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Let the manlet walk of shame begin.
probably fake intention to lure russians into false sense of security
The Empire can see that the Russians can knock them out before the election, which would cause huge repercussions here. As a result they are directing the hohols to engage in a process that allows the Empire to pretend it "won" in some way, to protect their grip on power after November.
the Russians are in charge of when this war ends.
Public opinion shifted probably.
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true if big
zelensky must have read my post on 4chan /pol/ about how when trump wins the ukraine war is ending and mexico is getting ay caramba'd due to the cartels.
trump gains nothing from ukraine continuing and lots from ending it with putin.
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This is the Biden administration desperate for some hopeful PR before the elections, SAME as with this 'if we go over 2,500 a day we close the border!' ploy.

Zelenskyy will be couped, shot up against a wall with is family on TV and I'll 'if you only knew how bad things really are' meme his their skulls being blown apart.
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> must protect democracy in ukraine at all costs
> refuses to hold election when it's due (even though lincoln did in middle of american civil war)
> sends terrorists to kill russian civilians in movie theater
> bombs public beach with russian civilians

we are the good guys, right?
I think you're right about Mexico. The biggest problem for the Empire is pride and taking a massive L in Ukraine is super bad for their ego. They will need to immediately pivot to some opportunity for a victory to make boomer America feel strong again. Ironically the Mexican gambit will not go as expected.
It's because they know the war ends Day 1 of Trump and his presidency is lining up to be another fuckin golden age of cleaning up the low hanging fruit problems left by Biden.
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>Within a few months
He could do it right now.
He should have done it two years ago.
But I guess the kike bloodthirst isn't sated yet.
What percentage of their male population is dead now?
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Look. Basically I'm just not gonna take the deal. I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY! It's just that I'm not gonna take it is all. Hahahaha.
the war is very likely to end before the election. Russia has the means to do so if it so chooses. you need to understand that since your side is losing the war you are not able to determine the timeline. the winning side is in charge here.
Trump is not going to end the Ukraine war. Ukraine was being prepared for conflict under his administration and he was aware of that you can be certain.
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That's so cute. You think the NAFOTroons are putting Putin in his place. You're not gonna like what's coming.
>Zelenskjew wants peace
this must mean he's surrendering.
you fags live in your own little world. don't you.
a world where rasha did nothing wrong too.
fags. all of you, or more likely just zigger bots.
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This anon gets it..
that means biden admin will end
percentage wise it's a few % at very most. the dream of every Ukrainian is to move to Europe or North America so this situation suits them just fine. There are millions of Ukranians living their best life right now, outside of hoholstan.
Peace is the only way they keep Odessa.
I would bet Putin would agree to 2020 borders
xisters not like this
I am literally going to hang myself right now I cant even right now
>step one russia withdraws troops
he always does it whenever he announces so deal
Ukraine should never accept peace unless Russia return everything including Crimea
Trump should never be allowed to return and force Ukraine into peace
To the last hohol and to the last hohol only
Biden's #1 priority is not letting the Russians or Trump faction get control over Ukraine because there are many, many dirty crimes to cover up there. Their worst nightmare is Russia taking over Kiev and publishing the documents. It remains to be seen if they can offer a good enough deal for the Russians to take that.
Just in time for Biden to claim he ended the war under his administration before the election
the Russians have made it very clear that there will be no cessation of hostilities during negotiations this time - only after a deal is concluded will they stop shooting.
he was ready to surrender since the start but his zog masters told him that he's not allowed, which is how it'll always be, hohol lives don't matter to the zog
It’s attrition, it’s simpler than you niggers think kek I saw this coming in 2022. Russia can keep throwing troops at Ukraine indefinitely, Ukraine can’t. Post-2022 the war has been pure attrition. Ukraine wants Russian moral to break and Russia wants Ukrainian moral to break or they simple run out of manpower.
The russkies have no way of capturing Odessa in the real world.
They cannot stage a proper offensive anymore.
And they certainly cannot do a landing on the coast of Odessa.
Who do you think will fill the void? Jeets, Palestinians, Haitians?
russia can't really fight against hundreds of trillions a year economies backing enemy country on their own
and russia has been taking massive Ls lately as well
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>"public beach"
>multiple military objects within mere kilometers
Your crocodile tears will never not be funny, ziggers
>inb4 seethe and cope reply
This. People act like the US's long term strategic goals can completely switch every 4 years with a new president kek.
anyone felt that this "war" is fake and gay?
>I don't give a damn – nobody will stop me – Ukraine's Commander-in-Chief on liberating Crimea

>It is noted that the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces would like to return the Crimean peninsula, illegally annexed by Russia in 2014, even though some Western officials privately worry about what Russian dictator Vladimir Putin's reaction would be if Ukrainian troops ever reached the territory.

>"As soon as I have the means, I’ll do something. I don’t give a damn – nobody will stop me."

Zaluzhnyi has said this, but Zaluzhnyi is not the head of state.

Now reports from Crimea, if anyone can control Zaluzhnyi it is him.

When he says "nobody will stop me" he is referring to Zelenskyy.
Don't see it on CNN so probably bs
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how compelling, please lay down now
interests have shifted to getting trump elected and funneling money into israel. ukraine was so last summer


well good thing our bombs only target things in incements of KILOMETERS THEN EH?

moon acting
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Just in time for the election!
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as said zelensky announced ridiculous proposals on purpose like doing a peace conference without russia being there
>a chosen will go down in history books as surrendering to a goy
There's like no chance of that happening. Zero.
There is no void.
Sorry, after checking the map i think the actual distance is in the hundreds of meters
What’s the over under on Russia demanding everything from Crimea to Odessa and land locking the hohols? I can’t see Russia letting Odessa remain a a staging point for drone attacks on Crimea.
that means the world will be in for some major happening in a few months
probably not directly this but...
our #1 tabloid piece today shilled covid cases on the rise as a headline so the climate is changing, again.
no matter what ukraine surrendering means they have been told they will loose the support and are on their own so they better surrender..
He has to say this. He has to act like the big peace guy. This is not ending for NATO, trust me.
Trump can't stop this.
/pol/ literally shaking rn
After the war Zelenskyiev will retire to a multimillion mansion in Miami. Screencap this,

He didn't waste it ..a bunch of kosher people got very rich. Now Back to waging goy
theyll throw their own under the bus. they do it all the time
If true then he probably doesn't have long to live himself
Jews have been getting raped by Arabs for centuries. Hundreds of thousands of dead white goyim, mission accomplished, time to pack bags and head for Israel.
that Swiss conference was planned a long time ago as part of a strategy that got BTFO long ago. They should have canceled it. They never expected Russia to kick their ass on the battlefield, diplomatically, and economically. They have no plan and are scrambling to try and save face. The Russians will allow them to save face but only under very generous terms.
It could be they're running out of men and the results from the recent draft psyop showed most young American men weren't willing to be cannon fodder.
bringing the point that was made in some previous threads
why wasn't the attack done at night or when there is at least less people on the beach?
Russia has an offer on the table right now that does not include Ukraine surrendering Odessa or Kharkov. That offer is probably good for a few weeks at most.
Nafo Crimea beach party never ever.
Eta to new president?
Tick tock even a Slavic slave race might not want an unelected kike ruling for years
>that means the world will be in for some major happening in a few months

What you need to see is that the Empire - of which USA/EU are the core part - is failing and this defeat will probably be the deathblow. They are not in control and do not have levers they can pull to keep the shit together. It's going to dissolve, quickly, and the happening will be the effects of that in Western countries.
did they make a typo? dont they mean KievPost? you know, like
>Kiev, The ukraine.
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Many children have surrendered to Putin only to be raped violently by him.

Its a fact.
No. We wont have WW3 if he surrender.
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He will be like a spic dictator on retirement, puffing on a cigar and fucking broads, sounds pretty based desu.
Tell us an instance in which elections ocurred during war time.
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So the US finally let him?
Let me guess; Dark Bidet wins again?
Even if OP is fake and gay, that is a very likely outcome and once there is a "Peace Treaty" then Ukraine can be repopulated with the Global South. These "New Ukraine's" can from Ukraine spread to Poland or the Baltics very easily and not have to go the long route North through Spain, Italy or Greece.
The only culture jews have is getting destroyed by Germans.
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Fight slaves t. dodgers enjoying their lives
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Sorry Ivan, no amount of crocodile tears will help
Perhaps russian occulational administration shouldnt put public places and military infrastructure right next to each other
But what do i expect from "people" who treat their own in a picrel way
Yeah, but if Ukraine falls then information might get out about how corrupt the Biden family is, and that might hurt his re-election chances. It is better that thousands of eastern European men die than to allow that information to get out in public.
All the wasted lives the last few years.
He’s covering his ass
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in a few months there will be nothing left and earth waits for another life form to take hold
All freenasons on earth need to go. 100%
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>our losses are minimal, no peace, we win
>our losses are enormous, lets settle this shit
lmao even
don't worry there will be more
He literally did
Coke money will be gone on day 1 of Trump presidency.

What happened to fighting till the last hohol pigger?
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You post gore threads here showing exactly why he was right to mercykill his bro
I can't wait for how many Whites are going to wake up and go, "why the fuck were Whites forced to pay for and die for Jews and accomplish nothing while our countries are invaded?"

Dis gon be good
>But first, a few more months of total Slav death, said Zelensky calmly.
I always figured it would be ants. Entirely homogeneous, working as one for the betterment of the colony.
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are you really too retarded to google?

Rats like you don't know how to swim. And the water is rising.
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That's clever considering Trump told them that he will force Russia and Ukraine to negotiate. Zelensky doesn't want to be viewed as the guy that doesn't want to negotiate. You ziggers have nothing. Stay mad!
Oh no globohomo tranny sisters, if Ukraine is winning why would Zelensky be throwing in the towel?
Azov will hang Cokelinsky when he surrenders.
All the billions of dollars gone in the the pockets of Ukrainian millionaires (Joos).
Or USA needs resources for a diffrent war which involves Israel or China
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If they didnt wake up 4 months into the conflict, they will never realize it at all.
wow they really did hack the FED
We’ll lose those wars too. Houthis got one of our aircraft carriers to scoot away lmao
Ukraine will be battle royale for contractors and mercs for years to come. like Iraq
Holy shit.
Zelensky really is a Kremlin agent.
You all called me schizo for it but turns out I was right.
If he doesn't position himself in such a way that it's obvious that he's doing the US' bidding against his better judgement, he's toast and he knows it.
We can still go on for couple more years without general mobilisation
Is this really all the nato commies can do?
Appear strong when you're weak, but weak when you're strong.
Ukraine is absolutelly collapsing and they want to secure a ceasefire before Russia realizes this, if they haven't already.
He announced Putin's intentions to surrender. Learn to read.
Ukraine will end the empire of faggotry and evil known as the American empire, this is their final foreign adventure
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As soon as Kiev capitulates, I'm going onto /k/ and spamming NAFO memes like "Summer in Crimea 2023!" and "Still no Bakhmut?". I will rub their rat-faced jew beaks in it and eat the bans. I want them to suffer.
>mfn russia will uncover war crimes and people will say that russia always lies when they find crimes on occupied/liberated territories...
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ants will fight other colonies of the SAME species. their probably as territorial, selfish, and aggressive as any human culture. They are more akin to fucking pirates who yes depend on one another, but would also slice each other's throat at the slightest convenience.
Freedom is slavery, weakness is strength.
>He announced Putin's intentions to surrender.
chutzpah-sisters... how can we become as strong as zelenski?
It is not even the fact that there are no election. It is the fact that everything indicates the head of State should be the head of the parliament.
Maybe the one who wrote the ukrainian constitution had a functioning brain and realised giving the president unlimited power under the dubious pretext of martial law (ukraine isn't even at war by the way) was not a good idea.
>leaving loose ends alive
He will be found ODed with several underage prostitutes in some luxury hotel.
Just sign it, zelenigger
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Fellow Whites, we must put American troops on the ground in Ukraine to help them against Putin, the future of the White race depends on it!
Yea I seen this for russia not for kraniea. But ultimately it’s an Ukrainian surrender and Russian peace policy until the nato troops remind them what it means til the last kranie
>peace deal reached in a few months
>biden takes the credit
>MSM pushes that Biden prevented WW3
I can see it all now
Sounds like a good strategy in a world of finite resources. Too bad white people are too stupid to understand this.
This was supposed to start earlier I reckon. Hilary was already beating the drums of war but no one expected trump to win, that wasn't part of the plan
What a dumbass! Putin already laid out a peace plan and he denied it. Freaking idiot. Must need Obiden's approval.
A hero's surrender to end the war.
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and here i thought Zelensky was based enough fight to the last hohol tranny
the last hope is based Putin won't sign any peace deals and the hohol tranny slaughter keeps going on xD
Same here, they ztarted shilling covid again in the last week
do you think the russians are stupid? these kind of decisions are made with the input from dozens of people who look at it from all directions.
trying to spot a trap is the very first thing they'll do.
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homie i don't want any of your friends or family to die but you gotta wake up from the CIA spiked punch you been drinking
I hear promising things from squid and octopi. The future will be tentacles and crabs
Yeah they've been pushing for it
And we want to keep Biden in, we dont need Donny with his balooned ego contrary to what media lies to you. So we are negotiating.
Zele just have to give up the territories which are already ours anyway.
BuT uKrAiNe Is WiNnInG
Haha ukie shills btfo
oh just like russia is doing right now through belarus?
Every single war the US has ever been in, including the Civil War?
NATO doesn't have enough troops or - more importantly- enough weapons, to meaningfully prolong the conflict. That's a bluff to the domestic Western audiences. Russia knows this is the case and NATO knows Russia knows this.
that's correct. she would have gone against Russia in 2017
>Oh no, we might have to surrender America and Europe, better give us more money!
After we passed $95 billion in military aide to them and $50 billion in loans in a security agreement. And who knows how much dark money has gone into their war effort. Fuck them.

stock profits tho - my boomer uncle loves those stock profits
what about your emplacements?
mere kilometers from civilian centers?
everyone does that you mong
how else can you protect civilian targets?
All that embedded journalism. isreal.
Hope he loses it all in a market crash.
Yes, but FIRST!!
RUSSIA MUST!! give Crimea back and then Donbass back, everyone who dont want to live in ukraine can go to THE GREAT RUSSIA if they LOVE it so much!!!
Russia MUST pay reparations for every MURDER and every DAMAGE they did in ukraine! Everything must be paid to single cent!
Every murder russia caused costs ONE BILLION DOLLAR!



So all those who have died did so for literally no good reason lmfao
Intriguing that you are so anti Russian, seemingly so pro war yet aren't on the battlefield. Nobody is more jingoistic and nationalist than a coward refusing to fight.
jewcraine time
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None of that is ever going to happen
>daytime isn't wartime
"I want to retire to my south american mansion before I get assassinated"
Yup. The whole thing was an agreement between the west and Russia to depopulate land for migrants.
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Don't trust anything he says, juden lie like normal people breathe oxygen.
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Because hohols are every bit the barbaric savages they claim Russians to be, they sound like Israel kikes justifying bombing civilians
>oy vey, there was hamas hiding under that beach!
Such a failure in leadership. If you know you can't win why put your people into the meat grinder? They're dead for no reason.
If I'm reading this right, this is a "NATO boots on the ground" kind of settlement he is talking about.
Ukraine surrenders Russia will starve then to death in two years.
Either way they are dead , now noone wants to fight
that's not true it's a cope to make people think the Russians are "just as bad" as Globohomo. They don't care if you know your Empire is shit as long as you think everyone else is just as bad. Their nightmare is a competing model.
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And yet, somehow, I can’t stop laughing
You are correct

Ukraine lost 500-600k dead and 300k heavy wounded, NAFO used all types of weapon they had except nuclear

They can only send own soldiers or go to nuclear war, there are no other options LOL
Man you butthurt belters are going to cope your brains out
Russia would allow NATO boots on the ground in Western Hoholstan but not in Kiev, Odessa, Dnipro, etc. It is in Russia's interest to keep a rump Ukraine and attach it to Europe like a timebomb.
>the war ends Day 1 of Trump
lmao imaginr actually believing this
Not a chance, Trump loves Jews more than anything else in this universe.
>They can only send own soldiers or go to nuclear war, there are no other options LOL

Sending soldiers means you lose in a year and the odds are not good in a nuclear exchange, either. Your opponent has more modern missiles and air defense and it's not even close.

The game right now is managing perceptions for the DOMESTIC audience. They need to keep the Westerners believing we haven't been defeated until after November.
>NATO defeated

>the guys who lost millions and still overtook nazi germany are going to give up against Ukraine
this war was over the day Putin crossed into Ukraine, everything since was an absolute waste of lives resources time thanks to USA insistence and I don’t think Russia China Iran nk etc are ever going to forget our retarded behavior
We held an election DURING our civil war, you dumb left-wing fuckhead.
Fucking read a goddamn book that wasn't written by a garbage marxist author for once.
What happens if Russia says no and the only way they accept a surrender is if they hand Zelensky's head on a silver platter?
Vpn hopping fake poles who live in portland are a stain
aaaaaand i called it. ukraine was never going to win.
Probably just an attempt to bait nato into giving him more money

i dont think russias will accept surrender terms until zelensky is taken out and replaced by someone else
I wish I had his job, you get paid big money to larp as a military leader while the US/NATO fuels the war and keeps it winnable
Everyone knew Ukraine wouldn't win
Damn you could have done that in 2022 without all the death. I guess you had to get your billions first. Really makes ya think huh
You tried to do that since day 1 and we're still here.
Every election held in Ukraine since the civil war started in 2014.
every muttlord on /pol/ and /k/ shilled ukraine for years
Russia is too deep in this now to walk away without a clear defeat or getting Ukraine
Why did you join gayto then?

the real question is gonna be if anyone in biden admin is brought to trial or subpoened over the war like say victoria nuland
Okay, but Podolyak already took responsibility for the civilian deaths, so this one's on you.
this is the part of the story when the CIA kills Zelensky
He says this every time he wants more money because we've invested so much into Ukraine if they surrender the economy would collapse because we'd never get it back.
They're all 'technically' long term loans that were secured with the countries infrastructure and national resources so the kikes can extract all the wealth from it and leave it a husk like they do everywhere they are.
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Daily reminder that:
You will never join NATO
You will never join EU
You will never get back your 4 oblasts
Sooner or later you are gonna get drafted

Goodbye hohol and enjoy your day!
Russians will keep shelling ukraine children
>russia can't really fight against hundreds of trillions a year economies

All the numbers are cooked/forged/faked, you dumb wanabee nordick cuck faggot, how do you not understand this? The West entire economy is based on real estate which doesn't mean shit in WW3.
Why do you eat feces?
Okay, but Ukraine isn't at war.
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Holy fucking shit, I just beat NATO in a fight with my hands tied behind my back...
His underbelly and genitals were shredded to pieces. He clearly asked his comrade to finish him clean. It was an honorable death.
>bringing up his scat thoughts
very jewish of you
We're never getting it back either way and they don't care, the boomers have a nigger-rich mentality and believe the dollar can be printed infinitely and used as a tool of financial exploitation and political coercion around the world. They smile and mock the dedollarization trend with smug self-assuredness. They are convinced of the absolute invincibility of the dollar, the idea of debt is totally meaningless to them.
is scared shit less
The moment that happens they'll just leave to shill for another gay conflict.
He knows it's game over for him when Trump wins
but that is the choice

russia will not allow to assemble huge army near its borders, thats why belarussia has tactical nuclear weapon. it will allow to destroy cities in poland and germany if nafo assemples huge army like they did in 20 and 19 centuries (around 20 or 30 million soldiers, this will require to mobilize whole europe)

non nuclear options will require ukraine to reduce draft age to 18 LOL and NAFO to continue send their soldiers in small portions to meatgrinder

small portions of NAFO soldiers will be killed same way as ukrainians, highly likely ZOG will use the least expensive people in europe like poles

they can also use romanians, burglarians, baltic and balkan tribesmen, but that goys are completely useless in war, even as cannon fodder

ZOG cant surrender so highly likely they will kill more goys
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>just leave to shill for another gay conflict.
All ants in a colony are clones of the queen. (Made from her genetic material.)
An ant queen mates only once in her life, and stores the collected sperm for the rest of her life. (They can live for decades.)

In effect, an ant colony is an individual organism.
it's weird because they've surely stolen so much fucking money by now that they will never be able to spend it.
Checked. I do not expect the Americans to win this one but I do expect them to try. Never underestimate how stupid Americans are about the outside world.
I still can't believe that was real
It's your thing
The Ukraine peace plan has been known since March at the start of the war.
Retard thread.
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> this crematorium is not fit for burning bodies, which is clearly stated by company on their site
> it's from private company that went bankrupt before 2019 and their site wasnt updated since

> was initially sold to incinerate contraband
> the bought pieces were repurposed to burn materials from polyclinics (stuff like blood stained bandages, masks, shoe covers and similar trash) in st.petersburg during covid
You morons don't play chess. If Ua suggest a Trump-like deal in their favor, status quo ante bellum(until 2022 borders and no NATO). Trump will either have to approve it or double down with arms shipments. If the ukranians submit to Putin, Zelensky will end up with a fate worse than Gadaffi.
He has plenty of money stocked up for the end of the war. Now he wants to retire and enjoy everything he stole.
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I'm looking at it as a border issue, right now any invaders trying to come into Europe have one big long border to get across, if they get Ukraine and set up base there, they can eventually use it to gain entry into multiple different points
Zelensky WON. putin begging NK for shell and even troop, russian economy on the brink of collapse and only chinese credits keep it floating.
EU and Nato already accepted Ukraine and it will become SK of europe while russians will be starving like NK
>zelensky must have read my post on 4chan /pol/
God loves us and wants us to be amused
Who cares? The 2nd Yom Kippur war is more important geopolitically and you can expect to see actual NATO troops there soon. Ukraine-Russia war was a proxy war on the level of Mujahideen-Soviet war since the USA never actually intervened like in Korea or Vietnam.
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Stop begging and go fight
its not just that. the gloves are coming off. every town in east ukraine will be turned into rubble
Good call if they can come to terms.
On one hand why would Ukraine want to retain the most pro Russian areas in the very far East,
On the other Russia would have to withdraw from some of the territory currently held, both would probably have to agree to at least 2km no military assets either side fi the demarcation, Russia would have to exchange funding some reconstruction in Ukraine without sanctions. Russia keeps Donbass, Crimea, east of of the Dniepr.

The problem is it's too sane an offramp. Some people benefit from kind of keeping the conflict going but at a much reduced intensity. Putin himself couldn't withstand a real inquiry into how the affair was managed.

Honestly it's gonna take 10-20 years for Ukraine to recover, so the terms have to be more than just Zelensky jumping into a helicopter with a cigar and a suitcase.
Ukraine will never recover
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please leave some bumps frens:



But I thought that Ukraine lost around 30k men against over 500k for Russia, why would he want to stop the war they are winning? Is that a Russion disinfo account?
his head on a plate delivered to putin by biden himself should suffice
Fuck off jew.
1 ukrainian man life = 100k ziggers = 10 white europeans
Man, a bunch of alcoholics with shovels really did a number on Ukraine
Also i think the best story for everyone involved is that the Russians intercepted an ATACM's and the beach just so happened to be the debris field. Because the other two options are a) it was an intentional attack against civilians or b) ATACM's despite all the hype put on by Lockheed Martin is trash and can miss its target by multiple kilometers.
> 800 billion dollars and half of our entire weapons stockpile akshually wasn't an intervention, chud.
Also Zelensky:

">Mr. Zelensky has pledged to keep fighting, describing his peace plan as one in which Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes.

>“If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”

There's zero intention to surrender, the war will go on until the last hohol
>the recent draft psyop showed most young American men weren't willing to be cannon fodder

Apart from the fact that you cant spend literal generations hollowing out society and weakening men and expect to turn it all around on a coin and presume them to be hard ass nails shit kickers like their grandfathers, all those videos of Ukie men being beaten and abducted in the streets for the meat grinder have had quite an impact on the male psyche across the West. It would be like a Mexican wave of resistance. ZOG dun fuckin' goofed HARD!
CIA is not gonna like that
>ukrainian open his mouth
>manage to make the orcs look more human than him
>like always
You guys have negative level of PR on a scale that is genuinely impressive.
Is this fucking genetic or is it just the same retard giving a terrible reputation to his entire country?
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too late
>NAFO disliked that.
Based. Trump was correct yet again.
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1 Greek/Italian = 5 billion slavs
fucking dumb abbos go back to plebbit or cnn or wherever you got your retard opinion downloaded into your brain
they looks ukrainian
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>do you think the russians are stupid?
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>the globohomo funded kike fears this
This. I hope so. The thousands of killed and wounded Ukrainians are a consequence of fighting evil. Putin must be defeated.
So you won't be needing that trillion dollars then, right? Right?
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I guess ((they)) finally killed enough white men
The best thing you people can do is remain silent, every time you open your mouths you make yourselves look 100% indistinguishable from your foes. You're all the same violent slavs to the rest of us.
wasted lives and i hope they hate you for goading them into it, and they will. i hope the entire ukie right wing gets holocausted like plague rats
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>jew rat
Then he 'commits suicide' in a backroom but secretly jets off to madagascar with a bunch of his top scientists. Meanwhile the rest of his organization disperse throughout the world, instlalling themselves in power positions and subverting all nations in unison towards a final goal of total satanic domination.
He's playing chicken with his self-professed allies and people like Boris Johnson who insisted that tens of thousands of young Ukrainian men needed to die so that BlackRock and Texas energy companies wouldn't lose out on profits they had budgeted for from the east of the country. Ukraine has suffered... for what? Table stakes for a peace deal months ago would have been Russian Crimea (and Stalin only gave it over administratively in the 50s anyways) and maybe some agreement surrounding Russian minority rights and not firing artillery at the east of Ukraine. Today table stakes are the same, plus all the military and civilian casualties, and plus war debt that Ukraine probably can't realistically pay off without the IMF coming in to do its usual thing and ruin the place.
ABSOLUTELY no refunds

thank god yes, i'm tired of this shit. i want it to go back to like it once was. except ukraine. fuck those fuckers.
That soldier reached down to his crotch and knew right away his cock+balls were blown off (and probably a chunk of his thigh. He immediately asks buddy to shoot him in the head and get it over with. Pretty fucked up situation to be in, but I'd do the same thing in the moment. Pretty cold that the guy knew and didn't hesitate to keep moving. War is hell.
worked literally 2 weeks into the war

America wants the Ukraina war to wrap up so the war against Iran can start. This is why Zelensky suddely has done an 180 degrees from his previous to the last ukrainan policy. The Iran war is scheduled for 2025 and draft no later than 2026.
Imagine living life with no cock and balls, if that's the case I'm sure all of us would do the same
Actually you’re a fag and I can prove it, you suck cocks and have aids, how easy was that?
The cynic in me would say that Biden wants to take the credit for ending a war that's already nearing its logical conclusion, before Trump can.

But I know Biden isn't going to be the democrat candidate for the presidency. But who is? Seemingly nobody. Makes me think they don't have a plan because they won't need one. Like they expect this country to hit the fan either way. Or that they can just steal the election again. This is the problem with kikes. They're fucking reckless.
for the same reason jews are right about goyim, we are gullible retards.
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>in a few months
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It's a trick. Get an axe.
Nope. It will be a helicopter ride out of the country, presumably filled with cash from the US. Not sure where he’ll go. I’m guessing the original plan was Israel, but that’s not looking too good now.
I'll see it when I believe it.

This means enough Ukrainians are dead, and their population demographic has been obliterated to the point where the creation of the New Israel he has talked about can begin to be formed.
Just in time for all the Israelis to pour out of Israel, following the war on the horizon that all the goyim will be dying in, and into Ukraine.
Slava the jews!
But I thought JewKraine was winning
He can probably get the world for a surrender at this point.
1) Gets to keep land currently
2) Gets to have oil rights to the Donbass just not the control of land
3) Russia oil has to pay for all building repairs up to 100B
4) Can join EU maybe with a DMZ between Russia and Ukraine

I might do that shit. Maybe just say Donbass voted to leave so they would leave, I dunno maybe people would buy it and not assassinate him.
they are an official sponsor of the holohoax afterall
This has happened so many times in history, we have been fed so many lies.
good news.
it would be even better news if it wasnt old by now.
for Ukraine, they already have plans in place for the reconstruction and the piece by piece buy up of everything by western jews.

picrelated is what is public by now.
Zelensky is illegitimate, he does not represent Ukraine, whatever that jew manlet says it’s not to be taken seriously.
Ukraine will loses all the land east of Dniepr for their aggression against a Christian Slavic brother while allying with the western satanic jews.
His war exhaustion must have hit 100%
I will never forgive Ukrainian natives for going along with it though.
They are all genocided now, all White Ukranian males gone because of the order of 1 man, a man from a bloodline not even of Ukraine.

If this world wasn't so shit, hopeless and brainwashed, they would of slowly tortured Zelensky to death, one inch of skin at a time.
I despise the vast majority of the human race, I simply look on and laugh. Listening to the fucking sheeple sucking up the propaganda just makes me hate them even more.
I hear you brother, may we meet in the afterlife to KEK at the misery of others, fren.

Also, fuck you.
the last line of coke he did must have burst a vessel in his brain and he's dying.
>I despise the vast majority of the human race
So do the 'people' who keep doing this to us.
80% service economies, printing money, lacking natural resources.

I said it on day 1 of this war if i was putin i would do what he did and if i was zelwnsky i would surrender on day 1 and accept russian terms.

When europe decided to sanction russia i said it will backfire on us and it's going to be a little inconvinience for russia at best. I also said then that russia can build a 50m wall around itself and with some luck in invention still end up fully isolated on top of the world at the end.

You can't sanction a country that has all natural resources it needs, including rare minerals and excess of food.

The problem today is every fucking idiot that took 5 minutes to familirize himself with gdp thinks he's some expert on economy by throwing out some big numbers.
He wants to do a peace plan before Trump does it for him.
checked, Zelensky confirmed faggot, drug user, White Genocider, shortest of all manlets, rubbing his hands together so fast from the coke that he creates fire to burn down more European nations

Truly a repulsive demon wearing human skin
Manlet probably felt the rope closing in lmao
not going to happened, Zelensky would be killed before he talks to the Russians
Same. At first i was hoping Ukrainians capture the jew and sell his organs in black market and declare him “lost”, elect a new guy more realistic and aware of the slavic brotherhood and the threat of the western-jews against this said brotherhood.
But then, nothing happened, they all chugged jewish cum, turn into russo-hating fascists, started painting swastika on this tanks and flags, and proceeded into dying against a more powerful brother at the jew’s orders.
Then i realized Ukrainians are so iodine deficient they are incapable of stoping the jew, they would rather die than rebel against the western-jews.
Well, it sounds like you are one of the mutts who isn't a complete retard, so maybe you're not in my group of hate.
I've spent a lot of time in the US, and some of the best people I've met are yanks, but holy shit, are you awash in a sea of total obese ignorance.
Let us laugh together, here, while we still can.
Yeah, your not going to just scoot on up to Poland, I would wager. I would assign a very low probability to that. Poland would demolish Russia by it's self, just by the way. It wouldn't be just poland though. It would instantly be everybody in a total war if you aggress upon Poland. Russia will not use nukes either, just also by the way. They MIGHT only do that if there was a full on NATO blitzkrieg into Moscow. But I think they might be all in on this together any ways, being that I just heard the DOD is in league with Russian private enterprise, in the nat gas sector. This is at the very least treacherous to the Aryan race. Or at least some element WITHIN the DOD is acting treacherously by funding the russian war machine. I must add that I haven't fully read the article though. It might be fake news, brought before my eyes by an adversary. And so, being that they might all be in on it together, who knows what they might do. The kikes might want to set up in china/india/russia. and destroy what they call "edom" as a powerless curse. The American White race will prevail though. We must. Or the shitskins get the weapons. And then we will have a one world communist dictatorship, with an ultra nationalist israel, ruled by a jewish king. We're tasked with preventing that. This is why we must take back the republic for the English/British, that is, English, Scottish, Welsh, Ulster Sots in Ulster Scotland, Protestant race of America, and the other 100% Euro Gene-ed non-jewish people. At any I WILL be making a request be stopped by way of petitioning the POTUS himself. I do this routinely. I'm their boss, technically, I believe. They work for the White race very technically. Because we are the real Americans. Everyone else is just visiting, very technically. We are actually all related to the presidents and kings of Europe. Some of course closer than others.
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Bumping for total Zelenskike destruction
Kek, you deserve every FAB ever produced, bro. The lack of self awareness on your part is what's dragging you deeper into shit each day by few centimeters. Never change.
When you compare, Russia’s most productive sectors, it’s 1.5 bigger than Germany’s entire economy, and 3 times bigger than France’s entire economy. But gdp-fags will claim Russia’s gdp is smaller than Italy or Spain. This war have proven to them that Russia’s economy is massive and europeans are dependent on it for their own wealth generation.
at least it’s just slavs and not real people

although I wouldn’t mind sending pfc ramirez into the meat grinder for a few years

I just don’t care anymore it’s all so fake and so gay that it’s actually boring to call it fake and gay

suns out, I’m going fishing

don’t call me I’ll call you
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They still won. Russia didnt annex them and they can have their gay rights.
>On the other Russia would have to withdraw from some of the territory currently held
>Russia would have to exchange funding some reconstruction in Ukraine
And why in the fuck would they do any of those things? The only reconstruction they are doing are in the territories that they've taken - land that Ukraine is never getting back.
Must not be true then because Zelenskike is a manlet.
I have never fit into American culture.
I spend 95% of my time outdoors, I mostly come on 4chan for the /out/ board

Fishing, surfing, archery, marksmanship, hunting, bicycling, hiking, camping, gardening, bird watching, metal detecting

Everybody I meet in this country has the following same hobbies:
Playing Video Games, Watching TV Shows, Watching Movies, Watching Sports, Listening to Music

If they do anything active, it's under a roof and inside a gym, mindless and repetitive.

It's rare that I meet a human life worth respecting.
> Poland falling for the "I got your back bro, go for it" trick TWICE in less than 100 years
I literally chuckled.
>WEF/Blackrock mouthpiece
I hope this disgusting kike is publicly hanged live, I want to see his stupid little body twisting.
>im so special
this is the real reason why you dont have friends
So we are very much on the same wavelength!
Pure reddit gold, thumbs up! :)
Well said, bong.
I mean Poland in addition to Ukraine would demolish whats left of russia, which is quite a lot, if they start ruthlessly conscripting, which they will have to, or if NK fully commits, which would be a problem, since they have the potential to force conscript a lot of people, to say the least. But it will be all of NATO anyways, and they would, of course demolish anybody russia can through at them. Let's pray that doesn't happen though. I mean total war with the flower of the youth of Europe dying in so jewish communist resource war that the villain putin started for the jews.
I amended it any ways. I mean if Poland went full on WITH Ukraine vs Russia, of course. Poland is pretty formidable, it would appear. There's so many variables though. So russia should never be under estimated, from what I have gathered.
If they haven't woken up by now they never will
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He is the one brewing
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Kim threw in his army of 1.3 million soldiers for Russia and Zelensky is throwing in the towel.
Finally, wtf took so long, all the lives torn apart and the potholes everywhere, I never liked this war.
>Best Korea enters the fight
>Ukraine IMMEDIATLY starts talks of surrendering afterwards
It's Kims world and we're all just living in it
Stupid girl!!!! You won't sex me!!!!!!!
He got orders that Israel is more important. He will surrender and give a chunk to Russia and then vanish.
They can't test drone warfare without live subjects.
he got 500k of your people killed and you wont do anything about it
My people?
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Lol, NATO won't like that kind of language green booger bitch. Prepare for democracy to be spread to Ukraine real soon. Zelensky cancelled elections for this war. He won't be needed if he gives up
>My people?
Jew detected
>Russia will not use nukes either, just also by the way
Kek you like jokes, the next step is nukes all over the west. The moment Russians see F16’s they will assume it’s nuclear armed, the 20 subs around mutt-land and bongistan, and frog-niggerland, will start launching their unstoppable nuclear payload while defending against every missile you launch.
Literally this is what’s going to happen to the west is they keep fucking around.
>nato blitzkrieg
Russians aren’t dumb enough to wait on a Blitzkrieg, they know already all the targets that needs to be hit ALL AROUND NATO FAGGOT REGION
>DOD founding the Russian war machine
Not just the DOD, the entire united states of israel’s establishment is okay with doing business with Russia. They buy Russian uranium fuel for their reactors and have recently lifted all sanctions on banking and energy sector. While impoverishing europeans through mandated sanctions against Russia. Mutts are truly satan incarnate for europeans. You run on blood, even European blood you dont care, as long as it’s blood.
>american race will prevail
Mutts are jewish slave, your jewisg masters will order and you will quickly execute. No matter what.
>one world communist dictatorship
The commies are in the west, and the western jews are already oppressing their goyim people.
NAFO warcrime videos entering the history books as losers like we always knew. I will enjoy watching them hang.

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