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> They can't meme so badly - that we have to put x's through their memes to avoid appearing transgressive. No this won't have any negative repercussions for us, no this won't make the meme image even funnier.

Anons, have your meme received it's genuine certification with an X today?
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cope more chud
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Screen shot of <REDDIT> POST
What a fucking retard.
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lol, right cant meme.
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>noooo you're supposed to mock it not laugh and agree with it!
>the big X will solve this!!!
The X is basically a stamp of approval because it triggered some shitlib lmao
This is some sort of weird effigy behavior, where they want to attack the person who made these but can't, so they attack a substitute instead.
I think leftist memes should be marked with a yellow star
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These are great simply because the X implies that its bad so when done on things like
where the picture is satirizing, shaming or disapproving of something, the X only seems to enhance the statement being made.
that church needs to be re-consecrated. or, since it was not de-consecrated but desecrated, it is probably better to claim it needs to be resecrated.
>surely everyone else is an emotional retard who will collapse into a heap of tears when they see their favourite meme 'defaced'
jesus all they can do is project and act on those projections
>leftists are signing off and certifying their assblastedness for us
What a time to be alive
Haha I can't believe this one got them
while discussing this meme, the Canadians are whining about how their taxes are high, wages are sinking, and costs are going up. The irony and lack of self-awareness...

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Lol somebody got really mad at this one.
That or their prefrontal cortex was to small to properly draw an x.
>maybe the biggest group is the same as the second biggest for most states
how do these people cross the street without being hit by a bus
why do you think they push for more government to protect them
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This is gold.
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kek some of these are actually great
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i guess because the next best option for protection is also the government
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>make a subreddit to mock right-wing memes
>inadvertently becomes a repository of them
>redditors decide to mark them up
>it makes all of them funnier
>even the shitty boomer ones
I'm a slav and we all know
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Not enough red hats in bottom right. The circle must be completed.
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Well I've seen enough. The left vs right meme war debate is OVER. Leftists just rose the white flag.
you forgot to deface it, chud.
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Is he talking about his fat rolls or does he mean that literally as in he's going to roll because he's a disgusting obese blob?
This remind me of a picture THAT I CANNOT FUCKING FIND TO SAVE MY LIFE

>fat activist posts a picture of her 'opening' her skin and inside is cartoon organs and a big ol' fat skeleton, saying "there is not a thin person trapped inside of me"
>response is added to her picture showing an X-ray of a morbidly obese person and explaining that the body cannot handle being so fat, and that the thin person inside of her is being killed
>activist resoponds by scribbling over her picture and labelling it "YOU DON'T HAVE RIGHTS TO MY IMAGE" and scribbling all over the response, labelling it as a bunch of "made up" shit

anyone have it? it was pretty popular when fatasses were our primary target for scorn
Damn this shit is weak. At least "Chud" was found to be annoying for a few weeks before everyone just self-identified with it because it's just phonetically amusing. Retard mod in OP doesn't realize this will just increase circulation of RW messaging.
>words words words

Idf more like idfc (I don't fricking care)
>raising ANYTHING white
Possibly the stupidest thing I’ve seen in my 20 years on the internet. How exactly does this do anything. Don’t they know the original picture is still floating around out there? So they’re just re-sharing the pics with each other to get mad together? This is like when women burn pictures of their ex boyfriend after a breakup. Beyond stupid. I don’t know what else to say.
this is new? did anyone let them know there's a whole paid group (possibly 100s of them) that have been doing the work for them since what, 2017
This will backfire. I am a political activist. I have spent a lot of time putting up political fliers. The left, in addition to specifically hiring people to follow behind me and tear them down, also teaches their voters to tear down posters they disagree with.

You would think that this would be effective at removing right-wing ideas but in reality, the right-wingers watch the left-wingers tear down posters and afterward they decide to do it too. Now everyone tears down flyers. It's not just lefties. If you put up a 'Trump' sign, it gets torn down. If you put up a 'Tranny event' sign, it gets torn down.

Now communication between leftist leadership and followers is impeded. They did it to themselves and they didn't even realize. They have normalized tearing down free speech, to their own detriment.
They're really just helping identify good memes by doing this. You can still use a reverse image search to pull up a copy of the meme that isn't defaced. There are some gems in this thread.
That one might be a literal kike. Remember why they’re called kikes and why they use a different symbol to represent addition and the pic should make more sense
i love when they cry about booby-trapped signs
>how dare they inhibit me inhibiting them
lmao this one gets me everytime like I'm supposed to be intimidated by this guy because he's fat as fuck and has tattoos? Nah. Also why is he LARPing as a Catholic priest with the collar?
leftists also don't realize that they are not the resistance, they are not edgy, they are not hip, they are not cool. They are now lame and stodgy busybodies. Drowning a school in pride flags doesn't make teenagers think pride is awesome. They rebel by calling people fag online and posting Hitler drip memes.
>leftists also don't realize that they are not the resistance
If your ideas are not only allowed, but actively promoted by FAGMAN and the federal government, you are by definition the thing “the resistance” is resisting. It takes two seconds of thinking to realize this and yet that never happens
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Speaking of defaced memes, does anyone have the original version of this meme without the twitter bullshit?
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now help me find the image i described in
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check-mate chuds
A+, sven
tack tack pajeet
sorry for appreciating your work, cunt
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holy fucking kek!!
Even without regards to the absurdity of a pastor endorsing lgbt shit, his digusting appearance is already in opposition to every religion's teaching.
A fat fuck with tattoos cannot possibly claim to be religious. Religion, any religion in history, is against that shit.
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Found it
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sorry, had to.
Shalom :)
Why is this though?
Was it the male to female survival rates from 1917-1945?
That image literally proves the incels right lmfao
It's ironic, the only way to truly prove the incels wrong would be to present them as normal attractive men being held back by their toxic attitudes, but normalfags can't help themselves but represent them as being ugly and unattractive.
So fucking weird... these people need help.
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Dude swedes are on fire today. I have only been on a few threads and Svens have got at least half a dozen irl keks from me
its a deeper inside joke for swedes. tack tack is something gypzies say when begging for recyclable plastic bottles.
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Semites can't meme (or not very well) ;)

The memes were / are fun to make inbetween other shit to get done
How hard is it to cut the last 0.5 seconds so we dont see you reaching for the camera?
The irony is lost on them. The only thing they know is that ugly=wrong, except when it's one of their own then they will insist they're beautiful no matter how objectively repulsive they are.
Kek these are all good. Short and right to the point.
Everyday I wake up and thank God for making life so great.
this should be used in clinical exams before being able to vote for biden
Sven... I kneel
Well done
I'm just gonna start posting memes with an X so large on it you can't even tell what the original was.
I call it deliberate enshittification. It's happened here on other boards. Like the You Laugh You Lose threads on /gif/ or The Log Posters on /b/
what even is this? I have never seen a church that full of young people in my life. im not sure ive every seen a church that full in my life outside of megachurch movie theaters.
go back and read the filename for an extra chuckle free of charge
Can we turn the X's into swastikas?
Maybe they're disabled or retarded and don't have the fine motor skills to draw an x. Or as >>472343254 smartly points out, literal kikel at play.
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stop right wing extremism by crossing out their memes. im doing my part
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People should start posting memes with this concept
lol i hope one of the posters on there finds this thread
Good, someone else remembered how to construct that symbol.
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cross out the one who doesnt belong
I hate fat fucks so much its unreal, sloth and gluttony truly are deadly sins in that they actually kill you. Slowly. Disgustingly. Drowning in your own mucus and adipose tissue
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Came here to post this... Anons need to make the xs almost like swastikas juuuust close enough to troll
I'm a crosscel no meme of me has been marked as quality with the cross
Tiem to invade and start dropping redpills under the guise of warning the normie
Yawn. Leftards know we can easily kill them right?
That's precisely what George Floyd did, except the woman was pregnant. No lie.
Making a subject taboo only generates more interest in said subject. These Woke people are silver-spooned retards so, I can't say I'm shocked by their inhuman behavior.
He was hungry bro you've got to understand
Its funnier to watch them extinct themselves and get killed by their subhuman pets. We will deal with you after.
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this is the one without her response to the response

Using reverse image search, i've found it now.
She doesn't 'scribble' over it like my memory thought she did, but this is the same kind of cope bullshit
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Not libtards per say but their masters
A spiritual sickness
I am reminded of sir Oswald Mosley quote
>They want to destroy the nobel and the beautiful, All the little grey men of the world, they want to make the world as grey as themselves, it is their deepest instinct
"incel" is a bogeyman oxymoron to make shitting on virgins acceptable to the masses.
That's it. There is no "accurate" depiction of an "incel" because celibacy is voluntary by definition, and they want to pretend men who are virgins or suffering an extended dry spell are a terrorism risk
that's not the bit i took offense to
In retrospect, fatpeoplehate was kind of like a gateway drug to the redpill for me and many others. The sheer absurdity that real humans were arguing that being fat was healthy in earnest made me start to question everything I thought I knew about other people and society.
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reminds me of this guy
god what a chump.
In his position I'd have brought up the problem of people photographing the screen with their phone and how there's nothing to prevent it from happening, long before it even happened.
this brainlet retard is just blindly adhering to "customers have to pay for their pictures" without holding his bosses accountable or considering how fucking pointless and stupid this action is.

I lost a job for questioning a policy change that my manager wasn't even aware of (got a big payout once the union got involved) and most of my coworkers were fine and dandy to just accept the shitty unannounced change that head office made and have their jobs made that little bit worse.
How long before they roll back this rule for being retarded
like a 4 year old blocking a hallway and asking "what's the password", they'll ditch the rule once it becomes clear that a lot of people are not willing to seriously follow it.
I love how little effort they made to mark this one
defacing transgenderism's Santo de Cristo would be grounds for an instant permaban from reddit
It is so preposterous at its face that someone with a functioning mind cannot help but recoil at it sheer audacity
The human body is a thing of great beauty and their desecration of it is one thing, but like the troon, their screeching need to be, not just accepted, but praised for their delusions can break the manufactured consent of even the most demoralized individuals, let alone some one capable of rational thought, to whom it is absolutely repugnant
It's denying climate change, one of the tenets of their religion.
it's mindboggling to me that a person i could easily escape from while hopping on one foot can insist that there is nothing physically amiss with them whatsoever.
I played soccer with my kids soccer thing last night and tripped while running sideways + backwards, did a quick backwards roll and sprung back up to my feet. I'm 32 and a little chubby in the gut. People 6 years younger than me were perplexed at my superhuman ability to... have control of my body.
A guy 10 years older than me or so was just as agile and capable as me and we both shared a couple glances whenever someone acted like we had done something amazing.
1 Millions of IQ!
>People 6 years younger than me were perplexed at my superhuman ability to... have control of my body.
Kek. Sad innit. The absolute state of the unfit
the X is now proof the meme worked and some fag is butthurt
and if they scribble like >>472340144 then it means a Jew is butthurt
this is absolutely hilarious
This man is obese and weak, why does he try to appear intimidating? He only opens himself up for ridicule.
Ah, here's a mandatory kraut subhuman obsessed with slavs always kicking his ass.
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imagine being so insecure that you can't complete an x or a cross. I wonder if Elon's X.com is Kryptonite to them
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I love seeing leftists spiraling into madness as they progressively lose control of the narrative
>the subtle logoing
>the offwhite soi stained teeth coloring
>my god, it even has a manboob
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Hmm, can't put an X over it if you start with an X...
thanks i almost became transphobe but the x told me what to think good
I lol'd
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Has anyone done the verification for their Discord? I want to see if troons are sperging out yet.
fucking retards
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>Gives the meme a "forbidden" status, making it even funnier and edgier to normies
Do not interrupt an enemy while they are making a mistake
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Oh (You)s
>it only took them THIS fucking long to realise the subreddit was being used in this way
The academic, high IQ educated left folks.
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you deserve a medal for this
this is why everybody hates americans and want you all to die indiscriminately.
Literally bunch of retards a) larping as nazis to demonize anyone who critique jews or anyone who is against mass immigration (race warfare), b) think you good guy for wanting to genocide 'white' people.
It's all US citizens that needs a genocide, then the world is fixed right up.
Fucking retarded liars obnoxious shit apes.
reality is all US citizens need to be exterminated. Bunch of larping retards screaming about muh left muh right. Stfu monkeys.
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When there's a spoiler tag AND an x through it, that's how you know it's a certified dank right wing meme
'right wing'
you are nothing but retard troll and liar, same with the fake nazis. And it was never right wing to be against immigration faggot retard.
Only in amerishart land is this 'logic'.
Kill americans with bioweapons, poison their food and water. murder them all indiscriminately no matter race sex age or anything else. now THAT would be something the world would benefit from instantly.
Shutup nigger
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they will like this one
Is AI capable of cutting out this hand man by making the background transparent and then turning all my memes into gifs with this man in front?
I kept waiting for a bolt of lightning to strike that demon down.
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Knock yourself out

(send us your best)

if you want a longer vid
Very astute observation. Liberals seem to have deeply feminine brains.
It's the gibberish bot
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wouldn’t this be helping out with research
they’re only going to go through the trouble to “deface” the ones they really hate and reupload to let us know kek
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I support this rule 100%
You usually have to imagine the lefty seethe
Now there will be a clear visual indicator of it
Kek'd and check'd
as well as a jewdar as >>472357739, >>472350512 and >>472343254 pointed out
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>weird effigy behavior
that's one layer to it, but it's much funnier than that
NPCs don't have the ability to think for themselves, it's their defining feature
the plebbit masters realize that many in their ranks are being affected by the memes...
good memes are simple, and simple ideas are absorbed by NPCs more easily
>that's a problem
solution? an X, a visual cue, trained like dogs to disregard anything under an X
but not really for people maybe on the fence or outsiders, no, for their OWN existing members
>tfw this whole X idea of theirs is an open admission that they literally do not belive that the users of their own subreddits have the ability or capacity to think for themselves
laugh out loud
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I love it.
Every bugman s0il3nt boi I have met in real life looks just like their ugly incel meme. They are just hating on themselves, as usual.
I can already imagine this one penetrating their souls like a bodkin arrow.
wasn't there a meme listing all the leftwing white/jewish mass shooters and they ALL literally looked like this?
Good point. It is an unmistakable visual smack in the face to the drone that the subject matter is in fact a no account dirty double plus in good wrong think.
Anti work movement
New jewel white means right nat soc and fascism are left real protocos of zio. Hegelian pol sci
The confederacy is Jewish asswipe and pike was a jew benjamin a jew and you are speing zionist propaganda trying to mind bend nat soc is holy pure and has no Jews in it no adl of bnai shit there is no Jewish trump or this other shit baph
Cmbits by diaper wearing shit head idf talmudic shit
NASA petrified wood kicked out kleihect and fske moon rocks are stupid asshole antishbis Scottish Korea a kile rit eric easley look up media for his prosecution you asshole going to prison
No one has that post on israeli soccer 8 straight losses to Hezbollah and hamas

could be funny to intentionally make some memes that turns this requirement against them. actually, i bet memes where people have to figure out wjat is saodbwould stick even harder in their brains.
but just a thought though!
>>472376685 #
>>472376752 #
>>472376848 #
>>472376890 #
>>472376939 #
Kek, did my thread really break the leftbot?
There's a few in this thread. The
Check here to join the 42% club
complete the swastika
Left wants to destroy everything beautiful

There's probably a few other gotcha ones that could be made though
How does this solve anything? It's just the same picture but with a mark on top. They're still legible.
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The right wingis using this image as propaganda so it needs a red x.
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it's literally pure uncut, unadulterated, undiluted, triple distilled leftist cope.
This is shocking to me because I really thought the whole point of r/therightcantmeme was that it was all right wing people posting memes with a veil of fake criticism to stop it from all being deleted. This has to be another layer of rusery because I've gone on there a few times just to unironically enjoy the memes. If it was real they'd have boomer memes from facebook, not the gold that is so easily found there.
Maybe the admin is the only one not in on it lol.
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There are people so mazed that they unironically don't feel any embarassment from censoring jokes for politics. Their ulterior motive for partisanship is not matched by either an internal monologue nor self awareness.
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I'm on my phone.
Now say that again in the English language, Pablo.
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Partly correct, but all slav women are in waiting to become babushkas. The typical babushka imagery scares the hell out of those women. It's hilarious.
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ye he mad alright
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Nobody who would say nigger would call them poc and do the bell thing instead of divorcing the bitch.
Probably one of those non-religious churches which are basically just clubs.
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Who me? kek.
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Nobody who slays hard R thinks women have political opinions.
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Oopsie Sukdeep
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Some of these are great
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kek, there's an old Twitter screencap where a guy posted a blank square as a statement about how that's the only thing that's not considered offensive. Twitter feminists proceeded to be offended.
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Saying nigger will get you banned on most platforms and why the fuck would he divorce his wife over that?
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>Progressives have been unintentionally helping spread right-wing memes for years without knowing it
>They've only just figured this out after a decade and a half of doing it
>Their only solution is to 'deface' the memes before spreading them as if this will somehow make the message less effective
These people are functioning on a whole other level of retarded that I didn't even know existed
>Deface the meme to prove you're not a bigot!
>Step on the cross to prove you're not a Christian!
Cool, so I can still drop red pills so long as a put a dinky x through them. Time to go fishing
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Lol, not even a real pastor.
You've been spamming this shit for years rabbi, we all know the game
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No one here likes trump anymore you braindead faggot
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dangerous right wing meme
You love to see it
Go lick your chang overlords asshole you ausfailian nigger
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x this out
Can I get the original of this without the tranny X please and thanks
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You have unlocked shape-shifting ability.
Lmao. I hope to start seeing these
>taking back
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I've got it somewhere in my kike folder. Here's a similar one for now while I check
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>Mad Flaggot copes and seethes
Tale as old as time
>Verification not required
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Here, I believe this is it
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Thanks brother
>look I copied retarded shit a lefty faggot said because I don't understand it and think he sounded smart
Oh man that guy got so fuckin butthurt when he came here, he even made several comics about direct quotes critical of his "art"
What a faggot little blackie
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You leafs sure do funnel nigger cum
Why are you spamming this shit?
Are you confused what this thread is about?
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how is this a right wing meme? its just the truth
t. slav
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Post archive link? Thanks
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No problem
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>The right can't meme
This statement is fucking hilarious because it comes from "the left can't meme", which is a right wing meme by itself. If the left knew how to meme, they would have their OWN terms.
The only leftists who know how to meme are tankies, the way they meme is similar to right wingers, but the content is totally different.
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I will give the tankies the fact that porky is a solid character that stands the test of time
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do these dumb niggers not know what google is? I can find just about any meme in 10 seconds by just typing in keywords.
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they fixed it
i bet the americans in gitmo 2.0 for the crime of tresspassing on their own property on jew6 would find this hilarious, if they can muster the strength to laugh on their diet of söycubes
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How's this?
>its not the jews its the heckin khazarians who are actually babylonians who are actually canaanites who are actually the phoenicians that invented the alphabet
lol.. lmao even

no im not joking, its that bad
>the name jew wasnt invented until the 18th century
this is literally your brain on jew worship
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also acceptable:
so basically they are pointing out the most effective memes. useful to know for future meme makers i guess?
>let me tell you all about my obsession with nigger penises!
why is this kike so riled up? who will fight your war and give you gibs when we're gone ari?
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Beautiful, good shit
God damn, nigger that was good
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This is a masterpiece
Thank you for delivering!!
"Every time a Slav is born God flips a coin."

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