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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Is this the biggest goycattle scam of all time?

>invent whole new bureaucratic department because some Muslims dubiously hijacked a plane decades ago ONCE
>for the rest of time we now require children and grandmas to take off their shoes and do a full body scan to board a plane
>does nothing to justify itself, prevents no attacks, doesn't increase security, pesters citizens

>hey goy, pay us $100 so we can track your fingerprints and information in our FBI database for the privilege of not taking off your shoes. Say thank you
>btw you still can't bring on water or more than 6oz of toothpaste because reasons

I get free TSA precheck with a credit card perk but it's still a scam to buy into the precheck grift + permanently put your info/prints in the FBI's database
my work paid my global entry
stop being a faggot
The rest of the world: go through security in 5 minutes, basic metal detector, no clothes off, same level of security/threat prevention
>le global entry

t. self branded cattle permanently marked by FBI
And any drug trafficker or terrorist can still easily enter the country without too much effort.
its homelan you retard
and if you were not poor and traveled internationally you would realize how great it is to have
There's an infinite amount of ways to bypass TSA's horseshit. You could just grabs knives from a restaurant in the airport, you can sneak shit on, you can do anything

When I was in Brazil - less than 5 mins through securtiy during rush hour

good job actively financing and perpetuating a grift for extremely minor personal convenience
good god you are a completely retarded faggot
have you never done a livescan background check?
are you seriously one of those people who are so poor that you don't have a passport?
In the real world with big boy jobs you do security checks because it filters out niggers and low lifes
Getting a livescan or passport enters your information to the database
They just cross the border, use a private jet or unregistered aircraft and airport, ...
Basically agency where they employe fat niggers, so negroid can feel sense of empowerment for wearing uniform,
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Now imagine a country where everything is run by fat niggers and part jewish wiggers (and it's called Brazil).
I remember going to the airport to meet my grandparents at the gate when they got off their flight.

Airports were big open places, they felt free. Now they feel like... goy cattle pens...
I forgot all about the airport pigs and the blue gloves Americans demanded shove up their own assholes since they just might have an A-rab terrorist up their own rectums and not know it somehow. I never flew again after that. Cruise ships take longer but are much cheaper and more enjoyable. But yes, you can talk an American into ANYTHING under the sun so long as it's an appeal to authority thing. Americans have always been really weal like that.
>I remember going to the airport to meet my grandparents at the gate when they got off their flight.
>Airports were big open places, they felt free. Now they feel like... goy cattle pens...

And everybody was smoking the entire time as well.

Good times.

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