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this explains to me why there are so many brown hair brown eyes types in Germany or Austria. They are heavily celtic.
>Bocchi the twitter
Some fucking roaster narcissist posting?

you know, i'm somewhat of a welsh and celtic myself
Light colored eyes didnt exist until about 10k years ago, they just passed on because they were attractive, all europeans used to have "darker complexions" anyone in europe can either have blue eyes or brown or blonde hair and brown, its just about genetic, bullshit post made by an amerimutt about muh 1/48 grandpa blood anyway
Brown eyed people better lower their tone when talking to me.
>Hey racists these europeans are 1% darker than average. Guess all your complaints about violent murderous niggers gets thrown out the window huh?
The secret ingredient is sheep jizz
Women don't usually know history, italian brown eyed romans conquered england and walled off scottland.
> cope for sandnigger descendants and etruscans

das verguenza indio
americans pretending to be welsh now, not just irish, meanwhile if they actually go to ireland, irish people laugh at them behind their back, and if they go to wales, especially north wales, they wont find any welsh people, just mancs and scousers, kek.
>Alessandra Bocchi
An american? Also why is OP taking information from women
The ewes carry the egg
it wasn't only the romans, it was the sandniggers in Spain and all other ethnic diveristy too. Wave after wave of niggers coming from all over the world to immigrate to France.

and Jews in 1062. hell, the European religion is sandnigger woke christianity, the white race was doomed from the beginning.

I like Camille and Kennerly kitt, and I would pay a very high price to fuck them
>Bong imagines that Americans think about his cluster of islands and tribes of people with bad teeth at all
Christian Bale is ethnically English, and Catherine Zeta-Jones is half-Irish.
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say what you will, and you're not wrong. Americans, canadians and Australians are the few white people left.

these girls getting fucked by niggers is a crime against humanity and manhood
Kek my dad is of welsh descent and he does get mistaken for being Mexican often. Of course he works in the construction industry too so that probably adds to it
>Christian Bale is ethnically English
and England originally was Celto-Roman

Being english doesn't mean you come from the Angles or Saxons.
It's true that Wales probably has more attractive people per capita than the rest of the UK. But that's because they're all roman rape babies. Celts weren't a monolithic people either, the picts for example were a lot paler, taller and red/fair haired compared to the later waves of Celts from basque and Brittany
my dad used to like calling people mexicans. I stopped doing it out of respect but it's in the back of my mind.

a little few chicanitos couldn't handle the truth
Now explain the whats up pussycat singer
Katherine ZETA jones isnt fuckin Welsh
Europeans have mixed from european country to european country for years.

I'm sure Hitler saw something about mutts in his time in the 1930s

brown people are not white, just saying. if they were, I would be considered "white" but I blend in as a mestizo.
Look at this welsh terrorist picrel
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there's black Irish. these people are Spaniards.

sometimes your kids come out well, sometimes they look like shit.

hilarious that now we're saying some brown people are white.
This is some poopskin coping. You aren't Welsh, you aren't Italian, you are an ugly nigger.
looks like a Jew, and your grandpas from pictures of the civil war look like mexicans

that's ok, the arrogance will be all over soon that everybody is going to be a mulatto. Land of the brave, home of the nigger
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As if you would even need picrel if you knew anything about who he was
brown features came from neanderthal, erectus and denisovan. only homo sapiens is "white" or capable of "white" features. all brown haired "white" people are just mutts with white features. there are no genes for brown hair or eyes or nipples or anything in the homo sapiens genetic code
I agree with this.

as if people didn't move in to London and Paris all this time.

there is no imaginary line that protected britain and ireland from shitskins and spaniards. I believe that the etruscans were brown locals to italy, but this being true to every place is a little farfetched. something too innocent to believe
maybe he gave up the religion and the heritage in favor of beign a white man in those times. I don't believe in Americna history, seeing its full of lies.

nice picture, i wipe my ass with it. I'm not blind
What's new, pussycat.
Ohhh you’re a Mexican that make sense anyone white = jew, might as well be to you
>face like an orangutan
is this shooped?
nigger please, not even blondes are white.

if you're not pale and you're that swarthy you're not racially pure.

even redheads have native american ancestry. someone that swarthy is clearly not white.
Tom Jones takes a good tan.
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You aren’t making sense
looks more human in this one.
Maybe it's makeup+lighting in the other pic, but I still think it's a bad edit. It's just a little uncanny/off. Maybe he just has weird features which show more depending on his expression.
Based. Jones is pure swarth.
I'm making perfect sense mutt. anyway, I'm done arguing with idiots. the smart chicanitos kept their mouths shut over big mexican superiority.

enjoy the land of the free and home of the gay
I don't believe that.
Romans left very little genetic impact. Britons are more closely related to the Basque.
>even redheads have native american ancestry
1/16th and no features, possibly not detectable on a dna test.
Ancestry doesn't guarantee inheritance.
I have the occasional white beard hair, so maybe that.
This. I puke.
I'm old enough to remember when the Welsh would pretend not to speak English until they found out you were from the Americas.
>there are no genes for brown hair or eyes or nipples or anything in the homo sapiens genetic code
Umm, source?
Jones is a Welsh surname.
light hair/eyes aren't some ancient hyperborean northwest european trait. They appeared around the Black sea. "Cuman" means fair, they were named that because they stood out. Also, Thracians were consistently described as red/fair haired
Zeta is a name from Proxima Centauri, ayy lmaos btfo
Britain barely had a road network until the past century. Romans built some but they later fell out of use. Most people didn't travel more than a few miles from where they were born prior to the industrial revolution and even then...
I honestly wonder if the majority of the welsh are named Llewellyn Jones.
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People are just making stuff up
Pure blood Welshman here. Can confirm. I'm brutally handsome.
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supposedly he has big todger as well
Christian Bale is a Jew
White people are people of colour and thus have many different eye colours, hair colours and complexions

Kill all non Euros
Yes, that is where Celts originated from.
Being ethnically English doesn’t mean Anglo-Saxon. I’m ethnically English and I’m of Brythonic stock with a Celtic haplogroup.
Basically this.
John Adams was the only major founding father that wasn't a Freemason or didn't have slave children. Least "Jewish" of the major founding fathers you could pick.
brown eyes brown hair are native to europeans
Norse myth has a story about heimdall fathering 3 children from a human female (cucking the husband) and the creating a caste based system with blonde > red haired > brown haired people
so brown haired whites are just low caste whites
wildest mutt cope.
I’d lay out anyone who says I’m not Irish.
Including the Irish.

Most English are too sorry to even fight, would be like beating up the town retard.
You are probably just some gypsy irish.
I'm two thirds Scottish and Irish but culturally I'm American, which is where this misunderstanding between Euros and Americans comes in. Europeans don't see us as one of their own automatically cause we have their blood, I think sort of like how we don't see Australians the same as Americans even though they have the same British Islander origin.
Oh (You)
>Look at him! He runs like a Welshman!
>Uncommonly good-looking
Someone's not lived in Swansea.
>Women don't usually know history, italian brown eyed romans conquered england and walled off scottland.
And they left almost zero DNA behind in the population. Just like Afghanistan isn't full of America babies. The dark hair, dark eyes, slightly olive skin phenotypes in western/northern/central Europe are not from Italians. They are much, much older.

The two gene variants most responsible for very light skin in Europe are fairly recent compared to the amount of time our ancestors were inhabiting the continent. Same with light eyes. The mutation isn't that old. The light skin, hair and eyes that became prevalent in western/northern/central Europe are clearly not the only native phenotypes. Dark hair, dark eyes, slightly olive skin are older phenotypes and seem to have been the norm prior to lighter skin, eyes and hair becoming more dominant. So they certainly didn't come from Rome.
shut it down they know
who the fuck cares
>a racial melting pot city is an accurate representation of Welsh people
There was a mix of colours before the Romans. Roman historians themselves talked about the wide mix of hair and eye colour on the island.
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Welsh faggot here. Black hair. Assumed it was some spanish rape, but DNA tests came back 100% NW European (but mostly celtic). Still have blue eyes. So dunno.
Higher class Romans were often dirty blonde and had blue/gray eyes. See Julius and Augustus Caesar
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>black hair
>blue eyes

Literally Norman traits ie the truest white race of all.
Go eastside of Swansea, or around Mayhill. There's no melting pot there.
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>Julius Caesar
>Black hair
>Very dark eyes, the color of the ocean night
You think nordics imagine themselves as italian?
You'll find the average "Anglo" is over 60% Celt. It's no surprise that you are too.
shitalians are the mutts of europe btw
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Cope. The only olive skinned brown eyed Italians from Rome were bottom feeder plebs
you must be thinking of Sulla. GJC (pbuh) had black hair and dark brown eyes
same with any alpine peoples in central europe who are the original celtic people but later were culturally either romanized or germanized or both. before the germanic invasions from the north and north-east most europeans probably were the dark-haired light-eyed white guy phenotype to say it as unscientifically but understandable as possible.
i believe this phenotype itself comes from the farmer peoples escaping the invading niggers in the fertile crescent thousands of years ago.

I have now confirmed my suspension that /pol/ can't into basic genetics.
Millions of Spaniards are not even dark skinned. And many display convergent European phenotypes.
you are right. this is a hard pill to swallow for most retards posting here.
only they were swarthy does not mean they were genetically niggers. they were dark aryans.
The animals wont fuck the niggers.
Kek, you're still not Irish you plastic paddy.
Elvira couldn't walk right for weeks because of Tom.
I n particular hate somalis.
my ancestors on both sides of my family were largely welsh. And everyone in my family is either blonde or ginger I call BS. We are good looking though
>Omri/Khomri (king of Israel) dynasty lasts until 722BC when the assyrians conquered and dispersed the people
>Assyrian documents refer to them as Khumry
>Khimmirai/Gimmirai/Cimmerians appear in Assyrian records during the reign of Sargon II (722-705BC)
>Cimmerians are known from Herodotus to be driven westward out of their lands around the Black Sea (modern Crimea takes its name from them) by the Scythians
>Cimmerians disappear from historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts spontaneously appear in historical records around 6th century BC
>Celts exit historical records (or, more accurately, are dispersed into various subgroupings) around 5th century CE
>Welsh (Cymraegs) appear in historical records around 6th century CE from Celtic origins
Are these related?
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*smacks lips*

>Mediocre/shit emperors had a fair complexion
>Can't define the grey/white hairs beforehand
>W-whatever wine eyes means!
>same with any alpine peoples
there is no such thing as alpine people you absolute retard, you just took names from some weirdo American racist and treat them as some revealed knowledge.
>Augustus, Trajan, Titus
>mediocre/shit emperors
Still seething about your precious second temple huh Moshe?
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The temple's destruction was achieved by Tiberius Julius Alexander. Titus simply inherited the war.
Titus was too busy being a Jewlover with Queen Berenice whereas Tiberius personally sought to fulfil the Prophecy of Daniel and complete destruction of Judea
Jefferson did not have slave children; source of that is a professional propagandist (read: liar) and drunkard that believed Jefferson owed him money and a cabinet position.
Since then the people stupid and dishonest enough to repeat it have all been race hustlers,... and you.
Completely false, and "Welsh" Britons have Latin blood from the Roman occupation
Na, mae’r Cymru ar gyfartaledd yn pobl hyll efo dipyn o’r genetics Saesneg ynddom ni felly ‘da ni’n edrych yn debycach i’r mwncis yna yn hytrach na pobl o’r cyfandir.
>controlled opposition Jew who used his position to try to save the temple and failed

Are you one of those judeo Christian christcuckies? Lel
it's just these retarded nords and anglos coping about being genetically inferior to mediterraneans (including the non-european ones) and balkans.

Funny how their countries are getting bombarded by Indians, black africans, and chinese too LOL
>controlled opposition Jew who used his position to try to save the temple and failed
There's a good argument that he may have been the rogue soldier that started the fire but Josephus recording the war didn't want his identity revealed. Other generals wanted to keep it as a museum piece too, not just Tiberius, weird how you ignore that, but of course a quick skim through wiki doesn't paint the whole picture.

>Are you one of those judeo Christian christcuckies? Lel
Judeo-Christian is an oxymoron. There's only Christian and the Romans fulfilled Christ's prophecy.
Why would seething Jew want to protect the identity of the man who burned down his precious temple ? Silly jewy
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Cymru american chad here. english slags want this BCC

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