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>uhhh you're not entitled to a beautiful loving wife

Okay, so why the fuck would I contribute to society in any way whatsoever?

The system literally doesn't have an answer to this. It's either pathetic shaming attempts or
>Y-YOU should work because.... You just have to okay?!

NPNW is a cop out meant to cheapen the message. Getting pussy isnt the problem, having a family is.

Without a loyal woman at home every man is obligated to not only contribute nothing, but actively become a menace to society and hasten it's destruction.

Try to prove this wrong logically, you literally can't. This thread will hit bump limit and you scums won't be able to answer the above question.
If I image search them I'll get porn?
Look at this kike trying to degrade and distract right out of the gate
So, Mr holy are you married to a honest woman ?
It used to work in the past, where they demanded you to contribute, but in exchange you actually knew that you'd get your reward almost certainly.
After decades of them claiming that you will totally be rewarded, yet plenty of guys getting fuck all (or even worse, getting shat on by the same people they slaved away for), all that trust is gone.
No pussy no work no pussy no draft
Getting pussy is not that hard. Getting a woman that will be a good wife and mother? It's impossible mode
No word (read fight and die) = no life
are you that stupid? you ain't getting pussy if you ain't got no income and no car.
Shut up kike
Shut up
women literally "no pay no play"
op is based
i quit
The girl on the left is really cute

The tip of my peepee is leaking
Get a car
you've got it backwards. Most people meet their future spouse at work.
I don't want an America wife anyway, they are too far gone to take seriously. But I like my job which most people don't so I consider myself lucky and that's good enough for me. I don't want to be around women at all if I can avoid it. A woman has nothing at all to offer me in any way so I leave them alone. I don't bother them, I don't talk to them if I don't have to, I won't help them if they are broke down or have a flat tire, etc, let some other absent minded chump do that.
I unironically have a debt free virgin religious cutie fiancee and all I had to do was make a moderate amount of money and be a kind masculine gentleman and not a blackpilled terminally online screeching autist.

If you guys could just behave like normal men did for most of history instead of like defective baby men you'd be totally fine. There are a LOT of marriageable women out there, believe it or not, thet are just not interested in porn addicted cranky basement schitzos.

And before you get mad, I'm insulting you to help you.
Here come the damage control shills
Hump to work
I'm being 100% serious. People on this retarded site always get mad when I say this but being a man women want involves taking responsibility and being a provider. It had been like this for all eternity.

I 100% guarantee that you are a boorish and insufferable mopey loser.
>I'm being 100% serious. People on this retarded site always get mad when I say this but being a man women want involves taking responsibility and being a provider. It had been like this for all eternity.
>I 100% guarantee that you are a boorish and insufferable mopey loser.
>I am 100% a kike on the clock
no one believes your fanfiction, anon
Man Woman?
I honestly find it really flattering that the most common response to me talking about my girl is people refusing to believe me lol. It makes me feel cool and exceptional to have pulled it off.

But at the same time, it makes me feel sad for pathetic faggots who can't even IMAGINE a woman loving them.

But then I remember it's 100% your fault and I cease to feel bad for you.
Imagine marrying a bitch with debt. The dowry system needs to come back.
Hell yeah.
Doubt. You wouldn’t be here if it were true.
>too inconsequential and weak to find a wife
>thinks his labor will be missed
God I can’t wait until Republicans slash entitlement spending so the NEETs run out of tendies.
when I say this but being a man wome
Do smarmy kikes like this actually believe they are blending in or that anyone believes their bullshit? Or is more just about flinging shit in every direction and being annoying as possible
It’s fun and natural for normal people who have success in life to revel in the misery of people who openly hate them.
I do come on here too much because I unironically get my breaking news from pol lol. I only post when I feel I might be able to whitepill anons in threads like this.

The blackpill is the jews best weapon and I want to do my part to fight it.
Based memeflag
Just know that I will not even read any of your posts past that first one. No matter how much your employer pays you to give me (You)s, they won't do anything because I won't read your mindrot slavery drivel.
I just genuinely care about my country and the white race and yes even YOU. I want you to stop being a retard and grow up and have kids and be a brave man and raise brave kids. We're gonna need every good man we can get.

I also just don't want you being miserable. If you just stopped being a little faggot you could be quite happy believe it or not.
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You should just engage with these losers the way I do, fren. The subhuman bugmen on here are fucking hilarious once you realize they exist for your entertainment.
>not reproducing white children is...le based?
What did you do recently?
>not a blackpilled terminally online screeching autist.

I cant be any other way.

And desu I find trad virgin, that sees you as provider for her dream for being family mom worse then run through slut, who wants some fun and my dick. At least the latter wanrs me (not talking about reformed sluts who want to settle down, but girl who wants you for fun and fucking).
Another 5 cent your employer paid without receiving anything in return.
You actually can. I was very autistic, edgy, and negative when I was younger, them I just one day decided it was hurting my life and just stopped. Simply decide, one day, to be different. Will it be today? Could be. You decide.
Also your hedonistic view of women is pathetic and gay lmao
They really are terrible but I have an autistic desire to try and reprimand lost souls.
That image is hate speech.
Anon found a fat chick
BTW in life you're not entitled to ANYTHING. You're not entitled to food, water, shelter, much less a wife. Our ancestors for 300,000 years clawed and scraped their way up snowy mountainsides to earn a meal for their children.

If you think anything in life is owed to you you're gonna have a bad time.
Everything I don't like is hate speech.
Everyone I don't like must be killed in order to protect liberal democracy. I am tolerant but not tolerant of intolerance. You have to be killed in order to preserve our tolerant society.
Then you have to die
Unironically the reason to work is to go overseas and fuck hotter chicks there, which is what I wanted to do in 2020 before I was interrupted.
Did you want Herpes
Truthfully anon, there's a seed of truth in both what you and them say, because, in the end, perception enlsaves reality and are interlinked.
Let me pose a you a question, food for tought perhpas, why would you marry someone when it is akin to glorified russian roulettes, only difference being that you have many more checks in many more situations until you pass a "check", a check that later on, as time passes will come back.
In short, why become better for someone that only cares for what you can offer, and why tie yourself to a noose that benefits the other person to pulling it once it is around you neck.
>but she is not shallow and souless
Statistics say otherwise, maybe not you but big chances
I know what you'll say but none of the less I want to hear it spoken by you.
The kike is right, though.

These two are professional models and do a lot of swimsuit images.

I'd bet a shekel there are nudes out there somewhere.
Ok then get rid of all taxes, governments arent entitled to anything
I'm sorry no woman has ever loved you and you see every relationship as transactional. I know it's hard to believe, but my fiancee actually loves me. She had opportunities to date richer men before she met me and didn't like them, it's not all about "offering" things you materialist manosphere goofball.
I agree with this lol
To fucking eat and have shelter you retarded 1st world incel. Or are you gonna keep pestering your dad who's beyond ashamed to have such pathetic excuse for a son, syphoning his food on the daily while writing shit on 4chan?
Anon is correct
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this whole argument becomes moot when gibs are curtailed.
commies were jewish homos, but they got one thing right.
post height and jawline
the one on the right is literally a whore with tattoos
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there's nothing wrong with hate speech, retard.
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While personal relationships, including a loyal wife, can be important motivators, they are not the only reasons to contribute to society. The intrinsic value of work, broader social bonds, legacy, moral responsibility, economic stability, personal development, and the counterproductive nature of destruction all provide strong reasons for individuals to engage positively with society. Embracing a more holistic view of motivation and fulfillment can lead to a more satisfying and meaningful life.
while true, the point remains and it really pisses of roasties.
I am very tall and strong but pretty overweight at this time. My gf is adamant she does not care about height or having abs but does admire physical strength.

My jawline genetics are like 8/10 but with my fat neck right now it's like 5/10

Hope this helps lol
Height and Jaw line
You are part of the black pill by implying there’s a white pill in the first place.
>a 7/10 with a banging body and pretty face who is half my age.
What does this hypothetical girl bring to the table in order to deserve any man at all?
It is not hard to believe, not once have I denied such a thing to not exist, in case it was not aparent enough I am talking about a doublestandard-ish situation in wich it is more profitable for a lady to get married than a fella.
Once where it is also more profitable to leave said man and the rules are stacked for ladies.
Yes, there are ladies that might like you, might be genuine, what I ask is a simple why.
Why would you take the risk? The chances are not in your favour, the world is souless, honesty and respspect no longer being considered a virtue.
I am not denying the existence of a good end, I am simply asking you why should it be pursued.
Alas you either didn't understood my message or you purposefully looked past my question like a politician
Not to Supreme, overturn the 1st?
Yeah they don’t seem to realize that, even though most people understand why young men are dropping out of society, women are simply going to drop out too. No woman wants to support a toddler she didn’t even have the pleasure of birthing and raising. It’s essentially like when white men take over a niglet. That is what it means to be a grown woman allowing a grown NEET to pork her and provide for him. There is no greater shame and signaling of low-self worth.
I have a pretty good life dude you can have it too if you just tried a little. Would you rather just surrender? If you do you have to surrender your white card. White men fight.
Anon, I respect you for trying to speak sense to them. I tried for a long time myself, and I am trying now to help you not waste time as I have. They have the brains of niggers and can not think past their desire for cocky boing boing.
No, sometimes the house is so damaged after the storm that it’s cheaper and better to start anew
From my experience there are MORE marriageable cute nice virgin young women than there are men. Women are less likely to be porn addicted and have a strong natural instinct to get a nice husband and kids. Yes, some get ruined and slut around but many, through morals or femcel autism, don't.

On the other hand, a huge majority of young men are porn addicted babymen losers who are emotionally stunted and unstable. What do they expect?
How much does it cost to hide me in Tennessee?
They both look like eastern euro mega-sluts, especially the right one
Not only that but I fear that your gal, might love more the idea of you, than "you". I assure you, if the river would ever run dry, something might happen to you in a way it disables you mentally or reproductively, you'll be moved on past. I pray that I am wrong, but numbers rarely try.
In my case I am happier alone not taking useless risks. In your case you wish to take a risk in a game stacked against us. You wish to play it and give into a possible ilusion. All the power for you.
Imagine replying to this. You're all fucking retarded
Is this some kind of excuse for marrying an 85 IQ south east asian or something? Lmao.
Train has left
You really need to stop the projections. I’m talking about the total collapse society
He just keeps doing it lol, literally only bashing their heads in with a claw hammer makes them stop kiking
Even a porn addict can play pretend if they don’t have nigger brain. If they couldn’t we wouldn’t have politicians. The problem with these individuals is they have chosen to give up and not care for anything else because life is hard. I am highly inclined to believe it is a sign of low intelligence and genetic failure.
Can you stop with the vague pessimistic psychoanalysis, gypsy? Whatever your retarded gypsy brain is thinking is wrong. Learn to ignore it and just do what i say.

If you said this shit in front of my gf she'd be appalled and want me to beat your ass for essentially calling her a slimy liar, and I would.
Unleash the Top German Chicks
>Being a man women want

Why don't women have to be what men want? Fucking shill.
Life is actually incredibly easy still compared to most of human history, at least materially.
But yes they are genetic waste and I genuinely think a solution is using them as eunuch slaves and allowing the few good quality men (us) to engage in polygamy.
Why would Trump treat on his pregnant wife? Because that slut bitch obviously was fucking someone. Damn these whores.
A man *good women want, I should have said.
Soon brother, soon
Perhaps I struck a nerve. If you don't like my truth don't listen to it and live your life, I could insult you, but at this rate your reaction to adversity and callange to self beliefs shows a lot, I never called her a liar for certain as I do not know her, but there is a possibility, you wouldn't make it far in real life based on uour harsh reactions and it shows that deep down past the facade, you're still your old self
>t muh feelings, women moment
Pure see
Same question then, why don't women have to be what good men want? It's always what the man has to do and never what the woman has to. If you think like that, where you default to making excuses for women and blaming men then I'm sorry but you're a simp and not a man.
I'm barely reading your meandering ESL navel gazing. People being offended when you insult their wives is normal behavior and does not prove you right. If I called your mother a whore without merit and that upset you that would not make me right. I can see why Hitler genocided you people. Don't you have children to kidnap and blind to use as beggars?
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>Getting pussy isnt the problem
>Getting pussy is not that hard
chad spotted, fuck off

>you ain't getting pussy if you ain't got no income and no car.
teenage chad fucks pussy without job and car. Care to explain that?
131 is drowning
I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. People tend to match with someone of their class of character. If you're not finding good women, you probably suck too.

And to answer your question, it is the man's role to be active and virile, tame the wilderness, defeat enemies, hunt the game, and lead the family. Women's role is to be demure, be a loving and devoted helper, manage the home and hearth, and raise children.

Men are leaders and you have to go and do things and not sit around all day. If you find that unappealing you simply aren't masculine.
Watch this piece of shit kike shill have 30+ posts by the time the thread is over. It's always the same with these Eglin AFB kikes
What did you pay knight?
because they have it easy. ugly mofos have to earn it.
Yes, paid US operatives are currently engaging with YOUR high quality and groundbreaking thread.
Legitimate schizophrenic. I simply have autism lol
These kike shills all follow the same shaming script
I wish we could have this conversation in real life so I could shame you even more vigorously.
>who is half my age
39/2=19,5 thats at least 5 years older than the prime bitch i deserve, so i cant relate to your chud

i earn it by being a gentleman and having IQ over 200.
>Flag checks out
Quick question is easy
This board is so full of insane people wtf lmao
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>Yes, paid US operatives are currently engaging with YOUR high quality and groundbreaking thread.
>Legitimate schizophrenic. I simply have autism lol
Autists mode
>teenage chad fucks pussy without job and car
Chad has good looks to compensate. Women are major hypocrites who make up tons of rules for the betas and disregard all of them for the alphas.
are you just informing me about the insanity of this board or are you implying i m insane?
Go trans. Trans rights activists are on a multi year gaslighting project trying to convince people to sleep with trannies. Be a lesbian and let them fight your corner.
This is just embarrassing.
You listen only to what you want to hear frien, that shows more about your character than mine. If you take the truth and twist it to what you want to hear it is your own problem yet not once have you denied what I said.
In case it wasn't aparent enough, no I am not calling your wife a whore, I am telling you that you have no certainty to know some things until they happen we we call "possibilities". If I wanted to call you or her names I would have done so with no quarrels.
Seems like I am right.
It is easier to get basic needs met. If you’re willing to make social sacrifices. The biggest struggle is a social and societal one along with different cultures and people being forced to mix and compete in the same ways.
The best solution is a gas chamber. Or intensive re-training. Along with removing their ability to procreate, I don’t think chopping it all off is a good solution. And polygamy is cringe and you should feel ashamed of yourself.
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Top Pommy angle
Yeah sure everything is possible nothing is certain the moon could be made of cheese what if the quantum foam spontaneously spawned mickey mouse in my room

You're so deep you should go on Joe Rogan
Getting pussy is easy if you looksmatch instead of chasing women outside of your physiognomic cluster.
You're a based poster anon I'm glad guys like you still come here.
Question still stands anon, waiting for an answer.
Women care much more about masculine traits than looks.
Listen to the Pom you clown
I'm not sure what question you asked
Thank you, from what you post I feel the same way.
Like this is incredibly based.

> The borgar muncher fears the callous retard counter trolling lmao
You're never going to change anyone's mind on 4chan. It's pointless but you obviously love the attention. (YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)(YOU)
this thread is just people screeching about how based brown immigrants are lol
Are you Christian too anon?
> Why would you take the risk?
> marriage is stacked against you along with the chances of getting fucked
You really got under his skin
>so why the fuck would I contribute to society in any way whatsoever?
because one day you're gonna run out of money, genius
you think people work because they wanna contribute to society? are you retarded by any chance?
right is literally perfect, god damn. nonetheless, this is an r9k dork thread and you faggots should do yourselves and everyone else a favor and kill yourselves.
My height is 5 foot 10 inches, and i would say i have quite nice jawline. No problem with the women from the young age. So clearly you can make it as a shorter man like me too.
Because I'm white and white people take risks and leaps of faith to accomplish great things. I've also climbed mountains and gone in excursions where I could have died. Why take the risk? Because the view from the top is amazing. It'd be safe to sit in my gaming chair and never go outside. But facing fears and acting on faith for greater reward makes you stronger and is what life is about.

There's technically a small chance my wife divorces me. I'm not worried about jt whatsoever, but if it happened I'd pick myself up and find another wife. Life goes on.

The worst sin is cowardly inaction.
People dont seem to grasp that much of why they aren't predisposed to having families and dating is because they've been (purposefully) priced out of doing so
This anon called it. That histrionic kike is literally 25% of the entire posts in the thread
Most projects and pensions are unironically a scam, might as well save the money into a bank account and a plan giving yearly interests back
In my case I'd rather go on the top alone. Risk here does not outweight the benefit.
I don't work. I'm on disability and food stamps, own a small 1 bedroom mobile manufactured in the late 1990s and a few acres. I'm regularly called white trash by land whales that live with their parents or in a shitty ghetto apartment with 5 other trannies.

But I'm able to get pussy anytime I want for the cost of a couple my pain pills. Women are trash and I use them for the only thing they have to offer.
You're a massive pussy and a coward and this is exactly why women don't like you lol

"I'm afwaid of having my feewings huwt therefore I won't reproduce"
Astonishing cowardice. You are truly subhuman.
Kike stalag porn
Post view of this kikess getting her pussy blown out by ur kike faggots
Sure af lil kike faggots recorded it
All rich and their bloodlines deserve immediate death
Women and Men both have different sides as you can’t cluster every man and woman into the same category as broadly when it comes to subjective desire.

Take for example, a man who is concerned with fashion and beauty standards with little desire to take part in hard labor or outdoor work. Despite the feminine quality of being inadequate at physical and demanding labor, he is mentally apt in creating clothing and making it incredibly functional or beautiful. This man would not be considered conventionally masculine, but he is capable of generating income and resources for a woman. On top of this, he might have unique facial features that make him rather feminine, but let’s stop for a second and think. Is this man a homosexual? Not if he has desires for a woman. There are women out there who may have experienced trauma or find fear in a traditionally masculine man who would find him to be an incredible catch and would love to be with him due to what he provides. However, this man also has the capability of denying women for his own needs just the same as the woman. He will likely not want a large woman or a woman with unattractive features because he has aesthetic qualities he looks for and maybe he also may need some help with sewing or a fresh eye, so he finds a pretty seamstress to settle down with. Where he can not do physical labor quite as well, he smartly finds a way to make enough money to compensate for this.

He can support his wife and any child that he has and protect them with a gun (the great equalizer). A man does not have to be traditionally or exceedingly masculine to procreate. He only has to be capable of providing in whatever manner that he can that doesn’t put his family’s life at risk.

Are there some men who don’t have to put the effort in? Absolutely. Just as there are women who don’t have to put any effort in. There is an unfairness to your generation in life, the orphan didn’t ask to be an orphan or try to be.
Nope. No fear. A lady in my life is simply not the effort. I could go outside and get myself a girlfriend same day as I have friends and groups. It is simply not the investment and effort. It's one thing to take risks that benefit you, it is another to take risks for no reason.
Fax, and taking on the responsibility is too much legal commitment
6'0" and very defined.
Exactly. Worse is is once you get her she ll sart acting like an entitled princess. She ll epect you to behave like Ross from friends. She will pussify you. Once finished she will treat you like a dormat for the rest of your life. The second you rebel at any stage, she will loose her love for you. Unless she actively resists the narrative, respects your wishes, and checks her pussifying tendencies actively, you will get screwed aka divorced.
not worth the effort* (gotta take my auto typo out)
I feel so bad for you man. Love is an amazing thing. Family is everything.
Truly I agree
Modern women are animals who deserve death
Experienced it on a familial,platonic and romantic level. All of them being overrated
Imagine how many negro black african american cocks those girls taken between the two of them, combined and at the same time. Imagine how much they'd never give you the time of day regardless.

> why the fuck would I contribute to society in any way whatsoever?
> Waah the system
Take your schizo meds. Isaac Newton contributed so much and he never saw a vagina in his whole life. How do you think it works? There is no intelligent sentient system that exists to reward or punish you. It's just nature taking it's course. Civilization exists because true men have ideals, not because they are degenerates whose identity revolves around chasing pussy.

How it worked in the past is you'd get drafted to $current_war and die bleeding in a ditch when you are 19 years old. Or if you're an autistic robot
you get chained a shed in the backyard and never learn to speak.
Apex fallacy.
Bruh, this niggas argument to marriage is taking risks for no reasons
It's a literal shill in the middle of his shift
Now THIS is kike posting!
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You aren't entitled to it though, do you think you're some sort of main character in a story? Reality is different, you try and often fail for a number of different reasons but if you don't try you are guaranteed to fail 100% of the time. No one is asking you to contribute damn thing because we don't live in some shitty agrarian commune, you can be the laziest person you want to be in America but understand that you surrender autonomy by doing so, since someone has to clean up after you and they won't be doing it for free. NPNW is a bunch of sociopaths that feel entitled because society has spoiled them to the point they feel no need to maintain their OWN integrity and autonomy scares the absolute daylights out of them. Your entire argument was dead on arrival, OP.
I hate tradcunts
This is simply not true and the statistics prove it.
Based. Even if our views are slightly different it is always incredibly based to love. There is nothing like finding the love of your life, the one who completes you entirely and fuels you with purpose. It’s exacerbated after your first child is born. Holding that vulnerable, squishy, squirmy creature and knowing it is a part of you, and that you must protect and love it. That it has a part of the woman you love in it. Seeing your features made clear on their face is unlike anything you could possibly imagine. Knowing you can give them a good life and lead them to giving good lives to others. Life’s greatest joy.
I'm going to anally rape you until you prolapse.
then you'll be a double roastie.
it's all about genetics
being broke doesn't women not want chad to cum in them
>uhhh you're not entitled to a beautiful loving wife
uhhh then you're not entitled to my labor
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based cuckservative using blacked teens for his memes
Who the fuck do you deranged kikes think you are fooling with this? Everyone knows you are sitting right next to each other in a sweaty damp basement with a bunch of other shills
this is glowing
Delirious faggot
The point is you're telling men what they have to do while incessantly ignoring the hard barriers women have put up that won't allow them to. The elephant of the room that we are utterly ruled and dominated by women and isn't acknowledged at all. But instead of focusing on the actual problem, you point at men and tell us what we need to do, like we can't figure out what that means without someone who thinks he's all special and wise telling us
You can tell the one on the right is an absolute freak
It's a classic shill tactic. Every single one of his posts was disingenuous
Shaming people doesn't work when you're the one behaving shamefully(simping) and not them
bright green
>hard barriers for women
>woman claims height doesnt matter
>is with a tall man anyway
every fucking time
>qualify yourself to me so I can trap you in a loop of circular reasoning and attempt to abuse and gaslight you
Kill yourself.
More >5 men would settle for more >5 women if everyone wasn't such a fat fuck, fix that and you'll fix these abysmal numbers
>I'm entitled to everything from you
>you aren't entitled to anything from me
This is slavery. You are a slaver trying to live at the expense of others.
Kill yourself.
another retard that doesn't understand how lucky he got. why is this always the case? you're happily married? that's great, why would you insult others just because they weren't so lucky tho?
yeah but she's brown, yuck
No pussy no work. simple as.
Luck has nothing to do with it, fren.
Just don’t be socially repulsive and stay in your own league of attractiveness and on your own socioeconomic level.
People who fail to find mates are always reaching above their station.
Just be better is retarded advice with zero real world application, can't wait for the competency crisis to take off so retards like you stop having clean water and electricity; your children will suffer even worse than you.
Nobody fucking care about you
even if US population drops by like 100mill its still more people than in 1970
Because he's an idiot and actually believes it's because he's special and better or something, in reality he's just a shill trying to shame you back into compliance to his benefactors
The kikes care a lot about continued growth and the infrastructure being maintained.
Questions for all anons in this thread, how many women have you slept with, and do you expect virgin women to accept the fact you've already lost your virginity to someone else?
on the contrary, if a woman doesn't work, I don't want her as my wife
um, no, everyone mortal, so its just slower decress of population, nothing will change, nobody care about work you or not, its actually change nothing
and migration will fix work space anyway
nope, just don't have a body count much higher than mine onegai shimasu
Lol at this fucking ESL faggot shill lmao
I don't think it's just a jew thing to want stable bridges
You think like a porn addicted cuck.
>Dominated by women.
Maybe you.
If you pay taxes you are dominated by women
The lampshades cannot come soon enough
KEK, stank b8

Better luck next time
>I honestly find it really flattering
This is either a roastie, fag, or onionsboy
>I'm so tough and manly women don't control me
>You're a porn addicted cuck for observing reality and telling people what you saw

Lol ok dum dum
>whitepill anons
>insults those anons by calling them pathetic faggots, losers
Bro that's a shill with 30+ posts
Even if you were real, which you are not, I am typing this for the NPCs and roasties that are reading this thread.

You talk about "genuinely caring" about people in this thread whom you have labelled, much of it incorrectly, as pathetic faggots and losers. I grew up around legions of people like you, and still have to when my job requires it. The simple truth is that you are what you accuse others of being, pathetic faggots and losers, and many people, in listening to you, are repulsed by you and people like you for being completely insufferable, arrogant dipshits that couldn't find their ass with a map.

You want to know why so many men are walking away? It isn't just the lack of quality women, but also the lack of quality community, people, and jobs. Fuck every single one of you that "thinks" like how you have larped today. I've had many chances to marry, but absolutely none of the women were marriage material or had the slighted clue as to compromise, pulling her own weight, and responsibility. I've lived in too many communities to count where the people were complete dogshit, so I will continue to stack cash, work toward early retirement (early 40s now, and can retire comfortably in 10 years), and enjoy my sweet solitude.

To the young men reading this thread, remember this: one out of every two marriages end in divorce, most (if not all) relationships are transactional, and the community (ies) you choose to live are where your kids will be influenced in how they grow. If you can find a good community and women, by all means, go for it, but no marriage is better than a bad marriage, and solitude is better than a sour, toxic community. Also, when you feel the urge to dickthink, go rub one out as soon as you can. Don't dickthink.....that's gotten scores of men in major trouble and ruined their lives
Hey bro, I even said that, but I am speaking to the NPCs and roasties, as well as the young men reading this thread.
Oh, so you conformed to the hivemind, KEK. (once again, I know this is a larp, but there are scores of people that think like this)

This is a profoundly sick society, anon, where one quarter of the population, for example, favored the state taking kids away from their parents if their parents did not get their kids vaccinated with a vaccine that, according to the companies, had been in clinical trials for 9-12 months. This is a population that stands by and large does NOTHING when entire states criminalize not calling a person by their preferred pronouns and believes that a person can change their basic biology.
I know without asking that you have either fillings in your teeth or untreated tooth decay.
I would support taking your children away from you in that basis alone because it shows you are incapable of or unwilling to care for that which is precious.
fallacious kike, Newton was a virgin by choice.
>How it worked in the past is you'd get
a wife, and she would obey or else.
you niggerkikefaggot liar
Tell that to the millions of shitskin foreigners entitled to our tax money kek
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No hymen no diamond
Oh it's an Ouchie-Fauchi kike. Everyone can sqfely disregard this hebraic vermin.
This is what I have been talking about, kind of. Sticking to your own is all well and good. The second part is convincing people, especially younger people, to start families. The enemy has bombarded millennials and zoomers into thinking that children are a burden and you won't be able to have fun with a child.
Lots of men get beautiful loving wives. By disengaging from society, you make it a certainty you will not be one of those men. The jews don't care if you exit society. In fact it furthers their plan since it speeds up the replacement. NPNW, MGTOW, and all of its variants such as this one are all psyop scams.
And how would you know that? I'd like to know.
>The jews don't care if you exit society

Yeah the slavers don't care if the slaves leave the plantation, sure, lol.
How would they bring these men back? Shaming doesn't seem to work.
>beautiful loving wives
Women can't love anyone other than themselves, and maybe their children. I doubt many mothers are actually capable of loving their children though, if you see how they raise and treat them. Every time a woman tells a man she loves him, there's an asterisk on the word love.
>I love you, because you're hot and make my pussy tingle
>I love you, because you subsidize my worthless existence
Neither of these things are love, they're lust and parasitism. And if either of these reasons for her to "love" you go away, which they can and often will due to things totally outside of your control, she's going to be looking for another dick to hop on that provides one or both of these things.
You forgot to hide your flag
Fuck whites for giving women rights
>fine being a provider and manslave to a woman
>all I ask is that she loves me unconditionally
>that is asking too much
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This is why I hate all those faggots who keep shilling going and finding a SEA wife. Those women literally just want you for the money and to get out of the slums.
You're pretty much describing this image, OP.

If you actually spent some time working on yourself and socializing in the right places you could probably find the sort of woman you're looking for.

In Moby Dick Captain Ahab is fueled by his rage at the injustice of the world, presuming that if you hate something hard enough, eventually creation must take notice. Instead of an epic showdown with creation and getting to "strike behind the mask", Ahab gets pulled overboard by some rope tangled around his leg and suddenly everything he was on about which he thought was so significant is simply gone.

Feel free to check out of society, OP. No one will notice or care. Some grifty journalist may write the upteenth article about incels, but that's about it. Oh, there's so many of you silent quitters that women can't get husbands anymore? They will unironically lobby for polygamy than settle for you, which is how it worked for most of history before monogamy was invented.

Even your 15 minutes of fame as this year's false flag mass-shooter won't do anything.
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Men are not entitled to women but they DESERVE robowAIfus
If I can have a family then you cant either
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I wasn't getting pussy when I had above average income and a car, if you want me to wage again this time I need pussy upfront
Why can't shills resist writing essays?
They don't care about your production. So many businesses bias against hiring white men, but you still think they care about your pathetic work lmfao.
Stacy shows up, falls in your lap
>"so Anon what do you do for work?"
What then, lol
>They don't care about your production

Then why do they attack people with SWAT teams who don't want to hand over 30-50% of it?
run into some bad luck and see what happens to “love”. you’ll see…
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Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.
The way IRS is setup is a humiliation ritual. They already know exactly how much taxes you owe, and if it was really about the money they'd just automatically deduct it like most countries do.
>They already know exactly how much taxes you owe,
While technically true, you can adjust your tax liability right up to April 15 by doing late IRA or HSA contributions, among others.
Reminder they will just leave you even more empty handed.
>Hello fellow anons I'm not sure how I found this place and contribute to it all the time but here I am with my virgin qt3.14 wife and ur all basement dwelling virgins lmao lmao derp not me tho I found this place by accident
>no work - no twerk

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