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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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During the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the Pajeet army minister ordered the Leaf army to save Afghan jeets instead of Canadian citizens. This was after the guy already lied about being deployed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. He scammed Canada twice as a minister already (that we know of)
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Sad. Enjoy your globohomo, ywds
So what if Indians are coming to your country? They’re good people. Sense of humour, honest, hard working, family oriented. The whole world is being colonised by global homogenisation - at least your new neighbors are decent to be around.
How didn't they expect such an outcome. Whites have been so completely demonized since the end of World War II that to think anyone, especially a non white, wouldn't make such a choice is just willful blindness. And if a few members of the white good goy establishment really didn't see this coming, they need to pull their heads out of their asses and take a look at the violent dark world their rectum gazing has created.
BOOO HOOO get over it
Lol better than savung white canadians. Who do u think caused this countey to go to shit....... its canadians, specifically white females and to a slightly lesser extent the males. So there is no hope for canada. Canadians are the problem
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Good morning saar
Cucknadians lmao
What's even more embarrassing is that the special forces (white) zogbots actually did it???
Kek I know a guy who was there, he told me at some point they just started shooting at random brown people indiscriminately
This. White Canadians voted for this
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Jeets are trash. Fuck off.
Kekfuel pajeets are like lower-iq kikes
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Ok but what are you gonna do about it timmy?
Go back you absolute dog cunt retard
Vote harder
They really did. Specifically ontario and montreal.
"Canadian" citizens.
Fuck, isn't that a consistent laughing point for you clowns?
>they voted for it
>voting doesn't matter at all
pick one
>The whole world is being colonised by global homogenisation
The only true thing you said.
partially true. imagine ignoring 90% of potential hires to ensure you get a 50/50 gender split in government. oh wait
>browns only advocate for themselves
Who knew?
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The goy will do nothing and cry about a science centre
jeets make the kind of ship captains that take a lifeboat all to themselves before their crew members and passengers get off the sinking ship
Bump. Trudeau needs to slip lower in the polls.
treason -- but is that even a crime in canada?
I don't see a problem here - if he's a sikh himself then he'll obviously try to save his own people first. What did cucknadians expect?
Well he sounds like a traitor and should be treated accordingly, but leafs won't do shit.
Great example of how multikulti bullshit just fails utterly. You have an ethnic free for all in Canada with people only advocating for their own. Look at that Alberta jeet MP that wanted to stop the deportation of the humboldt driver.
Also hilarious to note that he's accusing people of racism for the thing he did. It's such cut and dry bullshit.
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I hate shitskins so goddamn much bros
The British invasion of India was a disaster for the white race.
The goy will do absolutely nothing. "Vote them out of office" what a COPE
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At the end of the day ethnicity will always win.
>Sense of humour
>family oriented
Their family members despise each other.
>What did cucknadians expect?
Integrity. Honour. Hopefully some measure of considered thought and intelligence.

For all the bad from the previous Harper government or the Liberal governments before his, they both knew not to shit on key traditions that are part of the bedrock of Westminster parliamentary democracy.

The Trudeau government shits early and often and wipes with your face. Ministerial responsibility means that, at the very minimum, the federal minister merely in charge of a fuck up is demoted or resigns. In Trudeauland it means they put their makeup on, go in front of the cameras, say "I will take full responsibility," and immediately go back to the same top-tier minister position and continue to collect their outsized paycheque.

>treason -- but is that even a crime in canada?
Canada's treason legislation is kind of old and decrepit. It's designed for a world of Great Power wars that no longer exists and isn't able to be applied to most modern circumstances that you could call treason. The closest alternative is some intelligence laws that also may not cover modern real world situations appropriately and aren't even in the criminal code. Canadian politicians, including in the executive, are especially immune from investigation and therefore prosecution, except by Parliament itself. Which never happens.
>and cry about a science centre
I am crying about the blatant corruption as the provincial government pays off its Mafia buddies in exchange for the wedding donations and other gibs received for the greenbelt scam.
You are all Dalits once you leave your homeland.
They're not good people. They're pure evil. Their biological imperative/strategy is to scam and lie and their caste system mentality is something that they will never abandon bc they don't believe in western morality/ethics
Lol u ignorant fool. Ontario and queerbec are sinking the country. They are canada. And its the white ppl in those god forsaken provinces that choose this path. The rest of the country is along for the ride. Enjoy more of the same.....
>vote conservative
Corruption is the name of the game in canada. Again all put into effect by white ppl from ont and que.
we won't do shit
He chickened out. If Harper had successfully replaced Canada's founding myth of Trudeauvian Charter multiculturalism implemented poorly, with the War of 1812, as he was trying to do, maybe things would have turned out differently. Cultural talking points that were allowed to run mostly unopposed in the public sphere from 2015-~2022 might have at least had to address some points of criticism.
>Liberal gas plant scandal.
Look it up on your way back to r3ddit
well the good news is you won't do shit
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>If Harper had successfully replaced Canada's founding myth of Trudeauvian Charter multiculturalism implemented poorly, with the War of 1812, as he was trying to do
Tell me more
>Sense of humour, honest, hard working
Why must you lie?
Ontario organized crime obviously doesn't care too much what colour of tie their business partners wear. And Ontario party leadership of all stripes is all too eager to do that sort of business. The OPP and RCMP are obviously incapable or unwilling to do their jobs to improve the situation.
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you should hate Fraud for locking down the province for 3 years, pushing vaxpasses, mandates and police checkpoints. you should hate him for "welcoming" more and more immigrants and students with no place to live, not for closing a crumbling building before a ceiling panel crushes a school group.
Dizzy cunt faggot its behind a pay wall you fucking cocksmoker
Let this be a lesson when the draft comes.
(You)s you fucking chimp
This guy's a left wing writer, but old school Canadian Left rather than the new hip&popular Left espoused by the likes of Jagmeet Singh and Scotiabank:

>when Stephen Harper finally won a parliamentary majority in 2011, he created an entity called the 1812 Secretariat,
>the hope was that Canada would be able to celebrate its two-hundredth birthday, its bicentennial, on February 17th, 1815, the day on which the War of 1812 ended.
>[Harper] deemed Canada’s foundational values: valour in battle, loyalty to Crown and country, steadfastness in one’s alliances, pride in self-reliance. Harper’s Canada was a partnership among three founding peoples, the French, English and Indigenous who made that partnership real for the first time on the battlefield in the early nineteenth century.

>from 1963 to 1984, the Liberal Party formalized, elaborated and entrenched its values as the values of Canada.
>In 1963, Pearson initiated Canada’s official bilingualism policy
>In 1965, the Maple Leaf was adopted as Canada’s flag, replacing the Union Jack
>In 1967, Pearson dropped all racially based immigration restrictions
>Trudeau followed this with the adopting of official multiculturalism.
>Canada would be a colourblind secular state that nonetheless gave priority to its two founding peoples with respect to language and culture.
>In 1982, by agreement with nine of its ten provinces, Canada officially patriated its constitution, adding a Charter of Rights and Freedoms
>this nationalism did not merely sanctify a set of policies but the process by which policy is made

Harper got comfy with slow incremental conservatism, which would have been fine except for the hundreds of millions of foreign dollars laundered by charities to oppose him and then toss him out.
I think what he means is that voting doesnt matter if the majority are subhuman nigger cattle. you included apparently
Impale all indians.
If Harper wanted to do this why did he import 1.25 million TFWs in his last year?
Canada would be improved in every way if we killed every Jeet in the country overnight. Prove me wrong.
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>le Sikhs are based and not poos meme
Fuck off you unaware retard, no one willingly votes in to have their cities flooded by migrants and social dysfunction on the ballot. They are taken in by the social values of the candidates promising them good healthcare and infrastructure, then they flip the script by flying in villagers from all around the world and pushing them into their schools and neighborhoods.
Pretty much anything I read in the news about his political actions and supposedly nonpartisan decisions made by his top public staffers is terrible so can I choose all of the above?

If a policy is corrupt and terrible for the general public I assume Doug Ford is all for it and so is most of his caucus lest he kick more of them out for opposing his will.

The ceiling panel thing has some legitimacy at its root but then so does anything else if you look at it in the right way. Just think of how wonderful the province's economic activity and GDP will be if you bring in so many people they have to live 8 to a basement in real estate owned by your donors! The financial analysis to close rather than repair looks fudged and rushed and the greenbelt scandal beneficiaries owning the land across the street and the rail expansion to the science centre that will no longer be is a bit too coincidental.
Interesting. Thank you for the read anon.

But never forget a non Canadian designed our 150th logo the night before the contest ended.
He was simply aiming to save future Canadians, which is analogous to a family protecting their children. I see no issues with this and hope that they have joined their Canadian brothers.
After reading this, I wish I could import a million Indians into every ghetto American neighborhood because they would fix this country VERY QUICKLY

As if jeets gave the slightest fuck about Canada or honor.
Not all of us pay for a Globe and Mail subscription, John

>ethics Inquiry
Lmao I doubt it will even be brought up in parliament
I guess we’re just going to have to vote harder next year to try and fix this
Why are canadians not posting fake job offers and room rental ads summoning the horde to the general location where politicians live?
Shut the fuck up up you disgusting poopnigger.
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Took this pic a few days ago during the Stanley cup final. This is another good reminder of how my Canadian citizenship literally means nothing and if I could I'd sell it to a spic or a pajeet.
We aren't that clever, obviously
good morning
>if I could I'd sell it to a spic or a pajeet.
You can...then report it stolen and make a new one, scam the scammers
Jesus Christ, can't someone get Ford some more crack?
that is actual treason, holy shit
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>see Canada thread
>day ruined

I must have deleted my filters again
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Good morning sars, have you pissed on any women today?
lmao, this is what leafs get for loving pajeets so much. Learn race realism really quick or get fucked.
Canada is the fakest nation to ever exist in human history, what the fuck is even a CA-NA-DA, the word itself makes no sense and has no meaning, total made up fake nation. Fucking bunch of queer faggots.
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My daughter just started dating a hindu, they showed me this video of him during a religious pilgrimage in India's holiest city.
I mean considering we have spy groups and shit together; you'd think the U.S would "bring us Democracy" by now with l the fucking treason going on.
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We don't have elections here since the French queerbecers chimped out with mailbox bombs timed for kids walking home from school
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I'm Sikh and tired of this.
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Anybody who is angry about this is a racist.
>Vulrnable sikhs
Nigger they can at least blend in. No way a white person is going to be able to claim he is anything else but American.
These fucking niggers have a stranglehold on our politics for some reason.
White people will never be this ethnocentric, and that will their demise.
Why would I listen to the World Sikh Organization?
They are an organized group. Thats all it takes, really.
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poos cash in their (You)s monthly.
every (You) for a poo is potentially a contribution to funding parasitic activities
Why would you even be a dual US/CAN citizen? Literally every Canadian that attains US citizenship drops their Canadian one instantly so you don't have to pay double goyim tax
>or some reason
That's because Canadians love migrants and pajeets to prove how not racist they are.
He is right
Canadians love Pajeets
Canadians Whites vote for candidates who want to bring in more Pajeets and hate Bernier for being an evil racist
Pajeets vote Poilievre because he loves Pajeets and wants to bring more
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everybody can smell your lies jeet. now begone back to the shitting street! before I shake you! foul demon of feces and rape!
>During the withdrawal of Afghanistan, the Pajeet army minister ordered the Leaf army to save Afghan jeets instead of Canadian citizens. This was after the guy already lied about being deployed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. He scammed Canada twice as a minister already (that we know of)

and he is still alive laughing at you and showing how weak canadians are
Doug Ford seems like the guy who's a retard and doesn't know what to do so he just listens to whatever his staffers tell him to do. And I say this because non of his actions show he has any real convictions or beliefs since his actions regularly conflict with one another.
If he did not wear a turban this wouldnt have happened to begin with.
Imagine taking orders from a shitskin. JFC
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>it's YOUR fault for noticing it and being mad about it
Guess what other special interest group has a stranglehold on our politics? Master and golem, friend.
>Implying Alberta is any different
Albertans love their Pajeets just as much as any Ontarian or frog.
It's funny hearing every commie fuckhead here reee about how evil the conservatives are when they are exactly like the liberals which they love.
>it's YOUR fault for noticing it and being mad about it
This is how these psychopaths' genuinely think.
>tribals are only loyal to their fellow tribals
yes, that's how it works everywhere around the world. orientals back orientals, blacks back blacks, jeets back jeets and so on and so forth. only whites are full of brainwashed anti-white whites
Why hasn't this cunt been sacked yet?
>only whites are full of brainwashed anti-white whites
My own mother believes some random street shitter that doesn't even speak English properly over my own word. Shit is fucked.
Also I can't find the source elsewhere. I want it true, but it can't be confirmed NIGGER
> fall of afghanistan
They make it sound so epic while in truth it was just taliban walking in whild the others run away for some retarded reason. I blame the media for this zero reason for that behavior
Mayne but albertans votes dont count. Everything is decided in ontario and quebec who always vote for more jeets and more pedo politicans. They have proven over and over its what they want. Ontario and quebec are canada. Everyone else are passengers on the white boomer express
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the jeetification of Canada is reaching the terminal stage, the jeetification of America has only just begun
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>but it can't be confirmed NIGGER
lmao, this fucking cope. You just got to look outside to confirm it yourself.
>Mayne but albertans votes dont count.
Doesn't matter, you worship Jeets all the same
Quebec vote BLOC which is anti jeets
The bloc are liberal enablers. Queerbecers vote for the same shit. Just with a more gay smelly twist
No shit rajesh.
Shitskins want to breed with whites because they all know they’re subhuman in every aspect.
Okay retard, you're just anti-french, nothing you say is true
>you're just anti-french
All humans are, shitskin.
Which election? Cite it and give the results.
You get what you fucking allow. Taking from a modern white man is like taking candy from a baby. Rape their women and steal their money they do nothing kek
It doesn’t anymore since you’re a minority within a minority lol
>mutt speaking
He never was a soldier or he never went to Afghanistan?
WTF else is new?
Race is all that matters. Chinks and east Asians know they’ll still be here when white countries collapse into brazil tier retardation while their nuclear facilities and infrastructure collapse because of low skilled low iq subhumans lol
Why do they have a caste system when they all look the same lol
BLOC will import anybody that speaks a a little bit of French to spite English whites.
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We are forced to take in immigrants by Ottawa, might as well take in the ones that speak french, don't want to end up like BC
Nothing will topple this government. Nothing will topple this government. Nothing will topple this government. We live under a king. We live under a king. We live under a king.
>You have an ethnic free for all in Canada with people only advocating for their own
everyone except for white people. we advocate for everyone but our own. theres no fixing this- half of society has been fully and truly brainwashed.
>We live under a king.
Lmao, more like a goblin.
Indians are such ugly creatures that even Africans are making fun of it's disgusting unhygienic culture
Indians are not compatible with western civilization
Lol ahhh the froogy reveals its disgusting form. Yeah like the rest of canada i am anti french, wait u thought the rest of canada liked the frogs? Bahahahha ypurw the same as a jeet to everyone else
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poo fingers typed this
Leafs these days are Pajeets
I dont see the difference
This is exactly what Anglos have been doing to us for hundreds of years dumbass.
Not anymore it isn't.
No one cares what you think, ramshiet.
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Of course the rest of Canada (also known as the ROC) dislike Quebec, since we are still white, they hate that.
Settle down hernadez

Lol french thinks he is white, good one pierre
>race war starts in canada
could you imagine? The stage is set, their parliament knows its the sikhs lol.
You won't do shit.
You can't do shit.
You are nothing but shit.

Verification not required.
This is the multiethnic, multicultural world you wanted.
What the fuck did you expect?
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lol, lmao even
there's literally known traitors working for government right now who took money from enemy nations to cheat in elections and nothing happened
this country is worse than dead
your right, but if you think white canadians are bad, enjoy the fucking indians.

imagine a triage situation where an indian doctor has to choose to save an indian or a non-indian. he will always choose indian regardless of the chances of survival.

indians are not human and are not compatible with humanity.
fuck u pajeet ill rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole
Fuck off. No one voted for this. They voted for WEED LMAO and proportional respresentation. We didn't even get the latter. Everything else has just been shoved down our throats.
Fucking AI. Always too many fingers and nowhere near enough shit.
Ranjeet, you need to go back.
Think about it, people went to the trucker protest not to take down covid restrictions but to fucking party. Now that people are starving to death nobody is doing fuck all because they can't smoke weed and party.
Wrong, you voted for liberals. What do liberals do. Then u voted liberals and ndp. We are getting what quebec and ontario wanted. What old white ppl from ontario are dis satisifed? Like they are after they seem to vote for the worst candidate every single time? No refunds
>. No one voted for this
They did however
>Gee, things are getting worse, should I vote for anybody else?
>Nah, lets double down on communism!

You wont do SHIT
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>did someone say shit?
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none of the sitting parties will go against multiculturalist post-nationalism, in fact they'll call you racist for it. Pierre called Christine Anderson from AFD racist for this exact reason. Mad Max is the only leader who talks about this. so 90% of voters did vote for this.
It will lead to nothing. Politicians have insulated themselves from consequences.
white? lmao you are flooded with pajeets
also, talk to me when you are not a welfare province ruled by imbred pedophiles anymore.
>t ill rip the towel off ur head and use it to wipe my filthy rotten asshole
they like that though, you're just threatening him with a good time
Well, stop crying and do something about it, pussy.
Nothing changes without a few heads on the fenceposts.
Super Sajjan
Listen I know it's a hard pill to swallow, but you need to let them replace you. It will be a net positive for the rest of us.
The nearest white cuck will report you for racism
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I thought Sikhs are based or at least that's what /pol/ told me back in the day
if we have an election (we won't) don't vote for an incumbent MP
"Khali ma!"
Put me in the screencap
>I thought Sikhs are based or at least that's what /pol/ told me back in the day
It was literally a psy-op. Now a days its easier to see with how degenerate rag heads are.
Replacing Canacucks is based at this point, we just need to get rid of amerilards and prison islanders now
>Canadian citizens
All of them are non whites anyway
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>Don't you get it by now
No, no they don't.

wrong. It is the same problem as saying the western world are democracies. If the western world was democracies you definitely would have a point. However, the western world are varying states of republics, not democracies. (specifically the UK, US, and their common law brethren). I would not even allow the term "representative democracy" as it is not only a contradiction in terms but also doesn't functionally work. We as voters do not vote on specific legislation. We do not harangue and comb over every single period and turn of phrase. We elect individuals who have a broad based mandate to act in a manner that we want achieved WHILE ALSO ensuring that our basic needs and interests are met and that the representatives achieve that mandate while not violating the basics.

Every time I hear that argument that the people voted for it I want to strangle the man who makes that phrase. Every time. All it is the same game politically that is being played on you economically. Privatize the wins and socialize the losses. One of the worst things in this republic is calling it a democracy or a representative democracy. If people started calling it a republic these retarded politicians would not be able to hide behind the voting public as the cause for their pain.

We specialize as people in order to create things to benefit all of society. One man cannot be a physicist, a scholar of religion, a boxing champion, a chess grandmaster, a mathmagician, a car mechanic, etc in one lifetime. We specialize and expect accountability and good faith conduct in order to make society function. We have to trust at least to that level or we have no society. I do not blame the victim of a lie for being lied to. I blame the liar. Start blaming liars and hold them accountable.
Meh, if it was China they would have left them all to die. I'll give credit to Rahj for having a soul.
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Perhaps, but I always found it amusing

Unpopular opinion but leafs are based and shouldn't be replaced, least of all by jeets
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You don't fucking understand. Whites did vote for this, they love to destroy everything they know to prove how not racist they are. If Justin wasn't going to win it would be the NDP who are straight up communists who hate white people.
The goy deserve it.
Nothing makes me happier than the fall of Canada. Warned you cunts that even the 5 eyes dont trust you, its more like 4 eyes now.
Your economy is based upon fakery known as derivatives.
You have no gold reserves.
And you have no opposition political party.
Most of all, no canadian actually has any fucking balls to go against what his massa says.

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I have never seen a pajeet in my life
Where the fuck do you live? Yellowknife?
They are infested in fellowknife
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They are no pajeets in Quebec outside of Montreal, which is an anglo city now
i blame white people and im not white.
Christ, and everyone I know still thinks this is perfectly normal
that will change soon. the jeets will learn quebecois and infest quebec too, and fuck your women
>the article without paywall
https://archive Dot ph/Toj6E
get new friends
People are stupid. They are shocked. SHOCKED! That foreign people support their real nation over Canada. It’s obvious that people support their own race, religion, ancient culture over some void like Canada. The Prime minister of our country *literally* brags that we have no national culture. Why would you expect anyone to have some iron clad loyalty to this? Especially when the people have only been here for like 6 months. It’s absolutely absurd that people can be so fucking stupid.
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A real human did not make this post.
I don't know what you're gloating about when you're a mirror image of us. and I don't want to hear about lack of balls from a country where the greatest resistance to covid tyranny was tradies walking around for a couple days.
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yeah it's almost like other groups of people look at Western sensibilities of egalitarianism and think they're a joke
Of course he's going to prioritize his own co-ethnics over his fellow Canadian nationals, that's what his culture told him was important.
I hope everyone is starting to understand that not all cultures are equal, not all cultures are compatible and not all cultures are good.
this particular instance is about religion though, there were afghani christians there he didn't lift a finger to help. he instructed our military to act on advice from a religious NGO trying to get them through immigration (and had already gotten them approved).

>Mr. Sajjan confirmed in a statement Wednesday that he texted the Canadian military about what was happening on the ground based on his conversations with Calgary-based Manmeet Singh Bhullar Foundation, which had arranged to privately sponsor the Afghan Sikhs.
>“I relayed whatever information that the NGO provided about the location and status of these Sikhs to the chain of command"
>at least your new neighbors are decent to be around.



Canadian whites act the same as the sikh dude who did le epic trole n let Canadian citizens get eaten by afghani zombies. Canadian culture is centered around fake hope and pretending.
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Based. Zogbots get dabbed on lmao
case in point:>>472355355
Mmm let the butthurt flow. I love seeing ignorant Canadians try rebuttals.
You do know Australia is much bigger than the east coast.. right?
Better vote for that Turdeau again, I heard he'll do great things!
I can't wait for the unreacted foreign interference report to be released. it'll be very revealing, not just exposing the liberals, but also the conservatives, the other parties, and the senate. shit's about to get crazy here before the next election
your tepid trolling aside, the fact you care about (You)s more than western society collapsing says a lot. a weak commonwealth will more readily fall to china, india and globalism. I hope all our countries pull out of this mess.
I'm just wondering what the LPC will do to prevent it from coming out. last time turdeau called an election to stop the investigation of the Winnipeg biolab incident, I'm thinking that's not an option this time considering their polling.
Those retarded White guilt faggots called me a horrible racist when I told them in multicultural societies each racial group, except White people for (((reasons))), will favor its own over the others with the limited resources of the respective governments they operate in.
Now here's verifiable proof of it. I bet those same White guilt faggots will still call me a horrible racist if I said the same with evidence in tow.
Exterminate all streetshitters.
>They’re good people.
He is ot a poojeet you racist white faggot
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If you thnk that's all governmentjeets are skimming funds for, you are sadly mistaken my goyish friend
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> for some reason.
You fucking faggots produce no children you think it is okay for other nations to be growing past 2 billion while your land goes unused? You are nation of trannsgenders. Enjoy no births
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Wow Canada. Just fucking Wow. Showing the fucking entire planet how to be cucks...
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It seems to me that diversity in this case got hundreds of Canadians killed and was not their strength but their ultimate undoing.
they definitely have some involvement, but based on the redacted report, the liberals seem to be interfered with rather than supporting it; however, how the party responded to it allowed the interference to continue. The conservatives are also definitely involved somehow since in the redacted report, it specifically mentions how both china and India interfered with the conservative leadership race that got Poillievre in power. But he refuses to get security clearance to read the report, which is very suspicious and shows that he can't even handle being responsible for his own party
That's a modest scandal at best.

I know someone who was a barracks bunny and cried rape and got the Gucci life aslong as she kept quiet, currently works a useless .gov job to essentially sign papers as a "trustworthy" person.
Politicians are not immune from citizen justice.
>you must breed like rats
>t. animal lower than a rat
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sorry about your tar and pitchforks supply chain shortage
Saar we are not the troublemakers, we Re come here to be hard worker and not cause trouble. It is not right for you to be of the assuming that we are all troublemakers.
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It's a hold over from the ancient Indo-Aryans. After they left, the poos with diarrhea skin 1 shade lighter decided they were superior to the shit-skins and hijacked the caste system to larp as the Indo-Aryans.
Fucking finally someone understands muh war of 1812 and 'muh burnt down the Whitehouse' meme

It's all fucking conservative propaganda King Boomer and his lackey, traitor of all traitors, Ephealtis himself a better person, Jason Keeney. It's going to be fucking based when Trudeau steals the anti immigrant vote by pointing out who created the TFW program and then playing a clip of Harper bragging.

t. Vimy ridge purist, anyone here after 1967 doesn't fucking belong.
>. But he refuses to get security clearance to read the report, which is very suspicious and shows that he can't even handle being responsible for his own party
I can't believe official liberal talking points are here, on our underwater mongolian basket-weaving forum.

fyi as a former government minister if not as the leader of the opposition he's on the privy council which suffices for any security clearance concerns.
The issue with the report is that it's not from an actual parliamentary committee. JT's staffers created this new thing within the PMO and said that for parliamentarians to sit on it, and for others to read what it produces, they have to agree to conditions under penalty of jailtime.

Mulcair, a former leader of the official opposition, is on the record saying that it would be dumb for someone in that position to handcuff themselves the way the talking points demand. There's no win in it for them and there's no win it in for Canada. The PMO can release the report to anyone under any conditions. If it's really so critical that it be shared they should share it.
I hate how those faggots talk so much then act smug
what an absolute brainlet take that only a nigger would think of
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> But he refuses to get security clearance to read the report, which is very suspicious and shows that he can't even handle being responsible for his own party
This dumb nigger shit won’t fly here.
Answer this: who has sole power to censor any NSICOP report?
Kill your politicians
>i've voted for degeneracy and niggers
>OMG WTF i didn't ask for degeneracy and niggers!!!!
If you want to know why Canada has so many Somali immigrants just ask the Canadian Forces.

>Go on camera saying we ain't killed enough niggers yet.
>PM says these things happen all the time.
>Turns out they actually do!
Fuck off Tommy. Seriously no one is buying you staged "free speech" arrest when you committed immigration fraud. Get the fuck out of Calgary already you cunt.
No, worse.
A fucking Nova Scotian, they seek comp claims, EI, any way to make money without working, and anytime they do work the second they get "their hours" they ask for a layoff.

120k a year to be a useless eater and all you did was be a barracks bunny, some military we have.

>Recruitment booth was 100% white staff.
>pls Saar let me in Saar
>Fuck off Tommy. Seriously no one is buying you staged "free speech" arrest when you committed immigration fraud. Get the fuck out of Calgary already you cunt.
Thread related:
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Saar just because we are doing the rent prices increase and cost of living, and the government gives us free money to displace you economically does not give you the right to judge and treat us all.
We are not the troublemakers.

I'm enjoying how their trying to act tougher, but fail.
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Leaf bros, you don't have the USA Military all around you. Do what must be done. US and UK military will come in and that will wake a shitload of Americans up. Leaf bros, you can start the spark that will ignite a new golden age.
>security clearance
Pierre has security clearance by default as a member of parliament and the privy council. he's declining to request clearance to review the NSICOP document specifically, according to him due to the NDA, but wants it released publicly. let's not spread redditardisms around please. that doesn't mean he or any of his MPs are not also guilty though.
Kill yourself, jew
I voted for ppc before and hopefully I will again. I checked recently and no PPC is running as mp for my riding fuck. I'm just hoping someone signs up. I'm not doing it since I don't want to be labeled as an alt-righter at my workplace but fuck we need ppc in now.
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treason as usual
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>If you want to know why Canada has so many Somali immigrants just ask
its no wonder... just pure coincidence!
Chie is a better wifau.
Harper went on a speaking tour in India after losing the election to brag about opening the doors to mass Indian immigration while lamenting the difficulties ahead to fight push back from "old stock Canadians."
You're so full of shit you might as well be an Indian river.
No, like actually go read about the Somali incident, and how badly they got fucked up by the CAR.

I personally like the story about how they tortured a dude and the whole base had to hear it and they just brushed it off as "Oh those silly Canadians"
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boo hoo
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>geta load of this slumdog
>while lamenting the difficulties ahead to fight push back from "old stock Canadians."
I can honestly say that boomers have never in any way shape or form helped me or gave me actual advice that wasn't a one liner.
When the draft starts take the "anyone over 60" pledge.

Will you die for boomers and Raytheon stock, or will you take the "anyone over 60" pledge?
Collapse shall come with a new power taking place.
I still wont redeem your giftcards, shitskin. I can smell your disgusting animalistic odor through the monitor

South Asian immigrants have ruined Canada and in particular the siks as they are the most uppity towelhead streetshitters. All other immigrant groups are angels compared to those demons.
I think more candidates should appear before the election, they were accepting applications up until a few weeks ago. I even see plebbitors advocating for PPC these days, if people would simply read the platform on their website I bet they would change their minds too. I think the shine needs to wear off Pierre before people come to their senses though.
Put civil war as an option and I might vote .

t actively evading taxes since the kadr payment
You sure do act tough when picking on the most oppressed ethnic group in the world who'd get arrested for doing about you raping their women and stealing their money. What're you gonna do when Officer Zogson isn't there to save you from us, huh?
>voting doesn't matter anymore after we've genocided you LOL
To hell with an ethnostate or deportations; I just want revenge against you evil fucking people.
The fucked thing is everyone I know is so brainwashed they would actually believe whatever pajeets say to their face.,
Good. I did think of running for my riding... I can't do it. I'll just hope someone for my riding will do it for me.
>if people would simply read the platform on their website I bet they would change their minds too.
You don't get it, they are literal nazis for not loving open borders and being against covid lockdowns
As much as I can believe you, anyone got a link?
I was mostly talking about 'conservative' voters who think Pierre is against that stuff when he was silent about it until the polling turned favourable.
We are just doing the needful Saar.
Back in India I am a brain surgeon and astronaut, here in Canada I pour coffee

Canadians are racist.
I knew the son of the guy who defended kadhr. The father isn't a bad guy. He just thought all canadian citizens should be treated equally. It's shitty that kadhr is a shithead and doesn't even thank the guy. Fucker left him in the dust even when his lawyer invited him to live at his place for a couple of months. He didn't care that the lawyer genuinely believed in him.
Sorry, just going to evade taxes and encourage and coach others on doing the same

Where's my 10.5 million dollars for having hurt feelings?
I saw a pajeet selling vegetables on a table down my street two days ago. This world is going insane.
>firangi sperm
wtf? The Star Trek Jews?
They learned well from their kike masters.
Kahr was in Guantanamo bay and wasn't tried as a Canadian citizen. It's not about feeling, but to solidify the precedent that all Canadians should be treated equally regardless of crime or ethnicity. It's just shitty that kadhr is a fucktard in real life.
I just tried applying for a city job and it straight up says they hire people not even in Canada. God I hate this hellhole.
Lmao, even.
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>who think Pierre is against that stuff when he was silent about it until the polling turned favourable
Career politicians are like chameleons
Fuck me, I apologize for everything I say about Filipinos, I'd rather take 10 for every 1 jeet if I had to choose.
Look at you, even in your fantasies you would rather take useless migrants of some sort then not dealing with them at all.
For real, it's not hard to snipe people
Stop typing like a faggot, move, buy a gun or make one. These are your only options. Words don't matter.
Leafs couldn't even grow balls to tell the police to fuck off during the trucker protests.
ESL, "if I had to choose" implies a selection between the options.
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Reminder that racism always wins.
It's an evolutionary strategy that ensures YOUR people survival.
I don’t know why the ruins of nepotism don’t wake people up instead of saying dang I wish it were me. What magic does homeginty add ?
What a cuckold
liberal white canadians are worse than Ultraniggers and Gigajeeters combined.
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I like you, anon. Very intelligent posts. Any chance of Pierre attempting an implementation of the 1812 Secretariat or has that time passed, do you think. I'm in need of a clearpill desu.
lol@niggers vs escalators
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We need to force all new immigrants to learn french so we can send them to quebec.

BlackRock please do this. Thank you.
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The French faggots love to kill themselves off.
Kek, anything else you know about the retard.

It's a wonderful topic to blackpill Canadians and mostly veterans
WRONG. Big bums always wins.
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>video cuts off as soon as he activated go-go gadget tumor arm
why were there canadians in the zog occupied afghanistan?
Reminder that the PM of India was assassinated by her own Sikh bodyguards as revenge for putting down a Sikh rebellion. Sikh's are not "based," they are extremely insular and only concerned with the welfare of their own people no matter where they are.

They weren't White Canadians, they were Afghans with Canadian citizenship
>le canadians, le non-canadians
people. simple as
He did the needful
s/he's had so many men use their thumb and forefinger to pinch her yap shut s/he's got indentations on her jowls lol

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