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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Dr. Phil, 6/12/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472338989
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Thanks Brazil bro.
>Brazil baked
/ptg/ as fallen
Second largest danish news media is pro-trump and denmark Reddit is losing it LMFAO

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Fuck Israel.
What is he doing?
Only one debate?
How long have we been at one debate?
Three years? Four years?
Thank you for the save.
Top kek.
>Trump wants someone loyal for VP, and no one else has shown more loyalty.
Pic related.
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hey how is it that you only have these problems on the most important days to bake?
you are consistently fucking up on the most essential days
Ben and Burgum are the least 2 awful names on the official list.
He's black
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>Made In Brazil edition
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need to give goym cancer somehow
probably a muslim
No problem.
Have a cool video I found earlier.
checked MAGA
at least quintin didn't bake
CNN nails it!


>If Biden wins, he will defend rights and "protect America's image"
>If Trump wins he will "go after Biden and his family"
tenks m8
whenever he did bake it was just a bible edition and that never ended well
I suppose it depends on what "image" they intend to protect...
75% of the time it’s not my fault.
You guys are gonna help us Annex Canada right?
They never claimed their sovereignty and are still functionally a territory of the global homos across the lake so it should be easy
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It was an emergency bake, I have not taken bakership, baker will fix his shit probably and bake the next one so don't worry.
If he doesn't I can take over some.
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In how many hours please?
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So you disingenuously present yourself as antisemitic and then expect sincere replies from me?
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okay but it is exclusively on the most important days
how do you manage to only have these
on days where it is imperative that there is steady baking?
come back in 6 hours 45 minutes
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I can't read that shit. Language looks like someone just banging on the keyboard.
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Now the DOJ should rape Elon Musk to death...

Elon is scum. Elon cheats and lies. Elon compared himself to the antichrist then dressed up like him for halloween.

Time to punish Elon, severely. Make his asshole bleed and prolapse.
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The zioshills are scared of seeing hate-facts in /FIG/:
That's the middle of the night!
I got it back now.
It just happens. At least now it’s fixable.
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For somebody who hates jews you sure are focused only on one subject!
I will be sleeping, I will wake up at 5am tomorrow..
Deport all the illegals, hang all of those who brought this, the traitors in all forms of government who abused their power, those who corrupted religion, the entertainment and media who pushed this must all hang. When you kick those illegals out, do it violently so they understand clearly. Then you shame those who stood by and did nothing for the rest of their lives and brand those who fought back against the corruption, against evil, as heroes.

Vote for Outlaw "Deport them all" Don! MAGA!
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>So you disingenuously present yourself as antisemitic
>t. disingenuously presenting himself as antisemitic
sometimes you need to make sacrifices, nigel
it's okay there will be highlight videos everywhere, it's only worth watching it live if you want to /ptg/ post or sticky post
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>brazil forgot his VPN
the state of trump supporters
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What if Biden keeps talking anyway?>>472350114
I'll catch up in the morning while the locals schizos are in full swing.
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Oh my god hahahaha

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lol, lmao even
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its basically just a rant that TV2 (state funded media) is pro-trump and most comments are ranting and seething that they're pro-trump lol
What's the word?
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>We don't want to prolong the war
So you want to prolong the war?
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I don't use a VPN, nigger.
That's right!
>VPN comment hurts the monkey
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Fuck Israel. That's it. That's the word.
This is the most pathetic thing I’ve seen relating to this Gaza nonsense. Way worse than Bushmeat setting himself on fire for no reason.
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>to the last hohol
ran out of hohols?
Dragons, rock on!
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At this point only Nunavut and Newfoundland and Labrador are salvageable, all the other parts have been taken over by pajeets or chinks.
>Trump and Biden walk to middle of stage to shake hands
>Biden falls
>Trump helps him up
>noboday remembers anything about the debate except this
>pic of Trump helping up Biden is ran everywhere until the Election
What about penis inspection day for the angry ukie?
Ontario just needs to be nuked. This place is pajeet and tranny hell.
Denmark shill bros...what happened? I thought the sham trial would be the end of /ptg/ and the breakfast breads would forever disappear from the spotlight however the exact opposite occurred and /ptg/ raised almost 99 million tomboys. /ptg/'s support is growing by each day, I don't think deleting and pruning the thread is an option anymore...are jews and traitorous abc agencies inbred retards? WHY WON'T THEY DO SHIT?!!

Actually if you think about it, Biden is the one doing the shitting. LMAO!
We can purge Oilberta
If America can vote for a gay nigger, before Mormons and women, which are both cringe, then we can vote for Outlaw "Deport them all" Don and Sleep "Hang the Dems" Ben. Now that's progressive!
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why do you even have this saved on your hard drive?
Where at?
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>trump talks about sharks, windmills cause whale deaths, windmill noise causes cancer, MIT uncle means hes smart too, sinks not having enough water, biden starting world war 2
>media focuses on biden being too old
Thanks for baking btw.
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for the record if /we/ did invade canada vancouver is the crown jewel
its obvious you have never competed in sports
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I dream of total pajeet death.
>vancouver is the crown jewel
That would actually be Hudson Bay.
>days where it is imperative that there is steady baking
that's never!
no i'm asking why he has a webm saved of jeets getting their junked inspected (fondled) by another jeet?
We just have to crack the jeet and chink skulls and it’s fine. Just don’t let the leaves vote for 50 years.
Oh and my id changed.
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Mr. Trump … why are you such a threat to democracy? Why are you such a terrible insurrectionist? Why are you such a racist? President Biden… why is the economy so wonderful? Why are you such a decent and wonderful person?
>blemish being a blemish even on debate day
I want that capital building under the stars and bars. It may be the only beautiful thing built in the country
They want to tie it down before Trump takes office. The last thing they want is Trump making peace a reality.
because theyre about to play pajeetball and they wont let you play pajeetball if you have a hernia
whats wrong with it? regular day for totally caucasian men.
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Really (doesn't) make you think...
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Mr. Trump, why are literal Israeli Jews giving you hundreds of millions of dollars for your campaign? Would you not consider that some form of election interference?
>mr biden, according to the data the economy is doing very well right now after a smooth recovery from covid, how do you communicate this to the american people?
>mr trump, pee pee poo poo felon felon rapist felon covid felon? How do you respond?
>actually we're cutting off your mic sir.
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I only saw that place once. A quarter of my life, wasted under the tyranny of JT and his cucklings who scream racism at everything.
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okay do you not understand my confusion here?why does he have that webm saved?
who the FUCK wants to have anything like that saved? (although to be fair if they were white i would've saved it)
would be a 'good timeline' event to manifest in my schitzo meme magic thoughts. I really do hope for this exact thing. rolling.
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hey why do parts of systems always fail when they're most stressed and not least?
Judge Aileen Cannon on Thursday denied former President Donald Trump's motion claiming that the FBI provided false or misleading information to justify the 2022 search warrant for his Mar-a-Lago estate.

>ZOG's nigger faggot spic army loves Trump
OMG wow this means Trump is totally legit!
ok now post Biden's
>trump lines up magas who have to be vetted before hand lest they encounter some one who thinks hes a joke, to shake hands for photo op that morons like you will gobble up
really makes you not think
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Again, for somebody who hates jews you sure focus all of it on somebody who isn't even jewish.
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The purpose of this thread is to try and promote zionism on /pol/, there's no Biden general and both are zionist.
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you're venting your seethe too early, let it stew for us a few more months it's sweeter that way
Lmao in every thread that gets posted in NAFO nigers swarm in shouting ITS FAKE ITS FAKE.
>ur mad
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Good Awoofernoon, /pol/!

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>too fucking stupid to even grasp the point of the video or how it relates to their own post that it was used to reply to
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>Brazilian bake
What happened ???
What’re you guys gonna do if Trump wins and immediately starts pandering to Israel like he did in his first term? Will you call him out on his bullshit or just clap like seals at everything he does and call it 4d chess? After everything I’ve seen with MIGAtards, I’m thinking the latter.
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>why cant you suck trumps ass the way we do anon? cant you see the whole armed forces loves him?
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I just woke up out of a coma and what the fuck is a Brazilian doing baking threads
They've tried Bidet General multiple times but no one was interested. Cool story though.
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MIGAs want to bring back another round of this bullshit
I'm a single issue voter
I'm voting for whoever promises to deport all the illegals
right now that's Trump
I don't care about anything else
fuck you
I needed someone to tag in. But all my problems are mostly solved.
I'm a single issue voter
I'm voting for whoever promises to pardon the J6 prisoners
right now that's Trump
I don't care about anything else
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>still doesn't understand
It turns out that actual shills aren't interested in the kind of commitment it takes to maintain a general on this board (unless they are state actors)
So you guys still believe Trump will do anything he says after all that you’ve seen?
Im a single issue voter
I'm voting for whoever makes the shills seethe hardest
right now that's Trump
I don't care about anything else.
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you are not in enough despair
Trumps not the answer to all the problems sweetie, but leftists are definitely the cause.
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>I needed someone to tag in. But all my problems are mostly solved.
Glad to hear.
Good afternoon, sir !!
trump said he would lower my taxes if i was part of the white middle class
my taxes were lowered
so yeah lol
MIGA bots malfunctioning.
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This guy gets it.
before i even formulate a response to this (i may never), why does he fluctuate between privating and unprivating his account so frequently
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>if i keep pretending i made a point, i win
Knew it was going to be him. I literally can’t wait until he ODs and the icy cold hand of Death groyps him and drags him down to Hell.
And an afternoon sir to you too.
Did you know that Paul Manafort is coming out with a new book that details his time locked up? If you preorder now, you get a discount on a personal look at Manafort's life! Please click on the link below to get started:
the term 'bug' in the system originated in the 1870s with thomas edison who used the term to represent hard to solve problems withing his electrical systems.

the first patent filed by edison for his "bug trap" was in 1873.
You don't pay taxes. You live with your mother and simp for Zion Don 24/7
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frens, joes drug cocktail list just dropped and its not looking good for trumo
>the spice melange
>the one ring (not a drug and im not sure how its supposed to help in a debate)
>tylenol pm
how can trumo even hope to win a debate against a mind reading, space warping, jacked, telepathic pedophile who has twice the time to think of a witty rejoinder and also might be invisible?
ill hang up and listen, nn
>watching and waiting

i hope a big ass meteor hits planet Earth soon.l
this shit is weak.
the human race needs a full blown Jurassic Reset.
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hol up, i forgot its today
whats the ETA on the debate?
>STILL doesn't understand
>vote for guy doing opposite of what I want
>vote for guy promising to do what I want
if you had two girls to choose from
one says no sex
the other says she'll do it all
which do you take a chance on and go home with?
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Too bad Trump doesn't know ASL he could be shitposting while gesturing.
~six hours
6 hours.
>the one ring
Is this a Marijuana strain?
Did you guys know that Grignald Grinblegrax is going to bully a dementia patient on live television tonight and it only costs $99.99 to watch it?

Also mostly SCOTUS MAGAness today very nice very nice
That looks like you made it on your computer.
Scared to identify the media outlet?
I just noticed this

It looks like AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!
Lmao this
Unless he’s a rich kike, billionaire, or corporation in which case certainly Zion Don lowered their taxes
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just look up roy cohn buddy
yes tomorrow is going to be even better! (also supreme court will probably release last day worth of opinions sometime early next week so while tomorrow will have MAGA it won't have everything)
i don't share it but he advertises out a couple writing stuff occasionally, or otherwise he wants a specific point to be seen in a specific discussion
Guys! 4chan is offering a livestream of the debate where you will be able to post wojaks and pepes directly on the video!
All you have to do it put your name in the the name field and your CC # in the options field. you will be given a code to enter when the thread is posted one hour prior to the Debate!
You fags will say that he won no matter how it goes. But listen we already know you guys will cry about nonexistent fraud or rigging if things don’t go your way, so spare us the crocodile tears, it’s not very convincing.
At least you didn't have to suffer under 2 Trudeau's
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You're so mad lol.
>but still cannot grasp how the video actually related to your post
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> 2 Trudy Castros!!!
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Debate hype. MAGA.
thanks, link recieved
>ur so mad
keep projecting little nerd
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>Plz vote for me it’ll be different than last time, well actually make America great again, won’t we folks? Please vote for me and donate to my campaign, this time we’ll build a wall for real and look the crooked swamp is trying to arrest me for the crimes I committed, can you believe that? Just donate to my campaign, they’re actually after YOU because of that pornstar I paid hush money to with campaign finances, I’m just in the way!
Expose the freemasons
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So, this happened.

Sinkhole in Alton, IL soccer field.
Caused by the collapse of a portion of a limestone mine underneath.
okay sounds good!
Nice try. I'll instead just post the age of one of my passes.
>n-no u!
Hey, please explain how the video I posted relates to the post of yours that it was posted in response to. I'll wait ;)
STFU namefaggot. Stop ruining all the fun.
Trump is gonna so much jewdick tonight magawoo bros
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just think how fortunate you are that this is paywalled
Now that’s the 2nd wackiest thing I’ve seen today.
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Leftists are in a state of panic
w-what was the first
Excellent thank you for your service, is the trumo immunity case moar likely tomorrow or next week do you think?
And good afternoon 2u! I better get all my errands run before MAGAness tonight. I'm going to stream it lolz also I been scurrin myself with horror games late at night and now my house has haints
His bonus hole.
the shark is being imagined in real time.
These propagandists I swear. .
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>please pay attention to me
roy cohn was trumps mentor in the 70s and 80s. when he dies of AIDS in the 80s, trump became close friends and partners with jeffrey epstein and ghislane maxwell for 2 decades.
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Came out of Ukraine https://x.com/GoreClipps/status/1806247989754945588
They’re making irl GMod prop hunt now.
You just gotta learn to control the spook.
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I'm not even sure how exactly but this seems highly antisemitic
i knew i loved capitalism
probably next week they like saving the best for last (so they can run for the hills asap) (also keep in mind it's probable trump loss or limited trump win where the legal case can still go forward) (not like that matters because main goal was delay and delay it did)
I expect the stores in nigger-infested areas will close first.
I wouldn't vote for Trump if he helped that pedo up
>look at this rightoid panicking over made up nonsense, leftoids are panicking!
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yes you are a young-girl after all sister!
Donald Trump will lose the white femaleness vote because he’s a dirty old man and a creep who fucks porn whores and has a history of harassing women.
Checked I figured, I just really want to read that opinion especially what the unMAGA justices write lol
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does it really matter?
>they all serve the same master.
cohn made liberals seethe and pee and poop their pants. its funny that shills have to resort to cohn posting.
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wait, /ptg/ cares about pedos now?
>watch them make excuses for or ignore picrel
cool it with the anti semitism
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>cohn made liberals seethe and pee and poop their pants
yea thats what was wrong with him kek
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Rape is sexy
do NOT post the forbidden cohn image
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The shill only knows three topics on 4chins
1. Trump is a jew
2. Everyone but them is a jew
3. (((muh epstein))) because they think Trump didn't kick Epstein out of maralago for messing with underage girls. This is the cycle, all day, every day.
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>At least you didn't have to suffer under 2 Trudeau's
That is what the conservative party is here
nice 4chan mambership you got there
this is clearly your line of attack. fine by me. lets see how it plays out.
So you genuinely aren't smart enough to figure out how the two things relate to one another. Got it.
when does the debate start? how many hours from now
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>Rape is sexy
imagine paying to shitpost and namefagging so everyone can know the only thing you post is gook wrasslers.
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>Trump didn't kick Epstein out of maralago for messing with underage girls.
/ptg/ thinking trump cared about any of that until the heat came down on epstewmt8kin
very good image
it just confirms that they are, in fact, a kike.
5h 50m
running out of ideas? lol. being a fag is fine with leftists, so this is obviously another lame attempt to get voters off the Trump train. and it wont work. trump could literally fuck Ivanka on the capital steps while shitting in a badgers mouth and Im still voting Trump.
Cohn was a gay jew, anon
Wanna hear the best Magatard cope ever? They say that Trump supports gay marriage so that third world immigrants can't claim asylum on the basis of homophobic persecution.

Trump supporting queers is actually based and pro-white!
I’m a single issue voter.
I’m voting for whoever makes leftists seethe the hardest.
Right now that’s trump.
I don’t care about anything else.
oh speaking of the unMAGA justices, gorsuch wrote a scathing rebuke of them in his concurrence today in the SEC case
if you have time you should read it (note: if you get bored with the legal mumbo jumbo just skip to page 58)
see above as well
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>imagine paying to shitpost
I don't pay: they're donated to me by fans and provided by 4chan Culture Committee CEO, GM, and Head of Creative Perry Caravello.
>and namefagging
Blame yourself.
>so everyone can know the only thing you post is gook wrasslers
I was a huge mark for Club Venus.
kys kike
reminder that kike is a jewish word used by jews
/ptg/ and MIGAtards = “gay jews are based af”
so are you. whats your point?
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This post made by anonymous not too long ago seems to be more and more relevant.
you should know, quintin
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>another lame attempt to get voters off the Trump train.
nah you turds are riding that train till it falls off the tracks, theres no changing your mind. i just love you faggots owning the fact that trump was partners with the king of the pedophile rings, or at least make excuses for it or even outright ignoring it. its funny. cus you guys dont care about any of the shit you say you care about unless it comes from the left.
Cumstalker is here!
Is there another jewish child rape tunnel like in NY?
Does your wife know you sit around watching these videos? Some one should tell her ;)
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if the LINK'S not POSTED you must be ROASTED
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gay jews are the most MAGA thing imaginable
if thats true, than no amount of editing or censoring can help biden. nobody is really changing their mind about trump atp. this debate can only hurt biden, no matter how well they make him look.
I already predicted this.
They'll do everything to help Biden cheat and give him every advantage. It'll be a 3 on 1 "debate" where Trump gets interrupted and muted and Biden doesn't. And they'll immediately declare Biden the winner as soon as it's over.
CNN aren't journalists, they're corporate advocates for the Democrat party.
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own this magafags
Here's another. Same source as yours.
If you can go back in time, what would you do to change history?

>familiar much?
nah not interested
Zoinks! I’m totally riden with Biden now! Can’t believe Donald grumph is a Jew/nazi!
They bump the thread for free and even spread Trumps message if it is outrageous just like the media. Best shill money can buy but the kicker is, they do it for free! Hahahaha
wrong. also, what happened to your other flags?
>i predicted this made up thing some retard tweeted
Were you the retard all along?
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now wonder this ugly kike protects trump so hard, trump knows his secrets. trump learned well from his mentor roy cohn and then from his partner jeffrey epestein
Reminder that I am still baking.
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>The kippah is fake goy
New Migatard cope dropped lmao
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of course youre not

no, its not meant to change your mind, its meant to make you excuse it and or ignore it. like a good maga moron would do.
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When Trump ran against Buchanan a long time ago, he made fun of “the wacko right” and criticized Buchanan for “being a Hitler lover, an antisemite, who doesn’t like the blacks or the gays”
Trump ain’t right wing at all, he’s just a grifter
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gorsuch's point is correct from a constitutional standpoint, even if i may be on the other end of it sometimes with respect to other issues. to say
>the constitution's provision is at odds with what "acceptable governance" looks like
is to say
>i don't like the constitution and i am not going to respect it
i will at least be honest about it when i say i think the 14th is an abomination that renders it a document not worthy of toilet paper - i'm not gonna say i'm actually extra constitutional when i contrive that the constitution says the opposite of what it says. but maybe that's why i'm not a judge
>I tried so hard, I thought i got far, in the end, it doesn't even matter!!!
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Sorry. Not a kike. I love Christmas too much. Mods: cook this nigga for nine weeks.

Whaddyahmean? My wife likes them because the Victoria Secret fashion shows are dead and gone.
>Are you questioning my obviously fake images?
No, I would never do that. Here's another one.
Wowie zowie, looks like I’m voting blue no matter who! Thanks kind /pol/ user.
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I don't know. I don't have jews on the brain 24/7 like you do, lil'man.
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>trumps not really a jew lover!!!!
>we hate jews and love trump!!!!
>we love trews and hate jumps!!!!
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no anon, youre on the trump train for life
project more. i'm glad 4chan makes money off you niggers
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true. except Chester Bennington "hung" himself.
>ur gonna need a W500 to take me out ;)
We can’t let this guy get his hands on the nucular codes?
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Maybe if you have a great gimmick you'll be like your boy here who get them donated. Thanks.
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The current state of MAGA politics summed up
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Good, neither am I.
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What other federal agencies are affected by SEC v. Jarsky?
oooo I will! I gotta go do cardio and run errands then I'm going to glue myself to the chair and read it along with the others (I love the mumbo and the jumbo the more jumbolicious the better legal dummery excites me)
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he sold them already

fuck flynn
selling your asshole for a basket weaving pass is all you, nigger.
loving fags and jews is rightwing though
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>no more administrative court bullshit for the SEC or for any other agency
This is an incredible win.
fuck stone
piece of shit traitor
and you achieve that saving webms of them on your pc
fuck bannon
scumbag traitor
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He also kissed the Blarney Stone, faggot.
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Bloody Fucking KEK
It's like Darwins Chevrons
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fuck trump
moscow faggot
fuck russia
Interesting that CNN has threatened all live streamers with DMCA take down for providing streams of the debate. Slimy bastards.
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>muh documents!
And with that, your cover is blown lol.
this one gets a pass
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how is it i know more about trump than an actual supporter
>he was just a tourist
get wrekced fag
the SEC was the biggest practitioner of the "inhouse court/judges" thing, but i think the EPA might have one as well
it's not something advertised out much to the public because they've always been aware it's scummy as hell
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>you cant post documentssss!!!!!!
make excuses for it you little bitch
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>sounds scary
>Quivering intesifies.

TRUMP 2024
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>unironic MUH RUSSIA posting in 20-goddamn-24
Absolutely fucking mind-broken lmao.
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>selling your asshole
I don't know where this delusion comes from, though it's questionable when Perry makes me do dance numbers at various channy-type events and convention appearances. I should have never told the nigga I can sing and dance, but I can't rewind time.
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How is it I know more about the Wailing Wall than a literal kike like you?
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lets get this to 300 cus i gotta marinate some meat

fuck trump and his supporters
yes welcome to the world of ALJs, the most powerful men in the world
Checked. It’s super ironic when anyone with a brain knows that b*den has been the real Russian asset.
Excuses for what? There is nothing to make excuses for. Nobody fucking cares outside of redditt.
all influencers sell their assholes as a rule.
you're an influencer aren't you?
so that means, you are an influencer that will sell your asshole for a fucking basket weaving pass.
Pretty basic stuff
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>anon he was just a tourrriiisssttttt
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if i take a wild guess that this practice began with the new deal, would i be correct?
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>Had to scour the archives to find that one clip.
>Two clips come in per DAY of biden utterly lost and clueless.
>you're an influencer aren't you?
No I'm just a sitting member on the Counsel of Eight. If you come to 4cuck to "influence" anyone, you're already getting fucked.
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>everyone donates to the tunnel jewsssss!!! they needed new mattresesssse REEEEEEEEEEEE
/ptg/ should stick to watching Japanese cartoons, politics really isn’t your forte
Especially when it’s fat weeb manchildren preaching about politics
Looks more like atmospheric engineering with energy waves.
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the nigger tapes
lol, enjoy your council of kikes then
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>Posts the exact same chabad story from five different sources trying to make it seem like it wasn't 0.01% of his total donations received.
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Here’s Eric Trump telling us why Donald Trump is by far the best and most pro-Israel president of all time.
lol, u mad
Go now
Go now
>hurr durr I said the K-word
You're sure to go far in life, kiddo
lol. they do get laid a lot more than you dont they?

>marinate some meat
aren't you already doing that in those piss soaked boxers old man?
I thought NFLD already had a ton of jeets like Shaun Mamjunder or wetf his name is?
>/ptg/ should stick to watching Japanese cartoons
Chinese cartoons are sweeping the nation!
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>No, he's lost here. No really. He's just waiting on the lawn, you fucking retard.
Post one of Trump falling. I'll wait.
nobody ONLY cares outside of reddit.
>inside reddit
nothing but trash in here
>burning dumpster emoji
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Cohn didn't "die of AIDS," he was poisoned by Tony Fauci's AZT.
You think a guy like Trump, who ws building casinos in mafia-infested places, and barely surviving assassination attempts by the Dems and their goons back then, wouldn't interact with people with a wire into the jew mafia?

Look up the hits on Trump (which took out his entire leadership team) and Sen. John Heinz, a popular and aisle-spanning Republican from PA.
>significant number
That's not a number.

I'm a single issue voter
I'm voting for whoever promises energy independence
Right now, that's Trump
I don't care about anything else
He had the dirt on everybody, and unctuous little weasel that he was, was smart as a whip and saw many things very clearly. Like the threat of communism, and where commies embedded themselves in the republic's power nexus points.
If only he hadn't been born a jew manlet fag.....kek.
That white dude turned into a nigger when i clicked on it. Pretty good effects for the 70's
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>LA Times
owned by a chink
a covid vaccine developing transhumanist venture capitalist chink
All the erudite political minds are on plebbit having dissenters banned immediately amirite?

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