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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why Indians are more hated than niggers this days, are really that bad?
India is rising all are jealous
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They smell like shit, then they cry RACIST. and its like, no duude. You literally smell like a fat turd.
picture the worst indios from mexico or south of it. now picture them dumber, uglier, and smellier.
Pff dhuuu??

It's probably because they use hands to wipe his ass
Indians dont use toilets, i doubt they even wipe!

The Indians here are usually quiet and don't mess with anyone, they only smell a tortilla and the poorest smell like dirt but they don't usually smell like shit.
>#1 in migrants
>#1 in internet users
Of course these by itself aren't so bad, but it's also because
>#1 in lack of self-awareness
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Muslims, Changs and Timmys are jealous of our success
You understand that it was a stupid liberal white man who put those jeets in those positions right?
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I'M SERIOUS!!!!!!!!
Why can’t you be successful in your own country?
Not really you are being used as the sacrificial lamb for all the discontent created in the past couple years. Normies are top retarded to go after the hidden zionist puppet masters they will go after the demographic forced upon them. You are literally being used as a pawn and are way too dumb to notice
All this cope. Sad
Non Aryans just cant compete with us
How bad is the train situation you take to work, have you seen people die? Be serious.
>every host country has normies growing more and more hatred for you
Haha sure raj, hope you guys dont get raped by the chinese again or get made into a woman and molested by your neighbour
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i hate them so much
Niggers still can't figure out the internet after having access to it for 2 decades, jeets have utterly destroyed it within a few years. I come to the internet to escape niggers and I am faced with jeets. Spics are flooding my country and my town. Niggers will be niggers but by fucking god are the other browns just as evil.
>get made into a woman and molested by your neighbour
Reasons completely unrelated to Indian behavoir, that's for sure.
Plus niggers don't go on the internet and pretend to not be niggers just for the sake of pissing people off. You can spot a nigger on the internet from a mile away and they usually stay in their corner, on their websites, frequent their own circles etc. Jeets do everything they can to interact with people who are not indian and it's just so fucking tiring. It's like they WANT to be around everyone else, all while hating them and claiming superiority at the same time.
That is sad and cruel I'll admit
But those are not Brahmins
Those are probably Shoodra tier people doing it
>Jeets do everything they can to interact with people who are not indian
You become better by interacting and competing with other ethnic groups
You learn their weaknesses and strengths

This is how its done
white people worships niggers
Well the true history of your country and religion is kind a sad
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imagine that + arrogance and poop smell and poop eating

Yeah it really sucks when your toilet backs up and it starts rising.
i would take Indians over niggers and muslims but I still don’t want them
They're a disgusting race.

They literally stink. They eat and wipe their asses with their bare hands. They shit in the streets. Their food is contaminated with bacteria and parasites. And they're also notorious sex pests obsessed with white skin.

The hate is well earned.
Theyre bad. I've worked with pajeets in the software development business and theyre annoying as fuck to work with. Horrible accents, horrible communication skills, their code is shit and I don't know what is it with Indians that they never think it's their fault when they fuck up.

I dealt with that working remotely, I can't imagine how bad it must be working with them irl or being in some places in Canada that are swarmed with them and turning entire cities into New New Delhi
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Indians are dumber and less developed than niggers
Yes they smell and have worse IQ than niggers.
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Rising to what, Africa tier? Pajeets are poorer and stupider than africans and niggers and even mexicans lmao
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Blacks usually operate as individuals. Most of them are just doing their thing Unless you seek the violent ghetto ones you likely won't interct with them. Indians on the other hand are a plague and infest everywhere. Suburbs, rural towns, cities. Politics, business, government. They're extremely nepotistic and cheat the system whenever they can. It's easy to avoid blacks. It's hard not to run into Indians.
The funny part about this is that the indian kids are malnourished because all of the food gives them constant diarrhea since it all has fecal matter in it, they are literally on the verge of dying from dehydration on a daily basis.
a society where being a greasy degen is encouraged
>you are just the jealous of my superior streetshitting skills, saar!!! HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!
when the poo literally cannot begin to comprehend why his disgusting behavior is so offensive to civilized people.
The cultured nations cower in the midst of the almighty poo army.

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