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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Leopards fighting for surivival against the pajeet population wich is cutting down the forests and expanding their cities. What side does pol take. Animals or indians?
Even cats know better to bury their shit. This one has had enough of them shitting up it's territory.
Have to go with the Cats on this one.
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The Indian subcontinent (was) among the most beautiful sections of the Earth with some of the most extraordinary flora and fauna ever to have evolved.

Indians are human garbage. The fact that they inherited such a precious jewel of land is an injustice of cosmic proportions.
I am rooting for the animals that are smarter and cleaner.
Indians are lower than animals
Africa and India should be cleansed and turned into big nature reserves
>metrics bread
i hope the leopards win
Rooting for the leopards, TPD
1 leopard is worth more than every indian in existence.
I pray for cats to win against evil indian faggots.
Polices best for animals is always best for humans in the long term.
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cat-elephant alliance against shitjeets when?
We must supply the leopards with leopards
Felines in general unironically have a higher sense of hygiene than Indians. So, naturally, I'm with the cats
Based cats
jeets are a disease, anywhere they spread to becomes a pile of trash, illness, degeneracy, and ecological deadzones.
May the leapords vanquish this plague upon the earth.
descalp these niggas
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have to side with the catters here.
Based Jaguar
the only thing that could have made it worse is if the elephant had whipped out his 5 foot cock at the end to finish the job.
you have to be a monkey because the subcontinent is genuinely one of the ugliest biomes the earth has to offer.
I thought poojeets couldn't hurt animals due to their religion
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dude they gang rape lizards.
Looks like ramen.
Leopards are the poor mans version of jaguars.
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It's their way of showing love

Same for the sephardic jews and niggers here.

The infernal nigger-jews also killed most of them here.
Just not a specific breed of cow.
Australians have a wild cat problem. They should selectively breed the cats to become big enough to kill a pajeet. Then just release them all over india and profit.
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Cats are majestic creatures so watching indians being eaten alive by cats is entertaining.
Leopards kill more humans than any cat.
>leopard roar

What's the reason that India (and China) have such massive populations? Just those two countries contain like 1/4th of all humans on the planet
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>majestic creatures
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this can't be happening
How many weighs is an ephletant?
Tigers are recorded to have killed more people than any other big cat, and have been responsible for more human deaths through direct attack than any other wild mammal. About 1,000 people were reportedly killed each year in India during the early 1900s, with one individual Bengal tigress killing 436 people in India.
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I’m gunna have to side with the big kots.
I wish i was that elephant.
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>south america
The real virus was humanity all along.
fuck jeets
Hindus are the menace. Sikhs will dispatch the Hindu pests. Sikhs are the good guys in this thing
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This has been played out time and time again. And time and time again it only ends the same way.
Cats will fight valiantly, but they are not winning.
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>that foot flicking at 48 from stepping on an Indian
Elephants trully are intelligent creatures.
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Sikhs will wipe out the Hindus to make room for the leopards when Sikhs conquered back India
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Hindus are soft like butter ready for the Sikh spear to slide right through them. When Sikhs wipe out Hindus the leopards will be fine
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Many weighs. Many
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Jaguars are just fat lazy leopards to the point they prefer catch brainlet weak fish instead runing and jumping like a real feline you retard
>Animals can't be majestic because they can be fat
came here to post this
I didn't say they weren't majestic. I was simply implying that their 'majesty' is paired with silliness.
Hindus are just we wuz retards and everything after the Vedics is just cargo cult street shitter folklore.
About 2300 american washing machines
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Killed more
>in India
Pick one
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sikhs are just pajeets that wannabe talibans
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About 3 full sized trucks.
>casually toblerones spine to the ground then snaps his neck
Never fuck with elephants God damn that's the small species too
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if the emu's can take down australlia the jaguar can take down jeets i believe.
Finally some real news.
LOL best thing I've seen in years online desu. 10/10 death
Another country the Empire should have continued to civilise.
leopards mos def
Monkeys, Jaguars and other animals will be attacking the pajeets soon. Which one western man.
ive been looking to remake the "girls girls girls" motley cru? song to go like

saaaaars, saaaaars, saaaaars

but i cant think of more lyrics.
poor famine countries have more kids because they all keep dying, so they have more kids
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There is no other species on Earth as destructive to it's environment than the Pajeet.
Imagine deleting all pajeets and let India restore to its natural state, the land is actually lush and green and beautiful, it's the pajeets who cut down every single plant and make it brown, ugly, polluted and full of trash
Team Leopard
Imagine if they got together with the Elephants? India would be able to breathe a lot better
Are pajeets literally bottom of the food chain over there? Seems like the only thing they conquered was the lentil.
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An area the size of a football field
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Comparison shot what India is actually supposed to look like when there is no Pajeets around
africa - niggers
india - jeetshitters
china - chinksects
brazil - hueniggers

I'm noticing a pattern here
>2,750KG and 5,420KG

literally will turn your bones to mush, elephant was having fun stepping on squishy meat
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Lmao I didn't know that had a 3rd edit
This. imagine replacing exotic animals with even more smelly poos (as if there aren't too many already)
Team leopard!
jaguars hunt caiman
caiman get up to 6 feet long
>something fat and lazy hunts 6 foot crocodilians
What a pussy it would take at least two elephants to crush me like that
i know you're being facetious, but the answer is obvious
go jags go
Saaaars, saaars, saaaars
Moneybags and Pani Puri
Saaaars, saaars, saaaars
Getting frisky on my cousin's whisky
Saaaars, saaars, saaaars
Red dots and the bhakti thots

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