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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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why is trump afraid of releasing the epstein files?

because trump and epstein obviously fucked kids. calling joe a pedo has been nonstop deflection to divert attention off him
Why is biden hes president he can release them any time
That nigga epstein of something funky
>trump has control over that
poland is just a memeflag at this point
>didn't watch the video
Trump is responsible for taking Epstein down. Joe Biden would have released him
trump is responsible for killing epstein
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trust the plan?
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that pic is cgi btw
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what really went down between cohn and trump?
The thing on the right looks like if an ai improved a germlin.
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who nose
Why would he be?
He looks like he is on a peninsula. Ghislaine has some large breasts.
They're all pedos.
why is he?
what's with the obsession with frogs and the sudden rise of frogposters?
I once encountered the theory that the reason why prominent Democrats and Republicans don't attack or air dirt on each other for pedophilia is because of mutually assured destruction.
have you heard of the term kayfabe?
he's not, he said he will release them lol
yeah I'm sure there's a lot there on him but they haven't rolled it out yet in the past 8 years after several impeachments, kangaroo trials, and fake dossiers. how about you worry about your shithole country instead
very weak shop
you mean every single aspect of epstein reeks of ruling class

israel was created by the english crown and rothschilds as a colonial satellite state to maintain capitalist control of the suez canal

when epstein was trying to hang around noam chomsky, it was because epstein was friends with rotshchilds and spying on chomsky for the rothschilds because chomsky is critical of israel

ashkenazi jews are caucasian. look up the genetic haplogroups of what consists of caucasian and ashkenazi jew. isreal is white settler colonialism
not a shoop
All it takes is getting rich, good luck
wheres his legs?
The frog is one of (((their))) deities...not sure how it plays in but it's obvious.

Google Rittenhouse Square in Philadelphia.
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the frog is an impure animal
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Bro where is his face - that looks nothing like Epstein, also his teeth back then were super small with a lot of gums showing and rodent like, he eventually fixed them..but yeah very bad shop

it's not a shop
it's cgi made by ai
Webm or fuck off lazy nigger
/pol/ doesn't allow webms with sound dumb nigger
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This however is neither.
That's how DC works, blackmail. You have dirt on someone, they have dirt on you. You are allowed to attack your opponent on some things to maintain the facade of two parties. Others you can't touch because they will return the favor.
Listen to Whitney Webb. Ivanka is a mossad asset like any billionaire wife.
webb is great more people should listen to her
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really? because we already saw Ashley Biden's diary where she said Joe raped her repeatedly in the shower but they never released anything in return against Trump

Yeah, I'm totally receptive to the option that Trump is involved and part of the deep state operation to trick americans into caring about elections.

But it looks sketchy, and I've never seen it before. The major red flag to me is that Bill Clinton was so prominently featured w\ the epstein stuff. So IF Trump is involved, they really can't expose him without tossing their own people under the bus. I also think Melania being present is an example of Trump clearly preferring adult women.

Was Melania run through the epstein operation?
>she said Joe raped her repeatedly in the shower

C'mon bro I hate Biden as much as the next guy here but we all have seen the diary, it didn't say that....it said the showers were inappropriate, which probably means he touched her - if he had raped her I'm pretty sure she would have mentioned it somewhere in the diary.
found the abo who's been bitten by too many giant spiders
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3 pics are fake here
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isn't fake
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>making fake and gay AIslop of the paragon of zion
nigger why? you need to make fake AIslop of this shit, orange nigger has done plenty of actual and well documented shit that you could rehash, you seem to be trying to false-flag his opposition with this shit
i said it's ai cgi
Why does Epstein have 18 arms and no legs?
no shit Sherlock, I wrote that only 3 pics from the whole collage are fake and even put arrows showing which are the fake ones...what did you not understand?
your arrows suck ass
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Biden raped his own daughter
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Someone is really late to the party
Trump rapes someone else's daughter
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Mr joe Magoo raped the entire united states!
poland is cucked since tusk took over
The entire Middle East has been a colony for thousands of years. Muslims have held colonies there longer than anyone else, with the sole purpose of extracting wealth.
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Yes the channel is blocked in most of Europe. VPN to USA or any darkie country
Same here, it's not all Bitchute tho - it's only the interesting channels that are worthy of watching of course...
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who could these eyes belong to
This is such a horrible shoop it’s laughable
not a shoop
ai cgi
Well as you can see in this 100% real and verified photo, Trump obviously got hungry and consumed both of Jeffrey's legs, so he probably needs time to digest them.
Why release them when you can use it against the people in jt?
I guess the same reason every other godless heathen in DC, jew, celebrety, or billionaire, is afraid of em getting released. Who knows. Quit being a fucking nigger and use your imagination.
The grll on the left looks like the university student version of paola rios.
The funniest thing about that is even Pozzobiec knows that doesn't prove anything, but he also knows everybody who follows him is retarded, and will eat it all up.

Epstein trafficked hundreds of girls, one never seeing Trump doesn't somehow exonerate him.
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I wanted to post a drak picture but then again it is the realm.
>when epstein was trying to hang around noam chomsky, it was because epstein was friends with rotshchilds and spying on chomsky for the rothschilds because chomsky is critical of israel
lol that's such a retarded cope.

The reality is that Chomsky is the definition of controlled opposition, who created the most kosher form of anti-zionism possible.

I just hope that heeb finally gets done dying, so he can reunite with his pal Jeff in the real jewish homeland.
AI picture. Epstein doesn't have any legs.
I would say that chomsky got more stars and stripes than the military trannies however anything under a lot of pressure would seek t find release. Maybe he fucks his wife in a wintergarden.
Why does OP continue to be a ridiculous faggot?

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