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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Only rural and suburban retards vote for Biden.

City people all vote for Trump.
Big, if true.
Outlier faux news poll
i live i rural america and can confirm that this is a big giant lie.
>The opposite of what is happening.
Have the rolls been reversed already?
Serious question. Im rural. Who should I vote for? Im tired of voting for israel. Maybe I wont vote.
What are you going to do when Biden wins 100% of the vote?
Smile; because democracy
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Same. Was just curious. I wonder how many normies know it's rigged. I also wonder if you know that Trump rapes kids with his good friend Biden too.
No, he doesn't. They're just making shit up, obviously.
This is like when Obama won--and this time it's not exaggeration-100% of the heavily conservative enclaves in Florida in 2012.
We've been Africa-tier since 2009.
If they are gonna tell such unbelievable lies why not go all the way?
Who says he won't? [Blue Beam]
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Back so soon with this thread?
I was over at my dad's house the other day helping with some household chores. He lives in a pretty rural area of a very red state. At the end of the day we went to one of the nearby country bars. It's the kind of place that farmers, truckers, and the working class go to unwind.

Joe Biden was on the TV and the local gun store owner said,

"You know what? He ain't so bad. The economy is recovering, nobody's rioting, and we're standing up on the world stage again. Can't believe I'm saying this but Joe Cool has got my vote in november"

I looked around and all I saw were heads nodding in agreement. I ever heard a few calls of "Yessir" and "Damn straight" from the men around me.
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Is the news media just some sort of manifestation sigil that the elite use as a wishing well?
Kek. Based countryfolk accelerationists.

Literally the most pozzed site outside of MSNBC.
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not even that complex or esoteric
Kek this is so stupid its painful
Newsweek is truly news for morons and retards.
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Kek, came here for this
How did they find their sample of the rural population?
This is either a fabrication meant to sway conformist NPCs or a lie meant to conceal voter fraud.
My choices are Zionist corruption or Zionist corruption?!
Why would rural retards do this shitlib sisters?
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>muh vooter fraud
"Voter fraud" is just a meme for retards to further destabilize the closest-to-legitimate part of the political system.
I was never sold on the whole voter fraud claim the last time. But this time I can't see how the Dems would NOT try something like that seeing as how they are now so openly and brazenly corrupt. In their minds it would be seen as justifiable. That is how completely off the rails they are rn.
>Rural Hackensack, NJ.
Quinnipiac which is super liberal and used to always oversample d says Trump is up by 6 atm. That probably means he's up by 12 or 15
That Joe Biden feller's all right.
>never sold on the whole voter fraud claim the last time
>openly and brazenly corrupt.
Dude can you hear yourself?
Who's got the rural bar "damn straight" copypasta?
Most red states already have "winner take all" elector policies, which trash dem votes if they aren't the majority. Makes it even funnier that that orange nigger tried so hard to cheat.
Because I never care about claims and things people say. I trust my own eyes more than anything. And right now the Dems are possessed by Satan or something. Because the "seeing" part is so out in the open now. Like they aren't even trying to hide it. Because they see stopping Trump as more important than not being corrupt and they know everyone on their side is on board with it and sees being corrupt as a sound strategy and the best way to stop him.
And then Everyone clapped
Threats to the Country
1. Trump and his desire for autocracy and open corruption
2. Jewish control of 98% of the media. See also tiktok "china" bullshit and the ADL
3. Zionist control of all three branches of government through bribes and blackmail, BOTH parties being completely compromised.

Biden is a fucking joke and embarrassing. He's a puppet of the Insurance lobby and will never do anything of any value to correct any of our actual problems, including immigration, corruption, or "muh greatest ally."
Trump is an actual threat to democracy, and his lawless and tactless behavior have damaged our institutions possibly beyond repair.
The answer is Conservatism, but there is NONE to be found, with the GOP totally pozzed and directing all their effort into leading the MAGAt retard horde around by the nose.
Absolute horseshit. People living in the sticks are by and large hard core conservatives. Get to know some and you'd find many are transplanted large to major city people who read the tea leaves about civil war and nigger uprisings and GTFO of said cities. Vote for Bai-zuo Bai-den? Fuck no.
Seen this shit from you before and it's about as believable as a virgin giving birth. Take your text file and fuck off. Country people are mainly hard-core conservatives. Think "Goldwater Republicans".
Only 2 states split the electorate vote. Maine and Nebraska. Maine leans blue and Nebraska is solid red. No way in hell are Democrats going to let states like California and Colorado split the electorate. Republicans need all those low populated states to win. and Democrats have too few big blue states who can't afford to split the electorate.
Fren, my comment still stands. Winner-take-all is antidemocratic bullshit. I want a straight popular-vote system. The Electoral College is a antiquated system whose modern usage is strictly rascalism and skullduggery, giving cunts who think they should get an individual opportunity to manipulate election outcomes a incontrovertible opportunity to do so.

Mob rule would mean the loss of freedom for half the country. We see how these things go. Many people don't even vote.

And of the people who do vote, most are brainwashed. The founding fathers did not anticipate the level of media control we see today or the gaslighting.
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Duh. Anyone that actually believes this would be unable to tie their shoelaces without assistance.
start reading those korean bark soup recipes
Faggot Canadian Flag - Check
Graphic from some non-descript rag. - Check
Holds opinion that doesnt hold water. Check.

>I want a straight popular-vote system
Two wolves and sheep vote for what is for dinner.
You're a dumb nigger.

That's how we get all of pur rights taken away over night.

Go look at Mark dice videos of interviewing random people from California
Perhaps someone should be making a better argument for our rights than NUH UH FUK YU.
They're pozzed by the leftist jew media, but "right-wing" or "conservative" media is strictly conmen and grifters reflexively parroting leftist media talking points. MUH BORSHIN MUH COMMANMINTS MUH TROONS
There are no legitimate or trustworthy conservative media or commentary sources.
Also: They can't snatch guns they don't know about.
There are still classic democrats in rural areas. They are often quite old but still vote blue because of tradition, in spite of it being a party that doesn't really care about or pander to their vote anyways.
I had a relative who was one; he passed away last year. He was once sheriff of the town so he was all about "rule of law" and followed news talking points very seriously. Was always calling Trump a crook.
Stop believing you can vote your way out of shit. You can't. I don't know why that's so hard to get through some of your heads but you'll just keep getting disappointed. You only have 1 option: fight your way out.
lmfao no your political oligarchy isn't legitimate and the two biggest states (by electoral vote) openly allow non-citizens to vote.
You sat and watched while your nation died and now you are coping that other people aren't as delusional as you.
>he was all about "rule of law" and followed news talking points very seriously. Was always calling Trump a crook.
what a fucking bastard, right?
>Stop believing you can vote your way out of shit
I don't believe that, but I'm still gonna vooooote until it's time to lock and load. I mean, just imagine the shitshow of low-lifes, preachers, and grifters that will be competing for magat rubes after The Fall (TM). Not a decent leader in sight, and that's no fucking (((accident))).
This is exactly what an IDF demoralization agent would say. KYS.
>be me
>don’t believe this
>be me
>can’t tie my shoelaces without assistance
>HURR it's all the same so don't bother with either of them.

Classic stealth Biden shill tactic.

I'm not necessarily voting FOR trump as much as I'm voting AGAINST biden.

The worst fear of the left is when Trump gets back in office he will stack the supreme court even further to the Right and the Lefts 1984 pro AIDS satanic child grooming tranny policies will be DEAD IN THE WATER for a generation. Sotomayor will retire and Trump will appoint someone so far right leaning it will make Clarence Thomas look like a blue haired nose ring wearing hippie.

It's going to happen and the left is pulling out all the stops to prevent it wether it's openly corrupt or not.
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Any red blooded American can see the truth.
Your vote matters marginally at the local level assuming your state isn't completely compromised.

But you aren't even concerned with counting votes properly so stop expecting anyone to care. You are determined to be a slave. You demand it. So you'll probably get it.
Yeah he is right but it's not enough when you don't recognize that both parties are crooked and serve judeo-masonic interests.
>Biden shill
So just because I hate a lying orange retarded faggot and don't want him to get another shot at not accomplishing anything positive and only enriching himself and undermining democracy I'm a Biden shill? Someone has been consoooming too much right-wing jew media.

>further to the Right
Incorrect. Further toward pay-for-play, as if that were even possible. Thomas is a fucking joke, just like Scalia. I've had to read their opinions; they're back-filled, bad-faith horseshit that always favors corporate interests and corruption over all else.

How magats think they can embrace every form of evil temporarily just as a means to an end and not end up with shit all over their hands never ceases to amaze me.
All demoralization posts are pro Biden. Muddying the waters so that that both sides look the same serves the establishment. Apathy always benefits the establishment. Which is exactly what they want with these demoralization posts.

wow that wasn't hard.
Not surprised at all, Trump pretty much only panders to Jews and Indians
>legitimate criticisms of oranguturd

No messaging allowed unless Party Approved(TM), huh?
That's not much of an argument. Your mask makes you look stupid as fuck.
Are people this retarded? Like seriously, use your brains for two seconds:

>Trump is leading in the polls
>Biden is leading rural
>So either Biden should be leading by 30+ percentage points, or Trump is leading the urban vote

I can't believe this retarded headline apparently exists. Biden does NOT "lead Trump among rural voters," just shut the fuck up.
All you need to read to know it is bullshit.
No one comes out here into the sticks and polls anyone. They probably ask some yokel visiting town for a drink what we think and get all their info from that. Or, more likely, they just pull it out of their ass.
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It's done over the phone
>The answer is Conservatism
lolno conservatives are less than worthless, and always have been
Trump didn't try to get me fired for not taking the VAX. That was you old tranny fart sniffer Biden. I don't care if the universe ended tomorrow I will NEVER vote for that faggot for that shit alone. And then it just goes downhill from there.

If you want to say they are both bad then Biden is way waaayyyyyy worse. It's not even close. Which is why they are NOT the same and why Biden is going to lose. Because anyone with two eyes and common sense knows this.
The only leader I know is suicide
Wayne Lambright
anon... that's like 51% of voters
Your democratic republic destroyed itself. I don't even need to speak badly about it because your politicians will do it for me.

Your only hope out of this is quite literally an emperor and Trump is one giant jew york faggot. You have another 50 years of retarded oligarchy to live with. Only once you are broke and your children raped will you having nothing left to lose and be willing to fight.
>Only once you are broke and your children raped will you having nothing left to lose and be willing to fight.

At least it will be by the opposite sex instead of the same sex. And it won't be legal unlike how the Biden led left would have it.
See here's the thing about it not taking much for you to go full mask off. It then fact that you had the mask on in the first place. And now you are mad because you were found out and called out on it. Acting and pretending to be neutral when you are not. You're pro tranny fart sniffing Biden just like I said. Just own up to it instead of being just another blatantly dishonest gaslighting faggot like the 99.999 percent of your side. At least the Trump supporters don't have to lie about it ...fucking pathetic. But not unexpected.
>raping children is okay as long as we're the ones doing it and it's legal.
Unclear if he's really that stupid or the bot broke but here you go. This is great thought behind 'backing the oligarchy no matter what'
>sunshine state
>nigger vooting

Jacksonville isn't rural
I didn't say it was ok. I said it would be illegal. The Biden tranny crew would 100% make it legal and actively encouraged if it was a gay rape and punishable by law towards anyone or any parent even that tried to stop it. That is how sick and Bizzaro Opposite Earth the the left has become. And Biden is willing to double down on it and give it all his gold star shining seal of approval if it means he gets to stay in power a minute longer. He needs to be voted out for the good of humanity itself. The guy is satanic devil horn levels of evil.
Blue country.
Blue decade.
Blue domination.
>Joe Biden up by 2 nationally
>Up by 2 with rural voters
>Biden won by +4 in 2020 while losing Rural voters 72-27(Clinton got 29% in 2016 btw)
Alright I'll stop taking the piss. I get what you're saying now.
But you don't seem to understand that the position of president is mostly irrelevant these days. Trump is not going to be able to do a lot other than get less illegal immigration and restore some mild meritocracy.

Frankly the oligarchy is better for everyone involved if they completely abandon merit like the left has. Don't like the child rape or castration but looks like republicans are just as compromised if presenting themselves as a more sane alternative.

Local elections are your only real chance and I bet you're still using machines owned by some politician's brother to count your vote. And you're still letting obviously partisan bureaucrats to double-check them.
The American system has completely collapsed. The real answer is to place restrictions on present and future political parties as well as enforce anti-trust on them.

Biden isn't even a real person. He could be a corpse they parade around at this point. The oligarchy owns both corporations, red and blue.
>But you don't seem to understand that the position of president is mostly irrelevant these days.

You keep with this pro Biden talking point. Which is a lie. Because if Trump wins again he will continue to stack the Supreme Court, which is only something the PRESIDENT can do. And all of the red state challenges to these tranny groomer laws put forth by Biden and his cronies will be thrown out in every red state across the nation. That is not NOTHING. no matter how much the pro Biden demoralization squad tries to gaslight and say its nothing. The left knows this. They know it in their bones which is why they are pulling out all the stops to try and stop it. Out in the open corruption and all
SCOTUS is alright in some ways. They seem a lot more for the second amendment but are also abandoning the first. Also they are still upholding the super-faggot child castration and anti-merit civil rights laws.
SCOTUS only cares about their own power. That might marginally be in our favor at times with more right-leaning party hacks.
>If you don't support my guy you support the other side.
I literally don't care anymore. The oligarchy might help Trump get in just to get more white men killed for Israel at this point.
Neither party is willing to take the most basic steps to save the country.

I feel like your whole stick is to pray to God that republican's won't bend you over and fuck you even though they have had no qualms about doing this time and time again.

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