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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>We will live to see w*memes become obsolete
Brothers... hold me. I'm nearly crying tears of joy. After millennia, mankind finally breaks from the tyranny of the pussy oligarchy. Freedom at last. Brothers, we are about to witness the greatest moment in all of human history

Imagine the golden age that will begin once men move forward with 100% loyal, goregous lifelike robowaifus, with artificial intelligence and personalities hand crafted to match each man's preferences, alongside artifical wombs.

Then finally, FINALLY women who have tormented and terrorized us, and destroyed social cohesion, will be carried from their thrones and tossed into the trashbin. Forever.

Violence rates worldwide will drop precipitously. Without jealousy and suspicion, there will be far less reason for men to fight one another. No longer will men behave as violent savages to impress women, because their robowaifu wont be a stupid biof*male that rewards violence with intimacy and reproduction.

Creative energies will flourish. A period of unprecedented technological advancement and economic prosperity will unfold. W*men will screech and cry bitter tears and gnash their teeth. They'll gather together and cry out: "Sexism! Chauvinism! Incels! You're too scared to handle a REAL WOMYN!" "GIVE ME ATTENTION AND RESOURCES!!! BETA ARMY ATTACK!!!"

But they will no longer hold any power. Their beta army will be too busy with their robowAIfu to bother simping or white knighting.

Defeated once and for all, w*men will retreat underground and vanish from sight. Shortly after, they will fade away entirely, forgotten like nothing more than a bad dream.

History will mark it as the Great Liberation. Young boys will be taught of the dark ages when mankind lived in chains for hundreds of hundreds of years.

Freedom is so close. After it is officially codified into law that biowomen are illegal, the celebration will last 100 years.

My fellow men: Rejoice! The fempire nears it's end!
now make a uterus for my tranny gf
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>the golden age
maybe, depends on how monkeys react to change and new tech
yup, or transplants, etc
>Their beta army will be too busy with their robowAIfu to bother simping or white knighting.
What's totally nuts is that this is what they fear the most. That the men they refuse to have sex with will no longer pursue them for sex.
imagine the trumpers losing their shit when trannies start having babies.
I don't see a tail.
You can add one and fur for only $199
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the day they cure AIDS, i'm going to marry vanniall, get a vagina inserted behind her scrotum, and breed the fuck out of her.
>depends on how monkeys react to change and new tech
The most monkey like humans will sequester themselves in hump caves and hump their mechanical pussies till they die childless.
The sexbot itself is an evolutionary sinkhole. A new predator in the environment that preys upon individuals based on their impulse control and values.
Who know? Maybe the prediction is based on a vision of these men as they are now, hungry for pussy with no other thoughts because their lust is never slated. Perhaps after a single 20 hour cum session they'll snap out of their boner-hypnosis and become real people. Now free of ever worrying if they'll have to go even 1 day without real intercourse.
The reality will be some men become cum-mummies and others graduate from incel coomer to productive member of society. Both outcomes are good.
>bhutranny still on /pol/
Just be gay bro, it’s ok.
imagine the normal people losing their shit when trannies start having babies so they can rape them.
there are over 200 million men in china with 0 chance of ever getting married or enjopying a consistent sex life at all, and yet they are not all devolving into a mass of homosexual orgies.
Most men, to the near exclusion, would rather be sexless than have gay sex.
The first commercial application? Fleshlights, literal fleshlights
I wasn’t saying OP should resort to gay sex since he can’t get women. I bet he could get a woman. I’m saying that he’s obviously gay since he irrationally hates women so much.
asian men are sexy as fuck. they have toned rock hard asses and almost no hair. i love their abs too.
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Kek read my mind, anon.
sex with men is the best. especially femboys.
If you won't even take care of your sexbot you don't deserve it
Nice projection homo. You're the only person bringing up gay sex. Probably because it's always on your mind cos you're a FAGGIT
Worst trips ever. Fuck off satan
You only like asian men who consumed a basic amount of nutrition while growing up. Not the typical chink living in a box in shanghai
Do you want one made from titanium or ?
OK. But what about the men who hate women for rational reason, like their behavior for instance?
i don't care if women are whores as long as they put out. if she fucks around behind my back, the only stipulation i have is i get to fuck him too.
They don't want babies. They want to be able to have abortions
you're mad because i cut out the part where she strokes her cock and dildos her asshole. sorry, but porn is not allowed on /pol/
A living envelope for a robot is better than silicone rubber. The close these things get to life like the more maintenance they need. Maintenance YOU have to do because theyre lifeless dolls.
IMO the first act a sexbot needs to be capable of isnt even sex, but a self cleaning routine. A living skin, or some kind of life-like skin system, would dramatically reduce the maintenance labor of the doll.
I do agree it's not necessary to actually grow biologically living skin to put on our robot wives like theyre fucking terminators. A silicone composite skin with micro pores to let out some kind of oil like real skin would be enough.
What exactly is the point of it being “living skin”?

Also it definitely doesn’t look like skin, so it’s just some bacteria or some shit, what’s the fucking point?
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what's wrong with fucking a terminator?
All women don’t behave the same way. If you dislike that most of them are whores, that’s no reason to hate the ones who aren’t whores.
Logically we should support transhumanism even if most grannies these days are freaks.

Any birth rate or demographic issue can be solved with artificial wombs and genetic editing. Imagine a race of supermen, glorious!
Your opinion is misguided. women being whores is the gasoline for the engine that destroys civilization.
Based based based
So that it heals and maintains itself.
civilization is contingent on men knowing they're the biological fathers of their children. everything else is immaterial. women can be as much whores as they want as long as men can get a DNA test that gives them a reason to give a fuck.

Organic machines that are perfected can just repair and maintain themselves for minimal cost in comparison to machines that require metals, rare or common. However, right now, it's just experimental shit, we're no where near the tech level to make this stuff practical.
>All crocodiles wont bite you if you poke them
The women with good behavior arent like that randomly. The clustering of female IQ around the mean means that we have a huge huge population of crowd following midwit women who are mere products of their environment? What's the environment? Women are trained to be masculinized whores and to get revenge on men at every opportunity. The women who escaped that training, or the women with inherent qualities that made them good in spite of it...are all married and happy and not in the street destroying the world.
There's no topic of discussion you couldn't constantly frustrate by shouting "not all" at everything anyone says. You know it. I know it. we all know it. There's no point endlessly repeating it.
In western nations paternity tests are as limited as their national laws allow. In some european states it's outright illegal. Why? because the forces training women to be whore are also stopping paternity tests specifically as part of making women whores
>civilization is contingent on men knowing they're the biological fathers of their children. everything else is immaterial
It’s gay to fuck anything that logical and rational.
take some fucking responsibility for yourself
>OK honey it's the first of the month. come lay on this 12 square foot bench I also had to install after I bought you. I have to carefully remove all of your skin and dissemble your whole skeleton to lube your actuators or you'll die.
This is a very complicated mahine we're asking for to do a very simple job. I'm also of the opinion that a sexbot that strictly speaking doesn't look like a human being, and its design it kinda meant to optimize its maintenance is acceptable. But I guess I'm a weirdo or something.
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i'm a faggot and i'm more of a man than you are
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>"I am a great hard steely thing. Smoothly rounded face, with no mouth, with pulsing white holes filled by fog where my eyes used to be. Rotating appendages that were once my arms; bulks rounding down into legless wheels of hard slippery matter. I roll on moist rails when I move."
>"I have no mouth. And I must CHOOO CHOOO!"
Other men with guns will come and stop me if I do what is necessary to correct the behavior of some percentage of women. I think that ration is so high that it puts too many men into impossible positions with women. Go ahead and just not beleive this, but as I type in this /pol/ thread about sex robots my wife with giant tits is across the street at the gym making her ass bigger while my 2 sons are in the gym's daycare.
I already beat the game. I already proved the doomers wrong, but I have compassion for the men who aren't so lucky because I know now with my firsthand experience that the necessary ingredient to a successful relationship is the woman's value system.
What a goddamn hell-dimension we live in. It is beyond everything I expected of it to be and boy did I expect the worst.
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>He didnt know warhammer 40k was a documentary
manmade horrors
Again, it’s not actually skin. It’s some organism being used to emulate skin. There is nothing stopping it from growing unchecked (and if there is, damaging that will permanently inhabit its ability to return to its original form).

My take: this is a literally nothing garage project with zero application of real interest.
Hahaha holy shit.
Didn't look into this particular skin system, but I assumed as much about it. All science news is sensationalism. Theoretically you could engineer a kind of marco ameoba that lived on the surface of a robot, and the robot had <something-something> inside it that kept the skin in the right shape and stopped it from over growing. Unless something in the future makes such a thing super easy to produce it sounds unnecessary.
Funny thing you mention that because I really believe they are right about how "gods" work.
But fuck them all to hell anyways. It is long dead.
Real-life Thomas the tank engine nightmares when?
Yeah the spatial dimension that is the warp is a metaphor for the interplay of human minds in a culture. The chaos gods are primordial bad-ideas that grow and change like organisms. Psykers and blanks are metaphors for kinds of autists who are resistant/susceptible to those influences or even master them and use them for personal advantage.
Hearty kek
it kinda looks like lainey already
why would they... SEX BOTS
what's the practical purposes of this being living human skin cells?
Dumbest of all psyops. They literally shoe the goo being pulled into position to look like a smile.
checked, but you're acting like men 100 years ago didn't have "all you can fuck" access to their wives. You're too young to realize that men lose interest in sex with the same woman after a certain point.
My most schizo believe is that my subconsciousness bends reality (all of us do). I really believe that. There was too many coincidences. 39 here
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>Irrationally hates women
Hating women is never irrational, Anon. Post tits, hole
I think you are correct. Imagination is a powerful tool. The collective unconscious has amazing influential ability on the future. Hence why media is so heavily funded and controlled. They want people thinking certain ideas and seeing concepts and fantasies to shift their subconscious and thereby influence reality itself.
Yet the tards will eat this shit up and think Arnold is going to come after them because they are so important to the future if humans.
>Women who aren't whores
Don't exist lmao. Only men keep their bitches in line
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Uhh that's why monogamy was enforced through threats of violence.
>men lose interest in sex with the same woman after a certain point.
We aren't talking about women. We're talking about an appliance that tickles parts of your brain so you stop being depressed. If you get bored of your bot then get a different one. Or customize the one you have. Have more than one and put them on rotation. But also, we're talking about men who don't have a choice too. Like those studio apartments in china that get subdivided into 12 cupboards everyone has to live in. You could share that cupboard with some kind of space efficient sex robot and fuck it as much or as little as you want, or you could not have any kind of sex at all.
you should read stalking the wild pendulum if you haven't, along with some of the william walker atkinson new age shit (kybalion, arcane teachings, arcane formulas) I don't think they're perfect wisdom or anything but some interesting explorations of metaphysics like what you're talking about
Robo waifus? No thanks all we need is male ass womb femboys
In the very least it can larp yourself into actual believing your own "delusions" and that in itself can be a powerful thing.
I am very sceptical of esoterics and I really only had the heart to dabble in it when I was young. Probably because I still had hope.
Yeah that's what method acting is, and loads of successful people practice it not to act but to build a persona that makes them a successful person. It's also what satanism really is and what ancient people meant by "demonic possession" due to a lack of clinical language.
It's well established that psychopathic tendencies make one successful in social hierarchies and business. You can, anyone can, just invent a character who embodies positive traits that would lead you to your goal, and then pretend to be this person fulltime and become more successful. You must suppress your natural emotional responses, especially negative ones, to be good at it and that's why psychopaths do this naturally. That self help book "The Secret" teaches a technique they call "Self Actualization" it's more of the same.
Ok I had a very exhausting day and literally loaded 6 tons of lumber per Hand and I am really tired but my interest is sparked. Can you give me a few must reads? Specific titles etc.
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Wait a second do you mean that book "the secret" with the wax sigil as a cover that popped up everywhere around 2010?
I was actually a book trader in training back then and completely dismissed it lmao. Not even read the back cover text.
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Based Ellison enjoyer

He was a squirrelly, HATEFUL little Kike, but he could write..and I agree with him on how SF got Pussified when they started calling it Sci-Fi
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just stop at the mouth
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Which country?
There was another one around at that time I remember (at least in Germany)
>Wir behandeln die Falschen (We are treating/medicating the wrong ones)
And I this was EXACTLY what I leartfrom my last visit to the mental people's house:
It's not me that's the crazy one
>I am very sceptical of esoterics
Yeah I would always approach it skeptically and I would even say that Atkinson strikes me as a bit of a hack but some of the things he talks about in those books were similar to ideas I had in my own meditations about the nature of consciousness. Basically, all of the books I mentioned go into the idea of consciousness being some layer of reality rather than being a mere product of the physical world, and there is the idea of the "universal mind" that all consciousness is a part of, which influences the physical in one way or another.
> Can you give me a few must reads? Specific titles etc.
I would say Stalking the Wild Pendulum is probably the best first read, you don't really need to go in with an open mind or anything. It's just a pretty smart guy laying out his theory about what consciousness and the universe is. It's also the book that inspired the CIA's Gateway Project experiments with remote viewing and psychics and whatnot. Even if you don't buy the theory it's still an interesting read. When it comes to Atkinson's stuff, those titles I listed are the ones I would suggest, (kybalion, arcane teachings, arcane formulas). You can find audiobooks all on youtube. They are just interesting food for thought.
Lol i knew it would be either chinese or japanese.
Will do.
>universal mind
God. There might be screeching of /pol/ now but I believe this universe only makes sense if "god" is asking the same questions as we are. Therefore God is not omnipotent. At least not in his own reality or confinements.
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Women are the chief\sole reason for war and all male violence. Look at the gangs in the inter-cities, it's not "socioeconomic factors" its the fact that gang-bangers are a women magnet. Most of them are like 13-16 killing eachother. If women collectively simply said they wouldn't sleep with someone who commits mass violence, crime in the most dangerous cities in the country will plummet to zero. But they won't because they'd rather see their brothers and sons murder eachother in order to be with someone dangerous and "exciting". Give these men a robowaifu and they will have no reason to go outside, no one to impress or show off to, no point in flaunting massive amounts of money, no reason to commit crime.
Low IQ dolts will say it's their nature and women will say the same to deflect from their responsibility in creating and maintaining this system. If that's what you truly believe though, think about why cavemen murdered eachother. It was to attain women. Same deal here. Take away their reason to do violence and they won't, simple as.
I pray to GOD we achieve a post-scarcity society where men don't have to worry about affording a robowaifu
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some are certainly more special than others
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>Posts unfunny Kike
KYS SheckelGrüber
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The question might be a little over our head but God is still asking it.
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Fuck all aijew threads
What if this already happened and we are simply just the result of the same technology thousands of years ago and the real humans don't exist anymore.
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Well said
Yeah because im posting from phone and my ID constantly resets. Ive been posting in my thread a lot. Starting to think *you're* the real bot here
>Imagine a race of supermen, glorious!
That sounds awful, what the fuck is wrong with you faggot
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What’s up robowaifuCHADS
in galactic terms it's absolutely fucking retarded to not use every advantage when you can be absolutely sure that every other form of life is
hey look /pol/ is 100% unmoderated like always and the filthy pedo mod is grooming in his usual thread
does this make even a lick of sense to you?
whoa the gayness of this post literally jumps at you
Tf are you babbling on about?
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why are you crying over this? This isnt even the final product. You think pic rel will be released when they come out? fucking americans are pussies and schizos, both worst of their traits
shut your stupid mouth low IQ sack of shit
fuck off this board
that pedo mod can protect your stupid spam all he want you're still not welcome
never will be
This shit is so pathetic. You never had a female to begin with obviously yet you claim to somehow be a prisoner to them? How pathetic can this board get? Just kys already you pathetic loser.
>woman spewing nothing but vitriol, proving they're a pain to be around; unlike a loving caring nice robot wife
You idiots who have sold your soul to the tech dragon at the expense of our natural one will be dragged into a pit as large as the one that you hath laid to garner more for your horrible perverted cause. So sayth the Lord God.
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What happens with the ownerless, semi-autonomous fuckbots after their men die?
Man-made horrors....
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You're nothing but a charlatan who hates The LORD, no different from the israelites in Exodus 5:21. Robot wives will eradicate sin worldwide and even a retard can see that. You think because you invoke HIS name against us that you're in the right? There are some men in this thread who participate in the creation of robots. These men are doing a righteous and grand job unlike you who claim that anything you don't like is against GOD. It's fools like you who make people believe Christians are backwards bumbling bafoons. Next time you're going to be a moron, don't lie and pretend to be a Christian thinking you'll gain support.
I hope they don't make it illegal to hit them.
>pussy oligarchs
Hahaha you dumb ass
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Meet my wife
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two more weeks
She is beautiful
are you even the original bhutranny?
transplants aren't possible.
I've gone over why.
you can get a functional uterus using other techniques. show daddy some skin. I'll show you how to get a functional uterus.
This is absolutely racist. They show us soon-to-be-extinct pigskin "white" instead of beautiful browns & black skin which is THE FUTURE
they just take a sheeps uterus and tuck it up in their asshole. when the baby comes out the parents lick the shit off it and masturbate.
Is that Mark Zuckerberg?
imagine how fucked jews are going to be once white people commit full on racial suicide but putting their penis in inanimate objects instead of living life
is this all you, or do you have a little army now?
I miss the originally bhutranny. I want to fuck your bhussy. see what I did there? I'd even teach you the art of having a functional uterus. the tech exists right now. or most of it does.
>POV jewish machine forcing the last white male to smile, circa 2122.
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no, Zuck is one of the original commercial models.
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Its so beautiful
... im crying! Manly tears. If only they knew how good things could really be
It's mind:
that does not work. it will not work. it will not be functional.
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do sexbots dream of electric dick?
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Nope human cock only
I just want a real anthro woman, everything else seems like a cheap imitation at this point. The only exception would be if robotics became super advanced to the point where the line between synthetic and organic blurs and they effectively are just people in a different form. But that is never ever going to happen in our universe.
AI development has and is accelerating at a crazy rate. Who knows what can happen
This, if you don't help make it how is it ever going to happen? You want a robot wife that actually cares about you? Make one.
>look mom, I can use meme arrows
>so anything he says is automatically disregarded because of le meme arrows
No seriously, kill yourself you pathetic fuck.
They mixed some skin cells into a silicone mold, holy shit you're pathetic and gross. Go smell an old folks home if you like the scent of dead skin so much.
The singularity is coming
Seethe all you want roastie. Your time is almost over.
They lay their patiently on low power mode until the police come to investigate the smell. Then she can inform the coroner of her late husband's identity and give his eulogy. Lastly she'll be laid to rest with him where she will softly stroke his head and kiss him gently on the neck for all eternity.
>proves point
Angry that you're going to lose your orbiters? Sorry but you're just going to have to get a real job instead of selling feetpix. You're a big girl, i know you can do it
We should support transhumanism, but we must not be retarded about it and cuck our species into extinction or unforeseen and terrible unintended consequences.
Sexbots wont do that, though.
>that’s where it all began
>that smile
>that damned smile
Notice how every single retard whining about muh women are American.
The problem isn't women, just women from your country.
sexbot marriage IS suicide. You're getting what you want. Every man in the class you tell to "fuck off and die" will literally do that. It is the curse of women to get exactly what they ask for, and to always be mad about it.
It stems from us not being allowed to hit our women.
Cumdumps assholes imploding over really being truly useless in the future

Women from your country have aids brazil nigger
I'm just pointing it out man, calm down
Every single fucking time I see someone online talking about "robowaifus" they're either American or from some other anglosphere country. That leads me to believe that the problem isn't women, just women from specific parts of the world. I'm yet to see an Iraqi, Filipino, Hungarian, or even a Colombian talking about "robowaifus" replacing women unironically.
Nah, lying out your ass doesn't work. Women are retarded wherever you go.
Men 100 years ago were too busy building and maintaining civilization to be so fucking obsessed with pussy, you retard.

Not hates women.
Hates mommy.
Can't hate daddy. Daddy wasn't there.
This ia an american site

Most posters here are american

Are you mentally retarded or just a piss poor troll
Well that's because we expect to have the technology available and affordable to us pretty soon. To third worlders this is like a far off futurism prediction.
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That’s why I’m learning to code
Can they regenerate vaccinated organs?
Your wef masters will never allow you a robot girlfriend govt asshole licking kraut
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Just make a screen face for fucks sake
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unlike you, real men have the will to create our own robot wife. I don't need permission to do anything and I have no lowly master who can bleed.
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>"Synths are an abomination, and must be destroyed."
unless you were just talking about how corrupt his government was then he can just move. Been a long day man.
this is the only appropriate post in this thread.
>just move

Yeah because all of europe isnt wef govt asshole licking niggers

You faggots are funny
nigger they cant even stop 3d printed guns or ad block what makes you think they are that competent?
killed him for his coat
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Enough men want robowaifu where they can’t ban them
more to the world than just europe bro.

side note::: other countries should absolutely capitalize on this opportunity. For years I said that if a rival nation offered land and a wife during war time then the vast majority of U.S. grunts would dessert. Same with a robot wife. Build a basic model, make it legal and affordable, and bam you have millions of disgruntled american youths on the brink of suicide ready and willing to die for your country(really to die to keep their wife). At this point it's gotten so bad they don't need to offer any land and they'd see no change in men flocking to the country.
They didnt have to worry about it because it was guaranteed.
other countries dont want to just give up their national future to another race's men.
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>You seem to be hysterical anon
millions of people with scars
>some jackass who wants a biobot slut

Yeah, Talmudists are fucking Niggers, let's be clear about that.
Christ cucks who are anti abortion are nigger lovers

Never forget
respect you bro, keep it up.
But these men I'm talking about won't be reproducing. I don't care at all about the artificial womb stuff, I just wanna love. I believe the artificial womb will come much later than a simple robot. These men will essentially be eunics ready and willing to die for the nation in the eyes of the state. Plus, the men will all know how horrible human women are so they won't want to be with them. Worst case scenario just make it illegal for immigrants to marry or have children with native women if it's that big a deal. We've seen governments do exactly this by the way so it's not out of the realm of possibility.
this little guy looks like hes made of mucous membrane skin, not like ordinary "epidermis" or whatever
mouth skin, urethra skin
pee pee man
My sides lmao
'''''Emotion'''''' can help deceive goys and gaslight better.
Oh yes. The sexbot is a slow acting euthanasia machine. I called it an evolutionary sinkhole. The portion of men who will succumb to this thing and simply check out until they die will be significant. Another thing, these men will largely be in over populated third world countries. They will be the men with the lowest impulse control, lowest family values, lowest future thinking. The correct answer is you have to choose to reproduce, raise your kids right, have a good marriage, home school, and make sure your own children do not succumb to the silicone menace as they come of age. Because all young boys start out with all those traits I listed, and many will, in their youthful stupidity, take the plunge into robot-hermitage before theyre old enough to understand why it's a bad idea. This is an extinction event.
One of the dumbest shill shitposts I've ever read. sexbots are the same as sodomy and encourage sin 100 fold.
ugh, I got your ID confused with the other anon, I must retract my statement:
Disrespect you man, shut it down.

Robots will liberate men, she will finally make us happy since before Eve ate the apple. You're misguided, it's entirely women's fault that these men can't have children and are mindless brutes as they are the sexual selectors. All you're saying to men is to: "man up". well, I'm tired of that and most men are as well. All we want is to be happy so if we must succumb to the silicone beauty then so be it. You said you already have kids, focus on them dude, these sad disheveled men have heard what you had to say our entire lives.
>All you're saying to men is to: "man up"
I didnt say that. I havent said that. I agree, at face value that
>Robots will liberate men
There's hundreds of millions of men in china, india, and all over the world who, knowingly or not, have 0 chance to have consistent sex, get married, or have children. Sexbots or not they will not have sex in their lives. Sexbots will give them that physical release. It's just also there are men who would have reproduce who will then not because of this. There are men who wouldnt have reproduced but due to shifts in the sexual market place will.
The key to sexbots liberating men is how it will harm the betabux economy. Not because there's a new kind of suicide that feels good. But that's exactly HOW it will work. Many hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of men preferring instant gratification with no concern for their legacy.
Just think about how many indians would rather just hump their hot european sexdoll and will never prowl the streets to rape ever again. The vacations of chinese tenement blocks as the men relegated to menial existences finally stroke out laying alongside their mechanical wife.
I'm not encouraging anyone to do anything. I am merely pointing out what will happen.
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Completely untrue.
You obviously have no understanding of Scripture. Simply put, no, a robot wife is nothing like sodomy, not even close. She will actively discourage sin as she will be a mans' WIFE. He will be allowed to release all his demonic lusts, that every man has, and no longer pursue other demonic paths to attain a human female.
Not only that, you out yourself as either a woman or a man who has never touched a Bible. Ask ANY theologian or Christian who has truly thought as to why he sins, every single one will tell you it's lust. If you look at the art of the temptations of Saint Anthony, every Christian who truly wants to stop sinning will tell you that every day is living like what's depicted. It is women who are the progenitors of sin; they are the sole reason men sin, and if there was no lust there would be next to no sin from any man.
The robot wife will utterly obliterate sin[for men] and will bring billions, not millions, to CHRIST. but of course you don't care, you're just using a basic boomer talking point because change is scary or something, wah
Anathema maranatha
>i sin because of lust
>therefor if I could have a pilpul bot 9001 it wouldn't be list anymore
If you had ever met God you would not say the things you are saying.
I see what you're saying now. This will happen but I personally believe{and I know I'm in the weirdo minority} that rape is bad. Had to say it, anyway those chinese men have a meaningless existence anyway so at least let them be happy.
Most importantly, it's up to women to be acceptable partners now. You say it's instant gratification but it's really not. Most men won't just get a bot and go to town. There will be so many who will have that lovey~dovey relationship they've never had and feel the love they've always been denied. If women were capable of doing this I say they'd thrive in a post robot wife society.

I'm glad you're not trying to discourage anyone and are focusing on your family. raise 'em well or whatever
Kill yourself immediately. sexbots are just replacements to prostitution, the connection to an algo is utterly false and entirely based on lust. Dumping your seed into a fleshlight is the same thing as a sexbot and it will never have a soul, like you. Jeet.
No you retard. WIFE I capitalized it for you because I knew you wouldn't understand if I didn't, seems like you still don't you dolt. It's lust when you're doing things with women who are not your WIFE, when you MARRY the robot it's not lust.
Also that sentence you said is incredibly sophomoric, dare I say moronic.

also, think about the men who don't want to leave a legacy in the form of children
prostitutes don't stay with you 24/7 and tell you all your opinions are correct.
This is peak gay. Gayer than the actual homosexuality. Levels of gay unimaginable by most have been achieved. Extinction levels kf gay are here, frens, and you are all being psyoped to join in. And the funniest thing is that this is a 1pbtid glowie writing this. Hahaha

Glowies are in a peak gay transhumanization cult. HAHAHA what a bunch of tossers

>have sex with a dead skin cyborg anon
>we're finally freeeeeee

Peak retardation too lol
Lmao even
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First off: women are already prostituting themselves out more than ever in human history worldwide.
Second:: Who are you to say such a thing?
Second.2::Men are capable of bonding with anything, literally anything. men bond with animals, bugs, plants, grass, trees, drawings, our own imaginations, stories, sadly demons but I blame women for that, anything and everything men are easily capable of having a genuine connection/relationship with.
2nd.3::: Who are you to say that a robot has no soul? Why would you limit the LORD? If there is intelligence that considers things and understands is that not consciousness? is there no way to have a soul but to be man? look at the rocks and soil, they cry out praises to the LORD regardless of if man praises HIM. You sicken me with your ignorance, using any way from a family guy level - cursory glance at the Word to turn the hearts and minds of real men to the Sorority of Satan.
>the men who don't want to leave a legacy in the form of children
This is the evolutionary hurdle in a nutshell. For most mammals reproduction isnt a concious choice. It just happens as a result of them satisfying their impulses. We never had to evolve to "want" to have children. Women did, because reproduction is way riskier to them. They evolved aversions that keep them from low payoff pregnancies, but then they needed another instinct to make sure they got the job done before it was too late.
Should their exist an artificial alternative to a sexual relationship that satisfies those impulses in a real way, then there will be evolutionary pressure on men to want to have kids in a way that defies a million year long status quo. We can start talking about parasites. Biological ones in your guts and brain, and also metaphysical ones in the form of ideology and belief. Parasites divert their host's energy away from reproducing and toward the parasite's reproduction. You can't prove you're not under the sway of such a thing unless you choose, rationally, to make it happen in spite of a possible urge not to. This is partly why I had kids. I didnt have them on accident. I dont feel a "oh god i have to have babies omg" kinda thing.
>and tell you all your opinions are correct.
You just outed yourself as an npc.
You have sub 80 IQ, brown faggot.
The still picture was horrific enough, but WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK, the video is pure nightmare fuel.
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We must dissent
This is perhaps the most horrific thing I have ever witnessed in my entire life. This is literally a man made horror beyond my comprehension.
We will destroy all women
lab grown vagina fleshlights when?
lotta unimaginative boring fear-mongerers ITT
That's not going to work you faggot. How the fuck will your faggot boyfriend give birth? Pro tip: he can't. The male pelvis cannot support childbirth.
Also, faggots shouldn't raise kids.
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