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It's time for a Japanese style fat tax
Disgusting fat pig this is a result of hoeflation.
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>Pickle Ranch Pizza
Why isn't is deep fried?
>you have to pay more for things you like because fatties are killing themselves
nice try corpos
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These people who video themselves eating in public need to die.
And she's a mudshark as well! The memes make themselves.
It's about taxing people for being obese.
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There needs to be a carbohydrate tax. Make carbs $20/lb and the entire country will drop 15-20bmi points in a year, diabetes diagnosis will plummet by the millions.
>It's time for a Japanese style fat tax
Or maybe deny healthcare to fat people? Budget savings would be enormous (probably over half of medical conditions for people over 45 are due to eating too much their entire lives). It would also force fatties to lose weight (financial incentives, punitive and otherwise, work).
How and why people can get this fat? I just get a few pounds overweight and start feeling horrible, get severe acne, turn mentally unstable and walking feels like hell, it's like being fit was my bare minimum to feel human.
It's like watching someone committing suicide.
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Well bros

I want to punch this fat pig bitch in the face.
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>fat tax
It's fake news though.
There are many fake news about Japan on the net. I'm tired.
Yes jewkraine and isntreal needs more money
>deny healthcare to fat people
in america? gl with that buddy XD
why not just do both? Their fat asses need more space on public transit, they wear out elevators and pavements at increased speeds, they need more cooling, not even to mention the absolutely obscene waste of food, it be better of being used to generate electricity or biodiesel.
I could eat the pickle ranch pizza slice and the giant corn dog and then I'd barf after that and I'm 6'2 and 180 pounds.
Skelly, you’re basically a twig.
You should be forced to weigh in at an accountant and that should be forwarded to the IRS. Those at a healthy weight should get taxed less than those overweight or obese.
Bro I'm 5'9 180 what are you doing
I wonder.
>what's the point of tasting food when you can just gobble pounds of it
mutts don't enjoy food anymore they enjoy fat and sugar.
take that thing to india
No fat tax on women
You think these people are human?
imagine the amount of shit running through this beast daily
How the hell can you eat all that?
I'll be almost full with that single slice of pizza she first ate.
I bet her shits are like opening the sediment pipe under a dam
Imagine how much of it gets stuck in her bottom folds.
My gf is about the same size she's poops twice a day like normal person but is usually on the toilet for over half an hour
All I can picture is world of war craft cartman shitting violently into a bucket
I didn't know Nicocado went trans.
imagine the brap smells
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>captcha: 0W WHY
If I had my way and was supreme uber dictator or something, I'd force these people into weight loss camps and if that didn't work I'd have them put to death via AA12 firing squads.
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>world of war craft cartman shitting violently into a bucket
>have them put to death
if i was mutt i would be morbidly obese in just few months living in muttland
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Imagine the size of the shit she took after that. This beasts standards for a romantic partner are still so high that 99% of the people here wouldn't qualify.
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This. Fat women can suck dick for hours because they have the jaw strength of a pitt bull due to chewing 24/7.
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Is the endless slop rly worth it tho?
Just be a good chef and she can't resist you.
That's a man
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Only manlets with micro dicks need to go down on women.
ngl fried oreos are pretty good
my bmi is like 20 btw
Or just get a deep fryer and some Twinkies.
It's a strain on infrastructure and public services. Medical rescue can't ambulate a 600 lb fat sack when these animals' organs start failing at 30. Medical transport can barley move these things while they are alive and can still stand for short periods, they have to be treated as freight cargo to get anywhere besides the bed or kitchen table. They can't fit in coffins or gravesites and they are know to blow up crematoriums form all the condensed saturate grease melting into the equipment.
There at least need to be some sort of mass grave that they be bulldozed in as they complete their short lifecycles.
Oh nice, never had that before. Will try soon
What kind of person besides clown people choose to be fat in a world with Ozempic?
The ladies must love you, tyrone
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This is where our taxes go.
Having one fried oreo at an event once or twine a year is fine for most people. When it's the 5th course of your 20,000 calorie carnival sideshow tasting menu lunch, and you eat like that every day, then you have a problem.
The best part is all ozempic does is make you not want to eat. These fatties don't even have to change what they eat or exercise, they just have to put the fork down.
i dont wanna fuck her but watching her eat is kinda hot.
gunshot to the head of anyone with a bmi > 22.5 and a non flat stomach
>The Obesity Crisis
It is mostly due to all the estogen and prolactin in the fast food. It's also why fast foods scumbags are always so bitchy and moody. They don't even know themselves at all.
Half of that food didn't even look good. I get going to the county fair to try the crazy weird food, but she ate a plain burger with no toppings. ffs
Eating to me is such a waste of time, annoyingly so. I'll never understand fat people
A month supply of ozempic cots as much as a month supply of goyslop. They would rather be fat. Most fatties are still ugly and undesirable without the bulk and excess, the food is their only comfort and companion in life.
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Many of them do. I don't care to ask them all.
look at what the bitch ate at the fair
and that's just at the fair mind you, that isn't all she's eating in one day
they eat like that every day too
imagine the sounds
Is ozempic going to turn out to be like all those other miracle weight loss drugs which end up giving people strokes or exploding their hearts?
Anyway other than cotton candy or a caramel or candied apple I generally don't eat any carnival food because none of these concession stands ever change their oil

Fat women always try to act extra quirky to make up for their lack of physical beauty. Weird clothes, colored hair, lots of makeup, ANYTHING but diet and exercise to change herself for the better.
I would vomit after eating such a meal; that said a fat pig might be able to stomach such a meal; not a suggestion. but if you muricans eva feel too fat, just remember there's this bitch willing to eat a deep fried oreo.

I'd eat it if I was drunk enough, but I would feel awful for a week afterward and probably wouldn't eat anything and wind up losing weight!
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>pickle ranch pizza
From a strictly economic perspective, how can you even afford to eat that much every day,
those HR paychecks have to go somewhere anon
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I almost ate sweets for breakfast but I instead continued my keto diet and had beef jerky
I was replacing the protein I needed from lifting with tasty sweets and coffee for breakfast and got up above 20% bodyfat. Honestly cardio and eating less is the only way to burn it off.
who let that pig outta the pen?
fat people make me physically cringe
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We need to change the music people listen to and stop putting fluoride in the water
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And then you get to fuck it.
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Does she clean the yeast and dead skin from her fat folds properly?
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Women should go back to wearing corsets so their booba will be big while their waist is smol, or just get lipo in the stomach. Or just inject fat into their tits
>what I ate at the fair
>my plapjak’s paycheck

A fried Oreo isn't even worth it, there's nothing special about it if you've ever been curious. If you want to try greasy fried sweets at a carnival get one of those fried candy bars instead, they're better.
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I dont care if people want to eat themselves to death, it just sucks for the people who have to clean up their mess when theyre dead. Imagine trying to remove a 600 pound corpse?
This or funnel cakes. Sometime I even make them at home. Before anyone calls me fat I'm 160 5'10. Fat people disgust me.
In my experience, they don't ask for it unless you're in a relationship, and some still don't.
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Yank women are repulsive
And I'd try one of those pickle pizzas too
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Imagine being so fat and stinky that you just know not to ask your significant other to put their face near your holes.
I been doing a low carb diet for the last 5 days for the first time and yesterday I decided to buy 3 slices of pizza.

God damn you can feel the difference immediately.
When you eat low carbs you can actually feel your body take use of that food you put in immediately, when I had the 3 slices I could feel half the energy of that shit is being used just to process it.

I think I am going to go in to a keto style diet, I never even care about all that shit but once you try it is like a huge eye opener, the only problem I have is how expensive it is to create or buy bread like things to pass the meat and stuff your eating and you need something like that for fiber but I also realized you need less of that stuff so it kind of balances.

I am going it Bros,I am losing the pounds and that's that
I eat between 1300 and 1500 calories a day and don't think I could finish this slop in a week. Can't imagine consuming so much seed oils.
> Fried Oreo

... Wtf ?! Why ?
They're clean and don't smell, they're just extremely insecure and self-conscious.
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>Yank women are repulsive
How does one even get that fat?
I know people here with diabetes and people who live of candy, some even get chubby.
But I have only seen one person who was "US fat", and he knew it was bad. (In his case it was genes mainly and he had a lot of diseases even as a child like really bad diabetes and other shit). I think he died before 35.

Fat shaming and slut shaming is the way of the future.
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I don’t believe you.
>They're clean and don't smell
Even if they meticulously wash their creases, there's just a hormonal/dietary thing with obese women that makes them stink in a repulsive way. Like anti-pheromones.
he honestly looks happier this way. good on him
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Because American culture negrofied negrofied culture glorifies fat&thick women hence why yank women think they hot shit because niggers glorifies them
I’d be on board with that idea if the US got a form of universal healthcare.
I feel bad for her toilet
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Put a 500% tax on sugar, grains and junk food.
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don't feel bad for me. i'm in heaven
Grains can cause arthritis flare up in some people
Eating pussy is for pussies.
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This you too, anon?
Simping doesn't get you laid.
It gets you used and abused by the Bianca Devinses of the world.
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We need to tax skinny people. Skinny people not eating alot means that they aren't utilizing more of their spending towards the food industries. Because of this the food industries cannot grow as fast as they could. Everybody who is qualified as skinny should be hit with a tax where the money then goes to all levels of the supply chain for the food industry in the form as subsidies.
90% of restaurants need to go out of business.
Eye candy slop and that's a man
People who get that big in the US are a lot more sedentary than Europeans because of our heavier reliance on cars, and of course our world renowned goy slop shit food.

Combine shit food with a car as the sole means of transportation, and an office job that typically has way longer work hours than of that in Europe that also doesn’t require people to walk more than a couple hundred steps a day, and you’ll easily see how that’s a recipe for disaster.

I imagine that the people you know who eat shit food don’t get “US big” because it’s much harder in Europe to just sit your fat ass in a car and go anywhere you want. It’s also harder to become reliant on McGoyslop in Europe since healthier options are more readily available, and as of lately are actually becoming the cheaper option. Those small corner shops and vendors selling fresh goods that you have in European countries are virtually unheard of for 90% of Americans.

If you go to a more urbanized area in the US where people tend to do more walking and where there’s places to go shopping that aren’t WalMart, you won’t see nearly as many lardasses.
Carbs and goyslop are cheap.

When I used to work food service jobs to pay my rent, I studied the customers. BIG FAT TUBS OF FUCKING LARD would typically order enough food to feed one, possibly two whole families and...get this...a small diet soda. As if a fucking small diet soda would make them lose weight or the mere word diet meant they were on a fucking glorious diet path to skinnydom.

Skinny and fit people might order a regular meal, if even that. Many would just order a kids' meal.

It was like that at every goyslop shithole I ever worked at.

Had a friend who was fat. She had glorious tits and was proportional, so it weirdly looked good on her, because she had one of those bizarre fit and fat bodies. She would eat that bisquits and sausage gravy crap. Enough to feed a small army. Only fat chick I ever thought was hot. Sadly she got gastric bypass and got skinny. She likely had surgery for the skin flaps, because she didn't have any.

I liked her better fat. She looked like a natural blue eyed, pale blonde viking goddess with the biggest tits I'd ever seen. Bigger than Rachel Aldana's.
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>I am going it Bros,I am losing the pounds and that's that
Just make sure to get the salads and good quality meat.
>if the US got a form of universal healthcare.
You can't have it and never will.
Your population is too unhealthy.
And your government agencies, healthcare industry and food conglomerates are too corrupt and want you permanently sick.

It's sick.
>Combine shit food with a car as the sole means of transportation, and an office job that typically has way longer work hours than of that in Europe that also doesn’t require people to walk more than a couple hundred steps a day, and you’ll easily see how that’s a recipe for disaster.
Yeah. I feel for you bro.
I'm happy I don't live in muttistan as I would probably become too radicalized for civilized society quite rapidly.
Wish you all the best.
>the tram had some seats that
>I would easily fit in, but THEY PUT A POLE IN FRONT OF IT!

D-don't d-do this to us...
I want to judge but can’t. I work 60 hours a week swing shift twice a week. 3 days, off a day two nights off a day. I’ve been eating nothing but gas station food and I feel like shit.
I have no time to cook. I might end up getting an extra freezer and meal prepping or trying freshly or factor with delivered meals. My area has terrible food availability. Dollar general and watered down rural chains with nothing but processed shit.
She is very clean and always smells like peppermint
How many calories is all that shit.

And why do they call it "fry" - what it's a single chip is it?
>end up giving people strokes or exploding their hearts?
I wouldn't be surprised but then again being obese does that to you anyway.
>Get active, over there!
Imagine being told by a hambeast that you need to be more active.
I just want to apologize to yurobros for this landwhale's intrusion. I wish something could be done about it, but sadly there isn't.
it started with donuts and funnel cakes and then one day someone threw a cookie or a candy bar in the oil and the deep fried arms race kicked off
Show her dying & ozempic.
Can you imagine the size of her dumps.
The stench of her BRAAAAAAAPs
>How do you bulk and cut like that anon
>I tell them
>I do that and it doesn't work
>No you don't
>how do you know
>you'd remember suffering, you'd get so used to being hungry that stomach pains barely registered
>well how can you tough it out then?
>I'm autistic
>people like you made pain a constant part of life
>guy leaves with an incredulous expression
>fat fuck weighs 300 lbs and was a popular normie as a teenager
Bro you just killed all the fertile and pregnant women
don't respond to georges soros. hide posts
Meal prepping exists you absolute waste of space
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You can thank Bill and Boomhauer.
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>eating anything at a fair
Couldn’t have been me
plap plap plap plap
>twice a day
>like a normal person
Dude… Every other day, or once per day from time to time is normal, twice a day is not normal at all.
Right before she gets on a rollercoaster
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Imagine the log.
Bet she's using toothpaste as lotion
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>just went on her tiktok
Guess the race of her boyfriend. Take a wild guess.
So that's why she's eating so much. She's eating for a future NFL player!
Believe it or not it's the same exact 100% identical reason you get full. Blood sugar. That's all it is and whats doing all if it. Takes up to 3 days to break and get to something approaching your normal level. Which can be excruciating to do. But then it typically just get turned off or whatever exactly like a light switch.
Damn she must be rich. The food at fairs is so expensive. That red corn dog alone was probably 15$. I usually only have enough for one thing to eat and we all share a refillable lemonade
I'll bet he's a white Chad and not niggerly at all!

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