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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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With so many jeets flooding the West we're gonna have a serious problem on our hands with regards to the safety of women in particular.

Ironically it might be pajeets that redpill women on non-Whites
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it's they cultcha
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>noticed jeet creeped up on her
>stays in same location
what a dumb ho, that jeet jumpscare would’ve made me run from that place
Voted for it
If niggers and arabs didn't redpill them netiher will jeets.
why is this so satisfying to watch?
It’s just going to be a bunch of pajeetas fighting over white dick
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Your whore women deserve it. If they were virtuous and moral, then it would have been a different matter.
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elephant is doing literally God's will?
Because you're a psychopath.
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So you would say the same of your women then? Since they can't even ride the bus without getting gangbanged
Till the anglo colonisation you little subhumans use to be food for leopards
Most Indian women aren't whores who vote for importing millions of rapefugee invaders into their country, whore around shamelessly, or say that they don't need their own men. Western women asked for this.
Don't you have a rapefugee with a sexual emergency to lend your bussy to?
Based elephant
The guy is a genius. Leaves a malfunctioning roastie behind and she praises him for that.
Thats whats currently happening in Canada. the most vocal critics of immigration here are now women, even in major metro areas
They are strong and independent. Good luck. Fuck chivalry. If I see a woman being attacked I will straight up ignore it, maybe call cops.
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The elderly too...and the cattle... dogs... any vulnerable animal with a hole
Lol no it wouldn’t. You rape old men. Where’s the grandpa rape vid?!? You stick your dick in people as a practical joke, and eat shit, fuck you!!
They like the attention, what's the problem?

villager vs war elephant
they (the immigrants from shit holes) have completely destroyed club culture here, so women are now getting groped and harassed at clubs by shitskins, and it offends them on a visceral level.
If you intervene, she will probably call the cops on you for being a racist.
We white people are gods of pajeets they must show respect and devotion we are translucid hyperborean
BUT..... this will give us a legal excuse to beat Pajeets to death. We stay winning.
lmao. almost got raped in this video.
The only way to get them to vote far right.
Verification not required.
You're welcome.
>thot making retarded video for internet likes
shes already beyond saving.
so when retards, i mean liberal women, realize multi-culturalism is bad for America I'll be there to pump and dump em because thats what they deserve for the way they treat real men. I must also mention liberal women have pushed dogshit policies, with their beta faggots, on americans
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i dont care

Western women and white women deserve to suffer absolutely all the violence of the third world
There will be a new age of National Socialism and we will put all the Poojets straight in the oven.
Women asked for these guys to flood in though. They voted for it, stood at airport terminals with ssigns saying welcom, and called anybody that warned themf what's to come a racist. You reap, you sow.
Poojeets are creeps
Surprised they haven't formed rape gangs yet. How they getting laid?
they have
Canada needs more elephants
You poor fools think this is something new. Some fad. 40 people a day are killed by trains in India, hundreds injured. It has been this way since the first train rolled into station over a century ago. People would fall into them by accident, try to "touch" them, cling to the sides and fall, or stand in front of them till the last second to prove their bravery.
>Since ancient times, the Pajeet has been fascinated by huge rolling monoliths that can crush him.
They have a ritual in India, the ritual of the Juggernaut. A Juggernaut is best described as a miniature mobile temple, a huge stone cart built by kings and dragged through the many villages of his domain on a grand tour, "bringing God to the people" so to speak, a kind of publicity stunt, an act of "charity".

To Touch what is holy is good luck to the hindoo, so they would press in on it until they were caught in it's mighty wheels and killed.

To stand unflinchingly before approaching danger is bravery to the Hindoo. So young men would tempt fate by waiting too late to leap out of the slow behemoths way, get their leg or garment caught, and die.

To be destroyed by something holy is a great next-life blessing to the Hindoo. So people would throw themselves under it's wheels. They would command their children to sit in its path blindfolded or close-eyed. They would leave infants before its millstone like wheels.

Every single outside group that encountered the ritual in history spoke of this barbarity, yet our modern history records it as "western racist propaganda".

We have early photographs of British men frantically trying to drag children out of the path of the wheels, yet we're told today that really the Juggernaut killed very few and they were all accidents.
Perhaps the Indian misses the Chariots of his ancient masters, who brought prosperity even as they trampled their subject's bodies.
Is he ok?
he looks pretty happy to be getting out of a toxic relationship with an insane roasties with minimal collateral. all that's left to do is block her number so she cant blow his phone up with regretful texts in 3 years
there is nothing more satisfying than watching jeets get killed by wildlife and trains
I would rather suck seamen out of my mothers cunt than be Indian
Jeets don't really rape that much though, they just stare awkwardly and harass
citation needed
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It’s as if they actually can’t comprehend that something that’s much bigger than them can possibly kill them.
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B h a r a t _ C h a d s _ R i s e _ U p
It's time for the final charge to take what is ours!
ZERO cost ZERO wait time ZERO permission required!
Here's how it works:
1. Align all chakras in Padmasana (Lotus Position).
2. Hands far apart, and look Straight Up 90 degrees angle.
3. SHOUT without hesitation and have No Doubts:
>Name of desired homeland! (Sorry, no time travel available!)
>Chosen penis size! (All measurement systems recognized!)
>REPEAT two (2) more times! Total three (3) times!
***You must face AWAY from the train or else results not guaranteed.***
Triple Courage Bros and Bon Voyage!!!!

>"I am tired of waiting lists and crooked consultants. This country is nonsense. Why was I born here? California here I come!"
Rajminder "JJ" Agarwal, 27, Laharpur, Sitapur District
>"My brother Shervinder is already in Sweden ever since Girl With Dragon Tattoo. He is sexually active now at least 50/50 chance. I choose Argentina for age 13 consent."
Gurpreet Janandhibanajesh, 44, Jangpura, New Delhi
>"Roblox is better than Minecraft."
Kevin M., 6, Franklin, Tennessee
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That's very paki of you.
That elephant stepped in shit
I would also be deeply ashamed to post using an Indian flag
Western women aren’t worth protecting
You know he died in one of the most extremely painful ways. Crushed pelvic and spine like that would be unbelievably painful.
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Guarantee you the dyke relationship ended aswell lol. Dykes are all mentally unstable and hate men because they’re not attractive enough to compete.
They fuck old men’s asshole this haunts my soul
He crushed that jeet like a beer can.
It's like the elephant had malice towards that jeet
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I don't give a shit about women's safety beta bitch boy.
There was a book, called EAT PRAY LOVE
It was some yoga hindu spiritual bullshit journey of india, romanticized of some girl who traveled and 'made love' in india
Became super popular as mental masturbation material in women
So popular that women took trips to india
I still remember women crying in interviews about the sexual assault, they ended up putting travel warnings because of the book
>that jeet jumpscare would’ve made me run from that place
What are you? A pussy?
We already do have a problem with street-shitters raping women. The bigger problem is pajeets raping children.
Shiva left this one in the oven a lil too long
don't care
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she can seek shelter on my dick.
Amazing how his hips didn't collapse instantly. There is a brief moment as the elephant settles it's foot and start applying pressure that his bones hold up. Good stuff.
Everywhere you go you people scare the hoes. Our women are not your concern, you shouldn't even be allowed to look at White at all, since it is as dangerous as pedophiles looking at CSAM.
Stay in your zone, dalit.
Yeah, just needs an air compressor to get back to his original shape after being flattened out is all
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hey man, they voted for it
Looks like he spent his life getting abused by a pajeet. That must also have been unbelievably painful so I understand Stomper fully.
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i have been told ad nauseam that women are strong independent creatures who are more than capable and "don't need no man", therefore I will have to classify this particular result of importing the third-world hordes as "not my problem".
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>elephants can bite a human
yes.... YES
Amazing video, horrorifying

The fuck is that red shit above her eyes? Intentional makeup mistake?
That’s what all non-whites deserve. Put them in arenas with elephants.
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Saar, you're in no position to be an arbiter of morality. Pajeets are without question the most degenerate and amoral creatures on this planet. A virtuous and moral individual in your culture is someone who regularly eats cow dung and performs fellatio on a Brahmin. We really don't need a perverted sub-human like you to teach us about morality. Instead of lecturing us, I suggest you kill yourself by jumping in front of a train.
Women orgasm during rape. They go out with their rapists. The like their rapists. They marry their rapists. They respect their rapists. You are far more likely to be accused by woman of rape if you didn't rape her than if you had raped her. All "feminism" is Jewish. Yes, including the first wave.
The Romans fought these things while on foot. Imagine being a legionnaire before the Romans figured out that you can just move out of the way and panic the thing with loud noises and fire, and you’re the poor asshole in the first rank. You see this thing barreling toward you, and all you can do is just stand there and hope that someone with a javelin gets lucky.
Bro turned into a pancake
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JC look at her now
he relaxed
White "men" cannot compete with the Indian man. We earn more money, which is what women want. No blonde bitch will fuck your NEET ass.
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Lmao even
Women are half the population, if they started to vote for their own safety, the far right parties could EASILY get the majority of the parliament and kick all the jeets out.
All they have to do is put a piece of paper in a box once, just once, to be safe for ever. But they won't.
I can literally smell your stinking brown skin from here.
That's because you haven't raped enough Indian women yet. Get to it. It's one of your most popular national pastimes, besides shitting in the lakes you drink from.
Is that the best you got Timmy? A new immigrant just landed, like Everytime someone shits. That's how fast you'll be overran.
This but unironically. Pretty much every white guy I know was dumped by there girl friends for Indian guys. As a white guy it was kind of sad but I accept its just natural selection
I hope the elephant wiped after
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>safety of women in particular.
Not my problem
>virtuous and moral
please put some effort into your bait Rajshit
The romans were steel-hearted motherfuckers, this wasn't enough to scare them much. That's why war elephants worked well in India and the Middle East but were almost useless against Europeans.
Total Jeet Victory. Its A Jeet World and were just living in it.
She is NOT GAY. You can tell if a woman is gay by the way they look at act. She just wanted a divorce and in her messed up mind she figured to just make up the lie that she is a lesbian so she doesn't hurt his feelings or something? Who knows
This. Feminism killed women. They don't know what makes them a woman anymore.
lol how do you guys make these things?
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Brother europe has been flooded with sister shagging muslims. It's already a problem
That’s why I’m make 60,000 dollar working salesforce while you stocking shelves. Keep to seethe.
Based elephant, elephants are cool, pajeets are disgusting.
No. It is not over for you. Just move to Asia. The future of the white race is hapa.
The rest of us Indian men will make sure the remaining Western world is in good hands. Deal?
Jeets raping western women will be like ticks sucking magic johnson blood. At first they'll feel good but then they'll wonder why they're feeling so much worse.
The first time they fought them it went about as well as you’d expect it to go for a bunch of guys who have never seen a giant walking tank carrying guys with bows on top of it stomping over everything. The second time the fear was gone and they fucked the elephants up so badly that the single battle ended up costing the opposing side the war.

By the time Hannibal used them they were largely obsolete in the Mediterranean region because the Romans weren’t afraid of them at all and had gotten very good at killing them. If a bunch of 5’8” guys on foot who weren’t even technically profesional soldiers at the time figured out a way to make them a non-issue in only a few tries using the simplest of methods then there’s really no excuse for any other civilization.
One video now means they rape old men? By that logic all americans are pedophile rapists and animal fuckers, also fat retards and terrorists.
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Nice cope, shitskin. The Indian subcontinent is a landmass inhabited by mentally retarded rapists who smell like shit. This is well established and not up for debate.
They're doing that already. I fuck around on Faceberg a bit, and it's:
>Millennial roastie
>Zoomette ho
Fuck off. You stink and everything's expensive now.
you're indian lol
The elephant got his first taste of curry.
>we're gonna have a serious problem on our hands with regards to the safety of women in particular
Eh, they voted for it and refuse to have children. It's not my responsibility to protect m'lady roastie whore.
Good ole Stampie smashed the jeeet into a pancake, KEK.
what a regal creature
You bathe in sewage and worship cowshit. STFU
Based dude smashed this woman in her prime, and is now splitting, KEK.
Check em and true
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When you think about it, old faggot probably did his fair share o' rapin', so this is just karma

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