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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It gets truer by the day and they have no response to it.
the ukraine is heckin cute and valid, chud!
10 reasons for standing with Ukraine in their war against Russia in 2024:

1. To protect Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
2. To defend the Ukrainian people from Russian aggression.
3. To support Ukraine’s right to choose its own future.
4. To stand up for international law and the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity.
5. To oppose Russian expansionism and aggression.
6. To defend Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic integration aspirations.
7. To stand with the people of Ukraine who are struggling for democracy and human rights.
8. To help Ukraine build a strong, democratic, and prosperous future.
9. To send a strong message to Russia that its aggression will not be tolerated.
10. To stand with Ukraine in its time of need.

PS: You can't denounce a book you haven't even read.
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It's not even funny. You guys have to make Ukraine be about trans stuff because otherwise you have to face the fact that Ukraine is in the right and merely defending itself from Russians that invaded and are stealing land.
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>S: You can't denounce a book you haven't even read
You cant say cancer is bad until you have had it oy vey!
fucking kike rat
Why are there brown "people" in my country?
I didn't vote for this.
I don’t specifically support russia or palesrine because I like them, I just really really REALLY hate jews :)
It's hilarious.
The cattle have no say and Pootin the WEF bitch and the CIA plant comedian manlet are working together, following orders. They're baleeting the slav males to make room for the future tenants.
Win for hohol oligarchs and Russia gets to distill its troops into a fine, dangerous brew.
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/uhg/ btfo yet again
Only a jew would say this. Ukraine wants to make Ukraine full of migrants and to be a new jewish homeland. You are just a mossad agent wanting to spread your message of Jewish propaganda.
Russian Z niggers are the same faggots who are still posting about covid. When everyone else got over it you're still talking about how great russia is when it's a shit hole state begging north korea of all people to help them. Russia lost the moment the west sent air defences, no airspace control = no control.
>You guys have to make Ukraine be about trans stuff
Ukraine made Ukraine about trans stuff when they made a troon their liaison to the West lmao.
My government says Ukrainians are a unique culture and have a right to exist.
But my government also says that native Irish people don't have a unique culture and don't have a right to exist.
My government says Ukraine should be able to protect it's borders from invaders but it also says Ireland should have open borders and welcome being invaded.
My government says that Irish people should go and fight the Russians but that Ukrainians don't have to fight the Russians they should come to Ireland instead.
My government says that Irish people who don't support the Ukrainian government in their war are bad but Ukrainian people who flee here and refuse to help their government to fight Russia are heroes.
I am very confused
>I don’t specifically support russia or palesrine because I like them, I just really really REALLY hate jews :)
unfathomably based
imagine getting drafted and this is the van they send to get you
> protect, defend, support, stand, oppose, help, send
Sorry NAFONIGGERMEMEFLAGGOT but none of that qualifies as a "reason" to do it.
post this in /k/ pls
Right about what? Being a meat grinder?
The war is at most about a warm water port and bio-weapon labs. It's a meat grinder to depopulate russian military aged men.
Ukraine already sold out their sovereignty to the highest bidder. Chances are your faggot country is next
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>Russia lost
>Here are 10 reasons I'm gay

Very cool. Nobody asked.
Ukraine is a pedo country that distributes cp and kills animals.

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