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you WILL get into the van
You forgot your memeflag Moishe.
What stops these guys from shooting their superiors in the face the very second they are handed a loaded weapon?
They are slave cattle, they know oinkraine is a fake country and they only have any identity by comparing themselves to Russians. But they don't have anything they really believe in to give them courage to do what you describe either.
Probably happens, we just don't know about it.
Who says you’ll get a weapon? Just dig trenches till a drone bombs you.
why are none of these retards carrying a knife or a gun?
Most of them don't get loaded guns until they're on the front. Recently they are literally being blindfolded while being shipped off to the front so they don't actually know where the command is. That way if they surrender or get captured they can't reveal any important info. Slavs have literal "meat battalions" that are used to fill space instead of their actual soldiers.
Honestly an interesting thing to keep tabs on because you already know every single country in the world is taking notes.
you will fight for freedums goyim, or else
I'm a 30+ 100kg+ nearsighted fucker with a bum knee and a foot injury.

I can ruck 20km in battle rattle, shoot to qualification, and function as a team leader, but the MP's don't know that.
i love the vibrant democracy that is ukraine!

but really though, it's crazy how normies have no clue what's happening because the media doesn't portray the reality of ukraine. it's a good thing that 4chan is getting more popular and reddit is stagnating
Not me. I'm too old and chubby
Sure moshe, but you'll die in the van.
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We are not fighting for you. Ever.
This is what the Ottomans did, and Christian Europe was horrified.
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I take it the draft officers are not local, meaning their houses and families are not anywhere near those that are being conscripted?
What can you do in this situation?
You already know you are pretty much dead if they send you the front lines.
Just carry a hand grenade everywhere you go.
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I will frag my commanding officer if they try.
hand grenades are harder to get your hands on in US than in Sweden or France.
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Wee, mista ivan.
execute plan z.
best I can do is nafo
Ok I will tell them what they want to hear but I will still go AWOL and deflect to the other side. I really dislike America and its shit people anyway.
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>you won't like who I intend to fight
> this post was scraped by AI
> there's a Norwegian coward avoiding the draft
> we know his age, weight, and health conditions
> we know the specific date he made this post
> all it would take to get his identity is look at ISP's data and look for the IP of the fucker that that that 4chan post at that exact time
good luck bro, you will probably kill 4 ziggers before dying, so it might be worth it
Who is hs calling? The cops?

Anybody with near normal IQ can build a black powder xplo dive device
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There's plenty of logistical support needed for a war effort, anon.
I saw one of these the other day of a guy out w\ his wife and baby... they fucking snatched him away from his family. Shit's insane.
>Welcome soldiers to today's Zoom briefing. I am your commanding officer and you will refer to me as Zir.
It's the Europeans who need to worry about being drafted. The federal government would much rather burn through all their foreign vassals than attempt a draft in modern amerikwa.
They’re probably from politically connected or wealthy families
Imagine not stabbing or shooting these fucks ecery time you see them pull this shit.
Shovels make great weapons
Cant state this enough. IEDs are easy as shit.
Always have a knife on you, slit their throats, take their guns and kill kill kill, run run run,
The problem here is that he pulled out a phone instead of pulling out a knife. Zoomers are gonna have to learn that filming people won't stop them.
"I'll give you my phone when you pry it from my cold dead hands." - Zoomer Battle Slogan
This is why you ALWAYS should have one or two buckets with gasoline and kind of torch at home. I'd fucking kill them all. Film and upload it for the lulz
This is the real reason why they want to ban gas stoves. Way too easy to turn your house into an improvised fuel air bomb.
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You have their faces captured on camera. It's all over the internet. Why don't you track them or their families down and do some good old mob justice? Ukrainians, explain yourselves!
This is the most demoralizing image imaginable
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I did 'not see' that
>30 minutes later
>wake up drugged in a ditch
>can’t stand up can barely move
>dressed in Russian uniform
>drone wrrrrrring above noticed you woke up
>hear grenade fall near you
I’m a fucking beast for my age (nearly 40), but I’m not going and there is no way they can make me. Plus I’m a former zogbot so I know all their tricks.
I’m surprised zelensky hasn’t gotten got yet.
>Lose leg in a war, recovering in hospital
>Regime says they're sending a woman to interview you
>They send a tranny kike

He probably killed himself after this.
>He probably killed himself after this.
43% chance that happened
The English empire did it too
draft officers will be shot.
the surviving draft officers will be tortured
the vids will be uploaded to /gif/
jews then will be hunted and lynch.
I can't wait until they are doing the same thing to all of the gender-confused, broccoli hair Zoomers here.
And no, you aren't going to shoot anyone or resist. You aren't going to do shit except go off and die in some fake and gay war for globohomo. And that's a good thing because your entire generation is trash.
Well you could also be the MPs, or the intel guy, or the drone pilot, or some fortunate son with the wealth and connections to evade it. These ones will likely be infantry, if this is in fact press gang.
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>These ones will likely be infantry
In other words, straight into the meat grinder
Is it up to you? Four men with rifles vs (you) picked up off the sidewalk
And thats why you dont let them capture you alive ever
>Four men with rifles vs (you) picked up off the sidewalk
they have them slung across their back, and are trying to take the victim alive. shit goes south for them quickly if they are openly gunning down citizens in the street.
there are only around 2 million armed service members for the US. the US civilians have more guns than the top 3 largest militaries combined.
draft = civil war and pogrom of the jews.
do it coward.
how fucking stupid are you that you want there to be a draft so you can "own the libs"? a draft affects everyone
Judging by his flag, OP likely has already been conscripted, is serving, or has done his time. They do a draft every single year for all men and women at age 18.
Why do you think I make these decisions? I'm not the one that calls the draft, and all these threats are empty. Also cowardly, ironically, you are threatening to hurt families and children. Sounds like you are just afraid of the draft.
>you WILL get into the van
You Will get in the ditch.
>What stops these guys from shooting their superiors in the face the very second they are handed a loaded weapon?

If this goes down here, do not wait for them to come pick you up. It's easy to shadow a motherfucker back to his house. Easier still to wait for him to leave for work in the morning than raid his house and kill his family. Rinse and repeat.
If it was the zionist Donald Trump in office instead of the zionist Joe Biden then maybe all these "right wingers" would feel differently.
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>What stops these guys from shooting their superiors in the face the very second they are handed a loaded weapon?

Also, active duty military only go to the range about twice a year. The rest of the time weapons are kept locked up in the armory. They don't trust their dumb fuck volunteer soldiers, why the hell would they trust dissident draftees?
This is just blood libel and empty threats, it is just evil
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>draft officers will be shot.
>the surviving draft officers will be tortured
>the vids will be uploaded to /gif/
>jews then will be hunted and lynch.

Sounds like a good start.
I was talking to the Jew. Total Kike Death.
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>I'm not the one that calls the draft,
shabat light switches.
>you are threatening to hurt families and children.
yup. and you and your tribe are actively killing families and children.
>muh right/left dialectic
is that what you hope will save you from the gallows? maybe try swinging another chicken.
>his is just blood libel and empty threats
no, that is a blood debt that is accruing compounding interest, payments are coming due on it
jewish crying and gnashing teeth are a soothing sound.
Yes it is up to me as I illegally carry a handgun at all times and I will proudly die on the hill of not fighting in a war I do not support. In fact God commands me to. The prospect of death is scary insofar as I dont want to end up in a lake of fire and that's it. I doubt that atheistic nihilists have as much conviction
This. Kill all draft officers and recruiters. They will have KOS status
Teпepь дeйcтвитeльнo хyeвaя.
>atheist nihilists have no conviction

Atheism aside does anyone who doesn’t believe in your judeo desert religion have no conviction?
Not at all. They're dumbfuck grunts who get sent to the trench themselves if they don't make quota.
It is truly inspirational how Ukraine cares about their freedom. Ukraine will win. Glory to the heros. Long live democracy.
this will be one of the things that lead to civil war
>fight for your country
lmao for what nigger? So I can continue wage slaving and paying 2/3 of my paycheck for rent? I already live like an insect. They just underestimate how little 90% of the common plebs have to lose. Vice versa hoe much they could gain for revolting
How the can they guard them 24/7 after they are captured ? How can you train people like that ? How can you trust them in any way at the front ?

>Ukraknians, shop at Fonarevka for legal tactical gear.
daily reminder: they will not take no for answer in the US either.
You ain't do dejection
How many Palestinians have you murdered Shlomo ?
So then it's prison -> frontline, only this time you won't even have a weapon. They may even paint a target on you.
you cant do shit. memeflag kike
Npc programing
Yeah, I grew up one block over from one of the worst ghettos in the US and the idea of grenade crime being a thing freaks me out.
Hoenstly, most Americans would go along with it
>God bless Israel!
meanwhile, you get gunned down in your home by a swat team that plants something there later and ruins your reputation for propaganda purposes.
>This man was an enemy of Israel! An unpatriotic American!
>this is what I lost a leg for?
Because they'll be killed or thrown in prison for life if they do, whereas following orders they still have a chance to survive.
that is cope.
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call me if you ever go to vietnam
How will this strategy help them win the war?
Everyone saying they'd resist or kill conscription officers doesn't understand how the human mind works. The whole point of evading conscription is to avoid death or wounding at the front. If you attempt to shoot conscription officers you will almost certainly die. If you resist, or if you fail to obey orders of military officers once you are in the force, you will either be shot or will spend decades in prison.

The majority of men aren't psychopaths with nothing to lose, they'll take the relatively small chance of dying in combat over certain death or imprisonment for some vague ideological reason like "I don't like this government" - this is how drafts work in reality not in your fantasy world.

TLDR; you WILL get into the van
>Everyone saying they'd resist or kill conscription officers doesn't understand how the human mind works. The whole point of evading conscription is to avoid death or wounding at the front. If you attempt to shoot conscription officers you will almost certainly die. If you resist, or if you fail to obey orders of military officers once you are in the force, you will either be shot or will spend decades in prison.
Maybe YOU don't understand how a HUMAN mind works. You're describing how a golem cattle's mind works. The point of shooting a conscription officer is to kill the conscription officer.
You can talk shit over the internet as much as you like, when you're faced with the choice of serving in the army or becoming an outlaw for life, you will almost certainly choose the former.
Always grouping up

Go 1v1

Stop restisting while they tug tooin puulin yr arm

But y wuldnt he wana go. Thats pretty sus
Znyone in time of war shud just be like 'ok' 'ok i go'

like what? If everyone just did, n pll wuldnt hsve yo van ppl 4 resources n shit. The war wud be over

The shit in europe happens eveyerywhere. That ppl just dont have it in then to go n meatgrindmschine only here its more obvious but its the same humsn reflex

Bat who do yu wana fight for???
That u gota ask
As a human, I understand that the "choice" of letting yourself be conscripted is the same as letting yourself being kidnapped by a bunch of violent nigger thugs, while knowing you are extremely likely to die as a result, because maybe you'll live 5 more minutes if instead of defending yourself, you comply with the violent criminal niggers trying to kidnap and murder you. This is the difference between human minds and golem minds. I would react to it the same way I would react to any other violent, vicious criminal assault. You would react by complying because you recognize the authority of this vicious gang of white niggers over you and don't see them for the criminals that they are.
I'll easily survive. I'm top100 in cod
Life imprisonment and/or execution
Home made napalm like modified cans of petrol jelly used to warm buffet trays.
That only really applies if the casualty rates at the front approach 80 or 100%. In real life, a wartime casualty rate of 30% is extremely, extraordinarily high. It's a simple calculation, the consequences for resisting are probably higher than the consequences for serving.

Even if death was extremely likely (over 50%), most men don't have the mental fortitude to initiate a shootout with the authorities RIGHT NOW rather than accept a possible unhappy ending at some future time. It is simply psychology.
Is Ukraine more like the soviet union than Russia at this point?
> hey, youtube, today we're going to be making some barbecued pork
> doses house in gasoline
The draft for the Vietnam war had a huge failure rate.
Again, none of your thinking is human thinking. The human thinking on this matter is that you are being assaulted and kidnapped by a gang of violent white nigger criminals right now, which is likely to lead to your death if allowed to take place and you have to defend yourself right now by all means and at all costs until the violent white nigger criminal threat is terminated.
Sounds great, sign me up
I had two years of lockdowns where my government openly toyed with the idea of forcibly vaccinating people. So I spent two years dreaming up countless scenarios of exactly what I would do if they tried.
If he had a knife he could have killed them all before they even knew their intestines were on the ground.
21 foot rule. An average man can close the distance and stab him before he can unsling the rifle and open fire.
Really, the fundamental thing your kind doesn't understand is that it's not about likelihoods and percentages, psychologically. It's about whether you regard the people assaulting and kidnapping you as common criminals or figures of authority. If a gang of regular criminals assaulted you, and you had the means to defend yourself, you would simply defend yourself instead of calculating survival rates, because that's the natural human reaction to being assaulted by criminals.
The majority of men don't post here.
shut up pusy
Lol nah I'm good. Instead I'll have about ten jews being dragged from behind my pickup.
Maybe. But you'll never take me alive.
Normalfaggots are the ultimate niggercattle. They're just a big herd of niggercattle.
They just sit around and shit. That's all. The herd of niggercattle just sit around, eat, and shit.
If someone that had a space alien came along and had a method for dealing with the niggercattle, I'd make him leader. If only humanity had such a great hero
It's you who doesn't understand real human thinking. You're describing an autist or psycopath who's willing to throw his life away for ideological reasons. There are very few of these and they would be swiftly dealt with.

There is also a huge difference between fighting a gang of criminals and fighting the state. You have an actual chance of winning against criminals, who don't have the power to ruin your life. Shooting police or MP's necessarily has a very different outcome.
Try to kill or maim anyone who comes near you and they will eventually have to kill you.
Lol you are a born slave.
It's not avoidance of death that drives a man to kill his enslavers.
The smart move is to go willingly and then start punching the guy driving the van in the back of the head when you've hit the freeway. You'll be able to knock him unconscious before the other two can do shit, then you just jump on the fucker in the passenger front seat. Don't even have to fight. Just let that van crash.

Then it's in gods hands.
That's because they weren't really trying. The USA was in no real danger.
You will never be human. Your life has no moral value. I hope your turn comes soon.
This is why it's so important to keep telling the retards who say "ill go and just shoot my commanding officer" to never get captured in the first place. Its so dumb. Obviously they considered such people, they have a plan.

Its as stupid as someone getting arrested and saying "its cool, ill just run away after i get to the jail". Foolish

The winning move is to never enter their custody because if you do, you're as good as dead. The moment they try to force you into a transport vehicle, its life or death. Kill them or be shipped off to your almost certain death.
The government is illegitimate and criminal. I watched my friends life get destroyed because he cooperated with the system after his girlfriend beat him up. Kill at least one and go to valhalla.
>The moment they try to force you into a transport vehicle, its life or death
100% this. It should be regarded the same way as a criminal gang trying to kidnap and murder you. Nothing more. The only reaction against this is self-defense by all means.
You won't do shit.
no, I will talk shit and engage in tom foolery should the government decide to try and draft me. you will seethe and cope because you are afraid to die.
based israel poster
I like how threatened my presence makes you and other niggercattle. How much it makes you seethe that I won't comply with the murderous pedophiles you bow down to and accept as the legitimate owners of your life.
All that needs to happen is that we need to regularize kicking drafties in the fucking nuts when they try to kidnap zoomers

See a draftie trying to snatch some broccol??

Wind up a kick like it's the fuckin world Cup, kick him in the nuts so goddamn hard that his never to be born children feel it.

If we just start sniping these motherfuckers in the nutsack when they get testy they'll back the fuck down. Do it at a barbecue. Do it to them when they leave home in the morning if you know them.

Attack the draftie as an absolute enemy.

Save the zoomer. Let them zoom. They are good men. They deserve it.
>man there's like a difference between criminals doing something to you and an authority figure doing the same thing to you
Fight on mate. Your enemies are ridiculous.
not necessarily related to clip, but do you think all men that want to do violence to others are secretly gay? without exception.
>an authority figure
They're not an authority figure, though.
Yes thats my point. I agree with you.
My greenbelt was made in scorn.
I think that any man who wishes to and feels compelled to dominate another man physically and totally willingly in any fashion without reason of self preservation is a little bit of a homo, yes.
Remember what you're fighting for, goy!
>you WILL get into the van

Come closer kike, I want to tell you a secret!
You are mad, because you watched the webm and you're imagining yourself being manhandled and deprived of physical autonomy. It is like a rape equivalence for men.

I'm just pointing out that all these "the government is illegitimate" statements are all ideological beliefs. The vast majority of people will NOT throw their life away because of these beliefs, unless they're organized, motivated, and led with a real chance of winning. Realistically, that "vast majority" includes you. Is that a "slave mentality"? Sure. Most people have that.

But even people without it will probably take the chance to survive. Maybe there will be an opportunity to effect political change after the war. There's really no logic to chimping out and dying on the sidewalk over a 5% risk of becoming a casualty.
First of all, I didn't read any of your previous post and I'm not reading this one, either.

Secondly, I like how threatened my presence makes you and other niggercattle feel, how much it makes you seethe that I won't comply with the murderous pedophiles you bow down to and accept as the legitimate owners of your life.
You won't do shit.
At this point the illegitimacy of the government isn't a fringe belief but something talked about every day by normie boomers
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I will never go to war.
I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib :)
Only God Jesus Christ loves me, cares about me and saves me.
Only God Jesus Christ sees me.
Only God Jesus Christ listens to me.
Only God Jesus Christ respects me.
Only God Jesus Christ loves me.
Only God Jesus Christ embraces me.
Only God Jesus Christ is real and true.
I am safe and sound with God Jesus Christ in his crib.
I do not die and live forever in paradise together forever with my God Jesus Christ!
I love only God Jesus Christ, and we stick together forever in love! :)
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>There's really no logic
The logic here is a natural, collective logic. The slave races each follow their captors to the meat grinder for the 10% off chance for each that they will survive individually, hence 90% of them get exterminated collectively. The free races fight their kidnappers because it is simply in their nature, and the outcome is that forced conscription and collective extermination become completely nonviable, so no one attempts it in the first place.
You deserve to die in the meatgrinder because every post of yours is a declaration of how threatened and angry you are over the human spirit.
>You're describing an autist or psycopath
>There are very few of these

Well that's where you're fucking wrong, kiddo.
Psychopaths are EVERYWHERE and maybe you didn't notice, but autism rates are THROUGH THE FUCKING ROOF nowadays.

A draft ain't gonna fuckin' work in ANY Western country now.

The only decent soldiers the West has are Whites, but they have NO REASON to fight for the countries that have spent the last 30 years shitting on White men, discriminating against them at every opportunity, and disenfranchising them.

And it's obvious as fuck that only Whites would be "drafted", and sent off to be killed, to finish off the White Genocide going on in the West, so as to replace the remaining White population with MOAR NIGGERS.

So it ain't gonna happen. If you try to draft me, it's literally an act of war against me, and YOU (ie. the government) become my enemy.

So you'll get a fucking war all right, but it'll be a civil war right here at home, and you're absolutely fucked.

Niggers and spics won't fight a war against Russia either, they have zero interest in doing that, and they will absolutely resist any draft attempt. Shit, just look at how niggers automatically resist arrest already. ZERO CHANCE.

And then what are you going to do with them? Try to use the niggers and spics as the draft officers to go round up Whites to try to enforce your draft?

Top kek. Good luck with that, sending incompetent 85-IQ mystery meats to try to round up intelligent, armed Whites. Also not gonna work.
Lack of leadership/exemplary heroes.
the war is international and is about exterminating every white man alive
So which are these "free races" where conscription never happened?


>boomer wall of text
>There's really no logic
The logic here is a natural, collective logic. The slave races each follow their captors to the meat grinder for the 10% off chance for each that they will survive individually, hence 90% of them get exterminated collectively. The free races fight their kidnappers because it is simply in their nature, and the outcome is that forced conscription and collective extermination become completely nonviable, so no one attempts it in the first place. You deserve to die in the meatgrinder because every post of yours is a declaration of how threatened and angry you are over the human spirit.
Jews dont fuck around if the goyim have to die they die
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No, I don’t think I will.
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it's like.. just leave people alone. seriously how hard is that
lrn2read, beaner
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Stop barking fake state nigger.

Everybody in the world only mentions as shit stain on the map, geographical and historical error, that was raped by Ukrainians, Russians and Poles whole history.

Only thing you are famous for today is illegal immigration just like sandniggers.
I like how threatened my presence makes you and other niggercattle feel, how much it makes you seethe that I won't comply with the murderous pedophiles you bow down to and accept as the legitimate owners of your life.
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okay, bot.

The slave races each follow their captors to the meat grinder for the 10% off chance for each that they will survive individually, hence 90% of them get exterminated collectively. The free races fight their kidnappers because it is simply in their nature, and the outcome is that forced conscription and collective extermination become completely nonviable, so no one attempts it in the first place. You deserve to die in the meatgrinder because every post of yours is a declaration of how threatened and angry you are over the human spirit.
Again: which are these "free races" where you claim nobody has ever even attempted conscription?
The slave races each follow their captors to the meat grinder for the 10% off chance for each that they will survive individually, hence 90% of them get exterminated collectively. The free races fight their kidnappers because it is simply in their nature, and the outcome is that forced conscription and collective extermination become completely nonviable, so no one attempts it in the first place. You deserve to die in the meatgrinder because every post of yours is a declaration of how threatened and angry you are over the human spirit.
I see actual people celebrating these videos, saying, "He should have just not resisted". Such evil scum, fighters of the synagogue of satan.
How do you know people celebrating it online aren't bots? Go ask people in real life what they think of these vids
>Why do you think I make these decisions?
>Also cowardly, ironically, you are threatening to hurt families and children. Sounds like you are just afraid of the draft.
You certainly support the decisions kike. Kys and save the amerimutts some ammo. I hope you try it so I can see you and your golem cut down and pushed into mass graves with dildozers.
Just keeps denying reality for a fantasy typical bean
The same reason security guards don't shoot the rich and steal their bunker for their own families.
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In 5 years I went from the most patriotic idiot to actually siding completely with anyone but America. A Southern American Christian wants nothing more than the utter destruction of the US and Israeli governments, militaries, media, and nearly every institution possible. If they start work war 3 I will actively work against ZOG. If I had plans to a plutonium warhead I would email it to every single enemy of ZOG. We share a common enemy. I swear upon my soul I will kill as many drafters and their families as I can before they find me if you pull that in America. Screencap this NSA. I mean it.
Olfa box cutter and carbide tip blades.

Will go through their clothing.
>But even people without it will probably take the chance to survive. Maybe there will be an opportunity to effect political change after the war. There's really no logic to chimping out and dying on the sidewalk over a 5% risk of becoming a casualty
Note how the fed recoils in fear and he trys to soothe us into the van, Notice their narritave change anons.
They don't receive guns until it's at catm or in the field you stupid fucking civilian fucktard. They wouldn't be able to even kill anyone before they got shot. You stupid morons have no clue what's going on and when you inevitably get drafted you are shit out of luck. Your best bet is to not get taken altogether
5%, my friend... I regret to inform you that your math is way off. An average infantryman has about 30-90 seconds to live on a battlefield when a motorized unit with air support opens up on them. These are statistics from war manuals from the 90s, before drones became a thing. Today, in a fully escalated Russia vs NATO conflict, you have about a 5% chance of surviving. You are an absolute retard trying to blue-pill yourself. If you are sent to war, you will die within 2-3 days at the front, with you legs and dick blown off clean, your guts splattered all over your face, and a steel shrapnel fragment going through your skull just deep enough to feel eerily uncomfortable but not deep enough to touch your brain and instantly kill you, giving you just enough brain power left in those fleeting seconds to recall this thread and this post. And no, I am not going to call you a faggot. But I will tell you I told you so.

War is a religious sacrifice. Wake up, my friend.
>you WILL get into the van
LOL, no I will not. Anyone trying it WILL get into bodybags.
They do this because Russia is losing isn't moshe?
Scary stuff
I'm not a fed, I'm just saying.

You can look up wartime casualty rates. What you said might be true for frontline units in certain circumstances but it's not a statistic.
Would be the best interest to keep it quiet. You don't want to encourage other people
Old soviet tactic... which is ironic since they say they hate all soviet things
If you took a walk with an open carry suicide vest that would present a problem.
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no stop, you will only make it more angry!
Those drafted have a high chance of dying.
They are used as arty bait.
The koolaid drinkers are used as barrier troops and shoot those trying to retreat.
No but hoss in the F-150 watching has a 1911 in the glove box.
this guy unironically did

People tend to forget what real war is because all they ever seen for the last 30 years are big nato ”heroes” hunting unarmed goat farmers in the middle east.
They think calling in an A-10 on a mud hut is warfare.
I'd like to find out more about what is happenning to these conscripts. Do you have links?
Keep in mind that TCK is a private company.
They are literally hired goons and (((the bosses))) make money on every victim they send to die.
Almost time to take a fat healthy shit. Herbs
you will get into the van
you will do nothing
bugs will eat you
you will be happy
You’re a trigger little faggot who get angry like a female and types like one
You can either take no or a gsw to the head. Your choice faggot.
Because they only have enough space to carry their phone so that they can be tracked down.
You will get in the oven. Your entire degenerate race will get in the oven. Every nigger, glowie and enabler of your demonic regime will get in the oven. DEATH TO THE ANTICHRIST.
So this is what winning looks like. Only 230 billion more dollars to win eh Mosche? I'll defect to the kikes if I get to run Hollywood.
Nice optics Israel as always you psychopaths.
>Ugly retarded roided up subhuman jewkranians
They don’t get any guns lmao they just get their hands
>Subhumans only carrying tracking devices and not a Molotov

If any one would draft the mutts it would be the retarded ugly fat police we see in videos all the time
are normies even aware this is happening or does jewman on tv omits this information as well?
>Why don't you track them or their families down and do some good old mob justice? Ukrainians, explain yourselves!
do this ukrainians!
their heads instead man like wtf hahahah
jewman omits

Are they seriously using people's phones to track them down?
If so, sounds like a great opportunity to bait a trap.
cope, security guards aren't being sent off it die for a pointless cause
unfathomably based. fuck conscription zogthugs, they all deserve death.
I thought at first it was the same as a webm posted yesterday. It wasn't, that one was in some office.
Someone should start collecting them.
>You're describing an autist or psycopath who's willing to throw his life away for ideological reasons

You're not grasping that it's already thrown away once a draft hits. There isn't an outcome where you survive. You either die here or die over there. It's not my decision, it's theirs. THEY are deciding to kill me. I'm not making that decision.
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Where are we going ?
The recruiter better be bullet proof

Good luck
Mexicants are such worthless nigger cattle
They fucked up royally with covid.
If they had the manpower to really institute a draft they wouldn't need a draft.
Meaning they just want a lot of people dead. Which means better fight now not later.
>and how we burned later in those camps.......
I'm sure they're real people.
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try me kike
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>Talks all big.
>Won't be backing it up himself because he knows that there are some Americans that would resist violently.
It may not happen often, but it will happen often enough to where military would think twice before rolling the dice on that.
This is so fucking kino. Anime-tier dystopian warfare. I can't wait for the immersive sim games set during this war. When are they whipping out the mechas?
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>following orders they still have a chance to survive
>That way if they surrender or get captured they can't reveal any important info.
You will also get droned by your own if you try to surrender.
What's to keep them from shooting the NCOs at the front and just defecting? If there are this many press ganged soldiers, then mass mutiny is likely.
>Being unarmed in public
Couldn't be me.
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Kek I hate slavshits so much it's unreal
>One MP versus dozens of angry armed men that all want to leave.

Even commissars where shot by their own men.
you are surrounded by subhuman rats, just talking about mutiny is high chance of getting called orc and droned executed. You rarely have time to probe into their political views either, one of you will die / get injured and sent home, enough time passes and you start believing "hey i didnt die yet, maybe i can wait it out"

Do not underestimate how terrified cattle is to revolt against slaughterhouse
They love him. They are fighters of the synagogue of satan.
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>you are surrounded by subhuman rats
takes one to know one eh Dima?
Maybe, I do not profess to be an expert. Would make good PR for your side though.
Kek, his pants were homosexually fucking tight. Imagine that going for one of those rifles though.
Our side desperately tried to force "Volga 149.00 contact if you want to live" meme for a while now, it worked a couple of times but i rarely every see anything mentioned nowadays. Everything i said before also applies to our side, its no different, no side will be different, especially now when soldiers have phones, laptops and other shit to cope with, they can also contact family which is a strong motivator for regular men. It also doesnt help that there are people on both sides religiously believing they are absolutely right and justified in every action.
Depends on the theater, chump. You're describing a media war like Iraq. In Afghanistan you needed to be locked and loaded to get chow.
If you're going to post gay manifestos can you at least write the (you) on the actual bullet next time. You know instead of on the casing like a fucking retard.
The saying is "there's a bullet with your name on it" not "there's a casing with your name on it" you stupid room temperature IQ, gorilla, DEI, CIA, tranny, NIGGER
why aren't these people able to get guns and blast these agents of jewish evil?
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Based on the amount of niggercattle that got the vaxx I have to agree that a majority would get in the van.

I'd like to think that I would have the courage to resist but we would see if I was put to the test.
Pretty much this, as much as i talk about stabbing, i most likely will just settle on jail, now if that is not an option, im stabbing.

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
Civilians are not armed in ukraine like you are, so ordinary people have little to defend themselves with, that's the case for most of the cucked europe unfortunately
>So I spent two years dreaming up countless scenarios of exactly what I would do if they tried
Would it happen to start with S- and end with HIT-, preceded by "won't do"?
Do slavs even see each other as humans?
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A short barrelled ghost AR with a thread protector produces a fireball spec for exploding kneeling Satan Nigger Jewish right up against their niggermelons. Love Trump and despair gay Jew FBI vaccine race.
The US population is much more dispersed than Russia's, and much more mobile.
They also didn't live under a Soviet tier regime where neighbors rat on each other. Their founding Stock of English, French and Scottish were also the more anti authoritarian ones.
It's a genuinely different culture.
even if we assume all that patriotic cope is real, you are forgetting that everyone is mixed race / npc / immigrant now. If anything US will have more goy cattle willingly signing up for war than any other country. You will get ratted on since your refusal to fight will be equated to right wing dangerous ideas and betrayal
No but it did involve cooking oil near its smoke point and cast iron.
No right to bear arms in Ukraine. You think the CIA would set up a puppet state where the people can resist?
War against who or what?
they were handing out free ak47s when the war started. that's what my friend who visited there said any way
For jews
They've already lost, they're just delaying the point where they start to be held responsible.
The issue here is that these poor men have lives they want to live. The people here who they’re concerned with drafting do not. Those lives were stolen by their own people.
If your country wants you condemned to death as a slave soldier then you don't die for their benefit. Literally kill and destroy anyone or thing that benefits them, simple as.
What stops those four guys from getting shot in the face while they are fucking with that zip tie?

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