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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How do you tell if a country is civilized or just a shithole?
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If they have a proper functioning electrical grid and sewage system.
That chick didn’t get raped.
% of negros
Does barely functional count?
and muslims
I hope you're not claiming your country has even a barely functional sewage system.

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Beings like you are not present with said countries borders
she would've shown her butthole to the camera if she was civilized
Japan became a nightmarish dystopia because of excessive civilisation, if you overdo anything it starts to suck, its like americans allways try to make the biggest everything and it just turns out to be a retarded parody of the actual thing. If you take civilisation to the extreme than society will die
You can drink the tap water. Simple as that.
By if you can trust a stranger with your belongings for a moment.
What a cute
Skin color
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a more than 5% population of nigs, arabs, indians makes a place a shithole, therefore I live in a shithole.
If they look civilized by over-compensating or putting (tens of) billions into looking civilized, they aren't civilized.
Pragmatism is the basis of civilization, which is why the white man is the epitome of civilization.
Just use the 1 mile nigger metric.

Walk 1 mile. Encounter less than 0.5 Niggers and it's a first world country.
If women can walk around alone at night then the country is civilized.
by that logic all the asia is first world
civilized behavior is ALWAYS inversely proportional to the melanin content of its citizens. The darker, the more animalistic
I would her sex with her if you know what I mean
I'm a brit and have no idea wtf you just said m8. Say it again plain english
Whomstve is this bobmonster?
If one pees on the street, or on some tree in the park, when he finishes peeing and:
1. If he turns around and zips his pants for everyone to see - not civilized.
2. If he zips his pants after peeing, without turning around - civilized.
Pleez bruv'na I don't understand
Imagine her on the piss. She gets plastered on everything, taking a particular liking to stouts and dark ales. Also during the night she eats McDonalds for dinner, (fuck vegan when drunk asf ya know?) After her night of drinking she gets a kebab at 4am. She gets home and devours some broccoli.

She gets up in the morning touching cloth. A poo is already awake and rubbing itself on her panties. She hobbles to the toilet holding her guts struggling to contain the tidal wave of shit lapping against the shores of her inner poohole. A few risky farts are squeezed out, so thick they linger. The air has a brown hue to it as she breathes back in her poop, coating her lungs. Now, the moment has arrived. Her ass waters have broken, her pink anus dilated and the grog bog is ready.

Before sitting down on the shitter, the stew starts flying out prematurely on the tiled floor. After slipping on her liquid shit and getting faeces in between her toes she managers to crawl to the toilet. She paints the bowl brown. Her legs shake. It comes out of her like thick pumpkin soup. Chunks are flying, full of corn. There is so much that some splashes back up between her smooth white butt and the toilet seat and hits the ground. Her ass prolapses. She is sure there is blood in the bowl. The smell is nothing like you've ever imagined and gets thicker with each pulsating action of her anus. Tonnes of waste explodes from her little pink anus. The hole is red raw from the amount of waste projecting from her body.

Without wiping she returns to bed where I wait. She lowers her dirty bum on my face and the remnants of poop drip into my mouth and up my nostrils. I can see her butthole winking at me as it tries to regain strength. The Greta Thunburg farts and a nug flies into my mouth. I choke on the ecstacy of the moment, knowing how jealous /pol/ would be of me.

For good measure I shit myself and gently doze off with the sounds of Greta's guts gurgling next to me.
it means I would put my penis inside of her vagina. If you know what I mean.
>I would put my penis inside of her vagina
m8 that is fucking gross, what the hell is wrong with you
jungle niggers are also niggers.
You can drink the tap water without getting violently ill. Tap water exists at all.
Number of niggers, spics, Jews, and other assorted filth.
If woman can act like sluts in the open, then it's civilized. if not, then its a shithole
Bitch looks like an actual literal bug and I still would, raw. You people gave me fatal yellow fever.

If your country contains even one single nigger then it is a shithole
Cor she's got a nice sewage system.
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Shit, that's bad
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In the US, the tapwater is "safe" to drink but it's also filled with toxic fluoride and cancer causing chloramins.
It's like they fucked it up deliberately so they could make an extra shekel selling you water in a bottle or an expensive filtration system.
I guess that's the price of having "civilization" (jews).

In Japan they "hold" a table at bars or nightclubs by leaving their phones on the table.
That's a nation without niggers.
If their twitter users have pronouns and support isreal.
No niggers.
Sauce? What's the code number? I want to see this slip get railed and get a bukkake
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unreal kek. thanks anon

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