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social hierarchy, economic disparity, and little green men from ufos with lil laser guns
Time wasting thread
Stupid question thread
Bot question thread
Lazy thread
OP is a faggot nigger thread.
https://youtu.be/E5pZ7uR6v8c?si=8G2Uf8LKSValLa2e like this but unironically
Manpower and time (lots and lots of time). They had time back then.
It's not even that incredible. The Pyramids are literally just rocks placed on top of rocks. The most simple construction you can even imagine. If you pour sand from your hand it will end up looking like a pyramid. It was the only way they could build tall buildings back then.

The only incredible thing is the amount of effort needed.
Stonehenge can be done by just dragging rocks.
>step 1: raise the lower rocks so they stand upright (most challenging part)
>step 2: fill the area with dirt, covering the standing rocks
>step 3: drag the top rocks onto the standing rocks
>step 4: uncover the dirt
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Advanced civilization with technology that was lost in a cataclysm.

Even now today, we have nuclear weapons and jet airplanes that fly over the uncontacted tribes in South America and such. These people would survive a major catastrophe that destroyed civilization.

>Verification not required.

>The Pyramids are literally just rocks placed on top of rocks

Please tell me you're trolling
Indians made that saar u don't know the truth
Indians piled up poo for centuries in egypt which led to formation of pyramids earlier knowns as "pooramids"
White people.
>The only incredible thing is the amount of effort needed.
But this was the only thing they had.
Imagine if you spent a huge amount of you nations people to construct something today (let's say 50% of the population of your nation)... they would build things beyond imagination.

The pyramids are NOT that amazing at all in fact. It's just a pile of rocks (and some of the bricks were actually just poured into place like concrete - grinded limestone).
I'm not. The pyramids are REALLY not that impressive if you really start to think about it.
The effort is impressive that's all.
>t. Someone who has never even cut a 2x4 with his own hands in his entire life
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It's a pile of rocks in the desert. It's not that hard to make
They were outstanding engineers.
Why did they use granite and basalt quarried further than the limestone for the pyramid's internal structure?
I have. Building in wood actually takes more skill than placing rocks on top of rocks.
Because they were not dumb people. They knew granite was stronger and needed for the internal structure.
Pride and ego.
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I don't know. The quarries near Giza do not seem to have had sufficient stock to provide all the limestone and granite required for such a massive project. They do not even appear to have been mined to any great extent. Also, the precision of it all is simply baffling. And as far as Stonehenge is concerned, I don't see how they could have gotten the horizontal slabs in place. I doubt if this feat could have been accomplished with modern construction eqiupment, let alone ropes and pulleys.
That's not a good explanation the internals of the pyramid are far more complex than load bearing.
>> pic on right: browns
>> pic on left: whites

clearly whites arent as amazing as they think they are
white power
>north sentinelese
black power

if you were kangz why doesn't sentinel island have anything of value?
Always with the intellectually stunted needing to reassure themselves coming in and making fools of themselves in an attempt to prove their “intelligence”.
Stone Henge thingy. Bury the stone underground in a specific way and remove the hill. Pyramids - just stack blocks on top of each other
Fucking illiterate retard
The left is a show of strength by predicting the future.
Right is a show of strength by resisting the future, while also functioning as a way to artificially increase the demand for work in the cities. The same idea was at play when building cathedrals and other temples. If the economy is good, save up money and slow down the building process, if the economy is bad, spend money hiring the surplus workforce to speed up the building progress.
It was also to protect the chambers inside as granite is insanely much harder than limestone (which you can easily carve and dig through).

In fact.... if the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans only had Norwegian granite to work with they wouldn't even have carved shit. As Norwegian granite is about 1 million times harder than limestone and 1000 times harder than Egyptian granite.
>build a ramp out of dirt
>use the advanced technology of wheels to push the slabs up
>dig the dirt out
That was hard
Not the rockerinos piled on topperinos
Not the silent long bois laying flat and in a stack
Not the blocks on blocks
nephilim, simple as
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here let me spoonfeed:

>Step Pyramid of Saqqara = Production and Collection of Methane Gas
>Red Pyramid of Dashur = Transforms Methane Gas into an Ammonium Solution
>Bent Pyramid = Transforms the liquid Ammonium Solution into a solid Ammonium based fertilizer
>Great Pyramid = Produces a dilute solution of sulfuric acid
>Central Pyramid of Giza = converts the sulfuric acid into hydrochloric acid

basically the Great Pyramid is a dialectric, lightning powered, acustic sonochemical catalyst chemical reactor that produced Sulfuric Acid for the strategic Leech mining of metallic ore deposits on the Giza Plataeu.
>Why did they use granite
let me explain the process of the Great Pyramid as an example here:
as the reaction sequence began, the Kings chamber was filled with Sulfur dioxide gas and the contact process chamber (grand gallery) was filled with water, this priming mechanism was precisely timed to occur in conjunction with the strategically timed Lightning strikes that were being produced by the cloud generation system of the Giza Plateu.
And when Lighting struck the top of the Great Pyramid the electric field permeated the Limestone body of the structure, a dialectric material with the capactiy for storing these fields and the electric field energy was concentrated primarely within the area surrounding the Sulfur furnace chamber and the accoustic catalyst antichamber.
These reaction chambers werent made from Limestone, they are made from red granite which is also a dialectric material but it has an even higher dialectric constant (Limestone: 6 and Granite:9).
So it has an even higher treshold for the storage of electric fields.
Red Granite also contains Crystal and Quartz.
When Quartz chrystal is subjected to an electric field a strain proportional to the electric field will be generated.
This phenomenon is called an inverse piezoelectric effect.
this effect produces vibration within the quartz crystal which generates ultrasound waves.
these ultrasound waves are used as effective catalysts to create chemical reactions which is now known as Sonochemistry.
Do you have mental problems?
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are you jewish?
Someone said yesterday that Finnigger 4chan was going down and you fags would be invading here and I brushed it off and thought he was trolling but lo and fucking behold here you are and you're even worse than I thought.
Egyptians have perfectly worked diorite statues, I bet they'd have no issues with harder granite.

I like the land of chem schizo his theories are fun although it's all pinned on the idea of using lightning strikes as energy which I've never seen proven.

they're amazing for many reasons, one of them being that they've been there for nearly 5,000 years and they're still standing, and in 5,000 years they will still be there, but you're too stupid to see it. in 500 years nothing you do say or make will be here
My unacademic opinion? The great pyramid of giza is a series of rectangular tombs built over one another. These tombs interred multiple rulers over hundreds, if not thousands of years of construction and burial. I think the limited exploration of the sealed internal tunnels will confirm this.
I've literally never used that site and have been here for over 10 years, fuck off newfag
theres a hole right down the middle with a bunch of rough blocks. hole for crane, blocks for counterweight. ezpz
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>which I've never seen proven.
Sonochemistry is a thing same the inverse piezoelectric effect.
So far his theory is the best one as it pretty much explains everything on the Giza Plateau.
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How did they do it bros?
>I've literally never used that site
Methinks the lady doth protest too much
>and have been here for over 10 years, fuck off newfag
The fact that you're trying that hard to fit in tells me everything I need to know. If you specifically are any indication of how you guys are, you're about to be the new jeets around here.
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its not a tomb, its a chemical factory.
They needed these chemicals to refine Gold and other ores.
I enjoyed Billy Carson on the Joe Rogan podcast. There's something that just feels good about the idea that everything is related to sound & frequency.

And this idea that sound and frequency could allow you to manipulate matter, or to channel & harness energy.
a lot of time and people.
pseudo-intellectual take
>they did it with cranes
you beat me to it. was about to post this.
the follow up question to this picture would be: if they were just trying to faithfully reconstruct a ruin then how in the hell did these massive stones even fall down in the first place? makes it pretty obvious that they were never on top of the other stones.
my intuition tells me that stone henge was actually - ACKshually! - a building which used the stones as pillars but otherwise was constructed out of wood and maybe leather or fabric. i imagine it was some sort of circular meeting hall or tent, probably with a big hole in the roof to observe the sky or have a large fire going in the middle. i have no evidence for this but my peepee tells me it was probably something like that.
the pyramids were products of about 1,000 years of egyptian funerary practices. egyptians even fucked up several pyramids when they were experimenting with design
Black people are just smarter than you
>little green men from ufos with lil laser guns
they found several pit storages dating to around same time as stone henge was likely built. it was clearly a gathering spot for nearby people to perform ritual ,exchange ideas, trade, etc.
Yeh I think he's onto something.

Do you know what the reaction would do to the limestone?
Wouldn't charging the stone and using water to create heat deteriorate the limestone?
I know from primitive technology youtube shells create lime which is exothermic reaction.

Is that what he's proposing is creating the atmospheric conditions for thunderstorms?
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>then how in the hell did these massive stones even fall down in the first place?
through a Cataclysm and HUGE waves.
>and in 5,000 years they will still be there
Wouldn't be too sure about that.
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>How did they do it
We wuz advanced culture and sheeeit
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see picrel of relief chamber, all rough blocks of varying size completely tucked out of mind, cant find a pic but there is also a shaft going directly up close by. crane makes the most sense in my opinion
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>Do you know what the reaction would do to the limestone?
The internals of the Pyramids were coated so the chemical reaction doesnt attack the Limestone.
(Muslim retards cleaned most of it off to make it look better for Tourists tho but it can still be seen in many places).

>Is that what he's proposing is creating the atmospheric conditions for thunderstorms?
The cloud generation system wasnt inside the Pyramids. They probably did it similar to what we see in England at Silbury Hill with chalk and water and an exothermic chemical reaction.
The muslims already pillaged the casing stones to use in their mosques centuries ago. If it wasn't for north and west Europeans they would have probably removed the pyramids in their entirety long ago.

Also without north and western Europeans no one would even know about ancient Egypt or any of the older empires that existed. Their history is remembered ONLY BECUASE OF WHITE PEOPLE.
Lowest IQ take in the thread. Wow.
>Their history is remembered ONLY BECUASE OF WHITE PEOPLE.
Same with Sumer, Babylon, Assyria etc. (many more). They would all have been forgotten without white people. Like they never even existed.
No, it's the highest IQ take. Not only in this thread - but in the entire world.
perfect ressources, climate and manpower.
try finding easy sandstone in the cold north, that doesn't go to shit after 1 season of rain+freezing
>The internals of the Pyramids were coated so the chemical reaction doesnt attack the Limestone.
That is good proof he's onto something.

I still don't understand the actual mechanism of capturing lightning's power production.
Maybe the entire structure was charged up and they only reacted it in the water pools outside the pyramid like a sacrificial anode
a pyramid in cold and wet climate would have to build from straight granite to survive i assume. this being said: wasn't the sahara a lush forest at some point? is it definitely proven that the pyramids were build when it was already hot and dry most of the time?
A normal healthy man will be able to drag 100kg with a rope along the ground. If you have 500 men doing it that will be 50 metric tonnes.
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>I still don't understand the actual mechanism of capturing lightning's power production.
see >>472346407
You know the Egyptians weren’t black, right?
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Also the Top of the Pyramid had a special type of Artificial Rock on its Flat Top. something called Blue Sandstone. when you tap with your finger on that stone it rings like a tuning fork.
there are actually several pieces of this rock found in Egypt.
one of them at the top of the Great Pyramid.
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pic from the top of the Great pyramid, only one piece of it remains.
Yeah but how do they transfer this energy to the lime reaction to create clouds?
My gut tells me to do this it'll consume the lime and like you said there is protected limestone inside the structure, but I don't fully understand the process.
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>How did they do it, bros?
You guys must have some severe mental problems honestly. Maybe not your fault... but I'm just letting you know.
I've been there before. The store is really cool. They have alligators and stuff.
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>Yeah but how do they transfer this energy to the lime reaction to create clouds?
my post literally explains how it works. read again.
>it'll consume the lime and like you said there is protected limestone inside the structure
no the inverted piezoelectric effect and the Sonochemistry makes the chemical reaction work and this happens through the Red Granite.
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By stacking blocks with help? How is this a hard concept to follow?
are you jewish?
I'll admit when I heard sonochemistry and piezoelectric I zoned out maybe when I have more time I'll try to understand it further.
Probably. Would not be surprised, at all.
>are you jewish?
Even more proof of your mental problems.
I hope you get the help you need and become better.
Someone explain why they won't restore ruins to how they used to look back in the day? Like restoring the pyramids to have smooth sandstone with a golden tip or making the Colosseum be fully restored?
Living with sever mental problems like you guys must be the worst form of curse there is.
I don't hate you. But I hope you find help.
Basic mathematics, simple tools that have been proven to work for shaping rocks and tons of man power that had free time in between planting of crops and harvesting of crops.

Not rocket science. All this stuff has been proven by now.

Retards believe that there is some secret behind them like gayliens... because retards can't use their tiny brains to imagine REAL solutions to their questions.

Stop being a retard
was the pyramid just a giant rainmaker and lighting rod? did they have to build more pyramids because the limestone gets used up over time which is why it doesn't do anything anymore? or was it even a multipurpose building? a rainmaker on the outside and a chemical plant on the inside? did the pyramid have additional structures and machines built on the outside which have not survived the eons? so many questions. the more i think about the pyramids the more questions i have but no real answers.
White power basically
The recent tests done on the vases that were found in one of the pyramids prove with 100% certanty that the egyptians couldn't have done it.
But now you get an idea why nobody could figure out what the Pyramids were for and how they worked when they were first discovered. Chemistry on this complex high level was simply unknown.
Or you don't have mental problems and you are actually just literally retarded (but that's also a mental problem - that unfortunately cannot be fixed).
so you are jewish.
why should anyone care what a jew like you has to say?
go kill yourself Shlomo
STFU. Go get mental help.
seeing ancient buildings in their full splendor would make people question if the before-times weren't so bad after all and that would be bad for tptb of the now-times.
We're just having fun and you're getting all upset your simple minded reply doesn't satisfy us.

Land of chem's theory is bomb and explains the rise and fall of ancient Egypt, agriculture breakthroughs, etc.
>How did they do it, bros?

I figured it out. You can levitate rocks with high voltage.
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>was the pyramid just a giant rainmaker
No the Pyramid is a chemical Reactor. The Cloud Generation system was located elsewhere.
The Lightning was the Power source that created the Ultrasound waves in the Red granite to make the Reaction happen.
>did they have to build more pyramids because the limestone gets used up over time
no every Pyramid was producing a different Product, see >>472346318
>did the pyramid have additional structures and machines built on the outside which have not survived the eons?
yes they had many industrial workshops outside of it for ore refinement, packaging, transport and further processing.
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>Ulster-Scots making demonic pacts with both Demonic and Angleic entities.
>t. Ulster-Scots with the rarest genetics on earth and secret knowledge passed down within my bloodline.
Your choice in believing this does not effect anything only makes me stronger by improving Collective Consciousness; kek WAGMI. Hail Thomas Passwele! Tae those that do believe this I have corrected the timeline the Jews diligently fucked.
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fritz haber, the masonic jew, who won the nobel prize because he figured out how to synthesize ammonia fertilizer from gases got the idea after visiting the pyramids and identifying them as chemical plants because of the smell. weirdly enough the set up to make that synthesized fertilizer is suspiciously similar to the constellation of the inner chambers. fritz haber's discovery led to an enormous agricultural surplus which then led to the global population explosion. essentially the guy is responsible for about 8 billion people being alive today. that being said egypt was the breadbasket of the ancient world for thousands of years. maybe they had a little fertilizer and rainmaking secret on top of being next to the nile river. who the fuck knows. i for sure know nothing.
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jewish shills always rage whenever the truth is posted anywhere.
White people made both
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exactly, all the Chemical Industry and the Industrial Revolution that it fueled has its origin in Ancient Egypt.
The Freemason jews Haber (most evil jew that ever lived btw.) and Bosch kept it all secret of course and their jew friends sold the goyims the "it wuz nigger tombs" psyop while they were researching its secrets.
Then they made trillions from these discoveries.
They were built during a period when the Sahara was taking its final shape.

A mass migration happened to the Nile.
They've found cave art in the Sahara recently that showed cattle herding and boats and docks ghat date back about 5000 years ago.
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Africa was Zapped by Cosmic Lightning aka The Thunderbolts of the Gods during the Sol capture event around 5000 years ago.
That catacylsm formed the Sahara and also destroyed these ancient builders and their industry as too much Lightning for their Chemical Factories made them blow up.
Red haired giants.
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Most ancient sites you see are reconstructions... chichen itza is a prime example.
A lot of the original mesoamerican ruins ended up being used for colonial structures. You can see them in the walls of people's homes, skulls and whatnot in the brick work.
why didnt they come up with better treatment for longer life...most were dead by 35
fuck this ufo bs why didnt the Martians give then treatment and cures to live longer. who in the fuck cares about some rocks on top of each other
ok glowie, nice try pretending to be an 18 year old retard.
Space and aliens are fake and gay
soil ramps, pry bars and strong men
has nothing to do with any ayyliums.
learn to read
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/Thread. Notice none of the bots or shills acknowledged this. Look up the coral castle too. This stuff isn’t difficult if you just spend some time and think about it. Sticks and ropes man.. basic physics
the infamous coral castle was build by just one dude with similar methods. the msm pretends that it's some mystical secret but the guy was just really smart and was able to automate a lot of drilling and lifting by just chaining together a few car batteries to some simple gear motors. maybe the egyptians did something similar with their batteries.
Coral is lime based all the structures have limestone what's the deal
Stonehenge was (((re-imagined))) in the 19th century. You even have photos of modern equipment for that time putting the rocks up. Supposedly they've found all the rocks scattered around, it didn't even look like this originaly.
In case of the pyramids it is obvious that power tools were used
Advanced technology that got erased from history just like the ancient architecture that got destroyed after the “worlds fair”
read the thread fren. all these questions were already tackled.
The better question is why are there pyramids all around the world and what do they represent
see >>472346318
a) there must have been a global information exchange of some sort
b) pyramids must have served some important purpose which made them be built all over the place
c) don't worry about it! ancient peopel were mud-caked retards. pyramids are just stone piles and it's all just a cohincidence. go to work or go to sleep.
With the help of Penemue and other nephilim.
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Best spooky pyramid shit ever. Not introducing aliums is the sign of a true spookmaster. Demons to clay.
no niggers were involved in engineering nor development.
What are some good takes on a) and b)?
but sadly many people actually believe that
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there really is nothing spooky or alien about it.

>ancient civilization builds up an industry
>Earth used to be in Orbit around Saturn together with Mars and Venus
>Sol captures them
>shit hits the fan
>ancient civilization is destroyed in the cataclysm
>another Great Reset completed and lots of knowledge is lost only to be rediscovered later
so Pyramids = OPEC
I really wish we had pro bass shops here bros, they're so fucking cool
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you'll be asking the same question when all white/european people disappear
A) no
B) it's the simplest way to build a tall massive structure without rivets and such penetrative support
C) all pyramid builders were smart
You clearly don't know much about the pyramids. Stop posting.
Damn couldnt even build them in a straight line. Bet some ancient architect or enginigger got exucuted for that mistake.
more like BASF
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Yeah it is pretty cool
can't tell if you're being serious or not desu... is this the slav/mongoloid iq I keep hearing about?
>aligns perfectly with orion
>but ets uh not in uh str8 line!!11!
I went there when it was still a concert venue. It really sucked for that. Saw KISS while tripping on acid. KISS is just godawful, but it was funny.
Slave labor
>Earth used to be in Orbit around Saturn together with Mars and Venus
Almost definitely not and there's no need for this kind of stuff except adding cool spooky drama. Plenty of disasters with evidence.
Unlikely but very good example of something unlikely that's still worth exploring. The rough idea that there was chemical processing going on sounds pretty likely.
Yea, my bad, I forgot it had cosmological meaning. Now I remember those additional tunnels in which sarcophagus couldnt fit and which were unlikely used for ventillation were also pointing to some other stars.
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Aliens. They came here in ancient times, granting any wish imaginable. But the retard ancient humans only wanted them to stack stones.
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>Almost definitely not
actually thats what happened, thats why Saturn was identified as the Sun by pretty much every Ancient culture.
>The rough idea that there was chemical processing going on sounds pretty likely.
Its not just an idea, its backed by hard Physical Evidence.
now tell me how they can make this shit if they didn't know most shit we know about the universe
The tunnels were used for mining ores.
the Giza Plateau was a HUGE Mining operation.
Napoleon, or as I call him, N’appolyon, built the pyramids
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NTA, but one word

explains not having to carry a bunch of shit. making everything with perfect straight lines(pouring molds). even their statues we know were basically molded. that's why some of them look identical. they had an ancient form of concrete.
Sorry if I ruined your conspiracy high though. I've wasted a lot of time looking into and this is the most plausible belief so far.
the Diorite and Granite Statues werent made from Molds.
they also didnt use any Molds in the building of the Pyramids, if they did all blocks would have the same shape which they dont have.
also all the quarries have been found. like the one in aswan
yep. probably. whenever they were empty or not used anymore they would convert them to some other purpose and decorate the walls or put their dead in it. makes sense.
>and decorate the walls or put their dead in it.
no? maybe i'm thinking of some other kind of shaft deep inside egyptian rock.
Black people created the pyramids while white Europeans were stacking stones
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>they also didnt use any Molds in the building of the Pyramids, if they did all blocks would have the same shape which they dont have.
this doesn't mean they weren't molded. just means the molds may have been irregular on purpose.
we really cannot know the problems the faced while creating these thousands of years ago. but one thing is for sure: nothing was done by a mistake.
So, yeah I still hold that the molds were used on the pyramid. and the holy nile river provides a perfect water source.
some elbow grease and a can do attitude

yeah all the complex venting systems, corridors and antechambers were as easy as stacking blocks on each other
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>may have been irregular on purpose
too much extra work.
if there were hundreds of different molds something of it would have been already found.
which is not the case.
imo the most likely case about how they were build is in this video:
the Author didnt figure out their chemical factory usecase tho.
but still interesting theory.
I was under the impression that Stonehenge was erected in the 1800's with local stone slabs and they guessed how it looked based on folklore and hearsay
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>its backed by hard Physical Evidence
So is the idea that the planet Earth is made of cheese. I sampled a random part of this world and it was 100% cheese.
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jews and faggots
Pyramid of Gizz is 470 feet. That's nothing. I would've made it 1000 meters high. I would need a small community of 100,000 anglos. They would work for 100 days a year for 100 years and do 1000 kilograms a day (Easy for an awaken anglo) and that would be enough to break the trillions as far as kilograms go.
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>the narrator has a nigger voice
welp so far so bad. i'm watching it though
The value of just weakening the surface of stone blocks is underestimated. You stack them in their weakened state to get the extremely precise joins. The same kind of paste that dissolves the rock structures in the geopolymer can be used to shape surfaces of statues. In South America there are rocks with handprints. The stone around didn't collapse into a puddle, they would have had to treat the area with something to make it malleable without affecting the entire rock.
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It's more than that
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No it's all original. It's absolutely genius and an underrated piece of ancient architecture. It seems it's widely agreed that it was the worlds first "Observatory". As in the space in the stones would align with the sun moon and different stars assumably to be able to calculate when summer and winter begins in order to correctly and efficiently begin their planting and harvesting seasons. To must people they assume it was just some religious stones made thousands of years ago, but they are a testament to European ingenuity and genius.
this was the last time jews did manual labor until the 1940s
>How did they do it, bros?
really fucking slowly
The H stones in South America are pretty much confirmed geopolymer. Organic material saturates the microscopic structure, that's a polymer. The limestone of the pyramids is probably from the quarries they seem to be from but they might have made those quarries on site using some large scale process.
>Stonehenge can be done by just dragging rocks.
haha, now quarry them hundreds of miles away, and transport them too
Here's a megalithic observatory in Macedonia, apparently oldest in the Balkans but not as preserved as Stonehenge
Incredible. Our ancestors 3000 years ago were smart than niggers today. Never let them forget it.
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ok, yakub nigger made some ok points. but without getting too specific... he doesn't address the identical blocks. because some of them are. and as this anon (>>472361530) pointed out
geopolymers have happened before.
for example its also thought Sacsayhuaman used geopolymers too. their blocks are irregular as well.
Oh I didn't know they had poured concrete hard surfaces in the desert like that. Interesting larp, but you'd need a 500km long concrete road to move the stones on, and not to mention the stones are entire order of magnitude heavier, and would likely outright crush the pivot rocks

Leedskalnin was reported to have used two cone shaped devices which he held in his hands in conjunction with some type of black box ontop of a telephone pole. Nobody knows exactly what, but he was using some type of technology to do it

I'd imagine it's pretty blatant in the Hieroglyphs, but they'll just tell us it's a ceremonial eggplant or some other nonsense. You can use oscillation frequency matching to cancel mass but it comes with a square inverse power requirements, so the power requirements for lifting heavy masses was very large and depending on the material, the bosons may convert into energetic gamma rays, making for a rather dangerous and poorly understood apparatus

Here we go, this is getting more onto it. The pyramid itself has the formula built into it for reference on how to move the stones but really all you need to know is 3 6 9
they moved the rocks duh
chemical analysis already confirmed it.
why you even try to participate in a discussion that you have zero clue about?
go eat your fermented shark anus.
not how it was done and there is no evidence for it.
we are talking about Egypt and not South America tho.
>How did they do it, bros?
With big dick energy.
jewish magicks
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>we are talking about Egypt and not South America tho.
true. but if it could be done there in south america, it most certainly could be done in egypt. i mean this isn't a dick measuring contest but egypt had a more 'advanced' civilization for its time. its not to imply kangz went to mexico and did ziggurats. but that if south americans had geopolymer concretes, maybe they weren't the only ones. and all evidence points to this.
Leverage and Gravity. These are concepts understood and used by the more intelligent and industrious humans throughout history.
These forces are not understood at all by NIGGERS.
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Even Pharoah couldn't comprehend the sprawling all encompassing pyramid that is the modern multinational corporation. If you need to ask how the pyramids were built and cant understand why people would choose to do it just look around now. Why do they still toil for kings and godmen?
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Second best post after >>472345276
It's referred to these days (and perhaps even back in ancient times, but even then, it would be a translation that wouldn't do the original idea justice) as "The Music". They used it for plenty of different activities; they would "talk to God" using it, they would use it for defense and apparently also to build large structures.
Pythagoras' ideas regarding Harmonics or Music in general were not novel.
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i'd sign up to build a pyramid for a true leader of the people...
it would only take 2.5 million days to build the pyramids like that
Saturn appears to be a Brown Dwarf, actually. Either way, mainstream science and normalfags in general is/are retarded.
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that pic is the gayest shit i have read
The worst thing about midwits is how brash they are
>all evidence points to this.
it doesnt tho.
the Blocks in Egypt were quarried and the quarries are know.
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its also incorrect, what the Black Sun actually is is Saturn, Mars and Venus in its Polar Configuration as it was seen from Earth.
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fascinating, do you have more constellation sigils?
Where’s Saddam?
We've always had technology we just keep getting sent back to the Dark Ages via astroturfed revolutions whenever somebody notices too much about the financial elite.
couldnt you just count? spring equinox is 364 or 365 or 366 days from the last one. why waste time and energy building an observatory?
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damn never mind. some jew did it. there is no source on it. it was 'self-made' jewpedia is shit
well, after that they went to europe were the local antisemites kept all the manual labor to themselves and instead handed the jews all their money and forced them to be money lenders. life is sure is a struggle for these poor pyramid builders.
Just look up Dee's work and you'll see the sigils for the beings he worked with. I've never personally tried to look into Enochian Magick myself, but you'll surely find sigils for these kinds of things if you look hard enough.
Also, sigils don't exactly spoil because of the character creating/using them. I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Magick is Magick, anon. It's sort of like a shovel or a fork.
sorry, magick is jewish. simple as. you'll notice the authors are literal jews/freemasons (crowley for example)
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what the fuck this is actually a good point
maybe some pulleys
I have this same pattern as moles on my stomach, matches the Orion constellation exactly
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saar, you must ascended to the avatar of osiris
They should know who and where I am by now.
You're an idiot and we can all tell you've never read a book before.
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>reading makes you smart
oh yeah, you're so smart! it increases your iq too! and makes you more creative... somehow?
lol clown. socrates was illiterate. now what? bitch
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Based and Diogenes pilled
>No the Pyramid is a chemical Reactor.
The dumbest idea ever.

Even if, what did they do with the chemicals? So dumb.
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How it works.
live in a desert with warm weather 24/7/365 with soft sandstone what else was there to do than placing rocks on top of eachother all day long
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no albino admixture to ruin them
Massive massive whips

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