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How did racism towards Jeets become mainstream so fast?
People met them as immigration increased.
All you have to do is meet a single jeet in real life and then you’ll understand.
Because they don't try to integrate into societies they move to, they are stinky, rude, and they deserve it
They vooted to recognise Palestine.
they are the most recognizable portrayal of racial hierarchy for normies. its impossible to ignore their inferiority.
Probably this t b h
India is one of the great nations on earth. If not the greatest. No wonder liberal faggots hate it.
Why do Indians shit in the street but Africans don't?
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joos allow it. It's not going to stop the unrelenting stream of them into (mostly) Canada anyway.
Jeets are flooding everywhere and everyone sees how gross and disgusting they are and how they scam everywhere they go
When they suddenly flooded the Western world
Poojeet detected
black twitter has always had a racism pass. If a nigger does it it can't be wrong, according to the dominant religion of the Jewnited States
By coming to the west and not changing their behaviour so even the normies can look in horror
Three indians stinking up the joint... classic
>mostly Canada
If only, they're going everywhere, even the UAE and Japan aren't safe. Jews are going to rule over a literal shit heap at this rate.
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ngl, that's one funny comment.
djeets btfo

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Divide & Conquer, India is based hence the coordinated psyops against it


They used Ivermectin on "covid"


Farmers BTFO their Prime Minister
They became numerous quickly without integrating. It's impossible to ignore.
They’re so easy to hate. Just interact with them a little at your place of work. They will scam you, lie to you, gaslight you, etc.
And the smell. Everyone knows it. They fucking stink so bad.
And the women? Bottom tier. Even blacks on average have slightly better looking women.
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gods chosen kid-bombers are pitting cultures against each other. They want us at each others throats instead of theirs.

just like the semi-retarded christcuck americans think israel is their friend against the big bad muslims.
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>(mostly) Canada
They're going everywhere. Even South Africa has 1.5 million Indians.
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shut the fuck up gods chosen kid-bomber

the last indian i interacted with was a doctor and a good one.

israel will be destroyed AGAIN
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Twitter is full with nigger, east asian and latinx who never meet/talk to Indians in their life.

And some white Americans who might see few Indian in the streets but beside of it didn't really talk with them or have bad experience with them.

But desu, i don't like Indians men, they give me the creep, i talk to few and i didn't like them.

On another hand, i have high opinion on Indian women, they are good women.

I really believe that it the work of white men to breed brown Indian women, they are the best looking brown women without doubt.

I really love them.
Exposure to jeets
I also have to wonder. Did something happen that caused them to appear overnight in white countries? I think back ten years ago and I hardly saw these jeets anywhere. Now they are all over the place. What happened?
Go to Indiachan and never come back
>racism towards Jeets
Racism is discrimination based on race.
Most pajeet hate is a disapproval of the shitty content of their character.
Not liking bad/evil/filthy people doesn't make you a bad person
Racism increases with exposure to certain races
And and content of character are not separate issues with large sample sizes
You’d have better look convincing whites to breed with literally any other race. Pajeetas are the worst. Literally 1/100 are attractive.
Are you muslim?
"racism" is pattern recognition and the ability to record memories.
"racism" against pajeets became widespread with the mass exposure to pajeets
you get to know them
you recognize patterns. end of story
By Indians being Indian
Jews are scammers, niggers smell and rape, spics breed out of control and are ruining one of the largest and most powerful nations on Earth via an invasion, chinks have a weird lack of empathy/humanity and behave like a hive.

Jeets are all of those. They are by far the worst. It’s only become apparent relatively recently now that India has finally figured out the white man’s technology enough so that they can invade the entire world. And there’s a billion of them, and that number is only going to get larger. What makes it even worse is that India is one of the most disproportionately male nations in the world along with China, so prepare for an influx of young Indian bachelors spilling into whatever nation you live in.

And I do mean WHATEVER nation. They’re fucking everywhere, on every continent, in massive numbers, in almost every nation from Canada, to the US, to the UK, to France, to Dubai, to China, to Australia, and even in fucking Japan of all places. There are even jeets in SPACE. There’s no stopping them. Their country is a literal shithole, so they can live in even the most decrepit conditions surviving on the absolute bare minimum.

The Jeet Question is a massive and undeniable existential problem on a planetary scale that humanity will have to reckon with very soon.
LOL sweatie, Indians have been going to the UAE and the gulf in general since the 70's. At this point Indians are the majority of the expats living there.
NGL they are easy to hate on. I live in NJ and all the gas attendants are some for of Pajeet. They absolutely creep on our women and are straight up nasty to non-whites.

I have seen a concentrated effort on Pol in the last 6 months to promote pajeet threads that seems a bit inorganic. As a white guy I can't tell if Pajeets hate me or want to worship me as some for of upper caste God.
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Why is your skin color poop?
Do you also worship your skin color because it reminds you of poo? Curious question
>to Dubai
U.A.E, Dubai is the capital city
LOL you're not upper caste just because you're white. You become upper caste through lineage. If you weren't born in a Brahmin, Kshatriya or a Vishya Indian family, then you're not upper caste. Nobody cares about your skin color. If you're not Hindu, then you are a untouchable mleccha (barbarian) to a proper orthodox Hindu. Indians hated foreigners since the beginning, regardless of the race. Even the Greeks were mlecchas to Indians except for their philosophers.
Dog faced women, No thanks Kike.
Indians are so disgusting they override a life time of diversity indoctrination.
they got rid of Apu for being racist (even though he's still probably the best representation they could ask for) and didn't replace him
Lmao look at the shitjeets come out and blame chinks. Chinks have to go back too but at least they can be potty trained
nobody cares about your streetshitter cataloging system except you.
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Depends if people have enough income to allow a certain leeway and are not worked to the metal then they will have meat. As resiliant as leni klums tits.
Hahahaha no one cares what shitskins think you stupid brown fagot
Indian might be bad but they should thank god there are nigger everywhere.

No matter what people say here, the white men everywhere in the world hate blacks men more than anything.

Also, in UK, i know British people who say to me they think Indian bad from what they see but after seeing arabs/Pakistani they start to think "at least Indian are not bad as arabs or nigger"

Either way, Indian in the west have low ceime rate compared to black or arabs, also not like arabs or nigger, they not really rape white women in the west, they mostly just rape their own women.

They try to stay out of trouble and act like good civilian.

They also try to suck a lot to white people (mostly men)

They are quite smart
How? Jews put them in the positions of power they once held.
So when everything goes to shit (which it is) the blame gets put on indians, not jews.
They've done this all throughout history, why anyone thinks its different now is beyond me.
They'll happily allow you to take the blame for the African Slave trade.
Israel women and us jeets are a match made in heaven.Thank you saaar. We will owns the world together.
When the JIDF started outsourcing to India.
The hate was always there. It was just waiting for a release valve.
Being around jeets for more than five minutes will make you hate every one of them.

Outside of Bollywood I have never seen a pajeeta that I would fuck. Canada imports the most disgusting tribe from Punjab.

I do wonder how inbreed they are. They all look the same and smell the same.
>Most pajeet hate is a disapproval of the shitty content of their character.

Every racism is like this.
Even my liberal mom hates shitjeets now because every interaction she's had with them has been them being creepy weirdos
>As a white guy I can't tell if Pajeets hate me or want to worship me as some for of upper caste God.
The answer is both. Jeets will treat you like shit if they think they're better than you and worship you if you treat them like shit
Stop shilling for Indians, you’re only doing it because poojeets are some of the most pathetically slavish shabbos goyim in the world. You’re going to be real disappointed when you find out that unlike whites, they don’t invade other nations for you, they’re the ones that do the invading of your home nation.

What’s most sinister is that it’s not an aggressive, blow shit up invasion, but a creeping, subtle invasion that you don’t realize is happening until it’s too late. You’re fucking around with something that you can’t see the future consequences of.

Just look at what happened to Britain after they invaded India and decided that it was a good idea to fuck around there and try and create a bunch of civilized and obedient jeet servants rather than just letting the dumb jeets shit in the street and throw cow turds at each other like they had been doing for 3,000 years prior. 200 years later, chicken tikka masala has been declared a UK National dish, there’s a pajeet shop on every corner, and there’s a poo currently serving as their acting head of state. But I suppose you would know all about subtly invading a nation, wouldn’t you?
It's the spam calls that try to con people out of money. It's so widespread that everyone is sick and tired of it. Also, anyone can see what India and Indians are really like at any time.

The Internet has many eyes and ears.
Nah. I feel like I owe niggers an apology after years of my streets getting POOOd. But they're only competing for second place of most hated race. Jews still sit at the top.
everyone knows someone whos been scammed. theyre the worst customer service. everyone dreads hearing an indian pick up the phone. they live in dirty motels and stink up the place. when normies think of indians they think of shitty shittiness.
Because nothing make you a faster racist than actually engage with subhumans, and poos are flooding everywhere and redpilling the globe like noting before
Africa doesn't even have streets to shit on
Because our """leaders""" decided to go full throttle importing them.
>How did racism towards Jeets become mainstream so fast?

As stinky as poos are, the JIDF threw pajeets under the puss to deflect peoples hatred off kikes at this crucial moment. Fuck them though they deserve it. I doubt anyone has been backstabbed so fast by the Kikes other than the Indians. Oh yes sir we are the greatest allies. Literally what 7 months later kikes started accelerating India hate and allowed it to become mainstream to distract from themselves. Evil creatures.
>India is based
flag checks out
under the bus..
Pajeets will be obsequious to your face and plot behind your back, they're more weasely than jews. I unironically prefer being around every other race to them, even niggers. At least niggers are just violent and so long as they respect your physical presence are fairly chill.
That "Cheap Labor" is going to end up killing them in a number of different ways. They're fucking morons.
More real than you think, at least he eats Greenland first but his eye is Iceland.
I think it has to do with their accent.
Something about it is uniquely infuriating/annoying.
More jeets in western countries

The funny thing is 40% of americans would believe in this if you went on joe rogan and told about this discovery xD why so many americans believe in the most retarded shit is still unknown to me.
they are a slave race, similar to how american blacks are the worst of the worst, the lowest of their stock sold by their own brother who enslaved them in africa, american "whites" are cowards, criminals and bandits who had to escape europe for various reasons
doesnt this make india the global saviours in this World Serpent scenario?
>india is so stinky that Jormungandr, the World Serpent, stops eating the world and Ragnarok is averted.
Full sapport saar
factually untrue. I saw a white euro family in india and everyone wanted pictures with them. Indians really are the most pathetic race that existed. If there was a button to be white all of india would push it
Caste. Don't make me laugh nigger. You are classifying pieces of shit by color, but shit is still shit.

When are you excrements gonna call back your fucking gyp cousins?
Their sense of self-loathing and white worship is so deep that they use fake Anglo names when trying to run their scams.
You never encountered them did you?
>saar thinks that posting under jew flag will make people take him any more seriously
I've met countless jeets. None of them were doing the things you see them do on /pol/. I think you guys just all live in shitholes.

Commie chinks and their niggerskin brownoid henchmen. They never saw the brownout coming.
Exposure to them irl
100% chinks. Only a chink post like that. Whites are too busy strung out on fentanyl to give a shit
Making fun of black people became a taboo, as they became the protected class in the USA and USA controlled territories.
>I think you guys just all live in shitholes.
I live in a shit street, actually
because they are easily hated
You’re not fooling anyone, Sukdeep Dikshit.
You're right jew
And don't bother distinguishing between hindus and sikhs. They're all stinky treacherous assholes.
kek chinks are all segregated off in chink internet
They rapidly flooded the internet and they do not have their own websites like russians and chinks do, so we have to put up with them shitting up the entire internet and every website we use. Despite all of the talk of russian and chink bots, none of that was necessary to get people to hate jeets whatsoever. Just try to find a useful video tutorial related to tech or engineering on youtube and let the hate flow through you as you have to trudge through hundreds of jeet accented or AI voiced videos that are made to waste your time. Jeet written articles have so thoroughly flooded the internet that most search engines are nearly unusable for general information, can't even find a fucking recipe without some sloppily written jeetshit. I wouldn't hate them so much if they didn't so deliberately try to present themselves as westerners on the internet. If they made a hindi side of the internet and fucked off to that, and also stayed in India and never left, we could be internet bros. Met some cool indians but the vast majority of them are utterly despicable, and there are straight up too many fucking jeets on the internet.
People started interacting with 'jeets IRL and realized how insufferable they are.
Also when I was applying for jobs last year, I got a relentless amount of jeets spamming my email every fucking day wasting my time and clogging up my mail. They're just obnoxious, they have too much contact with us. It should not be that easy for them to contact us using the internet.
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Exposure to jeets.
Because everyone is cattle and the herders are actually herding the cattle towards racism since the end of last year. This is probably in preparation for a big financial collapse. Indians and Jews are easy targets for venting frustration. Who knows they might even be setting things up for civil wars for some reason. My top theory is they want to change the system of government to something more like National Socialism and getting people riled up about the current state of things will facilitate the transition. You’ve got to make people want it.
I've been hating on poos for years, and just like everything else the fucking normies had to come in and now making fun of Indians isn't as funny, I'm still going to do it though. Keep hiding behind your memeflags Raj, there's only 3 options when I see one, a poo, a jew or a chink.
good morning sir
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you will understand if you ever have to interact with them
Why do Asians and Blacks use Twitter so disproportionately? Whites are obviously mostly boomers, so it makes sense they dont spend as much time in Twitter, but Blacks are only 15% of the American population and Asians 5%,
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decade after decade whites' support toward niggers and muslims only grows while hatred towards jeets exploded within months. are jews orchestrating this and why?
This but also decades of the laziest shittiest phone operators
I would marry a kenyan woman 100/100 times over an indian woman. And I hate blacks, but indians are less than animals and a liability to the countries that they parasite themselves off of.
it started after oct 7th. jews started to promote it as a distraction and outlet
The people dealing with them in IT. Left my job recently because of them.
based chinks
blacks went for crying about even the safest racist joke to being racist against even browns
cope, people met them
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hello sir
Im surprised that twitter is so dominated by blacks, un every debate niggers always manage to ratio the big white accounts, even with wrong takes they get way more likes.
Diversity + proximity = WAR.
Jeets were OK in India because real people rarely saw/smelled one.
"India" is a Mughals creation, kek.
There was never, even a united "India".

Sukdeep Dipshit.
Caste was always fluctuating until it wasn't, just because your kind wanted an excuse to rape.
Hindu rape apes are 10,000 worse than every Muslim combined.
google earth street view of india happened in the last year.
Most likely because there's a shit ton of indians invading most western countries all at once. And also because social media has shown the world how dirty and subhuman they are.
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Having traveled around I can tell you that Kenyans are without a doubt top tier among the blacks, let alone stinky poop niggers.
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>you are a untouchable mleccha
Why are you talking about yourself?
Your poop species is all the same to us humans.
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goodmorning saaar
the only answer. previously it was only the top 1% of their IQ curve
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At least in Dubai and other Arab places they are literal slaves and are not allowed to participate in society.
this never fails to make me laugh
Standard deviation isn't 10 points so even their top 1% have a double digit IQ, equal to the bottom 50% in the US.
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>poo culture was just highly advanced planetary system to cover itself in poo and not be eaten by planet eating snake
No this is worse this means that there are other planets of indians shitting in the street to protect their planet. That means there are indian call centers all over the galaxy.
Indian men are doing the needful universally.
I feel bad for the space snakes just trying to eat tasty planets and getting mouthfull of curryshit instead. Truly cosmic horror.
>they're more weasely than jews.
i wouldn't go that far, but it is still true. shitjeets are weaasely in a very feminine way. When they feel like you have more power, they will smile on your face, while plotting on your back, as you said, but when they feel like they have more power they will attack you in a brazen passive agressive way, throw you under the bus and cheat and lie to you without any sort of honor.
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You know Britbro, I love the UK and big daddy Britain will always hold a place of respect within me, but sometimes I hate the British for having exposed Indians to the wonders of technology and travel rather than letting them continue living five centuries behind everyone else, happily shitting on the ground and throwing cow turds at each other like a bunch of dumb apes. It eventually enabled pajeets to spread out and infest the world like a plague.

The UK essentially gave a chimpanzee a live rocket launcher with a large hand-shaped red button as the trigger, except the rockets destroy societies instead of buildings, and it has infinite ammo. I don’t care how delicious the spices are, it wasn’t worth it. Pajeets didn’t even make good slaves. Colonizing that shithole was totally pointless. Not even Jews, the current reigning champions of modern day slavery, want them as basic goyim cattle. Niggers make better slaves than Indians.

Just think about that for a second. Of all people, NIGGERS don’t fuck up something that Indians can’t do right. Being worse than a nigger at anything is like failing at failing. It defies all logic. It’s so mind-boggling of a concept to the human brain that it’s like trying to comprehend the concept of infinity. It’s like trying to divide by zero. It’s like staring directly into the eyes of Cthulhu himself. It’s like trying to talk with an Elder God.

Now here we are today and there’s a pajeet takeout restaurant or corner shop on every street corner in Britain and London is 20% white. Pajeets are a nuisance and are now in nearly every nation in the world, and it’s only getting worse. This is what happens when you teach Orks how to read and write. This is what happens when you uplift an unintelligent species.

Goddamn it, Britain. I hope it was worth it for you. I love you guys like any son loves his father, but you’ve totally doomed us all.
Aleister Crowley on Jeets, and what may well have been the dawn of contemporary negroid worship:
>The Black School has always worked insidiously, by treachery. We need then not be surprised by finding that its most notable representative was the renegade follower of Blavatsky, Annie Besant, and that she was charged by her Black masters with the mission of persuading the world to accept for its Teacher a negroid Messiah. To make the humiliation more complete, a wretched creature was chosen who, to the most loathsome moral qualities, added the most fatuous imbecility. And then blew up!
>This, then, is the present state of the war of the Three Schools. We cannot suppose that humanity is so entirely base as to accept Krishnamurti; yet that such a scheme could ever have been conceived is a symptom of the almost hopeless decadence of the White School.* The Black adepts boast openly that they have triumphed all along the line. Their formula has attained the destruction of all positive qualities. It is only one step to the stage when the annihilation of all life and thought will appear as a fatal necessity. The materialism and vital scepticism of the present time, its frenzied rush for pleasure in total disregard of any idea of building for the future, testifies to a condition of complete moral disorder, of abject spiritual anarchy.
>The White School has thus been paralysed. We are reminded of the spider described by Fabre, who injects her victims with a poison which paralyzes them without killing them, so that her own young may find fresh meat. And this is what is going to happen in Europe and America unless some- thing is done about it, and done in very short order.
Because the lower castes who the earlier pajeets originally migrated here to escape from started coming here as well
Because indians are vile, obnoxiois people. Not even jews have been this hated. The entire world is going to unite to deal with the indian problem and make a final solution
We need a final solution to the indian problem.
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here's the real answer
I'm one of those Greeks. You're all the same dindustanis.
>"India" is a Mughals creation, kek.
Typical Paki illiterate. Even heard of Maurya empire
Chinese people eat bats
French eat toads
Niggers season that thang up

And yet all the disgusting races of the world got together and realized holy fuck the indians really take the gross shit to another level beyond the ability of anyone else to tolerate it
i was watching a video today of 'why dubai sucks' and they brought up jeet slavery, and how 3 jeet's kill themselves every hour there.
Uhhh based?

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