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Why did Russia fail to capture the Donbass?
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Skill issue.
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low iq
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Their military capabilities were substantially overestimated, the Russian military is a paper tiger. Nato has completely mutilated the Russian military and economy and Russia will never recover to pre-2022 levels, and all NATO had to do was sacrifice the Ukrainian people and send most of their old shit to Ukraine.
Russian phenotype
russia never wanted the donbass anyway. just more nato lies.
The Ghost of Kiev shot them all from his jet fighter.
And that's based. Glad I'm in.
What are you talking about..?

You clearly do not understand complex strategic value, thought out gains/losses, tactic, war calculation.

Go read a book or something
Why did Ukraine fail to take back all territories including Crimea?
So they took it?
Because that was not the goal, the goal was to depopulate it and the rest of the ukraine from those deemed "ethnically russian"
Wait for a couple years
take back? Whats mean it this 'take back' you saying of ?

its your problem
The amount of military equipment donated to Ukraine would (excluding soldiers) amount to the 4th largest army in the world (accounting for equipment quality).
In Sept 2022, Russia declared that the Donbass was Russian territory. You are ones that are ignorant.
Because they are retarded mongoloids
>Russia declared
Who the fuck cares lol
Yet. Russia is running out of equipment. As long as the pressure is keeping up, there is a good chance that Ukraine takes back their territories. No peace until every Zigger is dead.
So they're currently occupying it all, right?
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Why can't the second-strongest military in the world defeat the poorest country in Europe?
They baited Ukraine into a war of attrition then waited as Ukraine burned through all of their available manpower and NATO's stockpiles of weapons and money and patience.
The war will end soon. Ukraine's defenses will collapse rapidly and Russia will able to rapidly storm across most of the country by the end of the summer.
Zelensky and most of the top leadership will flee the country. Whoever is left in Kiev will be forced to sign an unconditional surrender.
All of the disputed territories will be fully integrated as Russian oblasts. A nominally sovereign Ukrainian rump state will be allowed to exist in the western half of the current country. The government will be a puppet state fully beholden to Putin. They will cut all ties to NATO, and blame NATO members, specifically the US for causing and prolonging this devastating war.
Most of the Western leadership will be shocked and outraged and embarrassed at how things turned out after investing so much time and money and support into Ukraine.
They will be furious at the harsh terms of the surrender, Putin will point out that he offered peace deals with much more favorable terms but was totally rejected by Zelensky and NATO leadership.
Go back to your containment thread
NATO is trying to create a Russia failed narrative so when they negotiate a ceasefire, they can claim victory .
Sometimes things take some time and effort like removing Gayto funded kosher nazzies in entrenched positions.
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It never wanted to capture territories it declared as being an integral part of Russia, this is an attrition war where Russia is grinding down Ukrainian soldiers by grinding its own too. It's 4d chess you nafo troons can't understand
Why did the strongest military in the world lose to the poorest country in the world?
Is deflection your only argument? Can you not answer a simple question?

God I hate that you people are so stupid you can't even recognize sarcasm I'm gonna become pro-Russian just so I wouldn't be associated with you retards
Accidentally clicked on you, meant to reply to (>>472352935
>war still going
>they akshaully failed to do this
i see we're defaulting back to the state approved "Putlermort wanted the entirety of Ukraine" narrative
>Why did Russia fail to capture the Donbass?
Who occupies donbass ?
Donbass is not the entirety of Ukraine. Stupid
no lol
Not Russia
>and send most of their old shit to Ukraine.
That's the best part. Poland sent all old Soviet leftovers to Ukraine and got modern equipment from USA in exchange.
Defenders always have adventage.

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