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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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India is one of the great nations of earth. One of the greatest. No wonder liberals hate it. Don't be like liberals. Don't side with terrorist goatfuckers or crypto-commie russians. Support India instead. Jai HIND!
If it is so great, then why did you flee to Austria?
Who told you I'm indian.
Only a Pajeet would be proud of India
Das bodenlose Loch, welches hinter deinem Schädelknochen aufklafft, wo sonst ein Gehirn säße.
Wie nennt der Schluchtenscheißer uns Deutsche?
you did
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I'll give poos one thing, and that is that they are light years ahead in producing RESULTS through spiritual practices, such as yoga. They can get you into states that really make you feel like you are touching something from beyond. They realised that you have to STOP the CURRENT babbler, to seek something new.

Meanwhile, Europeans are still tarding around with Dungeons & Dragons tier shit, focusing on "muh faith" and absolute dribbler tier concepts such as the Alfa of all existence sending "his Son" down to earth to "do werks" and "take the pain" so that we could be "saved".

The Devil / Demiurge is the babbling ego.
The Son is all of sentient creation, in its full form.
The Holy spirit / Kundalini is the eternal and immutable reality of being, always speaking to those who empty the cup and summon forth truth.
Nope. Not indian.>>472346831
Piefke. Anyone could google that though.
If indians go back to India then they will have my full sapport saar!
Jesus and the Buddha is the same thing.
Jesus in the desert @ the little ego is the same scene as Siddhartha under the tree, being assailed by all of "the world".
stay there
I know you don't want to here this but you don't belong in the west and you have to go back.
Hear* not sure how I even made that typo. Anyway drag your brown ass back to India.

>The invention of the silvered-glass mirror is credited to German chemist Justus von Liebig in 1835. His wet deposition process involved the deposition of a thin layer of metallic silver onto glass through the chemical reduction of silver nitrate.
Indians yearn to be white

Get out of Austria. How dare you be in Europe. How dare you use Circe, an ancient European cultural figure, to emphasize your Indian opinion. You have an entire subcontinent to shit up and yet you have to pervert and destroy the ancient homeland of my people.
India is a cess pit and needs to be flushed.

Israel needs glassing too.
Terminally online incel. You have no real life experience.
india is the worst country on earth. Even Africa is far better than shithole india.

How the fuck do you indians not feel ashamed of india? Your Hindu religion is a rape religion
why not go back to India then? Why are you in a white person's country, Austria? You are a fucking parasite subhuman piece of trash. No one likes you
Token white in the land of browns
I used to live near a couple of Indians, they were studying abroad. The country's best and brightest.
Their first day living near me, I saw one of them shitting out their window. That tells me everything I need to know about India.
Don't you guys have a massive heat wave killing your asses?
What a great nation, with such amazing air conditioning.
indians are absolute fucking scum.
India is the worst Hell on earth. Like, westerners cannot comprehend how bad India is. They have no idea how truly hellish India is.

even the so called educated indians are rapists and criminals. Their DNA is to rape.
You are an incel though. Have you thought about getting your life together.
actually, i've fucked 35 different indian women.

But go ahead and tell me what an "alpha" you are and how many white women you've banged (zero in reality)
Promiscuous counts too. Same vibes.
Yeah, if human shit was greatness it would be.
My educated guess is that they die a lot

And we know why

The who and when is distorted, as they are desperate for any control over the flow of information
i've fucked more indian women than you will in 10 lifetimes
>The Devil / Demiurge is the babbling ego.
exactly. this becomes even more obvious when one realizes that our thoughts are analog and symbolic and words are a digital and artificial interface put on top of our thoughts. God loves quietude and he will speak to those who can quiet their minds.
the next realization is that Ai and computers are an extensions or outgrowth of the satanic spirit of noise and babbling and that people who can't quiet their own minds are doomed to live without divine guidance which is why they have to calculate and think so much.
turn of the black obsidian mirrors of the computer god for a minute, then quiet your minds and listen.
wow, an actually wise person. The mind isnt even real. The mind-ego disappear, and then all that remains is unity, one-ness. We are all God, and eternity is this present moment.
I'm not indian btw and don't want to have sex with any indian or negro anyhow the same vibes as an incel. More than one sexual partner is bad but 35? Wtf. Holy shit dude. Snd that's only indians. Get your life in order you are fucked.
real yoga is nothing more than demonic possession. aliester crowley practiced yoga and said the states achieved with cermemonial black magick are no different than what you achieve in yoga. oto requires yoga. you might as go to a gnostic mass and have some cakes of light. enjoy your xi degree.
you are gay and need to have sex, virgin.

demonic possession? Man, i've BEGGED demons to possess me. Nothing. Demons and angels aint real
I won't and never will. You will never be happily married.
maybe god, whoever/whatever that is, protects you from demons because he loves you and has a plan for you. i have no way of knowing if that's true but stranger things have happened. i hope it's true for you.
i have given up on humanity because the sea of retards like you is just endless. go wash some niggerfeet for your jewmasters.
post hand with timestamp
>Completely retarded
Ah yes, a curry wog pagalladeekah has revealed itself.
Well. You missed out on having the first time with your one and only wife who truly loves you. An eternal bond between two people that's what you missed out on because you couldn't keep it in your pants. Sucks to be you.

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