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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude but why replace it with this?
It could have been anything but you choose this.
Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
snake dinga ling one eye parasite reality machine prison cube devil. That will show those... normal people?
I dare someone with a metal grinder to cut that shlong off with a cut wheel
because our country is run by satan worshippers and want to exalt their demon gods.
It's because YOU were OK with his statue taken down that they can do this.
thats funny, who was the artist who made it?
It's in a private office building next to Lee Circle. It's been there since 2007. Why do kikes lie?

Why do kikes lie?
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Robert E. Lee will rise from the grave and the world will know that he was right.
It's to cause you to be outraged and share it.
Outraged people are easier to predict and sharing lies also destroys your credibility. Both parts weaken you. Also it wastes away your time due to opportunity cost.
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found it
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communism, folklore, and esoteric demonology?
Looks like a nephilim.
Many such cases
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say what you want about jews but they do have sense of humor...
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i dont know anything about art
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You just know it's evil when the balls are above the shaft
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Looks like a nice target.
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Someone buzz saw its penis off and hang a placard around its neck saying 'gender reveal', thanks
>naked demon with smallpox
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artist is grisha bruskin

says his specialty is jewish and russian culture.

Every fucking time
>Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
Based revolutionary centrist
the artist is a communist jew
the important part is that it was made by a soviet jew... who studied his craft in Moscow art school...

the hubris on those people...
at least we know on which side they are on...
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Every fucking time


>Grisha Bruskin (Russian, b.1945) is a painter and sculptor best known for work that conveys issues of Jewish and Russian heritage. Born in Moscow, he studied at the Moscow Art School and the Moscow Textile Institute. During the Soviet era, which censored religious themes in art, Bruskin’s work raised controversy for depicting Jewish imagery. His painting In the Red Space (1982), for example, shows a golem (a figure from Jewish folklore) wearing a Soviet uniform. His series of Alefbet (1984) and Alefbet-Lexicon (1987) paintings juxtapose figures in Jewish religious dress against a background of hand-written Hasidic text. Bruskin’s work in sculpture includes the series Alphabetic Truths (1998) and Life is Everywhere (1998), which are porcelain sculptures that imitate Soviet-style chinaware. His series of bronze sculptures titled On the Edge are ironic representations of Soviet monuments. Bruskin’s work is currently held in several collections, including the State Russian Museum in Saint Petersburg, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, and the Jewish Museum in New York. He lives and works in New York.
What if I told you that the bayou is a nest of those things and weird things happen in southern Louisiana?
The penis makes it better.
Its just a little guy, my dude. He even has a ding dong, look at him go
That's the people who took it down.
Now you know.
They could have picked anything but they picked that abomination.
Because that's what they're about.
why is his cock and balls upside down though
what is the message
A what?
Oh the artist is Jewish.
Yep that adds up. Thanks again kikes.
the important part is that they replace american history... With soviet jewish demon... Created by russian...
And it is not some random piece of history... It is a very important part of it... that to this day is very relevant...

whatever your stance on jews are... it is very funny...
>christcucks btfo
>rabbi jesus
>hitch slapped
Same people
I knew it. I didn’t even have to look at the artist. By their fruits you will know them.
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>It's actually real
you did great man... I knew you were funny... but that is trolling on another level...

it is like replacing the tablet on statue of liberty with torah...
>Russian, active in New York
So jew
>Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude
t. Retard
The cock is necessary for satan
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haha benis
Dick always wins
Ain't never seen a kangaroo before
>but that is trolling on another level...
One day after the final solution there will be museums of this stuff, to show proof, of why it happened.
this. they are not even hiding it anymore. erecting statues of demons now.
I kinda wonder if it was the jews...

if you think of it... the duality of modern US politics is still tied to confederacy vs union conflict...
so maybe... democrats are trying to humiliate republicans?..
provoke them even... same as they do with us... "you won't do shit Putin"... Until he inevitably does...
Please clap
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The only good nigger is a dead one
>expecting activists to erect a respectable and meaningful statue
Lol, lmao even
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>a jew and or communist or both
No surprises there
there is a crisis of sorts in the world... people forgot how to make proper statues...
I am not kidding... check out any modern statue... it will look like shit...

so if you destroyed it... chances are the new one would be terrible... I hope you did not...
They say it’s the Jews but it’s really the Satanists the Jews are a close second though
Satanic culture
I’m in New Orleans. What legal thing should I do to this statue?
Because it seems like many kikes worship satan and satan is the father of lies
Ummm, here's a spoiler for you mutt, jews are satanists.
Shiiiieeeeet, the 4chan shizos have alvays been right.
that statues been there for nearly 20 years, and it wasn't put there by any kind of activist though? your post confuses me, what are you trying to say?
I think that thing should not exist in any context.
Why are you allowing these satanists to do anything they want in your country?
if the jews are the ones who decide everything for americans... does it even matter that the majority are not the jews?..
as long as they follow along they are the jews or their golems...
The elites dont want to you know, but the cocks at the park are free. You can take them home with you.
Anon up top confirmed the artist is a russian jew that lived in new york. Maybe lurk more before opening your mouth next time new fag.
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Humiliation ritual, as you /pol/ers say it
hover over my post id babe
Greed dulls all senses for the weak minded, which there are plenty of in this modern world.
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communists sure do like their statues...
Are you implying commie russian jews arent activists? Yeah, new fag
looks like stainless steel, Get yourself a torch and you're looking at a really nice payday Anon.
"Buzz saw"
You mean angle grinder ?

They're 39.99 at your local hardware store plus whatever saw blades you want
It's necessary for voodoo niggers to have sex with swamp monsters, yes.
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Hail Mary mother of Christ
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Equally as satanic as before. Atleast they are honest now
The amount of Gold spent on that statue would be worth $2,462,800.39 today, Niggers need to be culled, at very least.

Verification not required.
>because our country is run by satan worshippers and want to exalt their demon gods
And also humiliate the conquered.

Gen. Lee was one of the finest white men ever to live. This isn't just erasing his memory. This is raping his corpse while his children are forced to watch.
Ok, wtf is this shit? I’ve done some digging and found where the statue is. Google Maps lists it as the “Bureau of Government Research,” but it’s just an office building. The address is 1055 St. Charles Ave, New Orleans. The statue has been there since 2007. It’s across the street from Lee Circle (now renamed) where a statue of Robert E. Lee stood for decades.

Also right next to a homeless camp.
zelensky would spit in your face if you bring him that kind of money as aid...
Rookie numbers...
>Someone buzz saw its penis off
That's called "gender reassignment surgery," you insensitive clod.
This literally cannot be denied, they're not even hiding it anymore. Remove all mentions of God or His angels, and put up demonic statues in their place.
What's wrong with his stomach? What's that all about?
>Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude but why replace it with this?
For a statue, in a fishing village.
>Yeah whatever take down a statue of some confederate dude but why replace it with this?
The "it's a statue to the Confederacy!" is just noise to rile up (((their))) pet niggers so that no white person will dare stop them.

The jews' real goal here is the outright replacement, in the public eye and mind, of whites with jews.

(The understanding that public art is a mirror in which a people can see itself is why the kike "Allies" destroyed all the uplifting and inspiring German art immediately after the fall of WW2 Germany.)
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Where have I seen this before?
fuck the leftoids , Robert E Lee was based
Krampus did it again.
Wait what ? They made a statue of that Green Monkey with a Dildo that was teaching children
nah you paint it red then let it get national attention
OMG! everyone that did the fashionable pose that the freemasons did, must be a free mason. Fucking leafs, man
It's located in muttland and they have no balls to do it because muh laws.
I bet conservacucks would call it outrageous and attack on free speech
It's not though. This is some random statue in a private collection.
>Statue of BAAL
This. Where exactly is this abomination?
to what standards? because that looks like a statue celebrating that gay monkey pox condition (that news outlets where talking about til somebody pointed out all these gay couple's dogs and adopted children were getting them - on their faces and anuses - too).
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Kek I remember that, they forgot it exists at light speed
Every single time.
Go on. Was told it’s a bunch of blk magic voodoo shit.
Jewish slaveowners were breeding niggers with them and now it's a voodoo nigger tradition thats carried over to Haiti. Jews and shabbos goy also fuck them. Apparently they're sex masters so the voodoo bitches are addicted to it.
Didn’t Jesus say that they were of their father the devil? Called them the synagogue of Satan
>"we don't want offensive statues of people we don't like."
>"so we replaced it with a statue of Satan with his dick out."
Oy vey.
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Mine would be contorted tits.
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government is mind control
>They say it’s the jews but it’s really the jews the jews are a close second though
I would rather see that as a green room.
I would rent a sawsall to remove that garbage
looks like some c tier godzilla monster
cockadora or some shit.
Get your boys tie it to a truck and drag it in to the bayou.
How many cocks do you have at home?
Literally the same thing
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America had its Pluto return this year, which takes 248 years. Empires die after 248 years, which means total destruction or transformation. The old America is dead, and with it, its gods and heroes. New America has new gods, and new heroes, and what you see with this idol is reflective of the New America.
So this is why Boeings are crashing
Judaism literally is Satanism. Funny enough, it's the secular/atheistic Jews who are the most extreme when it comes to promoting these things. Almost like it's genetic...
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>Even if you are some crazy devil worshiper was the cock really that necessary?
It was. Whatever the reason, at this point they are actively trying to stir up popular support for "right-wing" causes and rage against Clown World. Whatever the reason, they WANT everyone to know, see and say that Clown World has gone too far. There is definitely some kind of 4D chess going on because they just keep doubling down more and more extremely, more and more blatantly, the more the public pushes back, and the question is how they are planning to harness and funnel all this thermodynamic energy of the human particles in their system.
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>Almost like it's genetic...
It is


This. That's probably what Robert E Lee wore on Saturday nights at the child sacrifice.
This is hell for every rational person. What if these liberals and freaks are evil entities making our existence miserable and unbearable?
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Same eye on the breastplate as the jews' god Moloch.
So is it a copy ?!
All you would need is a pipe cutter.

A perversion of otherwise foundationally meaningful symbols.


They're about the perversion of the symbolism.
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“The familiar image of United States currency became a powerful symbol, to the point of perhaps becoming somewhat of a modern icon. ” Regan v. Time, Inc., 468 U.S. 641, 695; 104 S.Ct. 3262; 82 L.Ed.2d 487 (1984). “Our coinage bears the motto, "IN GOD WE TRUST."” McCreary County v. American Civil Liberties Union, 545 U.S. 844, 889; 125 S.Ct. 2722; 162 L.Ed.2d 729 (2005) (SCALIA, J., dissenting). However, "[t]he fact that an atheist carries and uses United States currency does not, in any meaningful sense, convey any affirmation of belief on his part in the motto 'In God We Trust.'" Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705, 722; 97 S.Ct. 1428; 51 L.Ed.2d 752 (1977) (WHITE, J., dissenting).
"Fires in the Soul; Rivers in the Desert"







No way!
Open Satan worship.
A jew and communist made a demon worshipping statue. Anyone shocked.
vandalizing a dilation station is a serious crime sir

>my interpretation is that it's a sign of "spiritual enslavement" in that they want to keep our spirits as the unevolved feral beast nature, symbolized in Egypt by the cat-side of the Sphinx, and here symbolized by a devilish primate.

>The eye, instead of between the eyes, slightly above, described intricately in "Rivers ...", is in the primate's chest area. No, not boobs. Instead, the primate is ruled by the heart - the base impulses, emotions, and feelings that spiritual mysticism seeks to transcend.

Evil stuff, really. Oh. And the penis is to symbolize further that the primate, who's eye is blind, locked away in the chest cavity, is ruled by lust - a base desire.
Don’t whinge. Smash it up.

Left wingers are trying to destroy society because they have realized anything but ruin is better than communism so they are setting about to create ruin so they can try to sell you communism.
lol that was so funny how they immediately stopped reporting on monkeypox when it came out it was an STD and kids were getting it
>Left wingers are trying to destroy society because they have realized anything but ruin is better than communism so they are setting about to create ruin so they can try to sell you communism.
Cloward-Piven Strat
Southland will rise up to rebellious

Male weakness.
Bro, they've been calling good, evil and evil, good for a good decade now.
The statues of honorable men will be torn down and they will erect statues of their gods: idol worshipping retards will soon burn like the niggers they are.
Lol that's not even competently executed, it's like a first year of art foundation project. Who greenlit that?
Oh shit!
This and wrap a trans flag around it with a sign: satan is a trans freak, just like you.
Every. Single. Time.
Nah that’s from a voodoo exhibit.
it is peak cuckoldry to sit on a mountain of guns, watch as they replace monuments to men, and do nothing
right, those guns are for the sake of Israel only, how could I forget
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>Russian Art & Soviet Nonconformist Art
YEP we're done.
jewmerica is a joke get over it
All the actual jews are long dead. These are the jews who aren't jews, but are of the Synagogue of Satan
How much is that worth as scrap?
I credit "The Great God Pan" by Arthur Machen with either inspiring or exposing Jewish tranny craze
Gluttony. He couldn't stop eating and his stomach burst, which would be in accord with his greedy nature.
>Yes, I HT I'm spreading the message.
>Where? Well, on 4chan, of course.
Bout Tree fiddy

Once a city of San Jose million dollar modern art was mistaken for trash and hauled away but construction workers.
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It all becomes crystal clear whenever I read
>REAL Gommunism hasn't been tried before!
from some disgusting purple -haired troon
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I work in bronze sculpture casting, can confirm. In my 25 years I can say 85% if the "art" I've worked on could have been sculpted by a retard. Rich people don't give a fuck about merit. There are still serious classical figurative artists but even there not much is inspired. It's all going to be preserved as a dire warning to future generations(if there are any) to behold our corruption and decay.
Some kind of Jewish demon.
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The goal of propaganda isn't to disinform but to humiliate.
This statue representing transwoman athletes is stunning and brave.
This is even tricking satanists into their own suicide!

This is how ccp takes over, it takes time, but for a thousand year reign... yep, it's a big step!
Best part is theh don't even have to do most of the work, it's done for them.

Don't worry about it, it's not like it will affect the subconscious of the population and the nation and other nations who will form an opinion of it's people and nation who does this!
It's not like it's suicide then also final kill from external forces whos opinion and subconscious was shaped to prepare to participate in the final blow directly and indirectly watching this weakness.

It's just another statue!
Believe me when I tell you foreign militaries look at it are not going to side with Chyna! Not at all.
>remove statue with several calling cards from Freemasons, and one from an actual Templar
>replace with demon reptilian illuminati pervert
Jews just avin' a giggle, aren't they?
It would creepy and compelling without the dick, it’s just vulgar and obscene with it.

Anyway I’m from Nola actually and I’ve never heard of this thing. It’s obviously not in George Floyd circle or whatever they changed the name to.
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It will be interesting to see who are the rebellious punks after this.
They'll have to race mix and watch old jewish entertainment media on the down low to be the rebellious ones in the future.
Who wants that role?
that old boomer guy thinks people know what the MTV show punk'd is!

MTV doesn't even exist any more.
Lmao. This is who rules us now.
Literal Masonic Reptilian Demon Jews.
New Louisiana state governor absolutely loathes Cantrell and the current state of New Orleans. He has threatened to deploy the national guard into the city to deal with crime there.
If you need an Early Life check, then you are a complete and total Newfag Novice.

I've rarely seen anything as Jewish as this.
Operation CockSnatch
The people allowed it? Holy fug...
Ugly art is how Jews dab on the goyim. It’s a humiliation ritual against us
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Jews actual appearance
New Orleans is a liberal-filled shithole. It's Louisiana's San Francisco.
God is gonna judge them for erecting the statue. He's also gonna judge you for not tearing it down.
What the fuck is that? Holy shit it's not even good. What they hired a diverse sculptor or something?
That guy sounds like a racist!
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and people still question if Jesus was real and the actual direct Son of God when he called this shit out 2000 years before our time
weld the penis longer. like 5 feet longer and make it grossly detailed. then the tax payed entity will obligated to cut the dick off and we'll all get to argue more.
While every """""""probelmatic"""""" person had to lose their job, had to be unpersoned, every statue had to be torn down and every place renamed and everything had to be demonstrated and denounced it was nothing but the smallest of footnotes how Yale refused to take any of it's slaver founder's statue or even just plaques down.
The cultural terror being administered by the golem doesn't apply to the juden and it never will while they spread their filth onto everyone else.
Is it monkey pox become sentient ?
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> see picrel
Literal Humiliation Ritual
Id lol
He's been found out!
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Why does this shit look like donnie darko?

Another day, another humiliation ritual.
fkn jews man
Your country is ruled by christcucks who pull stunts like this to keep you religious via control through fear
No he won't. That's not how it works. Are you one of those nudgers?
>Pizza place
Vandalize it then
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yeah kike surely
>ignore those jews you cant criticize despite they are killling american civilizans all the time
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I did some reading on this statue and it's artist. It didn't replace the statue of Robert E Lee, another statue of a snake twirling around a set of female thighs replaced it, (equally as strange) but this piece is across the street at the K&B building and is titled "Man Beast" by Russian-American artist Grisha Bruskin. It's apart of a larger set called "The Birth of a Hero".

He apparently did some sketches before making the statue (picrel). Notice anything?
The don’t even try to hide their devil worshiping.
humiliation ritual
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satanist aka woke people aka people brainwashed by jews are cringe
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Intrigued, I began looking for art showcases by him, and found this: https://thejewishmuseum.org/collection/3066-new-year-5751

The Jewish Museum? Strange! Let's track down a bio about this guy.

>"Russian-American artist Grisha Bruskin is deeply engaged with the mythologies of Judaism and Communism. During the 1970s and 80s, he was an underground artist in the former Soviet Union. Despite prohibitions against Jewish study and without a formal religious education, Bruskin learned Hebrew, Talmud, and Kabbalah as a means of psychic escape."

Interesting! Let's finish this off with something that I found very intriguing
>"Grisha Bruskin’s artistic projects occupy a special place, since they are aimed first and foremost at depicting a people, great and small. Sometimes, just groups of people -- that, which in the Anglo-Saxon world is called, 'community'."
holy shit good work anon
Oy fucking vey
Great job anon
Private property. Keep that family away from your kids.
OP's disinfo has been posted over and over for years at this point.
Fair play, at least this jewish humiliation ritual is actually hilarious
It's one of those imps in the lower astral realms. They're largely ineffectual, which is a testament to how small-souled the supporters are if that thing can influence them.
Humiliation Ritual
>New Orleans
nigga, you gay
Okay fuck this. It's not schizophrenia, or it is and it now got to me. Heil Hitler, destroy civilization and all races other than white, I disavow liberal democracy in favor of the apocalypse.
It was never about hurt feelings and always about pagan satanism
>golem art
>It's apart of a larger set called "The Birth of a Hero"
If your hero is Moloch.

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