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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world. By non-hatred alone is hatred appeased. This is a law eternal. - Gautama Buddha. Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy. Jews, negros, liberals, trannies, globohomo, the elites, all that hatred will never appease their hatred. Only non-hatred will appease it. This is a law eternal.
i like the part where it says the buddha has a unibrow made of cotton.
Indeed. Very based.
and on top of that, emperor mcFuck couldn't tell the buddha apart from his followers. kind of tells you the prophecies were shit from the getgo. your book is even more laughable than the christcuck toilet paper known as the bible.
Buddhist spit on the gift of life because its paid for by suffering and instead of putting their will to power and making a life worth living they hide away from it in the mountains doing everything they can to destroy its gift. They are right that the baseline of existence is suffering but they are wrong that one should run from it instead of finding and living meaningfully. They kill the ego instead of maturing it
I never said I'm a Buddhist.. I just quote Buddha because he's an ancient Aryan wiseman. Buddha I agree was superior to Jesus Christ.
Buddhism feels extremely good and conducive to bliss and enjoyment of the mind while Christ taught to deny yourself and he crucified by the Romans.
>I never said I'm a Buddhist.
>i just quote them
yeah, and i've demonstrated within 2 posts how much of a clown show buddhism is. nothing Aryan about it.
You jewish retard. Hating hatred will bring you no where. You must love hatred. you must become hatred and strive to hate and dislike and be unhappy. we are in hell and we better start loving it you fucktard
Be unattached. Completely dispassionate.
>Stop hatred in thought, word, and deed and you will be happy
This doesn't work if the person is a psychopath, sociopath or a narcissist.
They are not able to experience happiness within themself.
Well you are not wrong which is why I pretend to be mute in public and ever wear clothes with logos or anything anyone would remember. I am invisible and I LOVE it. No one ever sees me, no matter if I go out to purchase a loaf of bread or go out to commit a crime. I am the gray man. Life really is much better this way and I hate no one if I take none of them seriously, right?
Let me skin you alive and see how unattached you can be bitch. We are not made for non attachement. We are made for PAIN and Suffering ! And i am loving it
>law eternal

while am not Buddhist or adherent to any organized religion-theology I intuitively and with fullness of my being acknowledge and comprehend OP's post.
it's a message that human being users of /pol/ ought to heed
>If you kill your enemies, they win!
Wtf guise, i love Trudeau now!
lmfao exactly. These nerd fucks need a war to set them straight
There is no rule against defending yourself in Buddhism, only harming others. If someone attacks you then you shouldn't just curl up and die.
k, what canon are we going by here? i'll demonstrate that you're wrong no matter which set of books you choose to go by.
polly cannon? or which?
cuz buddhism isn't much different from christcuckery, they make it clear you're supposed to take it up the ass from your enemies.
oh really ? why did buddha allow a man to spit/slap his face and didnt react like a cuck. then forgave him ?
buddhism is half truth. it has the first half. But it is ignorant of the second half.
We are all selfish animals , even the pseudoenlightened is doing it to save himself from suffering using a bunch of delusion inducing psychological techniques.
>why did buddha allow a man to spit/slap his face and didnt react like a cuck. then forgave him ?
damnit, that's what i was going to say to sven if he challenged me.
good for you, morocco. you're well-read.
i got you Ameribro! cheers
Nothing will stop these whiny, seething, angry dudes. Each and every one of then will die with this mindset. They wake up more angry than the day before. Fucking losers.
We are half selfish animal, half selfless god. The selfish animal is destined to die, the selfless god is destined to live.
what kind of drugs did buddha take?


1) There is 0 selflessness in me. nore in anyone. We are all 100% selfish, even when you give to charity or jump to save a kid. It's all about how YOU want the world to be, your ideal image of the world. Otherwise be selfless and allow the devil to torture a few kids for fun, its within his right !

2) If god is only half of a human, he is an incomplete thing. Therefore not a god.

3) Anyone who talks about god in a non-metaphoric way is 100% delusional. God is good when used to explain the unexplainable otherwise its a crutch used by idealistic babies, and you know it.
it seems you are angry about angry dudes. welcome to the club faggot
If you want to go there he might have gotten a shot of his own natural DMT secretion.

You are trapped by your thoughts and conceptions. You are applying human concepts and limited understanding and screaming about how you don’t understand, no shit.
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The animal might well be called becoming, and the god being. The being is unchanging and complete, the becoming is always changing and never arrives at completion. The being is the ultimate law, the rock of ages, the foundation of the universe, who center is everywhere and circumference nowhere.
>If we abandon selfishness, the door (of our higher consciousness) will be opened for us, and that which is mysterious will be revealed.
Aptly put.
Honestly, I keep going back and forth on Buddhism.
It makes perfect sense one day: choosing skillful actions or reflecting upon past actions that could have went better without resorting to anger and violence sometime make perfect sense.

But we are fast approaching 1964 George Orwell level of suffering. Or better yet, in the near future where global economic downturn is going to turn everywhere you go into a hell scape.

The world is not the same level of "fairness and just and honor fights"...people have guns now....the jews have their army of negros that quite frankly half-demon at this point. When things goes south, how are you going to expect me to be skillful and not fight for my life and clap as many of them as possible?

It easy to be in the scripture 3000 years ago where the greatest threat you ever face as a monk is some thug with a machete that you can run away from. Now you literally cannot even escape to the woods. Life is literally 100,000 times harder to stay in peace than ever before in history. How do you expect me to follow the five precepts, when literally demons on Earth exist and they have everything at their disposable to destroy you.
Tibet is a great example. They committed to "don't do shit" and as the result. Tibet is no longer the same, the Buddhist sanctuary is forever lost, it is now a straw man nation controlled by the Chinese.

I get the whole point of not giving a shit about this insignificant reality and return to the infinite....but holy fuck can some of the infinite entities come down and help out a bit? It is seriously impossible to adhere to any of the teaching when it's literally hell on Earth right now.

Non-hatred doesn't mean to be passive against an enemy. It just means that your actions shouldn't be fueled by hatred.
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Wrath is a deadly sin, so it makes sense. It doesn't mean those subversive agents should be punished, right?
Of course, unless you are a subversive goon.
Of course i am applying human concepts and limited understandings. because i am a human ??
i am not a god or a marvel character, nore am i trying to be.
It is what it is. But i will not let my limitations push me into delusional and magical thinking to escape the unescapable lol.
you do you however, it's a free world enjoy !

Hatred is what gives life to justice for we are programmed to hate injustice !
Hatred is delicious. sometimes Hatred is hot. Sometimes it's cold. Sometimes Hatred is a treasure full of gold
I'm dead serious, I have done a good amount of research to find this answer.
I'm going to have to assume at this point that all scripture old and present (where the precepts were written) were based on how the original monks want to interpret it.

Because if Buddha or Jesus is truly the messenger and all knowing. It would be very apparent to them that the spiritual fight in the modern century will be near impossible when the enemies (bad actors w/e) can shoot radioactive wave and do MK Ultra to literally alter your mind to commit sins karma, drive you crazy...etc. Poison your food source, altering your mental state, altering your gender....
This is the kind of horrors level that NONE of the teachers, prophets, or even the SON OF GOD HIMSELF even face before.
This is not even some demonic entity affecting you spiritually, this is technology in the material world afflicting damage unto you both on the biological level and mentality.

LOL I'm sorry to say this as a person who has witnessed a few miracles in life. But it going to take a lot more than just a little pick me up to get through a total Satanic world domination.
>Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
>Hatred is what gives life to justice for we are programmed to hate injustice !

You are confusing hatred with anger. They are not the same. In fact buddhist consider intelligence an expression of anger.
yes i think you are right ! anger is maybe the start point for Hatred. Hatred is anger not yet fulfilled. Perhaps
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why don't you go meditate in the forest until you're totally free from being a faggot.
bodhisattvas run this shit you dumb fuck.
>have to be free from the relative to encounter the absolute
>encountering the absolute is totally enlightenment bro
>hatred bad, kindness good
>hatred good, kindness bad
i hate sravakas so much it's unreal.
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>Let me skin you alive and see how unattached you can be bitch.
Some Buddhist monks would commit suicide via starvation or self-immolation just to prove how unattached they were.

lmfao truly a bunch of retards. If they are so unattached why would be attached to proving themselves to the world through this act of circus.
and i bet you these unattached freaks would be howling if tortured appropriately instead of using methods like starvation and burning alive.
Anger is a fuel. As gasoline, it might blow up easily, but it is not inherently bad.

>Some Buddhist monks would commit suicide via starvation or self-immolation just to prove how unattached they were.

Non attachment not only involves material things, it includes ideals and feelings. By proving that you are unattached, you create an attachment to the idea of being unattached.
>idea of being unattached.
*identity of being unattached, hence an ego.
>your actions shouldn't be fueled by hatred
This is the OP message overall and what is missed by many /pol/ users.

>are not the same
another major distinction to comprehend
agree with all your points

Your actions shouldn't be fueled by hatred. But they will be. Because we are not perfect and can never be.
In fact striving to be perfect will cause you become very hateful. Retardedness is inherent to humanity as well as imperfection. it's all okay
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The nazis were Buddhists for not killing jews. However, a real holocaust would've been a good thing

Is it possible that the nazi's were actually jews ? trying to subvert through control of both victim and perpetrator. Sounds like something they would do
The Buddha is said to have rejected severe asceticism as profitless, in that it did not lead to enlightenment.
that's why it's the middle way

probably because he could, but self-defense can be allowed. just has to be without anger so as to not raise karmic burden.
might is right.
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The end goal is to stop the cycle of hate. Eye for an eye makes the world blind. The next evolution of man will be highly spiritual and the ones who Resist Not Evil will inherit the earth and pave the way for Christ's Return.
>Jesus coming
religion is a cult, get help.
>Karmic burden

do people actually believe in this crap ? like for real, don't you see how it is a major cope ??
do you know that there are people who have tortured and killed hundreds of other people and lived happily untill death ?
now don't come to me with they will be reincarnated as someone who will suffer and get tortured himself. Because that nulifies the theory of karma you are torturing somone who did something bad in previous life, then you should not be able to get bad karma from doing that.
It's such a retarded metaphorical system... But i guess it's sufficient for some people to believe in such things
What is your highest moral authority o wise one?

>inb4 'muh self'
moral ethics comes naturally... unless you're a nigger who can't tell right from wrong. it's simple.
whats yours ?
now you can be a low iq retard and say jesus christ.
or you can be a little bit smarter and ask yourself for what reason other than selfishness are you seeking a savior.
honnestly do the mental work, you will find all you are doing is trying to serve yourself the best. literaly everyone is doing the same.
you can't serve jesus. you can only make jesus serve you.
smarten up retard
Karmic burden is basically sin. It's easy to laugh at the concept if you conceive of it as some dad like authority figure who is playing with his favorite human toy aka (You). But if you see it as a punishment or reward system for helping people guide their habits and attitudes in a way that proliferates a culture and way of life then it isn't retarded at all. It's basically a social necessity. The void will be filled with something because that's better than chaos.
Shills never tell you what they believe in. They only create straw men and attack.

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