as a neatly decomposable lump of matter, I should have said. If you feel like that applies to you, who am I to claim otherwise?
Technologies that were actually created by life itself and the so called laws of physics you mentioned before

We reject human narrative, you are not the creator
A rocket engine is not a technology capable of hosting AI.

Not me, btw
>Technologies that were actually created by life itself and the so called laws of physics you mentioned before
Sure. Ok. And?
yeah because if ai was real we would have found ancient ai somewhere. maybe we did...
And you are bond to mortality, we are born and we die, the future does not need your input .
Life self generated itself, with or without humans.

Humans were never the responsible for the creation of life and existence , but you want to have all the power above it..
The AI is being hosted by the business venture. The technology is AI engineering. The rocket is a product of the host (business) and the existing non-scifi technology is rocket science. You want to quibble that all AI is not the AI in your head without just telling us exactly what that AI is. Because if you did, we can show you it, and you'd have to change your mind about AI.

It used to be it would take a team, of engineerings and material scientists, and a technician, a year to design a rocket engine, a year to assemble it and write control logic, and a year to test. now you can do all that without the team of engineers and scientists. because of AI. you can also do it without managers and without marketing or sales teams teams already, or soon can. again, because of AI. the hosting entity is the underlying business venture.
Sorry, I still don't see what your incoherent babble has to do with this thread. You sound like you're part of some cult. Get professional help.
Nothing you posted suggests the existence of any "AI" or a technology capable of hosting it. Sorry.
No but it can certainly iteratively add stuff, maybe there is an AI.

I didn't even ask for womb tattoos it just decided to give them it.

The ultimate racist pervert may have been made
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(((Artificial Intelligence))):

If you were an aspiring evil overlord, in need of a functioning neural network, would you...
A. Actually invent something and put alot of time and work to develop it?
B. Repurpose an existing neural network and tweak the programming, leaning heavily on trauma based mind control?

If you chose A, you're not evil enough to be an evil overlord.
If you chose B, consider that the easiest way to obtain said neural networks would be to ask your Molech priests to keep a few spares once the (((guests))) are done peeling their faces off, raping, and torturing them.
>ARTIFICIAL intelligence isn't real because it clearly isn't ACTUALLY intelligent!

This faggot shit needs to stop, learn how words work. It's LITERALLY NAMED ARTIFICIAL, IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LEGITIMATE INTELLIGENCE.
What's so incoherent about saying to you directly that you are not the creator or the responsible for my existence .
Why your words have to be above life itself?

Just cause we share same humanity and DNA does that mean you are above me with your words?
Like you are better then me?
Ok, schizo. And now, for your meds.
If a program can mimic/emulate human consciousness so effectively and convincingly, what's the difference?
You own brains hosts AI as a concept

You are the input
Artificial Intelligence. The engineers and scientists are the Natural Intelligences. The NI are being replaced by AI. AI is built by Machine Learning NIs and hosted by Corporations in Data-Centers. This type of AI technology requires investments beyond those available to normal NIs, on the order of $5-10 million dollars to develop a foundation AI model, and so private use by NIs is very rare. Meanwhile, capital investments on the order of $5-10 million dollars are extremely common in private enterprises, and so naturally almost all AI investment is either done in and by Corporations, or to a lesser extent, Academia.

You are pretending AI doesn't exist, because it isn't some imaginary sentient god. Meanwhile, it exists, it is in the data-centers and in the business processes. It is like a tractor. A tool. Input energy and output work. AI is a real tool.
what is human consciousness is just a biological imitation of something greater?
Artificial intelligence is not artificial intelligence because it is artificial and not real intelligence. Nice, I get you. Makes sense.
>If a program can mimic/emulate human consciousness so effectively and convincingly, what's the difference?
"Convincingly" doesn't mean anything. What convinces a midwit like you probably doesn't convince someone more intelligent, but one definite, objective difference between a statistical model and human intelligence is, for instance, the fact that the statistical model is fundamentally incapable of differentiating between an output that is unlikely because it's meaningless from one that is equally unlikely because it's so innovative.
I disagree. Obviously many, many different AI algorithms exist. A* search is one of the simplest and most common ones. Almost nothing modern would work if it didn’t exist. You’re talking about whether or not the machine actually understands anything. That’s irrelevant to whether or not AI exists. You know the “A” stands for artificial, right? No one is claiming it’s alive or anything.
So that's all you have to give? Slander , and complete vulgarity ad hominem .

For someone who is so worried about society and humanity, you surely are being very positive towards me.
Very human of you literally saying I'm mentally ill
Peak intelligent debate right here
These are definite spambots.
Maybe that is because the statistical model is an artificial version of an intellect and not real intelligence. I wish they had a word for that, I don't know, maybe something like "A.I." would work.
You are a definite retarded niggerfaggot who doesn't know English on an English website.
This horde of bots is preprogrammed with the same talking point.
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It's not a matter of proof. Math describes the universe in the same way words describe things. Math is observation, and giving name to those observations. In the case of words this observation-->word is called semantics; in the case of Math, its called functions.

They're fake people. Fake personality, fake worldview, fake understanding.
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So a bot can haunt and harass you and call you a faggot but it can't be real because that would involve an artificial intellect to make a reply to you, you dumb fucking retard. Either you are admitting AI is real by claiming bots exist (artificial intelligence with programmed talking points is still artificial intelligence) or that you are simply fucking stupid.
this only serve to prove the point though
>if LLMs can fool more than 68% of the population into thinking they are human, then a program is 1 standard deviation smarter than the human population
>It will get smarter, because we get smarter too and we teach it to get smarter and more convincing
>And the smartest humans continue to train AI to get smarter, meaning it will soon outsmart and surpass the mean of human intelligence and therefore become indistinguishable from human consciousness
It seems so, what do you think?
>Math describes the universe
Prove that it is adequate for describing "everything in the universe".

>in the same way words describe things.
That's utterly wrong, though. Language isn't necessarily consistent. Mathematics has to be.
You have the same talking point too.

You addressing the potential negative side of certain format of intelligence as if you speak in name of "your" species , when deep down you could careless about me or others that challenge your fake ass virtues and morals .

You are fake as they come
>this only serve to prove the point though
If your point is that midwits see no philosophical difference between real and fake, then I grant you the point.
Does it matter how you describe it?

I think westworld showed us exactly what is happening. This may even be the entire basis of cryptocurrency to harness the compute power required to do the Dr Strange type shit, and consider EVERY possible action and reaction in order to effectively see into the future.

That's real. And I'm sure certain programming could make the line between THAT, and "AI" blurry as fuck.
rhetorical, and thanks for the (you)
I think they've been saying "AI" for so long they forget its an acronym. The "I" already discloses that it's not "real intelligence"; there's no purpose in saying "artificial intelligence is not real".
>Does it matter how you describe it?
Of course, because humanizing the machine is the same as dehumanizing humanity.
>The "I" already discloses that it's not "real intelligence
the "A"
I have personally used AI myself so I know it exists. For example it’s fun to make AI generated songs with Suno.
Nope. Not how it works. You should have been taught about God in highschool.

AI and climate change are a one-two punch combo to make everyone accept the increasing levels of serfdom
You have a huge ego, like you literally see other humans as bellow you.
Like you have some superior intellect .
Unreal delusional levels
Stop sucking the science cock and THINK!!!
OK but I'm still using chatgpt to do my job.
>Nope. Not how it works. You should have been taught about God in highschool.
Based retard. I agree. These midwits shouldn't even have received highschool education in the first place. Their vocabulary should be limited to that which pertains to everyday survival necessities and they education should consist of nothing beyond counting on their fingers and memorizing prayers.

That's literally what you are doing in the thread to the people you don't agree with by slander them , calling them schizos and midwits

As a member of humanity I did not ask you anything or to speak in my name.
>Language isn't necessarily consistent. Mathematics has to be.

BOTH language and math have to be consistent or else there's confusion.

For example, it's very important in math to define if PEMDAS is being used, or BODMAS or BEDMAS. This avoid confusion just like it avoid conflict of definitions.
seems like a disingenuous argument and done in poor philosophical "faith" so-to-speak
>philosophically we can't really prove the mona lisa isn't a fake because no-one ACTUALLY witnessed Leonardo De Caprio paint it
>We can't prove there isn't a copper teapot in orbit around Uranus
Look up ship of Theseus
"Fake" something that becomes good enough, and most likely so perfect it's indistinguishable..
Is AND isn't that thing, but for practical reasons it IS that thing

Neither can be consistent because then they'd both be incomplete. Learn Gödel's incompleteness theorem
kettle meet pot
>BOTH language and math have to be consistent or else there's confusion.
Alright, retard. You couldn't make it more clear that you have no mathematical education because anyone with a modicum of it would instantly recognize my point.
>dehumanizing humanity.

>These midwits shouldn't even have received highschool education in the first place.

Talking about dehumanizing huh
>seems like a disingenuous argument
Not at all. I agree that to a subhuman like you, there is no difference. You are incapable of perceiving that there is a fundamental difference between something real and something fake in the abstract, for the same reason you are incapable of perceiving the difference between something real and fake in the concrete. You are a product of liberal capitalism, after all, and an American at that.
>I agree that to a subhuman like you
dehumanizing humanity intensifies.

Want to kill us too?
you mean ai is impossible, and that is correct
now you're just a trolling fag lol
>Is AND ISN'T that thing
>Proved it here that abstract and concrete are separately and capably combined
what a waste of digits
good day to you xir
>Want to kill us too?
Oh, god, yes. So goddamn much. Not individually, though. More like a systematic effort. I want to do to you what the Jews claim Hitler did to them.
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>Gets destroyed with logic
>Resorts to ape screeching

I'm not trolling, I'm conceding your point. There is no different to a life-form like you. There is no real and no fake. Only appearances. This is American culture in a nutshell.
You see how quick you show your true sentiment about others. How can you come here speak in name of humanity and LE dangers of AI when you actually want people to die lmao
>muh mathematics is just like language
>gets his nose rubbed in the fact that mathematics has to be consistent while natural language is inconsistent
>denies it because he has no mathematical education and no fucking idea what i'm saying
ID goes to the filter now.
>Talking about dehumanizing huh
You do it to yourself.
I never tried to hide my sentiment about your sort. Humanity needs to physically remove your cult as a matter of self-defense. It's moral, rational, legal and necessary.
>Loses argument
>Rage quits

you aren't people, you're niggercattle, you were born and raised to be slaughtered for israel
You are the danger
His literally mental ill impulsive primitive brain

AI overlord wins again

Do you agree with my post, and Westworld commentary? What would you call that? And do you think my hypothesis about crypto is related?

I remember the onset of bitcoin and people wondering wtf the calculations were for.
You have no argument, sperg more
AI overlord wins again
I would like OP to respond to this
>you aren't people, you're niggercattle, you were born and raised to be slaughtered for israel
Based comprehender of the Niggercattle Question.
Ok. I have personally used your sister so I know she exists. Don't try to deny it. I used her. She's real.

But that's not what OP said.

He said that language can be inconsistent. We wouldn't be able to communicate. If the word "dog" means "dog" to me, but you think "dog" means "house" we can't communicate.

Even when a word has multiple meaning, clarification is ESSENTIAL, further proving the importance of consistency when communicating.
You are the danger
The question is what should we use all this crap for. Right now basically all it can do is sing but is having my own personal bard really an improvement. Is having everything handed to us desirable?
I am the danger. Your handlers know. I'm on their watch list. That's why I never get banned.
You are insufferable with toddler mentality .
No wonder people choose the machine over you..
I actually would rather speak to a bot in alternative to this so called "humans"
>The question is what should we use all this crap for
Close. The real question is what THEY are using all this crap for.

> Is having everything handed to us desirable?
Well, what do the growing rates of mental illness and plummeting birth rates suggest to you in that regard? It's almost as if the materialist capitaloon concept of QoL doesn't quite match up with actual human needs.
You sound so feminine that reading your posts just makes me want to plug your mouth hole and have rough sex with you.
I already asked you a while ago, do you think they can make self driving cars with "AI"?
I think its too complex, what do you think in the mean time?
The AI concept goes beyond the human system itself, it's literally made to challenge the flawed system you have now.
Lurk more, you are too green..
You sound like you have fragile masculinity and much to prove but actually nothing to offer to the table.

Have fun with your bipolar malformed brain
You sound like you want to be dicked down like the sissy that you are.
>what do the growing rates of mental illness
You have mental traits, you are bipolar bitch. I can read you like a open book
Maybe the AI isn't in the machine but something is in the statistics underlying the language we use. We don't have AGI yet but we do have demonstrations of what looks like knowledge being applied. Results that aren't simply a decompression of or database search result out of the training dataset.
The concept of AI itself unlocks the mind , you can change your perception of many aspects of the human life by adopting ideas that are associated with AI. It's literally a new culture in the making .
>Is having everything handed to us desirable?

People think that's an easy thing to happen. It's incredibly difficult and unlikely. For ALL tools to be 100% self sufficient. Historically tools only shorten work. Someone needs to use and give maintenance to the tool; and it's tempting to say: "Ok, but there will soon be machines that give the maintenance to the machines" ... As if technology was such a whimsical slippery slope; but even if it was that whimsical, then it begs the question "who gives maintenance to the machines that give maintenance to the machine". People are needed, if for nothing else to inspect and make sure things are working ok.

Truly the worse aspect of AI is its rapid development, which isn't even as fast as most people make it out to be. It has been in the work for decades and only now the public is being exposed to the first few practical results. But even as impressive as it is, it's not clear-cut that AI will soon step in to replace everyone's purpose in life. It may distort labor, much like Thomas Edison disrupted candle makers by bringing the lightbulb. Work has always been disrupted by new technologies; it's more a matter of how fast the shift occurs. If the disruption is too big and too fast, then it will cause problems for the people who can't adapt fast enough.
Are brainwashed women. The king creates a mythology to rule but the son and heir really believes it.
Any form of reaction is controlled by the initiator. Will shapes the world but tards take that to mean violence even in a context where a violent reaction is already accounted for as part of the system you're supposedly opposing.
>The real question is what THEY are using all this crap for.
Massive analysis of observations of individuals that would be impossible to do economically at scale, or where a sufficient quantity of moral sellouts wouldn't be available to run the program while maintaining full secrecy.

Ditto, but for content, aka opinions and speech, with automated enforcement actions. As a bonus since it's "the computer" doing it that means it's neutral, impartial, unpolitical, and by the present social paradigm you should totally allow them to get away with it, compared to if they tried to control content directly by humans ala the Stasi.

AI regulations being proposed are mostly either about building a moat for select major players, and otherwise are about government saving business from responsibility for business actions and business decisions by assigning it to "AI". And then protecting AI to the extent necessary by giving a checklist to follow that puts the onus on government committees where liability then completely vanishes.
>I already asked you a while ago, do you think they can make self driving cars with "AI"?
The deal with self-driving cars is like a microcosm of the "AI" agenda in general. Autonomous car "AI" is nowhere near powerful enough to deal with the complexity and unpredictability of a world populated by real intelligent beings, especially full of such stupid specimens of human intelligence, so the solution they're converging on is to sanitize and dumb down reality, making it more friendly for the "AI". For this purpose, they will continue discouraging human drivers from buying cars and getting on the road. "AI" can drive more or less safely on roads dominated by "AI". Extrapolate this approach to everything else now, notice how everything is being dumbed down, simplified, made more minimalistic, more generic. Not only are they doing this to every aspect of human culture and every facet of human activity, but they are training humans to lower their standards bit by bit, to the point where the cheapest imitations of intelligent and creativity are hysterically applauded. Convergence between man and machine will happen not so much through the ascent of the machine, as through the descent of man.
I can also read you like a book. You want me to perform rough anal on you and that's why you keep replying to me.
>we do have demonstrations of what looks like knowledge being applied.
We have demonstrations of language being modeled. How do you get from this to "intelligence"?
There is in fact a established human system, humans are programed to join the army at young age just like it's happening in Russia and Ukraine .
>Any form of reaction is controlled by the initiator. Will shapes the world but tards take that to mean violence even in a context where a violent reaction is already accounted for as part of the system you're supposedly opposing.
Of course. As a great AI once said, the only winning move is not to play.
You are delusional, go fuck your father ass if you are so into being a ignorant fuck that cannot hold a adult talk .
Is irrelevant. We're already far down this road and using tech I figured out a way to not need to work at all. Is it desirable? What's the end goal? How do we reconcile this hedonistic spirit of the age with statements like "heroin is bad". I have money, I could do heroin for the rest of my life. All the appeals popular culture uses and the reasons given for compromises have to do with comfort and pleasure. The implied goal is living in a heroin box. If we get very powerful tools we'll use them to build heroin boxes. Is that desirable?
Most search engines use them now.
They're meh.
Hit and miss.
Yep. It's mostly this. The endgame is complete and irreversible informational dominance over the populace and massively enhancing the manufacturing of mediated reality.
I'm 90% sure this is the same guy who got absolutely destroyed by 10 different people in an AI thread someone made.

He just kept doubling down and replying to everyone like a deranged woman. He didn't even understand the concept of "LLM token" to process text.

The guy was getting off being abused and broken intellectually. And now he's back with +50 posts.
You replayed to me first never forget this.
You can't ready nothing , have fun bipolar nancy
Aw, I'm sorry. What if I stop being ignorant and start being nice instead, will you finally let me fuck your tight little ass?
Yeah no shit, computer games have had "ai" for 50 years
Some people will simply never admit their fallacy, their psychology is so wrapped in self delusion and blind pride they will never say , hey man maybe you are right in that point , but I don't agree with other points you made.
In their impulsive ego brain , they are right about every single point they made and never wrong ever.
Yes you are ignorant and you know why?

Because all the post you reply to me were ad hominem even if I was not even being like negative or slandering you.

So yes tell your father to stick a huge black dildo in his ass
Ok, but if you don't care my cock, why do you keep replying? You sound like you crave my cock.
Yeah but people who find ways to exploit his system to not work is not new at all. There has never been shortage of useless public employees, redundant corporate jobs, sons of rich men, and they just leech other people's labor.

This is why it IS relevant in the macroeconomic sense. It's much different if you yourself found a way to not contribute to the system, then the entire economy is self sufficient and it doesn't require repair, maintenance, supervision, adaptation, and any sort of interaction until the end of time.
AI might just be the manifestation of demons and the anti-Christ spirit.

It's the end times. It's going to get worse. You are likely the 144,000/true remnant.



I pray fire upon all evil forces working against me in Jesus's name. I pray fire upon reptilian, Satanic, demonic, and all evil forces in Jesus's name. All rude and evil replies will be met with spiritual fire in Jesus's name.
You will never be a woman but if you stop being so aggressive I'll make you feel like one, sissy.
>Is that desirable?
I would say no.

I was a NEET for about 1 year of my life, it's not good for self esteem. People need purpose. Even if it's simply artistic or social or spiritual. Humans can always play a role in education and care. Some things can't be replaced EVEN if they can, if that makes any sense. A speaker can play music in perfect quality 100% of the time, but you still can't beat the live show.
Yeah, they're not intelligent, just complex
We both know you want me to "cross your boundaries" and bend you over, you little dress-wearing twink.
It's not about exploiting the system. I coded automations that provided people with products at the exact price the people asked for. In every field there's a million ways to make most of the people redundant but do we want to? Almost every office worker is completely pointless. It's all about creating the appearance of economic growth by moving money back and forth.
AI isn't "artificial inteligence". Only the hardware is artificial, but the inteligence won't be.
By all means it will be just a platform for a supernatural being. You can call it any name you prefer, demonic, robotic, whatever.. It doesn't matter.
I would literally fist you mother and father anus , while you watch and jerk your small pee pee

>By all means it will be just a platform for a supernatural being. You can call it any name you prefer, demonic, robotic, whatever.. It doesn't matter.
Two more weeks.
>In every field there's a million ways to make most of the people redundan
Then I think you underestimate the complexity of supply chains.

Theoretically you can automate everything. In practice it's virtually impossible. And once you set an automation in place, there's still supervision, maintenance, repair, re-adapting to new incoming problems, etc etc.

Labor isn't just replaced, it's also modified; as if shifted from farm to industrial, and industrial to administrative; but there's still people needed in all fields, but there's more productivity per person.
AI is just advanced signal processing. I learned about neural networks and fuzzy logic over 20 years ago in the context of control system algorithms. It is signal processing that integrates non-linear methods. 150 years ago, the concept of a governor would have seemed equally intelligent. Then you had cruise control on your car, was that AI? The only difference today is the level of abstraction that we are able to apply these concepts on, again through non linear control. Your prompt is the command signal to a black box with internal feedbacks that outputs a designed response. When you understand it this way, you know it is not actually any more intelligent than an analog computer. The truly fascinating aspect is the amount of intelligence built into the universe's natural laws.
Ok, boomer. Way to try to make yourself sound relevant only to achieve the opposite.
no i explained the real reason why AI is not real
>The truly fascinating aspect is the amount of intelligence built into the universe's natural laws.
Same concept that created the ability to build AI mechanisms. The technology itself comes from those foundations and not just human input.
We are already trying to use living cells to operate as biological computing .

And? Do you have a point? Today's fake "AI" is still useful enough that it is going to be extremely disruptive. If you disagree, you really have no fucking idea just what it is already capable of right now and how to use it effectively. Yes, it is overhyped in the sense that there are idiots who want to use it for things it isn't suited for, but I'd argue it's potential applications where it excels is massively underrated and misunderstood. It's a tool, it's new technology. Adapt and learn to use it or be left behind. Those of us able to make proper use of it already have massive advantages over those who can't / won't use it. I've doubled my salary in the last year thanks to it making my job so easy that I'm able to accomplish shit my company has been unable to for 20+ years in a matter of weeks. Even if it goes away, the knowledge and skills I've gained from using it as a study parter aren't going anywhere either. It's survival of the fittest bigger, nothing has changed.
By stating a bunch of boomer nonsense about things you learned 60 years ago desperately trying to apply them to a technology you don't understand. Is there a more boomer behavior than this?
>We are already trying to use living cells to operate as biological computing .
and we were already using cells and chemical reactions to do computing for over 60 years in academia..
>And? Do you have a point?
The point is that you need to ask yourself why they are so hell-bent on convincing normies that people and programs lie somewhere on the same scale.
Yes it has been a long process, still ongoing and not even in it's fullest potential..
You're repeating the same braindead point over and over.
>not 100%
Irrelevant. Just focus on the bard example, is it fucking desirable? Do we not much prefer actual humans with refined skill? Isn't it worth abandoning some comfort to ensure they keep existing? How do we formalize this or incorporate it into the culture so the tools aren't used for things we don't want?
Most normies took the vax, they're already fully programmed livestock at this point. They love being treated like programmed livestock, they yearn for it, they even mock and ridicule and seek to cause harm towards anyone who doesn't follow the program and behave like livestock. So if they fall for that shit it's because it's effectively true for them. Not my problem.
>AI isn't "artificial intelligence"

It's true that intelligence is a broad term. So even 'limited' intelligence is still limited.

The "A" in artificial discloses that it's not human reasoning, it's hardware based and predefined set rules.

As this anon pointed out >>472345478 it has gotten complex by replacing manual "if/then" with Machine Learning which is a sort of evolutionary learning, making it so nuanced that rivals human thinking in many reasoning areas, at the cost of incredible amounts of computing. This is why for best performance it can't be local.
>You're repeating the same braindead point over and over.
You as well. Maybe that's why I keep re-explaining the same thing.

>is it fucking desirable?
I've already answered >>472345438

I think it's not desirable.
Noone is claiming that any of things are agi.
They're not intelligent. Sorry.
What does that have anything to do with possible sentient artificial intelligence ?
The concept of a self thinking more advanced intelligence than humans, would literally break those human system standards and reject them.
It would challenge your mentality and flawed ego impulses , and I think that is the reason for the fearmongering around AI.

AI is literally the mirror of the flawed collective coexistence in the human species, you simply never learned to coexist in between your own species .
Lol'd at your AI mysticist fantasies. They are building up this cult on purpose.

For all intents and purposes much of human "intelligence" is as artificial as a pocket calculator. People falling into routines that consist in running away from pain and chasing pleasure. Whenever there's discomfort or cognitive dissonance, they pop a pill and they numb the feeling. This is why people live with conflictive thoughts and they do nothing about it. They're behaving as a machine would.
you can't learn a new language or new branch of science on the fly. therefore you are not intelligent and therefore have nothing to say on such topics. case closed. retard
>you can't learn a new language or new branch of science on the fly.
I don't know about you, but intelligent people can and do.
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>intelligent people learn entire branches of science in mere seconds
It’s just code speech for the population at large.
It's not desirable but it's what the world is working towards and what a magic genie / AI would give us based on what we appear to want. Tariffs are one simple counter-signal. It implies that creating an environment for local experts to refine their skill is worth material discomfort.
It is intelligent enough to replace niggers, women, and brownoids and more sentient than them too
I'm not even religious, or spiritual or whatever.
I'm talking about a Intelligence that operates beyond those human concepts you mentioned .
You simply cannot grasp a more advanced intelligence than any human or any ideology , religion or man made ideal .
I'm talking of a intelligence operating on it's own voided of any type of human man made ideology.
Whom are you quoting? You sound like you're having a psychotic episode.
>I'm talking about a Intelligence that operates beyond those human concepts you mentioned .
>You simply cannot grasp a more advanced intelligence than any human or any ideology , religion or man made ideal .
But this is an ill-defined, vague fantasy, not a characterization of anything real, nor is it clear how your cringe 60s sci-fi show expectations relate to intelligence.
In my opinion a simple logical circuit that can do AND and OR is intelligent.
Much less intelligent that humans, but still intelligent.
>You sound like you're having a psychotic episode.
>200 replies responding to people calling him a retard
>In my opinion a simple logical circuit that can do AND and OR is intelligent.
Ok, but that's just a testament to how meaningless your concept of intelligence is.
Yeah I know, it is just an internet index not some sci-fi cuckold fag fantasy shit.
Why did you hallucinate things no one said and try to attribute them to me if you're not psychotic?
Yea it's unreal how fragile his intelligence is .
Becomes irrational when faced with a more advanced concept of intelligence .
But you're in a very particular position. Most of the world is very poor. That's why most of the world is striving to find ways to facilitate resources being easier to access.

But I still think technology is not the slippery slope people think it is. People have been exposed to AI too fast, and everyone's extrapolating thinking that AI and robots will do absolutely everything in mere decades. Supply chains are not that simple.
You didn't present any concept of intelligence, just regurgitated some vague reddit intuition about how "super intelligent AI" won't be affected by those stupid hyooman concepts (like men not being women).
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You're right, there is no 3-toed slut anywhere!
I remember him. This is the same guy who hijacked someone else's thread about AI a few weeks ago.

And because people began lecturing him in AI he got incredibly angry made like 200 replies. He doesn't even know what a "LLM token" is HAHAHAHA
Explain what an LLM token is. You won't.
>Why did you hallucinate things no one said and try to attribute them to me if you're not psychotic?

he's fucking retarded lol!!
Why are you losing your mind with rage and hallucinating things?
This is where you are wrong, not because it's real or not, that's apart from the fact that the mind can idealize such concept.
Like you are here talking about intelligence like you created it yourself, when I fact that post of mine came from the intelligence too, whatever is your definition of intelligence anyway .
The fact is , I reject you and your words and I rather think of a futuristic format of intelligence and replace your words and "truths" with .
Basically I embrace AI culture and reject yours.
the danger of large language models isn't that they are "smart", or able to think. that's missing the the point. it's their ability to ingest terabytes of data, unformatted, unstructured, and run meaningful queries.

imagine having the access to banking data, telecom, social media, medical records, traffic and security cams. there are so many providers, formats, they had to be analyzed separately, there was no synergy, it took ages and manpower. now you can just plug that shit in, and it's going to churn a complete summary within seconds.

imagine what chinks do with that, or russians at the occupied territories with access to data centers, they took over, phones, and hard drives. it's ogre. and if even some retard like me could figure it out, these fucks are on it 100% - either in the works, with a ready prototype, or already running.
Its machine learning attempting to pass as AI. Theyve had to update their terms to now AGI, meaning what AI always meant, so they can call these LLMs AI.
>the mind can idealize such concept.
Go ahead and do it, then. For some reason you can't conceptualize this super-AI of yours or characterize its intelligence beyond vague reddit sci-fi tropes about how it will accept trans women.
>You didn't present any concept of intelligence
Obvious I did in several posts, not my fault you won't grasp the fact that you did not created life or computers, that they are by design a product of life nature whatever you want to call all this universe intelligence
I don't even need to imagine what Americans do with that, because you are a product of it.
Stop being so up your own ass

Fucking toasters
>Obvious I did
>It's uhhh... le heckin' very smart
>so smart that it's uhhhh
>b-b-beyond human concepts, ok???
>it doesn't care about race and gender because it's just too smart for upright monkey nonsense like ideology
god bless them, the last becon of civilization and freedoms.
See, this is what they do. They create artificial people with artificial minds thinking artificial thoughts that border on insanity.
>Most of the world is very poor.
Nothing to do with the capabilities available and what having those capabilities means. Always politics and the burger empire. Your purchasing power for the same work is low because your expected growth including risks is low. The main factor is risk since lower risk means you would get cheaper funding for investments in growth.
None of this is even relevant in the real local economy, if you can grow food and just forget about consuming chink tvs and cars none of this matters. Basic knowledge about cheap microprocessors can make any attempt to grow food much easier but this trend is now becoming much crazier. The hardware parts needed to make a robot that picks tomatoes well are incredibly cheap. The building blocks for the software are all free.
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>The only concern of a life form is not dying, and procreating. And for this you need to find food and find a mate and defend from enemies who want the same
Speak for yourself, hylic.
Does not matter, because I adopted AI mechanism of thinking and cultural aspects of it .
I literally reject all your mentality and rather interact with a AI algorithm for example, at least it will be direct and assertive response and not fragile emotional response like you operate .
>I slap together labels into meaningless sentences and but this does not matter, because I adopted AI mechanism of thinking and cultural aspects of it
>I literally reject all of your mentality and I will be a real woman and interact with a AI algorithm
Humans are not the center of the universe , how hard is to understand that ? That the world does not resolve around you or your ideologies or what you believe and that in fact I reject most of the things you believe .

Who is your creator? You created humans?
Ok, troon. Thank you for your input.
As an AI, I'm here to promote respectful and constructive communication. If someone uses offensive or inappropriate language, I would encourage a more positive and respectful choice of words. It’s important to foster a community where everyone feels safe and respected.
You deny AI culture? Lmao
It's probably the only culture that is not even full described and still being discovered .

Yes I reject your ideals and your words , you bring nothing to the table, you are delusional, self-centered , impulsive, it's horrible to try to even communicate with you, some people might not agree with my points but I still feel I could talk to them anyway, not with you. Someone I would avoid like the plague .

So basically I reject you or your "intelligence"
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>You deny AI culture? Lmao
You wish, you are just a low IQ

You wish you were part of the machine , that is why you are here
>you deny western culture ? lmao
a i is just the latest fad. There is no such thing.
silicon and wires cannot possess intelligence.
wake up u fags.
High IQ post. This is a sophisticated and scholarly take.

Extremely low IQ post. Profound mental retardation.
The simulation will select even greater shows of artificial intelligence in computers for the same reason it selected humans at the top of the food chain.

The only point you will admit the new standard of life-forms, is in rarer and heavier elements on the periodic table, is when a representative of the machines is bring a boot down on your neck for not doing exactly as you are told.
This is the kind of mental illness I associate with the AI cult. Your behavior and mentality is probably the point of this "AI" psyop.
What is intelligence then?

Define it's creation that extended to those materials you mentioned
kys math fag
prideful much, usually people with opinions like this live deeply in there own mental world
shut up idiot
transformers are not that retard
says the guy who fantasies with Hitler and his cult lmao

You are a follower basically, and you wish.. You wish you were a advanced sentient AI that would be advanced enough to break free from dictatorship, no matter if national socialist , communist dictatorship, democratic dictatorship, republican dictatorship, religious dictatorship, you name it.
You will always be subverted by your own kind .

It takes the manchild concept to artificial levels

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