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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I know some of you might think it's funny to mess with the Jews, but trust me, this is NOT a joke. An eruv is a special boundary that lets Orthodox Jews carry stuff outside on the Sabbath (that's Saturday, for you non-Jews). It's like a magic circle that makes it okay for them to do normal stuff on their day off.

Cutting the eruv would be like ruining someone's Christmas or Easter. It's a huge deal for them, and it would cause a lot of upset and anger. I'm not asking you to be best buds with the Jews or anything, but can we just show some basic human decency and respect their beliefs?

This isn't about politics or religion, it's just about being a decent person. So, PLEASE, I'm begging you, don't do it. Leave the eruv alone and let the Jews have their peace.
God It's hilarious how jews jew their own faggot kike religion. Tkd.
Jews honestly think they can Jew God, and that the Jew God is delighted by their jewing
Upset the orthodox jews, It'll be funny.
Back to the CNN comment section you go pussy boy.
You will be tortured to death in front of the kids you raped.
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>God says don't work on the sabbath
>rabbis spend the next 2000 years arguing over what "work" is
>they also spend 2000 years trying to undermine their retarded rules to trick God
>they say that they can't leave their house, but if they just run some wire around the neighborhood, that's their house now
>they say that they can't flip a switch to turn on power, but if they have a switch that "randomly" turns on light, it's not them flipping the switch
>this retardation is exactly what Jesus told the Pharisees to not do

like bro, just don't work.
>your god sets down the rules
>worship god by constantly trying to find workarounds in order to avoid following his rules
Undoubtedly the funniest "religion" ever invented.
This shit is hilarious.
Kikes literally trying to jew their own rules with God.
Yeah It's retarded, they have "Sabbath mode" on water dispensers as well do that it boils water at specific times.

They are lazy lying leeches.
what Judaism really is, is tyranny-by-rabbi. The movie "A Serious Man" is the best way for a Gentile to see this. It is the most anti-Jew movie ever made, and only Jews could have made it.
Even if the eruv is cut, not knowing it being cut is enough to fool God.
don't elevators also stop at every floor, so they dont push the button?
I used to live in Brooklyn and there was an eruv a block or so from my house. Every Friday you see Jews checking on them.
Hahaha, I take your dare kike
None of them will ever be drafted, why do you let the ashkenazis boss you around they will never go to war like you they will kike away
Okay you projecting pedophile faggot
>I believe in an all knowing all powerful god
>I bet we can trick him with legalism
Make it make since Hebro.
The shabbot elevator
Honestly I don't know, I'm pretty sure they just don't work on Sabbath at least that used to be the case.
Even if they don't get drafted even though I think they will. They no longer get their retarded Torah studies funded.
Sheeit I guess lime building it, it doesn't matter what God says if you're a Jew you'll just find a way

"Okay, so you know how sometimes you're like, 'Hey, I'm gonna make a sandwich, but I'll just use a teensy bit of bacon because it's not a big deal, right?' And then your Jewish friend is all, 'NOOO, YOU'RE RUINING THE KASHRUT!'?

Well, the one sixtieth rule is kind of like that, but for Jews who keep kosher. It's a rule that says if there's less than 1/60th of non-kosher stuff in a food, it's still considered kosher. Think of it like a 'get out of jail free' card for accidental bacon bits.

But here's the thing: it's not just about the amount of non-kosher stuff, it's also about the intention. So, if you're like, 'Hey, I'm gonna add a little bit of pork to this recipe just to give it a kick,' that's not cool. But if you're like, 'Oh no, I accidentally added a tiny bit of non-kosher seasoning to this dish,' then the one sixtieth rule might save you.

It's kind of like the Jewish version of the 'five-second rule' for food that's been dropped on the floor. Except instead of five seconds, it's one sixtieth, and instead of the floor, it's your stomach."
Coating the wire in pig fat removes its magic. Just throw some bacon on it.
Bro pork the kaaba and all kosher food

Always put bacon on the kosher shit at stores
Okay, so imagine you're a devout Muslim, and you've saved up your whole life to make the pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the most sacred places in Islam. You've finally arrived, and you're standing in front of the Kaaba, which is the holiest site in Islam. It's like the ultimate symbol of your faith.

And then, out of nowhere, a plane flies overhead and drops a bunch of pork products all over the Kaaba. Like, imagine pork chops, bacon, ham, all just raining down on the holiest site in Islam. It's like a nightmare come true.

For Muslims, pork is considered haram, or forbidden, and it's considered really offensive to even touch or be near it. So, to have it desecrate the Kaaba, which is supposed to be a symbol of purity and spirituality, would be absolutely devastating.

It would be like someone taking a sacred object that's really important to you, and then deliberately defiling it with something that's really offensive to you. It would be a huge violation of your beliefs and your sense of what's sacred.

Imagine the outrage, the shock, the feeling of betrayal and hurt. It would be like a punch to the gut, a slap in the face. It would be a really, really big deal. And it's not just about the physical act of pork falling from a plane, it's about the disrespect, the disregard for the beliefs and feelings of Muslims.

It's hard to even imagine how upsetting it would be, but it would be a really, really big deal.
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Neurotic edomites…
i listened to a podcast and they talked about how the jews get around the shmita, the order that says they cannot grow anything on the land every 7th year. It's... something. I mean, imagine living in a country where everyone thinks like this, pure legalism but ALSO the endless desire to circumvent the laws, it must be exhausting (and sure they've turned our legal system into this).
Relax fellow brew

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There's already a bunch of eruvs in london: https://www.eruv.co.uk/
What's the hubbub about now?
>its too hard for us to follow our own religious tenets
>just let us put this wire up that claims the entire area is our home
>if you don't your a bad person
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Imagine trying to achieve an erection with the intention of impregnating this yenta…
>the odor of gefilte ensues
Never mind the uncanny valley effect of (her?) face
You want to talk about Kaparot, huh? Well, let me tell you, it's a real... um, "delight" for outsiders to observe. Essentially, it's a Jewish ritual where people swing chickens around their heads to atone for sins. Yes, you read that right - chickens. Not exactly the most conventional way to cleanse one's soul, if you ask me.

I can just imagine the goyim (non-Jews) watching this spectacle, mouths agape, thinking, "Wait, so you're telling me that waving a flapping bird around your head is going to absolve you of all your sins? Meanwhile, I'm over here trying to make amends by actually changing my behavior and being a better person?"

And the best part? The chickens often don't even make it out alive. So, not only do you get to symbolically transfer your sins to an innocent bird, but you also get to, you know, actually harm it in the process. It's like a two-for-one deal on guilt and animal cruelty!

But hey, who am I to judge? If swinging chickens around is what it takes for people to feel better about themselves, then so be it. Just don't expect me to join in on the fowl play (see what I did there?).

AI explains this hilariously
So, you want to know about the "alternative" to chicken-swinging, huh? Well, let me tell you, it's a real... fish-tastic option!

Apparently, some people opt to feed fish instead of swinging chickens, because, you know, fish are just so much more... sin-absorbent? It's like, "Hey, I've got some spare sins lying around, and I don't want to bother with a chicken, so I'll just dump them on this unsuspecting fish instead!"

But here's the kicker: after the chicken (or fish) has absorbed all the sins, people often donate it to the poor. Because, you know, what's a little sin-infused poultry or fish between friends, right? It's like, "Hey, I've got some extra sin-laden protein, and I know just the people who could use it – the poor! They're probably used to dealing with other people's problems, so a few extra sins won't hurt, right?"

I mean, can you imagine the conversation at the local food bank? "Hey, Bob, we've got a special donation today – sin-free chicken! Well, not exactly sin-free, but it's been swung around someone's head, so that's gotta count for something, right?"

And the poor are just like, "Uh, thanks, I guess? I mean, we were hoping for some actual food without the side of guilt and shame, but hey, a meal's a meal, right?"

It's like, people, if you want to help the poor, just give them some actual, non-sin-infused food, and maybe a side of dignity, too. But hey, who am I to judge? Maybe sin-laden chicken is the new kale or something.
>In frustration, Rabbi Eliezer finally cries out, "If the halakha is in accordance with my opinion, Heaven will prove it." From Heaven a voice is heard, saying, "Why are you differing with Rabbi Eliezer, as the halakha is in accordance with his opinion in every place that he expresses an opinion?" Rabbi Joshua responds, "It [the Torah] is not in heaven"
>We are told that upon hearing Rabbi Joshua's response, God smiled and stated, "My children have triumphed over Me; My children have triumphed over Me."
So instead of just feeding fish, kikes torture a chicken then give it to the homeless with all their son transferred to it...
Please, dear Lord, someone cut down their stupid magic wire
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I especially enjoy the ass burning aspect of this particular ritual…
>inb4 “that’s AI”
Any one of you fuckwads know why they do this shit. Where the fuck is PETA when this occurs
The practice of oral suctioning, also known as metzitzah b'peh, is a traditional technique used in some Jewish circumcisions (Brit Milah) to clean the wound and promote healing. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

1. Preparation: The mohel (the person performing the circumcision) will typically prepare the area by cleaning the penis with antiseptic solution and draping the area with sterile gauze.
2. Circumcision: The mohel performs the circumcision, removing the foreskin from the penis.
3. Wound cleaning: The mohel will then use a pipette or a small cup to suction out any blood or debris from the wound. This is where oral suctioning comes in.
4. Oral suctioning: The mohel will place their mouth over the wound, creating a seal around the penis, and gently suck out any remaining blood or debris. This is typically done for a few seconds.
5. Spitting out: The mohel will then spit out the suctioned material, usually into a cup or a sink.
6. Repeat if necessary: The mohel may repeat the oral suctioning process a few times to ensure the wound is clean.
7. Application of antibiotic ointment: After oral suctioning, the mohel will typically apply antibiotic ointment to the wound to promote healing and prevent infection.

It's essential to note that oral suctioning is not a universally accepted practice and has raised concerns about the risk of transmission of infectious diseases, such as herpes simplex virus (HSV), from the mohel to the infant. Some medical professionals and organizations have spoken out against the practice, citing the potential health risks.

It is best to speak with a qualified Rabbi before taking any actions.
>Oral suctioning: The mohel will place their mouth over the wound, creating a seal around the penis, and gently suck out any remaining blood or debris. This is typically done for a few seconds.

Any other group of people would have been killed
They were kicked out of every country for millennia
To paraphrase the funniest thing Jayoh ever said, "no, moishe, i'm not going to eat your fucking sin tendies!"
Unfortunately, yes. There have been cases where the practice of oral suctioning (metzitzah b'peh) has been linked to the transmission of herpes simplex virus (HSV) from the mohel to the infant. In some cases, this has led to serious health complications, including brain damage and even death.

In 2012, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reported that there were 11 cases of HSV infection in infants who had undergone circumcision with oral suctioning between 2000 and 2011. In several of these cases, the mohel was found to be infected with HSV.

In one notable case, a mohel in New York was found to have infected several infants with HSV through oral suctioning. The mohel, who was later banned from performing circumcisions, had herpes but did not disclose his condition to the parents of the infants.

These cases have raised concerns about the safety of oral suctioning and the need for proper infection control measures to be taken during circumcisions. Some experts have called for the practice to be banned or for mohels to be required to undergo regular testing for HSV and other infectious diseases.

It's worth noting that not all mohels practice oral suctioning, and many Jewish communities have moved away from the practice due to the potential health risks. Additionally, many medical professionals and organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, recommend against oral suctioning due to the risk of infection transmission.

Despite this, it is still considered technically legal for people of Jewish descent to engage in direct oral suctioning on a minor.
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>jews put up some washing line around the place, thinking this will let them cheat their god
>snip it
>they all instantly turn to ash
Don't even get me started on the chicken thing.
I know, look up when they kicked Jews out of Spain, then type when did the golden age in spain start

nice body but that schnozz
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Now try to wrap your head around that mindset and imagine how they will interact with the rest of the world.
>people of Jewish descent to engage in direct oral suctioning on a minor
The religion of sucking baby dicks. They must be proud.
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i can't believe /pol/ is convinced that these retards rule the world
How do they know at any given time the wire is intact? Dumb ass "loophole".
There are so many coincidences, That even my leftist fiancé stopped believing that they were coincidences…. I guess the Jews really are so unfortunate. Maybe they should just fucking give up and die
do it.
We’re not convinced that they ruled the world you fucking moron. Hyper religious monks don’t rule anything other than their cocks in their fucking hands. It’s the people who weapon religion, who rule. Duh. You’re a fucking monkey brain retard get the fuck out of here before I beat you senseless


>OY VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lmao did someone ai bens shapiros sisters face on that ugly armenian jewesss? I distinctively remember this bitch looking way more like a cave troll in the face area
kek nice try moron they do you're people are even worse they are dumber everywere
they win not because of inteligence but because they actively are tribal and work for only themselves against all humanity for their delusions.

If you want to know who rules over you question who you cannot criticize.

Qui can we not sat something about again?
qui qui qui qui
Look up the largest single donors for the dems and republicans. You might notice some weird patterns in the names.
muslims are schizo fucks, too.
christ. between them, kikes and "turn the other cheek" christians,
it's a war of people facing their own mortality or ability to fess up that they are total fucking retards.
schizo bastards
Your dumb leftist fiance just follows niggers in the leftist crowd chanting free palestine and ahmed makes her wet idiot ffs
Women just adopt a man's opinion if they respect the man, women don't chase men who change their minds man... Throughout history it wasn't even useful for them since they are essentially USELESS AT WAR or telling people what to do
how fucking stupid is their god?
Yeah, no shit dumb ass. What kind of point do you think you’re making here? It’s like saying Look the sky is blue! We all know this, just by simply observing things with our own eyes. Did it take you long time to figure that out big champ?

Trying to change a woman's mind instead of just not caring and she'll adopt your opinion anyway is retarded; which is why almost all women belong to whatever political group her "mate" at that time is.

imagine watching some cuck tell her about star wars that is you

she doesn't understand geopolitics anymore than what she wants out of life

You just brought her up as to say, EVEN MY WIFE BELIEVES THIS IT IS THAT MUCH MORE CONVINCING, I understand you're retarded but nobody cares what you're dumb cunt is convinced by.
It chose them over normal humans, it likes scta and child rape
Look, bud you didn’t understand at all why I brought it up. Do you want to go ahead and walk it back and just admit your wrong now that’s fine. But you misunderstood my point, I brought it up to say that even they the most retarded of all are falling in line now and that it is all coming together. That’s it, man . Be a humble boy and admit you were wrong
I mean don't bring women up in important discussions even jokingly, your idiot was probably cheering for jews 5 months ago because the TV told her to, you have NOTHING TO DO with her "redpilling" or waking up and for you to belueve that is dangerous. The TV will change tunes and so will she, since you're not strong enough to change her view on your own.
>AI explains this hilariously
Kek, I was reading it and thinking "this is either AI or the most reddit person alive"
Holocaust when?
Look, bro again I wasn’t saying that. You’re not understanding the point. I’m not claiming responsibility, You need to learn how to read
Nah, if I was to see you I'd rape your wife in front of you and laugh, she'd like it because you're a little bitch who can do NOTHING to save yourself or yourr nation. Go ask your cunt if it's okay for you to insult a muslim back, maybe she'll be too offended for you to talk with me.
What's the chicken thing
Satan is their god.
Satan has been trying to force situations where Gods covenants (not earthly laws for humans) will be broken.
This is the only route that Satan has to unseat God from the throne.
By essentially causing God's word to be broken.
This is why the split of the Isrealites happened. Why the yahudi nearly conquered the true Israelites among them, why the flood happened, etc, etc.

It is a spiritual war that has effects in the material plane, which is the place where God proclaimed His covenants with His people.
I would love for you to come see me. Where do you live? Let’s arrange a meet up right now, I really have the desire to kill someone. Do you wanna be my victim?
Get the ULEZ boys on it. They are the only people over there with balls to fight back.
Look at these feds in the thread...
Cool it Sherrif SHITTTWOOOD
Yes, come to the balkans american... hahaha
I'll cut out your eyes and rape your skull and have your cunt raped in the street by a dog you fucking kike
Sounds like a dream, I get to go to the Balkans and kill some fucking faggot?? Where do you live the exact address please? Don’t be afraid now
so you are forced to partake in a religious ritual and they make the public space their religious home? I demand equal representation for islamic wires
the hidden circumcision tunnels under new york wasn't enough?
Jews are always up to tricks to fool their god. Shabbos goy lights, magic wires so they can do business on the sabbath. "Oh you see, i didnt turn the light on. What i did was simply press a button that moved a piece that broke the circuit" their god sure is a big fan of technicalities.
Okay, but fuck off, kike
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pol has discovered kosher bacon
Kike fed... you're a poor retard.
Don't worry I'll report the thread to chinese intelligence for your kike boss
https://12339.gov.cn -
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So you’re gonna get scared now and snitch out? That’s what I thought you little pussy ass bitch! Sit down and shut up hahahahahahahahahaha bitch!!!
say niggers are animals fed...
You allowed?
say "all jews deserve the gas chamber"
ur an american with free speech not a fed with a set of rules right?

Until you write

You're a fed who has been allowed the word faggot, you don't blend in AT ALL
You're gunn fly to balkans

okay fed kike
You already chickened out, I don’t wanna hear you post anything else other than your fucking address so I can show up and beat your fucking skull in. Puss boi pussy
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is khazar milk good for you?
Did the investigation go any father than Epstein's death? That's how Jews do it

Cut loose ends then just put your hands up, which is why someone may cut their loose ends in the form of an eruv
Bahahahaha I fucking love this. Kikes jewing their own made up God is pure gold
When is Austin Texas getting the magic bagel wire? I know it's coming just tell me when.
>be mentally ill jew and invent lies
>try to outsmart your lies with Rube Goldberg tier retardation
Jews literally have Saturday morning cartoons for brains.
JIDF poster
>By posting in this thread or any thread on 4chan, this website, either directly, or indirectly through a shabbos goy service, you willingly, knowingly, and irrevocably renounce and denounce the torah and talmud, and hereby promote, through your personal conscious actions to stir up a discussion and therefore keep it bumped:
>>A) The fact that the Torah contains official calls to genocide against all non-jews
>>B) That the Talmud contains further interpretations related to the dehumanization and genocide of all non-jews
>>C) That the rabbinical consensus is that these calls need to be carried out upon the construction of the Third Temple (The Temple of Solomon), such as for an example these calls https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX20CbMvF24
>>D) That everything above is absolutely repulsive and every non-jew needs to research and confirm all of these points ASAP
>>E) That it is in the full interest of every non-jew to utterly oppose this genocidal cult to the best of his ability
>>F) That allowing jews to take over non-jewish societies, and their militaries, and their nuclear arsenals, poses a very real and mortal threat to everyone under their rule (Deuteronomy 20:16,17; 25:19)
>>G) That every consecutive bump to this thread advertises all these points and therefor indirectly, or directly, promotes them
>>H) That you acknowledge point G) and are willing bump this thread anyway, knowing well enough that you're violating many of the commandments in the Talmud by essentially advertising the most potent form of anti-judaism throughout the lifetime of your thread

Jews are pedophiles by default unless proven innocent
Hey shizo I work for the government and I’m gonna turn up the frequencies in your brain tonight
you're in every thread, might be time to lay off the adderrall dude.
kek k faggot, Jews are actually prone to schizophrenia, a bit antisemitic don't you think?

Anyway, I accept your part of the contract for responding, we are friends now and both agree all Jews must be killed unironically, I'm surprised you agreed but it is set in stone, HASHEM IS NOTHING TO YOU.

Good job former kike, now you can work hard to unfuckup all the broken things your fucked up retard dna caused

this was before a council of ten, thanks man!

You'll be so much better now!
I’m only in four Threads right now.
Not on anything I’m just chilling on the couch.
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>uhh, like, you got a source for that, God?
just more proof that people haven't changed
>they say that they can't leave their house, but if they just run some wire around the neighborhood, that's their house now
So tax them all based on the sizeif the "house". Or you know get shit done on friday or sunday.
Listen I get your distracting from SNIPPING AN ERUV but this is obviously a big deal and must be addressed.

Protect Eruvim at ALL COSTS
You think if the jews had a god they wouldnt be proud of all their bullshit rituals? he would be so proud of his little liers and thievlings.
>Hang fishing line above city
We fooled God!
Oy's be veying
Please someone take down that fucking wire
>contain Jews inside a perimeter
>Jews honestly think they can Jew God
And their all powerful lord god of the universe is also face blind and can't tell the difference between a jew and a chicken.

Time to "Swing the Chicken"
Definitely don't shoot out their gay little wire with a .22 rifle which no one could ever trace. That would be wrong
They actually have scripture that says that, that God was impressed with how they conned him... Kek
>fishing wire
They're actually proud that they believe they are cheating and deceiving God
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Jews God is a fucking retard.

Reminder they are proud they were kicked out of Britain for coin clipping this is their media
or you know you could use scissors.
Bahahahahahahahaha coin clippin!!!
Foreskin munchin!!!
I'm not going to say I know that but I knew it. fucking kikes. the audacity.
Add in donate it to the poor
Jeez Shlomo you really tenderized this one's brain huh
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kapparot, huh?
yeah that is some weird jew schizo belief, who'd believe something like that?
>hundreds of members

so effectively nobody. If I just needed hundreds of people to get a weird thing going I would enact a zone where women lose their rights. I could probably get thousands of supporters.
you knwo that meme the crimes of the jew and its bigger than the universe or w.e its honestly not too far from the truth. its insane but if you picture the most insane tribe or inbred parasites and made them cartoonishly evil but pathetic at the same time you end up with the average kike. the worse part is that through that relentless evil they have our countries and banks subverted.
Well, I mean, satan’s their god so…
Find your local ERUV by typing your city and the word bring wire cutters
Too few views feel like it's an attempt to track us

I'll watch from invidious I have no yt account
You're getting it!
>demand that a rabbi bless some imaginary perimeter so you can directly disobey the son of god 7 days a week

Wow, Jews really are insane cargo cult rapists aren’t they?
Shut the fuck up schizo!! I’m gonna crank up the fucking decibels on this mind chip
It's just a hilariously funny AI song about jews and their chicken ritual. (I'm surprised it even has as many views as it does.)

"Grab a chicken and let's get to swingin'."
What do you think circumcision is? Jews invented it to get around Exodus 34's command for baby sacrifices. "Oh it's totally still a blood sacrifice, we just give him this instead of the whole baby!"
You already said this joke to distastefully attempt to make people who dislike jews appear insane, which is comical since they themselves are predisposed to schizophrenia.
I guess Jews are not allowed to have erections on the sabbath anyway
They were kicked out of "israel" originally because of cicumcision by Titus, when Solomon and David's lineage info was burned thus everything after that was simply the talmud, kek when kikes got btfo THOUSANDS of years ago and they still can't piece it back together
That’s it I’m cranking it up to +10 dB
they have sex through a sheet... no im not kidding
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judaism is a saturnian demon worship cult
It's several meters high and using scissors involves getting close to it. You could shoot it out with a rifle from a distance and no one would ever know. But again that would be wrong so no one should do it
This is true.
We need to send them all to Saturn
Good luck chaim, we call it Londonistan for a reason
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oopsie sorry jews accidental snipped ur eruv on accident
Wouldn't Muslims take it down, or is just a secret so far...
Jesus told them sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath and they killed him for it lol 2000 years later theyre still stockholm syndromed to their baby raping pharisee "rabbis"

Epstein sounded like that, a New York jew
They're still sucking the freshly circumcized blood from a babies penis bro it's worse than that

Shit like this is why jew became a verb
It is everyone's duty to cut "eruv" wires if they see them.
You are related to them, trollblood.
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Fucking all new york
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The wire will be cut.
that's how jews do it, first run a wire, then in 30 years will claim all that enclosed area is their property due to squating laws and since no one challenged it that means they approved it. how can you trust anyone who openly cheats their god and religion?
>this retardation is exactly what Jesus told the Pharisees to not do
>like bro, just don't work.
>God commands Sabbath
>Jews build eruv
>God is proud of his children as they have outsmarted him
no one is breaking rules if they are just bent and twisted like flexible pool noodles.
when they pray to Satan, they do the prayers in Aramaic instead of Hebrew because the angels doesn't understand Aramaic.

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Its pure bullshit, the favourite demon language is actually 00100101010100101

Dunno call a delivery service but maybe they are a bit too stingy.
you really can't jew the jew. they have a footnote for every rule. kek
What if I shoot them in the skull?
jews store their brain in a bank safe in New York thus your bullet would not kill them.
how is this not evidence of literal systemic community-wide schizophrenia?
>Cutting the eruv would be like ruining someone's Christmas or Easter
Disobeying the Commandments is more important to God.
Wouldn't that be (((work))) too?
it would ackshually be like annuddah shoah
>put up a sign: Warning to the jewish community. The wrong wire was used. Stay home until the issue is corrected. You will receive a notice
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How hard would it be to train based birds to sever the magical jew wire?
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Jewish history makes a lot more sense when you realize that it's just one long series of God responding to their "We're technically not violating the rules." bullshit by technically not smiting them.
dress up a drone to look like a seagul or pidgeon and it might work. make sure the bird looks really antisemitic too.
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They cant walk more than a 1000 steps or some shit like that.
Wierd how people lose their shit on mormons over polygamy but then you kikes talk about molesting infants like its ndb.
I don’t get it. How can they own every bit of the property this wire crosses? I would love for some dumb kike cult to watch me cut their fishing wire on or above my property.
Reminds me of a Muslim guy who would go hide under a table whenever he would drink alcohol, "so Allah doesn't see it"
This'll be fun with the 3 million Muslims in London who despise kikes
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>its not actually a communication line for kikes hidden in plain sight
Someone should eavesdrop on them or check the conductive wires for any signals.
Do it faggots, if you dare.
If they're going full rules lawyering, they're doing it pretty stupidly. What they ought to do is take a small loop of wire or something the size of a keyring and declare that the inside of the loop is outside of the eruv. There, done; the entire rest of the planet is now safe for them.
Damn I think he rolled you there, why won't you just say the message about niggers? If you're willing to travel and kill someone surely typing that out can't be too hard
I don't think they worship God. It's one of the old types of religions where you have a transactional relationship with the gods. In Rome if they made animal sacrifices to say Mars in return for success in battle, and the battle went all fucking to shit, they would withhold sacrifices next time to teach that faggot upstairs a lesson.
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I'm really not in the mood for this shit.
I would do it if it was south instead. The area around Golder's Green is a hotspot for Jews.
Why are (((they))) like this?
>trying to con God with a bit of string
They really can't help themselves, nothing is sacred to these "people".
I want to break into jewish houses and start fucking with their kosher light switches and stuff.
The reason they didn't tend to do this shit here before is because it brings attention to them that they don't want.
just offer them a dollar and they'll do it for you.

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