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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I've been seeing a lot of the "I'm an MP" larp going on lately; as if "I'm an MP" is something that will strike terror in the hearts of men.

MPs aren't shit and they won't do shit. I did 15 years as a ZOGBOT; culminating in 3 years reserve in an MP company in Nashville. I'm not trying to toot my own horn; just offering my perspective from someone who has dealt with MPs frequently

On the active duty side, MPs are essentially traffic cops with the same 9 weeks of basic training everyone else got. Their specialized training involves non-combat shit like how to write tickets and reports.

In the reserves, the MPs are by and large overwieght, out of shape, and barely able to be called competent at skill level 1 tasks (the stuff you are expected to know and be proficient with fresh out of basic+AIT/OSUT

There are MPs who got sent outside the wire in Iraq and Afg; but these guys were just escort vehicles for convoys that hit the roads AFTER the 11 and 19 series grunts ensured they were safe. Because of this, MPs frequently and falsely attribute themselves to being "infantry with less resources"

My last deployment in AFG; the only thing the MPs did was give people tickets for not wearing reflective belts on BAF. They left perimeter guard and patrols to the infantry and cavalry scouts.

MPs won't do shit. There are maybe 200-300 "SWAT" MPs total in the army; and they will be too busy responding to incidents on post to assist MP draft officers.

MPs won't do shit. If they try to do shit; they will fail and die almost entirely on their own incompetence and lack of training.

Enjoy draft duty MPs, there's tons of former Infantry, Armor, and Cavalry ZOGBOTs that can't wait to use you as their vehicle for redemption and revenge.
Apologies for reddit spacing, I haven't posted in a hot fucking minute

They will use the local Police Departments to draft people and they will simply catch you outside when you leave your house.

God bless the availability of civilian firearms in my nation. It's about the only thing we have going for us.
Suicide by Cop is fine for them, they want you dead and they dont care if you die in the war or at home to a Police Officer.
>> I did 15 years contributing to the destruction of America and now I'm mad

lol blow your brains out faggot

Only a kike would take issue with a repentant zogbot trying to remind people that there's more hope than there seems to be.
I remember seeing a video out of Fort Bragg where some guy was running from cops and crashed into the base gate. The MPs just stood around dumbfounded while the popo handled business. Maps didn't even have their weapons drawn.
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I’m already dead.
This is exactly right. They don’t want incompetent negroes and illiterate Mexicans, and the police in those areas are bogged down with regular crime anyway, so it all works out.

Your “based” and “red pilled” county sheriffs office will absolutely enforce whatever they’re told to enforce. They’ll start stopping people based solely on age, which will be enough cause for suspicion. And the process of arrest and hand off to the military will be streamlined.

It’s pretty brain dead to think everything will be exactly the same as it is now, just with a draft. They’ll pass all kinds of ordinances and fake all kinds of obviously unconstitutional measures to keep the bodies moving into the system.
No it is not, there aren't enough officers to keep that up, also they'd start refusing to obey orders ("couldn't find him sir"), deserting or taking bribes if the risk of violence is too great.
The US Army taught the south one thing.
Slavery is to be fought to the last drop of blood.
We will bleed them all dry.
No Russian ever called us cracker.
They do what they are ordered, including drafting people by force. You say they "won't do shit" but they are not supposed to think and act for themselves, they are supposed to follow orders and can be replaced if they don't.

How complex of a task is rounding up people in vans? Especially if you are massed up in a press gang and have rifles. In Ukraine they can break into the homes of lawbreakers, which includes evading the draft.

Draft hits, you don't want to kill Christians for the zionists, now you are a lawbreaker and the MPs can enter your home.
Trustees are always the first to die in camps and prisons, both sides hate them.
Well they have to get the foreign Jews to do it in the Ukraine, that's why they want an ethnically divided economic zone instead of a country
>reddit spacing
>scared of women
lol, lmao even
Conscription by Western governments for any kind of war let alone a major conventional war is a no-go.
This is nothing new.
Ethusiasm for involuntary participation in any kind of war started to take a nosedive in the 1960s and has never recovered.
It was the same everywhere.
In America you had widespread opposition to participation in the Vietnam war. But it was the same story in Europe. The Portugese population became increasingly fed up and hostile to fighting in various colonial wars and this hostility even caused a revolution in the 1970s.
And these were mainly insurgencies where casualty rates were lower than they would be in a conventional war.
Nowadays the situation is much worse.
>years of patriotism being mocked and indeed seen as a sign of a dangerous individual
>years of media mocking White males
>better conditions for the technically qualified in private sector jobs
>general all round hostility to the government which is worse than the hippy era
>lots of videos on social media of what war is really like
Also war propaganda only works if it promises you material benefits, makes you emotionally love your country, makes you angry against the enemy, or works on your intellect and convinces you "your" ideology is better than "their" ideology.
I mean what is globalist ideology anyway? Open borders? Infinite immigrants? Anal sex? Female empowerment? Climate change? You will own nothing and you will be happy?
Who wants to fight for this garbage.
Also propaganda is often effective when it's subtle.
Suddenly making advertisments for the military full of White people especially male soldiers just makes the whole agenda obvious and invites ridicule.
The lack of enthusiasm for the military by the population has now reached late Roman empire stages of demoralization
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High level post, anon.
Based fellow Kreig Grenadier.
kek love puns
Ukraine hasn't had any real laws in over 10 years.

If it's a state at all, it's a rump state.
No they won't. Famous serial killer cases went unsolved because of turf battles over whose department is in charge of what.
Sheriff Roscoe isn't about to let some fed boss him around on his home turf.
>How complex of a task is rounding up people in vans?
Your rhetorical question proves you're talking out of your ass.
Also, Americans are transient - good luck finding current addresses.
And there will just be a pile of cop corpses on my deck.
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She cute, I'd let that chubby valley girl draft me into her bed if you know what I mean.
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>a glorified pencil Ousher is coming for you goy

USA isnt some yookrainian shithole.
If these kikes ever try to pull shit like that.

Well, there will be a ton of dead pigger cops.

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