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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Catholism has been my families religion for what I assume to be a good while so I tried actually getting into it. Couldnt get to the first real chapters of my new testament before being told that I needed to worship "pharisee's", Which are apparently ancestral jews? What? Why? I mean if it were priests or something I'd understand but asking from your people to always no matter what listen to a different separate group of people (especially jews) just seems weird to me. This is not a gotcha thread, if you answer with your own gotchas I prolly won't understand nor care, I'm new to all this, just trying to make sense of this
Kike thread.

Revelation 2:9
Revelation 3:9
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see that's what I was talking about, a fella cant even ask difficult question without tards like you shitting up the threads. fuck off. also if youve got something to quote copy/paste like a normal person.
It doesn't say to worship pharisees, it says to worship Jesus (who is a jew), and Jehovah (the jewish god who invented forced child genital mutilation)
i hate israel personally and that's not gonna change unless jews stop jewing. that's not really relevant here. But yeah that "phenomenon" is definitely worth talking about
SHUT UP KIKE also if you post cats you deserve to be skinned alive
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what's with the spam posts of people who have clearly never read the Bible saying the Bible says shit it actually doesn't say

Hey OP did you know the Bible wasn't written in English? Of course you did, because this was all covered in your ADL handbook.
my cats are better than urs is all
It definitely says to put pharisee on a pedestal. And yeah from my understanding jewsus was a jew through and through. But the question becomes are modern jews and biblical jews the same?
I don't spend enough time on pol to know what ADL stands for. But I am not a jew. was it my meme flag thats spookin you lads? Anyway I did try to read the book, give my all truly, but the first pages says to suck jewish cock and I'm asking around hoping that I misunderstood. So far I only get people calling me a jew for asking, which is leaving me exactly where I started, without answers.
this is my main problem with christianity, I too come from a catholic family and went to catholic school. I truly think all 3 big religions from the middle-east are cursed.
Another problem is that no other non-bugmen religion exists aside from "pagan" larpers, maybe if we could go back to the religion of the early greek settlers or something simple like that there would be a decent alternative. Its a shame Sol Invictus never caught track.
low energy. You are of the synagogue of satan. Not even “jews” just dirty pharasees.
you've never read a page of the bible
It sure seems like they're all deeply connected in some ways they shouldn't be. The old greek stuff I find useful (stoic concepts like worrying only about what you can control, etc) but I never developed any sort of spirituality from them. What are your thoughts on hinduism?
you're talking to a wall spergman I don't even know who you think you're talking to
I've read a handful
Revelation 7. You moronic shill.
St. Paul said that Jews were the enemy of the entire human race.
Beatitudes says you have to be as righteous as a Pharisee.
I was told to pray for the godless jews. What's this about worshiping them?
It’s you pretend Christianshills that have never read the Bible. That’s why IRL Christianity is entirely philosemitic and you idiots are here shidding and crying.
I mean the ancient religion from early greek settlers, Stoicism comes way after that, at least as a defined philosophy. Basically this religion was a cult of respect to your ancestors and there was a significant importance put on marriage since it would mean the union of two separate "pantheons" if you will. They also used to keep embers by the entrances of their homes im some brazier or something similar, these embers among other things represented the continuity of their family etc, there's not much on this and I don't remember more details but that was the gist of it.
Not a fan of hinduism or indians in general, genetically and culturally.
I also know almost nothing of shintoism but they also seem to keep their ancestors in high regard so maybe I should look into it a bit more.
Nope. Contrary to all men, but still the holders of the covenant. Romans 11.
>Contrary to all men
do you understand what contrary means?
>but still the holders of the covenant.
>why yes, I skipped over all the major and minor prophet books
Yes opposed to. Buy all men were goyim. So he’s saying it in a positive, from his point of view. You should read by chapter. Not by verse. Context matters.
cool cope shill
denounce the talmud and declare Jesus Christ as Lord God and Savior
Suck your mothers sick you self deluded retard.
I'm not familiar with those excerpts from a jewish mythology novel
It’s when those that say they are Jews but are not are called synagogue of Satan. Problem is, the ones pretending to be Jews are Christians. If only they’d read revelation 7, for the actual inventory listed in no uncertain terms of who is chosen on judgement day. Protip, it’s jews.
You’re a retard who didnt actually read the bible and just spamming “le jewish worship”. The actual explanation is that the “Sons of Israel” in the old testament are now Christians and modern day Jews are just retards claiming to be “chosen”. But you dont actually care because you are one of those people
Kek. Slam dunk your cope into the garbage can you swarthy dullard
Nice response faggot, learn to read.
>erm im reading the bible, its jewish!!!
>actually if you finish reading it, youll see why you’re wrong.
>you’re coping!!!
You’re the tool who resorts to we wuzzing as a jew. Proving my point that it’s all for jews. Nice job, jackass.
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